The Brussels Post, 1899-8-4, Page 7Aim, 4, 1909,
Iputlt a One LIIuudrrd Theaanud Del Mr
Cannel, and sulel0d 111+ flee In the
IClI Phetl.
• In Englit 1 the penpl'+ of 11U( north
are much more dimple and deinot ratio
111 their ways, as a rule, than Hulse of
the south, who are more aCfeeted by
],ondon manners, In bid buck " Lanais
'shire Life of Bishop Falser," Areeneti-
000 Diggle gives au inleresttug 1(1 1(re
of a north-coulliryp giver,
It chanced that awn after Bishop
Fraser oam0 into Iiia diocese, he had to
oo1.s60r1tlo Due Of the fines,. 1'huOOilea
in South Lancashire, It had been built
on the benefaction of a mnnuflieturer,
at a cost of a hundred thousand dol-
lars. Wheu the bishop returned Crum
the consecration he was lost to wen-
, der at Lancashire ways ; and he thus
told hie story to the arehdearon;
L gut out at 11. 'station curl after a
walk of.twenly minutes chute in sight
OL the (Murat a mild away, 11 impress-
ed; me with its nobility. 1 was au my
way to the house of .lir. W., the man
who had built the church, and 1 ex.peaL-
ed to find a fine mansion,
" Can you Lell me wbero Ur. W.
lives 1" I asked a pedeslr'iaa.
„011, aye,,' he answered, 'i(1 you cot-
tage against yon bank,"
Thialciug there teas some mistake, 1
went 00, and presently overtook a girl
in her Solidity attire, To mama i1 plain
whom 1 meant, 1 said 10 bar:
"Oen you tell me where lir. W. lives
—the gentlemen who built this
"That's his house,' she said, point-
ing to the sine unitage, "1'm gulag
to t11e consecration."
131111 1 was sura there must be an
error, but made my wily to the, door
of the cottage. An old woman, simply
dressed, answered toy seminals, 1 dar-
ed not ask if 11Ir. W. Wad in, and re-
peated my question:
" Can you tell me whore Mr. W. is,
who built this chureli f"
" Olt, you're the bishop, aro you t"
she staid, " He's here—Mee been an-
nealing on you. You'll find him iu the
ki When."
Ushered into the kitchen, Ifound an
old and fine-looking man sealed by the
lire, smoking a long churchwarden
"So you've, come, have our be said
to me, " Nowt like bein' in good flute.
There'll ba a snack o' Meet
you've dune."
" You httao done nobly by the. dis-
trict, IlIr. W.,- Iambi, grasping the old
min by the hand. He returned my
hearty squeeze, but seemed surprised.
"Naw, naw," he said. " I made the
population here by my mills, so I men
do my duty by them."
It was all a very simple matter to
this old manufacturer, who still smok-
ed his pipe by his kitchen fire, and so
le seemed to his people as wolf.
The chief topio of conversation at
Cettinje, Montenegro, is the extraor-
dinary adventure which a woman
from a village a few miles distant
has just passed through, and which
reads more like a page from a "penny
dreadfut" Lh•tn a record of unvarnished
aceThe heroine of thestorywent to
Cettinje recently for the purpose of
sailing in the public market a bull of
which she was the owner. The transac-
tion satisfactorily accomplished, she set
off to return to her native village,
when she was accosted by a man, who
represented that he could show her
a much nearer way home than she
proposed to take,
Believing in his sincerity and hon-
esty, she consented to be conducted by
bion, and they left the town.
The had gone but a short distance,
led them to the ed
when their road e g
of it deep preoipioe, and here the men
baited and, confronting his companion,
demanded the money which she heel
received in payment for the bull.
Seeing that ahs was in his power she
handed over the money and the mis-
°resnt Limn ordered her to give up
everything else of any value on her
The frightened woman °empl.ied,
and begged to be allowed to continue
her journey without further molesta-
tion, but disregarding her prayers the
man produced a long knife, and point-
ing to the precipice, said, "Now you
must take your departure from this
world, If I allow you to live you
will denounce me. If you don't jump
over I Linnet throw you over.
The woman begged and prayed to
no purpose, and was about to give
heroolf up for lost, when the man s
attention was momentarily attracted
by his turning to look at some object
on the ground. Like a flash the
woman seized her opportunity, and
springing on her assailant, she threw
him off his balance end launched him
over the edge of the preoipioe into
She than returned to Cettinje and
told the whole story to the authori-
tiee who sunt some men to the scene
of the adventure. Al the foot of the
preoipioe they found the mangled re-
mains of the would -be -assassin and
in his pocket the money of the brave
The Prince of Montenegro is said to
have Been so pleased with the wo-
maB'9 courage that ho granted her a
small pension for Life,
A at.0.b is now being formed in Paris,
the members of which swear never to
shake hands with tiny ono unless they
are wearing gloves. Many members
of the aristocracy have shown their
willingness to support the organize. -
nom and a fine is to be imposed upon
all members who are naught shaking
hands without gloves. The formation
of thLs curious club is undoubtedly the
001000(8 of a recent d,isousslon iu a
Fronrh medical journal, This paper
endeavored to ehow that disease has
occasionally been 9ontraated by shake
ing hands without gloves,
# On the Farm.
ro•tb•Tvvs-• -'+A,
A lot of people rush Into the poul-
try business without any capital or ex-
perience, and the oonsequenee is—fail-
ure. They read of the success 01
others and imagine they can do u.s well
without considering fur one moment
that they are not equipped for the
venture. So many people shoat out
on 8 scale that is mithing short of
ridiculous. We have knowu men to.
quit jabs and start in the poultry bust -
nese with hardly enough money on
Maul to pay for cue month's provis-
ions, ex)leating 10 make a Living out
of the business from the start. '1'o
tbo amateur poultryman we have this
to say; Do not quit your job and ex-
pect Lo make a living with poultry the
first year; for if you do, you are cer-
tain et the and of the year to he
among these who swear that there is
nothing in keeping chickens.
The best way to start in the poultry
business en a large scale is to start
wil.h only a few, learn alt you can
about ebieksns, and thea try to breed
all the good birds you can take euro
of without crowding, the first year.
11, at the end of the year, you are
satisfied to go ahead and have enough
money on hand to get everything
ready for a larger breeding flock, es
well as to carry you through the year
for the nooses nes of Life, then you
night quit your jut) earl start In; but
remember, That this first year Is
what counts. You learn whether you
have a lasts for the business and get
a pretty good idea of raising poultry.
The Beyond year you should be able to
Produce a Clock large enough to en-
able you to go into it more 'heavily,
and with ordinary 8000655 you should
make a good living off five hundred
We would strongly advise, when
starting to be governed by the fol-
lowing .rules: First, start with the
besttobe had; second, decide what
you desire to breed for—eggs or meat;
third, get one variety end stay with
iC. If you breed only one variety you
can aeon, by adverl.ising.8 little and
exhibiting your birds, make a reputa-
tion on them, and sal a good lot at
good prices, while the .06111 aan go to
market. Do not start with the idea
that you can sell all you breed at
fancy prices, for you will not he able
to du so for some time. To earn a re-
putation for your fowls, you must ad-
vertise for at least one year before
you can expect mute return. The
poultryman who succeeds in selling all
hiss fowls at good prices, is the man
who has spent many years in the poul-
try business, and many dollars in ad-
Bordeaux mixture is now so gener-
ally used in gardening and fruit grow-
ing that its proper preparation be-
comes aU important. The surer and
simpler ferrocyanide of potassium test
is largely superseding that of the
knife blase. Fereocyanide of potas-
sium comes as a solid. According to
a report of the Cornell station, one
ounce of ferrooyantde of potassium dis-
solved in cue ounce of water will be
sufficient for testing many barrels of
bordsaux mixture. In making bor-
deaux it is usual. to pour the diluted
milk of limo into 1138 diluted Dopper
sulphate solution. In order to ascer-
tain when enough lime has been used,
after pouring a small amount of it in-
to the sulphate solution, add a drop of
the ferrocyanide solution. If a brick
rod color appears where the drop
strikes, more lime is needed, Con-
tinue adding Lho ,slick of lime until no
reddish color will be produced when
the ferrooyanide is added, A Little
surplus lime will do no harm. Fer-
rocyanide of potassium is a poison and
should be kept out of the roach of
children and careless persona.
Though Faulliekokly Attired a PM'Venit
11'111. 111xpllty 1100 VOL:m.11y - JaylUb
algin Crnnouly In Wetness of Slender
Purars—Tol lets 14(01 Betray it 00x(re to
00(1t10 11 reliant hoer.
The eameoese of fashly,,ft and the
limited scope it yields for the display
of individuality and originality and
taste and character have lately been
deplored by a well-known essayillt;
and, no doubt, to the superficial ob-
server, who is lnoapable of penetrat-
ing beneath the outward uniformity
by means of a thousand tnsignifioant.
yet most eignifieent, details and avow-
als, this aspect of fashions and modes
may seem lamentable, But for our-
enlves, 1556 believe that, If all women
to -morrow were dressed in the ,same
l'ashiou, they would manifest individual
and typical qualities and peculiari-
ties, which are as much betrayals and
avowals ad language—mora, indeed, for
if language often conceals our Lrue
sentiments, our dress scarcely ever
dons, By this we must not be
1Ltought to overlook the influence that
is played by the dressmaker and tail-
or, and that necessitates a modifica-
tion and guarded application of our
philosophy, A parvenu millionaire's
wife goes to M. Worth to be .dressed,
and, implicitly followiug the great
art lel ea advice, wears a dress that is
perfection itself, a dress that suppress -
ea 1.2118 bad point and accentuates that
advantageous one, and in itself is a
work of art. YeL the wearer of this
faultless lobe will bet a1' her native
taste or want of it. 11 • will wear a
dress suitable for a roc 'ption of Am-
bassadors at some ordinary function
when an immodest display of magni-
ficanee is not only out of place, but
embarrasses the hostess, and almost
conveys a rebuke to this lady and her
other guests. The host of the enter-
tainment, glancing at the dazzling
eolleotten of diamonds that hang about
the neck, shoulders and waist of the
millionaires will say to himself, in an
annoyed undertone, "the woman
ought to be taught that 11 isn't neces-
sary to carry all her diamonds about
with -her to an evening party," and
the general feeling of ridicule andoon-
templ will scarcely promote urbanity
sed geniality. Women or this kind
Next to hay and corn, no crop is
prized so highly by the dairyman es
the grain above mentioned, either
alone or in combination with each
other, These crops have three distinct
GEM First, as a green solldng crop;
second, when cut and cured as hay,
and third, when allowed to ripen, cut
and threshed, and the resulting grain
fed; while the straw is valuable for
bedding or to a small extent for feed-
ing purposes. They are the earliest
crops to sow in the spring, and follow
rye and wheat in succession for soiling.
For this purpose they aro only sur-
passed by plover. They are greatly
relished by stook of all kinds and have
a comparatively high feeding value.
Hogs should have free access to salt.
When on pasture, put in some dry
plane under a shed where the hogs aan
get at it whenever wanted. Some re-
commend. spading the salt into the
soil, especially if it is clay, compelling
the bogs to Foot for it.
A rusty machine is bad; a rusty
farmer is worse.
Keep animals well-fed, dry and
clean, and throw medicine away.
Don't scrimp food or man or beast.
Better three thrifty calves than tour
starveling runts.
To read about the Agile I t e o 1 method d i s
good, to see it done is bettor, but to
try do it is beet of all.
Farmer Stlow's hired man has been
sawing wood and hauling manure all
the first part of the season, Ho hopes
to begin the regular spring work
Don't be =tent to tell your boys
that farming is the noblest of the pro-
fessions, and the one vocation a man
should follow. Make them Sea that
there issometbing far them in le and
they'll slay with ytou.
There are 242 German Baptist
churches in the United Stales, With
22,000 members.
anggoettve fashion what a pretense 19
mule of ronoealing, Even the neat
r ofr -
al i w m -a-da irraH the sb )yy a k y,g
t.riven, - the fnreimile of a tholr•and
other dreaICR turned out by similar
elanblishmenl.s, to preen nt with 110010-
tls of her courage, 111(1• twit-raspeet,
e Walk behind
01• the rf4varHu. 1 ind two
women dressed In tailor-made skirts
of precisely the mime material and out
arid cost, watch the way they meo-
w their (kms, observe the nealuees
of their shout and stockings, and, above
ill elle freshness and dellcaoy and
simplieiiy of their petticoats, and if,
after this observation, you can form
no idea of their cbaraetere, or, at
least, their tastes, avow yourself of
no great acuteness. Only observe with
caution and on fundamental principles.
Because a colored silk petticoat is re-
garded at the moment as the perfec-
tion of fashion, and an immense (lie -
play of it as the perfection of man-
ners, do not be misled into thinking
that its wearer shute better taste than
bar companion wearing 111111 modest,
plain, spotless white peLtiouat, adorn-
ed with the simplest of embroidery,
and whose edge is now and again re-
vealed beneath the hem of her dross,
And lastly, there is perfection in
dress, as in every other kind ofdecora-
tion, the perfection which is due, not
to the genius of the tailor or :dress-
maker, but to exquisite tante, to a
harmony between the soul and drens
0f evhieh it is the symbol, and, in ad-
dition, it must be conceded, of a well -
supplied purse.. For true elegance in
Date of Cenaral Eltoti:n.
When is it to be f This question is
disturbing the s,uls of polilieians. In
view of the material alteration in the
oommeroiai policy of the country which
would be involved in a change of gov-
ernment 11 la a matter which con-
tainment it is a matter which con-
cerns the general public. Meanwhile
the oohing corns of the populace cry
for a remedy and the government give
no heed to the demand. Look here!
don't suffer this neglent to delay the
use of means open to all and which re-
moves the most painful and obstinate
corns in two days. Painless, sure act-
ing corn cure, Putnam's Painless Corn
are nearly always kind-hearted and
generous and vulgar, and the most
beautiful costume in the world will
nor prevent this latter quality betray-
ing itself, Even more subtle, yet
none the less recognizable, is the re-
velation of meanness—a quality much
more to be distrusted and detested
than vulgarity.
Of course, it need hardly be said
that the justifiable economy of the
poor woman, which compels her to
consider every shilling, is quite a dif-
ifferent affair from the meanness of
the rich one, There is a class oft wo-
men, often well born and well edu-
meted, and without the justification
Cor vulgarity in springing from hum-
ble origin, whose sole objeot in dress is
to produce an effect by something un-
usual, startling, bizarre. They are
not to be confused with the coquette,
whose intention is to provoke and
please the other sex, and whose dress,
full of mystery and seductiveness, and
a =price that is °harming and that
attracts at first, finally repels by a
oertain want of simplicity, which is,
owever, in keeping with the wearer
the robe. The women whose toi-
otlets betray a desire to areate a sen-
sation are those, as a rule, to whom
nature has not been favorable, and
who seek to obtain an attention which
otherwise would be denied them. They
are, however, often women of fortune,
and this characteristic will invest the
least intelligent and attractive with a
charm and value in the eyes of the
average man, Whatever the fashion,
however quiet and decorous and unob-
jectionable, they will contrive to make
themselves conspicuous by appear-
ing al an evening, party with some
strange fur about their neck, or in a
public park in white satin, turban or
white velvet jacket heavily trimmed
with white fur. This kind of costume
causes passers-by to look earnestly
at such women, end even turn round
and make uncomplimentary remarks.
No matter, the object has bean attain-
ed; atteution has beeu arrested, and
the wearer of the white satin turban
may have the good look to appear in
the fashion journals. Soareely less
disagreeable than this Latter class are
the women whose toilets reveal their
desire to create an impression of girl-
hood, with which happy period they
had aequaintanao perhaps sane thirty
years ago. Now, it is true—Lucredi-
blo as it may seem—lhae there are
women sf 40 who have the slimness,
the unformed figure, the indescribable
sort of awkward, even charming,
youthfulness of young girls, Intl wo-
men of this type, even it they have
a few gray hairs amidst their black
or blonde trosees, can wear anything
iu the. way of shapely or unshapely
garments without making themselves
ridiculous. But the thick, stout -
set, matronly person, who has never
hearted to know herself, and who in-
sists upon wearing the infantile style
of bodice called "babe," betrays a con-
dition of mind which may be 111precise
consonance with her style of dress,
but which is hardly a matter of eon-
Ln fine, a book rather than aahap-
ter could be written on this philosophy
of dross, for wo have said nothing 01
the woman whoeo dress betrays her
the born actress, or of the type whose
costume is rather an uniform than e
feminine dress, irresistibly callings up
to the imagination the feeling of a
mistake In sex, or of that most
dangerone class of all, the 1vom0n
whose dress, tailormade or flowing, or
what not, defines every line and aurva
of her figure, revealing in the most
dress—all those perfert ace essori's
1 '4,000,000 MILES OF WIRES.
There were at tile end of 1808 2,010,808
miles of telegraph and telephone liner.,eF
in tine Lu tbo world. Of these 187,800
. miles are oleclrival aunneetiuna witb.
eublatrine eables, trans-Allnn115. trans
Paeilie, ate.; 882,417 miles of lines wore
for teleplaonee.
F1.011014 Photographer Says geed (Excites
1111 man M('1110 1,5 '.Pell 85 ,I1,11sn14,
Why does the bull so strongly ob-
ject to a red rag? While the profes-
sional physiologists do not, as yet, ap-
pear to have found any satisfactory
explanation of the fact, a French
manufacturer or puotograpbto mater-
ials professes to have discovered tbat
bulls are by no means the only mem-
bers of the animal kingdom, who are
excited by anything red. A large num-
ber of Lunde are employed in the
manufactory, both male and female, and
meet of the work has hitherto been per-
forpned in rooms to which all the light
that was actmilted came through panes
of red glass. Hardly it day passed
without some terrific disturbance tak-
ing plane among the work people. Now
it was a duel aldnlost to the death be-
tween two of the men, now been -Ben
two of the women ; sometimes the me-
lee was general. ' Workshop regula-
tions"' were absolutely ignored and no
amount of fines or other punishments
seemed to have any permanent deter-
rent effect. This state of affairs was
assumed until reoently, to ba insepar-
able from work carried on in uncom-
fortable conditions. At length it oc-
curred to some bright spirit that the
red panes of glass might be at fault
and it was decided to try what the ef-
fect of green panes would) be. The ef-
fect was instantaneous. From that day
n sudden peace fell up:m the 1vh0;e d ork-
ehop that had never been known be-
fore. Bickering and, fighting ended as
if by enchantment, and voice of man
or woman was never heard raised above
a whilper.
Date of General Election.
Whoa is it to tie? This question is
disturbing the souls of politicians. Se
view of the material alteration in the
commercialpolicy of the country which
would be iavolved 1(1 a nhange of gov-
earns the general public. Meanwhile
the aching corns of the populace cry
for a remedy and the government give
no heed to the demand. Look here I
don't suffer this neglect to delay the
use of means open to all and which re-
moves the most painful and obstinate
corns in 1900 days. Painless, sure act-
ing corn euro, Putnam's Painless Corn
Criminals sentenoed 1:o death in
Utah have a choice between hanging
and shooting.
A wholesome, nourishing prepara-
tion which takes the place of tea and
coffee aures indigestion, and all mem-
plaints caused by tea and coffee which
are poisonous. "Rooko Health Drink"
is absolutely pure and is used at your
meate instead of coffee. A 10c. pack-
age will make 75 cups. Rokoo also
makes a delicious summer iced drink.
Fol' sale by grocers. As14 for it.
A, shellfish of the Mediterranean
has the power of spinning a (viscid silk,
which in Shelly is made into a very
haurlsomo fabric. The silk is spun by
the shellfish for the purpose of at-
taching itself to the rocks. This ^ma-
terial is gathered at low tide, washed
in soap end water, dried, straightened
and carded.
For Oyer Flay Year$
(IRS. WINSLOW'S 1000(4170 511170 (los bet
need b,•mothers for their, hl urea teething, It booth'
the ••1,115, *diens tho genie, allays ill pain, tures en
collo, Molt. dao 1,1 remedy fur d+nrrh,mt 25o. s 1,m
116. (I td by all b•n'gi,1, throughout the world.rI1,
sure and ,wk tor "Mrs. 1VinsloW s Soothing Syrup,
On the docket of the Criminal Court
of Atlanta are the names of twenty-
seven uncaught murderers.
@,#y �y, O'vo. naw Ill° to the
+ RY lfeir. It makes telex
L 6 9 and restores the tole
Sold by all druggists, eoc. a bottle.
Rev. Dr, Theodore L. Cuyler, Brook-
lyn, boasts that lie is of Welsh an-
cestry. —_
O'KEEFE'S Ltiitt,np,MALT
It is announced at bar iron has
gone up about 58 per gent., steel a
little more, wire nails 88 per cent.
and tinplate 40 per cent.
Hotel Carslake European Plan. Room'
y from 31 e. day t1'. Opp,
0 M.R.BtOlou, Montreal. Geo. Caralake k Co., Prop e.
The total value of farm animals in
the United States is estimated at $1,-
907,010,407, an increase of 0108,855,-
482 during the year,
La Toscana, 106. Itl'CZORY,,Jvloni CIGAR
Michigan expects to have the larg-
est park in the 'country. The tract in-
volved covers 788,500 acres, and is
located in six counties.
"1 ;pharaoh 10e. 41 Payee, of Granby,Que.'
Oigar Manufacturer.
The Agricultural Department of
Kansas estimates that the wheat
yield of that State will be only one-
querter of a full crop.
W. P. C. 982
1 (fi iii r.4.i3 6
$5 Tires
Double Tubae gbn food servloo
-send in early -wont 1091 big.
--Headquarters for
—Goodrloh Single Tubes,
-- G. et J, Detachable,
—Morgan & Wright,
—Bicycle Sundries, Sad.
dies, Tubes, &o.
D ealers' primer; appuontiou.
American Tire Co.,
464-168 King St. West,
IizsEzufnents, Drums, Unrforinr, etc.
Every town can have a band.
Lowest prices over quoted. Fine catalogue 500 Ulna.
trotiona moiled free. writs us for anything In
Musks or Musto°t Instruments.
WHALEY ROYCE & CO., - Toronto, Can.
Some Great Bargains. Apel • t0 JAMES
0(00 STE'ART, Drawer 16, tiineardiae P.0., Ont.
CUTTING SCHOOL— Tudors and Drae-
e sand tet eat•
ulogua 0. & D. SCHOOL CO.,00,, lMlontranl.
Ca,g.ahrk_ vaane Dura any form of Catarrh. Price
5o S i9 501'881 porbox. Write for circular and
teatimontnlx. Room 6,146 tit. Topfer et., Montreal, Que,
0(0541800 0,
The " Balmoral," Free Busi eo 0'"
KILLS Roaches,
Bold by all
Druggists, or 361 Queen W. Toronto, '
Catholic Pray_
Boots's, Roentgen, Cm.
affixes, Scapulars,
Roth/Ions Pictures, Sbaeary, and Oheroh Oruumenta,
E(lueatlonal works. Mail ordure receive prompt ethos.
Non. D. & J. 88111.IER & 00„ Montreal.
Garment who wkdl to Imt1,rove m15 kava 00'
to•data nsettlu45, write va.
Gutters! 0. W. BUNT &C0.,Toronto.
" BEAVER BRAND " Mackintosh
never hardens kin guaranteed Water.
Rubber Clothing Cu Montreal,
TOROHTO Gutting School otten epeoiol ndrantaooa
ho alt dexiroit of Gentlemen'st n thorough knowledge of
Cutting 116(5 Pitting Ono testa. write for
particulars, 113, Tongs 51,, Toronto.
065 TO 0,i4TOt Procured in all o ,,,0loo. otalgia,
Suv0i1 g w', 'prude Mnrke regi#aged, Copyrlghha,
aN Caveats procures• write for inform alnn.
EGERTON R, OASE, Rogixtarad Soliellerof Patents,
Rotors Public, Toenails Building, Toronto, Out.
AOENT5—Ettbec a°s., to handle our superior line of
Crayon and Water Color Portraits, Frames, eta, Soler
and Slootrko Prints mooned to ornate end the trade.
All goods 1,t whoi'OW1ELIff. & 019TH, Toronto, Ont.
Mills, Milts & Halos,
Barrtoters,ete., remover)
to Wesley Alda, Rich.
cooed St, W., 'l°route.
46? -4/ .en,. • % 4144( 19'
ti sal 220
is ether mnlntalued.
1)o you use it 1 It not, do 60,
1`WITIc/'.PIR CDIT laTGl•J s -Tile Uniformly Nigh Quelty of
Lead pada gee,
25, 30, 40, 50 & 6oc,
Are anxious to seouro We .Iddresx of usury Ionia man and Wnllla0 in 000940 W11500lame.-
nrNY run, lata 1n 000 hmh Luing chimer 0(1(111 11m other. and ereoffering gaud tenet 0100
(4p1055(9 01 to (very lama p loon who rel film the troubio to write for olrouloro foncart
to 00160 00001s. fat nun of tin Estenelmlx fur yo0rsalf nue you will. after wearing I
n week hl vo n° (1001,50 W a,nvlum• 0thme el Ila vn1u°.
'('14, i Gentian 1s b) Aw the beat at its einlra aver id meal on the mark0t, and enubloe
oboe, ,song to them upright, t.. voile with tune and 0 e tut, to Wear any °1'1111,007 et0r5
aha,•, ami glen them the rant o tonne
age as 11111, 3p(000 lorbuoata nluada, ,00rlpt(ve '
circuloos from to all. Ask for turmn 10 00110. Addreae TORONTO CANADA,
arum. 170 SAY STREET, - - - ,
The lifeboats round the Britishcnast
during the vast year rear-+ued 028 pen -
Beware of Ointments for CataPrb
that Contain Mercury
as maroury will surely destroy 1110 al`ne0 of
smell and completely derange the whole sys-
tem when entering 11 through the mn0nue sur-
face. Such artloles should never be used °x•
(kept on pres0rlptions from reeutable phystot-
800, as the damage they will do is ten fold to
the p od you can poealbil' derive from them.
Halls Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Oo., Toledo O., mainline 1,e reereury,
and in taken internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces of the Wit inn.
to buying hall's Catarrh (lura be sure you get
the oanulne. It le taken internally, and made
In Toledo, Ohio. by If. J. Clrensy 3t Co. TedtI'
menials free.
Hold by Druggists, prim 150. per bottle,
IIa11'e Faintly Pills are the best.
It seems to me the most profitable
dress must be Mother Hubbards.
Why so l
Because there's no waist to them.
m,.ro4.osocem .,;...-r e , a �n „sems. alamea ane
Carbolic Disinfectants, Soaps, Olnt.
mont, Tooth Powelers, etc., have been
awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior
ex..ellence. Their regular use prevent (0(Ooei.
o1,, diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a
supply. Lists mailed free on application.
ONOE.' 1 11d�,'riT 01101(0(0, Askyo00
is ®'C1 96.9 6� d—gala for 1111-1..00
eg,t Pr
t°(B(kuru, Tny
N on, eta., far , e a of I9 week a H10, ear 0501, d
1,t penmanship, eta 1V. I' UYP:R, Yriucmal.
RR 0 0 F. I N G and Sheet Meta; works.
a kt,OFIN(i SLATE. in Black,
rfl a
n u. SLATE F + h Bun D
we au.M
Iubiicand High Schools,
To,nleul Roofing Felt, PRIM
Coal Tar, ate. 1100011‘11 TILEea Naw city
,10s,, t done byourh). Moroi legs,Coe
utter010Estimates furnished fo..or 1
n trehala hipped tuts portof
tboo,stoy. Phone lgs1
ROeTHiH&SONS, A(5oiido&Widmordts.,Tofonto.
Boiler IViakers
Fitters! Lathe Hands
We can give good mechanics steady work,
good wages, cool, well light ed,well•heated
shop, best modern conveniences.
Brantford is a healthy, progressive city.
Living cheap.
WATEROUS, Brantford, Canada.
Br ntf rdd
Galvanized Steel
Windmills and
Towers. afro
S teel Plait Staffs,
Grain Grinders,
Iron and Wood
oW ilea. 's
Bee Su od
Bend for Now Oatab gee. Mention Chia paper.
00 LD
IgETide rune beautiful
,p,6,QB 001 w gem ring
b4t with threeby
,31 ts.(00 by
alien mm ,51'Or dtffirlan 11,x1'
etick 0, (1, locenta enn1 Tbey
aro 1,n ne0,11 pretty d
anon,00 gotsteem,sevunliim
money, and we sand this valuable
!ng in valva411nod ane, byye-
Earn molt.
Home Specialty 00.,
Dept. 0. Toronto, Om•
'X=333 SEND
p pp �t
801000,00, ANO
CE Go.
to ILmnan,l
Ontario Canoe Co
J. Z. ROGERS, Manager.
STEAMERS hidgraPooa.Ta
From Liverpool. Prom Otmd.rnal.
20 Judy PARISIAN 3 Aetna[
27.10155 •••••,,,LAURt1N'I'IAN ..,,,.,•10 Angusb
3 Auulast ,.OAL1F0 RN,AN,.,, .... 17 Augaep
10 Aug.... ....... iNt 1 24 Mond
17 Aug PARISIAN 31 Autolet
The new Twin screw S. 8. Bavarian, 10,000 taus, will
Ball from Liverpool Aug. 24 and tom Montreal Sept, 7.
Oabhl Potato -.008.0005(1 inwards.
Sanund C01,1,1-.135.00 0011110 800.50.
Steerage—Liverpool! London, Glasgow, Londonderry'
Queenstown, 422350,
For forthe, information only to
H. BOURLiER, 77 Yonge St., Toronto,
or H. & A. ALLAN, Montreal.
Loan and Savings Company.
tw'(watr•tltar5m 1655,
The Oldest
and Largestost CanadianMort-
gage Corporation,
Paid-up Capital, $a,beo,coo
Reserve Fund • • - 1,200,000
Hoed Offloo-Toronto St, Toronto,
Branch Offices—Winnipeg, Man., Vancouver, 6.0.
080041 5 Rhe EIYHD IntOra°t allowed.
DIOBENTUI II:*I 1581300 for 1, 2, 3, 4 0 0 yoga,
with interest coupons attached,
01014E5 LENT on security of real enlist° mortgagee,
0010mimmnt and M010101001 Hands, oto_
For further particulars apply to
1. NH lid T ta1507
Managing Pleader, Toronto,
1!8 A MT fu .1,T MEDICINE
Dr, Arnott, Berlin
who will convinces you hearth oureyourersw°5ni6Eta
The Dawson Commission Co., Limited,
tor. West -Market & Colborne Bt., Toronto
Oan gut you hest pricer for year Apples, Ilutlor, )Eggs)
Poultry, sed other produce, if you 51111' it. to them,
An Bfforreecing Phosphate, excellent cleanser for flyer,
kidney and atemon s, takes the plasm of oouut1 040 pra ar0-
(10,10 In can of lounaeha, ito efect in immediate, Bold by
oil drngglet0, to 10e, 25c, 50o and 51.01110.okeges.
Queen 0lty Drug 00 , 271 Wellineton•st. E., ToToronto,i�71p�5I0 08 J S LEAD, cOPP6R, !3121188.
Whole/tale only. Long Dlstnnce Telephone 1720,
The only parted system for )rang
ing names end. ddreenes. $+3.
H011nde tray outfit
The Offloo epeolnity Mfg. 00.,
122 and 124 Boy St., TORONTO. Fmotery: Newmarket;
Ideal Leather Polish
Will keep your shoos soft as velvet
Dominion Line STEAMSHIPS
Montreal end Quebec to Liverpool.
Large and fast Steamers Vancouver,
Dominion, Scotsman, Cambrotnan.
Rites of peonage;—First Cabin, 880 upwards; Second
Oabin, 885; Steerage, 222.50 and $28 50.
For further information. apply L010ua105001 , or
DAVID TORRANCE k CO., General Agents,
17 St. Sacrament St., Montreal.
Hotel and Saloon men cannot afford bobs
went, sltpayotortmtaetllt°In one week dratwr{
iegbeer. Noddy, no pate. You 0019 neem'
one hood to draw beer with the Automatico
but In °ae of rush you ow hold glaxeosIG
eu,hhand, ea the Automatics
always ready. 2gre Automatic
drawsthe Dung glue. of beerand
is used for any trade, at it put.
Outland of bond on the boor time
you want. Price 81.50 pre•ppold.,•
money refunded n noteatistse.
tors. Hamilton MfgOo.,Torosto
L. COFFEE Sc CO., Eatablhhed 1645.
Rooms 400.12 Board of Trade Building,
Tn0ate8 roam- Joan L. cor011t8
40 Per Month Paid Regularly en ineettmenta
o Serplae overthla regular dlrldeud dietrlbutoh
querserly. Any amount from 860 upwordsrooe.ved for
Inveabment. This Company's plea rneete the require.
menta of thousands who are necking a Oslo and profit-
able investment, and is oreeting a widespread intent
among Investors in all parts of the Dominium BOOS
FREE, giving full pmrticedurs-. thorn haw 6100 may be,
come 11100,000 in tan years by allowing .urp l,s profits to
compound to safe and ooneervstire epeoulative invest.
The DDminlan o oaoatment Company of Toronto,
Canada Permanent Chambers, 18 Toronto St.
Michigan . and for Sale.
reefs , Iosco Ogemaw and Crawford Counties. Title per.
L s OnMichigan
llta❑ilroadeaCentral,1050 Longing trans 51 to 81
to, a Ohumh ea, SOhocIs rete, and will be 6015 o fisc 1
roasan:dna lama. Apply to Y
R. O. PIERCE, ATIS, Whittemore,,tMich.
Business AND SHORTHAND ounce,
to OF, Building, Oor. Yonge and College Sts., Toronto,
Thorough and practical loatrootloo in all mroiocte i>en
taint. to o thorough Buslooss or Shorthand educaE oo,
Thorough preparation for Wand Revenue mud Civil Son
tee examinations. Open entire year, day and evening,.
Send poetol for frau lnformatIoo.
Hobbs Hard :: are Co.
Rope, Lath Yarn, and Eloyclos.
Deaiera, Ask For Quotations.
'a waterloo Co., Wilmot Tp., Ont.; i mite north of
New Duudoo and 8 miles smith of Petenburg, en
G.T.R. 1 the land slope. gently towards south and Bent
las rich clay loam, Inn good state of cultivation.; Chore
au 2 sures of amber 1 and garden, about. 28 acres 0
gond hardwood. bush, cedar end sontc0 1(0320 arena
bb x 1, ° nn 1.rn, • I and
buildings, ami r to maple tree nrd°ri pp
cud soft water to house; barn beef on with em•In
valor ea Of wheat,
pawn, wheal Instance
Baru ; Whoop{
50 ,arae of wheal, 45tmeadow, wio,.b 000 ..prPot crop
term ss ISRAEL
byug0[ with of 0, 00810 crap. Pur terms
address ISRA7EL O l:asMAN, Now Dundee. Onb.
NO nntn—No Renting Saved
the nloohinary--Last°-larger
—Croat Saving to use 11.
�b ��'�p���ra��'g''I�r.1LfIp111inrtaa•
,, E t1 Es.pllflild
• 9A
1AwazsAtacang�.i.tLyv�mpvam>g.',.n..=9.410,,mxa,e.em aess.au8.rtw
01000 lw g IA f1 W0�g W 051`.37 00 5080) 00 o°Elle
most disordered Stom,wk, 1,50(1,, Norma, Livor, Blood,
d (10th by
Du Barry's ArEaav
which Soren Invalids and Children, and oloO Bears 011
needfully Infante whose Minutiae and Debility lens m•
Pond la vojeoto,t, treatments.
SO ho a le loom 1n 000%)(80 Gunk,
50 Years, 100>0(obte (5(1001x0, 1.00108
Ammnl 0gqrex nt tlonntlPplb
t n, 000, lunoy, l ga, 1,011 },
0050, 0011( Asthma,
tarrh,tp ed., Diarrhoea,
0 ryouel 11s ',Oee'e50 6, 101100,10 Ulan9lma,
Nnrryvnyua�iI,'in�bgll�iltnY,�eSleople'n�anplsr, i�7+axpnaduhoy�,
1,1_t5@MN B 03ts 009, "Hboo !
7 Rogoa
London, W., al in 7.oris, 14 Ru7 do Onetigllonn 1,p0,0
/dell Orno00, 000(0(01,, ed Stor1'es 508900(10'0, Iritin6.
Es., .(ll.,te 0e 5(11., 140, float caBrl gO free, Also b]11,i
nary a for uh,0Eo 11,701(00, In ten
Arontl;roe00000481 Ther Eaten Co., Lfto lad,Ter0oM