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The Brussels Post, 1899-8-11, Page 2
. 2 _ T El E BRUSSELS P Oil T. ,A.vr, t t, 1999 _._�_._.__..__._... ___ _...__._. _____..__._.._.____.___...-___._.._-__...____________._-•-_.. . ____ R"4",, am �,� ,� o i�,. ��y, Westerfield, -Hardly a Camilla would ed in knocking up Ilia people in one of ,could have been done earlier, with HEALTH. ',p ag' �; ,d ;*- A;,cj+•,�, a : � •a .ar , Y't�'Usoon tara out uI doors offer eight khM atousts and its Bellin ]nava to gn ' f ensu. Ocok unlosa osoortad by un. of 'he through into the garden at the back, }, When a blight takes such a !told ,,... _ _,,,�,,,,,,,,,-„ �VV/posite sax, and not a child was to the creature oould easily have got 0 On the Emil!. '�� ul the t•eva Or planta that iha BU"1ITR'IL.'1LILIC ,tri A DRINK, Watafidd v[m ® o abroad niter dusk. Even the away throo or four times over. 0 � leaves and bark begin to lose calor y��! Loombers of lila A.Jwllo Club, a aou- (To be Continued.) •" b,011► -41- -��s0 and strength, it will not be an easy J3nLLermtlk, tw ganertlly regarded an vivat gatbor(ng of {Yell -to-do pe Pin wittier to Check Sha s loud of 'be a waste mduer has late! been oom. 9�Ii who Mot two evenings a week at L6o ----._,..-_..-._,_„ Dltl(' T OF bI.ANURP, diawasa in ! ituM to save tune h of tit" P y "- ` "" " ` " - - ICin * s Haad Lar filo Lug 6omtwbat into vogue, not .only a$ 1a1ig�7, �' promotion of SALMON WILL FIGHT HARD, The first lesson !it making stable frUIL, Often the dlsea,es ,til not u g ' harmou and uod fellow -Chit were ix nutrtank, but: as a thnrnpnutfe agent CHAPTER, f. u,erc•h.int. in She Outskirts Of Waster- ralxtrtaa to to so far affected the '-•^• manure effective Is to partially trot Millie their ,full appearances until I have been so often asked to tell the field. Thare i stayed fin• two ears. Y dammer, but the spurns and Let and phyalelans and medical journals Y Y general scare, that when they broke up •fats litnif or Aria J,i put .tiway» raualu it before It 1s applied, If ilia a' Poilawing st,a:y in iha course of lila picking up every nerip of kuuwlMdge i, !tape been $twit ttnd ore tverkitIg ora highly extolling its virtueis. Bub a Jittle before midnight they prefer- n*(n st7tun tlaan(de manure is formented its nitrogen- ant: +heir tu(s„ton of de'iti'U,pta,i In Lai -milk ma 6e, roughly os° Ib forty, Years which have Cctma :tad gone n could txy hold nf, nr. thaenduE whoa!! red {vending t7inir ivy homeward by #salmon doesn't take iha fl Y z ghY i1 r .d as- stuas the events narrated in it took time a harsh wits found Lor me at y as a nus and mineral element's are in spring. The apple scab anti lila plane, that at Lust I have made up In 14" irt,h itself, Hera several •wc"s or threes to rumina Cha risk of :i pia "Ulcer bush built their work milk which has lost most Of Its Cat, s } y gr years I,elu uuf•nd upon alit 3 b an unv- trout dons and it never rides to ono form for the roots of plants to Luke I1 e mind never to iniac. my tips about. it aitli1aM11 away almost without. my know- Foal( us 11;1[1 being after a while it is tae,iu g u p or down stream" u. at once. I ae ut destruction eui ly, nue causing and a small percentage of,casefn; and again, but just to write it dowry in my � tont how, sO poi s v tn:l foil of content y B t a ta.hwa t a E P f arse manure Is the black spots oil leaves uud butt. which bas buccal (our b f y ormenta- - j Ip. +cbierh was enough to Lhrow all elderly say$ an experfencod angler for this plowed under on dry, sandy soil it and the other- tho black rot on the (ion. Lon experience awn homely fashion, :O that if ,utv- I was my lost, Mr. Ay4cuugh, who tools gentiemen tutu a fit- AIL sorts of B t has demon- - bo bothers we to tell it in time t0 great intorost, 1 me, It 'ad advised ma king of fish, "It 1$ only tYlllle lila holds rip lila faar'a{Y allel mllkad L}]li £1•tlr't, 0.11,l t-t30Y e::iII Only be handed u absurd stories and a ttggeratiuus got off by spraying before the burls un- sCraled it to he Co. agent of superior r.Dm, I can put it d the them in blank to leara w o le:isswhit iha rudimenrs of 'built. as mast Inevitaa be the v; tie s;llmvu is lying at rest in pools, the evil mvra dry than aver, if thorn ends white, and hid thew read it fur, Lakin, without which, he said, no hord, fol(I, The oyster -shall .hark !unto, digestibility. It Is, iadead a.true whenever the 'thvusaud tongues of reposing avatar tic the foot of some is much straw among it, such wars- a dest•ueLlve insect to oiChard milk peptone -that is, milk ahead thewlselves. which will be- a saving• of ' culturiar Could tie a.tiet to know his !tumour' are alt set N•ag in at ante, rapid, Or the silent starting time and trouble to scar nae concern- ! !,u•inri s in thf se da,vS ;se, 1 rear xn- bg g• g p1nCO n! ora Will not VOLrot lila ileal year, aeon trees, Haunt likewise be kitlad surly y ,r F It was reported that sumettmes the the coag Cbl ectad, the gong louse d ed, tion of my sprfr+t hours were givon rt) In;ttt-;t ie such n rapid, Shat it will respond to the on Jzeat'ier soil, and does more in rho spring, titcuitg Oases of the coagulable ' 4 !tad a plaster !n his hand, wh;ela-oil sea will Ga nae•easar gulable porton belzig loose and ttiLy name is Reuben HOldiroii, ;tad ;(ite InAIMS1. Ion nE ilial brruad but dif- w'htct, he tried to fix over the mouths fialtermuu's thousand iu the detsp harm than gaud (a a dry season. P y" flaky, anti not of that firm, Iudlgetsti- 1 Bili as a rule munurin for this !used. The presence of Gla nature whieh is the result of the I was been and bri�urht up in the little firuii inn u•uge. Aitngsc as n mit- uI his victims; soma trho professed to stretches of a atreiim ansC. g Eor effaat the insaeui well be Enunil uu the C a tion oC the gastr.0 julos upon $wont town of Westerfield, in iha aorta, at tat• of (suede, I had fall,+n iu lova Gy' have dean him wound ansa it that he "Sulmuss may be moving along by to future years is much muco bark Of lila tree%• They took very cow's milk. England, where my father, m" grand -'this time. The Object of my pass+. n was at the very least>aeven feat high; It ease lea kourmfss in the rapids, but tho angler might drop common on heavy soil than oil that much like tit( bark in Calor, and its rtnture, and, with the extepifoa of father, and m" great-grand,fathe r, and, was pretty 1YLiry Lidfurd, lila only while others averred that he was de- many pass t:bam by without nate- u. fur aught I know to the contrary, a child of tier toolbar, wilt) w.t% a widow. formed and bud a+buge, Jump between his flies above them for a month if Which is sandy or gravelly. By that article, it is the most gratiif I" generation or two of ancestors ,till Mary hod nothing of her Own in !h,• his saouldera. Others of filo more ik ware usigg coarse manure as top dress. Ing them. But ou young orchard refreshing and di eatlb2a of the pew• posscGla without avian being re- p tees they do a vast :!mount of duets of m:1k, It Is a deeidod laxntiva . 't• further book, had filled, with credit to way of this world a gear, an.4 as my Ignorant were firmly persuaded that warded by a single rise. The pool is Ing In winter, the Moisture in the damage that will aomatimMs kill to the bowels a taut themselves and satisfaction to the pub- wagos Only just sufficed it) keep MY'- thorn was a strong smeLl of brimstone soma uI the trees. , a t whioh moat I a - tin, the Office. of sexton to the grand self, there soemed little likelihood of about the (,restore, and that his eyes the pdaaa to {ship and the lima early soil is preset it from evapuruLion, borne in mint! in t treatment of old abbey church of St. Diary's, our being able to marry for several glowed in his head like live coals. morning or late in the afternoon. It and then if plowed under ou heavy . _--- 11) aid toyer, and it to may ba re. This ancient and reputable post years to come-, But Char was a pros- At Length matters come to such a iha epicurean dauizeu of lila pouf Ls so soil it is chs bast preparation for HIS $1,000 WOULD BUY NOTHING. turned to advantage in the treatment 11 I hoping been held u a llolrlitch for poet watch did alae trouble us grant- Nass that a number of the holder: inclined there la sport ahead of the either wheat or OL pal'ioUa 9Imllilr Illnesses, It to a something like a hundred and fifty ly. We were young, we loved each eptrits amore the J potatoes, neither of --- diuretic, and may be proscribed with Years, it was looked upon, from the other, an•l we, could afPurd to wait till 1 g Young men of angler. Ile drOp$ his fly lightly on the which can be profitably grown on se, fit( ptetro naatc,t alp the+'J'recr Owner and advantage in some kidneytroubles. the town banded themstives together lfo, r(t(oeated tt.+ cut 11ovesi Treat,,, Owing time I can remember taythin>;, gafte brighter days should dawn. - i with the avowed intention of bunt water and then the stttmau iu the hu- sandy soil, as they will uul bring g Lo its ar[d[ty, Combined with t4. as a ,matter of course, ,lad its one of I was a 'few months turned one -and Ing down the man laxative properties, it is believed to -apo. Dividing mor writ! Flail to l[ and sill%e it at once, enough mousy to pay tvr ilia slept under a shad with the those things which are not open Lo twenty when ,t sad aocideut happened ,h aaaelves into a couple of gang's, Thou the excitement begins. It is di- manure that is required to rote thermometer 'we, below zero," said ]over. t'sa a general impression oil many i question, that. my father's .ion should to my father: he fall and brok,: his earls onember of which was armed with q g y lover. e its well adapted to many one day follow Ln the footsteps of his leg, The fracture was a bad one it a stout cud nl, the vidad between, Litelw fish dud the angler, them. the 'ramtt," "Cud I've gena tot; tong auras where it is customary to re+iom- ancestors, and earn his dally bread would be weeks before he would be g Y perambulated The more tape salmon tries to get out of The second lesson in making days ovith nothing Lo eat, but I'm till- mend Irmo water' an(I mills• It Ls fn - Y tea [aou night after night from valuable in tile, troatmont of diabetes had the damp fashion H w which they able to Leave the aOuaa, months be- eight o'oloak till midnight.iroil vowing trouble that ileaper as gets the Lish- manure effective is to see with ing you straight taat'1'q., I once had ,tither exrlusivel ` had earned theirs. at s the s ilia fore he would he strong enough to go vengeance ilia most dire on the oil semen in. The fish no sooner feats the y pc;•l:at Ik{Zas worse off Y or some vises wash ledge cams Co rue Haat sur?o w•:td the about .his work as usual. I was sent B clover and secure a whole season's 51,000 Ltt m skimmed milk. In soma oases at oat of their hatred -it on' they ins - 1 Y Y beak in his jaw than lie seems Lu eaa growth Litetsecoucl year bafure it is ishan at anywthee f.i & mode of out which an unkind fat. had for at ,ace, hod had ant been more rotiid romp across LC: This, unfortu- p14 scan rolne,n- tric trouble and Cancer of the stomach mapped out for ma, I cannot avis call !:ban a few hours at borne when word nately small as t'hle taw -u was, they life that he has gut W get It out as plowed uncles. This Is necessary bar. I had just been lei out of the !' is the only food thut cau be retain. to mind, but from fila vary first; Meek- was brought that my f•ither s services never succeeded in doing. The crea- s°°u as for markeC ail, ;1 b possible. Thou thing; begin gardeners who manure Bridewell, is Chicago, and was begging ed forward to it with loathing ,ind dis- were needed. A Parishioner was dead, ture scented to derive a sort of mail- to bol L. The first Lhing Lite fisherman highly. Much of this manure sinks on the streets, and being turned down 1V . _ I May. ,)lame a time my father wautd and his grave would have to ha dug eiuus glee from setting them at tie -I knows IOU feet of line have been spun into the subsoil, and it re(Lair-sa Lite on every hand, when I pinked up a a-ia WOMEN NEED, make me stand by him while he stoup- the fallowing day, In this emergess y fiance. Thais, oa more than on oc- train his reel cunt( be thinks he is in B g it $J,COU bill on the =idetvalk. L thou ht Oxygen is what thousands of WOMOn ed alit a grave in the blade Loamy, my father naturally turned to me; and! i anion, the ' vigilance buys,' as they, I lull- roovn clover roots co Grin B Sidl, with the view. I suppose, of Iwhen I hinged that, Peeing buw little batt dubbed themselves, On turning a for a long chase down stream, when to the surface again, It was LL was a dollar, and aeod to malts their egos bright, and t•O g , sandy -sail farmars who first learn- You sec I made; t:+achfag the young idea heap to dig, L knots OC such things, it inigh4 be ad- Corner would £Hud n tvoma,u (u n half- suddenly the salmon doubles an;i t d tate Woad of grotvin clavas a htlstla down a side street. 1Viien I !keep Choir skin from looking flabby. He was very proud of ilia h.indiwork, visaboe t) call in the 6ervices oY the fainting state, who had been waylaid dashes straight b:tck toward the boat. every two or three B dodged into a doorway and made out i Ona has Only t° ga into the prisons to •end would bid ane ub.4erve the artistic sexton aif St. Dlaehael's, ha gave me tt by the Creature only a minute or two their soil in u years to keep i rod j learn that constant. Luelusure brio fin(- those w reale. ,ha words look I did not foigal Pvr mxuy a day, F,raviously It any be that the 'buys' Then there is work for the angler if he good heart for all that I wits a thousand dollars ahead l Ba he used --of all the knetaiis: but Some- "These was never a Holditch been were too much addicted to chaffing! expects IU real Ill the slack of the kinds of crops. ,But with improv- fila game the sweat started from every pillar to Fila fact, and many woman times his spade would throw up the I veils COuLirn't dig a grave,' ,o said. "le: aa•h olhar, to rattliu their sticks Hirt and ad machinery for pulverizing °illy do not take mutt, more advanLa skull Or thigh -bone of same previous g gat it taut agalzi lu good time. soils the vegetable matter• in these P°rt and my knees knot -ked together, go of comes noire! to 'em." I Pivemen•t, and to acting in tea de- y avunex is the !toil taut unto mors !$ reduced very nearly as Last as it I was regularly seasick for can min- I Prue sun%hinD khan though tt,ey were tenant of the space he was uu{e gaiting I After that, aL' outdo, [hare was. In u Mannar generally in is in sand its j,xil. Walking ready for another, and then I wuu it nothing vor it but to do as my Path -I tan course of their,parambulatfona, ro than the salmon Leafs its tausion Y suit, au(t they Hoed utas, and my' hear+, thumped away un- B i% cheap, an -1 it is turn away, disgusted end ick at er's son teas expected to do. i render their servi::e$ of any avail: but through the houk in its jaw and the clover ,nearly as often to keep from til I thought it wuul(i break out. I excellent exerclse. •'Oh, but It•a such j' exhaustion. I bora to heart, while my farhar tvuutd L,uhh li the affair lead ondsd thea, it, Iia that its It may, iha uutrugso still chances are that he will shoot upward The Chird lesson in maklu6 "I''aat $L,000 meant a heap Lor me-„' g•t9tarted,” walls some one. lightly and say: 'It® nuwt. Ltd, no N•au,d nut have,matteved greatly, butj event on heretofore. Not that they oc Of, course, at all, when a body vets used to a • it cou:d act. It was evidaut that my curved every night by any means; and out of the watts Ills entirolengLil manures effective is to oultivate You understand, but I was so oxrdted, just the reason you ought sometimes four or five nights would and m.,re. ]:akin g his header he dashes thoroughly and often, It is true to o, however, Can often tests tan- I But Whatever my decree thuu�ht.a ..n•.L father would be disabled fur a long b b that tt oras two hours before i conte B i, feelings might be an the question Of tune to ,.ume; he must either find a i Bu by without anything being seen Or madly down into the depths again, tour- this cultivation helps more rapidly do any planning. The first thin was quid and inert because out) has no phy- lug this way and that way, darting to exhaust fertility, but it does it to buy situp! energy. But Llan Only we, to ab furor?, t shill er word W ,enc one hive irntn, Dr give a ate post; and to"hoard of the Creature; while, as rbeforeooted, , by increasing about them, and certainly my father have led `o do lila latter would, 1I rnunarkedI Lt seamed 4o have a rooted around and around aur making lively g Cha value of the crap, Y a naw salt of clothes anti I en- Y Y was the last person in the worLd to verily believe, have broken his bears. dislike to moonlight; than for two or work for the fisherman and the baud- and thus paying Eur more manure, tared a store and picked them out.' got it ie to site around and find it. hsve any >.uspic•(on of iha degener:ecy I was to be his suecessur-on that) 'belle nights tugeth.1 1 its Objection- lar of his boat. After an exciting ser- Or Browing the forage and grain to When I exhibited Shat $1,000 bill the Chronic languor euds either Lit the in - of his only son, puiut sverybudy lbut myself) was able practices would be resumed, too of maneuvres such as this the, mad be fad to stock nor made into clothier ran to the dour to call a valid's chair, or in making the victim flat, uta mauul'e. It makes, of course, a OlLeaman. I of away B MY lather eked out his nes. has is agreed, and oeverybodyothe seemed to withWesterfieldrowas fairly at its wits' end Y arks it Into his head e, Putt squeeze, and then I realized he situs- j grow old a, good final faster than she making and colpb:ing ,line,, as his tarok i cout(L do no othex than Cot as with terror and rage, down atrium like a stento angina, Put- Brent deal of difference what crop q ttauld be teased to thinit about. Ling the guide at his best to keep the the manure and the cultivator are tion. Tramp that I was, I couldn't t P fattier and grandfather had dune in his deputy st a rima like the pea 6o fax the creator's pranks had' boat near him. The salmon may lead applied to, , some will not pay ox- get Lt changed. If it had been a ten j IhYsical Oxercls8a when taken under their time, so that the lapstone might sent. seemed actuated h nothing worse to a chase of u mils n this way, than I good land that lean he lodgings and a lied,! instruction, are very much to be corn. Y B cert an L could have lead pod ,. , mended; fencin is not only be said di be as much an Inheritance churchyard w course I had to telt life. Ayscongh than a spirit of mischief, such as stop suddenly and resume its leaping bought cheaply, because remote but I'm telling you that I walked the ',leis© B y fine etc the i3ol1, ho family as the churchyard how matters stood. "There's no help might he supposed to be in accord from ,markets. In ever case, ileo- streets as hungry as a shark, and slept but it is a fashionable necolrr with its a and doubling tactics, Y P pruise, but and to an shi nab! is learn itself. I, however, lied little mora lLk- for Lt, laddie," he said. "Thou must go pe -like attributes; but ever, the better the land and the at pOlirA stations and to !limbar yards.! other moa in fop• -the cobbler's awl thin for the and bide with til father till he The fight any Last an hour oz•mor° "Under the (Lrouw:sCanues the bill s Of physical development. y gats when uua morning a rumour spread and if the angler is skillful and,rool more expensive the manure, the cul- Than there is tips bit cls -which la *Fade unci pickaxe; d tauugots and better, and we must try and gilt ,eaa through fila town that on the pre- and his aide or tivation that is to make it avail- might as well have been a Place of (tropia on y w6hes wean out and clung to some- without thee for a while as best we vious nighit Squire Dallisou had act g ontifman dexterous able must be increased too brown I g o of the g thing very different from either. •Can." only been assailed in the usual Way, and watchful the avute-it should clave p P ellen- Impar• I tLod all sorts of; grratOst god -sands from the time when I was a child i It was In October, when the due at but aria ending- and eventually the ataly, dodges to get it booted, but it was n°; of the cantors. It is n4 longer nor - from but had, ie,. addition, been robbed of go. Every time I showed it 1 ran tile :.sato" t° mune front a $25 to a cheap` I bud a grant fondness fur flowers. seem to shorten so fast snd the! his gold chronometer, his purse, and the Ir'ug Prize will. be stretched at --- risk at arrest. I offered a butcher ; er house in aster to puny installments I know act Whence the liking came, i lengthening nights are already full of a paLuable breast -pin, 14 was felt that the baCtOm of the canoe. If the Ong- PIGPEN ILOO1tS, $100 to get it changed, but he refused on ono. It is a very easy matter to nor why it carne, but Chars it was.: the prophecy Ot the Coming winter, matters were becoming serious 1e,- ler is not akinlfuL and cool the fight It to my experience rh11i the only to have anything to da Svith it. I'd feud an gbjeotipe point for a wheel Can day, when I was about twelve that miy father mac with his accident. dead. Mr. Dallison, who was return- will also nava but one (aiding. The, y have sold it far half price and been (ride' Bicycle riding not only manna Years old, I was sent by a neighbour; I had act been more than three do s. lug home from a friends house at the glittering fish will not be stretched floor that will. lust in such a loon- I exercise to the limbs, but it means " at the bottom of the canoe, but !n a tion, and that is glad to, but tilere vra6 no such thing oxygen, oa with a message to the dead -gardener hnma before I was Laid aomathiug'tima was s° prostrated by the pradticnl, is brick, as making a dual. Fivaliy, in de- YBanl And that is wast' f7 at Penigarth, sir William V erinder s j -not h one I dastard attack as to be unable to very snort time will be in the hot- writes Air. A. A. Southwick. Concrete pa Lr, I wont to Due of the newspapar must women need. @ y person only but ri a 4v s country -house, about .Eon miles :sway, j meg ars the leastetwhich surprised leave his room for a week to come . tom of his pant, no doubt coil was offices and looked up the advertise- - To me, the luting himself that his iceman was ands cement, and also {peed, excepting-^ Poor season's sans the me greatly, and set me wondering $Ls first Cul was Co offer a reward oP i , mants for the week Past. The loser TO ItSMOVE FRECKLES, gardens and glass -houses at Peal- what amount of truth theca '. Id be � twenty pounds for such information ua not worthy of his steel•' Pitch pine, will {pear through in spots bad advertised, and I went to his Of, garth name as a revalatton of beauty at the bottom of it. should lead to the capture of his in an incredibly short time. The pig's I fl^e (n a big building and gave up the The following lotion is highly recon undreamed of before, T'Tha cowardly hoof is very sharp, and exposed places, bill. The reward was $54, but he madded: One ounce Of lemon juice; 1,4 gardener, Want I g a told was this: That n y asaai4an!t, i.counted out 10 on w of that and draatim Of a kindly Saotchman, we,; evidently. an opening after dark, especially an j A ileo nights Later, tb.r.O young wan IMPERIAL INSURANCE as near doorways and, about thep pounded borax, and 1-2 pleased with ,my enthusiasm, unit was Chose nights when there was no moon, inade sure they had secured the re- — said: draram of saga, ; taix is a battle and at the trouble to show me over the • or when It did not rise till late, the I ward. They were returning together 'tow Ymtau Of This liam-tuens fast ad01114 trough, soon give way to constant I wouldn't bare believed there was Place, eliciting from me by the way town was infested by a creature which from a danain tree ing+t. Old outside bricks that allow them to stand a few days, sundry Y Y g party, and having go- ulutnai nte,pr t have bean used for building such honesty ,n the world. You could Y , when particulars of m history, was said to Ile half -man and half- lushes over their shoos, they mNda g pnrposea have kept We bill as wet! as not.' the liquor should be rubbed ocoaeion- •'Weei, toddle," ,he said to ma at part- monkey In appearance -the 'man -ape', scarcely any noise in walking, TUt'n- Addressing the taxpayers of Eng- are best, because hard and very much "I3e took down my Home and all that ally on the hours ant! face. AuoChor land, D2r, Archibald s, Hurd asks: cheaper to buy and someiimea no ex- Ing. "everybody to ilia likes: but for being the term applied to it GYj ing a corner, they came inti upon iha prose only the hauling, and gave the affair away to the re- application. is; Friar's balsam, benzolu, my part, I'd sooner tend my bit flowers BDneral acceptance, The account giv-1 creature, who was advancing from -the " WbAt does the navy represent as a o porters. They wrote me up as the toile water, twee, Sfian hook raves.'' I need handl nn of it by those who I a The foundation for the brick floor )Honet ramp' and had my picture in Powde Y ports. B y professed Co pposite dlrection, and who instantly national asset V Before he answers the can, be of coarse gravel, wltb an ince It Say that I was entirely of the same, have seen it varied fa, some of the de- I turned and fled. The young man were alta papers, but you ma" uess I didn t red alter, moistened with we, i question Mr. Hurd paDceeds to give at, sharp sand vu Lop, upon which the en way of thinking, tails; but all agreed that its body that so y hosed that for a moment or two brick can be in icy It over much. I hu $,lie in place tar and applied Co the face night and Fbec that hour my heart was set novated with Long coarse hair, that, they Lost their prasencse of mind, but In daCsil the strength of the navy, Ln placed. Let the .portion of' and as for MY honesty, Lt• was morning, is said to remove freckles on becoming a its Pare re$embled that of the ate five deco ds Later ta'ey were in full which he Contends every Englishman of the floor whore the pig's bed will all bash. I returned the bill because without injury to the akin. g gardener. My father, 1 i a be remain some three inches higher I had to, and fair his position, in life, gape ms what tribe in general, that its footsteps i pursuit, They were all good runners, has a share. There are now 489 ships, than the re-mainder of the floor, and ,though I'm hungry and Also, u tablespoonful of freshly grat- 1j I was considered in those days a fairly were inaudible, that its activity was; and the abase was all exciting cue. dead broke and don't know where to ed horseradish, stirred into a cupful of t good education: but with my Cour- sainea'hing marvellous, and finally, 'The night was cheer and starlit, the large and suilli in the British navy. let the slant be toward the door, for turn to for the night, Im not lookin sour milli; Let it stand for t convenience Ln washin g oftene ceento birthday my schooling came to that on the tore or three occasions on Lima was between eleven and twelve F;r°m 11380 to 188.3 England spent an g• iVhan the for any more b�tg finds. Something hours, titan alraiq and apply often. as end. Re was a retiaeat man, and which certain [)alder spirits than com-1 n'cloek, and the streets were deserted. an averse 7,W0,000 per year on new rade is just right, place ilio brick wl.th a figure 'd' on the Corner will Illis bleaches Lha comploxcuu also, and had said no {paid to me of his Luton- go in g $ y l.atwise on iha sand, and When the III mom find ventured t° pursuit of I Presently isle creature, with Its put- ships, SLnce than rho average has cis- whale suzfaee is covered it Can be just about fit my vest packet. takes off ten, tions; but I foreboded only too sorely tt, it was seen to vault over the rail- suers some forty or fifty yards behind, an to $t?$,500,000, and Chis soar iha Ad- made perfectly smooth and even with -- - - what they were. I. was to be appren_ 1'166 which crown the Low watt that I emerged upon tine tangle Of side lata Of la A SCA'1'TE.1tED FAD'LTLY, A C'LEARi SfiTtY, ticed to a shoanialrer in the town, encloses the abbey churchyard, and, streets among whioh the chose had be- mlralty are spending 546,•250,000 on new a P plank and tamper. four on in order that I might Learn the busi- disappear amnng the tombs and grave -I gun. into the main street of the town, war vessels in addition to the 8,000000 grouting, sweeping it with a oommoal A striking family is that. of Ivor, and Blotches on the face sometimes incii- sLo,nes inside. AL first Yhia strange which led,cllmnayt in direct line, to $ + broom in ail directions until. every ,Mrs, Frederick !ling Of Charsfiatd, `late an anaemic condition oP lila blood. ness thoroughly, then, after I should B devoted Lo repairs and alterations of crack is well filled, then leave be out of any time, and as Years crept areaLure seemed to confine its pranks I the abbey, some quarter of a mile at few days until dr Suffolk, England, which consists of When soca is the nese, as it often is I over my father, I was gradually to to frighraning women and. elderly aw;y ItwasapparenLJybetit onescap- old vessels, dry, it can be g work into the position of nssfstint- PenpLe. It seldom or never made its • Ing as It had escaped before, that is by Mr. Hurd dwelt% on the astounding used. Pitch, pine, so far as I have nine sons and three daughters, In the spring, a tonic consisting of sexton, with the piety of ultimately, appaaraura bafure nine n'rlook, byi scaling' the siriked railings oP tea foot cast iu Laa seen [t used, is goad mater(al Por pens The oldest son has a post in Aus- aulphnte of iron, two ruins Phosphate which hour Haar past alevOn years Cad' horst stalls because this class of B P p suoce.ding to all lila emoluments and ly all the saves Were and being lost among the tralia, of rine, on. Great Britain has spent 585U,OOD,OUO on animals will teen not ordinarily alto t grain; extract of aloes dignities which so many of my pre- shut and the streets old spring Y de-! pursuers tress of tombstones (side. The Wthron h, AnOL21nr son is a foreman g deoessors had enjoyed' before me, dented. Then e would spring sur- +ursuei•$ new warships, acid ons devoted t° the B wood eater share may ao in- garden_ quarter rola, will a excellent. t g E Put s as are o spuds; but veteraLt wood eaters that will attack er in Herts. fills made OP this altars and One three difference ensued pinto Lha only divided denly from soma ruck cornet or Cover -1 Chair quarry, ns Lf away. of it, did the navy during the twelve years that ond- these token each day after the tater ad ante -and in our o1.d-Laelltoned same. Suddout to t6a Intense sur- any material, A married difPerencc Of opinion !that ever divided y y, or last Dlnrah 5865,000,OOD, To -day -Eng- daughter resides at Wick- principal meals writ! serve Co restore my father and myself even for a day, town suc4t enirins' overs to be found prise of t,e yuuug anon, the creature land has a Pleat nP 489 ships, which "- ham Market Ln Suffolk, normal Conditions, I told him 'Plainly how utterly hateful la rusty sireal-and onclrcLing Clle turnacl s7larply to fila lett and did- THE RIGHT TIKE TO SPRAY, A third son i$ a captain in tilt) mer i. - to me, was the idea of becoming asbue- neck of the passer-by, which, five! LIPP are d up a narrow covered we," have a total displacement of 1,5i10,000 about. service, now proceeding to ' times cut Of six. was that of a woman, known as Coa er's Couirt. ]SDC this tons, Of this great fleet nearly two In the use of all the poisons for Italy,- A Ci1A11ACTERISTIC OF GREAT MEN molter, and bolts. my heart was sat on p Y•' being a gardener, He was "struck all with' one of its dreadful hntry arms, it move was exp Ina a m0 or two hundred of the most efficient and pow- destroying. [be insects of trees and A fourth is Color Sergeant in the would give uttoranca to a shrill lb- Later b the a tearance of a couple artul vessels have been built during bushes and lanes a Grenadier Guards at Gibraltar, So far as L have eneountaredtbom," at a heap," as the saying Is., and said g• Y pl p p great deal of berIng cry, which ill who had heard of constables approam'hdng from the the hast eleven years. A fifth son is a civil engineer In said a citizen of the world, ' a Quite- teme hard r a w in the heat of his it doctored it be litre notbin human, oPPosit. direction, Cooler's start be- the success depends upon doing the temper, For a weak or more be re,- B t THE BACKBONE OF THE NAVY London, nctut•isLic of great men is that they and than rsleayin (t$ victim as sod_ ing a cul-de-sac, with house oil throe m the sixty -Lour !linos of battle ships, sitruying at the right. time. Laual- A $i_Klla is a first-classPettyOfficer have time. They ora not in a harry; mainad in the "dumps,' hardly speak- g p y Ing a dozen words to me all that time, donly as it had grasped her or him, it sides of it, than young men now felt representing $26D,000,000, These float-' ly the insects must Ile Caught when in the Royal Navy, now at Ascension their work doasa't buss Cham t y, t 11 Teen came another explosion; Hud would beat its breast for a moment themselves as sure of Capturing their Ing tortressea carry 00,000 officers and just before emerging from the eggs Island` , but Chat then; finding I.wasnothe not to be moved or two with oaa hand, and then Prey as any one may reasonably feel mon, and mount .,671 guns, There are 2hC seventh is a fireman Ln Che buss their work. They don't act as if or when the • (mere Lrom til° frum my purpose, he gave away and bounding away' vain.°hod in the dark- sure about anything. They shouted to on duty in the British navy 157 arula- y B Metropolitan Brigade. every minute you stayed was valuable nes.. Several of the ivoulan thus as- the Constables to hurry up, and rush- ars, including 22 armored Cruisers, $56,- bud or leaf, spraying at this Tlfe eighth is a Lowestoft police coa. told me I might do as I liked, All Limo lost to thew, tilos dealt fret and this Had reference only to be a$ I liked. saflad Palated with fright, and were ed helter-skelter through the Passage 000,000; 119 protected cruisers, $145,- critical time will prevent further stable, Pid rt. W t i ' il.l dtrr somz d -n s after; while uu old tato the court, Then the paused to C00,000; 16 unprotected. Included am- The second daughter is proceeding to g ha time thoy do devote to this had reference only to the shoe- y' Y [ multi Llcatlo.n, Had will save trouble g g making; not for a moment dict hn Miss Giendnc" tilt• effect waa that she gather breath and hook around. But ring the smaller craft are '218 torpedo P' Australia in loo sarvica of Lord Tonny. You appears Co he. time rhn.t they (an E dream that worn the bacamo subject to fits of aervous what had become of the oreature6 boats and destroyers, and 35 larger and expense. Early spraying is son, stio.lC, and. take things eat proper time g B Y in, and be tontrol ng, welch she was unable e. Three pairs of keen ayes scanned ovary torpedo vassals. C6ua essential to effective work, The third daughter and ninth son iwidenwl,e The wurlt seams to be should famous, a tTion[It (bald be other contest to the Last day of her Iiia. corner nE tilt court, but to no ur ose. In summing up Mr, Hurd Itemizes Wyile the fruit trees are nears are at home, not yet bei aadSnurl, and it seems is (bough than n proud man at succeeding to p P y tag coil [bgh they could turn t.0 It when the time g Nur did ilia men fora ninth Getter. 'I"hen nn exclamation broke from ono the cost of the British navy as Eo1- all sprayed in summer, an early to go out Into the {v°rid on reale want might witot reason be calls•! the Mr, Pybus, the Latta", was so scared Of tbaan; and the others, following the Iowa:--slYty-four battleships, $260,000,. awn responsibility. Cama and gel through It with ease; Eamtiy estate in the abbey Church- that lie took to his bed, and was not diraatiou of his fin er wntb L'hefr ane C00; 15 const -defence vassals, $18,OODr spring application is quite Linens- and they nlwuyg seem, besiclsa, to have ° yard, and I was careful not to rinds- seen in Cis shop fur a week to came; ecoid just makO out: u dunk turn 000; ES armored Cruisers, $56,600,000; 119 tory, This is mads Ln forestall filo t+Ireag4h in reserve, It is rerLainl, a asfvt him. One day I ovarheutd him white Mr. Wakeling, the corn Rmbing ape-fashLOn up the Iran -wa- unprotected cruisers, $11„180,000;. 36� fungi, scab, blights and mound$ REALISTIC PI:eLY1NG, Y B ^brr•atterlst-to of the great mon that say to ills 1, when ars ny,Pate• 1'tiilp: Lar, Ibc moment his tormentor re- for-6POUL WWb ran Prom the root to ,.^�r(lo vessals, $10,000,000; 120 torpedo- Lbat will Inevitablyn Petted Dailgbter-Thoy asked. we to he has t!me,” "After all, when one Comes to Con- Leased hien, gave vent to a yell wbieb the ground between two of the co.r. boat destroyers, $80,000:000; 98 torpedo appear in ear play at Mrs, Highups this evening, Sider, there isn't surto a vase difference hrnughL half the people in the street tier houses at the court. Toa area. boats, $10,o00,b00; a total qE 58d0,o00,_ spring. ,Some insects must be kill- awl I did; but- M. SCR1 v1P 5 t:AL;DLNTNG, atwnrn a grave -digger and a garden tO, thele doors and windows. Dove- tura was el.inihing slow] ,hand over M10, If the twenty-seven sill s now in I tel before the leaves appear to be bond Mother, proudly -Were they en They oth gen their living tint of ton, the butelrar, -vho y p i P[ Old Friond-Diel you have much not entrancedI Y c£ a the mould, and stead dile feet hand and foot Iver Poo,, and was at. Tproaess at construction are nrlrled the ;t;lkod at all. One cannot always Pettod Dau Ater-Hum1 When gardon this year¢ telt, Arid to ha hinds one In his was d terrified ready Corea purls of lila way up. The .aggregate meet Of the British navy will deelde whether the trees are bele J 1 Mrs. Scrimp, of ScrimpvilIa-No Lt(11 with tittle ahovrIs, And who knows, one night that it was said he never young meq wore $a struck th'�at they he $72.5,000,00[1, g played I,ito on the Ocean Wave, with dirl.n't amount to much. . the - i`7 1£ flus s graves with ti of plant' want out after dark for weeks after- eoubd not niter a • word. Emit a Coming to his question, " What does I attacked by Insects, but if on a variations, $calf of them left the T, ave a grand garden i spring If Ing folks graves wit, flowars and wards without. b(Lng areled with one minute later the creature had reach- the navy represent as n national as- hasty examinaLion signs at: their 1`0°trl• arrant the uz d gglug Laura - shrubs Comes into fashion, but what. of his own formidable knives; while ed tire roof Of one Of the houses; than settle 14Ir. Hurd arty-: "'These are the rosonet arO a ar !OWL Mother, ecstatically -• That's young pick who dug the Rube may be rlbinyg a good thing for two of the town constables fared no it turned and relieved itself by giving iron walls that in time of need will It pp enc, the safest wonderful( They must have been moat! to have the pick of rho girls for himelf by learning all about am. better than ordinary mortabs, but Can. vont to a gibbering darislva toughy if atnnil ber.ween Its and an Foamy. Which ';uurs43 Ls to Lake the mutter Lm. seasick, thty evening, and it worked very wall, I' 80, with a Jasirbeating boort, T wont siderably worse in one respect, aeaing laugh It could be onlled, find scramb- safeguard commaroee medietalY In hand, it the insects ilUt it cost me 'must two dollars for to Panigartb and asked tar Me, Ays- that both Of them had their hats Ling nfmblY up the, tiles at the roof allies find tire. cnntin ally patrolling or diseases are allowed to got such 1:N HIS CASE, AT LEAST, refroahmments, tThon I had a plant - Cough, The old Sootbhman had not knocked aomplat:ely over their ayes by dleappeard on the Other ,side, 13 this the ocean highway.,;, Tile caloasnl sum Y that the are trouble- Ing, bee, and that wasn't so expensive I' hoadwit Weary Wetktus-I wonder if that only the touting wasn't halt done, throughn is fl and a fortnight later, their and but unseen tormentor, the two constables had coma up and of $510,000,00 pad out for the nap Same, it is almosty impossible to pp through sofa ilder-g oil, I was assistant It is not too moa, to say that be• +:hey, as a fnal:t,;r of course, took iha is n ort of Ilia fundea capitala � make Lu sfor lost time, it will iguynor was right who said worry kills festival, nay T tried ll got lit) a ng folks [ t, f f4raal p mora people than works Cestivat, hot Sttmmh°w tits young folks y the post of nndnr-g.ir,frtier9 asatstabt fnia Long a desire sat In the like of direction of ttilas affair into their own T1rltain'r3 formidable sysrcm of insur- just Lillie twice as witch spraying It Lindon WIRa, the Clouse of a rich which had never been knuwn In bvinds. flq the time they had succeed- once again%r a. fill filo." and bard work to aocompltsh what Hungry Riggins- I know it is a sort 0' lost tnttrast, and I gave up y . hofiu mora liable to kill me. eardeminir In dis,xust, i . . 0