HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-7-14, Page 8Cameras and Kodaksl BICYCLES
Do you want to get a good Cam-
era ate the regular price 7 1 have
one. It takes pictures 4x 5 and ie a
good one only ultra a short time.
Gall and deo it. We bundle Kudaka
and all Photographic suppliaa, Oen
give your anything you want in this
Ytt tloot Beer,
We have Hires' Root Beer and
others for making cooling and health•
fol drinks for the hot weather.
We bave tt cholas selection of
Fans -Palm Leaf and Folding.
Druggist, Optioian and Bookseller.
f 'run Bartliff grocery bee hoop out e
smutty -in -the -Mot renehiue..
11RUse1La may metol el fink to Seaforth
next week to take part in the Bowling
'rho water pipe), hove not carne to hand
yet, 3e11d 11111 work of nimbi l up the 1111113
newer 113 (101M1110114V dehtyetl.
leer tile ham mune for Lha sower from
41:1 1 i Will tiny 11 t1 nl'i 1Vhael ill the O. 'I'. R to the Norma te4Praao. It
I L L good repair. duet in: altonld be unl. in deletes, the line weather.
Dote Remove whiapere.1 in nor ear tine
Y Will hay ft I',ad "13 Whs al with ding in reWeek that there would be another wed.
►lr . e.) new hind tirotown next month but nothing is
to be said about it just yob,
'f �)�a Wili boy et GeoL'. Wheel, pew
be) last year. Dunlop tires. The
hied tire new. Never riddto,
Ji e) j' Will buy a Geeta Wheel, only
tJ' ridden about 2 months. 1)an-
lop tires.
Cr Will Rent
Any of the above by day, emit,
m nth or year. They are bargaius,
G. A. Deadman,
Agent for Crescent Bicycles.
theme= EXTENSION W. 0. &B,
Tr thee leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
Mourns 7:10 a.m. I Mail 0.10 p.m
Hired 0149 8,01, Express 10:17 p.m
oral gays "s isms.
A ohiel'e amang ye Lakin' nota,
Au' faith he'll prent it,
TRE PoaT is 27 years old this week.
Scnooe Board Friday evening of this
A ROAD machine could be used to ad.
vantage in Brussels and locality for sev-
eral days.
Jamas DooLEm bas taken the place of
tbe late Albert Gibson at the Enterprise
Salt Works.
Tun home of Mrs. John Meadows,
John street, is being newly sided and
otherwise improved.
'LvonAlr races will be held on Tues.
day and Wednesday of next week.
There is a big program for each day.
A GOBBLE DEO.ED ear of hogs was
shipped from Brussels on Monday by
Geo. Best and another on Wednesday.
BANTA and choirs are acid to be ticklish
organizations to manage. It is stated
that there wag a °breeze" in the town
Band affsirs last Monday that relied the
used calm a trifle.
Miss CAMPBELL, Queen street, has
kindly given the use of her fine lawn to
the "1llinto"g ladies' dt ea Club.
Wednesday evening the initiatory game
on the 0eu grounds was played.
D. A. CEBBEN, has moved his imple.
tne91 w000000m across Mill street to tbe
building formerly used as a pump ebop.
F. Adams has put his pump machinery
into the building vacated and has it fitted
up in the most modern style.
THERE is evidently no shortage in the
crop of sobool teachers ae Secretary Reis
late 54 apmicabions for the vacant pari
tion on Brussels Patella sohool staff.
The matter will be dealt with on Friday
GARDEN PARTY,-Taeaday evening of
next week, 18111 inst„ a Garden Party
will be given at the home of Thos.
Meanders, about 2 miles Sonth of Brus-
sels, under tbe auspices of the Ladies'
Aid of Brussels Methodist ohuroh. Con.
veyanoes will leave Toe Pose from 7:30
o'clock. Good program, refreshments,
amusemeule, Eco. Mark down the date.
Kxnnan.-A young man named Ciemin-
Bbaw, of .Britton, was killed at Palmers-
ton on Wednesday morning. Along
with two brothere and a sister-in-law he
had gone to the above mentioned town to '
attend the Orange celebration. He
jumped on a freight train to ride up the
track a piece and it is supposed in get.
ting off he slipped on the bank and fell
under the care. His scalp wits torn off
and his bead terribly crushed. Deoeas.
ed was 16 or 18 years of age. Aa inquest
was held in the Town Hall and the re•
mains conveyed home in a hearse in the
evening. The miracle is that these aooi•
dents are not multiplied when the ()are.
1essne55 of so many people is noticed,
especially on excursion days.
Owen Sound Times of July 6th contains
the following, the recipient being a former
I3rueselibe :-On Friday evening it oom•
mittee of the Ladies' Aid of Division
street Presbyterian churoh waited on Dr.
and Mrs. Cavanagh ae their home on
Paterson street, to expreee the apprecise
tion of the congregation of the serving
which the latter bad gratuitouely rend.
cred in the Miurob and entertainments of
the Society, Mrs. (Dr.) Somerville read
the following addrese and Mrs. John R.
McKenzie presented her with a handsome
and valuable Westminster ohimedock :-
To Mrs. (Dr.) Cavanagh :
The members of the Ladies/ Aid Swim
ty and choir of ;Division Street Presby
terian ohnrob embrace this opportunity
of showing in some slight degree the es-
teem in whi0h you are held by the whole
Congregation. We found you ever ready
to assist us in our entertainments and in
everything whioh promoted the welfare
of the congregation. The plane yon have
won in the hearts of our people will be
kept and we shall ever look upon you as
one of oereelyee in sympathy and spirit,
although your church bomo le in a sister
denomination. We have ever felt that
you sang with the heart and spirit as
Well as with the voice, and this mede the
service of praise worship in reality. 11
was with a deep settee of our lose that we
parted with yon, but yen will still dwell
in our hearts when you will be remem•
bared with the kindliest feelings, As e,
slight token of our elicitation we ask you
to accept file clock. Ail it ticks out the
emends may fe remind you of the hearth
that beat in sympathy with yours 1 as it
sweetly Aimee out the quarters may it
tell you of the happy associations during
the all too brief Urns you were with us,
and tell you also of the feelings of good-
will for your husband end yourself that
are in the hearts of the members of Div•
tato Ire
aS et r b
I ea terian ohueab. Signed
mm behalf of the ySociety, M. 140. amen-
Lrls,'Er3sident, A suitably reply Wag
r ado by Bbl's. Cavanagh in aooepting the
andsen% gift.
Wargou Ammer put on a new tar and
gravel roof on a portion of the Holmes
black this weep.
DR. SNIDER has taken down the fence
in front of his resideuue, malting a notice.
able improvement in hie preteisO3. The
granolithic walk will give it the finish-
ing tench.
Br the una0'icited aoeietemee of a
pickpocket a temple from this locality
were relieved of their cwsh on the 12th.
The work was done either at the station
here or on the train.
A 0010 drop letter boe hoe come to
hand from tbe Poetniliee Department to
replace the one deetroyed at the G. T. R.
depot on Dominion Day, The hex ie a
great 0onveuienoe to the people in the
Northerly portion of the village and is
well used.
AT the aoa0lusi.m et bosfuess at Court
Princess( Alexandria, 0. 0. F., Breads,
on Tuesday evening last the brethren
were treated to ice era= and oake
through the ki0dee.s of Bro. Wm. Blas.
hill. There was another initiation that
evening making the total membership
the round 100, with a few applicatinue fn
hand for future meetings.
Rev. R. PAUL, with hie cearacteriatio
13031801 progress, intends petting down
a cement walk in front of hie residence
on Princess street. He already has a
similar walk from the gate to the varum.
dab. I1 would be a big improvement if
the walk were continued all along the
street as the present plank sidewalk has
Seen 119 beat dive.
THE 12'rR.--There was a large turnout
from Breathitt and locality on Wednesday
to the Orange eeleheatiou at Wingbam.
.3 epeeist train, under the cure of Con-
ductor McCallum left here at 8 o'clock,
350 tickets having been sold at lx aesi
Winthrop and Walton lodges took the
train here. A good many went by
private conveyance, Brussels Fife and
Drum Band accompanied tire e r i
p b moa a on,
The day was a beautiful one.
FARM BorciaT.-The Shiel 100 acre
farm, the second lot from Brussels mor•
poration, an the 9111 con. of Grey town•
ship, has been purchased by W. II. Kerr,
of Tue Po.T, from A lvid Shiel, of Pitta.
burgh, Pennsylvania. The farm has
two brick houses, a new Intik barn, orob-
arde, So., and is nearly all cleared. Mr,
Kerr had leaned the farm to W. Mo.
Fadzean, the present tenant, for the
coming year. A number of improve-
ments are in contemplation.
Tae new cement walk is completed on
the Eaet side of Tarnberry street from
hIrs. Thos. Kelly's to the corner of Mar.
kat Street and is being used. Work is
now in progress on the West eide of the
street and the same distance will be fin -
idled in the course of a week. There
will be a delay in the bueiness portion
owing to the Sewers not being finished
and if petitions are presented for walks
on the side streets there will be a switch
off by the staff on to then and return
to the front street later. A fine job is
being done and Should give satisfaction
to all ooncerued. Get in your petitions
to the Council nonce so that the work
will be flniehed in good time.
ENroeucg ASD P. S. LE.1YING.-The fol•
lowing are the numbere who wrote on
1 June 28th, 20th and 30112, et the various
centres in Eaet Hurou
Centres Entrance P. S. L.
Clinton 72 21
Blyth 20 8
Wingbam 56 34
Seaforbh 53 e
Brussels 48 29
Wroxeter 28 9
Fordwioh 10 8
Totals 292 110
The names of the suooesstul candidates
will be publiehed in the local paper about
the 27th inst. The physiology answer
papers for the Brussels Centre were
destroyed in the Bruaaele railway station
ere on July tat. The lose of these papers
will have no effect on the results of the
examination as this is nob an important
Now G. T. R. DnroT.--The G, T. R.
authorities have decided to rebuild Brats -
eels station at once and one car load of
material has already thrived. Tuesday
Gen, Superintendent McGuigan, Super -
intendant Jones, Roadmaster Ferguson,
Master Builder Wilson and Train Master
O'Oonnor made an ofliolal visit, New
building will be frame 20x50 feet and will
be level with the track, to the North of
where the old station stood, a 12 foot
platform being between it and rile main
track, The present South siding will be
Miran out and put to the rear of the
station to the loop shape striking in at
the cattle pens and near Gerry's( noel
hoose. This ohange will be made forth-
with and will be quite an improvement.
The Westerly side of the new building
will be the waiting room, the ventre,
with bay window, will conatitnte the
agent's office and the balanna devoted to
freight. There will be quite a differentia
in the size of the new depot as dotnpated
with the one burned as the old one wee
50196 feet brit the G. T. 1t, think the
euper•abundant room only tends to the
storage of freight Ghee should be healed
sway on ite arrival. The present ar-
rangetnent, eo to accommodation, is of a
very crude order bub the railway people
ss( the work Will beembed e
w 1 >q d head rapid-
a id•
that the inconvenience will here-
movedas speedily tie possible. Station
Agent Sutton still 110118 the fort in the
little baggage room.
'0111n:R L1Nre,--Thursday (Waning of
last week the following 0111„11 bearers wore
Metalled into their respective 5flfees for
the cermet term fit connection with
Western sitar Lodge•, No. 1111, I, 0 0, F..
13rn80018 :-
.I, P. G. -S 11, Jaokeee
N. (1,--W. A. Grower ;
V. G.--Rabt. Johnston ;
R. S. -Alex. Rose ;
e', 13,... -Samuel Wilton ;
'Cress. --F. S. Surat ;
lVarden-Frank Lambie
Con'tuotor-W. 0, Smith ;
0. G. -Wm. Martin ;
I. G, -Jos, Ireland ;
R. S. N. G.--Rabt. Henderson ;
L. S. N. G. -J. W. Binsbill ;
1(. F. V. 0.-14. T. Plum ;
L, S, V. G. -Jas. Hntnphrise ;
R. S. S.-AIsx. Stewart ;
L. ei. S -Wm, Tbomsou ;
Chaplain ---G.:1. Deadman.
This Lodge is in a.very healthy condition
having 80 members on the roll and ea.
cessinn8 almost every month of the year.
('11u(tort (iiteiN1,
Read the Sabbath eoh:tol leseou notes
on page 0 of TRE P0sT.
Regular monthly service in the 12. 0.
ohuroh next Sabbath moruiug,
"A Frimed in Need" will be the Unpin
at 141,:11ille Endeavor next Sabbath even.
Rev. I1, is', Rellington, of Trowbridge,
is supplying the work on the Nile cirenit
owing to the 35)831se of Rev. Mr. Gall,
Next Sabbath evening the monthly
(loneecratioo service will be held in the
Epworth League ; the pastor will conduct
Next Sabbath morning Rev. Soo.
HOlm88 will take "3, Preacher for the
Time" as his topio and at 7 p. m„ "The
Chnroh for the Times."
During the past year the Bishop of
Huron held 81 confirmations, confirming
458 meu and 850 women, a total of 1,317,
the largest number for years.
At the regular montbly meeting of the
Provincial Sabbath School Association
held in Toronto recently, it was decided
to hold the next annual 000vention fp
Galt nest October.
The Archbishops of 'York and Canter-
bury have declared the use of eaudlee
and iucenae at ceremonies in the estab-
lished churches of England to be illegal
and have forbidden their use.
Donald Black, of Algoma, who is
1118 10 tliislo°mlity, gave an address in
Melville ehur h T • d
0 on aura ay evening of
this week on "Northern uta °
0 rte. The
usual Wednesday evening prayer meeting
was not held.
Rev. Mr. Abey'e text lack Sunday
morning in St. John's church was Joshua
18:8 and in the evening St. Luke 18:18,
"And a certain ruler asked Him, saying,
Good Master, what shall I do to inherit
eternal life 3"
Dr, Jennie Carson, of Chatham, bas a
letter from her sitter, Oita. (Dr ) Rijn•
hart, in which she says that she is on her
way home from China, where she stayed
e few months after getting out of Thtbet,
the eoene of her awful trials, She asks
that her next letter be addressed to
Tacoma, Washington.
Large oongregatiooe were present at
the Methodist thumb last Sabbath, The
new pastor preached at both eerviees
taking I Cor. 15 ; 3 4 as his text and giv-
ing an hietorioel outlive of the doctrines
of the Bible. Mal, 8 and 10 'Prove Me
herewith ealth the Lord of Hosts," was
the evening eobjeob end was ably dealt
with. There were 219 at Sabbath sohool.
"The life of Fanny Crosby" was the
subject before the Epworth League last
Sabbath evening. All the hymns sung,
viz : "Ooree stay thy feet by the shelter-
ing rook" ; "Tis tee blessed hour of
prayer" ; "Only a beam of ennebine" ;
and "Draw me nearer" were the compo•
eition of this wonderful woman, Mise
Carrie Hingston read an iatereeting
ohmmeter sketch and Miss Lizzie Sample
sang one of Miss Crosby's favorite
hymns, "A little talk with Jens."
Rev. Jno. Rosa, B. A., continued the
aeries of discourses on "Prayer" last Sab.
bath morning, taking the text "Praying
always with all prayer and sopplioabion
in the spirit end watching thereunto with
all perseverance and snpplioatioo for all
8ainte." We should pray not only in-
ceamently, veriouely and dependently, as
referred to on the previous Sabbath, but
(leo (1) Watohfally; (2) Perseveringly ;
and (3) Comprehensively. The evening
subject was "A gospel message from the
Old Testament," Isaiah 1.10 "Dome now
and let US reason togetber 8ai111 the
Lord, da"
A. L. Siston was deotarod elected for
Banff by the returning ofiaerTnosday by
84 majority over Dr, Brett,
A movement 1s en foot in Toronto hem
ing for ite cl,jeet the amalgamation et
most, it not all, of the wholesale gr000ry
lames 111101ne. (lien11tleaollo5rn. Options
Wive been mewl from several bailees,
and the 8ahente is acid to be generally
approved of by the grocers themselves.
The privilege and 010 110115 namtnittes
mot at Ottawa 'Wednesday to consider
Mr. 130038n'1 charges against the deputy.
ramming oflioers and returning officers
for West Huron and Brookville. It was
decided t0 g0 on with the Wast Huron
ease first, and a list of witneesee for
)Vest fluron was gives by Mr. Borden.
These oompriee 45 electors( who said
they voted for the Conservative oandl-
date, and only 30 ballots were found in
the box for him. In addition to the
returning officers and deputy returning
o0foora a number of other parties, who
were said to be assisting the Liberals in
the riding were aubpconted.
A barn seeing last Friday evening on
the farm of John Convey, Oth concession,
Ilincardine, was the minion of a terrible
eoaident, in which one man was )tilled
and sixteen others were injured. The
barn was one of the largest in that part
of the country, and everything went eat-
isfeetorily until the fourth- bent was being
lifted, when n little too muuh pushing
shoved the bent too far and down it tell
upon the men beneath. Fon) doabors
were summoned at once. Dan. etoKenzie
was plaited up with both of his le . brok-
en and hie hip smashed terri 'y. IIs
was also bort igteruelly. Ilrorvthing
possible was done for him but he died
about 11 p. m. The next series ey hurt
was James Begg, He had a .nae ribs
'orphan, besides being hurt 0311,. melee in-
ternally,it cannot onot bo said as yet ]taw
seriously. Kenneth McLeod wee hurt
about the head and rendered nnoousuions,
but it is not thought that be is badly
injured. With the exception of Mr.
Jobustnn, who is badly injured, none of
the others untrained serious injuries.
Hon. W. E. Sanford, of ITamiltoo, tons
drowned Monday morning while out fish-
ing near his own island, Densltoka, In
oomptily with Miss Dowry. It appears
that Senator Stanford found acne 31(11.
eulty in lifting the anchor of the boat,
and was about to leave it, when, turning
round, he lost his balance, upeettiug the
boat, precipitating both himself and Wee
Dowry into the Water. elias Dowry
caught a lifebelt, which the Senator
made a praetiee of carrying with him,
holding herself up, and tried to hold the
Senator. Losing bar hold, the Senator
sant end only rose twine. On hearing
the cries for help, Miss Knight, a domes•
do in bis employ, wept to the spot, and
rescued the lady, but could see notbiog of
tbe Senator, Taking Mise Dowry to
shore, about 100 yards, she got her either
and returned, They found the Senator
in a standing position, with his harede
placed on a rock, his head about 18 inohee
under water, and about six feet from
shore. They raised the body and took it
to shore and went to 31r Baker's,
Florence Island r help. el All the be men
on the Island were away gathering moss
for the Senator. Mr. Baker at . once
rowed to T. Eaton's. Re immediately
got out hie yacht and went for Dr. Cot-
ton. Dr. Cotton, on (Arriving, found it
was to late to render any assistance, and
hie employees had already worked for
some time trying to resosoitate him.
The Senator's body was supposed not to
have been in the water more than half an
hour. Mrs. Sanford and her two daugh.
tars are at present in Germany, and were
about to sail to Canada and spend soma
time at their Wend. Mrs. Jeakeon San•
ford and some othet friends were visiting
the Senator.
Business Locals.
New potatoes for sale at IbloOraeken'e.
Fon enie cheap. two set second-hand
single harness. I. 0. Riobards,
Jensnr milk for sale. 4 cents a quart.
Tnr King'a clearing sale. All 10o
prints for 5o ; high °lase organdy mus•
tins and Summer Dress goods at half
pride. Cash paid for Butter and Eggs.
Try the sale during Juty nod August,
G. E. 1{uvo, Wingham.
PoTTEa,-Tn Blyth, on June 29th, the
wife of Mr. John Potter, of a eon.
JOuNsTON.--In East Wawanosb, on Suns
29th, the wife of Mr. Robert John.
aton,of a daughter.
J anthee0.-In East Wawanosh, on July
4112, the wife of Mr. 'Wm. Johustop,
of a daughter.
CODE. -In Trowbridge, on June 27th, the
mife of Mr. Hilliard Code, of a eon,
CnAtttEnrA1N.-Io Blyth, on Jane 20th,
Ephraim Dunham Cbamberlain,
aged 64 ;there,
MeneuALL.--n Morris, on July let, Wm,
James Marshall, aged 20 years and 6
tm Tx szemsr0 xereame •ary+S,
Clanaffielex NoavN. Fall Wheat 65
--- Barley 40
The Latug•Ritohie handle faotory of Peae 00
Essex may move to Chatham, Ones ,. 28
A West Zorra man declares hailstones Butter, tube and villa ., 11
fell at Lakeside a week ago Monday, that Egge per dozen 10
measured seven inches around, and that Flour per barrel,4 00
ono k000ked down a two•year.old colt. Potatoes (per bag)...,,GO
Zorra hailstones are apparently bad Ray per ton 5 00
motors, Hides trimmed
On Sunday fire started in 0. Lang'e Hides rough
oider and fruit jelly factory, spreading to Salt per bbl., retail
Sheep sarins, each
Lamb skins each
Hoge, Live
a storehouse owned by le. W. Graaf at
Clifford, oompletely destroyed both build.
inge. Looses, 0. Leng, $2,000 ; Graef,
$300 ; no insurance.
A eon of Mr. Houston, prinoipal of the
High Sohool, Clinton, ono of a pio•nio
party, was drowned while bathing at
Bayfield on Tuesday, Be got beyond his
depth, and before assistance ootld reach
him was drowned, His body wee found
twooty.five minutes atter, too late to be
revived,. Tie was 14 years old.
Wm. Manning, a laborer, of Listowel,
about forty years of age, is said to have
been In the habit of beating his wife
when he pot the worse of liquor. He is
alleged to have given her a beating on
Saturday morning, after which she laid a
complaint tegeinst him before the Magis•
trate, When he found it out, it is said,
he gave her another batting Saftlyday
evening. Finding the nonstable was
miming to arrest him '1 e8day morning
he said he would Hover appear before the
Magistrate, and took a drink of laudenam
end died soon after, leaving e large family
in very poor aiteumetanots,
Apples (per bog)
1 00
4 50
1 00
4 00
1 00
5 00
4 60
1 00
INars000r., July 11, -At the Ingersoll
0118060 marltet today only two lots, 300
boxes, were offered ; 190 sold at 90 ;
Junes about all sold in this section
small attendance.
New Yonx, July i1, --Bolter steady 1
weaken creamery, 16o to 184o ; do,
factory, 12o to 144,3; imitation (ream.
ery, 190 to 1Go ; State dairy, 13e to 170 ;
do. memory, 1.5e to 18ic. Cheaso firm ;
large white, 8}o ; small white, 84o ;
large colored, 84a; small colored, See,
TonoNTo, July 11,-3Nour quiet and
steady, with Weight roller's quoted at
$5 to 98,10 weat. Bran $19 to $13 west.
Shorts 914 to 14.
60 west. Beat gquiet
and prices unohanged ; red Vinterand
white quoted et 60o to 0940 north and
west, and goose at OOo, low freights
N'o,1 Manitoba hard, (beady, let 78o Feet
,1 BD 1.1,21,1117i' 01+' C,I, D..4,
F..ST,eS=37,..' .a= 17 13°70,
Dollar() -
1 300,000
Agencies fit all principal points in Ontario, Qitebe,, lltgg-ftoi,a, United States (1 Ttltptatttf,
6n/78a/rho lIse G em.
A General Banking BltshieHe Tranenoted, Farmer(' Notes Disoriented,
Drafts Lintel nod (Jollootloue made on all pollee.
Interest allowed on deposits of 91.00 and npwarde,
Every facility afforded Customers living at a dietanoe.
J. N. GORDON, Amelia &arm'r,
William ; at 7110 to 80o Midland and
Oweu Sound ; at 83o TOroutp ; No. 1'
Northern 770 Midlaud and Owen Sound.
Oats steady, with white selling lit 294a
to 30o north and were, and at 304o to 310
Midland. Peas steady, at 60o to 604c
north and west, and at 674o on the Mel.
land, Rye nominal. Buckwheat 58o to
540 outside. Corn quiet, with Canadian
350 to 35,So west, and American at
404o on track hero for No. 2. Barley
purely nominal. Oatmeal steady at
88.80 in bags, and 93 00 in laurels on
EAST Bureau, N.I5, July 11, -Thera
were small receipts of sale cattle stud a
moderate number consigned through ;
the feeling on butchers' cattle is full
steady to throng, but the oouditiou of the
Canada eboaker bneiuess has caused con-
siderable apprehension in the hinds of
the dealers owing to the motive rubric -
gone on the part of the United States
Government in the matter of the duty of
90.75 per head on all cattle over a year
old ; these light cattle, not worth on the
average more thee 98 to $10, are too
heavily burdened by a tax of $8.75, and
the tariff is practically prohibitive,
Sheep and lambs -Only a couple 01 01008
on sale ; the market unchanged in tone
or general value ; Spring Iambs were
quotable at $6.50 to 90.75 ; sbeep, 95 to
95.25 ; the outlook for the next few days
is for all good grades of sheep and Iambs ;
olipped Iambs were quotable at 95.25 to
$6.60. Hogs -The hog market was 5a
higher with 10 loads on Bale; heavy were
quotable at $4.25 ; mixed $4.271, to
94.50 ; Yorkers, 64.30 ; pigs, X4.80 ;
roughs, 93 65 to $8.75 ; stags, $3 to $8,26;
the (lose was strong,
Tortouxo, July 11.-A moderate run of
live stook at the Western (settle market
this morning met with slow demand.
The arrivals were 60 ear loads, composed
of 1000 cattle, 500 sheep and yearlings,
50 calves, 80 niton (owe and 1,200 hogs.
Export cattle. -The market was firm.
Choice heavy exporters were quotable at
94.80 to 95.15 per cwt„ and light export-
ers, which were in ample supply, fetch.
ed 4,60 to 4.7 a
$ 0 per wt. Butch rs'
$ e
cattle -The feeling in this branoh show-
ed a little life today, but the demand
was not as active as on Friday. . 1 '
0 ce
offerings found ready sale at firm prices,
ranging from $3,26 to 94 per owl., and
inferior grades were steady at 93 to $3,16
per cwt. A few good loads of heavy ex.
port bulls were firm at 93.75 to 94.95,
and a light run of light stock bulls were
steady at 92.50 to $8 per owl. Stockers
and feeders. -Canadian stockers for Buf-
falo were in a little heavier supply than
usual for the early market, but the de-
mand was motive for the choice seleotione,
which were quilted at higher prices.
Choice stoke 260 per cwt. higher, or
$3 to 93.25 per owl. An ample supply, of
stook heifers fetched prices ranging
from 92,50 to 99.76 per cwt. Sheep and
lambs -Tho market was steadier ; a
heavy rue of export sheep met with a
fairly good demand and the quotations
were a little firmer, butohers' sheep being
quoted at 25o per owe higher, or 98 to
93,50 each. Sheep for export and butch-
ers, which made up the balk of the offer-
ings, were quoted at 93,95 to $3.40, and a
light supply of Spring lambs fetched 95
to $5. 25 each. A few bunches of good
valves fetohed htgher prices, or 92 to 98,
and -an ample supply of bucks brought
92,75 to 93 per cwt. Hogs -Trading was
motive and the moderate run was oleared
out of the pone early at Steady prices,
Values remained unchanged from Friday
and choice seleotione were quoted at 95
per owl. Light and tlllek fats were
steady et 94.25 per owe, and 'sows fetch-
ed $3 per cwt. Stags were quiet at $2
per cwt.
Wingham, will be at the American
Hotel Brussels, every other Thursday, nom•.
manatee July 13th, for the practise of den-
tistry in 3111118 branches, to tbo most modern
and up-to-date style, 50-tf
Tenders Wanted.
Tenders will be rewired by the undersign-
ed up to Aug, 1st, for the purobaee of the
Tuekoromith Agricultural Society's grounds,
in Seaforth containing el cores, the beat
building lots on South aide of Baron street,
The highest or any tender not necessarily
accepted. Apply to or write T. 17, HAYS,
Sooretary-Treasurer, Seaforbb, 1 -
Notice to Creditors.
In the hatter of the estate of Simeon
Hodder, late of the Township of
Morris, Farmer, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the
Bevised Statutes at Ontario, 1807, Chapter
120, that all oretlitore and others having
Mims against the estate of the said Simeon
Vedder, who died on or about the Twenty-
eighth day of June, A. D.1000, are 78ghlrod
on or before the Twenty-ninth day of July,
A, D. leee,to send by post, prepaid or to
deliver to W. 131:. Sinclair, of the Village of
Brunets, in the Count of Huron, Solicitor
for the Di:mentor* oftheLoeb 11,111 and
Testament of the said deooaeod, their
Christian and Surnames. addressee and d5•
8oriptlous, the full pertioulara of their
Mines, (718 statement of their memento, anti
the seoulthrall, ities, if any, held by aw, And
sertlier take notice that rotor nth lest
mentioned date the said Donators will
proceed to distribute the anthem of the do•
ceased among the puttee entitled thereto.
having regard only to the oltums of which
they shalt then have notice, and the said
77xocutore will not be liabio 100 the said
sante or any 13101 thereof to any person or
panne of whose claim notice eha4 tot
nave boon received by theta 0.1 the limo of
such dfett'ibuttoo.
Soltottor for 015011811 TORV1SX and E0.
WA11I) 800MAN,Execators of the last W111
and Testament of SIMEON 1EODDf01t,
newt the Teeth del of 111y,A, n, lees.
Notice to Creditors.
In the Surrogate Court of the 0ounty, of
Huron, in the matter of the estate of
John ewnrt, la's of the Township
of Grey, in the County of Huron,
farmer, dimmed,
Notice Is hereby gine, pursuant to Bevis -
ed Statutes 01 Ontario, 18e8, Chap, 120, See.
08, that all °redttors and o1hc'a hovtng any
claims against 1130 estate of John SLowort,
late of the Township of Grey. 1u the Ooenty
of Eaton, PM'n151'. deemed, who died on or
about the 87111 day of Juno, a.1). 18011, at the
said Township (1 Grey, are hereby required
to tend by post, prepaid, or deliver to G. Ie.
14 lair, of the Village 0f Brussels, Solicitor for
F. S, Scott, of tbo said Village of Brussels,
and John Stewart, 01 the said Township of
Grey, the lex55ntera 0f the said estate, on or
before the 28111 day of July, A. D. 1100, their
full names, addresses and descriptiouo and
the full particulate of their claims, and the
nature of the securities Of any/ held by
them, And notice is further given that after
the sell htet vuwttouo,l date the 5,1113 ]0xeo•
lltere will pree0td to dlstribate the assets Of
the said deceased ahle0g the persons entit-
ledthereto, having regard only to the claims
of which notice shall have been given as
above required, and the sa131 'Pxmentors will
not be responsible for the 080518 or any part
thereof, so distributed to any psu'oon of
whose Oahu notice shall not have been re-
ceived at the Mum of moll distribution.
Dated at Brussels, July 11te,1500,
G. F. BLA110, Brussels, Cut„
1.3 Solicitor for Exooutot'e.
on Min street, Brussels. The hones
is a comfortable one, well fitted up,with
cellar, hard and soft water, Rm. Thoth is
also a good stable. Fruit trees in garden 1
over ono•quartor mire of land. For pilots,
terms, dc., apply to N. FINN, Proprietor,
or 113. H. %EBI1. of Tun POET. 18.11
LAl n von BALE: The 1103000Ig1103 offers
for Bale 5,000 acres of timber lands in Oecoda
00„ Difebigan, ata low pries. Well timber-
ed with hardwood. Also 2,000 acres for sale
cheap for actual settlement, lying on the
Oswalt s R: Novthtce '
W sar railroad. ,onu. Savoral
improved forms cheap, Apn1Y to
AS, APl11N,
51 -em Big Rapids, Mich
undersigned oifere his 1.00 acre farm,
being 8 a Lot 27 Con. 0, Morris, for sale.
A11 oared and in a good state of cultiva-
tion. House. bank barn, orchard, 31o., 31
miles from Brussels, and only 1 mile to
school. Possession given after harvest, If
not Holt( by Sept. tat will be leased for a
form of years. Par price. terms, te., apply
on the promises, or 1r by letter, to
JAMBS PETOII, Brussels P. 0.
JIlLY 14, 1899
Paris Green,
4 Sheets for 25o,
Davis' Fly Pads,
6u, thole
Wilson's Fly Pads,
1011, thole'
Kill 'em. Quick Pacts,
Go, owl.
Insect Powder,
OOo, per lh,
Insect Powder Gillis,
10o, each,
26e. per 1b.
Ar -
Fox's Drug Stere.
dsraigned 'offers his farm, West Balt
Lot No. 10, Oen. 4, 0roy,•oohtaieing 50 acres,
moreorloss. For partioulare its to prlse
and terms apply to
ASCU. 11 013E1(1%0N,
Brussels P. 0. on the promises,
1.: Lot 29, N 1 Con. e, Morris Winship,
containing 08 pews of Oret-class land, There
isallo000 barn, orchard end good ware-
house, anis /114.111 18 well fanned. Thera rue
35 acres in Fall wheat ; 15 acres in bay and
45 acres pasture. Possession 0outd he given
at once. Farm edjoius the village of Brus-
sels, For further parttoalars as toprice,
toms, dui„ write to JAaf1CB LIVINGSTON,
AI, P„ linden. 22-11
Consisting of the South 1 and South
of the North .l of Lot 01, 000.2, Mast Wawa.
nosh, This IS an exoelleot stook farm,bellg
well supplied with good spring water. 111e
situated about 0 mites from the thriving VII.
lage of Blyth. A largo part of 11 is under
erase. Buildings and fences are in arab
state of repair. nosy tonne of payment 10111
he givou. For all information apply to
11-tf G. F. BLAI11, Barrister, Brussels.
The undersigned offer two 100 acre
farms for sale atreaeonable urine. The lots
are Nos, 10 and 11, Con. 5 (Sunshine), the
eideroad between them, Good brick house
and barn on lot 11, and house and 2 barns on
lot 10. Orchards and all necessary moven-
fences. Well watered and suitable for grain
or grazing, 100 acres now in grass, Will be
sold either separate or together t0 suit pur-
ohaaer, Terms of payment reasonable. Im-
mediate Doesiseion. For further particulars
apply t0 JOSEPH 0L1CGG, Brussels P, 0„ or
10. L. DICKINSON, Barrister, lViugham, 111
Fall Term opens Sept. 5
CEh'TRAI. �"�Ess
25ttralife-rel, 0711t.
Write to•day for our new Catalogue.
It's the finest Business College Catalogue
in Canada and represents the most pro.
greemive mud beet school.
ev. J, ELLIOTT, Principal.
We don't demand cash because we're afraid to trust
people, but because it is a direct benefit to all who buy
goods here. To prove that we do sell cheaper, compare
our prices with other stores in Brussels.
13ay Cash and Save the Difference.
Scotch Dress C>I'inghams
8e., 10c. and 12}c,, all new
and fancy designs and guaran-
teed fast colors.
English Prints,
8o,, 10c. and 121c. A groat
variety of new patterns.
Shirt Waists,
85c. for a good Print Shirt
Waist, Well made and new
Men's and Boys' Soft Felt Hats
for 25o, regular price $1,00
Boys' and Men's Stiff Hats
for 50o, regular price $2.00
Highest Price Paid.
for ButterandEggs.
E.SiyIENMA,1873� P 15107(5