HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-7-21, Page 5JULY 21., 1899
_. BUSINESS CARDS.T 7iC1' r 4y may yet turn to blood poisoning. The
IOU 1 t it Cal a, Exeter Bend, which ie noted for he many
exoeilena)es, performed a thoughtful act ,
of kindness one evenio>: reoently. Abeet
8 0'0100k they aeoernbiod on the Lawn of BL,- YTS.
R. II. Collins and dispensed mayoral selec-
tions, which wore listened to with muelt
Batisfaolden and appeoiation by Mr, Col -
line, who is still confined to his bed in an
aimeeb helpless aondit)on, ILA apende
the bigger part of the day on a comfor-
table stretcher on the verandah from
where ho listened to the 1nuoiq.
1NE0Y `CU LUAN A'1' 6 1'PR
Dont. h', 8. 8(100 T ltruesals,
\XT H. Mo01tAOIf:EN,
I f' • Imeurorof Mari'laga7.iaoneas, OlUoe
at leis Grocery,' Turnhout' tartet, Brugsole.
L V. TOP aortal Artist' Shop—Next door
Nerth of the Standard Bang. Ladles' mud
ehildrens hair outting a epeoialty.
nBIOXCNEO ball Several good Fmrmo for
ou'o and to rent, easy tome,in Tor/whips
of 00orris and (troy, F S. S3O'rT,Bruesele
wiugham, will be at the American
IlotolBrussels, every other Thursday, 0om-
moueing;Lily 10th, for Uio prnuttoo of den-
tistry in all its branches, to the most modern
and up-to-date style. 811-tf
—TL AC111,,Id OF—
7mR'rT. +F.S.S,
Issue, of Marriage Licenses,
IND Witness Required.
T. FLETCHER, Brussels
IL. O. M..
Academie graduate of London Conearva•
tory of Stuelo, ie prepared to rooelVo a limit-
imi t-
pianom number of
Tuesday n Brussels
Wednesday Thursday; Seaforth—Friday,
10 700paro pupils for
the Principal's Form iu the 008800vatory of
t� Clerk of the 'Fourth Division Cour
Co. Huron. Oonveyaueer, Notary Public
and to loan. auce Oolleahians mnt. ade
011ioe in Graham's Block, Brussels
4 71026112(28, 11100ey to loan. Farms
to sell,
• 111128, will sell for better prices, to
better sen in eg8 limo and lees charges
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron
or he won't charge anything. Dates mud
orders eau 'always bo arrange at this olnoe
or by personal pp 10011on.
tJ • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
atheneum of domeetioated animals in a com-
veterinaryyy dentistry.
lle promptlattention y' at-
tended to. Office and Iuarmary—T1 our doors
north of bridge 'purnberry et., Brussels,
YVY • 8oliot1or,Oouveyaneer,NotaryPub•
lie, &o. 011100—Vauetone'e 1010011,1 door
berth of Central Hobe Solicitor for the
Standead Bank,
Solicitor, &o. (late of Gamow &
Prondfoot'o Mee, Goderiob.) 0llioe over
Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels. 47
Money to Loan,
M • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt &
08moron,) Barrietor and 801(011or, Goderiolt,
Out, Mee—Hamilton St., Opposite Col
borne Hotel.
M. D., 0. 111„ Trinity University, Follow Trin-
ity Medical College, Member College of Phy-
Royal College Surgeons, PhyyiciansLandtLicee ntiate
of Nildwifer Lrdiobnrgh. to -Telephone
N o.14. llesid-once, M11181., Brussels.
M. D., C. M., sueoes0ar to Dr. A, NfoKolvey,
Liooutiate of 1007111 College of Physicians
and SwoonsKingston ; Member of the Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.
Eight years women
porionoad rkii[t&"0flioe hail and
idence that formerly occupied by Do. 111c-
l0olvoy,liurnbOl'I1.y street, Bruosele. 28-
M.B., M.D., M.O.P.S.O.
S pecial attoul4on given to diseases of the
Throat and Lunge and diseases of Women
and Children.
ene8101AP1, summer,: AND A000UOnnun,
let Mane Honor Graduate of the 'Univers"-
ties of Trinity (Toronto), Quoou'e (Kin stony
and of Trinity Madiaal College; bellow of
Trinity Medical College cud member of the
Oolle sof Phyoioians and Surgeons of Ontar-
io. Yost eireeleat8 Merge in Detroit and
Minago,1808. Special attention pnAd to din•
oases of Eye, 0ar,Nose mut Throat, and ills-
eososof Wo111011. 119'0Ouenitaton 10 Ieng-
feb and Gellman, Telephone at ro0ldeuee,
ice On
6.0120, uCon 6 g Morrie, the lfor lho o'-breel Im
proved Yorkshire hoar, 'Ong Lodge Long-
follow;" No.2488,bred b 11,10,11rot110n0, Bur-
ford, 10 which a limitednumberof sows will
bo taken. Terme, $1,00, to be paid at time
of 001vi00 with privilege of roturning If 1100-
A number of choice young 0ow0 for Date for
brooding purpo0oe wallah will be sold et..
oleo to Suit the tim00.
21� MORT, Ni0130L, Prb7iieter,
'eV I Dt II :I pls.
MA'rRIHONtar.•—&Iran B. B. Keefer, the
rlivoroed wile of Rev, 13, B, Keefer, a
former pater of Wingham Methodiet
church, hag taken unto horeelf another
11110(21104. Tile 8001011 herald gives the
fullowiog 1100onnt of the event: "The
marriage of Aire, Susie Starr Keefer, of
Providon00, Ib. I,, the well known tem-
perance lecturer and writer, to Dr. John
Macleod Martie, member of the Royal
College of Surgeon+, of London, England,
wee ealebralod at nom), on the 2lat ult.,
in the Free Onngregatioual church,
Providenoo, Rev. John Hale Larry, D.
D„ ollioiating, Owing to the death of
Rev. Alex. Macgregor, D. D., a lifelong
and personal friend of the bride, who had
been expected to perform tee ceremony,
the wedding wag ebr(otly private. The
brideegroonl wee supported by hle
brother, Dr. Miles Martin, of Boston,
and the bride was onebtended. Dr. and
Ells. Martin, after spending some time in
the Cenad)nn provinces, 0xpeot to make
their borne in England."
Y311.. t h.
NEwsY BLINIce.—Rev. 0. L. Milie is
away On a two weeks' Vacation. -111188
Alfie Emigh is visiting with friends at
Varna.—John Laidlaw is home from the
Obioago Dental College.—Ernest Jameson
line taken a position in a Wingham bar.
her shop.—Wm. Robertson took posses.
pion of John Phillips' blacksmith shop
on July 171.11. Mr, Robertson's present
plane of huoiness will be closed.—The
Fall wheat crop around 131yth has every
appearance of being an 0x0811001 one.—
For the 6 menthe ending June 80th last
there were shipped from Blyth station
1,480 barrels of flour, 83,700 bashele of
grain, 603 head of cattle, 1,073 live hogs,
47 horses, 600 tone of hey and 173,000
fent of lumber. Total tonnage, 3,952.—
H. McDermott, of Tottenham, has taken
it position in Prank Metoalf's store.—W.
If. Finnemare, of the Blyth roller mills,
purposes making extensive improve.
moots in his mill within a fav days.
New and more modern machinery will
be planed in position. -000 former young
oitizen, Tommy Higley, is doing some
feet work this season with his bicycle.
At Guelph on July 1st he won the 1 mile
amateur Canadian obampionthip and O.
W. A. medal, and at London on Satur-
day of last week he won the 1 -mile open,
1 -mile lap and 1 -mile handicap races.
GLEANINGS.—M1ee Nellie Smith, of
Guelph, is at present visiting at the resi-
dence of Jas. and Aire. Hustle, of the
0111 Doo.—W. and Mrs. Mose ware
visiting with friends in Amborley this
week.—The Gorrie Brass Band has been
reorganized and J. D. McNabb appoint-
ed leader. Jas. Leech left for Manitoba
on a pleasure trip.—About 8 o'alook on
Tuesday morning of last week the large
bank barn of Matthew Dane, of the 10111
con., was 010100 by lightning and burn-
ed to the ground together with 8 horses,
6 pigs and 2 °elves whiob were in the
stable. The lightning struck the build-
ing near the ridgeboard, and after euler-
ing the barn, divided, one bolt going
East and the other West, each tearing a
large hole through the stone wall. Mr.
Dane and his family were awakeued by
the shook, but eo rapidly did the fire
spread that when he and his eon reached
the barn, although they did not stop to
dress, it was a mase of flames. When
they opened the stable door they found
one of the ho,see, which had got loose
during the night, lying at the door either
stunned or dead ; two other horses were
lying iu their stalls in the came oondi-
bion. One horse was uninjured and was
saved. The pigs were all killed as were
two of the three calves. Another calf
was uninjured by the shook and eeoaped
from the burning building by jumping
through one of the holes made by the
lightning through the stone wall. We
understand that the building and con-
tents were insured in the London Mutual.
Remarkable Rescue.
Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, III.,
makes the statement, that oho caught
oold, which settled on her lungs ; she
was treated for a month by her family
physician, bob grew worse. He told her
she was a hopeless victim of consumption
and that no medicine could .care bee.
druggist suggested Dr. King's New Dis-
covery for Consumption ; she bought a
bottle and to her delight found herself
benefitted from the first does. She con-
tinued its use and after taking six bottles,
found herself sound and well ; now does
her own housework, and is as well as she
ever was.—Free trial bottles of this Great
Discovery at Deadmnn's Drug Store.
Only 50 dente and 41.00, every bottle
NEwov ETORING0.—Final arrangemente
have been completed for the Masonic Ex-
clusion to Kincardine on Thursday,
August 3rd.—On Wednesday evening of
last week Miss Amy Johns `met with a
very painful shooting accident at the
Home of her mother, Mrs. D. Johne,
wbioni might yet result seriously. She
wag handling a loaded revolver and in
some manner the weapon exploded, the
bullet passing through Ler dress and
entering her leg just above the knee.
Surgical aid was at once summoned,—
The many friends of the family will
hear with deep regret of the death of
Mre. Charles Senior, of Blenheim, whioh
Sad event occurred at the residenoe of her
son, Joseph, Andrew street, on Sunday,
9th feet., in her Ord year. The deceased
for many years resided here previous to
moving to Bleobe(m Dome ten or twelve
years ago, and was highly respected by all.
—Melville it Morrison, of Mitchell, have
leased from W. G. Bishop the upper part
of hie :000riege w818000me whets) they
have oommeuced the manufacture of
aoetylen0 gas maohine0.—The ,Voters'
List for the Village of Exeter has been
issued. There aro 628 name on the li01,
135 of whom are entitled to vote at
Municipal eltotione and eleo1ione to the
Legislative Assembly ; 118 at Municipal
eleot ons only, and 45 at eleotions to the
Legislative Aseetnbly only, 800 are
eligible to serve ae jurors,—•J. A. Stewart
has commenced the enlargement of his
store.—The Reeve has proolaimed Thure•
day, August 8rd, se Civic Holiday. -0.
Snell hag removed the Expr0se office to
one door North of Mr. Bagebaw's bakery.
—Mrs. Albert Ford, Huron street, had
the misfortune the other day of stepping
on a rusty 00)11), protruding from a board,
that ran some dietenoe trite her foot and
caused an ugly wound. It 10 feared it
01i150nr OEAr,—By requeeb, and not
Lem 8 fluanoial point of view, the coil
mates who so ably managed the popular
coarse of 00800rt0 last Winter and
Spring, have arranged for another series
of entertainments which will be more
largely attended than ever, although it
was indeed possible to say the 5 oouoorte
presented by 111)0 nominittee taxed to its
01 most as regards the seating aapaolty of
the Town natl.—Though the players of
that good old game, bowling 0n the green,
have had eeveral mat01105 this season, it
was only on Monday night of het week
that the club was re.organizod, the ofli-
oers being : Pres., John Ranoford ;
Vice.Pree., Johu Johnston ; Sea., Wm.
Jaaksou ; Treas., J. P. Tiodail ; Skips,
W. Jaokeon G. D. MoTaggart, D. A.
Forrester and John Harluud.—Obarlee
Glow, of the Huron road below Stapleton,
last 11 of his sheep on Friday night, 741.
During the storm they were huddled iu
a beap, 17 in all, when the lightning
etruok ut a point 10 rode distant a strand
of barbed wire which ran on top of 0
rail fano°. The ourrent ran along' the
wire to the sheep and killed 11 of them.
They were insured in the McKillop
Company,—Mre. French, matron of the
House of Refuge, spent severat days vie.
ibiag Mr. arid Mrs. Henderson, Goderiah.
—Mrs. Oarlike, while sitting on her
doorstep, overbalanced and fell down,
fracturing her thigh bone. It makes it
more than ordinarily painful to Mrs.
Oarline, as ehe bad been confined to her
room for 5 weeks, and this was the first
time she had attempted to go outside.—
A pretty eouvenie was given A. T. Cooper
as well as all who attended the 0. E.
Convention in Detroit. It is a neat
badge with locket containing about a
dozen views of plume of interest in the
St,aite city,—At the 0. T. R. on the
12th 225 1/011010 were sold here for Wing -
ham, and about 40 for Exeter for the
Orange demonstrations held in those
towns. A special train of 11 coaches
under the charge of Conductor McDon.
ald, left here about 8.80 for Wingham.—
Jae. Baird, MaG1Il University, of Bruce -
field, is praotiaing with Dr. Gunn, of
town, daring the Summer. In his exam.
at MoG1II on the 7112 ult., he secured
honors in all his eubjeote, making a good
record for bio tbird year. He will gradi.
ate from that oollege next Juue, when he
will have the degree of M. D. 0. M.—The
Clinton Lodge I. 0. 0. P., No. 83, elect-
ed officers and were installed by P. D. D.
G. M., H. B. Chant :—P. G., F. Jack.
son ; N. G , R. J. Gibbings , V. G., B.
Kerr ; Rec.•Seo., J. Taylor ; P. Sen., F.
Al000k ; Warden, Geo. Madras ; Con.
dilator, A. J. Grigg ; R. S. S. Wesley
Moore ; L. S. S., H. Gould ; I. Guard,
Alf. Barge ; 0. Guard, Wm. McKeown ;
R. S. N. G., Wm. O'Neil ; L. S. N. G.,
V. Frenoll ; Obap. J. I. Stevenson ;
L. S. V. G., S. Seymour.
Story of a Shave.
To be bound hand and foot for years
by the chains of disease is the worst
form of slavery. "George D. Williams,
of 141auchester, Mich., tells bow smote a case
was made free. He says : "My wife has
been so helpless for five years that she
could not turn over in bed alone. Atter
ueing two bottles of Electric Bitters,
she is wonderfully improved and able to
do her owe work." This supreme
remedy for female diseases quickly cures
nerv00eneee, sleeplessness, melancholy,
headaohe, backache, fainting and dizzy
spells. This miracle working medicine
is a godeeud to weak, sickly, run down
people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only
50 Dente. Sold by G. A. Deadman,
NEWSY beaten—The raspberry orop ie
prolifto this year. -11 tiokets only were
sold for Wingham on the 12th. The
orowd went to Palmerston,—Rev. Mr.
Fear ie the possessor of a high grade
Columbia bieyole.—J. A. and Mrs. Mit-
chell and family are enjoying their vada-
tion with relatives at Meaford and
Olarkeburg.—It is the purpose of the
Board of Trade to apply the surplus from
Dominion Day eporte to a are protection
fund,—John Cowan is suffering from an
a1taok of typhoid fever, oontraoted, we
understand, by drinking water from a
well near his barn. As 11e is very busy
putting up his new brink residence he
cannot afford the time to be ill.—Rev.
Mr. Fear met with a painful accident on
Wednesday of ,net week wbioh might
have resulted in the lose of an eye. He
was peeing ont of the doorway when his
faoe Dame in violent contact with a steel-
yards hanging hard by, the hook of
wbioh penetrated his face oloso to the
eye and made an ugly Raab. The 'doctor
was summoned who drew the wound to-
gether with several st)tohee. It will be
very painful for some time.—Lovers of
flowers will be interested in the oaotue as
producing come of the most beautiful
floweroknown to floriculture. Mrs. J,
McBame is the possessor of one of the
Eohmpeis group of this numerous
family—some 1,200 varieties—wbioh was
in bloom last week. The flower is large,
trumpet.shaped, pure white, graceful in
apppealanc0 and delightfully fragrant.—'
What might have resulted in a fatal Daae
of poi0001'1g was happily averted by the
prompt aotion of the family physician of
Rev. and Mrs. McLeod on Saturday, 8110
met, It appears a bottle of Meath was
placed in n Dnp on the sideboard by Mrs.
MOLeod for the two obildren, Ernest and
Blanche, who are recovering from an at)
tack of scarlet fever. While her atten-
tion was taken up with other doting one
of tho children transposed the cascara
bottle with oto standing near by contain•
ing belladonna, a deadly poison. Not
euepoot)ng the miecbief that had been done
innocently by the child, and the eimilar-
iey of the bottles in size and 0010e, ehe
gave the two children the presoribed does
of what she supposed wag cascara but
what wee in reality the poi0on referred
to, The children had not long retired
before the mother observed that
they grew nudely (001000 and then
wildly delirions and their eyes greatly
dilated, (an e8eot produced by this par -
Coulee poison), when the poroeived the
terrible mistake She had made the (m.
Is Always W'ortth More Than Credit.
'712111 la our plan of doing busineoe, We offer Dash to the manufacturers
and wholeeale merahente and get low prices and big disaounte. We, in turn, offer
you liret.olaes geode for emelt or produce which are always below regular prioee.
Did you know we could sell you flrat•alase goods at prices like these 7
—Good Flannelette, worth 50„ for 8to.
—Grey Ootton, yard wide, worth 4o., for 2xc.
—Bleached Cotton, yard wide, worth 7o., for 6e,
— Dross Oingb11ms, new patterns, worth So., for 5o.
—Ohrok Shirting, fast oolore, worth 7o., for 50„
—American shirting, very heavy, worth 14a., for 124o.
— Men's Wool Pante, worth $1.60, for $1 00.
— Men's. Flannelette Shirts, a snap, at 20o.
—Men's Plow Boots, from 70o. to $2.
— Good Japan Tea, worth 25c.. 3 lbs. for 50o.
— Heavy Wool Tweed, worth 75c. for. 500.
mediately summoned the doctor, whose
prompt aotion in pumping out the
etomaehe of end administering antidotes
to the obildren saved their lives. He
worked with the little sufferers for up•
wards of twelve hours before success lee
tended his efforts. It was indeed a close
pall, and the euxfons and distressed
parental naturally feel grateful for the
happy ie0ue out of their trouble. Had
the poison been taken upon an empty
stomach nothing could have saved their
i'olc,inl.e Ernptlelaa
Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life
of joy. Buoklen'e Arnica Salva, Dune
them, also Old Running and Fever Scree,
Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts,
Oats, Bruises, Barns, Snide, Ohapped
Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile mare on
earth. Drives out Paine and Aches.
Only 25abe. a box. Cure guaranteed.
Sold by G. A. Deadman, Druggist.
i eaiorth.
Skseanxs.—James Young, who has
been foreman in the Sun office for a num-
ber of years, has secured a good position
ae foreman in the Wallaoeburg Herald
olfioe, and has left for that place.—The
Tuokeremith Branuh Agricultural So-
ciety bane decided to dispose of their
pre08nt show grounds with a view of pm,
chasing lees expensive grounds. Tenders
for the purchase of the grounds will he
reoeived by '1', E. Hays, Secretary, until
Tuesday, Aug. let, at 6 p. m. There are
8 acres.—The Council placed $8,050 to
the credit of the Seaforth Public sohool
as per the request of the Seorebary.—The
G. T. R. station hones ie being painted a
pretty shade of drab dolor with green
trimmings.—Thursday of last week when
coming from the 12.40 train, the horse
belonging to W. Somerville, ran away,
and broke the hydrant in front of Robt.
Willis' oboe store.—Rev. Rural Dean
Hodgins and family are going to Bayfield
this week for the Summer, having rented
Mra. Oleavea' cottage on the hill.—Mrs.
and Mies Elder left on Wednesday of last
week for Stratford, where they in future
will reside. Their, many friends will re-
gret their departure from town.—On
Sunday afternoon the Anoint Order of
Foresters attended the Methodist oberoh
when the Rev. Mr. Russell preached the
annual sermon to the Order.—The Col-
legiate Institute Board met on Wednes-
day evening of last week to arrange the
salaries and personnel of the )toff for the
coming year. $125 of a reduction was
made in the salaries and the staff have
two weeks in whiob to signify their ac-
oeptaooe of the Board's terms.
Manuueit's Iron Nerve
Was the result of his splendid health,
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where Stomach, Liver,
Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If
you want these qualities and the success
they bring, use Dr. King's;Now Life Pills.
They develop every power' of brain and
body. Only 28o at Deadman') drug
Grey Council Meeting.
The Munioipal Counoii of the Town•
ship of Gray met at the Township Hall,
July the 10th, 1809, pursuant to adjourn.
meet all the members were present,
Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last
meeting were read and confirmed. Mov-
ed by Adam Turnbull Beclouded by James
MaDonald that the Clerk now read the
report of the Engineer on the Fraser
drain.—Carried. Several of the parties
assessed for Bald drain were preeont and
no objections having been raised to the
Engineer's report, it woo moved by Ieaoo
Lake eeaouded by James McDonald that
the report as read be adopted, that the
Clerk be authorized to have a Bylaw
prepared for next meeting of dounoil.—•
Carried. Several communications were
read end ordered to be filed. The fol.
lowing accounts were presented, viz :—
Samuel Dunn, gravel, $14,50 ' Thos.
Atomic, gravel, 418.00 ; George 07011011,
gravel, $10 20 ;Russell Porterfield, gravel,
r10.80 atone on
road Don 0, $4 851 Ilbert dol aril Miller, gravel.
ling on East gravel road, $20.77 ; Dan.
Ewan, rag bolte, 31.20 ; Louis Hollinger,
repairing culvert lot 10 and 11, Doo. 10,
$5.25 ; Wm. Menary, repairing culvert
at lots 15 and 16, con. 0, $9.25 ; Robt.
Eloy, gravelling on eon. 6 at lot 4, $32,50 ;
Robt, Docket, culvert at lot 24, Don. 0,
48.75 ; Wm. Bird, gravellingwashout at
Betz bridge, eon. 12, 418.1; Wm, Mc-
Kelvey, gravel, $10.88 ; Michael Mullin,
gravel, 48.00 ; Wm. Rrauter, gravel,
$8.72 ; A Reymann, equalizing Union
S. S. No. 0, Wallace and Grey, $4.00 ;
Robt. Livingeton, meeting Engineer in
survey of Fraeon drain, $15.00 ; James
Greig, gravel, $0.44 ; A. Reymann,
straightening and gentling road an aide
road 8, con. 11, $14.00, Moved by Adam
Turnbull seconded by Demo Lake that
the above moments bo paid.—Carried.
Cannell them adjourned to meet again at
the Town011(7 Hall on Wednesday, the
16th day of August, next.
Wat, 075700, Clerk.
The two-year-old son of George Heiner,
of Louth, was drowned in a well last
The Winnipeg Industrial closed last
Friday ; the total x118000 nc0 for seven
days was about 50,000.
Jno, W. Luke, a well.known farmer of
Thurlow townebip, died suddenly Tees.
day at the age of 72.
Two freight trains collided on the In-
teroolonial at Springhill Junction, N. S.,
on Saturday night of last week.
The story of the death of ex -Mayor
Stewart, of Hamilton, while on the way
to Klondike, proves to be incorrect,
Gordon Heron, of Ottawa, aged fifteen,
gallantly resoued five ladies who were
bathing at Chelsea- and who got beyond
their depth.
The remaine of the late Henry T.
Sbibley, of Kingston, have been found in
Salmon Lake, in which be was drowned
last Autumn.
Henry Elliott, of the township of Hope,
has been appointed Registrar of Best
Durham to fill the vacancy created by
the death of the late Charles Ward.
Last Suodayforenoon, while the Rev.
R. Gardiner, of Port Dalhousie, was
holding gervioe, a eneak-thief got into
hie residence by prying open a back
window, and stole Mrs. Gardner's gold
watch and other gold trinkets, and made
his escape without being detected.
Going trip to commence Slily 18 1800.
Return trip to be completed on or Before
Sept. , (4.
Return17tdoke1814te Dan be purchased from all
agents and ab all stations
s oor the Grand
Trunk Railway System in Ontario and Que-
bec ab
Fare and One -Third
Or the Current Second.t'Ines One
W ay 1,008.
Any further particulars relating to rates,
aceommodatiou, ete..frost
R. T. SUTTON, Agent, Brnesele,
Commando a higher Leine
than any of the 1,762 U. S.
spring) ; the only water paying
the Dingley duty of $760.00 a car-
load, to purify the stream of
life, instill vigor and joy
and prolong sweet life.
Physicians Doolare It. Loon Unrivalled.
Sold in Brussels by
Grocer and Restaurant,
All orders for new Pumps or Repairs
promptly attended to. Contraote
taken for new Wella and Cisterna.
fa"•Lswn Mowers sharpened and repair.
ed. Pruning Shears and Scissors
ground. All work guaranteed.
Agent for "Morris" Pianos.
Shop on Mill Street, BRUSSELS.
L a. Richardson
Is prepared to do all kinds of
work in his line.
Good Workmanship and
Good Fits Guaranteed.
Suits made for $4 and upwards.
tarSliop hl Garfield Block.
As it nee Was.
When the human foot \1':1S
first introduced to shoes it wits
exactly as nature had made it,
It has been revolutionized v y.
from what it was to the foot of t1 �� .i�s�.,s7 .� '�'
to -day by sixteen centuries of
distorting tightness and freakish styles.
Slater Shoes " are made to fit
SE:SLATER SHOE_7'.ffeet as they to-do comfort first,
ar•.,, Y areY,
but good appearance never forgottr-i'.
Twelve shapes, six widths, 1.11
sizes leathers and colors.
Goodyear welted, name and price
stamped on the soles,
;Y3ltiss 13s' = PFsow rr bA _ j $3.50 and $5.00.
Jno. Dowding, - Sole Local Agent
± 'x t E
Carriae "oris
While thanking our numerous 0u0-
tomer0 for the busy time they gave ue
during the Winter in supplying them
with Sleighs and Cutter) we wish to re-
mind them that we ars equally as buoy
now in Manufacturing
We have thirty-five of the very beet and
most stylish. Buggies that can be got op
nearly oompleted, and will have them
ready for running about the First of
April. Should you need a Buggy or any
Repairing or Re -pointing, or what ever it
may be in our line of business, be sure
and oall at J. OOBER'S Carriage Pao.
tory, where yon will get the very best
that Dau be got anywhere and ae cheap
as the cheapest. Please keep in mind we
mannfaoture all our Vehicles right here
in the old reliable Carriage Faotory at
John. °ober,
System 'Renovator
—AND OTE0.a—
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita-
tion of the Heart, Liver Oomplaint,Nenr-
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De-
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by Jas, Fox, 1Drnggl5t, Rrn09010,
Fitted to Correct all
Failures of Eyesight,
and your Eyee tested FREE by
latest Optioal methods at
Division Court Office,
The Standard Bank
of Canada.
Money Orders
For amounts of Fifty Dollen and under
issued by this Bank, payable at par at
any obartered Bank in Canada, with the
exception of Branches in the Yukon Dis-
Under $10 .
$10 to 20 .
20 to 80 .
80 to 50 .
. $0.08
. 0.10
. 0.14
Who Live
out of Town
Don't think fora moment that
my store is too far away. Every step
you take my way is money in your poo -
Call end see what I have in-
-Dress Goods, Silks,
— Trimmings, Ribbons,
—Lace Curtains, Prints,
—Muslin), Art Draperies,
—Cottons, Cottonades,
— Flannelettes.
i''Alwaye a full line of Cromp-
ton Corsets.
Groceries. -04P11. ---
Complete stock of fresh Grooeries,
Canned Goods, Spices. Teas and Coffees
a specialty,
Agent for Parker's Dye Works.
British Coliunbia
Red Cedar Shingles
AND --
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing �il1s
Also Deere and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notioe.
Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
We have a supply of Pure
Manila Binder Twine,
Sewall & Day brand, equal
to the BEST made, at
Reasonable Prices.
Binder Whips, cheap
Binding 1VIits, all kinds
and of all kinds size s
Hay Fork Pulleys
Harvest Tools of all kinds.
• 0 1 1 0 0—.._ ..
Wilton & Turnbull