HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-8-11, Page 1Vol. 28. No, ...01111.101 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11 1899 W. R. KERR, Prop, 'New Advertisements, 0ard—M. Morrison. Coat loet--Tae Poor, . Older—Geo. Edwards. For' Bale—Thos. Moore, Ornery—C. H. Bartliff. Goggles—G, A. Deadman. Every day—McKinnon & Co. Laborers' Excursions—G. T. B. Anguat Bargaine—A. Straoban. Mistrt d e, tbm. diolg reeve. Momenta CHoaou.—The Quarterly eervioe of Belgrave circuit was held here on Sunday morning. An unusually large number joined in bhe solemn and helpful eervioe. The business meeting on Mon- day wee of special interest as the Board moved to peek the salary to the $700.00 point instead of the former $600.00. This, together with the prospeotive thorough renovation, one might almost say rebuilding, of the church indicates that Melbodiem is alive. WEDDING BE,Lo.—rl very pretty "out of door" wedding took place at the home of Mae. Barkley, Belgrave, on Wednesday of last week at noon, when her youngest daughter, Miss Luoy, was married to George Shearer, of London. The myati, nal knot was tied by ltev. F. J. Oaten, Ph. B., in the presenoe of immediate relatives. George Barkley, of Penn, gave tbe bride away. Two little nieces of the bride, Luoy MoConnell, of Clair View, Miele, and Irene Barkley, of Penn, made graceful maids of honor. The bride looked obarrning in a travelliug dress of blue cloth with white satin and ribbon trimming, carrying a baguet of white oarnatione. After oongralnlations, the company sot down to a dainty spread dinner undee he apple trees. The bride wee the recipient of many pretty and valuable presents. Mr. and Mre. Shearer left on the afternoon train for their future home in London followed by showers of rioe and the well wishes of many friends. Wroxeter. Mrs. S. Playford returned from Harris - ton on Monday, ache Wendt spout Sunday with bis parents in Mildmay. Miee Burgess, of Lnaknow, is the guest of Mre. Neil White. Dr. Biehn, of Oheeley, spent Sunday with friends in town. Daman Stewart, of Wingham, spent Sunday evening in town. Jno. and Mre.lRutherford ;are vieiting friends in Luther township. Misses Nettie Smith and Annie Bar- nard are visiting friends in Grey. Mre, McLennan and ohildren, of Lon- don, are visiting Mre.Robt. Blank. Cbas. Grower, of Houghton, Michigan, called on his brother, Ted., last week. Miee Jennie Miller, of Toronto, spent Sunday and Monday at her home here, Maurice Park, of Wingham, spent Tuesday evening with friends in town. Geo, Paulin ie in Toronto attending the annual meeting of High Court of I. 0. 0. F. Miesee Aggie and Belle Elliott, of Cheeley, are the guests of Mise Tena Smith. n AAATU.KSYW Farm ,Laborers' Excursions TO 'Yl nalpeg Brandon Portage 0a Prairie tlrooeeiaw Estavan 1'orftlo0 Cowan lord other Manitoba and Asstrrabola Points $40 Good Poing from stations Weet o Toronto and Orillia in Canada, August 033nd 1889, and from stations Beet of Toronto aid Orillia, iu Canada, August 24111, 1890. Stop -over allowed on going journey Win- nipeg, or West, South•weet or North-west thereof, but tickets must be used to destin- ation by August 0101,1800, On surrender of standard certifloates on or before November 18111, return tickets will be lamed for 018. Tiokete and all information from G. T. R. agents. R, T. SUTTON, Agent, Brussels. Jir Grocery is UP -to-Date. We are in it position to supply the wants of the general pablio with up.to•date Canned Goods, hrnite, Teas, Coffees, Meals, Spices and General Iougehold Necessaries. Our Rim ie to sell only the Beep and Freshest Goode on the market at the lowest living profit on a Cash battle, Those who deal with us will nine again. Farm produoe taken and the very heft value given. Call and aeaertain what we Ban do for you. "Font money'e worth all the year round, " le aur motto, tfirObetioe Confeotio0ery, 3artls GROCER end 0ONA'8CT0ONlett, Alex, Stewart, of McKellar, is the guest of .las. Forsyth, Mae. and Miee Fleming, of Gelb, are visiting Mae, Robt, Fox. B. J. Hazlewood, Dl, D., ieattenditlg to Dr, Barri:ordo practice ab Clifford at present. Oar base ball battery assisted Brunets in playing at Wingham on Thursday of last week. A. W. Robinson and Miee E. Allen are going to Ottawa Boerne! Sobool on Mon- day next. Dr. Jno. Martin, of Bright, formerly of Wroxeter, is renewing old aoquaintan- 080ln town. T. W. Gibson, of Toronto, le spending it few day& with his family who are vieiting here. Misses Davie and Fergneon, of Wing. barn, spent Wednesday last with Mende in the village. Miee A. Andereon, of Belmore, wee the gueet of Mies Laura Brawn on Wednee. day and Thursday. Rev. Mr. Anderson, of Toronto, ie fill- ing the Presbyterian pulpit in the abeenee of our pastor. Rev. A. MaKilibin, former pastor of the°Methodig;iolturoh here, ie looking np old friends in ebe`rvillege this week. D. MoLa •and B. Johneton, of Prime's, ofineed y evening look• ing up eo e, • 0 fair damsels of tbie village. +.. • N. B. Gerry and A. W. Robinson wheeled to Wingham to see Brunetti play baseball with the home team on Thurs- day of last week, Wbat caused the brash np in snob an unusual hour on Tneeday evening? It Tooke bad to see Snnday clothes on the young ladies so early in the morning. A. number of our young folk took in the lawn social at Johneton'e, in Morrie, on Friday evening last. They report having a very good time but wheeling was rather rough. T. G. and Mre. Hemphill, jr., wheeled to Listowel on Tueeday. Miea Minnie and Mre. Hemphill wheeled to Bayfield on Wedneeday to boliday for two weeks ate that famous Summer resort. lee eel b uree. Nomas—Will. Backwell Snndayed in Palmerston.—Master Thomas Souter, of Appiu, has been vieiting friends here for the past two weeks.—Jno. McPherson hue been rusticating in l3ayiield.—Alex. MaNab purposes going Weet in the near future.—Sunday, Aug. 2016, Rev. P. Musgrave, of Bethel, will exobange pus. pita with Rev. Neil Shaw, of Egmond. ville.—What might have been a very eerioue accident 000urred to Frank Hank. well one night fast week. While return. ing from town hie horse shied, throwing him out of the rig, but with rare presence of mind he clung to the lines until help arrived. He received a alight eoalp wound and was otherwise injured but we (tope he will soon be around again.—pie of our young gentlemen of the 141b eon, takes a walk East 000aeionaly. What does this: mean John ?—Wm. Rae, B. A., who has been at home for the past two months, left last Thnreday to visit rola• tivee in S1. Pant, Minneapolis and Fargo, N. D. We wish him a pleasant trip. Crneeleroole. Miee Jennie McNair ie visiting in Old London and is having an enjoyable time. Miee Lizzie Moles and her cousin, Miee Armstrong, of Toronto, were visit- ing friends at Brussels this week. Our boys were badly disappointed ab the non•appearanoe of the Brussels team Friday evening. If tbie had been the Saab time the boyo would not have thought anything about it, but it bee been the same thing ever eine foot ball began in Orenbrook. Braeeels ought to have thought of the crowd, of whom e large percentage was of the fair sex, that was kept waiting. Four BALL.—At a meeting held last Monday night, the Oranbrook "Ironsides" decided to organize for the ooming sea• son. A good company was in attendance and Innings was entered into at once. The following officers were eleoted :— President, A. C. Dames ; Manager, D. MoQuarrie ; Capt., D. A. MoNair ; Seo., W. J, Cameron ; Treae„ Wm. 13allan. Lyne; Com., Wm. Ennio, Wm. Hunter, Wm. Radditz. The "Ironsidee" are now open to reoeive challenges ftom any team West of Toronto. Inet8e1. Mr. Ayleeworth bete returned to Kiu• tore. Townebip Connoil will be held bare next Wednesday. Ethel cheese factory got 9}o. for their last sale of cheese. The Methodist Oftlotal Board, Ethel circuit met on Monday afternoon. A few from here will go to Manitoba to aid in he harvesting of thole big crops. Next Sabbath evening Rev. R. Paul, of Braeeels, will preach in the Methodist oburoh. The general health of the pablio in this looality is good for wbioh wa are devoutly thankful. Public school will re -open on Monday, August 21st, under the oapable manage- ment of our old staff. Miee Bernie Yelland will take a oouree in Alma Ladies' College, St. Thomas, leaving next September. Mrs. Dan. Eokmier is baok from Olin. ton but ie quite poorly. We treat soon io be able to report a ohange for the bet. tor. Jno. Stemmed and Alfas Slemmon attended the wedding of J. 13. Cameron and Miee Annie Slemmon at Brussels on Wednesday evening of last week. Robert McKay who went to Oalitornia a few months ago to settle up some boa nese for hie deter, when husband died reoently, has taken a attention and will remain there for a while. Last Saturday, Harold, eidoet eon of Jesse Wilbee, was kicked in the aide of the head by a borne while passing behind it in the stable. Fortunately the animal bad no sling on so while the blow wag a severe one it would possibly have heti fatal regnita itad tint horse been shod. Mr, Wilbee was in the stable at the time, We hope Herold will soon bo o k again, Last Sabbath evening W. II. Kerr, of Teta Poet.', Brunelle tools the servioe in the Methodist oburoh. Rev, Mr, Yelland wag at Henfryn. Some of our girls would like to meet the much bashed of "ltieeing bug." It will have to do business on an up to•date style to dieoount Ethel boyo. Names oould be furnished if the statement is doubted. There wee a large attendance at the Quarterly meeting service last Sabbath morning. Rev. Mr, Yelland took as hie text, "Tbe blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, oleaneeth from all sin." Over 100 partook of the sacrament, an innovation being instituted in dieponaiag the nom. m00e00 in tbe seats instead of at the altar railing. 1731neternele. Bev. W. W. Leoeh, of Termite, is holi- daying here. A new verandah has been beilt at the Methodist Parsonage by the Willing Workers of this oironit. Joeepb Leech received the sad news by telegram of the death of bin brother, Nathaniel, a farmer, living near Oalgary, Partionlare bad not been received but it was stated in the daily papers that be fell from a train and was killed. De• ceased was unmarried. Burial took place in Brandou. The many friends of Rev. W. W. Leeoh in this vicinity will regret to hear that elope removing to Toronto he bag had a great deal of eiokneae 10 hie (anally. CARD of THANxe,—Sines meeting with the eooident which deprived me of one of my lege, I have received many favors from numerous friends, and I tele this opportunity of expressing my sincere tbanke to ell who, in any way, have aid• ed in my restoration. I hope that all will be fully recompensed in this life, and that all will at last in the world to come, reoeive from the Divine Master, the bless. ed words, "Well done, good and faith. tut servants, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." Yours very sincerely, THOMAS STEWART. caroxv. Townebip Connoil next Wednesday at Ethel. The store at Monorieff is receiving a nab of paint. The oontraotor is busy working at Jno. Robertson's. Miee Ella Mann ie holidaying under the parental roof. Mies Bertha Ball ie home from Toronto for her vacation, Will. M00rae, of Leamington, was visiting in this vicinity. Mise Ida Waste, of Walkerton, is vieit- ing her slater, Mae. Geo. Sperian, Mies Flo. Duncan, of Clinton, is visit. ing at James McNair's, 16th eon. Public) schools get down to work for the Fall term on Monday, 21st inst. A little baby girl has omen to bine the bome of the 'Postmaster at Monarieff. Rev. Mr."M¢Ree hotde a prayer meet. 'lug at Bethel, 16th tete, Wednesday even. ing. •• Wm. Turnbull, who teaches school at Boieeevain, Man., is vieitiug at his home, 16111 con. Mre, MoOeuetaud and Mise Bennett, of ltoieeevain, Man., have been visiting Miee Kate Calder, this week, . Mae. Thos. Straoban ie bank from her trip to Manitoba, arriving on Tueeday. She went Weet on June 27th. e. Geo, and Mrs. Diatom and their eon, Master Lnwrenoe, of Chicago, visited at Mrs. Calder's on Tueeday last. Miee Jeeeie Straoban, Miee Maggie Taylor and Mian Kate Henderson were visiting at Wroxeter this week. Miee Lizzie Cardiff contemplates tak- ing a trip to Manitoba and will probably go on the 22nd inst. with the excursion, J, E Coombee, formerly of Grey, will take the Principalship of Teeswater Pub- lic: school this Fall. He hoe been doing good work in an East Wawanoeh school. A week from next Sabbath, Ang. 20111, Rev. R. Paul and A. M. MoKay, of Brest eels, will visit the union Sabbath school which meets in the Smith school house and deliver addresses, Arch. Robertson, a former resident of the 4tb eon., who went to Manitoba last Spring, is not improving in health. He is visiting hie brother. We bops a move for the better will be the result of the change of climate. Hugh Stewart, who has nob been hay• ing vary robust health for some little time, will probably take a trip to Mani- toba and the Northwest this month. His many friends hope be will soon re- gain hie former robnetnees. It ie a heart weakness. The rough atone on some of the roads is enough to ruin a horse to say nothing about the buggy and occupants. Surely the pathmaetere know the differenoe be- tween gravel and reeks. The big atone ° ehould be properly broken as they will never make a good road in their present condition. BIRTHDAY Soc,to. Eoe'e 00ngregatiou Epworth League announce a Birthday social on the ohuroh lawn on the evening of Tueeday, 22nd inet, Refreshments will be served from 6 to 8 o'olook after which a epioy musical and literary pro. gram will be presented. A cordial wel- come awaite all who on arrange to be present. Au old time barn raising took plane Thursday of Iasi week on the form of Albert Whitfield, 14th con. Judging from the newel present the greater part of the township moot have come to belp, G, Neable and W. Buttery ware put in as captains and the reoulb was a very exciting race, both eidee finishing about the same time. It is a flee barn and a credit to the framer, Arab, McLean, 16111 con, A letter was received last weak from Hugh McDonald, brother to Alex, Mo. Donald, Brd on., stating that he bad lost 100 agree ot wheat by a bail storm. Seine of the hail atones were as big as a man's flet. Mr, MODcnald livee near Carberry, Mane and has been there for 10 years, 'This ie their drat bail storm experie0oe, When Mr, Maflonaid wee a resident of Grey ho lived on the Bed con. and hie old friends here will regret to heal of ilia loss, Tuesday of tbie week Mae. Robert Sweeney and daughters, of Petoskey, Minh„ and Donald McNabb, of St. Ignaoe, Miele„ who have been visiting at P. Robertson's for the past four weeks, left for their reepootive homes. They took the boat at Sarnia. Mrs. Sweeney in Man. Time, Roberteon'e daughter and Mr, MoNabb in a brother. It is 36 years Wine the latter was bere• It be reported that J. J. MoLaoblao, a former resident of the 12th eon., tvho owned the farm now belonging to Juo, McFadden, but who has been living in Manitoba for years, died on tbe train on the way down to hie old home at Aylmer, Ont. Effie wife wag along with bim. He was the father of Rev. J, A. MaLaoh. Ian, at Berens River, Man, Mr. Oslo. Lachlan was buried at Aylmer. 1teorrtta. Council meeting last Monday. Pees and oats are fine orope and pota• Mee ditto. Mae. S. Walker, Oth line, has been bothered with gniney. Rural schools will resume business a week from next Monday. Mrs. B. Alcock and Mrs. Wm. kiiabie, 0th line, are i11 at present. Changeable weather ; cool enough to wear an overcoat at nights. Threshing is quite common now. The yield of wheat ie not very large. ' Dr. W. 3. Roe, of Philadelphia, le visiting under fbs.parental roof. Mies Iebieter is renewing old acquaint - anon in and around Moorefield. Mrs. Buchanan is visiting Mae, Mar. shall Hughes at Escanaba, Mich, Harvesting ie all the go. Some eplen• did orope of barley are to be seen this year. John Clark intends going West about the 16th of August to assist at the har- vest there. Mre. 0ook, of Brantford, and Mre. Henderson are spending a few days with friends in Kincardine. A new barn bag been put up on the Thsell farm, 0th line, on what ie known ae the MeQuarrie plane. 10 to 20 buehele of wheat to the sore appears to be an average turn opt from this annual threshing. Miee Minnie and 011ie Walker are holi• dayiag with their uncle and aunt at tba Methodist Parsonage, Heneall. Brussels Fife and Drum Band Garden Party at the home of John Mooney on Tbnreday evening of this week. Miee Minnie Iebieter, of Brandon, Man„ and Aliso Mabel, of Petrolea, were visiting at Reeve Iebieter's Int week. Tbe Trustees of S. S. No. 7 have en- gaged Mr. McIntosh, of Beaforbb, ae teacher for the remainder of the year. We are sorry to bear of the eerioue illness of Miee Annie Budd, 3rd line, but hope marked improvement will be noted. J. Moore and wife, of Walton ; Miee McMurray, of Eegoeeing, and Mies Moore, of Guelph, visited on the 6th line last week. James Cook ie getting along nicely and expecte to be able to tench school again in a few weeks itt Kent onunty. We wish him success. Mrs. Kernaghan and Mise Mary, for- mer residence of the 6th line, removed Shia week to Stratford where they par• pose making their borne, Noxious weeds are spreading badly in this township. Now ie the time to neat rid of all bad weeds as a good harrowing this dry weather will kill them. John Beaman, who has been in the employ of the 0. P. R. et Rat Portage for some time, expecte to remove to Brandon shortly. Mre. Bosman has been visiting relatives and friends in Morrie but will go Westward in the near future, Mre. Jae. Sharp strived home last Friday after a two weeks' visit with her daughters, Mre. Kingewood, of Bt. Thom. as, and Mre. Will. Lowry, of London. Roy Kingswood, who had been visiting hie grandparents, accompanied Mrs. Sharp to the oiby of the Sainte. Lawrence Wheeler started this eeaeon with 18 colonies of bees and so fat has extracted 1,100 pounds of honey. Last season he had 1800 pounds but he expects to equal that atnouut, if not out do it, before the Summer ie past. Mr. Wheeler has made quite a suooess of his apiary. WAYuaoN.—Information from Wey- born, where ex -Reeve Mooney ie located, nye ;—Settlers still continue to arrive, some of them from Dakota. 76 books have been planed in the Sunday School library. Partnere are busy baok•eetting and the ground is in fine shape. Good v,aterie found easily at 10 and- 12 feet, Mr, Mooney got it at the latter depth. Ooal is only $2,60 a ton on tbe teeth which meltne a groat deal to a prairie country. Building operations are booming. A lime abed has been completed and indications are favorable for the menu - tenure of briolt. There bag been plenty of teen and the idea that Weyburn is in thedaro rbelt is erroneous in the e and big extr orope are looked for next year, when this notion is ptit to the teat. GARDEN PARTY.—The Willing Workers of Bluevale oironit gave a very auooesofnl Garden Party at the residence of Win. Jae, Johnston, let eon., on Friday even- ing of last week. Two long tables, well provisioned with the good things of this life, appeared to have a magnetic influ• epee for the company, go Inuit so that it was 9 o'olook before all were served. Rev. D. Rogers, :the popular pastor, oo. oupied the chair and announced the following program :—Ohorue, "On to Victory" ; 'Chairman's address ; ohorue, "We are Willing Workers," Johneton ohuroh ehoir ; instrumental mueeo by Meeera, MoOtire and Heaney ; reading by Roble Shaw ; anthem, "Nearer my God to Thee, Blnevalo choir; organ solo by Miee Sanderson ; solo, Mies Liszfe Sample ; r881bation, Miee Oaldbiek ; instrumental, Menne. McGuire and Heaney; solo, Mre, Johneton ; 8 few retnarke by W. 31, Kerr, of Tam Porn ; duet, Misses Straoban and Henderson. The program was an excellent one, Proceeds of gathering about $46.00—a aateefaotory roault. The grennda were illuminated by Chinese lanterns. Mr. and Mae. Johneton were thanked for their kindness in planing their grounds, eke„ et the dioposel of the Willing Workers, Last week Joseph Clegg diepoeed of a 60 Dore USED being Nortlieaat 7 of 8 a lot 10, con, 0, Morrie. Robert Young wag the purchaser at $1260. 40 sores cleated and there be s barn on the premises, Mr. Young's farm lies adjoin. ing. Mr. Clegg still otters the Parker farm, 160 eons for sale. The property will be sold in two percale of 100 and 50 acres or togetber. The eideroad divides the lots. He has the whole place in grass now. %'V 11.t Ctsit. The Public school will soon open. Tbe mill was running Borne times this week. lvliee Maud Ferguson 10 vieiting in Hallett. Mies Lily Campbell, of Varna, is teen. ing in town, Mies Julia Randa, of Toronto, is visit. ing at W. H. Sholdioe'e. Miss Hannah Oughton, of Seefortb, ie visiting friends in Walton. Williamson & MoAllister have com- menced the threshing season. Alex. McKay and Henry Mooney, of Brunets, spent Sunday in town. Miee Sarrie Berry entertained some girl triende from Leadbury on Sunday. Misses Ethel and Maggie Wilson, of Seaforth, ars 015111ng relatives in Walton and vicinity. Ladies' Guild meeting of St. George's ohuroh was bald on Wednesday at the residence of Wm. Sholdioe, er. Thos. and Wm. Doig, of Kippen, well known bere, paaeed through town on their return from a trip North. Mrs. Dill and Miee Jennie McDonald, who were vieitiog at L. MaDonald's last week, returned home on Sunday. Mies Oerrie Moore was in town Iaet weak eeouri ng pupils for a violin olaee whiob she will open about Sept. lat. Mrs. Prowd and Clarence, of Desboro, Grey Co., and Miee Hall, of the same looality, are visiting at the Methodist parsonage. Last Sunday Mr. Watters, of Fordwich, took the service in St. George's church. Rev. Mr, Abey will be in his own pulpit next Sunday. Rev. Jasper Wilson, M. A., Cbairman of Goderioh Dietriat, paid an Moja' visit to the Methodist brethren of the Walton oironit last Monday. H. E. Burkholder will represent the Methodiet ohuroh at the District meeting to be held at Seaforth on August 24th. Tbe pastor will also attend. The eabject at the Dotted Presbyterian oburoh next Sabbath morning will be "A Kingdom Promised," and in tbe evening "The Book of Geneeie and the Chosen People." Bervioe each Sabbath evening at 7 o'olook. Rev. Mr, Filer intends eon. tinning a series of meetings tor one week beginning Aug, 29th and oontin0i0g over Sabbath, Sept. 8rd. Preaohing each evening between these dates, Rev. C. M. Lawrence, of Illinois, will be present over Sabbath. A clave for Bible study has been organized to meet after evening serving. Brussels Council. Tbe regular monthly meeting of the village 0000011 was held on Monday evening of this week. Present Reeve Bather and Oounoillore Warwick, Wilton, Ooohrane and Roee. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. The following a000nnta were preeeuted: D. McPherson, Lie. on sidewalks $21 00 Alex, MaLauobiio, salary 25 00 Jno. Ferguson & 0o., flag 2 93 Jae. Irwin, printing fig 00 Ewan & Innes, miscellaneous3 00 Moved by 3. D. Warwick seconded by 13. Cochrane , that above amounts be paid.—Carried. A letter was read from the Estate of T. T. Coleman, Seaforth, relative to some ooneiderationbeing shown their Works in Brunets owing to dietanoe of hauling salt to G. T. R. and coal from railway to block. The Clerk was instructed to write Messrs. Coleman ae to particulars, on motion of Messrs. Cochrane and Rose. W. Smith naked what the Council intended doing in reference to the foot- bridge, An estimate was put in at $170 to build a new abutmeut and put ug bridge. Moved by J. T. Rose seconded by J. D. Warwick that no action be taken this year.—Oarreed. Moved by S. Wilton, seconded by J. T. Roes that applications for walks on West aide of John street end North side of Thorne street from Turnberry to Alexander be aooepted. The use of a road machine, if not the purohaee, was discussed, also the question of enlarging the town Park by removing the fence and cutting down the poplar trees but no definite notion was taken. Council adjourned to meet next Mon- day, y Fred. W. Wooda, of Toronto, was drowned while swimming inMae Humber. At Uxbridge, James Vandenberg, gene of Soott Township, was killed by bis horse running against a moving train, Hilda Blake, the Brandon murdering, takes her confinement in jail very cooly. She is now engaged on her autobiography. The Brune Herald, published at Walkerton, hag changed halide. Mr. Mo• Namara le the new proprietor and aseumed control Int week. WIG, KI„ WTID MDaTAaD. — Wild mustard is easily the sting of all noxi00s weeds, and how to destroy it hoe song been a vexed question. The mystery bas ab last been solved. Prof. Doherty, of the Ontario AgriatItural College, renently made an experiment, obooeing a plot of it quarter of an sore badly intoned with the mustard, This be sprayed with a two per One dohttion of sulphate of copper, The result was entirely sane. faotory. The mustard wag stilled and the prop wee not et all injured, Tieing an ennuai the mustard destroyed at this season et the year 1g destroyed forever. It le estimated that ten dente worth of tltie chemical will spray an acre, If this teat indicates en easy and effective method for the eradioabion of wild meet. Ord, Prof. Doberty bag oortainty mem- pitched great things tot the Teeming noon• inanity, People We KUOw.. Mise Blakem to ie visiting at Ayton. Mies Eila Ainley Sundeyed at Ford. wloh, Mise Pauula Mitchell ie visiting at Bel.. more. Mies Annie Roes is holidaying at Kin- cardine. Jae. Grimoldby, of Owen Sound, is visiting here, Miee Mary Beattie wee viofting at Clin- ton this week, Harry Mercer le away on a holiday to Parry Sound. Miss Anuie Colvin be home from Wing. ham on a visit. Mies Campbell, of Paris, ie vieiting Mrs, G. F. Blair. Mae, A. Sample and daughter were vieiting at Wingham. Jae. Fox and W. J. Stewart were in Wingham on Tueeday. Jobs Roes, of Galt, is vieiting at Wm. Rose', William street. Alfred Perrin, ot LietoweI, is holiday- ing olidaying at Mae. Jae. neon's. E. Hart and Chris. Grimoldby spent Sande.), in Owen Sound. Mrs. W. H. Kerr was vieiting in Unde- rhill during the past week, Willie Hayorott has been holidaying with relatives in Grey township, Mies Eva Israel, of Seaforth, le visit. ing her oonein, Mise Ella Ainley. Mise I+lo. Beauty, of Wingham, has been visiting Miee Mamie Sample. Mies Lily Kendall, of Detroit, was home for a holiday visit for a few weeks. Mrs. Jag. Beattie and Mies Beeeie are holidaying at Clinton and Heneall. Robt. Roth and C. Zilliax, of LietoweI, are holidaying with Charlie Zilliax. Miss Lillian Ritchie, of Wingham, is vieiting Mrs. John Tait, Queen street. Miss Coulter, of Toronto, is the great of Mee. (Rev.) Paul at Viotoeia Cottage. ftod. Matheson, who holds a position in A. Sbraaban'e store, is away on a holiday visit. Mise Pearl Lowry bas returned from an enjoyable visit with friends at Lon- don. Misses Myrtle and Freda Zilliax, of Listowel, were visiting their mains in Brussels. Mans Luella and Gertie Ross and George are taking in Huron breezes at Kincardine. Mre. Close and daughter, of Wood- stock, were visiting Mre. W. F. Stamen, Albert street. Mre. M. H. Moore and children have returned from Trowbridge where they were holidaying. Ephraim Downing, of Goderioh, came here on Tanedey to see his oonein, the late Jno. Downing, Mre. R. Johnston, of town, and Min Bowles, of Chicago, are vieiting Mrs, Koenig at Mitchell, Mae. John G. Slone and Miss May leave on Friday on a holiday trrip witb friends at Belleville, Mies Kate Wilson has gone to Marmara for a visit prior to the re -opening of her school at Belleville. Albert Dickson, of Goderioh, visited in Brusaele on Monday while en route to Belmore on hie wheel. Lea, Downing has been on the oink list thio week from an attack of pleurisy. He is improving now. Marlin Smith and Mre. Jae. Turnbull and eon are sway at Brantford on a visit to reletivea for a few weeks. J. H. Wiemer, of Zurich, combined business and pleasure in a abort visit to Brussels daring the past week. Miee Ritchie, of Wingham, and Miee Williams, of Norwalk, Conn., were visit. ing Mre. James Fox this week. Mre. E. B. Creighton and daughter, of Hamilton, are renewing old friendships in Brussels. They came Iast.Friday. Mae. Ed. Town and children, who have been visttinfi here for the past few months, intends leaving shortly for the West. Fred. Wilson left for St. Merya on Thursday moraiog to attend the funeral of hie unole who bad been 111 for some time. Mre. Weddup, of Linday, arrived here 00 Tueeday owing to the eeriono illneee of Jno. Downing. She is a sister of Mre. Downing's. J. H. Cameron and bride arrived home from their wedding trip on Tueeday of this week, They will reoide on Eliza. beth street. I. 0. Risherdsis at Niagara thio week aa a delegate to the High Court of T, 0. F, wbich met the Tneeday and Wadnee. day of this week. Rev. A. McKibbin and wife, of Strath. roy, are vieiting Mrs. MoKibbin, Queen street, Brussels, and W. Armetrang and family, of Grey. Miee Dolly Beeper will take a holiday trip to Manitoba. and Dakota this month, intending to take the excursion train on 'Pueedey, 22nd inet. Goff wife son,e Jno. Go d andwho were vieiting at James Dudley', Grabam'e survey, left for their home in Toronto on Tuesday of this week. John Trelford, liveryman, of South- ampton, whose health has not been very good of late, is here taking a course of treatment from Dr. Smith. James Btaabill, wife and son will take a trip to Ypsilanti, Mich., bo arra. Blau - hill's former home, on the 19th pot ex. curoion from Wingham to Sarnia. Mag. S. W. Laird and Mies Hazel, of Iugerooll, and Miee Gladys Constable, of Saafortb, are vitiating relatives and Mende in town, Mre. Laird and daughter were former residents. Mre, Murray, of Seaforth ; Mao, Jag. McLeuohlin and Miee Maggie MaLauoh. lin, of Wiugbew, were visiting at Neil MoLauohliu'e. Mies MaLauoltliu goes bank to her position in Now York city that week. Capt. Jae, Stretton celebrates his 78ad birthday on Friday of this week. He ie an nobles man for hie yesre and does about as tnuoh woek as ever, Mre. Stret. ton is hie junior by 8 years. They have been married 45 yenta 11110 Fall. Mies Minnie Mena lett on Saturday on a visit to Manitoba. She went via O. P. It, steamer from Owen Sound and was n oro anied by Mrs. Haokb rnn a nd ()linden, of Toronto, MienMooae will be away for a mentlt or thereabouts, 0I Mre. Joe. Pugh, of Bluevale, was vie. itiag at Victoria Cottage last week. Rev. Mr. Paul ie Mae. Pugb's father. Wm. Martin and wife are away Saab' ward thee week, the former attending the Grand Lodge of Cddfellows' at Toronto as the representative of Weeterb Stec Lodge, No. 140, Braeeels, W. H. Willie, wife and eon ware visit. ing in town on Thursday. Dlr. Willie was on hie way to Wingbam to consult a visiting epeoialiet about hie eyes which have been troubling him. A correspondent nye 1—The home of M, and Mae. Walker, of East Wawanoab, wag the nen of a family gathering on Saturday. Mr. and Mag. Walker have a family of eight sone and one daughter and all the sons gathered at the old borne on the above day and spent a very pleas• ant time together. A group° platen of the party was taken, the number in the gronpe being 48, which included Mr. end Mrs. Walker, er., and the sone, together with their wives and children. The eight eons are:—Jae W. and Wesley, of the firm of Walker Bros. & Button, fur- niture dealers and undertakers, Wing. ham ; Adam, Librarian at the Partin. went Buildings, Toronto ; John, of the Toronto Pollee Force ; asd Thomas, Isaac, Blithe, mad George, of East Waw. anosb, CiIUitCIi CRIMES. "God's Promisee" will be next Sab• bath evening's topic at the Epwo,th League. It ie doubtful if one man i0 a hundred goes to church praying for preaching that will bit him. "Ezekiel's Great Vigion" will be nest Sabbath'eleeeon in the Sabbath Schools. See notes on page 6 of Tan POST. Rev. Mr. Abey will take his regular services next Sunday in St. John's aharch, he baying marine from his va- cation. Rev. R. Paul and A. M. MoKay will visit the noion Sabbath school meeting in the Smith school house on the after- noon of Sabbath, 20th inet, Next Sabbath evening "A great Soot. tieh Hymn writer, !Tontine Bonar, and his hymns in the Book of Praise," will be the topio at Melville Endeavor. Oa the first Sabbath in eaoh month a Miseionery oolleotion is taken is the Methodist Sabbath School in Brussels. Last Sunday the ooltention was $4.06. The greatest pilgrimage to the Holy Land are undertaken by the Russians. It is oaloulated that between 20,000 and 40,000 Russians visit Peleetine every year. Rev. le. F. Cameron, of Shakespeare, hag contributed $70.00 to the 20th Oen. tury Fond of the Presbyterian ohuroh. The total from about 70 m'nictere reaches about $19,000. Rev. R. F. Cameron preaobed last Sab- bath in Melville church. At the morn- ing eervioe be took as his subleot "Tbe Great Saorifsoe" and in the evening "Elijah." He is a good preacher. Rev. Morgan Wood, the well-known Toronto olergyman, and formerly pas- tor of the People's Tabernacle, in De- troit, has bad tbe degree of dootor of divinity conferred upon him by Mount Union College, Alliance, Ohio. Mr. Watters, a ley reader from Ford• wiob, took oharge of the services in St. John's ohuroh Inst Sunday. His text in the morning was 81. Luke 14.18, "And they all with one ooneentbegan to make excuse." In the evening the foundation for the discourse wag batten from IT. Kings 10 15, "Is thine heart right ?" He gave two good eermona. A novel excursion to Alaska tae gone on the steamer City ot Seattle. It eon, slate of about 300 persons, including the Presbyterian Synod of Washington State. The annual session of the Synod wilt be held aboard the steamer daring the voy- age. Goapel serving and literary and musical entertainment will be given, and revival meetings held in the cities on the Alaekan °oast. Rev. Mr. Holmes' text last Sabbath morning wee Solomon's Songe 2.4, "He brought nee to the bangnetting house and Hie banner over me wee Love." An interesting fellowship service followed the prenohing. Tbe subject in the even. ing was "The new heart and the Divine Law." Rev. A. MoKibbin, of Strathroy, assisted the pastor in the enoramenbaf. 0000100. Thos. Soatohered, of Wyton, West Nieeouri, aged 97 years, is dead. Michael Butler, of Ottawa, loot hie life in a fire that destroyed his dwelling. Rabbi Phillipe laid the corner -atone of the new Jewieb synagogue at Loudon. Wm. Lee went to sleep on the railway traok at Sintooe and was killed by a freight train. It le seed that 80,000 Finlanders are considering the question on of settling is Newfoundland. The Imperial Limited train on the 0. P. R., bound East, wag delayed on the monntaine by a landslide. Tam beet curfew ordinance is one that ea adopted in enoh family, where the old man Mote as reeve, council, nightwatoh. inRO and calaboose keeper and where good hickory ie more to be respected than the ring of the bell, A young Winton lad and bie dog went fishing the other day and wound np at the Pike river bridge, where after fishing for a while, the lad fell asleep, but still hang onto the pole for a time, until he gob a bite, when a largo bleak been pulled it out 0f hie hand into the water, which had the effect of wakieg slim up. He eget the dog, a spaniel, iu after the pole and then the fun began, The dog tug• ged away at the pole, raising it out of the water with his month whittle oaoaed the bass to flounder in the water, gearing the doggo that he would letgo the ole o l to eize it Again when he base 'div d down. Nothing daunted, he would seize the pole again and Web, lift the bags out Of the wattle, Then wltea be wonid fioun- tler again the dog would look et the bites end then let go Nein. Thio was repeat. eel eeverni thine, :when the dog finally e eedad in teethe he ae e od t bag blot weighed 4 petunia, to the evident delight Of the mall boy,