HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-7-14, Page 1Vol. 28. No, 1
New Advertisements,
Pelson°—Jae, Fox,
l,00al—G. E, King,
J';xoursiona —0, U. R.
Farm tot sale—aae. Petoh.
Bioyolos—G, A, Deadman.
Prinee roduoed—A. Straihau•
Tenders wanted —T, 1s'. /Jaye,
A sash offer—MOKinn0n & Oo,
Notice to Creditors—G. F. Blair,
Stop at Brewer's—II. R. Brewer.
Cjaeh and ono prioe—A. R. Smith.
Notice to creditors—W. M. Sinclair.
+ 0
otai t .;CetUL,
The cornerstone of the new Methodiet
enroll in Newbridge, was laid on the 5th
of July. The Rev. D. Rogers, chairman
of Wingham dietriot, oonduoted the see.
vines, after whioh James Leaoh, of Got.
ria, an old pioneer of the township, pro.
Deeded to lay the first corner stone, after
which ho handed the Treasurer a cheque
for $100. They then proceeded to lay
the seoond atone, which was laid by Mrs.
James Greer, of Shipley, after which 8138
presented the Treasurer with a cheque
for $80. P. Hepinstaff then gave a short
Wren!, after whioh the people repaired
to the dining ball, where the tables were
laid with the best of everything, to whioh
they did ample justice. They then went
STOP AT . . •
Don't make any mistake ne we are far
ahead of any in town and can satiety you,
We are up-to•date. My studio is open
for the benefit of the pnblio 0 days in the
week, holidays included. We don't wok
on Sunday. We are far better than we
say ae we are modest and don't like to
Now is the time to get a view of your
reeidenoe, eta. Brewer does the work.
Step in and Bea ne. Always welcome.
Spectacles and
Eye Glasses ... .
Are beet bought where the Eyes
are properly tested, each eye being
tested separately and the frames one.
fully adjusted. Both must be aoour-
t+li ate, as a poorly fitting frame and the
best adjusted lens will not !work in
'eras harmony. Having taken the advents -
ed 000ree and being a graduate of the
=beet Optical Institute in Canada, will
18182 whereguarantee every be Glasses sold
Eyee can fitted.
Eyee Tooted Free. You are not expected
to buy Gleans if you do not want to.
Hart's Art Gallery
When you want the best aatisfaolion and
a Photo. that you are not aehamet1 to
Blom your friends, We do no aeoond-
olaas work, whatever. Every Photo. that
we turn out is aridly first-class and
right up•to•date. Compare our work
with others and judge for yourself wbo
does the beet work, Our work ie all
"Brussels! finished," Gall and give us a
trial and I am sure yon will be well
pleased with our work for it is by far the
best you can get in town. Our peeing,
ligbting, retouching and tcniug is much
in the lead. Come up and try us. HART, ART, ARTIST
Strottonl Bleck, Br1155C1e,
Sign of the ',Heart,"
Good opening for smart apprentice.
W.H. KERR, Prop.
into the ohuroh, where the Rev. Mr•Dob•
aon, Presbyterian minioter of Fordwioh
and Rev. Mr, Rogere addressed the maet.
ing for is abort time, --Quito a number
from here attended the P. S. pimain, held
hi Geo. J'lhunell's grove on July 1. They
spent a good time.—Mise Louisa Souoh
and her enter, May, were visiting friends
here this week,—Mise II, Deuhnau, of
Palmerston, WON vielting II. Aldrich and
Mre, J. Spence thief week.
731 r,r ova.l u.
Drums ! drums 1 drums 1
Grain is looking Bret class iu this die•
Mre. Bioko'', of London, is visiting her
mother, Mrs. Rutherford.
Miasma Greenway and Molntyre re.
turned to' Toronto On Monday.
John Burgess le at Brantford this week
auditing the booke of the C. 0, F.
tlay•making hue received a serious
check oe 000nant of the recent rains.
Mines Ethel and Alice Kendall have
been visiting at the station this week.
Bluevale cheese factory shipped a Der
of cheese on Tussahs, and as noel got
top priaa.
J. A. Creighton, our old G. T. R. agent,
wet in town on the Path renewing 01d
Mies Aggie Harbert hue returned after
a three months' course at the Goneerve-
tory of Moto, Toronto.
About a dozen telephone poled opposite
Amann') farm wbre apiit into match -
wood during the storm Monday night.
'1'hne, Stewart la improving every day.
The Orange prooeasion marched poet the
house et Wingham so that Tom could
!olio it was the 12th.
00 went to Wingham on the 12th.
Where wee that other one to make up
the oentury ? Bluevale orowd got home
in good time with their "huts not too
tight." The village was deserted all day.
Ed. Ooultee met with what might have
been a serious aeoident on the morning of
the 12th while wheeling to the station, by
being run into by a buggy. The front
wheel of hie bike was badly damaged.
The oceupante of the buggy drove on, not
stopping to see the extent of tbe damage.
Weal ten—
Crops look eplendid.
Dr. Armstrong is better.
Tum POST gives the uewe.
A gang -way bee was held by Wm. H.
Sholdice on Tuesday.
Next Sabbath morning Rev. Mr. Filer's
theme will be "A new creature in Christ."
Mrs. Sage returned from a visit to her
daughter, Mrs. Gray, of Wingham, last
Roberti Fraser, who has been away
from Walton for the past two months, ar.
rived home this week.
Rev. and Mrs. Tiffin and others from
this locality attended the weddiog of Rev.
0. 0. Keine and Mise Mills on Wednes-
day of last week. It was a big affair.
Friday of last week Willie Humphries
had an operation performed on bis right
foot whioh had suffered au injury some
time ago from a fall. The work was
anuoeeefully done.
Rev. D. Forrest, pastor of Duff's
°herds,intimated last Sabbath moraine
that he purposed reeiguiog his charge,
the resignation to take effect between
now and the let of next year.
The I2113 of July Welton Orangemen
wore joined by Winthrop Lodge and
both, accompanied by the Lady True
Blues, took train at Brussels for Wing -
ham where the day was spent.
There was a large attendance at the
annual sermon to the Lady True Blues
and Orangemen last Sunday afternoon in
St. George's church. Rev. G. J. Abey
gave a very suitable discourse on Chris-
tian ebeadfaetneea. The enroll was
decorated with evergreens and a fine die•
play of flowers. There were 82 Orange-
man in the proaeeaion. Among others we
noticed the portly figure of Go. Master
John Soarlett, of South Huron.
FINANCIAL, — Tha annual Financial
statement of the Walton Methodist
church for the peat year has been issued.
From it we glean the following par.
tinulare :—Total raised at Walton ap•
poiutment for pastor's salary, 0303.25 ;
Missions, $55.48 ; Superannuation Fund,
028,26 ; Education and Aline College,
016,44, total $402,43. Providence ap-
pointment — Pastor's salary, $116.00 ;
Miasione, $11,02; Sap. Vaud, $5.80 ; Ed.
and Alma College, $4.0G, total, 0137.88.
Bethel—Pastor's salary, 0180.00 ; Mira
sins, $12.25 ; Sup, Fund, 00,17 ; Bd.
and Alma College, 05,45 ; Trustee Fund,
Reduce rices
This week we are offering all lines of Straw Mats at
Greatly Reduced Prices :—
—Ladies' Plain and Mired Sailors,
— Children's sailors,
—Men's and Boys' Plain and Fancy Straw and Linen
— Also all Common Straws reduced in price.
1 I Whavnly a few left and as
Ladies Shirt V�aists e stoop e isoclown so low we will lothet
the balance go very cheap.
Y �4
August Standard Patterns and Fashion Sheets to hand. The
best and cheapest Patterns in,Canada. A Fashion Sheet free to
those who call for them.
$118, total, 0200.87, Sabbath oboe's,
$1100 ; Epworth League, $0,00 ;
Ladies' Aid, $12.00, Toast raised far all
purposes, inoluding oonuexional nonan•
tame of $163.83 and 513.25 for S6. Jamas'
ohuroh relief, $055,83. The congrega.
Awls are to be oongretulated on their
work yet by a move up by everybody the
results oould be easily increased,
Melo taws>rtl,,
J. S. Meiklajohn has engaged J. Mur•
ray, of Pinkerton,
Mrs. 3. Large and daughter, of Toren -
to, called on friends' here last week.
Mr. and lilts Lambert, of Manistee,
were visiting friends here on Sunday.
Harry Edwards left for Wroxeter on
Thursday last where he hoe secured a
situation at his trade. We wish biro
The pupils who wrote for the Entrance
at Brueeele feel a little disappointed to it
is reported that their papers were burned
in the Brueeols station on the let.—Note
by editor. The physiology wee the only
Tno POST gives the news.
Geo. Mitchell is visiting al Milbrook,
hie old home.
Principe) Dobson, wife and son, will
vital relatives at Stayner.
Our Orangeman celebrated the 12th in
Wingham and report a good time,
John Whitfield is having his Ethel
property greatly improved by brick
veneer, &0.
Ouunoil meeting here on Monday atter.
noon. The principal business was
another ditch By-law,
Our Ethelites who went West reached
their destination sate and sound and
report an enjoyable time,
William Elliott, a well known resident,
has been on the eiok list but is getting all
right again we are pleased to hear.
The wet weather has interfered with
the farmers in their hayiog. Pall wheat
will anon b8 ready, and is looking well.
New catalogues will be issued for the
Public Library. There are over 1200
books. Ellhelites should be proud of
their fine library.
The addition to Robt. McKelvey's barn
end the new stabling is well on toward
completion. Mr. Molielvey will have a
comfortable piaoe.
Geo. McGell has the material ready
for the addition to his baro. George
Bateman boa put up a new barn on hie
farm, a short distance West of Ethel.
The many old friends and wall washers
of Rev, Mr. Keine, a former pastor of
Ethel cirouit, will be a unit in wishing
himself end bride many happy years of
wedded life.
Arthur Cook and family have moved
back to Freeltou 113ia week. We wonder
if George will occupy the whole premises
himself now ? It so a housekeeper will
be a necessity.
Oa Dominion Day a load of our male
01110908 visited the big ditch end euppered
there, They pub in a jolly time in
watching the workings of the dredge,
boat riding, muaho, song, &o.,
Mies Melissa Ames is home from
Toronto where she has been pursuing an
advanced mueioal course. She is just
tecovering from as attack of measles.
Mise Ames ie a fine vocalist and should
melte her mark in the musical world.
The 152 feet of grauolithio walk laid
down from the poetoffhoe is all right and
next year the connecting link with that
part done by II. le. Maealieter will likely
be added. It is the cheapest and bast
walk that can be built when permanency
is oonaidered.
HOTEL BOLD.—Joseph Querrin, who has
been proprietor of the hotel here for eev•
eral years, has disposed of the premien
toa Mr. Gordner, of Mitchell, who will
take possession next Oobober. The
prioe ie said to be 54,000. Mr. Querrin
hue greatly improved the premiaee and
kept a good house and we hope his guns.
8or will do likewise. I1 is said Mr.
Querrin may oontinue to reeide in Ethel,
at least for a time.
F. V. Diokson was in Paris on a busi•
uses trip last week.
Jura Bray ie visiting friends at St.
Mary's this week.
Geo. E. Dane spent Sunday with his
wife at her home here.
Mies Patterson, of Owen Sound, is
visiting Miss L. Morrison.
Mrs. Goodfellow added to her proper.
ty a bank kitchen last week.
Mieeee Ella and Mary Benderson were
vielting in Carrick last Friday.
Reuben Wendt, of Mildmay, is visiting
hie brother, our popular jeweller.
A number from town were at Jae.
Edgar's barn raising iaet Friday.
Mr. Edwards, of Bellmore, is in the
employ of A, H. Moffatt at present,
The base ball team are thinking of
taking a trip to Clinton and Goderioh
next week,
Geo. E. Brown, of Owen Sound, for.
merly of Wroxeter, is spending bis vada.
tion at tomo hare.
Joe. Hayworth, who has been holiday
ing at hie home in Obatham, is bank to
work with F. Sandere 08010.
A number of our town young falls
enjoyed a pleasant day's outing at the
pic•nf0 in Moffatt's bush on Tuesday,
Mimi May Davidson ie visiting Miss
Garde North at Teviotdale this week
and will epend next week at Rotieay.
Poon Tacoma—We notice in last week's
Listowel Standard that two of our boyo
are roasted about the poor game they
played tiara with Listowel on July let ve.
Pulmereton. We don't deny that the
kids pub up a vary poor game, but by
reading the Standard one would think
they were the whole MusD of Lietowel'e
defeat It ie too bad they are not manly
enough to take a defeat when they get it
fair. About every man fo Listowel
team played the same es our kids, but of
course as they were ringers they have to
fake the blame of the whole defeat.
When it comes to the fine point put
either of the ohildren in their proper
planes or give them propos mite and
they 000 ebow any Listowel player how
to play the game. 01 course it would
hardly be fair to run them against men
like Doauelly and Graham, who are
salaried men, but any one of then who
can juetly be need a Lietowol man isn't
in the game with the kids. Even Don-
nelly was knocked out of the box end
Stokes had to just throw half a dozen
balls till be found that they were liable
to be tumid into looms runs. Graham,
the °atelier, fumbled the balls so badly
tbat he let four men steal home, Of
course the Wroxeter two are blamed for
thie. One of our boyo let three rune 10
while at the bat and got home one.
We hope In the fnnure Listowel will take
their medicine like men.
Wm. Lawrie le on the war path collect.
ing Statute Labor tax. Tie townepeople
wonder why they have to pay when
there is no improvement in eidewalke or
roads of the village being made. The
eidewalke are getting rather out of busi.
noes on some of the aide street+, and the
roads, especially the dam road, are very
muni in need of Romping.
1Vm. Adair, who is in the employ of
John Douglas, attempted to ride on on
of Jack's °olio that had nothing but a
halter on. The rider managed to stay
en till be got near the gate, then the
he' se bolted and threw him off, tramped
on his shoulder and batik. His ooiler
bone wes broken but he is able to be
around now with hie arm in a sling.
re a• .
Cheese factories are doing well.
George McKay, 10th con., is laid up
with 9001100,
Rev. A. McLean, of Blyth, visited at
John $tranhan's last week.
Our local Orangemen oelabrated the
glorioue 12th at Wiugham.
Miss Belle Straohen, milliner, of Sea
forth, is home for a holiday visit.
Miss Kate Henderson, of Galt, is visit-
ing the Strachan Broe. this week.
Mo. Alex, McKay, Boundary, hats re•
turned from visiting relatives at Sarnia.
Norman Hill, of Port Heron, Miob.,
is making a boliday visit with his father,
10 le eon. He may go to the Paaifio
Township Ooonoil had a short meet-
ing on Monday afternoon relating to new
dualling By-law. The minutes will be
given next week.
This week Mre. (De.) Rivers, of Credi-
ton ; John Hill, of 'Clinton ; and Thoe.
Hill, of Vancouver, 13. 0., were visiting
under the old home root. Mr. Bill is
quite taken with the Coast and thinks
their'° nothing like the golden West.
Thoe. Strachan jr., had his right arm
seriously injured above the elbow the
other day while assisting at a barn rais-
ing at John Mason's 3rd line, Morris.
He was streak by a falling board and
the wonder was that the arm was not
The briok work on the new school
house known as Barker's, was completed
on Tuesday by D. A. Lowry, of Brussels.
T. Newsome will now rush the carpenter
department along and get it finished. A
delay was occasioned owing to a difd-
calty in securing briok.
Another ohauge has taken place or the
Henfryn end of Ethel cirouit daring the
pest week. Mr. Oaterhont said good bye
to the congregations last Sabbath attar a
stay of two Sundays and has returned to
Chatham where hie aunt is ill. Ha will
be succeeded by Mr. Aylesworth, sou of
Rev. Dr, Ayleswortil, of Kintore, who is
expected to take the three appointments
next Sabbath. We hope this ie the last
change until next Conference.
Tuesday of thie weak a strew house
and pig house 30x30 feat, was raised on
the farm of Alex. McDonald, lot 7, non.
3. Sides were chosen by Angus Brown
end Dnnoau McDonald, the former win-
ning. Robb. Eaket was the framer.
Robb. Simeon, son of Jas. Simeon, of
Jamestown, met with an accident at the
raising by felling through a scaffold and
nutting his hand on a nail. The wonder
is that more people are nob Burt in the
exoitement that often prevails in the rash
to win.
Man LIwns Ill NsnnasaL.—We learn
from a latter received by John Hill, 10th
con., from his daughter, Mrs. Wesley
Heapy, who resides near Litchfield,
Nebraska, that they have suffered very
eerionsly by a terrible rain and hail
storm, the worst any of the people of
that locality ever knew. 8 inches of
water fell in about 2 hours and hail was
lying on the ground several inches deep.
The oountry was completely flooded and
there were great drifts of hail several
feet deep in some plaoee,. Heavy wind
prevailed and Some buildings and dozens
of windmills were blown to pieces. Rye
and barley were nearly 'ready for cutting
bat the grain was not by the storm as
olose to the ground as if it had been
shaved, much stook perished and many
cattle and hereto were drowned, while
others were slain by lightning. Mrs.
Heapy say :—"cue of our teams was in
a barn that wee blown to pieces but
escaped. High water has taken moat of
the bridges." Tim old Grey friends of
Mr. and Mrs. Heapy will be sorry to hear
of their misfortune and wish them better
look for the time to 'some.
Pon Nio.—A. jolly time was spent at
Bethel Sunday. School plc-nio, which was
held in D. Livingstone's grove on Fri-
day afternoon of last week, In addition
to ewings and a base bell match, there
were a number of font raoea that caused
ooneiderable fun. The fleet was a needle
and thread race in whioh the oompetitore
ran with the needle to a lady stationed at
a pertain distance, who had the thread,
and she threaded the needle after which
the rimer had to run back to the starting
point. Joe. McKay won let plane and
Geo. Robertson, and, their lady helpers
being Mre. P. Spading and Mre, D.
Livingetone. Then there wag a oeodte
race in whioh every moor ran with a wax
Dandle to a point indicated where a per.
son held a lighted candle. Eaob one had
to light his caudll here and keep it burn.
ing until he ran back to the score. If
the light Wont out he had to go back to
the light again, Joe, McKay was winner
again and W. Fearer next, The 3•legged
ince went to Geo. Mann and Wm, 1I0.
Kay, with F. Sperling and W. Sperling
2nd. Sone of the oontestante heti bad
Ink in mixing their gait and were flag.
ged, Hop step and jump, J. McVay ;
100•yard race, Joe. McKay and Geo.
Robertson. A ploutiful supply of pro.
viei0ns was served and a tent also dts.
poised refreshments. The prooead6
wore nearly 510.00, which will be devoted
to Sabbath school purposes. Belbet pio-
nk' is the plane for fun.
'Theo waeridasse.
Dont Coen is visiting at his grand-
Mre. Turner, sister to Thoe. and J. R.
Cade, has left for her home in Clinton.
Mre. J. B. Jaokeon, of Elora, is spend.
ing a few weeks with her daughter, Mr§.
W. 11, Code.
Mien Jennie Coons, of London, le
spending a couple of weeks at her parent.
al home here.
Jared 03560s, who has been working in
the cheese factory at Poole, spent Sunday
at home here.
Mrs, John Large and daughter, Eva,
01 Toronto, who have bon visiting
friends here, returned to their home last
Mies Ella Gude, who has been spending
a fewweelre visiting friends in Peel, re-
turned home last week, accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. May.
The Spring orops are looking fine.
The corn is not quite as tall this year as
it was this time last year. It is to be
hoped that it will esoepe the frost this
year, which did so muoh damage last
Frank Tinning, who has been working
in a abeese hiotory near Woodstook, has
returned home. Scarcity of milk bite
caused the factory to dispense with hie
M Oro N.
Morris was well represented at Wiug-
bam on the 12th,
Haying is all the go although delayed
by ehowery weatber.
Fall wheat looks fairly good stud will
soon be ready for reaping.
Jay Clegg, 13..A., will take up the
stndy of law and may be articled in To.
ionto. We wish him success,
A garden party is manned to be held
at Thos. Maunders' ou Tuesday evening
of next week. A11 who want a good time
will take it in.
There was a baro raising at Sohn
Mason's 3rd line, on Monday of this
week. Owing to a falling board Thoe.
Strnohan jr„ of Grey, got his right arm
quite seriously hurt.
Jas. Petoh, 6th lino, wants to dispose
of his fine 100 acre farm. If he does not
soli by Sept. let he will lease it for a
term of years and will probably move to
the West. He has a son in Alaska now
and other in Manitoba. See edvt. in
this issue.an
Pnme0N''ATION.--Ab the regular meeting
of the Bunebine Epworth League held
Friday evening, the energetic pastor,
Rev. F. J. Oaten, was agreeably sur•
prised by being presented with a purse
containing 520.00 as a alight token of the
esteem in whioh he is held by the young
people of that vicinity. It was an sot
worthy of emulation and will do all con-
cerned good.
Wennnoo BELLS: Oe the evening of
Wednesday, July 5th, the beaatitul home
of Juo. Mills, Hallett Boundary, wee the
sone of one of those happy events whioh
send a young couple forth on tbe journey
of life ae one, being the marriage of his
second daughter, Mise Amelia, to the
Rev. G. 0. Kaine, of Bethel circuit, Pise
River P. 0. The guests, numbering
about 260, were assembled on the lawn
on whioh was erected a beautiful sroh,
decorated with flowers and ribbon, from
the centre of whioh wee suspended a bell
of evergreen and flowers, under whioh
the bride stood during the oeremony. As
the strains of the Wedding March were
being played, the groom appeared, head-
ed by a little page, Oecil Oke, nephew of
the bride, strewing flowers from the door
to the atoll. The groomsman, John
Koine, teacher, of Sault Ste, Marie, Ont.,
brother to the groom, followed, and both
took position under the arch. The bride,
a moat beautiful young lady, elegantly
attired in white brocaded silk, trimmed
with heavy pearl and liberty Bilk, leaning
00 the arm of her father and carrying in
her hand a beautiful bogoat of white
roses, followed. Mise Keaiah Mills, sis-
ter of the bride, dressed in pink, covered
white organdy and trimmed with ribbon,
noted as bridesmaid, Little Mies Mabel
Oke, a lassie of 4, did good service as
Maid of honor. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. W. Rigsby, of Kiuoar.
dine, late pastor of the bride, aseisted by
Rev. Messrs. Garbutt, of Gerrie ; Pen•
hall, of Blyth, and Tiffin, of Walton.
Hearty congratulations over the guests
were invited into the epaoions dining
room where the tables, erected fa the
form of a horseshoe, were loaded with
the good things which help in terminating
any pleasing event. Among the 250
guests were seen some from Montreal,
Toronto, Godariob, Clinton, Seaforth,
Gerrie and other places. This pleasing
event was brought to a close about 2 30 a.
m., the guests leaving with hearty son-
geetulatione and all wishing Rev. and
Mrs, Keine a prosperous journey through
life. The bride wag the reoipient of
many and costly presents, showing the
high esteem iu 101/011 she is held, among
them was a purse of 550.00, the gift of
her brother John. They wont to their
new circuit this weak.
James M. Cousins, ex -Mayor of Lon.
don, died Tuesnay evening.
Ex-Ald. Robert Chisholm, of Hamilton
dropped dead Weduoeday morning,
The Star Theatre, of Hamilton, was
badly gutted by fire Tneeday morning,
Franls Jones, aged 18, was fatally in
Stared in a sawmill at Odessa, Wednesday.
Weiter West, a 5-year•oid child, was
drowned in a einem at Medea on Tues.
Mrs. Jehnimah Hartman, Ernosttown
township, has celebrated her 08th birth-
Sir George Burton, Sir John Boyd and
Justice Faloonbridge are the judges
chosen by the Dominion Government to
divide into constituenoiee the counties
which no entitled to two er more members.
The aeloatiou is eminently satisfactory to
ail parties,
Wednesday of this week wee hbe
memorable 12111 and was celebrated with
as ranch gusto ha usual. The weather
was all that could be deeired and on,
defied in no small degree to the pleasure
of the anniversary.
There was a large end enthusiaetio
turn net of Orang•men, Lady True Blues
and Young Britons here, 63 lodges being
in attendance. The town was gaily
decorated and au enjoyable time was
spent. At 1 p. m. the Manors met and
arranged the order of the procession
which ferment et the Park, paraded the
principal streets, with Joseph Golley as
Director of Ceremonies, and returned to
the Park where a line program of address•
ea was given. After words of weloome
from Mayor Clegg appropriate apeeohee
were made by Reeds. Mesere. Lowe, of
Wiogham ; Armstrong, of Luoknow ;
Ferney, of Gerrie ; Hobbs and Freed, of
Wiogham ; and A. F. Campbell, ex -M.
1'. 2., of Brampton. Rev. Mr. Hobbs
was oredited with making the speech of
the day. Go. Master Wilford, of Blytb,
=copied the chair. In addition to the
fife and drum bands, of which there was
no shortage, there were two brass bands
present. Good a000mmodotion was pro•
vided by the rail waye and the wants of
the inuer-man were well supplied. A
pleasing feature of the day's doings was
the diverting of the march to the street
on which Bro. Thos. Stewart, of Blue.
vale, ie lying owing to itrune,way aeoident
at the 0. P.11. here, by which be had to
have one of bis ilmbe amputated. As the
various lodges passed the 1300 se each
Master handed over a begot of flowers to
young ladies who were stationed there as
a token of remembrance and sympathy
to the disabled brother. It was a
thoughtful and highly appreciated cot.
Mr. Stewart is makiog favorable progress
and expecte to be able to be moved to
his home at Bluevale shortly.
The demonstration here was enthueies.
tio and attended by a large turn -out.
The Grand Master for Ontario West, D.
M. Jermyn, was the chief speaker.
The parade and demonstration here
were unusually well attended end suc-
cessful. Henry Eiiber, M. P• P., de.
livered the Twelfth of July oration.
The demonetration here was one of the
largest seen in Western Ontario. Ex-
cursions Dame from all points. The
seventy lodges of Grey county and the
sixty from Brune were' present without
exception. It is estimated there were
10,000 present. E. F. Clarke, 181. Ie, ;
Dr. Sproule, M. P., end I. B. Luras, M.
P. P., addressed the gathering. T130
local and visiting dignitaries also made
Three counties held their Orange oele•
brabion here, and the town had a gala
appearance. A big prooeseion was foto-
ed, headed by James Bbouldioo, County
Master, and after parading the principal
streets wound up in the park, where
apeeohes were delivered by Alex. McNeil,
M, P., and Dr. Beattie Nesbitt, of Toron-
to. The addressee happily toaohed the
spirit of the celebration, being timely,
eloquent end impressive. Dr. Nesbitt
made a big hit.
The Twelfth of July was oelabrated
here by a big Orange demonstration, in
whioh the Orange Societies of Western
Ontario took part. Special trains
brought in outside lodges from Windsor,
Essex, Petrolea, Chatham and Brant-
ford, and there were probably one hnu•
Bred and fifty stands of colors'. The
prooeseion left the Market square at one
o'olook for Queen's park, where speechee
were delivered by Ron. N. Clarke Wal.
lace, M. P., Grand Master of British
America ; Lt: Col. J. H. Scott, Supreme
Grand Master Royal Bleak Knights of
Ireland; Lt••Ool. H• A. L. White, Post
Grand Master ; E. T. Easery, L. L. B.,
ex•Meyor of London ; Rev. Robert Mo.
Intyre, Rev. T. H. Brown, W. C. Coo,
and other members of the Order. After
the speeches games and a band 0olnpeti•
tion took plane.
Brussels Council.
A apeoial meeting of the Council was
held last Monday evening. Present the
Reeve and Councillors Warwiok, Wilton
and Rose.
An amount was presented from D. Mo.
Pherson, salary as inspector, 517.50, and
ou motion of Masora. Roes and Wilton
was passed,
Bylaw No. 0, 1800, concerning the
sewers on Turnberry street, Wag read and
Dolly passed, there being no appeals,
By law No. 12, 1800, authorizing the
burrowing of noose* money WAS read
three times and passed.
Moved by S. Wilton, seconded by 3, T.
Roes, that the offer of G. A. Stimson, &
Go,, Toronto, of 51621 for sewer deben-
tures be aooepted.—carried.
This sale gives a bonus of 513.00 on
the amount. The debentures aro drawn
at 4% end run 15 yeare, payable in
annual inetalments,
The Reeve reported that the following
oerbiflaates were issued by Inapeotore Mo.
Pherson and Soott ;—
Royal Pavement Co., eidowalk, .5881.00
D, A. and A. J. Lowry, sewer,,,,. 330.00
Moved by J. D. Warwick, emended by
0. Wilton that a 13ylaw berepared
setting out the proportion payable on all
corner lots for sidewalk on side streets,
the proprietor has hid for front
Where a o
and that 50 feet be built by the town.—
Carried. .
A Ieogblay discussion followed relative
to 'sidewalk petiti0ne, drainage, whether
ratepayers on the opposite tide of the
street on which a walk le laid ebould aid
in its Construction, &e., after whioh
Council adjourned to meet on Monday,
24th inst.
People We Know.
Inepector Robb is at Clinton.
J'red, Lowry is here from Port Hon.
II. W. Farrow was home over Sunday,
Dr. Davidson was in Toronto this week.
Mies Roberton is holidaying at See,
Mrs. Harris wee visiting friends et
Mrs. Aldridge has one to Caledonia,
One, for a visit.
Mies Alice Jowitt is bank from her
trip to Miohigan.
Mies Winnie Turnbull is visiting rela-
tives at Brantford,
Mimeo Norma end Freda Vaustoue are
visiting in Wingham.
Miss Annie Steinman is away to Tor-
onto on a holiday vieit.
Mies Copp, of Toronto, is the gueet of
Mrs. John Tait, Queen street,
Miss Clara MoCracken was holiday-
olidaying with Mende at Hensel'.
R. W. Jewitt was holidaying at Hen-
n% Mitchell and other pointe.
Miss Mabel Armstrong, milliner, is
holidaying at her borne in Listowel,
A, Coseley, Wire, Coseley and Glyn
event Sunday with Wiogham friends'.
Dr. McKelvey, of Mount Forest, was in
town for a few days during the past week.
Mrs. Skene and her Oster, Mrs. Ono-
ningham, ware visiting in Seaforth this
Roy Servide, of Ingersoll, is visiting
hie eoasi00, Finlay and Walter Soobt,
Mr. and Mrs. Adams, of Stratford, are
holidaying with F. Adams and family,
Mill street,
J. H. Omicron aeeieted Luoknow tennis
club in winning a victory from Goderieh
lest week.
A. D. Duncan, of the Standard Bank,
is away to Brantford and other points for
hie holidays.
ibirs. J. P. Austin and ohildren, of Lie.
towel, are visiting Mre. R. K. Ross. The
ladies are slaters.
Misses Della and Lynnie Gillespie, of
Seaforth, are visiting Misses Pearl and
Laura Leatherdale,
Miss Bowles, of Chicago, is spending
her vacation with her sister, Mre. R.
Johnston, of Brussels.
Miss Ina Carvetb, of Hanover, is vis-
at W. H. MoCraoken'e. Mr. Oar•
veth spent Sunday i0 town.
Mrs. Fred. Pelton, of Port Huron,
ie visiting her mother, Mre. S. Pearson,
and sister, Petra. S. Fralick.
The Misses Bleak, of Drayton, were
visiting Mre. Walker and Mre. H. R.
Brewer, in town last week.
Jas. Sutherland, wife and ohildren, of
Walkerton, were visiting at Mre, Thos.
Kelly's during the past week.
Geo. Rogere has taken a position in the
store of J. Fergnaon & Co. during Mies
Fergneon's absence in Manitoba.
Lottie Blaehill was lead up during the
past weak with a out foot, the wound be-
ing occasioned by some broken glass.
Mre. John Amen is holidaying at Sea.
forth and Johnnie ie holidaying with the
Marr family on the farm at Oranbrook.
Mrs. I. 0. Richards and sons, Charlie,
Percy and Harold, are holidaying at
Beydeld. Mr. Mohards was there o0
Barrister Blair expecte to leave ou
Friday for an outing of a weak or 10 days
at Buffalo and l0eality. Hie wife and
son are there now,
Mrs. Dr, McCullough, of Detroit, is
holidaying at Old Orabard Beach and
will probably visit Brussels before re•
earning her praotioe.
Mre. T. Kelly is recovering quite nicely
from her recent accident, in whioh her
left arm was broken, and was able to
attend ohnroblast Sunday.
We are pleased to learn that there is a
marked improvement in the health of
Mies Jennie Forsyth, who went to the
Dauphin District last Spring.
Mrs. Jabez Rogerson and daughters,
Misses Ella and Almah, of Bradford,
Pa., are the guests of Mrs. M. Baines,
Mill street, for a few weeks.
Milton MoGuire, eldest eon of Artbur
McGuire, has gone to Wingbano to try
his hand at the printing business. He is
a smart youth and should do well.
Rev. W. Norton stubbed his toe on a
rough pine of sidewalk the other night
and got quite a tumble but was not ser.
iously hart and ie about as usual.
Mrs. Gough and son and Mies Sarah
Dudley, of Toronto, are holidaying at
Jas. Dudley's, Brussels South. The
ladies are daughters of Mr. and Mre.
Mrs. (Dr.) Rivera, of Orediton, and her
brother, Thos. Hill, of Vanoouver, B. C„
were calling on Brussels friends on Wed-
nesday. Mr. Hill was East on a business
Cleve. Alija went to Goderioh last Fri-
day afternoon. He made the journey on
hie wheel. Glen. is a fine epirited
young man and will make friends
wherever he goes.
Oo, Oounoillor T. E. Hays, of Sealorth,
WAS among the callers at Trim POST on
Tuesday. Mr. Heys is always full of
joke and oarriee a good deal of sunshine
wherever he goes.
A. I. Mowll, druggist and optician, of
Chatham, was calling on relatives in
Morrie and old frieade in Brussels this
week. Mom is adding to his avordupoise
and looks >•ols'ss.
dIre. Brothers and children arrived
here from California on Friday night of
last week. She is a daughter of Mrs.
Jae. Wilson, Bennie, and will inake
her home here for the present at least
owing to dooeas° 02 Mr, Brothers,
Mlas Lizzie Moore, daughter of D. 13,
Moore, 'Purnberry street, Brunets,
arrived home from Winnipeg last Friday
night. She has been in the Western
capital for nearly leo yore snaking her
home with her sister, Mre. (braKneobtef.
Mies Moore's many friends are pleased to
welcome her bank,