The Brussels Post, 1899-8-4, Page 88 eresswevereeseurs. rpt_ geowe„ „ .,. Tainglefoot Cheaper. Tau l foot for e tiles is cheaper now. We give 4 ehoeto for 50, We have all the leading Fly Papers and Pads for dispoeiug of the ilie6, Syringes and Atomizers A fresh stook just in of Fountain Syringes and Atomizers bought before the advauoo in prior. FANS r We stili lams foJding and palm leaf Fane at prices that no one need do without one, Potato Bugs ! Our Paris Green is sure death to Potato Bugs, 25o, per pound, G. A. DEADMVTAN, Druggist, Optician and Bookseller. THE BRUSSELS POST !CM!lla Spices. Ip'wo,0 We keep a full line of pure Spices for Piekling and Table use as follows ; -- White Pepper, lvholo or powdered, Black Pepper, Cayenne Pepper, in powder or pods, Allspice, whole or powdered, Jemmies Ginger, whole or powdered, Ciunamou Bark, Cloves, Mace, whole or ground, Coriander Seed, whole or ground, Curry Powder, our owe make, Tarmario in powder Celery Seed, White Wine Vinegar. You can depend on getting the above good and at regular prices. G. A. Deadman, Agent for Crescent Bicycles, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 8O0THl(N EXTENSION W. e. & 5. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: GomaSooTn. Goma Nowa. SXuress...... 7:10 a.m. 1 Mail 2.10 p.m timed......... 0:16 a.m. Express 10:17 p.m Karat Ecths Pins. A ohiel'e among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. AnGOST. Scnocr, Board Friday evening of next week. REGULAR Oonnoil meeting next Monday evening. TEE weddings are not all over yet in Brugge le. Fouaxu Division Court will be held on Wednesday, August 23rd. MUCUS Beaker & Vanetone shipped a donble•deoked oar of hoge on Taeeday. LAST Monday Meeera. Clegg & Dames forwarded a double -decked car of hogs from Bruseele. NeXT Tuesday evening will be the me- lee night of meeting for the Canadian Order of Foresters. Tan G. T. R. braek gang was here dar- ing the past week levelling up the new switch and attending to some other mat. ters. Br nn alteration in the teller's box at the Standard Bank quite au improvement hae been made as well as greater oonveni• encs to Mr. M oOlellan Tao town Band gave a good program of music last Friday evening on the band stand. It was much appreciated and attracted tr ated a large n umber of our residents. BRUSSELS Pile and Drum Band will hold a Box Social at the residence of Jno. Mooney, Morris, on Thursday! August 10th. Good literary and musical pro. gram will be given. A SPECIAL meeting of the Council was held Monday evening when the report of the Engineer relative to cement walks on Church and Princess streets was adopted. All the members were present exoept Councillor Cochrane. MONDAY Mr. Moore, of Wingham, took charge of laying the ;water pipes in the West sewer and the work has progressed eo well that this little system of water works is now about complete, There ere 4 hydrants between Mill and Flora streets. By this system there will be a big saving in hose. Nie M. D. soR BRueogLS.—Dr. Smith, of Mount Brydges, formerly of Ripley, hos purchased the fine reeidenoe of S. B. Swale, Elizabeth street, Brussels, and last week moved here with hie family, with the intention of practicing his pro- fession, The dootor has had a wide and successful praotioe, His coming gives Blueish four M. D',e so that the health of the people of this locality should be well looked after. DIED.—On the 22nd of Last month William Hogg died at Partage•la-Prnfrie, Man., aged 58 years. Deceased was the eldest son of Mrs, Wm. Hogg, Brussels, and a brother to David G. Hogg. He had lived in the West for the past 20 years, going there from Morris township. His wife was Miss Annabella, daughter Wm. Cameron, of Brussels, who prods• ceased him 15 years ago. Mr. Hogg was born in the South of Scotland, was a Presbyterian in religion and e. Liberal in politics. Bright's disease was the 0a00e of his death with which he had been ail. ing for several months. Mre. Hogg, his mother, is 80 years of age. Deco/tenon 0E GuAvse.—Friday even- ing of this week the membere of Western Star Lodge, No. 149, I. 0. 0. F., Brae. cele, will pay their annual visit to the cemetery es to deoorate the greets of their deceased brethren. Members will meet et the Lodge room, Graham blook, and DA 7 o'clock will march to the city of the dead. Each member is asked to contrib. ute a boquet of flowers, The decoration service is a very interesting one and usually attracts a goodly number of those outside of the Order. Relatives of de- ceased Odd Fellows would oonfer a favor if they would send their baguets to the Lodge room before 7 o'olock. The town Band will head the procession. Tau Sentinel, Toronto, the offioial or- gan of the Orange ..e000iation, has corn. plated twentyfive years' ooatfnuous pubiication, and in honor of the event iaened on the 27th July a special edition of sixteen pages, night pages are print- ed on beautiful toned paper, and are full of illustrations. Among the epeoial nrticlee are "Canada's Progreeo for 1'wenty.Plve Years," by Nicholas Flood Davin, M. P. ; "The Development of Im- perialism," by J, Castell Hopkins ; "Pre• grass of Ednoatioa Derfng the Last Quarter Century," by James L. Hughes, Inspeotor Public School's, Toronto ; "Home Rule or Union," by Professor Goldwin Smith ; "Twenty•Five years of Proteetent Progreso," by H, 0. Hocken ; "History of Orangelem in Canada," by W. J. Wright, Brookville • "Progress of Oraugeiam in the 'Oohed States," by Itobort W. Johnston, Troy, N. Y., Supreme Grand Seoretary ; also bio. graphical attaches and photogravures of many prominent members of the Order, GEo. THOMMSON le having his store front painted this week. He is a great believer in the painter's brush. Busxuaso is on the quiet owing to the busy time with the farmers. A good Fall trade is expected. A Wms:TREE oorreepoudeut writes the following terse sentence that few will doubt, viz., "Tae POST gives the news." A. 0. L1. W. Lodge this (Friday) even- ing. There were three candidates "rode the goat" at the last meeting with more to follow. Tus names of the streets are being plaoed in the new cement walks which is a very good idea as they will be per. manently there. COURT of Revision on the new sidewalk assessment will be held on Aug. net, The official notices have been mailed to those interested. Mrs9 Montes, of Wingbam, has resumed her class in oil painting on Griday after. noon°. Studio over I. 0. Richards' her. nese 'hop, Brussels "QUARTERLY TEA" at Mrs. W. F. Stewart's Thursday evening of this week. It is a new role of gatherings iustituted by the Lsdiee Aid of the Methodist °berth. WHAT about Civic Holiday ? SOME would like it on Wednesday, 16th inst., on which day an exourniou rens to the Falls. Tickets $1.95 from Brussels, good for three days. W. F. STBETTON has beau engaged by D. Cantelon, of Olinton, to purchase apples for him in this'eotion of Huron Ca. He will buy Fall and Winter fruit also crab apples. PaTrrxoxs were presented to the Council by the residents of Chorale and Princess o es atreeta for new Dement walks. They are badly required on both of them. Work is now in progress on the former. Several other streets are talking new walk also. Ma. Howe, Inspector for the Under• writers, made an official visit to Brattish laet week but owing to the unsettled con- dition of Maio street owing to the new sewers delayed his inupention of our bri• gade and appliances to a later date. He is well pleased with the idea of patting in the water pipes and thereby improving the lire protection. Geo. Ronn, who has carried the moil from Bru+sele to Wroxeter for the past 2} years, hes been awarded the contract for the next term of 4 years. There were 4 tenders. Mr. Robb made a record for himself last Winter by never missing a day on account of snow storms or blookades, no easy matter in drifts snob as there were last season. EMANCIPATION DAY. --• Tuesday was Emancipation Day. Sixty.five years ago the Imperial Parliament of Great Britain deoreed that slavery in the British pos- sessions must be abolished, and so it hae been ever since. The queation of first freeing the slave's was advocated some years before byeuob men aa Wilberforce, Clarkson and Buxton, who labored herd for the removal of the evil, and the mat ter finally beoame of such importante that it was made an issue by the Govern meat of that time, with the result that the bill passed both Houses and received the royal assent in 1888, the day for the emancipation being Aug. 1, 1884. Wonboge BELLS, --The Palmerston Re porter of last week says :—"A. pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Wilson, Prospect Avenue, at 9.30 o'clock an Wednesday morning. I0 wee the occasion of the marriage of their eldest daughter, Mies Margaret, to Lincoln Hembly, of the Palmerston oatmeal mills. The bridal party took their stand beneath a canopy of white roses, smilax and ferns. The bride, who was given away by her father, was attractively attired iu cream boil. liantino, trimmed with embroidered lace and shirred chiffon, and carried in her hand a boquet of cream men, Mise Liogio Wilson, the bridesmaid was gown. ed in a costume of French organdy over pink satin, trimmed with Vallenciee lace, white insertions and shirred satin ribbon, She carried a bognet of pink rosea. The bridegroom was assisted by Tony Sample, of Brussels. After the ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. M. Anil, of Knox church, the wedding party eat down to a euthenistseuthenistswedding w breakfast. Congratulations, arm and sincere, were extended to Mr. and Mrs. Hembly and hearty weil•wisheo uttered by everyone for their future happiness and prosperity. Both Mr. and Mrs, Hembly are very popular and are held in high esleem by a wide oinks of Mende,, The large number of presents received by the bride testified to the high esteem in which else is held. The invitation list wag reetrioted to the relatives and im• mediate friends of the two contraotiog parties, Among those present from a distance were GOO. and Pare. Wilson, of Windsor ; Wm. and Mrs, Wilton, of Havelook ; Mies Maggie Faeltin, of Miss GuelpWilbolllee,sof N. Ys Tens BgMiee Sample ttof Between; ; Wee Elena Hembly, of De- troit ; Mies Mina and Merles Beattie, of Fergus. The happy young /maple left on the 12.30 train tor Toronto and other Eastern peals." Me. Ratably wee a former resident of Briowse's and hie many old Mende hero will be it unit in wiohing bimeelf and bride many happy and Ewa. perces yeare, in all of which TNe POST heartily joins, • • At,vzttzter•,. Tttm Pear gives the flews. LAWS steep 0f long 010en hewn at Me• Ornelien'e, i t t'orxcnl.on MiJ,su, of Wroxeter, was in town on Wednesday, An b tetonv is roueiving uougratnbntioue over the ttrrivnl of a 1 l. pound eon. Tutt l'ortago.la•Preirie, Man„ piper says Aliases Ferguson, of Breseels, Ont„ were visiting in that town, Wirer about the foot bridge ? Ira is going to be rebuilt it is fila the work w0.- b dug done 0.e the hall will eons be here. Tininess and noxloue weeds aro goer - letting on It number of Iota in town, oon• teary to Stetn'e. Cut them down for the good of your neighbor if for no other rea0nn, AN exu0reion pleased through 8,asoole ort Tuesday for Goderioh. It oatne from Ilarriston. Nobody knew anything about it here until it was past, It was not advertised, CONBTAlLe !i'IOLAemmLIN hoe been 1bttld• ed the names of several bieynliets who are transgressing the town By-law by riding on the sidewalks. The law breakere will likely be brought before the Reeve if the practice is continued. PROMPT PAYMENT, — Tuesday of this week Mre, Gibson was handed a cheque for 91,000, the amount of insurance car. rigid by her lately deceaae:i grand -eon, Al • bert Gibson, in the Ma000bee Order. As be only died on July 2nd the payment is aertately prompt and sa'isfeotory. SATURDAY afternoon Willie Button met with an accident at the G. T. R. that might easily have proved fatal. He was doing the trapeze act ou the chain that crosses the rear of the coat h used 0.0 au office when in some manner be lost his hold and fell head fleet to the track otrik. ins the gravel and ties with his face. The lad was not moth hurt, Lao Baorex.—William Alexander, of 188 D'Aroy street, Toronto, who was as- sisting on the platform at the Conserva- tive meeting in Riverdale Perk Monday night, was crowded off the platfortn and had his leg broken. The ambulance re. moved him to hie borne. He is the eldest eon of John Alexander, the Lion, former. ly of Brussels. There is evidently not room for Will. on the Conservative plat. form. SPEAKER EDGAR, of the Douse of Com• mons is dead and Dlr. Bain, of Went. worth, has been appointed to succeed biro. filmes the election of the present Parliament the following members have died ; itleoero. Clark, North Grey; Bergin, Cornwall ; DloOarbhy, North Simooe ; Jamieson, Winnipeg ; Perry, Prince West, P. E. I. ; ranee], Bona • venture ; Ives, Sherbrooke ; Gutty, Letts ; Dupont,Bagot; Geoffrioo, Chaosbiy and Venison's ; Pouliot, Temiscouata t Bois. vert, Nieolet ; Wood, Brockville ; Edgar, (Sir J. D.) Ontario West, Several Sena - tore have also paid Nature's debt. ANTHRAX Ann Luerre ,Taw.—Word was received Monday at the Provincial Board of Health offices, Toronto, of the death of four head of cattle from anthrax near Listowel. AU0. otori to i til 0 o examination g of the spleen of one of the cattle had previously demonotrated the cause of death, and subsequently the announce- ment name that anthrax liedr p owed fatal to four animals. The local ofrioials are being relied upon to take precautionary measures —A Montreal dispatch says "Dr. Mo0nrey, of the Health Depart. meet, has captured two more lumpy jaw oattla. This time the animals Dame from Sesfortit and were consigned to Montreal by R. Wiuter. The shipper will now have to foot the hill for two railway fares for the Infected auimalo, and the chances are that the besets will be seized by the health authorities when they renob Sea. forth." If a buyer kuowingly Belie or ships diseased cattle he should be oeverely dealt with as disease germs lie round thick enough without the public paying 10 or 12 Dents per pound for them in roasts or steak. CANED. Tuesday evening there was a reversal of the usual order and instead of the pupils receiving a "caning" from the teacher, Principal Oemeron ens present- ed with a fine ebony gold headed nano, bearing an inscription, by the boys of hie Department of Brussels Public school. About a snore of the former pupils assembled at Barrister Blair's residence, Mr. Cameron being asked to be present, and after a half hour's sooial chat, intereperoed with 'eleotions on the piano, Will. E. Armstrong, of Loudon, read the following address and Feed. Wilson made the presentation J. H. Cameron, Esq„ Principal Brussels Public School: DEA( Fermate,—We, the pupils of your Department of Brussels Public School during 1894.1898, think this a fitting opportunity to call up the old and very pleasant relations that have always existed between yourself and us as teacher and pupils. The great interest you have taken in ua in the proaeo0tion of one studies ; the ambitions your words and deeds have often enkindled 1 and your oonetant friendly actions toward no have not paused unnoticed even if the outward signs were not nlwaye visible to you. Wo wish however to give a more tangible proof of our esteem and there- fore este your acceptance of thioold heeded cone. Our best wishes a000m- pany it and we trust that great happiness will be the portion of you and yours in the years to oome. We will always cherish happy recollections of Brussels Public School and Principal Cameron. Signed in behalf of the boys, Will. Armstrong, Fred, Wilson, Committee Fred, Gilpin, Ivan Crooks Brussels, Aug,lst, 1800. 105. Cameron made a moot appropriate reply expressing his thanks for the splendid gift. He had no thought of any thing of the kind bet was glad 10 see that the boyo had appreciated what he had obnsoientiouoly endeavored to do as their teacher. Drueselo had as fine It lot of young men me were to be found in any town and he was pleased to tee so many Of hie former pupils present and to kttow that such a friendly feeling existed be• twsen himself and the boys, He wfohed everyone of them 'mouse in the various oallinge in life that they had ohogeo or would seleot in the near fntare. The ad• eeptanoe of the cane gave him 'special pfeasnro and he would never forgot the kindn000 shown bim. Short speeches were aloe made by S. Creme, Fred. Wil' son, Will. Armstrong, Jas. Duncan, Fred, Gilpin, Erneot Smith, Jag. Fox, (3, F. Blair and W. II. Kerr, Toe cream, Dake and lemoundo were dispensed with a liberal hand and a vary pleasant evening was enjoyed by All, Beesesxs Base Ball team went to Wingbam on Thursday to play a match.. AIR. Warne, of Fordwiob, will eon, duct the earthiest in St. John's ohuroh next Bnndmy, Jpr,uito' Oorwr of IlnvtoxtW.—Phuroday forenoon Judge Manson held a Court of Appeal in connection with Brussels Assessment Atoll, Appeals were heard 0.e follows :--Revere 110090, ageeeased for 91,200, redness! to 91,000 ; Howe ,k Co„ tenoned for $2,250, rodaood to 92,000 ; J.1), Ronald, aoseseed for $8,000, rodeo. ed to 95,500 ; Geo. Bather, personal property asetseed at 9000, assessment eouiir med. PRINCIPAL as LIoTowin, PUBLIC, BOEOOL. —8. E, Beokatt, of Belfmat, Huron Co„ was in town on Wednesday on his way home trona Listowel where he wee en• gaged se Principal of the Public sahpol at a meeting of their Board on Tuesday. There were 77 applieatione before them and the ohoioo of Mr. Bookett is certain- ly a feather in his cap. He haft a Int Mass certificate and is a 3rd year Uni- varsity undergraduate. Ile will have 9 teachers under him, Mr. Beckett taught in Brnseels far Principal Ono -wren while the latter attended the Normal College a few years ago. Mr. Rothwell, whose resignation opened up the position at Listowel, has taught there for 86 years and well deserves a holiday. We con- gratulate Mr. Beokatt upon his appoint- ment and believe he will prove a worthy successor to Mr. Bothwell. A PRETTY WmnDINn,—Wedneatlay even- ing of this week Cupid soared another victory when, at the resident of the bride's mother, Elizabeth street, and in the presence of a goodly numb. r of rela- tives and friends, J. II. Cameron, Prin- oipal of Brussels Public school, and Mies Annie, the estimable daughter of Mrs. S. Slemmon, were joined in the holy estate of matrimony, The ceremony was pet• formed at 7 o'clock by Rev. Jno. Rosa, B. A., assisted by Rev. R. F. Cameron, of She's' spear°, and Bev. R. S. G. Ander• eon, of Wroxeter, the principals standing 'soder a beautiful clematis arch and bell. Little Mise Mamie Garrow, of Webwood, Algoma, preceded the bride as flower gir', being neatly attired in white silk and chiffon. The wedding coup's were nn• attended, The uncle of the bride, J. Leokle, of Toronto, gave her away, Prof. T. A. Hawkins played the Wedding March. The handsome bride wore n most becoming costume of cream Duchies satin, with train, trimmed with chiffon and pearls end reguiatiou bridal veil and oarried a beautiful bognet of white roses and maiden ferns. After congratulations the company took seats 0t the tables spread upon the lawn where a most elaborate feast of neaeooeri,•e and dell• oaoieo was served, Rev. Mr. Rose pro. posed the health of the bride and groom is felicitous terms which allotted au appropriate reply from the groom. Oon• gretulatory and eulogistic words were al- so offered by Reeds. Meters, Anderson and Cameron, and Meese. Leokie, Sin. olair, Blair and Kerr, The evening was enjoyably spent in eooial chat, Bong and instrumental music, Solon were render- ed bykhans.s. Strachan, Sinclair, 7 amer• on and Hawkins ; piano solos by Mr. /dimities, and several excellently render- ed duets by Athol Stewart, the boy violinist, of Toronto, end Prof.Hawkins. Weddingifts, valuable, #. able, beautiful and useful, gave ample proof of the popular. ity of the contracting parties. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron left on the night train for a wedding trip to Maoliinec after which they will take up their reeidenoe in town. They begin married life ander auspicious oiroumetanoes, and have the hearty good wishes of a large oirole of relatives and friends for their future happiness and prosperity. Among the guests from a distance were Mr. end Mrs. Leokie and Hone, lira. J. F. Stewart, Harold and Athol, of Toronto ; Mrs. E. Garrow and daughter, of Webwood, Algoma ; Mre. W. A. MoBwett, of Theesalon, Algoma ; R. D. and Mrs. Cameron, of Luoknow ; Rev. R. F. Cameron and wife, of Shake. spears ; W. J. Stewart, of Bradford ; W. Slemmon and wife, Mies Slemmon, Jno. Sltmmoo, of Ethel ; Allan Cameron and wife, Mies Etta McNair, and Miee Mary Ritohie, of Oraubrook ; and relatives and friends from Brussels and locality. Cei1neadl41.0 Ne w•fe. P. Caffrey, of St. Catharine's, aged 72 years, was drowned while bathing. There is eo far no trade of Herbert, the missing Banque Ville Marie teller. Wm. Chewers, a prisoner in Brantford jail, was caught in an attempt to dig his way out. William Wood, of Sandwich West, committed suicide by outting his throat with a razor, Major Girouard, who took part in the oonotrnotion of the Soudan railway, has returned to Montreal. The body of Duncan McMartin, for 25 years turnkey of the jail at Cornwall, was found in the Blaok River. Ellie Williams, a miner, was killed ou Friday in the Sovereign mine at Bandon, 13. C., by a premature explosion. Harry Newman, of St. Catharines, was accidentally shot and killed by another boy who was handling a loaded gun. The Anoient and Honorable Artillery Associations of England States g d and the United S tee will visit Montreal next June. Contractor Grant, of Toronto, hag se. oared the contract to build the London waterworks dam at n oost of $44,000. Cuthbert Oliver, wbo is awaiting trial at Sorel on a obarge of wife murder, on Friday made a desperate attempt to escape. F. W. Taylor, Assistant Inspector of the Hank of Montreal, and W. I3, Gower, Inspector of the Merchants' Bank of Canada, have been named to investigate the bank note circulation a000ant of the Ville Marie Bank. The Conservative's of Pluton county, N. S„ have oohed a Convention for Ang. 17th to nominate a candidate for the House of Commons. It is thought that the calling of the convention may mean that Sir Hibbert Tupper is about to resign his seat in the Commons in order to enter the British Columbia Govern. meet, Business Locals, Niles potatoes for gale at Mo0raoken'e. Fen sale °heap. two get second•tand obngfe harness', I. 0. iiioharde. Ewen & IREES will Sell Oho balance of title year's buggies ab a largo rednotion. J((oiY milk for sate, 4 dente a quart. BUS, W, BLASHII,L. 11'tsunrntm elaughter in prices of buggies at Ewan & Una'. The beet buggies in the market. 11101 'Toreatooe at Brunetti grime hnase, Mioo Kelly, 8T44NDJI J'..0 .CJJJV'R' OF Od Ard D4 , £p'TAene1.XeS3•L 7.E7E, HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO CAj'ITAL PAID UP (One Million Doliats) • 91,000,000 RE'ISERVEP00011, 4000,000 4genet's in all pr{flcipea points 5,1 Ontario, Queie%, Manitoba, United States ti Ragland, Mammas Mit weir. A General Baulting Realness Transacted. Farmers' Notoo Dioaonnted, Drafts Ioau,ti and Oolleotions made on all polltto, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 91.00 and upwards. SPECIAL ATTENTION OIWEN TO THm 000000000020 Or FAntfattg' (SALE NOTES. Every faoility afforded Customers' living at a die berme. J. N. GORDON, AoTIN° &CENT, Notice of Transfer. Tum biggest bargains ever offered in Brussels at Ewan te Innes' for the balance of 1899. WANTED,—Butter and eggs, still the nine price, 14o. The Bale 00111 goes..— Everything goes. G. E. Elsa, Winghem. A Nulmmn of buggies, new and old, must be sold at Ewan & Inuee', Cull and see. Prises away down, $ORS7- BOMEna,—Int Brussels, on July 81st, the wife of Mr. Adam Somers of a son. Ksoti.—In Atwood, on July 24th, the wife of Mr. John Kemp of a eon, Dorrgtte.—In Elena, on July 20th, the wife of Mr. Frank Denner of n son. AttnNT.—In Elms., on July 17th, the wife of Mr. Leo. Amann, of a daughter. MARRSRZI CAMnnoti—SLmuirog,—In Bruesele, at the residence of the bride's mother, Elizabeth street, on Aug. 2nd, by Bev. Doo. Roes, B. A., assisted by Rev. R. F. Cameron, of Shakespeare, and Rev. R. 8. G-. Anderson, of Wroxeter, Mr, John H. Cameron, Principal of Brussels Public School, to Miae Annie, daughter of the late Samuel Slemmon, Hmttera—Wrtsog.—In Palmerston, on July 2601,, by Rev. J. M. Ault, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. Lincoln Hembly, formerly of Brea. sole, to Mise Maggie, daughter of Combater Wileoh, of the G. T. R•, Palmerston, BooNETT.—In Molesworth, on July 25th, Henry Bonnett, aged 61 years. WEALng.—In Grey, on July 28011, John Whalen, aged 82 years. Local improvement Court of IRleVision 1 BUBLIO NOTICE is hereby given of the sitting of the Court of Revision at the Town Hall, Brussels, on ,Monday, 111e Ilea tLty or Au"net,1899, at the hour of eight p my for the hearing of appeals pursuant to the Stat- utes in t e that behalf res o p cling tol proposed00rn Dement sidewalk on ;the West tido of Tarn - Boundary of the Village, and one Chet Neat side of Turnberry street from the River Maitland to a point opposite the Southern boundary of Village on West side, and the epeoial assessment of the oast thereof upon the lands immediately benefitted pursuant to the report of the Engineer, dated the fifth day of June, 1809, now on file in the Clerk's office. The estimated cost of the said improvement is $4180.00, payable in fifteen equal annual instalments of principal and interest combined, interest being at4 per cent. per annum and the lauds proposed to bo speoialiy assessed therefor oonslet of its shown on assessed eobedllle hereto attached. Brussels, July 81s6, 1890. P, 0.2005T, Clerk. Assessment Schedule. WEST SIDE TURNBERRY STREET. Lot or part of lot Turnberry Street, Desorip t'u of property by name Of Owner. Fractional part of Total Aes't 8 & 4 pt pk li,,,hh'e Walker 2&ptpkK DDfoore 1 & pt pk R W M Sinclair es j- John MaOrae 405J40G .,••.• D 01Bos Ronald 404 , R Johnston 408 , W Thomson 402 Mr9 Jaoltoon 140)1 John Wynn E Snider 18 TFarrow et 140 11 d Beatty N 00 16 B Ooobrano . pt 14 T Farrow 013 14 W J McCracken pre 14 10 II and D Smalo pt 18 12 Wm Stratton 5018. Smiths Bros et 11 John Roddick tit 11 I0 Richards pt 11 Samuel Laird 00 11, T Fletohor 0010 W 3 R Holmes pt 10 Mrs Hay croft pt 00 J honooteon pt 9 Mrs Strachan 470/84200 Pt 0 0 John Aleut 871/81260 7 Loan Company 808/14008 EAST SIDE TURNBERRY STREET. pt pk 0 lure Reny 030/84205 pt pk 0 Misses Helly 880/842110 pt pie 0 Fred Mo/reckon 390/84200 227 228 17 Dunford 600/84250 H Donnie 800/84260 Mrs Griffith 100/84260 J Oliver 000/34200 John Wynn 300/04200 Samuel Walker 804/04200 A J Lowry 170/34206 Robt Burne 182/84200 Mrs Xerr 000/84200 108 100 Epi00ppalChuroh 026/04200 pt 107 Jae T Rosa 880/80260 pts 100 107 W Innes 217/84200 pt 100 D Ewan 300/84200 Fred Frey 600/09208 Geo Ba00Or 240/84200 0 201111 x 1290/94255 W 5' Stewart 426/04208 JR smith 307/04265 Wm Graham 060/84200 R 0 Strutltere 428/34200 IIDonnie 1tegate50 040/81206 402/04000 230/84260 800/94200 880/84000 00,1/84280 708/04200 890/21400 070/44250 020/84260 880/34200 880/84200 -800/84200 .412/84260 418/84200 880/84266 422/84200 400/84200 428/84206 94//4200 270/34206 10808/84206 202/94280 217/84206 141/94966 270/04260 413/82666 442 207/94206 208/84268 001/04200 116 114 116 iia 1Pt 1'011 1 ppt 1066 pA 1108 188 00102 pt 102 pt 101 pt 101 pt 101 It Leathardalo p0100 W J It Reline!' pt 100 ,..,,,•,,,,,.,,Hobbs Broil pt 08 I3 Gerry 122/04200 pt 90 Wm plash ill 104/84266 00 pt 100 John Leokie pt08 Motattgbeena pt 818 P Farpueon ..-... pt 819 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Howe & Co 411/81260 pt 812 Mrs Brtmo 880/114200 00 812 8 H Jackson 468/84260 MU tactual Corporation of the Vil- lage of Brussels 7089/84200 809/84260 oto eiefe420e TR PEOPLE'S COLUMN. OUSE AN.I) LOT FOR SALE au Mill otreet,B0nesole, The houso 18 a0omfortablo one, well dated up, with collar, heed and soft water, &0, There is also it goad stable, Print trees in garden : over onl.quoat•ter acro of land. For pt•loe, Orme, &o , apply to I3. FINN, Pe• roprlot, or W.11. 1S:11101,'of 10111 P0010, 10.01 regulations dol that bell behalf, pursuant undto ehe r. signed, have applied for it lOno00er to me of the Hotel License granted to Joseph (Antrim, and that the said la ander will be complied and nesigoad to by the Commissioners 01100 the eeoond publication of this notice, as to gnirod by law. 111.ILIP 6011 01414E, Dated at Ethel, let day of August, 1800. REAL ESTATE, FAcIRe M FOR SALE,=T1il 000- ctetwigned Rolf ore hic fntain bleat Half Lor No. 30, O.nu, 4, Grey, containing 60 acres, more or lees. Yot pnrtteulare as to pride and forme apply to Brutsole 1, 0 1013. LIpr OB 0R T e p emises, 11AR1Yi FOR SALE.—THE The undersigned offers his farm, be- fog IO 4 Lot 7, oon, 17, Gray, containing 60 acres, 800008 being good hardwood L•usb, for sale- There lea new frame bouso 18x28, now bate 86x60, orobard &a, Possession would be given at any Limo,wtth tills 0OnseY0 crop if do0irod. farm 10 two miles (roux Village of Walton. 'Ger further particulars as to price,termo, &o, ap1ply on the premises or to THOS. JOHNSTON, Walton P. 0. T'ARi1f FOR SALE.—TIIE undersigned oilers his Tina 100 core form Lot 21, Con, 11, Gray, for sale. 70 nares aro cleared said the remainder is in bard and soft wood bush, There is a good veneered house,20x24, pith frame kitohon, 1020; a good banit burn. with stone stabling, 44000 ; also a never failing well nud a young mob. Ord on the premises. Possosslon given after harvest. Terms to suit purchaser. Por further particulars apply to 6-3m \VM, 8CH1t0010, Oraubrook P. 0, T'ARDI FOR SALE. —TIIE uudereigaed ofara his 100 acre farm, being 8 4 Lot 27, Con. 0, Morris, for Bale. A11 Cleared and in a good state of cultiva- tion. Route, bank barn, orchard, &o„ 14 milesfrom Brussels, and only :l mild to 00ho01, Poesese1On given after harvest. If not sold by Sept. let will bo leased for a term of years. 11'or price, term s, &o., apply on the premises, 9 1 or if by letter, CC t0 JAMS 8 PETtlII, Brussels P. 0. GOOD FARMS FOR SALE.— The tv undersigned offer two g faring for Bale ttroa enable 100 Here s prices. Tho late are Non. 10 and 11, con. 0 (Sunshine), h, use and badr between tang Good ddb house lot 10 ttrOrcuhards and all neoeeearybcanvon ieneos. Well watered and suitable for grain Or grazing. 100 nares now in grass. Wtll bo sold either separate or'togetherto suit pur- chaser. Terms of payment reasonable. Im- mediate 1toseo00ton. For further particulars apply to 0OSBPII OLNIGG, Brussels P. O., or E. L. DICKINSON, Barrister, Wiugltam, 101 �l AUG, 4, 1899 a PICNIC You want the very best Spires, ,.We have them.. Ginger, Cloves, Cinnamon, `Pepper, Mustard, Turmeric, Curry Powder, Mace, Mustard Seed, ,..---Strictly Pure .4T Fox's Drug Store. N000 ACRES OF TIMBEIt tJ LAND Eon 6A1,11.—The undersigned oIIere for sale 6,600 nares of timber lands in °Goods, Co„ tfiobiguu, ata low pr100. Well timbar- od with hardwood. Also 2,000 00000 for stile cheap for nctnal settlement, lying on the Ot00011 & North Wnotern rallrond, Several improved forms cheap. apply to WAS, AITKEEN, 01.2u: - Big Rapids, Mich, 11ATi10I h'OR SALE. -150 ACRES Oouttating of the South 4 and South k of Lite North f of Lot 30, Con.2, East Wawa - nosh, This is an excellent stook farm, being well supplied with good goring water. Itis situated about 3 miles frotn the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. A largo part of it is under groes. Buildings and femme are in a fair state of rattan., Easy terms of payment will bo 11 Ifeu, G}. F. BLAIR, Barrister,ly to Brussels, fll'feBusiness Ontario Listowel College. EQUAL. TO ANY IN ONTARIO. A thorough, complete and practical train• login all branches of Commeroial work, at 000eiderably lees than regular rat. 6. For full information apply Eoonte o1' College over Post 0111Cr. L. HARTT, LISTOWEL, PRINCIPAL, Fall pTerm opens Sept. 5 CCPt72,f'll. r C rl ': ,s1 �p11� J -1 +�1 Siirati'fbr „ O �`�.. �TfllJ� Write today for our new Catalogue. It's the flneet Business College Catalogue le Canada and repreeeuts the moat pro. gresoiy° and best school. w.3, Et (I117T, Ih L0Mpn1. AND ONE IS TT -Ti WELL - KNOWN POLICY OF THIS STORE. We don't demand cash because We're afraid to trust people, but because it is a direct benefit to all who buy goods here. To prove that we do sell cheaper, compare our prices with other stores in Brussels, ray Cash and Sale the Difference. Scotch Dress Gin hams Sc., 100. and 12o., all new and fancy designs and guaran- teed fast colors. English Prints, 8c., 10c, and 12c. A great variety of new patterns. Shirt Waists, 85e. for a goofs Print Shirt Waist. Well made and now patterns. Men's and Boys' Soft Felt Hats for 25c, regular price $1:00 Boys' and Men's Stiff Hats for 50e, regular price $2,00 Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs. i O AMPION CLOTHIER.