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The Brussels Post, 1899-7-14, Page 4
4 .. 130'$'itt,I tt5a Vat. FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1899. 1'OL. 24, Ito 1873 Tans BnuagEss i'osS was est ib. Railed by Moasre. McGilliontldy, The present proprietor purcbeeed it on August 1st, 1880, and with thfe issue 00mmonoaa its 28th volume, Wo can say eonndeutly that never in ire 111atory had it nearry so many readers nor wan it more generously supported, Our aha has been to publish a clean, newsy paper ; to uphold what we ooneidered right and in the best interests of the community ; and to condemn that we felt was detrimental or baneful. Everybody has nob always been pleased at the way we managed Tnn POST but we can't help that, es welollow our own pro. gram and allow no one to take the rains out of our bands. We may havelmade blunders bat our object has been to elevate and help rather than destroy or sow die. seusion. Our best thanks go oat to the business public who Have accorded us their patronage for so many years. We have endeavored to give them good value for every dollar invested and ask a cod. tinuuuce of their good will, beim able to promise them a wider field for their advertising than at any other time to the past. To the regular correspondent we owe moot/ of our su0oese and are very gratefol for their kindness and marked ability displayed. If Toe Posr snits you as a local newspaper you can do us a good tarn by a word of recommendation to your neighbor or friend. We want to reach the 2,000 mark thie DomingFall F 1 and by a friendly "lift" our readers can do a great deal to aocomplieh it. The bigger our list the better the paper we can pnb- lieh so all share io our prosperity. Tan Hessians mast surely be a practi- cal people as their Diet has put up a job on the old baohelore by passing a law taxing them 25ee more than married men. This may be considered nufair by those enjoying "single blessedness" bat there is an easy way out of it, viz., to "com- mit" matrimony. It might have a wholesome effeot if this law were enacted in Canada but whether the 25% would be considered too high we are not prepared t0 say. NEL-o0 14:lONTEITH retains his twat AS 141. P. P., for South Perth, the Court de- ciding that there was not sufficient evi- dence to unseat him. The complainants pay the costa. The West Huron case is not settled yet. When it came before Justice Osler and Rose at Oegoode Hall on Friday, oounsel for Beck, the petition. er against Hon. Mr. Garrote's erection, claimed that he had made effcrte to seoure attendance of L inklater, the missing witness, bat without suoeess. Counsel for Mr, Garrow urged that the ease go os, but it was postponed until Sept. 5. So31E sad stories are told of the suffer- ings and discomforts of many of the American soldiers in the Philippines. Wet weather, short allowanoe, sickness, and an aver present enemy make a cone. bioation very difficult to meet. It is no longer a matter of doubt with many that the U. S. would have been infinitely better off if they had sold out their interest after Admiral Dawey'e signal victory as years may intervene before the treacherous Filipinos will consent to be law abiding citizens cinder the stars and stripes. The dawning of the day of arbi- tration as the solution of all national dis- putes will be a joyful one to the Christian world. WEST ELGIN political crookedness is a nosegay that one whiff will more than satisfy ordinary mortals. Every man who bad to do with the rascality practiced should be made to toe the line whether he is a big toad or a little one. Hoo. Mr. Hardy and the Ontario Cabinet should probe the diseased place to the bottom and remove every vestige of the contaminating influence. There was no neeoesity for any such work as was per. mitted in that oonetituency and if enoh things are allowed to go unpunished a great wrong will be done to the country, p0101enlary the youug men of out land. Both parties desire to win in a; contest but if the viotory only comae by the de. basing influences of bribery and corrup. tion and the sacrifioe of every manly principle then defeat es better than vic- tory. The Liberal press is not slow, OE a rale, to oondemn the practice of unlawful means is election oonteete and in the West Elgin Daae our brethren of the Conservative faith have devoted ooneider. able apace to the exposures. If the lat- ter would follow the same bourse Wbeu the shoe is on the other foot they would desetve more credit, but ample evidence could be produced that snob hae not beet the case and golden opportunitiee of reading homilies on purity and prinoiple have been allowed to pass by unimproe. ed. There is euob a thing as magnifying n mole hill into a mountain for political Mtrpoeee.but our idea le that the law breaker and the man who attempts to debanoh the oleators of any oonetituency should be summarily dealt with m that those who might be inclined to a similar (Morse woald be detetrad from the par. snit of what meet necessarily end in ,ustlug enauhocii in the deet. Ce ehould dotnand uf8an hnndad states and itis our own fault if we Leve outer kind very long. uncle teen any Hoe. v 5 u.rtuu 1 t= r , 1 ,a tet al a loasd the months of hie erittes when he stated the house of Commons the other day, when the qusetinn of irregutarittee in the election nottleste in West Huron and Brookville ryes mooted, in both of which Where's were elected, that the tttlloat en. query would be Allowed and courted end that the Committee of the house dealing with suet/ 008.9 soon!/ loots into the mat- ter, as he desired purity in every election Oonteet. The Premier will have plenty of baoltiug in his desire to elevate the tone of pelitioal life in this Dominion. This ie what this country needs, stein who will not lend themselves to crooked cess and those who do ehould get the "shunt," We ars among thous who be• Neve that the electorate is more to blame for corrupt eleotioue than the pelitiuiaus as we hold the power to put it/ or put out and upon ns /oust mce9earily rest the Dune when the means used are be, neeth the dignity of true manhood, (/1W0080. C'ano.t,lrt, ITEMS. -A stone crasher has been pm•ahased by the taw°. -Over 100 hands were on the pay het for the month of June let the 0,,,,an Factory. -The railway painters from Toronto have deck ed the depot with a new Ares of paint. - Dr. Frank D, Turnbull, of Milverton, brother of Dr. J, L. :late of town) nod Walter Turnbull of the Collegiate, has received the appointment of House Bur- geon of Toronto General Hospital and commences Itis duties very shortly.- rtl - The management of the C. U. F. band hae received from Toronto two new instruments, an alto and a valve trom- bone whioh will make the band have 18 instruments. -:Urs. Hartwell met with to painful accident Monlav of last week, breaking her right shoulder bone. Miss Molly C1uff also met with a misfortune. She sustained a simple fracture of the left wrist by falling out of a hemtnock, while at play at A, Cook's. Bert, the live -year -old -sou of J. W. Hill, grocer, fell from an apple tree, breaking his lett arm and disloeeting the elbow. While on the way out to camp at Bayfield, Mrs. J. E. Hovey met with an accident whioh might have been serious ; the horses be. coming frightened she jumped oat, but happily eecapee unhurt, beyond a bad shaking up, which laid her ap fur a coapts of days. Geoctaee-i(th- LrrrLo GLr,u'ar•.e.—The wail known etalliou Weldon, so tong owned by Jona- than .hiller, was shipped to its new owner, Beclt Doyle, of Sadhnry,-Recent• ly a lot of palate reached this station to be used on the depot, but was afterwards returned to Stratford, the authorities having discovered that the new building had not even been started. -The //apply of town water ehou'd be improved. -A. McIvor won a couple of firsts at the bicyole races in Iieneoii on the let. - The Oddfellows have awarded the job for the carpenter work of the new ball to Buchanan ,i: R11ynae and the brick, masonry tui pleetering to Jamieson Reid, so that the long talked of Oddfel. lows boi'ding will soon be rising on Kingston street. -The Organ Co. made to large Shipment to Melbourne, Australia, last week. -The Sea King, Capt. Inkster, the other day caught a lake trout whioh weighed over 50 pounds. It dressed 30. -St. George's Sunday school, will, dur- theu S mmer months,open the p a bmorn• lug instead of the afternoon. -A wagon with 500 pouode of dynamite of which 400 was for the breakwater contractors, reached this town by wagon from Toron- to on Monday of last week. -The town authorities should place a turnstile at the head and foot of the harbor hill side walk. If this were done end the roam• ins cows kept off the town would reap a tenfold benefit. -By order of the Board, the reading room of the Public Library will be closed from 5 p. ne. to S. p. m, during July and August. The reason is the exoeeeive heat, and the almost entire absence of readers within those hours. - Mr, Colborne, sr., who is 93 years of age, is as smart as a oriaket.-The break• water contractors have nearly filled that part of their job started by Madigan, with stones taken from the portion of the work they have pulled down. As they have only three courses of timber to put on this porton of their contract it should be finished in a couple of weeks after the pine arrives, Laze/tau)vv. NEwev Loetots.-Hardy MoHardy, son John 112oI1erdy, formerly of Lucknow, s married on the 20th of June in the thodist church, Sarnia, to blies Lottie notor, of Sarnia.-Olre, John MoLean, Iet 27, con, 2, Kinlose,ldied ou Wednes• y of last week. Deceased was in the th year of her age, and was highly re• oted by all who knew her. The eral took plaoe from the family real. ce on Friday, at 2 p, m., to the Kin• s oemetery,-At the ranee in Tees. ter on July let, Grace M., owned by P. Devitt, of this village, took the 1st ney in the free•for•all race, by three eight beats, -The members of Luck - Orange Lodge, together with visiting three from other lodges attended di- e service in the Methodist church on day morning. - Dr. Newton and ily spent the let in Owen BonncL-A tuber of vacant late in town revel in a urians Drop of weeds. -Wm, Stotbers, Ashfield, who has been in poor health some time past, went to the Galt hos where en operation was perform• on him for kidney troables. The ration has proved very suooeesfal, and ough it was found neeeesary to re. e the diseased kidney, Mx. Stott/era Ding an well as could be expeoted.--A ibis cyclone, accompanied by heavy , swept morose the townshipe of Aeb- and Kinioeu on Tuesday afternoon of week. The storm rose off the take travelled in a Northeasterly dire°- , :mattering everything before it, oyolone was about two hundred a in width, and rail fences, barna other building were levelled to the nd, and in many inetanees large treat torn oat by the roots or broken off he wind, Many mbimneys of bootleg Woven off, and the (trope, especially et, was badly damaged. 7nte , Lils of sea Me Pr of do 00 spa fun den los Wit Mo MO str now bre vin Sun tam nn Ins of for ho ed ops alth mov ie d (err rain field last and tion The yard and groo were by t were whe T A E bare in 01i,1:,•u 3 -at intern- destroyed, and Olt hlulu)soli, of Asillh'hl. alert had a bete blocs over, Nre,r Batra•a. The Exeter Salt Co, have attain raanmad operetta:et et their Welts here. -1.. O. L. No, 1(21 attended divhte service at the Trlvitt Siemorittl nhuruh on i4', ley morning whoa/ the Rev, Itnral Dean II"dgius, of teettforth, delivered an oppropriatu 8010(11(1. ---The hardware store of Mr. Mantel) is near. ly enmpleted and ready for neoupeney.- 11, II. McKenzie, barrister, who sena at Ou0 time a member of the firm of Elliott., Elliott ,t'• eltKenzie, bee hung out his shingle at Indian Bead, N, W. T. It ie said to be a thriving piece on the maid fine et the 0. 1'. It. -The proposed lfesonio ex0areion to letncardtue over the L. I1, ec le„ on Thursday, Aug. 3rd, is now almost an assured tbing.-The elege (nail route which was out off be• twee° Isere and Dashwood a oonple of years ago, is to be ro•establisbetl. Ten• dere are to be naked for at once by the Government for the carrying of Iter Majesty's malts between these points, end the stage will be pot on as soon as poseible,-Mrs, (Rev ) J. H. Oolliets, of Dereham, accompanied by her daughter Edith and eon- itaynard and Olareuee, ie visiting friends iu Exeter and vicinity. -Henry Rowe, who has been quite ill, is olowly iutproviug,-_B. Gilley, who has been attendieg the Sarnia Nosiness College, h .5 returned Immo. Ciarrtitillsln Ivo tie J, Pierrottt Mormau', offer to light the interior of St. Paul's Cathedral with electricity has been n0cepted, The Bank of Montreal bee purchased property on Craig street, Montreal, far an addition to the head offices. Major Walsh ie in receipt of a pressing invitation from the leading citizens of Daw n e n topayth city a v that tert . The `' City of Winnipeg (peg is asking power from the Legislature to tax oircusee from 5200 to 5500 per day license fee. Miss Amy Servos, of St, Catharines, went to bed in good health, was found unoouecioua during the night and died before morning. A trait/ was derailed near Delhi. The engine turned completely over as it went into the ditch, and driver FranIr Bowen, of Bridgeburg, was killed. In the Manitoba Legislature 9Ir. Birett introduoed a bill to provide a hail ineur. anoe fund of 5120,000 annually, by taxing twelve million aorta one osnt per aore. An official message has been received at Ottawa announcing the decision of the Imperial Government to assume eight -eighteenths of the coat of the Pad. fie cable. George Montgomery, a St. Thomas harnessmaker, fell from a bridge on the Wabash Railroad, sustaining injuries from which be died on Saturday. De. ceased leaves s wife and two deugbtere. He wee aeout 50 years of age. On Saturday morning, in the L. E. &C; D, R. R. yards at Chatham, Lome Irate, fireman on the yard engine, while at- tempting to couple the engine to a car, got his foot fastened in a frog. The engine passed over the body, almost cub ting it in two, On the trail to Teslin were recently found three scurvy victims, two Elkton brotbere, of Kent, England, and S. Kae - ler, of Harawangi, Auckland, N. Z. The bodies were badly dcoomposed when found, making interment a n001y job. Nine hundred dollars in cash and first- class outfits were 0n Wham. On Friday evetving Bert Fletcher and Albert Green, of Newmarket, were both seriously injured by the aocedeatal dis- charge of a gun. Fletcher was getting through a fenoe and dragged the gun after bine, 11hen the trigger caught against a rai l. ThefingereoE FletCheT' 8 right and were blown off and the book - shot lodged in Green's lege above and be. low the knees. The doctors 000sider the wounds serious. ST. LEON, THE CONQUEROR, Commands n higher figure than any of the 1,702 U. S. springs ; the only water paying the Dingley duty of 5750,00 0 oar - Load, to purify the stream of life, instill vigor and joy and prolong sweet life. Physicians Declare It, Lean Unrivalled, Sold in Brussels by CERAS. H. l3ARTLIFF, Grocer and Restaurant. BRUSSELS PVMJ1r WORKS All orders for new Pump/ or Repairs promptly attended to. Contracts tuken for new Wella and pisterne. l'Lawn Mowers sharpened end repair. ed. Prueiog Shears and Soissors ground. Alt work guaranteed. Agent for "Morris" Pianos. FRED. ADAMS, Shop on Mill Street, BRUSSELS. ILoRI;C t G. Richardson Ie prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Good Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES, Suits made for $4 and upwards. IseShop ill ilnrtlelol Illook4 J U$SIUJS POST Strictly Oi,e Price, Always the Lowest. 1 Summer Waists and Crash Linens for Ladies' Skirts and Dresses Are the great attraction of our store ;just now. People are getting ready for the holidays and who can enjoy a vacation without plenty of Summer Waists and Skirts. Our stock of these iudispen- sible garments is very large, and our prices are correspondingly moderate. You will do well to jalspect our goods before purchasing for you will not only be tlloroughl,y pleased but you will also save money on your purchase. CUT PRIICES'' We aro malting deep auto in the following lines this' week. Don't hiss them. When we say nut prices we mean just what we say, and if yon don't take us at al r word you'll miss many a ,ellance, -At 25o per yard -0 pieces fanny bleak Lustre, very et/Roble for Skirts, bright new goods, worth 35c. -At 120 per pair -10 - �r 10 doz, only, Iodise silk finished blaok 14lnoo Cotton Stockings, Hefmsdorf dye, guaran• teed stainless, special heeie, real valets 1Sa, -At 50c per yard -2 pieces 08 inob Bleaohed Bette Dama.k Table Linen, real value 750. -At 5o per yard -We'r'e going to sell 5 pieties 15 inch pure Linen Gloss Toweling, regular price 7o. -At 13ec per pair -10 doz. glen's pure 11001800119, worth regular 180. -At 50 per yard -10 pieces 30a inch Flannelette, assorted patterns, jnet passed into stock this week,reel vlu a e 7o. -At 290 per pair -30 pairs only Sum• mar Corsets, worth regular 50o. -At 5o per yard -1,000 yards heavy Factory Cotton, bought before the advance, real value 7c, -At 20o per yard -5 pieeee North•West Tweed, worth regular 25o per yard. -At 100 per yard -10 pima 45 inch Wbite Victoria Lawn, real value 150, -At 090 each -12 only if White Itrar. sella Quilts, real value 51,00. The Summer's Best Merchandise at j. F. 8c Co's. szif FergYnson Co, iry Goods and lroeeri.es, Mi,,'En TWIIVE We have in stock over 10 tons of the Celebrated Deering Twine—the Standard of the World. Every ball of Deering Twine is what the tag represents it to be— smooth and strong, even and long Pure Manila, 10ae. per lb. Standard Manila, 10c. " Standard, 91c. " —Waterproof Binder Covers, $8.00. —A 10 inch Monkey Wrench for 25c. —Machine Oil from 25e. per gallon up. —A. large stock of harvest Tools, Harvest ]\Nits, Paris Green, &c. HARDWARE. '° . ®Q's 1 Last Longest and get Beerlllg 3if Et very sp f H, U They areWiMoodern ayand lull u Capable. Ask for our Catalogue "Light Draft Ideals ;" it is flee. AGENTS : W. 11, Humphries 8 Son, Dr L Cruden, WAL.TON, ERUSS ELS, -'Wo also handle all other lines of Implements. ,Tux,T 14, 1$99 adquarters FOR THIS PART OF THE EARTH H ! Don't You be the last person in the World to find out where the Best Goods are Sold Cheap A Great Rumpus ADMIT Shrewd Buyers is the Nainu'al Result of our Unusually Generous Inducements for the Season's 'Trade to a - Congo in and see our Complete Assortment of Spring and Summer Styles in . . . . MEVS a BOYS' CLOTHIIG, Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods. A GRAND DISPLAY, A GREAT STOCK, JUST WIIAT YOU WANT. IWE MARK THEM LOW TC? SELL THEM QU/C K. r4,11 'rices at the Low -Water Mark No Question about Your being Pleased with our Goods and Prices. See the Rigby W'aterproor Srnoo7?. We keep a full line of Overalls, Smocks, Rigby Water- proof .Bicycle Suits, and Rigby Waterproof Coats. Nothing like them. Specialty made of Ordered Clothing. 4OSS5 CHAMPION CLOTHIER. INDER TWINE F IVI E s Pure Manilla, 660 ft. to Ib. Farmers, Don't be taken in. There is none "Just as good." This Twine will not bunch at the knotter, and a Binder will run all day without stoppage, thus saving time and annoyance. Wo pack oto Twine in bags of the size of ordinary grain bags, and we are not ashamed to put our name upon it. Don't take any other. Consum,ors' Cordage Co. LIMITED, MONTREAL. Leave your orders now for above Twine with N. l r Gerry or Cardiff & Best, PRICES GUARANTEED—If it goes up you don't pay any more than present price ; if it goes down you get the benefit. Brussels Carriage Works. a0©aa- EWAN & /MMES Has now on hand and for Male the following line of goods : Buggies. Top and Open Buggies with I and 5 inob wheels. Is color -Black, Greets, Carmine and Natural Wood. Size of bodies, 20, 22 and 24 in. Also Jump Sent Buggioe with 1 in, wheels, Democrats With two and three seats. Carts. Rued and Speeding Carte. Wagons. Farm Wagons complete, 2 and 2} in. tires with malable arms 3i and 4 in. Wagon Gear only if so desired, Parra Trucks 2ei and 8 in. tires. One-horse Wagon with or without box. Also Gr000rie Delivery Wagon. Wheelbarrows. Wheelbarrows with steal or wood wheels. As we handle the above' line of goods by the oar lot purchasers will get the benefit by buying from ne, Carriage Works, Brussels, Repairing and, Painting in the above lines a speoialty,