The Brussels Post, 1899-8-4, Page 14 Vol. 28. No, 4 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1899 W. I-1 . KERR, Prop, New Advertisements, Local -Kiss Kelly. Local -G. E. King. ^In a plate -Sas. Fox. Looals-Esvan& Immo. Apples-W.F. Stratton. Touriet Route -G, T. It. Up.to•duee--J. G. Skene. 33arge,ins-MoKiunon & Co, Farm for 6013 -Wm. Schnook. Court of Revision -F. S. Scott. Gard of thanke-Sarah Gibson, Piokling spicee-G. A. Deadman. Notice of transfer -Philip Gordner. Listowel Business College -L. Hutt, Auguet clearing sale -J. Ferguson & Co. f)istritt Stirs. Crembrook. Flax pulling ie the order of the day here. Rev. R. F. Cameron and wife, of Shaheepeare, are holidaying with rela- tives here. Several ot our villager(' attended the wedding of Miee Amite Slemmon, for- merly of Oranbrook, and J. II. Oameron at Brnesels on Wedueeday seeming. Card of Thanks, the Oftiorm and Mothers of Brunch Tont IC.O.T.dt, No. 901 Permit me, through the press, to express my heartfelt thanks for the prompt manner you noble Order has paid 1.110 lbs $1.000 beneficiary of Illy late grandson, Albert Gib • son, and allow me to state that I sluaerely wish that your pram!. Order of Brotherly Love may continue to prosper and extend its work of benevolonee. I also tbanlc the Bir Knights of Bruesols Taut for their kind attentions to my grandson during bis Meese end to myself In my bereavement. SABAN GIBBON. /homge, Ally Slot, IWO Apples tpgswe W. F. Stretton.is the agent for this district for D. Oantolon, On- tario's largest exporter of apples. Am buying now, at the very highest market price, any quan- tity of Fall and Winter varieties, also culls and large crab apples. Before selling please call on me, it will pay you. W. F. STRETTON, Queen's Hotel, Brussels. • RPV. D. and Sifts. Perrie, of Wingham, are visiting relative(' here. alles Kete Reymann, who hair beim at Atwood for the mot threo anouthe, is home. Dian, Mother and Mi -e Laura Mo. Mane, of Newry, were visiting at Jacob Long's last Sunday, The usual Sabbath afternoon service in the Methodist ohuroh will be withdrawn next Sunday owing to the Quarterly Commuoion at Ethel. Alfred Reymann, wife and sons return. ed to their borne iu Detroit on Tuesday, after an enjoyable visit of two weeke hero. Mr, Reymann has been a resident of Detroit for the past eight yeare, He holds the position of outter of awninge, tents, &o., for the term of J. C. Goes & Co. Mrs. Gorsalitz, 12011 con., has sold the 60 acre farm, known as the "Dukelaw plow," to Jae. M. Knight, of Petrels's, who will take possession Nov. lea 62,600 was the prioe paid. Mre. Gornalitz will move back to the homestead, a little West. Her house will be raised, veneered with briok and other improvements made. Work to be done forthwith. Weal Miss Hannah Ingram Is away to Brant ford. Biking es becoming popular in Walton again. Tom MoLouoblin did not spend Sun• day in town. The July cheese of the Walton factory hae been sold. Mrs. Wm. Neal paid the Co, town a visit on Tuesday. Nide Nellie McKenzie has been on the flick liet this weals. Ferguson es McDonald shipped 0 oar of 'tattle on Monday. No service was held in St. George's church last Sabbath. M. Morrison haat been appointed teener of Marriage Lieeneee. Mies Mabel Govenlook, of Winthrop, spent a few days ab W, Neal's. A. party of Waltonians spent Sunday with Airs. H. Moon, of Hallett. Lewis McDonald, jr., ie pionioking with a party of friends at Bayfield. Jas. and Mal. McMillan have returned from a week's Rojourn in Wingham. Rory McLeod oommenoed the seasonal threshing on Wednesday at Mre. Sage's. Last Sabbath Rev. D. Forrest and Rev. P. Musgrave, of Wiuthrop, exohanged pnlpite. Mrs. MoKim and Frank returned on Saturday from a two weeke' visit to Wingham. The Lediee' Aid meeting of the Metho- dist (thumb was held at the parsonage on Wedneeday. Mrs. Young and children, of Cypress River, Man., are visiting ber parents, Juo. Berry and wife, of this place. The regular Qanrterly meeting will be held in the Methodist ohuroh next Sab- bath, aommeueing at 10.80 o'oloak. Pub. lie service also at 7 o'clock. Two Olinton youths spent Sunday at Gen. Obrietopher's, Wilfrid Crisp, of LottlesboreS is visit. ing relatives and friends in Walton and Brunelle. Nies Roth Johnston, who has been visiting at L. MoDonald% returned to Seaforth on Monday. While Rev, Mr. Ryan was passing throngh Walton on hie return home the spring of the buggy broke, necessitating a few hours' delay. The Welton foot ball team has recede. ed a challenge frotn Craubrook, and a muton will probably be arranged for the near future. It will likely be played on Brunel° grouncle. Miss Allis Swallow is home from Minnodoea, Man., on a vieit. She will return in a few weeks to take a millinery sitnation in the nucleon Bay store at Portage.le•Prairie. o 1. Fall wheat will ouly bee, medium orop. Jas. Lindsay is visiting at Sunshine thio week. Mrs. D. Eokiniee has returned home from Clinton. The next meeting of Grey Council will be held oo Wedneeday, Aug. latli. Geo. McCall has his new barn up and 'the roof on and a good share of the ding ditto. Aaron °ober has taken a situation in a hardware store et Ghosts)°, North Dako. ta'at a good eatery. Wm. MoDonald caught a black base whioh weighed 3S the. in the Maitland river near Ethel last week, Quarterly services will be held in bhe Mathodiet ohuroh next Sabbath, the pas. for officiating. Sabbath school will be withdrawn for that Sunday. Joseph Querin talks of purchasing a 50 acre farm and inevitig to it in October when bis etutoessor, Philip Gordner, of Mitchell, takes charge of the hotel. A. few of the villagers took in the Excursion to Goderioh on Tuesday hot and no doubt a number of othere would have gone had it been better advertised. FOOT BALL. -01.1T "Maple Leaf" foot• ball team went to Elms last Saturday to play a matola with the olub of that locality. Although our boys met a good deal older team than themselves yet they won by 1 to 0. A. return match will be played here on Saturday afternoon of this week. The match will be played iu Wm. Patton's field. This week Robe Dilworth disposed of the Srnalldon 50 sore farm, being Na lot 26, con. 8, Grey, to Richard Pearson, who is now living on his recently puts chased 150 aores, known ac the Elliott farm. Thie last purchase gives Mr. Pearson 200 acres. Mr. Dilworth got 92,000 for the 50 mires, the orop inoluded. The latter also sold lot 19, con. 4, to Jno. Savage the price being 93,500. This still leaves Mr. Dilworth the owner of 350 acres. He is a great man to keep the ball rolliug and generally has the balance on the right side. Strictly One Pri0e. 0 Always Reliable. You, Cannot JI.. fro To be indifferent to the news of this store. It is full of goods, a splendid aggregation of stocks. All -that can be told of them here are mere hints. One thing you must remember that we are having an August Clearing Sale of Summer Merchandise and it is the buyer's opportunity to get Genuine Bargains such as we offer below. , Bargains in. Plain and Fancy Dross Goods. .A.0 15o per yard - 3 pietism Fancy Tweed Drees Goode in dark shadee, very suitable for ohildren's dresses, real value 25o per yard. At 20e per yard - 10 pieces Tartan Plaid Dress Goods worth at regular price 30o, At 37ao per yerd- 3 pieces Fancy Plaid Drees Goode, very suitable for Ladies' Waists, bright new goods, our regular 50o. line. At 26o per yard - 10 please 44 inch Pore Wool Dress Serge, shades Green, Blue, Cardinal, Brown and Grey, real value 40o. At 371e per yard - 4 Meese Panay Brocaded Dress Goode, shades Black and lied, Brown and Torquoiee, Green and Black, real value 60o. sirztromarc icrenPa,wrinlEN' A. splendid array of Bargains on sale this month, the inducements to buy them will be the Special Prices. . 8.0 110 per yard - 50 piens best quality 32 inch Eng. Bah Prints, all this seasou's geode, regular price 121e. At 8ao per yard - 25 piens 30 inob English Prints in light and dark shades, real value lfla and 1210 per yard. At Oo per yard - eve clear the balance of our buoy colored Deese Molina, real Values 1210 and 180 per yard. At 1210 per yard - pieces of Zama Gingham, ohoioe patterns, regular price 18o and 20o, 8.0 100 per yard - 5 pieces Cottoned° for Overalls, heavy weight, marked price 22o end 26e a yard. At 60o smolt - 20 only, large size, White Marmite Bed Spreade, real value 91.25 each. At 1210 per yard - 5 pieces 72 inoh Twilled Sheeting, would be good value at 20o. At 5o per yard - 20 plooes 80.16011 Flannelette, in light and dark (galore, real value 7o a yard. At 60a per yard - 2 pieoes 68.inah Satin Damaek Table Linen, real value 75c) per yard. At 1210 per pair - 5 doz. Men's Heavy Wool Soda, real Value 18o per pair. -..gnakSIBEZEtT All our 75o, 90o, and 91,00 Shirt Waiebs, good style and cetera, for 60e. Those that have been gelling at 91.26 and 91.50 each to clear eat 76o. Special Prices on all lines Summer Vests, Cotton Stockings and Ladies' Gloves. III*01•••••• To the careful economical buyer, to the bargain seeker, in fact to all buyers of Dry Goods, the Goods are confidently offered in the knowledge that they will be readily appreeiated and quickly pur- chased at the low priees at which they are offered. J. Ferguson Dry Goods and Groceries, • 61 0. Mies Lyda lIall, of Leamington, 1900 renewing old friendeldps here Ode week. Alias Leora Daviee, of Orooloton, Min., is visiting at 3. DI, Davies, She is hie n fee& Two young gentlemen 01 11101101, wheel. ed to Seaforth and Brimfield on Sunday, and had apleatcant time, by what they eay. Their trip reminded me of the Hare and the Tortoise. One meld wheel much faster than the other, and he would leave hie oornpaniou away behind and then rest until he caught up and then they would go on agaiu. One of them got ahead and redact at the ohmage factory busy eating oheese when the Tortoise posed and got home before the Here. Do better next time boys. Putout LIBRARY, -We would like to call the attention of the people of the village to the Publio Library. In order to keep up the Library we require to have 150 members per year. For the sum of 26e. from now until the 81.st Deo. all persons over 12 years of age in one family may beeome members and tape out books. We think this is cheap reading and would like if the people would take a little more interest in the matter and hand in their enbsoription. New catalogues of all the books may be had by making the Librarian. OrrIK, Township Connell next Monday. Milton MoVety rides 0 wheel now. Frank Bell is at present on the sick list. Don. McKenzie is holidaying at Ham. ilton. Mrs. Dilworth, of Ethel, epent Sunday on the let cion. A now roof has been put on nos, Olark's shed, ath line. Art. Montughton, of Brussels, Sam &veil at C. 13. Forrest's. Miee Nellie Miller is epending a few weeks with friends in Godericb. Wm. Hunter and Miss Mina were away at Manchester visiting at Mr, Erratta. Rev. J. E. Ranter, of Berate, occupied the pulpit in Johnston's church on Sum day last. Pars. John Stroud, of Wingham, is spending a few days of this week at John Johnston's, There will be no service in Jackson's church next Snbbatb owing to quarterly service) at Blyth. Miss Fisher, of Regina, N. W. T., was the guest of her friend, Mise Blanohe Thornton, last week. A. and Mrs. McDonald and John and Mrs. Forrest, of Oranbrook, spent Sun- day at 0. B. Forrest's, 2nd line. Miss Kate Lee, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. D. Breckenridge, leaves this week for her home in Toronto. George Johnston left this week for a Visit among relatives and friends at the Abeerioan "Soo" and adjoining points. Seam Ramsay and Will. Watts, of Walkerton •, Allan Ramsay, of Wroxeter, and Robt. Burgee_,e of Grey, spent Sun. R day last at Allan amsay's, 1st 000. Remember the Garden Party to be held at Wm. J. Johnston's, sr., on Fri. day night, Aug. 4th, oommenoing at 0,30 o'clock. Everybody weloome. Roy Jackson, Ettli line, has been on the lay up from a dose of poison ivy with which he mime in oontaot in his father's bush. Harvey Skelton, of Hilimioo, has come :0=737 Jaekeou's, where he will make his home. He is a nephew of Mr. Jack. Apple buyers are about as tlsiek as the hair on a poodle's baok. Prices should be good this season. The orop will be medium. This week Malcolm Bleak left for a holiday outing with friends at Owen Sound and Algoma. He will be away two weeks. Quite a few Morrisites went to Gode• rich on the Sabbath settee' excursion on Wedneeday. The return fare from Blyth was 50 ciente. Pare. John Johnston is, we are pleased to say, improving in her health. Her sister, Miss Maria Stroud, of Kincar- dine is etayiug with ber, Alton Wheeler, who is filling a position in A. I. MoOall's drug store, Chatham, was home for a holiday visit. He returned to Chatham last Friday. A. box metal will be held at John Moouey'e by Brussels Fife and Dram Band on Thursday evening of next week. A. good program will be rendered. Next Sabbath afternoon G. ES Blair, of Brueeele, will take charge of the Sabbath School meeting at Jno. Speir's, 411.1 line, in the absence of Superintenaent Black. Mendes( afternoon Elijah Pease start. ed his threshing machine for this season at Wm. Cole's, Sob line, and on Tuesday tbey threshed 24 twee of Fall wheat for Thos. Miller. There will be no prenohing service at Sunshine next Sabbath on amount of the Quarterly meeting at Belgrave. Sunday 'wheel will be held at 6 o'olook instead of 1 p. m. next Sabbath. The trustees of S.13. No. 4, Morris, are having the interior of the sohool hotise painted. They will probably drill a new well also as the present one is unfit for use in the warm weather. Rev. and Mrs, Keine met with a vory hearty reception on their arrive' at Bethel circuit het Month. About 150 of their pariehioneere met .them in a smite' evening and a moot pleasant statt wee thus Made on the yeat's work. Mrs. Joseph Clegg, Mise Minnie Rus- sell, Joseph Clegg, Robert Russell and Jay Clegg, 5th line, were away on a holidaying oatapiug.ont near Port Albert, Lake Huron, 10 18 hardly nem& eery to say that they had a good time. Jno. MoIlroy, ers mud daughter, fith line, 'intend removing to Manitoba. They will not go until their farm is sold and btoineee settled op, The property will be offered for sale on the lOth inst. There le a good briole house barn, & ., on the premises and Naives ol'earect. Advt, may be reed in another column. It is said that Tmpt! Diekensob, of Wingham, acting under instructions LsIT] Assessor Watson, has hotted a writ foe (dander against Jas Gettig, 5th line, owing to the letter writing a lettge to the °Olin. oil in which be ehturply ariticiese the notion of said Meaner. Lawyer Sinclair, Of Brnaeole, is Mr, Craig'a Miso Rama Jankeon, eth line, arrived home last Friday lifter en enjoyable visit with relatives at Mimieo and Buffalo, She weal away for about 11 months. ateeme Paase.-The garden 'Arty hold at W. 0. Nieholeonal on Thursday evening of Oat week wee a deolded 5110' 0950, the proeieeds amounting to $17.00. A good prosram 1986 preeented, 000500. ing of the following :-Inetrumental musts by A. Stewart, Geo. David, W. 1011 and 16, Proctor ; vocal selections, by Winghatn Methorliet choir, Mies Coultes, Mies Scott, Brussels ; Uhas. MoOlelland and °there ; recitations by Mies Halliday and Mies Maggie fileott, of Brume Is. Rev, F. J. Oaten othupied the chair in his 'multi happy style. Table's were spread in the lame, nioely deeorated with Rowena. A tent, from whioh liquid re• fresbments, fruits &o., were dispensed, did a thriving businese. Mr. Niabolsun did his beet to give everybody a good time and succeeded admirably. Cir rft3". A wedding is on the tetis. Plowing for Fall wheat is on the pro. gram, The bum of the threshing meal -tine I heard ono° more. Miss Kate Henderson, of Galt, is visit. ing iu this locality. Township Council on Wednesday, Aug. cat 10th, at the Township Hall. Miss Nellie Little is spending her vacation here at the parental hobo. Roy Hunter, of Souris, Man., is holt. des, ing at Mrs. Them Calder's, 12th non. Rev. Mr. Lloyd, a University under. graduate, is holidaying at Trueman Smith's. Miss Clara Bryan has been visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Gallagher, near Wroxeter. Miss Annie Hoy, 6th con., is beak from an extended visit to the home of her parente, Trout Oreek. Alex. retied, Silver Corners, got his hand caught in a pulley of the hay fork injuring two of bis fingers very badly. Miss Mary Little has gone on a trip to the Northwest to spend two or three months among her friends and relativea there. Farmers sing the 3rd and 4th have started to clean up their swamps. The weather 18 1001 very favorable yet thin 50 10000. john Hollinger, 10th., has put op a fine stretch of wire [lancing along the front of his farm this sesion. Ere is a good farmer. Wns. Bremner, 4th line, is busy engag- ed building a fine new resideuce. That is righefirst the nage and then the bird. Suctoese to yon Will. Robert Dillon, wife and family, of Stratford, and Mrs. Murray and daughter, of Toronto, were visiting at Thos. Wil liamsona, .4th oen., last week. We are pleased to hear that Peter Rob. ertson, 9th oon.. is improving cioneiderably in health and is able to get about again. It is to be hoped he will soon bo convales- cent. It is reported that Tbos. Pepper will rent his farm on the 0011 eon., and move to hie property on the East of Brussele. The latter has a large quantity of small Inc its. Geo. Turnbull and Crawford Straohen and Misses A. M. Turnbellt and Annie Straohan spent last Saturday and Sun- day with Mo. Jas. Ritchie and family of Turnberry. The usual Sabbath evening prayer meetings have been resumed in Bethel (Thumb'last Sunday being the first mince the holiday. There is usually a good attendance. A White Leghorn hen belonging to Wm. AloVadzeati, Oth con., is making a record for herself. Last week she laved 2 eggs that measured 6Sx8 inches. diey township leads. Last Sabbath afternoon Rev. R. Paul, of Brussels, visited the Strasiban Sunday Reboot and gave an address on Daniel that was muola enjoyed. There was a good attendance, Rev. J. E. Hunter, of Bervie oiranit, formerly of Ethel oirouit, gave the Ep- worth League at Roe's appointment a friendly call on Friday night last whish was enjoyed by all. Alex. 1. MoTaggart, son of Dongald UoTaggart, 16111 cion„ who has been at. tending the Business Illollege in Chatham for the past seven months, arrived home on Wednesday of this week. Mise Belle Miller, Brei line, who has not been enjoying the best of heath of late, left last week to visit friends in Waterloo and Berlin and vioinity. May the trip prove benefloial is the wish of her many friends, Silver Corners' oheeso factory shipped the last half of June make last Friday to Ballantyne & Son, Stretford, It was sold some time 'ego at 89 ants. The first half of July has been disposed of to the same firm at 01 cents. Last Saturday evening the 6111 line Football olub, of whiob D. Kellner 16 captain, defeated the "Highlanders," of the 4th by a metre of 1 to 0. Game was played in Jim AloCartney's field and was LB well contested one throughout. Monday of hot week, E. A. Hill left Toronto for the Orow's Noah railway where Ile will assist his brother, W. D., who is in business there. Mn, Hill intends purstaiug bis medical course but in the meantime is building up health and ducats, Ile is a son of Jno. 17111, 10th oon. Last Friday John 'Whalen died at his home on the 14th eon., aged 82 years. The buret took plates on Sunday, the interment being made 10 Seeforth R. 0. cemetery. The old sectiemee wee an old reeisient and was highly respected. He was uevee married. Box $0090T,,'Thureclay evening of hob week a most enjoyable time wag epent at the box aortal given at the home of Andrew Simeon. There Was a large at. tendanoe and the financial retutne amounted to 91100 which will be devoted bti pnrcheatiog supplies for the Steaohen Sabbath sohool. The program consisted of the fallowing; Address by Thom Straohan, oheirmen ; song by the school ; instrumental, Missee Maggie end Jennie Simeon ; address, RoV. John Rose, B. A., Druseels ; duet, Misses Elsie Steaehen and Kato neuhreon, of Galt; reoitation, liiisEles Maggio TaYlee sod MurgorY Min Allis McKelvey ; two quartette& PERSONAL PA, EMI RANK -- kitrachan and Thos. Straoham jr., and L. Leslie Kerr is holidaying at Goderiolt. Rokmier ; instrumentals on bagpiptse, Tom AlcLauohlin has tone to Winni- Donald Stewart ; solo, 3. 1', Certia ; le• peg. etrectectei,hriesee Jennie Simeon and sate Thompson sinnsaysg in Liam, Attie MoKelvey ; National Anthem. All wel, did their pert excellently and the various i%orugurallwataarned brutnemittilnlyntatideeobryateotthisetwitehe LiaetitiossvaLizzie sample was visiting at family did everything in their power to numbers were heartily applauded. The lanterns. Me. and Mre. Stoma and dalAyllanerxgrifilutee:reL.T3enlaniarn, was in Goderieli on Toeuday. of London, le add to the comfort and pleasure of the loire. Edward Grimoldby has moved to large oompany andsucotieded adrnirebly. Owen Mies Minnie MoNaughton is holiday. Wroxteteer. ing et Westfield. NlwsY WitmEt,m,--`,Yrigges Johnston Miss Jean Ritchie is visiting et Strat- and Bennie of Brussels, were the guests ford and Fergus. of Miee Lula Ilemphill.-Mise Tena Geo. Stiven, of Guelpb, is viaiting at Smith is clerking in Sanderson Bros.' W. F. Vanstone's. ewe now. -Sam. Ramsay, of 'Walkerton, Mies Mildred Soott is holidaying spent Saturday and Sunday at his borne Sarnia and fsondoo. la Morel's -Hemphill & Bon shipped a Ed. Crowe, of Paisley, is holidaying at oar toed of halls to Wong° on Wedges. W. 10. McCracken's'. day. -The Gotten House is receiving a Mra. Farrell, of Neepawa, Man., is new dram of well paper.-Mre. John visiting Mrs. P. Ailment. Brawn, who has been visiting et Toronto Miss Birdie Bugg, el Wingham is visit• for the last two months, returned home iog Mrs. W. P. \semitone. on Tuesday lase -The road machine has Mise Matiel$01], of Berlin, is holiday. been at work on the North end of Alain ing eb Dr. Kelbtleisch's, street. It was badly needed, bat has Gus. Matauchlin, of Wingham, is hall. done the necessary work now tomako our slaying with A. Oeueley. street tho best built of any la this sem Mrs. Edward Garrow, of Algoma, is lion. The sidewalks have also been re. the guest of Mrs, Sleminon. paired. It pays to let the Gamlen know Will. J. Stewart, Sandard Bank, Brad. what is wauted.-Mies Nellie Ghana:inn, ford, ill holidaying in town, of Teeswater, is the guest of Misses, Ida bleCutoheon, of Morrie, is 6005010 Waller and May Davideon.-0. visiting her emot, Mre. T. Kelly. and Mrs. Robbs have been visiting at A. Miss Madge Atkins' el Fenwick, 18 Paulin's for the last two weeke.-Alies visiting her uncle, G. P. Blair. May Davidson is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. Beattie and wife are visiting at 0. Moffat, of Morrie. -About 12 of our Clinton and Baylield this week. young people wheeled to the box social at Frank Anderson, of Toronto, 15 Vie. Mr. Simeon's on Friday evening lust and icing his °swain, Robt. Anderson. report having a very etijoyable time, The Mime Purdy, of Kingston, are Luck went their way. -J. E. Black took the gloats of Aire. (Dr.) Snider. in the sports at Elora on Toesday.-Mes- Miss Mary Ross, John street, is rusti- est& Notion (our onee school Principal) eating with relatives in DiroKillop. and IMoKenzie, of Millbank, were the Alias Eleanor Walker, of Goderioh, 15 guests of A. Munro, for a few days.- visiting her aunt, Mrs, G. F. Blair. Wesley Montgomery has purohaes,1 a Ales. W. F. Vanstooe and Miss Fanny Bacyole bioyle from P. [Inrdiog.-Hemp. were visiting friends at Wingham. hill & Son are painting their Mills red, P. &meet and wife and Councillor This makes a great improvement in the Wilton and wife Sundayed in Atwood. appearanoe of them. -Our bridge reoeiv. Miss Amanda and Rob. MoCraoken est a new ooab of paint which brighteoed were visiting at Goderioh during the past it up a great deal. It was badly in need week. of painting. Phippen & Co., of Wing Mrs. Kalbfleiseh, ol Neustedt, is visit. ham, who are working for the county, ing her son, Dr. Kelbfleinch, at "Fair. did the job. -A. H. and Mrs. Moffatt mount." were visiting at the former's home last Tboe. Bloomfield expects to start for week. -The town Council have appoint- the old sod nest week with a load of ed A. Paulin as pound -keeper. There horses. This will be his third trip this has been no pound in town for the last season. few years and aniraale which should not Mn. and Mre. Perrin, of Listowel, were be allowed to run have been creasing too visiting at Mrs. Jas. Wilson's during the much disturbanee of late. The boys.will past week. make a small fortune if our neighbors Mrs. Geo. Skelton and Miss Thuell, of doa't oall home their stook.-Wm. Kaake, Blyth, were minims on old friends in has secured a (situation with Gorrie car. town this week. painters. Will. is a good worker and Mrs. Rot. Ross and Miss ;lassie, of understands his basinesm-A number of Guelph, were renewing old friendships in our business men have been having signs Brussels this week. painted on their windows by a travelling Norman Roos'of South Band, Ind., is painter. -There VMS a free circus at the visiting at Dr. Hallifteisch's. lle le a oatmeal mill oa Saturday where Prof. brother to Mrs. Kalbfieisoh. Geo. Kaake woe performing on the high Rev, 0, J. Abey has continued his holt- flying trapeze at a height of sixty feet.- day trip to Montreal and Quebec and will Rev. R. S. G. Anderson is to take a not be beck ootil nl xt week. month's holidays lo the near future.- Miss Hazel Johnston and Miss Lila Mise Alice Walker, of Niagara, formerly Bartliff, were visiting at Wroxeter this of Wroxeter, is visiting her grendmother, week. They wheeled there and back. Mrs. Jno. Gibeon.-Wm. Sanderson ship- Mo. Mango Wallace oelebrated her ped a car load of cattle to Toronto on 78rd birthday on Monday of this week. Saturday last. -Mr. Blair, of Bruseels, She is ea chirpy as she was 20 years was in town on businese one day last ago. week. -Business is very quiet in town Mrs, George E. Dane, oS Hamilton, these days on account of homers being and Miss Hattie Stuart, of Wingham, so busy at their iearvest.-Mrs, J. E. were the guests of Mrs. Jas. Fax this Black, who has been visiting at her week. home in Elora for the past few weeks, Manager Gordon, of the Standard returned home on Saturday. - Mr. Bank leaves on Friday for Maplehurst, Lowery while riding on his bike in the Muskoka, where he will holiday for two oountry got rather mixed np going over a weeks. culvert and fell, reoeiving a nasty gash Miss Jennie Brorninage, of Ovid, on the elite. Mich., late of Birmingham, Eng., is visiting friends in Brussels, en route for England. Miss Hilton, who bas been teaching at Luoan, was the guest of Miss Belle Irwin for a few days last week. Her home 10 in MoKillop. Alf. Beaker reoeived a kiok from a horse last Friday that rather used him up for a few days. He was passing the animal in the stable. Miss Ella Inman, of Guelph, moon). partied by Miss Salley, of the Royal oity, enjoyed a holiday visit with Mrs. Jas. Wilson, of Eizabeth street. J. White, of Stratford, a000mpanied by his son, Willie, and nephew, Roy Mathe- son, were visiting in Brussels last week. They were on a wheeling tour. Mro. Leckie and sous, -of Toronto, and Mrs. W. A. Blawen, of Thessalon, Alertness are visiting at James Oliver's. The tulles are daughters of Mr. Oliver. Tun Nee was fevered with a call last Monday from Rev. V. Ryan, of Durham, formerly of Brussel& Time is dealing very Mildly with the reverend geutle• man. Rev. Jno, Rose, 33. A. of town, and Rev. R. S. G. Anderson, cif Wroxeter, left on Thursday of this week for Clifton Spring, N. Y.. where they will attend the next four weeks. Dr. DitaNaughtou has been a little ander the weather this week, but we hop:, he will soon be up to concert pitch again. Even &adore 000esionally have to take their own medicine. Juo. Leckie, an old and widely known former Brusselite, Was in town for a few days Ude week attending the marriage of his Meth, Mies Slemmon to J. LI. than. on. Mr. Leoltie is a busy man. S. T. Plum has been off work for the past week owing to the effeots of an accident last Winter in whish a horse he was shooing tramped on his abdomen. We hope Mn. Plum will mon be all righe. Charlie Grewar and wife, of Houghton, Minh., are visiting relatives and friends in Brussels. They name last Friday, Mr. Gretvar's health has not been Amt. clan for some time and he hopee to piolc up during his thjourn it the pure Cato - than stir. His brother John is tanning his tonsorial parlor during hie abgenee from Houghton. They are having a big stepper mine be= at that city. CHU Rell CRIMES. "Drifting" will be the topic at Melville Endeavor next Sabbath eveuing. Blessed is the preacher who limits the serving to an hour on these hot evenings. He shall hot have to wait until he is dead to have bis praises sonndal. "A. new Heart" will be next Sabbath's topio in oonneotion with the Internation- al Sabbath School lesson. See the prao. Maid notes on page 6 of this taste. Rev, Dr, Henderson, one of the Mis. siouary Secretaries of the Methodist ohurab, will anake a visit to Brussels next month. The date of hie coming will be announced later. Rev, J. W. Woodswortb, superintend. enc of Methodist missions in the North. west, is trying to Bemire 15 missionaries for home mission work. The growth of population in the West is so rapid that there is a soaraity of mission workers. Rev. R. Oameron, of Shithespeare, will oscopy the pulpit of Melville church for the next four Sabbaths while lite prtetor ie away at 011100,1 Springs, N. Y., for his vexation. Mr. Oatneron supplied very acceptably for Rev, Mr. Roes on a fanner occasion, The regular quarterly Communion ser- vices will be held in the Methodist ohuroh next Sabbath. Testimony meet. ing at the close of the morning sermon aud sacrament ab the &esti ot evening alerviee. Epworth League will be with. drawn next Sabbath evening. Rev. ano. Ross, B. preached last Sabbath morning on "The Fruit of the Spirit." It 0 (1) A vital spiritual pro. duet ; (2) A. personal spiritual attain- ment; (8) A precious personal possession. The evening text was "Thou art, the Christ, the son ot the living God," "Doing the will of God'' was Rev, Mr. Holmes' thetne last Sabbath morning in the Methodist ohuroh. He said the Metro of sit is the voluntary transgres. (don of the will of God, and the essence of piety the &baobab° surrender 00 the will of the Almighty, Doing the will o,( God will give (1) The power of Resistance; (2) The power of Inestento ; (3) The power of Persietenoe. In the evening Rev. A. E. Lloyd preaohed giving an interesting dim:tours° from the text "For this thing was not done in a cense," Acts 26.20.He is a theologised student and is both a good preaoher and a good reader of the Scripture lemons. Wag drowned at it Atutiltoka Summer re.