HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-8-4, Page 5AuG• 4, 1899
cont, j,8, S00TT, Bruseols,
Insurer olafttrriagoLl000see. 011ie°
at 1110 araoery, •Turuborry otroot, Bruaeoi'c,.
L N, BAItRET'1',
Tateortul Artist• shop -Noxi dao
North of the Btaudnrd link. Ladi0O' and
chBarone hair cutting a 81)0°18114,
l DEn8I11NEn has several good Farms or
on to aid to rent,. early tonne, iu Townships
of llprrie aid Grey, F B. BOOTT.liressele
JL, •Wlugbam, will boat the American
H.otel,'Brussels, every ogler Thursday, com-
meumugJuly 10th, for the practise of den-
tistry in all its branobee,lu the most modern
nud p -to -dote style,
�._....___--. GUELPH,
Issue, of Marriage Licenses,
r"No Witness Required.
T. FLETCHER, Brussels
'L, C. M..
Academie graduate of London Conserva-
tory of Music, la prepared to receive a limit-
ed number at pupils for lee anion en se01e
Thursday 1Valten—blenday, y' H
—Wednesday, ul'eday; Seatortli—Friday,
Saturday. Qualified to prepare pupil a for
the Principal's Form It the Conservatory of
Olerk of the Fourth Division Cour
Co. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public
Land Loan and Iuenrnnee Agent, Funds
Othee111 Graham's Blod and to gk,B008001ene made
13 • novena. Money to loan. Farms
to 0011.
..L • Imo, Wil) soli for better tricot', to
better moa, in 000 time 812t11080 chargee
than any other Auotloneor ii East Huron
or he wont obargo auything. Dates and
or by personal :always be
at this office
el • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
diseases of domesticated animals in a com-
petent manner. Parttteular attention ypaid
tended to �Offidoe Bud In8rOallemary *Four ideers
north of bridge 'euruberry at., Brussels.
V • Solioiter,000Y0Y0neer,NotaryPub-
110, Aso. Odlee—Vauetone'a Block,1 door
north of Central Hots solicitor for the
Standead Bank.
GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, F. SoiiOiter, ase. (late of Carrow &
Prondfoot's Office, Goderioh.) Oillee over
Dillies & to SmLith's BOnk,Brussels, 47
am • (Formerly
and Solicitor, G derieh
Ont. Ol,)
Ont. Mee—Hamilton Bt., Opposite Col
horse Hotel,
ity Afodical'College, MoTrinitutbertCCollege of Phy-
oitieteRoya10lleao11hysiicanO awl Licentiate
of Midwifery,Edinburgh. 13Tolep110ne
0(0,14, Residnce, Mill Bt., llreesels,
M. D., 0. M., Ruao0000r to Dr. A. McKelvey,
Licentiate of 300701 College of Ph aicians
and Burgeons, Kingston ; Member of the Col-
lege of Pnyeloiaus and Surgeons of - Ontario.
Diseases of willful and children a epootalty.
Wightyears' experience. ea-0ffioe and me.
yeeeyDr. otelvoyTu1nbeome that formerly
M.B.. M.D.. M.C.P.S.O..
Special attention given to diseases of the
Tial a ioond Lungs and disettees of Women
ei0YBIOIAN, 9Onsuio11 met Atl00330NEam,
1st Mae Honor Graduate of the Univerei.
Mario! Triutty (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston)
and of Trinity Medical College; Follow o1
Trinity Medical Collage and member of the
Poet Graduate oCou •9e in D0100Ontar-
Ohioago,1e06. Spacial attention paid to dis-
eases of Eye, Iilar,NooO and Throat, and die-
laiGeelpoaeso ce Eng
and German. Tno ri
Mistri.ti gelxse
CN t> 1'r i tt.
MINTS of NEwe,—Ino. and Mre, Me,
guiro loft ou Monday of lent week for
Ashtabula, Obio, to attend the bedeido of
their eon Wollingtou.—David Bradnoek
reoeived a telegram convoying the news
that bio eon, Wm., was very ill with
typhoid fever in 1'ittoburg, P. A. -1.1, B,
Smith, of Wollaston, Mass., is in town
visiting Ilia pimento and renewing old ac.
guaiutan0e0.—Mise Edith Perkins ie at
present spending a month with friends in
Owen Sound.—J. E. Williams lite the
material on the ground for veneering his
bones.—A. E, Lloyd, of the Weoleyn
Theological College, of Montreal, le the
guest of Wm. Dane.—A deputation con -
elating of John Evans, Jas. MoLaughlin,
John Donaghy, Nelson MoLaughlin, Jae,
Armstrong, W. J. Greer, R. F. White, A.
B. Allison, Joseph Wray and M. H. Mo.
Laughlin waited on the Cannon asking
to have a porch and belfry put on the Tp.
Hall here. On motion of Mesore. Spence
and Finley the matter was left over till
the next meeting of the Conueil,
e on
service undersigned will keep for e
Tho00, (8t1
Lot 2° Oo ko Morrie, the. )841, 1100 n -
Droved Y 0, MO,
Boar, 'Tine Lodge Long-
fellow," No, 2dlie, brad by J. E. Bretheue, Bur-
ford, to which a limiternumber of Bowe will
be taken. 'Terms, $1,, 00, to be paid at time
of servleo with privilege of returning H uoo-
A number of choice young owe for sale for
breeding purposes wlileh will be 0old at
prices to atilt ((01817,oNI0Ii0ig Proprietor,
WrOYe ter.
OBITUARY —A Clifford correspondent
says of a former resident ; "The grim
reaper has again been in one midst,
claiming for his victim, John Hooey,
horse -buyer, a man well known over all
Weetern Ontario. Six weeks ego be left
his home here and went to Elmvale to
boy a load of horses. After being there
n week, he was stricken with disease, and
hie family were eummoned to hie bad•
side. After a time, however, hs got some
better and the family, with the exoeptiou
of hie wife and emend daughter, return-
ed home. This improvement in hie eon•
dition lasted but a short time, however,
and he rapidly grew weaker, and at last
passed peacefully away, without a
struggle, on Tuesday morning, 18111 nit.
Hie remains, a000mpnnied by his wife
and daughter and a friend from Elmvale,
mane home on the night train. The
oaskot was oovered with wreaths from
friends ; one of them, from his sisters,
was marked by the word "Brother." The
funeral, which was very largely attended,
took plane on Thursday afternoon, when
hie remains were interred in their last
resting place in Morrie' cemetery, Torn•
berry. The early part of Mr. Hooey's
life wag spent in Wellesley ; at twenty-
five years of age he removed to Tnrnberry
where he purchased a farm on which be
lived for five years. After that time he
sold his farm aid went to reside in the
village of Wroxeter. After au other live
years he bought a farm four miles North
of Wroxeter, in Howlett, where he lived
fourteen years. Last Winter he Bold his
farm and Dome to reside in Clifford.
During the last twenty years Mr. Hooey
spent most of his time in buying and
shipping horses. Ile was the first man to
ship horses to Manitoba, having made
aeventyoue tripe to that province. He
crossed the ocean to end from Greet
Britain twentyeeven times. In addition
to buying horses, Mr. Hooey also bought
large quantities of oattle, 0heep, hogs and
grain. Mr. Hooey leaves a wife, five
daughters and one eon to mourn the lose
of a !rind husband and loving father ; he
also leaves seven sisters and two
brother ; the sisters are : Mre. Wilson, of
Milverton ; Mre. Olegg, of Listowel ;
Mre. Hastings, of Britton ; Mre. Hieooak
and. Mre. Bunton, of Teeewnter ; Mre.
L' gas, of Carberry, Manitoba ; and Mre.
Forsythe, of St. Thomas. The brothers
are Robert, of Oroeahill, and James, of
Wiarton. The Borrowing friende have
the sympathy of a boat of friende, both
at home and abroad.
N0 Hight '1b Ugliness.
The woman who is lovely in faoe, form
and temper will always have friende, but
one who would be attractive mint keep
her health. If ehe is weak, sickly and
all run down, she will be nervous and
irritable. If she has constipation or kid•
Bey trouble, her impure blood will o0uae
pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a
wretched complexion. Eleotrio Bitters
is the beat medioine in the world to regu-
late etomaoh, liver and kidneys and to
d, It rues steno e
purify the blas g g ,
bright eyes, smooth, velvety akin, riab
complexion. It will make a good looking,
°harming woman of a rundown invalid.
Only 60 cents at Deadman'& Drug Store.
NEWWBY Norris.—Ono ear of wheat, five
oars of oats, five oars of obeese, two ears
of hogs and two oars of lumber were
shipped from Atwood station last week.
—Poetmaeler Knox hag made ooneider.
able improvement to the front of his
place by olearing away the rubbish, rais-
ing and levelling the ground, and by the
erection of a new feuae.-0u behalf of
the Agrioultural Society Meaere: MoBain
and Graham have been authorized to
paint the interior of the Agricultural Hall
immediately, the ceiling a light blueish
drab and the walla a darker shade.—Of
the flee candidates for Entrance and
Leaving examinations from Atwood
school all paeeed, a result gratifying alike
to teacher and pupils. During the 64-
4years Principal Anderson has taught the
Atwood Public school only two pupils
have failed in the several annual examen•
Miens, which speaks volumes for the
effioienoy of hie method and thorough-
ness of hie work. Mr. Anderson ie one
of the most suooesaful teachers in the
profession.—During the past eight years
W. F• Forrest, of the Atwood planing
mills, paid out over $27,000 in wages.—
W. T. Hoar left to fill a position on the
etaff of the Orangeville Pat.—Rev. F.
Ryan, of Durham, preaohed in St. Alban's
church Sunday evening.—Rev. H: E.
Kellington, exchanged work with Rev.
Ill. A: Fear last Sabbath.—The flax -
pullers are at work. The Drop looks
very promising, while the market for the
finished article shows an upward ten-
dency.—The Atwood Methodist oirouit
raised for all purposes last year $1,165..
16, made up as follows : Atwood, $500 ;
Jubilee, $80 • Donegal, $156 ; aonnex-
ional funds, $201:15. The circuit raised
for the parsonage repairs $200, and $180
for missions. Poilawing are the offiaern
for the ensuing year :—Pieter, Rev. E.
A. Fear ; local preachers, J. J. Johnston,
rdin Steward J. W.
S. Wary •1%000 ,
Y, g
Bain Stewards,ards George
e Grah
Geo. Adams,'
Rebt. Pickerel!, Samuel
Vipond, Jae. Danbeook, Aet11ur Robb, J.
W. MoBain; Society representatiVOe,, 3.
A. Roe, V. S., Andrew Robb, Samuel
Love, 0yrn0 Harvey, E. Turnbtill ; elan
leaders, J. W. Boyd, Bich, Olark, 0r„
Simnel Vipond, Samuel Peters, J. A.
MaBain ; S.S. Stipte., S. Platen; Etter -
eon Vipond, Robt, Ficltore111 Epworth
League (Misers 7. A. hlollain,Pre1idect;
Mise Lizzie fiwitnr, Vine-Prteident
B. Turnbull, 'l'CetOnrer. The pastor,
Rev, Air, Far, ie duiug good work on
the 01r=u4, every department 'chows
progress and development.
Hie Sae Mars Saved.
Mr. J. B. Lilly, a prominent citizen of
Hannibal, Mo., !Moly bed a wonderful de-
llverenoo from a frightful death, In tell-
ing of it ho stye : "1 was taken with
Typhoid Fever, that run into l nenrnonfa.
My lunge became hardened. I was so
weak I couldn't 00011 sit up in bed.
Nothing helped me. I expected to soon
die of Consumption, when I heard of Dr.
1?;ing'e New Di0oovery. One bottle gave
great relief, I oontioued to use it, and
now are eaall and strong. I can't say too
much in its praise." This marvellone
medioine is the surest and quickest pure
in the world for all Throat and Lung
Trouble, Regality sizes 80 Dante and
$1.00. Trial bottles free at Deadman'e
Drug Store ; every bottle giarauteed.
LITTLE Linxo.—The Benner is holiday
ins. -Mise Betty Martin has returned
borne from the North•weet, where she
has been teaching during the past year.—
A. W. Featherstone has improved hie
residence by the creation of up.to date
verandahs at the front and side.— about
00 tickets were sold here fur the S. B.
excursion to Toronto aid Hanlem'0 Point
on Tuesday of last week, The excursion
wag more of a business men's than a
Sunday School emersion, a vary small
proportion of the exoureioniote being
Sunday School pupils.—F. R. Blewett
and D. D. Campbell returned home on
Monday of last week from Ottawa, where
they were in attendance at the Grand
Masonic Lodge of Canada. W. Irwin,
D. D. G. M., of Stratford, wag also in
attendance.—Ata opeoial meeting of the
Town Comiail it was deoided to have the
annual Oleic Holiday on Wednesday,
Ang. 10111. An exoursion is being ar-
ranged to Sarnia and Detroit for that
date, with a view of taking in the Band
Touruameut to be held et the City of the
Strait on that and the following day. --
The parties who propose to embark in
the flew furniture factory are M. MeD.
Fleming and Andrew Foeroh, of thie
town, and Wm. N. Crowe, of Sarnia.
That these gentlemen mean business be
evident from the proposal which they
make, which includes the deposit of $1(00
ae a preliminary guarantee of good faith.
Mr. Crowe has already sent on a cheok
for $1.00, to oover his portion of the de-
posit. The scheme, briefly, is that the
town invest the sum of $10,000 in a furni-
ture factory, building and plant, which
is to remain the property of the town
until it has been paid for by the parties
oomprieing the Furniture company.
The Company agree to invest $5,000 of
their own capital in the business, and to
take possession of the building and plant
and operate it as a furniture factory.
For the first 5 years they ask to be freed
from paying interest on the $10,000. after
which they will pay interest at the rate
of 41 per annum, and after a further
period of 5`,y,eare will pay bank to the
town $500 of the principal each year, as
well as interest, until the full enm has
been paid off. At 44%, the proposition
means a bonus of $450 a year for 5 years,
leaviug the amount to be collected on the
property in school Lassa to effect the cost
of supplying the Notary with water. As-
gaming that the auditions of the pro•
posed agreement will be carried out, the
total cost to the town will be $2,260, a
very email sum surely for enuring a
furniture f0atory.
�'olanniu Eruptions
Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life
of joy. Buaklen's Arnica Salve Dorsa
them ; oleo Old, Running and Fever
Bores, Ulcera, Boils, Felons, Corns,
Warta, Cute, Bruises, Burns, Saida,
Chapped Hands, Ohilblains, Best Pile
cure on earth. Drives out Paine and
Aohee. Only 26, °eote a box, cure
guaranteed. Sold by G. A. Deadman,
ETcuiNG1.—Oivioboliday on Thursday.
—Miss Jessie Robertson, who resigned
her sohool here last year to attend the
Normal, has passed a very euoceseful
examination at that ioetitution, Ottawa.
—While Mre. George Lingard, of the
8th oonceeeion of Uaborne, and Mre.
Henry Squires, of the South Boundary of
Ueborne, were driving on Main at., Wed-
nesday of Iasi week, and when it front of
Messrs. Roes da Taylor's planing mills,
the wheel oame off the buggy and the
two occupants were thrown out with
terrible fora, Mre. Lingard sustaining
a painful out on one leg and was render-
ed unconscious, while etre. Squires
roaeived a painful blaok eye, and both
women were badly shaken up. Mre.
Lingard was removed to the residence of
John Taylor where the wound was dress.
ed.—Mies Amy Johne, who met with an
unfortunate shooting acoident a short
time sinew is improving nicely and will
soon have the use of the injured limb
again.—Mre, E. J. Spackman received
the sad news of the death of her brother,
Geo. Latta, who died near Fort MoLeod,
N. W. T. on Sunday moruiug.—Inspector
Howe, of the Fire Underwriter's AasoOi-
ation was fn town on Wednesday even-
ing and gave the fireman an unexpeoted
pall. However they were equal to the
occasion and quickly responded. The
engine Was taken to the tank North of
Parson's blacksmith shop and in nine
and three quarter minutee the engine
wan throwing a good stream of water.—
Workmen are busily engaged putting in
the sewer on Eaet side of Main street. -
2. A. 0. Cassette, of Berlin, 'gave an
exhibition of tight rope walking on Main
street Thursday evening of lust week,
which was a source of attracting an
exceedingly large crowd of people. The
cable was faetened to the top of H.
Bishop th Bon's dry goode store and
neon to the Oommeroial House. The
feats performed by him were indeed
daring and marvellous. The most def-
dealt of his performances were tbobe
of making a bed on the °able, ggacting
into it and lying down as if retiring ;
wheeling a wheelbarrow nneoea, and
standing on hie head, all of which were
done with ease and were vigoreuely
— Laura, daughter g
r of H.
Towle met with an accident which
Might have resulted seriously. She,
with a number of others, was playing on
the agrioolttlral grounds and while 0u•
deavoring to secure the eggs from a
bird's neat at the top of the "Crystal
Polito," aonldontatly stopped on a loose
MIA, causing her to fall to the float
below, a distends of abont thirty feet.
a"II1 11/11.114SSLS PO °.I'
MeKINNO.lA.•i-.,, o. y
BAiR 'AIN S For d.lI
Thiselora'e standard never lowers, It lakes courage t0 lake the lose neon.
eery to move all goods that belong to Bummer, but nut they owlet go, regardleee of
oat or value, Above everything else, we insist on keeping the stooks clean, and sell-
ing all goode in their eeaeon. It be not everywhere tliat way ; there are many stores
that carry goode over rather than sell 0U e. Lusa, but we are on ttn:ther tritok—no
danger of a collision. These mica make the riddenee doubly certain :-
—Printed Chattier], feet cobra, were 80,, vow 5 •.
--M ogling, floral designs, were 124o., now 5o.
—White Orepons, woven pink spots, were 184., now 60.
— Printed Organdie Muslin, severe patterns, were 154,, now 741,
—Pink and Blue Organdies, fanny woven stripes, were 10a., now 7o.
—Wool Detainee, in floral deafgue, were 25e., now 1240.
— Wide Priebe, fast colors, were Su, now 5o.
—Dceoe Linens, in stripes end spots, were 124e., now 5o.
—Fancy Drees Goode, 40 inehee wide, were 20c., now 12,40,
--Colored Cashmeres, in three colors, were 26u.. now 160.
—Fanny Dress Goode, plain and fleeced, seers 50o , now alio.
—Figured Drees Goode, silk and wool, were 75o., now 56a.
—blue Drees Goods, in Covert Cloth, were $1.00, now 75o.
If you are interested in the above goode you should be here early Thnreday
morning, as a abavae to get new, seasonable goode at about half price does not often
In the fall she was rendered u0oonsoio00
and sustained a severe cut in one leg
which nooeesitated several stitches and
she was otherwise badly shaken up.
Itisniorrlt's Iron Nerve
Wes the result'of hie splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where Stomach, Liver,
Kidneys and Bowels are out of order.
It yon want these qualities and ilia 0110.
08011 they bring, nee Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They develop every power of
Mein and body. Only 25e at Deadman'&
drug store.
[Continued from last week.]
Indianapolis where the primeval forest
stood three-quarters of a (sectary ago, in-
dustry and intelligent enterprise hove
'created a marvel of civilization. The
site was selected for the oapital because
it wee the center of the State, and the
jealousy of the extreme sections forbade
its location elsewhere. So, with no
especial natural advantages known to its
founders, the oity started upon its career.
They planted better than they knew, for
Indianapolis is today the largest etriotly
inland city in the country. Though
navigation was in evevy way encouraged,
and a creditable reward was proffered far
the fleet boat that ehoald land supplies at
the town, White River proved unnaviga-
ble and all efforts ended in failure. To-
day sixteen complete lion of railroad
Fall Creek join the somewhat larger body
called White River. In close proximity
to these are vast tracts of land secured
by thelandeaape gardener. At the pres-
ent, the wants of the people for such
places of pleasure and recreation are met
by five beautiful parka, wisely located,
and one of them, Fairview Park, 0on-
taine two hundred aures of wooded hills
and charming ravines, and affords a line
view over an attractive and diversified
expanse. Rich agricultural lands torten
the oity limits everywhere, and the lover
of country rambles, whether on foot or
on bioyole, finds the most inviting paths
and well kept roads alluring him away
on every aide.
It took the country by surprise when,
upon the authority of Dr. Rice, the Pub.
Lia school system of Indianapolis was
placed in the pages of the Forum at the
head of the educational systems in the
United States. This syetem embraces
flftyfive schools. The school buildings
for the training of America's oomiog
rulers are not iiferior to many royal
palaces in older oouotriee, being furnish•
ed with all modern improvements, and
the High sohool buildings being es-
pecially elegant in their appointments.
The Iodoslrial Training school is a
model, and its work invites the closest
inspection and always elioite the bigheet
praise, This admirable Public eohool
system is just ae ably supplemented by a
lief of fifty-three private eohoole, covering
all profeeeione and including a famous
Classical school for girls and other like
academics, and fitly crowned by the Uni-
versity of Indianapolis, composed of a
federation of various colleges. In addi•
tion to these there is a system of free
neutering here supply abundant means of kindergarten eaboole,supported by goner.
oommnnloatiou, and 18B passenger trains one ladies who devote Chair personal as
tantiou to benefitting the lase fortunate.
daily puce into or out of the magniflaent
Union Station. One hundred other Hundreds of children are thea taught
railroads oonoeot with these on the valuable lessons and trained for future
borders of the State, and few great nen• usefulness without any obarge upon the
tars ars batter provided with faoilitiea of Poblie funds. And this is only one phase
transportation. About 1,000 cities and
towns turn to Indianapolis as their
natural bees of supply, and more than 1,.
500 travelling salesmen are employed by
the 800 wholesale and jobbing bonen in
making known Rs advantages as a par
chasing point, Situated on the border of
the famous gas belt, and within easy
reaoh of coal fields, the faoilitiea for
obeap manufacturing and marketing are
so favorable that she has taken a leading
rank, and it is claimed that but eight
cities in the United States exoeed her
annual output of $70,000,000 of mann•
flustered goode, in the production of
which more than 25,000 persona are con
atantly engaged in more than 1,100
separate establishments. Every oontin•
ent and all quartere of the earth are
buyers of the wares, while the ever•in•
oreaeing home trade now covers territory
reaching beyond Chicago and Detroit on
the North, St. Louis on the West, and
Oinoionation the South. A citizen of
"no mean City" points with pride to bar
lndnetrial aobievements.
The original plot was one mile square,
and when Sumter was fired upon there
were plenty of vacant lots in those limits
awaiting buyers. Nowthe corporate
limite oontaio almost twenty-six square
miles, At the outbreak of the war the
population was only 18,000 ; and less
than twenty .yearn ago the population
was only 75,000 ; now it is fully 200,000.
And this ie the result of no boom, but
000100 S8 It steady growth with every els•
ment of permanency. Fifty years ago
there was praotiaally only one street in
the city, audit wa0 full of stumps. Some
others had been partially opened but no
attempt hod hose made to improve then.
During the past seven years seventy
miles have been paved with asphalt,
brick and oedarblooke. There is no alum
seotion. The poorer quarters have an
RIO of thrift and comfort unusual among
the working Manes elsewhere. There is
no avenue of millionaires. Bat wide nod
well ehaded streets extend fa every di-
rection, where homes of ootnfort and
luxury abound. There are no rows of
bonen sightly or naeightly ;trenching
right on the pavement. Tho lots are
spacious, the mansions and humbler
homes sot well book, with beautiful lawns
well trimmed, and yards full of oboine
ehrnbbery and etately trees whose trunks
have been providentially spared by the
ax of the ruthless feller of the forest.
In contrast with many other allies In-
dianapolis is au extended park, with
homes at neighborly distances. Hence
there ie an abundance of fresh air, and
the Snmmer winds cool and the Winter
hints purify the atmoopbere, while the
sanitary aondition0 conspire to produce
the most healthful city, having a lower
death rate than can be shown by any
' it of like size. Doubting
other oity
chief element of thie favorable shelving
ie the admirable water syetem, which le
modeled after the most advanoed methods
known to solemn, and furnishes the city
With an abundance of the purest water.
Two natural streams of eoneiderable epee
lend piotut•eequeneso to the neighborhood,
and a ono0•famon8Iudie0 oounoil ground
stood at the point whore the water% of
of the benevolent work regularly carried
on under careful supervision, through
whioh the poor are moored, the needy
helped, and the moral and social tone
kept at its high standard.
The Grand Trunk, it is understood,
bave granted an inereoee of ten oeote
per day to the trackman.
The people of St. Marys have carried
a bylaw to raise $40,000 for a water-
works system for the town.
pple B��➢��.
Any quantity of Fall and Winter
Apples, fit for packing, will be perches -
ed by the undersigned at the Highest
Market Price. Will Dover the same
ground as last 800000 with new territory.
Am prospecting now and will start buying
as soon as fruit Is ready.
Apple Buyer, BRUSSELS.
Commands a higher figure
than any of the 1,7G2 U. S.
springs ; the only water paying.
the biugley duty of $750,00 a oar -
load, to purify the stream of
life, instill vigor and joy
end prolong sweet life.
Physicians Declare Ste Leon Unrivalled;
Sold in Brussels by
Groner and Restaurant.
All orders for new Pumps or Repairs
promptly attended to. Contracts
taken for new Wells and dieterne.
VSP' awn Mowers' 'dampened and
ed. Pruning Shears and Soiseore
grouted. All work guaranteed.
Agent for "Morris" Pians.
Shop on Mill Strout, BRUSSELS.
1eattty end style without comfort
is easily obtainable, comfort with-
out appeuruice is equally eilu}ila.
"'ou never saw an ugly pair of
"Sioux Shoes." yet seamy of them
ver enn,lcltuhly hued unlovely
T1io combination of these twn•
couifort mid beauty—ale only to be
had i11 the "Slater Slaie."
• Made in twelve slopes, on lasts modelled
from actual feet, all widths and sires,
leathers, styles and colors.
livery pair Goodyear welted, name cud
price stamped 1111 the sole.
$3,50 AND $5.00,
Jno. Downing, - Sole Local Agent
NI, G. Richardson
Is prepared to do all kinds of
work in his line.
Good Workmanship and
Good Fits Guaranteed.
Suits made for $4 and upwards.
135hlp in Garfield Gluck.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6'i Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
System. Renovator
—AND 078E11—
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita-
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint,Near-
algia, Lose of Memory, Bronohitie, Oou.
gumption, Gall Stones, Jaundioe, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De-
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by Jo., rex. Druggist, Brussels.
Fitted to Correct all
Failures of Eyesight,
and your Eyes tested FREE by
latest Optical methods at
Division Court Office,
The Standard Bank
of Canada.
Money Orders
For amounts of Fifty Dollars and under
issued by this Bank,/ payable at par at
any chartered Bank in. Canada, with the
exception of Branches in the Yukon Die-
Under $10
$10 to 20
20 to 80
BO to 50
. 0.10
. 0.14
1899 IDEAS
We originate the ideas and make every
detail of every part in oar own factory.
New Ball and Roller Bearing,
The New Ball Head Direct Spoke, which
cannot break except by acoident.
The New Skeleton Gear Case, which ie
absolutely duet•proof.
The New Special Light Design Roadsters
which weigh 25% less than any others
of equal strength, and many other
new features.
British Columbia
lied Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notice.
Eetimatee Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
We have a supply of Pure
Manila Binder Twine,
Sewall & Day brand, equal
to the BEST made, at
Reasonable Prices.
Binder Whips, cheap
all Mics, a 1 kinds
Rope of all kinds and sizes
Hay Pulleys
Tulle: s
Harvest Tools of all kinds.
e • • • •ia a