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The Brussels Post, 1899-7-21, Page 8
Cameras and Kodakst Do yon want to gat a good Cam- era 46 ( the regular price 2 I have One. It takes pictures 4x 5 and is a good one only used a abort time, pall and see it. We handle Kodake and all Photographio supplies, Oita give you anything you want is thie line. !loot Beer.. We have Hires' Root Beer and othere for making cooling and health - fel drinks for the bot weather. FANS ! FANS ! We have a choice selection of Fans—Palm Leaf and bolding. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Optician and Bookseller. BICYCLES CHEAP.... (Li 1 1 will bay a Gent's Wheel in tllelL 1. good repair. Just in, (j1 F, Will bny a Lady's Wheel with J new hind tire. pallor, Will buy a Gent's Wheel, new A '.+c, last year. Dunlop tires, The bind tire new. Never ridden. $1 Will buy a Gent's Wiles', only 01,../ ridden about 2 months. Dun- lop tires. Or Will Rent Any of the above by day, week, mxnth or year. They are bargains. G. A. Deadman, Agent for Crescent Biopsies. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. 0. & E, Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows Heine SOUTH. Goitre Norma. Sxurees 7:10 a.m. j Matl ........ 2:10 pan Wised 9:45 a.m. I Express „...10:17 p.m ,zeal eAVs .Cni t A ohiel'e amang ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Coo, nights. Onotatenes and aolio. RAeolORmEe are here. BINDER twine is taking its innings. THE sun -bonnet of ye olden time has bit the town. THE brick is here for the oatob basins in the sewers. Bowanse on the green is a popular pastime in Brussels. Joo. LoTT bas improved bis residence, Albert street, by a new dress of paint. COUNCIL meetings are about weekly 000urrsnoes now owing to sidewalks, sewers, &e. Tara week A. Straohan'e store front has been receiving a brigbtning np by the aid of the painter's brush. Bass fishing is all the go above the dam. Some fine catches have been made. Alf. Beaker holds the record so far. BRUSSELS Fife and Drnm Band show- ed up to good advantage at Wingham on the 12th. W. Grewar was in command. BRUSSELS intended sending a couple of Hoke one to the Bowling Tournament at Seaforth on Tuesday bat could not ar- range it. CAPT. STRETTON erected the hill on Queen street, West of the Maitland, and made a very aooessible crossing for teams thereby. A minus of Brusselites attended the horse races in Wingham on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. There was a big program. D. 0. Ross and J. N. Gordon took in the Bowling Toaruament at Seafortb on Tuesday evening. The oonteete were continued ma Wednesday. THE cellar Connections with the sewer on the West side of Tnrnberry street have been finished and the coming of the water'pipee is the only delay in having the filling in completed. WRITE on a piece of paper the number representing year age, multiply by two, add 8,798, divide by two, then subtract the number repreaentiog your age, and before your eyes will be something you little expected to See. ENTOMOLOGISTS claim to have discovered a new bug in the province of Ontario whose presence is not unwelcome because its chief foe is the potato bug. It is a reddish bag of very large size, and its ap- petite for the potato bag is marveilons. When it 0ome9 the potato bug goes. Up to date it has not developed any bad habits. A PETITION has been presented to the Council from the reeidents of the Bast aide of John street, between Market and King streets, for a 4.foot graaolithio walk. The old one is a "gunner", New walk will be pat outside tbs row of maple shade trees and the work will be done at 0nee. Other walks will also be put down on the side streets as the ex- pense is not heavy when spread over 15 years, to say nothing of the improve. meet and comfort of a good walk. Get your petitions in so that the work will be done while the good weather Taste. Holum Kmonn.—Thnreday night of last week the night train naught a heavy draught horse of Jas. B. Stretton's on the track and ran into it breaking both front and hind left lege. There were some raile off the fence in which the beast was, allowing it to get out on the Company's property. When the engine wbistle blew instead of the animal jump- ing off the track it undertook to oat.f0ot it, but the oow-oateher ebrook it with the above mentioned results. The proprietor was sent for, but on seeing the damage, decided that the only mama to panne to put the colt out of its misery was to kill it. It was therefore despatobed, Mr. Stratton will look to the G. T. R. for re00mpenee as the horse was worth $too, NEW DEPOT.—Thursday of last week the.. carpenter gang of the G. T. R. early. ed and have gashed the work along so Well that the frame of the new station hi up, the roof on and part of the building sided, The length was increased 30 feet from that announced last week, SO that the dlmeneions now are 2000. Waiting room and oflioe are level with the track and Will be 18x20 feet and 10x20 feet re• speetively, while the freight department is raised to the height of a oar floor and ie 20550 feet. There Will be a bay win. d0W in the office, thereby affotding the agent a view up and down the line. The G. T. R. men have a oar of their own b high in utilized for boarding and sleep. ing purposes, Oook McKay looks after the table. A gang of men have been busy levelling the grounds for the new Mitch which rune Bouth of the depot SO that the front of the station will never be blooked, The new building will be painted a beige gteen and will be completed in 5 or 6 weeke, It will be a much more oOmtenient place than the old station although not eb large, FALL wheat harvest is on ibis week. Prospects fairly good. Masora° Grand Lodge aonvetted at Ottawa, on Wednesday, July 195b. JAs. T. Rose bas had bis residence, John street, improved by the painter's brush. Tam front of A. McKay & Co's. hard- ware store is reosiving a new coat of paint. A NEW creasing will be laid down o0 Tnrnberry street wbere the new walks terminate. Masses. Baker & Vanetone shipped a double•deeked oar of hogs from Brussels last Monday, SOMEBODY'S horse was meandering round loose Sunday night. It's a wonder it did not reach the pound. Terms or four old wells have been streak in the excavation of the sewer and cellar conneotions on Main street. Is the pulling down of the verandahs opposite theSomerset and late Hayden property two landmarks have been re- moved. MILL street, Flora street, Elizabeth street and King street people are all talk. ing graaolithio walks and the probability is all will get them. Tan apple Drop Ibis year will be varied. The Northern Spy,Baldwins, and Ameri• can Golden .fi,asset varieties promise to be very plentiful while the Greeomge will be about a quarter crop. Messes. Clegg & Dames shipped a double decked oar of hogs from Brussels on Monday ; a double•deoker from Bels grave, on Wednesday; and a car of cattle from Wingham, per 0. P. R., on Tuesday. They handle a lot of stock. Tan Judge's Court for the hearing of appeals against Braseels Assessment roll will be held in the Coattail Chamber o0 Thursday, Ang. 3rd, at 10 o'clock a. In, There are lour appeals, viz. : Howe & Co., J. D. Ronald, Agricultural Loan Co., and Geo. Beaker. BoussELS Vetere' List was first posted up on July lath, 1899. There are 115 voters in Div. No. 1, Beet of Tnrnberry street and South of the river ; 172 in Div. No. 2, West of Turnberry and South of the Maitland ; and 132 North of the river, 419 io all. BRUleELs School Board has engaged the services of Miss Maude Brook, of Sundridge, as teacher for the department taught by Mr. Welsher. Miss Brook accepted by telegram and comes very highly recommended. She will begin work after the holidays. Mum street residents have signed a petition for a cement walk on the Sontb aide of the street as far as Alexander street. It will likely be continued to Halliday street as it ie badly needed. The people who live on the opposite side of Mil( street should "chip" in aa they will use the walk about as mush as those wbose property it fronts. The oast is a mere bagatelle when spread over 15 years. A Enact of Smash-ups took plane at the G. T. R. on Monday afternoon. J. J. Gilpin'e horse took fright at the train and although be didn't get away he smashed both ehafts of the wagon and demoralized the barneee. Abont the same time Rebt, Oarrie's horse ran away from the storehouse. It got to Tnrnberry street and finding the train there out np the railway track and wee naught near the Gerry coal shed. The carriage mak- er will have a job. STILL A WINNER. — Bruesele Public School kept up its record at the reoeut Entrance and Leaving Examinations, Out of 11 papile who wrote for the form. er 9 passed as follows, the names being arranged alphabetically :—Floreooe Arm. strong, Mary Forbes, Hazel Johnston, Pearl McMillan, Meg Skene, Ida Wil- liam, Joe Good, Norman McGuire and Brine Boost. For the Leaving there were 10 Brussels pupils writing, 8 of whom were suooessfel, viz. —Clarke Allin, f3, Bnobanan, J. Cousley, Mary Kernaghen, Georgia Rose, Lucy Sinclair, Russell Taylor and Norma Vanetone. Charlie Zilliax and A. Watt got Batmen stand. ing. Bowaneo.—Friday afternoon two rinks of Beaforth Bowling Club (Jame to Brae. end played the return metals with our bowl trundlers the result being a sloes and most interesting game. In abs after- noon the soore Was :- 5Rt155005. 5EAronma. Farrow, McLean, Leatherdale, Atzel, Cameron, Greig, MoNaugbton, ekip, 13 Coleman, skip, 24 Hewitt, Rankin, MoLsflos, Sobiek, Roes, Anderson, Gordon, skip, 25 Bright, skip, ..10 Total ,38 40 In the evening another gams Wee engag. ed he with rinks exobanged which Brae• eels won with the following snore :- 59955EL9, sSASORTa. Bannerman, Rankin, Leatherdale, Sobiek, Cameron, Anderson, MoNaugbton, ekip, 19 Bright, skip, .,17 Hewitt, McLean, McLellan, Atm', Boss, Greig, Gordon, skip, 22 Coleman, skip, 17 Total .,..41 84 The Sabah rinks ate a gentlemanly gOmpany and we will be glad to see them book again, TRE B1i.U3SELS POST Tee Ontario Grand Lodge of the I. O. O. I'., will meet et Toronto on Wednes. day, August Otb. Miss Lovls= Monne will preside at the organ 10111elvilla (dwell next Sabbath in the absence of Mrs. Geo. Tbotneon. "Alm Demesgii," °wilnd by One, Grebe!, of Mitohell, won leo prize in her elves at the Wingham ranee on Wedoes• day. Anne. bons TACT, Queen street, is the possessor of a cactus in bloom. The flowers are beautiful and the perfume deligbbfnl. Avnoturr Assizes, -'Toe date of the seaman sittings of the Assize Courb have been announced. Chancellor Boyd will try the jury oases on Tuesday, Septet». bar 20, and Judge Street the non.jury oases on Tnssday, November 21, Dn, Samna Wooe.—Friday of last week, the following legal deoision of looal inter. est wee given, it having been reserved since the Court last Spring :—Justice Robertson has bended out his decision in the ease of Snider vs. McKelvey. The plaintiff and the defendant are two doo. tore of Brussels, Out. In December,1897, the defendant, lir. McKelvey, sold oat his practise in Brussels to Dr, Snider, for 52,100, and agreed not to renew his vocation within a radios of five miles of Bruessle for a period of five years. The plaintiff diesmeared later that Dr. Mo. Kalvey had infringed upon this stipula- tion, and he brought suit for an injuue. Won and 5400 damage.. Justice Robert. son granted the Hunotien, ordering the defendant to discontinue practise, and awarded Dr. Solder $100 damages and costs. EURON Mu,DICAL liooTING.—The mu• lar meeting of the Huron Medical As. sooiation was held in the Council Chem. her, Clinton, on Wednesday, July 12th, when the following members were gree. sot :—Dr. Mckenzie, Itionkton, prem. ; Dr. Hunter, Goderloh, see, ; Drs. Beth. one and McKay, Seafortb ; Woode, Bay. field ; Hackett, Fullerton ; Crane, Blyth ; MaCallom, Londesboro ; Graham, Thompson and Shaw, Clinton ; Smith, Mitchell ; Hutchinson, Staffs ; Arm. strong, 'Mitchell ; Stanbory, Bayfield; Densmore, Stratford ; Snyder, Brussels ; Paul, Sebringville. Dr. Bryce, Toronto, read a very interesting paper on "Tuber. caloris in Ontario, its oauae and proteo tion." The following discussed the several parts :—Dr. Smith, the diagnosis ; Dr. McKay, the peritoneal tuberouloeis ; Dr; I)nnemore, hygienic treatment ; Dr. Graham, the iegielabion. A resole• tion was passed unanimously by the meeting that comity sanitariums Should be erected as soon as possible in order to stay the progress of this dreadful disease. OBIT. --Laub Sabbath evening Geo. Brydon, a bighly esteemed old gentle- man, paid Nature's debt after an illness of two menthe. He was born on the border between Sootland and England and went North when 19 years of age, to Sutherlandsbire and afterward to Caith- ness. For 30 years he followed the avocation of sheep herder, being in the employ of Captain McDonald and the Duke of Portland. With his sou•in-law, Walter Innes, lie engaged fu farming for 4 years, and wheel the teeter name to Canada Mr. and Mrs. Brydon followed a year later. Mrs. Brydon passed away 4 years ago. The old gentleman WAS in his 81st year. The cause of death was heart faiture and selhma. Since coming to this country deceased made his bome with his daughter, Mrs. Innes. Mr. Brydon was a Presbyterian in religion, a Liberal in polities and was well read on the leading questions of the day. The funeral took plane on Tuesday after. noon, interment being made at Brussels cemetery. Rev. Jno, Rose, B. A., con- ducted the service, • Four obildren sera viva, via.:—Mre. Zones, Brussels ; Mrs, Lawson, in Scotland ; Wm. Brydon, in Manitoba ; and Alias Carrie Brydon, of Oalifornia. The pall bearers were Walter Smith, Alex. Stewart, A. M. Me. Ksy, D. Ewan, I. 0. Richards and Peter Watson, People We Talk About. Brine Scott is holidaying at Seaforbb. Will. James was in Toronto tine week. Lorne Pringle is visiting at Wingham. Miss Ella Fanston is visiting at Listo. teal. E. C. Danford was in Toronto this week. Mies Pottle Batters Sandayed in Sea - forth. Philip Amens spent Sunday is Sea - forth. Principal Oemeron ie holidaying in Lueknow. Mies Addie Lott is visiting at Toronto and Colborne. Miss Dunbar left on Thursday for bar home In Guelph. Will. E. Armstrong, of London, ie here. He wheeled over. Postmaster and Mre. Farrow were visiting at Goderiob. Harry Gooding is holidaying et St, Mary's and London. Joe and Mies Elsie Good are visiting relatives near Ripley. Mies Maggie Amens hag goes to Sea - forth for a few weeks. Vernon Ford, of Rockwood, was visit. ing at John MoKenzie's. Ira Gerry is home from Ssaforth Col. leginte for his bolidsye. Mies Farrow, of Goderiob, is visiting at Postmaster Farrows, Mtee Edith Inman, of Guelph, is here for her Summer vacation. Rev. Mr. Bowers, of Toronto, was visit. ing at J. D. Ronald's this week, Mies Lottie Manser, of Gorrie, is spend. ing a few days at Wm. Denbow's. Mrs. W, H. Willie and sons, of Sea. forth, are holidaying at B. Gerry's, Fred. Downing was playing base ball With Wroxeter this week at Clinton. Johnnie Thetford, of Toronto, is spend, ing his holidays at J. A. Oreighton'd. Mrs. George Thomson and danahtere, Florenoe and Allis, ars vielting et Galt, Mrs. A. Bunter was visiting her daughter, Mre. Tali Moore, near Atwood. Mrs, Israel, son and daughter of Sea, forth, agent Sunday at Watson Alnley's. Rev. D. Rogers, of Biuevale, was renewing old friendships in town on Mon- day. Mre. 0, Waite and daughter, of Court. land, N, Y., are visiting at Jno. MoOrae's, Bt assets, Misses Pearl and Laura Leatherdale and Mabel Iioggard are holidaying at Seafotbb. Misses Lizzfe and "faille boesning are mistiest ing at %Vm. 1'ollard's, their uacfe, in MaJfillop. X. 19. Gerry wag on the Oak list Inst Week with an attnok of quinsy, Itis not very often that Noble is laid up but he has 0odasionaily 10 take hie turn, l Misses Clive and Norma Vanetone have gone to Southampton for a month's visit with relatives. W. J. Norton and hie daughter, Miss Jennie, were visitors in Brnesels during the past week, Mies Ethel Creighton is 1101015 front her millinery eftnatioa, at Grand Valley t for bar vacation. Dire, N. 13. Gerry and daughter, of Wroxeter, were visiting in Bfoseels dui. ing the last week. Aire, Jas. Wilson and Miss Inman were away at St. Marys this week visiting a relative who is ill, Charlie, Willie and Gertle Biliiax are spending part of their vaoatlon with relatives at Bslmore. Jas. Fox was at Wroxeter on Saoday visiting his father who watt in. He is getting all right again, Wendell, eldest son of Rev, Jno. Holmes, arrived here from Blenheim on Thursday of last week. Robbie, Violet and Florence McKen. zie are spending part of their holidays with relatives ab Rockwood, W. Close, of Woodetook, was visiting W. H. Stewart during the past week. He made the trip an his bike. hire. Teo. Walker, Sam , Mary and Grape were visiting at John Stalker's Kincardine, during the past weels. Geo, Rutty and Jaok Heeeian, of Tor. onto, were visiting at George Rogers. The former is Mrs, Rogers' nephew. A. Ooueley left on Monday for Ottaws as a delegate to the Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M, He went by the Northern route. Mre. Monweli and Mien MoK nifty, of Saginaw, and Mr. MoRinlsy, of tVawa- nosh, were visiting at Ronald McNaogh- ton's. Miss Lizzie Leatherdale has gone to Bayfield where she will spend a few weeks with Seafortb friends taking le lake Huron breezes. Athol Stewart, of Toronto, is enjoying a holiday visit with Mrs. Slemmon, Brussels, and Mrs, Stewart, of Grey, and 0. Ritchie, of Morris. Mrs. (Rev.) Abey and her sister, Miss Keating, have gone on a pleasure trip to Montreal, where they will holiday with relatives and friends. Will. Leatherdale, of Seeforth, was in town this week. Be and Ira Gerry have gone on a wbeeling tour to Guelph, Blunt, Harriston and other points. Rev. and Mre. Ryan, of Durbam, are reoewiog old friendships in Bruesele. The reverend gentleman was a former incumbent of St. John's obnroh 18 or 20 years ago. Tboe. Kneohtel, a former Bruseelite,. was renewing old friendships bare last week. He is teaching school at Lamb• ton Mills, near Toronto. Mr. Kneohtel looks as if teaching the young idea agreed with him. Mrs. Walter Coate and Mise Lily, of Clinton, are on a month's visit to friends in Embro and London, Mrs. Coats bus been in poor health for some time and ft is hoped tbat the change and rest will effect a oars. Mrs. Coats was a former resident of Brussels and her old friends here hope she will soon be folly restored. Dr, Aitoheeon and wife, of Ortonville, Mich., were holidaying at Wm. Martin's during the peat week. The Dr. ie a brother to Mrs. Martin and was a former resident of McKillop township, He and Mrs. Aitoheeon took in the Christian Endeavor Convention at Detroit on their way here and were well pleased with ib, Jno. fi. McNaughton, dentist, of Penn. yap, New York State, is home on it holi- day visit. This odd named plane is sit- uated on a lake of a more peonliar name, Kaska, 1a miles wide and 29 long, and is 120 miles Southwest of Buffalo, N. Y. Psonyan bas a population of 5,000, 2 railways besides an eleotrio road and le a great eeutre for farming operations. Graeae are largely Cultivated and there are numerous wine (lellere. From the top of a mountain near by, Mr. MoNaughtoo says a, bird's eye view of 13 oounties and 7 lakes may be obtained. Mr. MoNengh. ton ie doing well in hie profession but still oontinnee to adhere to his bachelor ways bat prospects are pointing toward a change. Business Locals. New potatoes for sale at McCraoken's. Eon sale cheap. two set second-hand single harness. I. 0. Richards. JERSEY milk ler ease. 4 oente a quare. MRB, W, BLASHILL, Tire King's clearing sale, All 10e prints for 5o 1 high class organdy mus• lin% and Summer Dress goods at half prion. Cash paid for Butter and Eggs, Try the sale during July and Augusb, G. E. KING, Wingham. BRAn4EAw.—In Morris, on July llth, the wife of Mr. Thee. Bradshaw of a daughter, GlneoN.—In Wroxeter, on Saturday, July 151h, the wife of Mr. John Gibson of a son, HUNTER,—In Cranbrook, on July 15, the wife of Mr, John Hunter of a son. KENNEDY.—In Wingham, on July 16bh, the wife of Mr. W, J. Kennedy of a 800 MoOALLU0t.—In Grey, on July 17th, the wife of Mr. Dan, McCallum of a son. Port.—In Wroxeter on July 6th, the wife of Mr. Donald Pope of a daugh. ter. SANmmneon.—In Wingham, on Any 12th, the wife of Mr. Albert Sanderson of a daughter, xa.axxxzaxesea HEs»Eason — MALoona:sox. — At St George's church, Goderich, on July 12th, by the Rev. Mark Turnbull, Miss Mary Elizabeth, daughter of late Sutherland Maloolmeon, to Mr. 31r, Gordon Henderson, MCPn,tr,—PANrog.—•At St. Andrew's ohnroh, Stratford, on July 12th, by the father of the bride, Mies Florence Helen, second daughter of ,Rev, E. 1?ancon, to Rev, William Dungan McPhail, pastor Presbyterian church, Tilbury. a,zbb, BEYnon.-1n Bruesele, on Sutlday, July 16, George Brydon, aged 80 years end 10 menthe. Glnsose,—Ab tbo residence of her eon, T. W. Gibson, Torento, on Tuesday, July 17th, Janet Frater, wife of the late Alexander L. Gibsob, formerly of Wroxeter and Goderiob, aged 68 years. MoBwt y, -1n East Wawanosh, July 15th, Ellen Manna, wife of Robb. Mo. Barney, aged 31 years, 7 menthe and 27 Jaya, JULY 21, 1899 ST f1 ✓ "Dt/1.RD BINE OJ! few✓.l N I.D.4. r?STAIA,T ZSs3ED s.e ra. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO CAPITAL PAID UP (One Million Dollen) - 51,000,000 RESERVE FUND, - 5300,000 Apencier in off principal points in Ontario, Que]beee, aesllllobe, United States d' nhigand, .p' ReePSyZN01J Yrs 93 M W s. A General Banking Btlsinoae Transacbed. Farmers' Notes Disoounbed. Drafts Issued and Colleetions made on all pointe, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 51,00 and upwards, SPE5IAL ATTENTION 007EN TO THE COLLECTION ON EARNERS' SALE NOTES. Every facility afforded Customers living at a dietanoe. J. N. GORDON, ACTINO AGENT. >37.7Ssmz,s o1¢rtrxY nmc Notice to Creditors. Fall Wheat 65 56 Barley ...... 40 43 Peas ., 00 01 Cate .. 28 29 Batter, tube and rolls „ 12 13 Eggs per dozen 11 11 Flour per barrel4 00 4 00 Potatoes (per bus) 75 75 Hay per ton 5 00 0 00 Hides trimmed 7 7. Hides tough 5 5 Salt per bet., retail 1 00 70 Sheep BMus, Saab 30 05 Lamb skins eaoh 25 25 Hogs, Live 4 00 5 00 Wool 8 13 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE on T101 street, Brussels. The hoose is aoomfortable one, well fitted np, with cellar, hard and soft water, 50, There is also a.good stable. Trutt trees in garden : over one-quarter acre of land. For pride, terms, &o., apply to 17. FINN, Proprietor, or W H. HERR, of Tam PssT, 10.50 Tenders Wanted. Tenders will be received by the undersign- ed up to Aug. ist, for bhe. purchase of the Tuokersmfth Agricultural Society'srounds, in Seatorth, containing 80 acres, the beat building lots on South side n5 Huron street. The highest or say tender not n550550riiy accepted. Apply to o1' write T. E, HAYS, Secretary -Treasurer, Seafortb, 1 - Judge's Court of Appeal. In ibo matter of append from the Court of Revision of the Village of Brussels, Howe & Co., Agricultural Loan 05. J. D,Renal•t and Soo. Baeker, app Galante, and Village of Brussels, respondents. a Comb for the above cauda will be held by the Judge of the County Oourbofthe County of Huron, on Thursday, the 8rd day of August, at 10 a. au., in the Connell Chamber, Bruesele. F. 8. SCOTT, Dated July 20tb, 1800 Clerk of Village. VOTERS' LIST, 1899. Municipality of the Township of Grey, County of Enron. Notice is hereby given that I have traes- reitted or delivered to the parse ns attention • ed fn 8eotione5 and of the Ontario Vetere' List Aet,1850, the copies required by said, Sections to be so transmuted or delivered of the list made, pursuant to said floc, of alt persons appearing by the last Revised As- sessment Roll of said Municipality to be en- titled to vote in said Munielpality at aloe - dons for members of the Legislative As- sembly. and at Municipal Electlous and that said List was Ant posted up in my online iu Ethel on the 18th day o1 July, 1800, and re- mains there for inspeotion. Electors aro 550 ed upon to examine the said List, and, i3 any omia s lou or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors cor rested according to law. WM, SPENCE,01erk, Dated the 19th day of Ju ly, 1805, AUCTION SALE —OF— Valuable .. Farm. The Exeantore of the estate of the Into Elizabeth Mcllroy will offer for sale by pub- lic auction on the premises on Saturday, the 1811, day of August, 1809, at 1 o'olook in the afternoon, by Chanes Hamilton, auctioneer the following valuable farm :,The South Haff of lot number 14, in the 8th concession of the Township of Mor- ris, in the said County of Huron, containing 100 acres more or less. The buildings eon. eist of a house 11 stories, With kitchen and wood shed attached ; barn, with atone founaation and stables underneath 801100; horse stable 20x80 ; bog pen, hen house and other small buildings, All the buildings and fences are in good repair. There Is also an orchard containing 14 for es, in good bearing oonditfon. The soil is a clay loam and is watered by a never -failing spring creek. About 88 acres ars cleared and in a good state of cultivation. Tbsbalance is timber- ed with hard wood, Tho farm 10 particu- larly well situated, being four miles from the Village of Myth and 7 mites from the Village of Bruessle, on a good gravel road. Terme of sole:—Ten per sent, on day of sale to lbs Vendors or their Seibattors lbs balance to be paid in Thirty days there- after, when the purchaser will be entitled to a ooaveyanee and possession. Further nartioulars and condition of sale win be made ltnowu at time of Rale, eternity bo had from the Auctioneer or the undersigned, J. T. GARROW MART MoraltOY Solicitor far li(xeoutors, Executrix, Godot'lah, W90, PR017DFO0T,Executor Dated at Goderieh this 8rd day of July, 1800 Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of Simeon Hodder, late of the Township of Morris, Farmer, deceased. Reties is hereby given,ureuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, Chapter 129, that all creditors and ahem having claims against the estate of the said Simeon Hodder, who died on or about the Twenty, eighth day of June, A, D.1800, are required on or before the Twenty-ninth day of Jul A.D. 1890, to send by ppoet, pre'pa!d or to deliver to W. M. Sinclair, of the Village of Brussels in the County of Hilton, Selilolter for the Exeonbors of the Last Will and Tesbamout of the said dimmed, tbeir Christian and Surnames. addressee and de- sariptlona, the full partioulare of their claims, the statement of their accounts, anti the socurlths, if any, hold by them, And surthor take notion that alter such last mentioned date the paid EXeautors will proceed 5o distribute the moats of the de. erased among the parbiee eutitlod thereto. bavingregard only to the claims of whish they shall then have nitiee, and the Sold Exset5org will not be liable for the said assets Or any pat•t thereof to any person sk nave bean received by them at dos It ee of 50010 distribution. SiNtlLAIB Solicitor GEORGE TIJRVIOY anti Eta WAND BOSb1AN,1420eotokeof the last Will and Testament of SIMEON YIODDhii, deooasod. Dated the "i'onth day of Jmy,A, D, 1809, In the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, in the tnnbter of the estate of John Stewart, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Hln'on, farmer, dsoeased. Notice is hereby given, parsan.nt to "Revise ed Statutes 0f Ontario, 1508, Chap. 120, Sao. 88, that all matters and others baying an claims against the estate of 'John Stewart, late of the Tawnebtp or Grey. in. the County of Hilton, fanner, dooewled, who died on or about the 27th day of Juno, A.D. 1800, ab the Bail Township of Grey, are hereby required to send by post, minutia , 0r deliver to G. F. Blair Of the Village of 1it'asseis, Solicitor for F. 8. °cote, or the said Vi11,go of Brussels, and Jelm Stewart, of the said Township of Grey, the Exoettore of the said estste, on or before the 08th day of July, A. D,1590, their fall names, addresses and daaoriptlons, and the full particulars of their claims, aura the natere of the securities (it any) bold by them, And nntioe is further given that after the said Last InentI0ne, date the said Exeo- utors w111 proceed to distribute the assets of the said deoeascd among tits persons emit• led.the roto, having regard 5010 to the claims of wbich notice shalt bare been giveu as above required, and the said 'Executors will not be responsible for the assets or any pert thereof, go distributed to nay person of whose claim notice shall not have been re- ceived at the time of such distribution. Dated at Brussels, July 11th, 1809, (1, F. BLAIR, BPnassla, Onb., 1-8 Solicitor for Executors. REAL ESTATE. Noce ACRES or TIMBER el HAND ion sanm,—The undersigned offers for aide 5,000 auras of timber lands 10 Oscoda Oo„ Michigan, at low price. Well timber- ed with hardwood. Also 2,000 acres for sale obeau for actual settlement, lying on the Camila es North Western railroad. Several improved farms ohea2,. Apply to JA 8, Af'15 85, 51.3m 131g Rapids, Mich. 1i1ARM FOR SALE. —THE undersigned offers Ole 100 acre farm, being 8 1 Lot 27 Oso. c Morrie, for Bale, All cleared and in a good state of cultiva- tion. House, bank barn 500111100, Se„ 14 ntlles from Brussels, and only i mile to school. Possession given atter harvest. If not sola by Sept.1st will be leased for a term of years. For pric0, terms, &s., apply on the premises, or if by letter, bo JAMES PEl'CH, Brussels P. d. FARNI FO1b SALE.—THE The undersigned offers his farm,• be- ing E 4 Lot'„ Con. 17, Grey, contaiuing 50 acres, 8 acres being good hardwood bush, for sale- There is a new frame house 1848, new baro,; 80x50, °rebore &o, Pose elusion would b o given at any time, with this season's crop if desired. Fain in two miles from 'Village of Walton. For further particulars as bo 10 terms, a0HNs'P0N WattoulPos0 or • Paris Green, 25o. per Ib. Tan glefbot, 4 Sheets for 250. Davis' Fly Pads, Go, eaob, Wilson's Fly .Pads, 10e. eaob, Kill 'em QI1ic1,. Pads, 5o, mob. Insect Powder, 600. per lb, Insect Powder Guns, 100. mob. Quality Guaranteed A T ---mer ''ox's Drug Store. VARA,' FOR SALE—TELE UN-. derelgnod often his farm, Wesb Half Lob No. 10, Onn. •i, 0roy, a0n tanning 80 agree, more or lose. For particulars as to pries and term e apply t0 ARO H. ROBERTSON, Brussels P. 0. on the premises, T3'INE FARM FOB SALE. -13j;. Ma Lot 25, N i Den, 5, Morris township, containing 08 acres of arst-class land. There is a bonne, bars, orabard and good ware - hones, and term is well Mimed. There are 85 acres In Fall wheat ; 15 mares in bay and 5 npasture. acres Farm adouhieoBr sols. For further particulars as to price, terms, ,to., write to JAMBS LIVINGSTON, At P., Radon, 22-tt ABM I'OR SALE. -150 AOBES 1. Consisting of the South 1 and South 1 of Hui North 1 of Lot 35, Con A, East Wawa. nosh. Tbte Is an excellent stook farm, being well supplied wlbb good spring water, It le situated about 8 miles from the thriving Vil- lage of Myth. A large part of it le under grass. Btiildiugs and femme aro in a fair state of repair. Easy forms 0f payment will be given. For all Infmmablon apply to 11-tf G. F. B5AIR, Barrister, Brussels, GOOD FARMS FOR SALE.— forms for sato at reasonable price°. The lots are Nos. 10 and 11 Con. 5 (Snnsbioe), the sideroatl between them. Good brick hoose and barn on lot 11, and house and 2 barns on lot 10. Orchards and all necessary convene fencing. Well watered and suitable for grain or grazing. 100 acres now in grass, Will be sold eitbee separate or together to suit pur- chaser. Terms of payment reasonable. Im- mediate possession. For farther particulars applE.L. IUKTN ON, PH Barr! ter,iwingh5sels . . lbf Fall Term opens Sept. 5 CENTRRLur 1 Jsad% `s,71 ,i i Strf tf©�,r' i f� Write today for oar new Cat:dogpe. It's the onset Business College Catalogue in Canada and represents themost pro. greesive and beet school. W. .5. ELLIOTT. Principal. AN i•, O N E IS TELE WELL KNOWN POLICY OF THIS STORE. We don't demand cash because we're afraid to trust people, but because it is a direct benefit to all who buy goods here. To prove that we do sell cheaper, compare our prices With other stores in I3russels, Pay Cash anti Save the Difference. Scotch Dress Ginghams 8e., 10e. and 12ie., all new and fancy designs and guaran- teed fast colors. English Prints, 8c., 10e. and lgie. A great variety of new patterns, Shirt Waists, 85e, for a good Print Shirt Waist. Well made and now patterns. Men's and Boys' Soft Felt Hats for 25c, regular price $1,00 Boys' and Men's Stiff Hats for 60c, regular price $2,00 Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs. VI rIEoNcN' A�,;18C7+3. �,,P. ANKI5,107,4 Smith, Re • CHAMPION CLOTHIER.