The Brussels Post, 1899-7-14, Page 5Jf7LY 14, 1899
11 Pent, J.R. H(fO'T1', 11ruasela,
• Ismer of Marriage (.(onuses, 011100
at his.Grouory,Tuna berry e14.00b, I3ru000lo.
It 1`l. BARIIET`T',
• f the Standard
8130p -Next (1000
North of the Standard honk, Wittiest' nail
ehlldirene hall' oat0u0 n sp000013y,
Minim:Wan has several good Farms for
sale and to rent, easy tarok, to Townships
of Morris and Grey, L 8, BO0TT,.Dnissols
lgR V,. O2Y77.
Issue! of Marriage Licenses,
Orman AT J0w0LBY Strong.
lx No Witness Required.
T. FLETCHER, Brussels
;L. C. M.,
Academia graduate of London Conserva-
tory of 1Baela, is prepared bo receive a lim lt-
od number of pupae for instruction on the
piano, \Valbou-Monday, Tuesday; Brussels
-Wednesday, Thursday; Soalorth-6rid0 y,
Saturday. (panned to prepare pupils for
the Principal's Form iu the Conservatory of
Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour
Co, Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public
Land, Loan and Insurance Agent, Funds
invested and to loan. Collections made
Oilloe In Graham's B to ok,13ruseole
AUC-A• mmNL+ n.aonar to loam Farms
to sell.
BIM, will sell for bettor prices, to
better men, in one time and IOae charges
than any other Auctlouoor in Last Huron
or he wont abargo anything. Dates and
orders can 'always be arranged at this oatoe
or by pommel applioatiou.
P./ • limner Graduate of tbo Ontario
Veterinary College, 1s propored to treat all
diseases of domesticated animals In a com-
petent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calle promptly at-
tended to. Office and Infirmary -Four dorm
north of bridge 'Purnberry at., Brunets.
Y Y • Solicitor, 0onvoyaneor,Notary Pub -
110, &o, 0moe-Vau0tone'9 Block, 1 door
north of Central Dote Solicitor for the
Standard Bank.
Solicitor, &c. (late of Garrey &
Prondfoot'e Oaloo, Goderieh,) O1Boe over
Gillies & Smith's ank, Brussels.
Money to Loan. 47
• (Formerly of Cameron, Molt &
Cameron J Barrie ter and Senator, Cathodal],
Ont. Office -Hamilton St., Opposite Ool
borne Hotel.
M,D„ 0. M., Trinity University, Fellow Trin-
ity Medical College, Member College of Puy
sioiane and Surgeons, Out. Licentiate of the
Royal College of Ph/Riotous and Licentiate
of Midwifery,Edinburgh. ITolophoue
No,14, Roeid�
noo, Mill53., Brussels.
MD. C. a0T to D1, A, MoKel oy
Licentiate of Royal College of PhysiciansandSurgel Kingston Member 0?the
of yi(o andSurgeons Ontario,
Diseases of Wem10r and ohildron 7, specialty.
years' experience. 1-lOgles and res-
idencethat formerly uby Dr,f-
Kevey, TurnbelYy atroot,13thasele, 25-
M.B., M.D., M.O.P.S.O.
Special attention given to diseases of the
Throat and Longa. and diseases of Women
and Children,
1,11Y510f0N, 0111100073 AND A00000n0UB,
let Claes Honor Graduate of the Univorei-
tiesof Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston),
and of Trinity Medical 0ollago; reollnw of
Trinity Medical College and member of the
O elle a of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar-
io. Post Graduate Ooureo in Detroit and
Chicago, 1805, Special attention paid to die -
eases of Eye, Trlr,Noso and(l'nroat, and dis-
eaeosof Women, 'Consultation in Eng -
1011 and German. Telephone ab residence,
undersigned will lump a young grade
bu11 for service on Lot 80, Con. 0, Morris
(adjoining Brussels), Tums 75 cents with
Privilege of returning if necessary,
40.4 GDIO. 100213, Proprietor.
The undersigned will 'keep tor service 011
Let 20 Con, 0, Morrie, the t11aro'-bred Im-
proved York7enire Boar, "0010 Lodge Loag-
follow," No 2400, bred by N. E. Brethous, Btu'.
ford, to wallah a limited number of sowo will
bo Nikon, Terms, 81.00, to be pall at time
of 0orvlae with privilege of returning if neo-
Amnion 61 choice young ROW far gale for
brooding Dumont' which will be rend at
priooe to fruit the tlmoo.
21- 13011T, N10H02,1'roprietor,
.(,l51ric.t eb.)5.
NhtwHY 01.Io1e --Mrs, 1).4 is \drilling
friends 111 'J'ihulihbnrg,-air 0(0(000 were
soli at this statau fur Teoawalor 011
Dominion 3i7. ---W. Dodi; is having hie
residence remodelled.. ,1, S. and Airs.
!Found left last , weep 011 it holidaying
tone, 61r. Walker 10 relieving Alr.
1''Onud at the C. 1'. 1i, elation. ll.', and
Aire. Took were 11 Toronto hist weep at-
tsnling the wedding of Mrs. reels's els.
ter, klieg al arid Motnlon.---Mf0800Sumo
and Lottie Andel are visiting friends at
the "Soo," -Mrs, (Ur.) Laln)nger, of
Gladwin, Alioh,, is at prevent visiting
irien(loin town.---Wbc'o tinloadbng hogs
at the weigh settles D. I). Sanderson's
team ran away, nattering tbo piga along
the street. They ran as far as Ed.
James' where one of them jumped the
barbed wirefonao and the outer did not,
thin brought them to a standstill. The
wagon wa0 considerably smashed and the
horses were soratohocl and Out by the
whilfletrees and barbed wire, -Quite a
number from Gerrie attended the wed-
ding of 1iov. 0. 0. Keine Wednesday of
last week.
NawoYFANcrns,-Wardon Cook was in
Godorioh last week making this monthly
visit. -Blake (look was In Lietowol last
week writing on the Primary exenun•
atiousetthe High sgbool.---'Phe regular
morning service in Trinity church was
dispensed with on Sunday last, owing to
the Orange sermon in the afterneou.-
There seems to have been a universal de-
crease in the number of oanrlidatss writ
ing at Public Sohool Leaving end
Entrance Examinations this year. At
the seine( here there wore only 23 wrote
as against 32 last year, and other places
have had similar r0(0000ous. 101in
JIartlry, of Delmore, was the presiding
examiner hare. -Rev. A. B. Dobson and
J. Il. Johnston, Mrs. L. G.
Hooey, Misses Mary McIntyre and Maggie
,Johnston, Wm. and Mrs. Watters and
the letter's slater, Mee. Thomas Pennell,
of Shelburne, drove to Pike Lake on
Kenny of last week and spent an en•
joyable day boating, fishing, eto,-J. J.
Crisp, our elation agent, ie away for n
douple of weeks' holidays. Mr, Cray is
relieving station,- Rev. I at the stat
o R.
Honking was appointed as the delegate
from the Methodist ohuroh hero to at•
tend the Prohibition Convention in
Toronto on Tuesday last, July 11th.
'f'la`t Thumbing Headache
Would quickly leave you i!' you used
Dr. Dr. King's Now Life Pills. Thou•
sande of eufferers have proved their
matohle00 merit for Sick and Nervous
Headaches. They make pare blood and
'strong nerves and build up your health.
Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 ole.
Money baok if not cured. Sold by G. A.
Deadman, Druggist.
iioleo -.vort:li.
The Molesworth annual pie -bio was
held on the let of July. It seas well at-
tended as usual. A game of foot ball
was played between the Klondikers of
Molesworth and a pinked team from
Ethel. The same stand at the finish 6
to 1 in favor of the Klondikee.--Our new
pastor, Rev. Mr. Bristol, preaohed a very
able sermon from the book of Daniel,
12th chapter and 3rd verse on Sabbath,
2nd inst.-Harry Edwards, who has
worked for W. J. Ateioklejobns for the
past three years, is about to leave the
village. We wish him success. -A num•
ber of tho pupils of our Publio school
went to Brussels to write for the
Entranoe.-Henry Bo00088 fa on the nick
nat.-Dr. Oroethwaite spent the 1st of
July in Hamilton. -Our enterprising
tailor baa taken to himeolf a better half.
We wish him and hie young bride a long
and happy jonrney through life. -A,
Terry will soon have his new house oom-
pleted.-Mr. Milburn, of Bright, and
Mrs. J. Hntohineon, of Lindsay, were
visiting their brother-in-law, J. Wilson. -
Gordon Kerr is spending a few days with
Robbie and Roy Wilson. -Mrs. Abbane,
Utah, is visiting at her sister's, Mre. S.
Longheed. - Crops look well in 111)0
section. -our teacher, E. Gregory, left
for his home on Tuesday of last week. -
Les. Wilson has engaged with Thee.
Grieve, of Wyandotte, for the balacoe of
the 000son.
i, F7i0i3'el]l.
Rusteus.-There wag a hot time for half
an hoar at the Court of Revision Friday
night, says the Liotowel Banner. The
court have usually before closing its
labors gone over the roll and mode minor
corrections in oases 1711ere 'Alleges of
ownership or residence or some 0fmflf01
oironmatanoe called for them in the roll,
although there had been no formal ap•
peal made to then and they were there.
fore not strictly within the haw in so
doing. To some contemplated changes
Mr. Wolab objeoted and had the court
served with a writ to prevent the changes
being made. The case was heard in
Osgo0d0 Hall on Thursday last and the
Court of Revision tva0 restrained thereby
from inning any further changes with.
out regular appeals. The oonrt mot on
Friday night to finish their wrok and
Woods and Pelton, both of whom are
members of the court, bad a dispute
which for time looked like a fight.
Pelton aoo110ed Woodg of being- at the
bottom of the whole al4air and not only
that but said that every person in town
knew that the assessment had praetioally
been done in Woods' afros. Though this
accusation had frequently been made be.
fore it now roused Woods' ire and he at
onoe with vehemenoy and profanity de•
tied the oharge and even defied the town.
constable whose 00rvi008 were Balled to
look him up iu the Delle. The (natter
cooled down, however, without blows or
without the 00101000 of the constable and
the court finally completed its labors.
Mies Mary; Oarthew returned to town
after a year's 0ojonen at Cornwall, where
0he attended tbo Commercial College,
graduating with honors, -B. F. Brook of
the Listowel woolen 10111, and Mre.
Brook purpose leaving this week on a
trip to Manitoba and the Northwest,
They will be gone about three weeks. -
The town Commit have sold (18,000 of
debontares to the Ontario Life Ins, Go,
O f Waterloo, at a bonne of (870. Tho
debentures bear interese at 4 per oent,
and are on the roduoable plan. -The
members of Bernard Lodge, A. F. ctz A.
M., assembled on Sunday afternoon at
8 o'elook for dfvino 0ervioe fn Knox
o huroh, when Rev. J. S. Hardie, pastor,
kindly preaohed a 0ormon to the craft, -
The monthly mooting Of the Betted of
aahnsil ti'ueteee wnH 1.:3,1, tbu chuin"nu
13, k'. Brook, in the ehnlr. 'feud 1d 6 re 1
0117111(1 far 110111111 t03,itew,,;,h;rog and I
kulsornining the .,:h, nl hnilJ,,.g and the
lowest tender, Jo.eph tiabergor, for 505,
vita a00epted.--:Ulla shade trees along the
town ttl'oets are being trimmed at the
oorporation's ospouoo.•--Dari ug the
thunder eturm early AMnndny morning
of Met \veal( the barn of Jus. All:Ons in
this3rd eon. of Wallace, a mile or two
North of the tnwn, was struck by the
lightning 01111 burned, So fast did the
llamas spread that with the exception of
the horses notching could be roved, 711.
Adams befog farming irnplenlonte,
velhielee, haruees, ,1•c., besides eo,10fder.
able grain and fodder, The barn wag a
good bank barn, and is a heavy lope,
especially at thio eoasun, Fortunately
he had an ineuranee of 81,000 on bofld•
ing and contents, which will go a nod
way towards coverlet; the loss. The
,iok Mutual le the company inter.
Gobbed the /'rave.
A starting incident, • of which Mr,
Jelin Oliver of Philadelphia, Wae the sub.
jeot, is narrated by him as follows : "I
wall 111 a tenet dreadful condition. lily
slain was allnoet yellow, eyes sunken,
tongue awned, plain continually in hank
and sides, no appetite -gradually grow.
ing weaker day by day. Three phy.
0i0)an0 bad given me up. Fortunately, n
friend advised trying 'Eleotriu Bitters'
and to my great joy aid surprise, the
fleet bottle made a decided improvement.
1 con) tailed their 000 for three weoke, and
Ota 110W a well 1111411. 1 knoW they saved
my life, and robbed the grave of another
eiotitn." No one should fail to try tlteon.
Only 50 eta., guaranteed, at Dnadreau's
Drug Store, _
<,.t NV()033.
APTLY T0Ln.-Atwood Lodge, No. 332
of the Independent Order of Oddfollowe
was instituted on July 011b, by J. 34.
Farewell, Grand Master of Ontario. A.
H. Blaokeby, P. G. It., and Jos. Powley,
Aesietaut Grand Secretary, were present
and assisted the Grant( Master. The
new lodge hue it membership of twenty-
wentyfive. oonsieting of fourteen old members,
With withdrawal cards and eleven new
members initiated during the year, Tho
Liotowel degree team was present and
put on the initiatory work. The new
lodge las a hall which is a credit to the
place and have a bright future before
them. The oleotive officers are : N. G.,
John Roger ; V. G., J, A. Mitchell ; P.
S., John A. Hume ; P. S., D. G. Roder•
eon; S., Wm, T. Forrest. -J. A. Mit.
oboll, druggist, left on Friday to spend a
few weeks )a Aloaford and Clarksburg. -
A. union Sunday aohool pio•nio was held
on Weduoeday of last week in Coulter's
grove, The large crowd whiob gathered
was forced to retreat to the town hall and
their homes on account of the heavy
rain whiob came on. -D. G. Anderson,
principal of our Public aohool, left last
week to join his family in Galt, after
whioh they will go to London and other
points to spend the holidays. -J. Ward,
principal of Mildmay Public school, and
family, are visiting Aire. Ward's parents,
J. W. and Mrs. Atolaiu, Mr. Witrd left
for a trip to the West this week,
BLYNecLBTo,-Wm. Belfry, of Montreal,
is visiting at the reeidenoe of hie grand-
father, Wm. Shane. -Herbert Ashbury,
who bolds a good position as book•keeper
in his nn0le'8 large flouring mill at Thor-
old, visited at the home of his parents
here Inst week. -W. 3. Scott, of Dash.
wend, is the new principal of Blyth
school. His salary is $400. -Trinity
olinen Sunday school held its annual
plo.nic on Friday of laetweek at Auburn,
-The 100017te at Trinity °Uurob garden
party on June 23rd were (40.03. -Tessin
L., owned by Messrs. Watson and
P,mi511, of Blyth, captured second money
in the half.mile running race at Godorioh
on Dominion Day. -We regret that A.
H. Plummer has found it neoess00y, ow•
ing to ooutinued ill-healtb, to resign the
principalship cif our Publio sobool. Mr.
Plummer was a hard-working, painotak•
ing teacher and the high standing at /mut-
ant enjoyed by Blyth school is greatly
due to hie untiring energy. We trust he
will soon be restored to good health. -
The Ohti00011 Endeavor sooiety will hold
a lawn social on the grounds of the Pres-
byterian manse on Wednesday evening,
July 1001.-A. M. Babb, who has had -
charge of the watobmakiug mud jewelry
departments in Frank Metcalf'e store for
til past 2
e1 years, has severed h 0 eyed h1s () nn
Y o ea
tion with Mr. Metoalf'e store, Mr. Babb
is uudeeided as to whore be will looate
but for eorebinne to 00m0 purposes enjoy
ing a well earned holiday. -An Orange
sermon woe preaohed by Rev. 0. L. Mills
in Trinity church on duuday eveuiog.-
John S. McKinnon, cue of Toronto's
wide-awake young wholesale merchants,
spent a few days at his home baro last
week. -About nine o'olo0k on Thursday
morning, Jude 20th, there passed away
to hie eternal home an old and highly
respeoted resident of Blyth, in the person
of Ephraim Dunham Chamberlain. For
the past two years he bad been in failing
health, e8peoinlly daring the past few
months, (lis Drat ailment was stomach
trouble, whioh afterwards developed into
heart trouble. He tools soddenly ill on
Monday. Tho funeral took place on
Saturday morning at 11 o'clook to the
Union oamatery and was largely attended
by many of the citizens of 331yth and
neighborhood. Deoeaeed leaves a widow,
one daughter and one son to mourn th0
death of a kind husband and father.
Do51INJON DAY 81,011T0. -Tho 83rd an-
niversary of the Canadian Confederation
was celebrated in Blyth on Monday of
last week by a good program of Calo-
donfan games and a base ball match.
The day wile not a perfect weather 0110,
'showers of rain being frequent, and
consequently the number of visitors was
not as large as it would have been had
the weather been of the best. Those
who were present eujoyed a good day's
sport. Good muefo wag furnished by the
0. 0. F. band, of Clinton. The base ball
match was played between the Doberty'e,
of Clinton, and the Olippers, of Brussels,
and was won by the former by a 0oore of
0 to 4. The prize•winnoro in the other
events. wore as follbsas : Throwing
(heavy hammer-W.F. Scott, 06(3. 4 in. ;
James Nelson, 86 ft. ; J, .3. Jonas, 71ft,
8 in. Throwing light hamtner-Scott,
100 ft. 9 in, ; Nelson, 04 ft. 2 in, ; Jones,
77 ft. 8 in. Throwing 60 Ib. weight-
Soottand Nelson, (tie) 27 ft. 10} )n, ; D.
M. Scott, 20 H. 7,} in. Tossing amber -
Sent, 88 ft. ; orison, 87 ft. Putting
I 42 It. l) i,i, ; Jones, 41 ft,
l0 in. ; Scott, 41 11,1 in. Bonding 100.
yard rano-J, J. Jones, Goo. McCully, D.
M. S0ott, fligh jnmp-J, J. 30no0, 6 ft,
Is Always 'Worth Moro Than Credit.
\'hie is our plan of doing bnsineee. We off ,r Hash to the mann faoturera
and tvholegalo merohaute and get low Flees awl big discounts. We, in turn, offer
you liret•olaeo goode for oaoh or produce wilful] are always below regular prices.
Did you know the oouid eon you first olaoe goods at prices like these 1
---Good Flannelette, worth 5c., for 3.70,
-Grey Cotton, yard wide, worth 40., for 27e.
-Bleached Cotton, yard wide, worth 70., for 6c,
-Dress Gingham's, new patterns, worth Ho., for Sc.
-Check Shirting, fa,t oo)ore, worth 70., for 50.,
--American shirting, very heavy, worth 140., for 121.),
-I\ Ian's Wool Pante, worth $1.60, fur $31. 00.
--Man's Flannelette Shirts, a snap, at 20e.
--Alone Plow Boole, from 70o. to (2.
-Gond Japan Tea, worth '16n., t3 lbs. for 60a.
-heavy Wool Tweed, worth 75o. for 50o.
5 in ; John Dingwall, f, ft, 1 in. ; James
Nelson and D. M. Boat, NO 6 ft: 3 in,
Ilbgltlaud fling ---Susie McGill, Bartle
Sparks, Polly Pringle, Sheen treweo-
Eugele Lookhart, T. Sparks, P. Pringle,
Sword name -Susie McGill, 13. Sparks
L. Lockhart. Irish jig -13, Spark`, S.
McGill, E. Lockhart, In the evening a
Sootob Oeneert was given in Industry
hap, under the au0pic08 of the Sone of
Sootland. The night was wet and die•
agreeable but that did not prevent the
bail from being comfortably filled. The
concert wag an excellent one, there have
been few bettor iu Blyth. The singing
of Mies Templeton, of London, was a
treat, as was also the dancing of Susie
McGill and Eugene Lockhart, Dave,
AIoGiI I and Matt. bloody sag exceeding.
ly well, in fact there watt not a weak spot
fa the whole program, everyone taking
pert doing good work. Mies Curtis and
Mina needy were the accompanists, and
John Stewart, chief of the S. 0. S., pre-
sided as chairman,
.t '1'hena:unl 'I'Ongnee
Could not express the rapture of Annie
E. Springer, of 1125 Howard et., Phila-
delphia, Pa., when she found that Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
bad completely cured her of a hacking
cough that for many years had made life
a burden. All other remedies and
doctors could give her no help, bet she
says of this Royal Cure -"It soon re
moved the pain in my oheet and I eau
now ele.p soundly, something I can
soaroely remember doing before. I feel
like needing its praises throughout the
Universe." So will every one who tries
Dr. Ding's New Discovery for any tronb'e
of the Throat, Cheat or Lunge. Price
600. and (1.00. Trial bottles free at
DLadman'e Drug Store ; every bottle
A very pleasant event took place on
Tuesday eveofng of last week at the
regular meeting of the Presbyterian
Endeavor society, in the presentation to
Miss Grace Elder of six haudeome and
valuab:e volumes bearing on Christian
Endeavor work. The presentation WAS
made on behalf of the members of the
eonioty by. Jobe A. Wilson, who fu a few
remarks, oommended Mise Elder for ber
zeal and good work, not alone in oeine0-
tion with this eooioty but in the Sabbath
school and in other departments of
ohuroh. Miss Elder has been correspond-
ing eearetary of the society for many
years, mad has been Dna of its most active
and z;aloce members, and this present%
tion was intended to mark the appreoia•
tion of her fellow workers for her vtdoable
services on the eve of her severing her
oonneotion with the society on account of
her removing from the town to Strat-
St0A1 Bhloro.--Miss (tussle Pickard has
returned a urned hems from the Conservatory of
Music Toraoto.-Dr. and
Mrs. Kellam
and babyN girl, of Niagara Falls, are vieib•
fug ex•Mayor James Beattie, -Dr. Bel-
den, dentist, of this town, is taking a
postgraduate course ab the Dental Col.
lege in Toronto.-Seaforth will have one
of the beet balf•mile tracks in Oatetio
and will have a Fall meek. -lite mem•
bore of the Woman's Auxiliary of the St.
Thomas ()Unroll held a pio-nio at Bayfield
on Wednesday of last week and bad a
good time. -L. Smith, .boot and shoe
merchant, and R. B. Smith, dry goods
merobant, Have exchanged stores in the
Gardno block. -•An unique marriage care.
mouy was performed iu Oardno's ball
here on Wednesday evening of lash week.
The chief actors in tbie drama of lite
were Capt. Keeler, (groom) of Seaforth,
to Capt, Mastery, (Stifle) of St. Thomas.
The bride was attired in army uniform
with white sash, and was supported by
Lieut. Piokoi, of St. Tbomae, all brides.
maid, and two little tnnids of honor,
Miens Ellen Weeoott audLi(lie Marshall.
They were beautifully dressed in white
and pink watered ribbons, The maids of
honor took from the wedding wreath,
which wail suspended over the bridal
oonple, the wedding ring, and placed it
upon the finger of the bride at the np•
pointed time. The groom was supported
by Capt. 0. Neff, at Stratford. When
Capt. Keeler saluted his bride it could be
1101(0etly board at the baok of the hall,
and the company fired a volley of con.
gratulation. A recherche wedding sup•
per was served al the Army barracks,
and the happy couple left on the morning
train for Windsor, whiob will be followed
with metalling orders to St. Thomas,
,t Erigtttctll RI,nuler
Will often cause a horrible Burn,
Scald, Cut or Bruise, Buoklen'0 Arnica
Salve, the beet in the world, will kill the
paha and promptly heal it. Cares Old
Sores, Ulcers, Boile, Felons, Corns, all
Skin Eruptions. Beet Pilo earn on
earth. Only 201 ate. a box. Cure guar-
anteed, Sold by G. A. Dcaclman, Lyng.
'Carley and Davidson wen the two
mile lap profeooional rage at Guelph,
Feauooe E, Brooke, it maohiuist in E,
Leonard ire Son's foundry al London, 1)310
been informed that out in California
there is a fortune of (7,000,000 awaiting
•Ix �! , stirs EM;
Gettig trip to non,nrum' Jnly I6, lune.
Return trio to be completed on or before
If, 10911.
Itnturn tickets eat be purchased from all
agents and at all stations of the Grand
Trunk Railway System in Ontario and Que.
boo at
Fare and One -Third
OI• Inc Current Beennd.('hnas One
Way Pause.
Any further partioulars relating to rates,
accommodatloa, eto. from
R. T. SUTTON, Agent, Brussels.
1859 IDEAS
are found ou no Bioycleo but
We originate the ideas and make every
detail of every part in our own 1001017.
New Ball and Roller Bearing,
The New Ball Head Direct Spoke, whiob
minuet break except by accident.
The New Skeleton Gear Case, which is
absolutely duat.proof.
The New Speoiai Light Design Roadsters
which w0igil 213% less than any others
of equal strength, and many other
now features,
Obi ' allled d
Highest Cash Price paid
for any quantity delivered at my
Grain Store 110080, No. 1, Brus-
sels. I also want all kinds of
fobt. Graham.
The undersigned having purchased
the Restaurant business of W. A,ORIOH
has added a fine choice etook of
and is now prepared to give good value
to the public). Our stook embraces :-
New Teas, Canned Goode, Fruits,
Spines, Soaps, Fish, Syrups,
Vinegars and all other lines kept
in a Pirst•claee Grocery,
Choice Stock of Confectionery.
Will continue the Restaurant 00
mai where Oysters, Ice Cream and
Summer Drinks will be awed in the
beet possible style.
Chao. h Ba'rili
0oniral Gr000ry and 'ltootanrant,
,)tiny Changed.
The "Slater Shoe" is closely watched dot'•
ing the pr0ceS3 of inanulaetllre. Every shoe
undergoes a careful examination after leav-
ing the hands c.f caul operator.
The slightest fl:.ty in the leather or work-
nr,tnsilip-a stitch missed -a slip of the knife,
only discernible to an expert condemns the
shoe that starter( tjWard the " Slater" goal
to the ordinary, f •THS Stie,1i "5fioE T
nameless, unwarranted army of fuotteear Yom`
sold to whoever will buy 010111.
The "Slater Shoe" is made in t',vc'lve
shapes, all leathers, colors, widths, sizes
and styles. Every pair (luodyear Cb'c-It-
ed, naule and price stamped o:l the soles
$3,50 AND 0.00.
Jno. Doweling, - Sole Local Agent
Carriage Words
While thanking our numerous ou9-
tomere for the belay time they gave us
during the Winter in supplying them
with Sleighs and Cutters we wieh to re-
mind them that we are equally as busy
now in Manufaotnring
We have thirty-five of the very best and
moat stylish Baggies that can be got up
nearly completed, and will have them
ready for running abont the First of
April. Should you need a Buggy or any
Repairing or Re•pitintiog, or what ever it
may be in our line of bosinese, be sure
and callatJ. CORER'S Carriage Fan.
tory, where yon will get the very beet
that can be got anywhere and as obeap
as the obeapeet. Plane keep in mind we
manofaoture all our Vehicles right here
in the old reliable Carriage Faotory at
John. Cober,
System 'Renovator
-AND 011330 -
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita•
lion of the Heart, Liver Oomplai01, Nenr.
algia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
snmption, Gall Stones, Janndioe, Kidney
and Urinary Diseasee, St. Vituo' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De-
Prop. and Manufacturer
Bold by .nae. Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
Fitted to Correct all
Failures of Eyesight,
and your Eyes tested FREE by
latest Optical methods at
Division Court Office,
The Standard Bank
o1 Canada.
Money Orders
For &mannta of fifty Dolhere and under
issued by this Bank, payable at par at
any obartered Bank In Canada, witb the
exception of Brentano in the Yukon Dis-
Under $10
$10 to 20
20 to 30
30 to 60
rlajit Who Live
out of Town
Don't think fora moment that
my store is too far away. Every step
you take my way is money in your poo-
Call and see what I have in-
-Dress Goods, Silks,
-Trimmings, Ribbons,
-Lace Curtains, Prints,
-Mullins, Art Draperies,
-Cottons, Cottonades,
5•A1loays a full line of Cromp-
ton Corsets.
Complete stook of fresh Groceries,
Canned Goode, Spices. Teas and Coffees
a specialty.
Agent for Parker's Dye Works.
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Q� �illc
b N
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notioe.
Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed,
Wilton Turnbull
Have a good assortment of seasonable
linos in the way of
heady Mized Paints
Screens Doors and Windows,
Carpet Sweepers,
Cheese Factory Supplies, &o.
Now is the tilno to attend to the Screen •Doors and Windows before
tho flies come. We can suit you both for price and quality.
Specialty made of Evetrouglhings.
Have you bought your supply of......
Wo handle the Celebrated Diamond Modal brand.
Give us a call.
'WILTON IL ..L, ON & „1,. 6J R.i.,`I J L L.