HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-7-7, Page 8Your Teeth
Have you over need Euthymol
for oieanaing the teeth 0 It is au mooed.
iugty nae prepare/lion, not only elevate
but Maimed to prevent ilieeoloratiou and
deoxy and proteot the mouth nodLinea
agaivat germ infection, A
given with every 20o. package, It is in
oollapsiblo tubas making it oonvouientfor
use at home or when travelling. Ask for
a piniphlst on "The Care of the Tooth."
Your Feet
It gone feat are tender, eweaby,
blistered, aching, iuiiamed or swollen nae
Foob Etna. The niaunfaoturere Maim
that Foot Elm in your thine ante like
Buntline in a damp, ninety oellar, and
that tender and sweaty feet can be cured
in a few days by using Foot Elm.
Druggist, Optioian and Bookseller.
!este. sitereteerree.
if yon want to melee sore
work of the
then let its Eapply you with yonr
Paris Green, We keep both English
cad the Oanadifut and you can got
none better. We euarontee it Pure
and to do the work. Regular grins,
25e, per Ib, 04Dea :muds Deng Store.
Croquet !
The game of Olcgnet still horde
away. we have it in 4, 6 and 8 ball
trete. We will be pleased to sell you
if not supplied.
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optician and Bookseller,
SOUTHERN 010000ION W. 0. tri D.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
Gomel Sommre. Galen Sonser.
express 7:let a.m, I Mail 0.10 pan
kneed.-, 3:46 0..m, Express 10:17 pan
!" ocn1 news .tcros.
A ahiel's among ye ttekin' notes,
An' faith he'll preut it.
Lore of rain.
Tag oherry Drop is fair.
TAro down your fenced.
Teo Powi gives the news.
THE onrporetion weed Breyer is about,
A. 0. U. W. Friday evening of this
Soper. Board on Friday avauiug of
next week.
Coon ke.e found on Tnrnberry street.
Ask et THE Pose.
Cor aT of Revision On sewer assessment
next Monday evening.
JNo. ScoTT shipped a car of cattle on
Tuesday of this week.
Oasoou celebration in Wingham on
Wednesday of next week,
R. N. BAiRErT's barber shop front is
receiving a new dress 0f paint.
Tun hay on the Agricultural Park nae
been sold to Wm. Denbow for the sato of
$8 00.
Bergsma I. 0. 0. F. are talking of
retuning an excursion to Owen Sound this
Oen thanks are due to Mise May Skene
for a bognet of beantifal sweet peas, the
first of the ses0o0.
QUITE anurnber of:ruaselitos attended
the Caledonian games at Blyth on Mon•
day of dna week and report a good time.
GnaooLrraic walks will be put from
Tnrnberry street to the doors of St. lob u's
ohnroh and rectory. The fano was
taken down on Thursday.
war. GnAY and A. Lindsay had a little
experience of being nearly buried alive
by a cave in at the sewers one day last
week. No serious damage was done and
the temporarily entombed were soon
liberated from their unenviable position.
Part Council is doing a wise thing in
carrying out the idea started last year in
patting tile in the big ditch along Turn.
berry street leading to the station and
filling it up. It has always been a dan•
garotte place but the proposed plan will
set it right. The tile bas been ordered.
EAST Enron Agricultural Society will
share with Tnrnberry Society in a nom.
mission on 751 tickets sold toexourioniets
last Tuesday to the Model Farm. Wing.
ham sent 220 passengers ; Bluevale, 103 ;
Brussels, 289 ; Ethel, 120 ; and Henfryn,
10. South Brace Farmers' Institute and
Kincardine Agl. Sooietygathered in the
shekels from Whitechurch North,
ONE of the inmates of the House of
Refnge, Clinton, named Margaret
Nichol, formerly of this locality, was
planed in the county jail on com-
mittal by the Mayor of that town as an
insane and dangerous person. The on.
fortunate woman had been in the House
for some time, but she bad destroyed Bo
muoh property and become such a dan•
ger to the inmatee that she had to be
sent to the asylum,
Sonnets DEATH,—This community was
quite surprised on Sunday afternoon to
hear tbat Albert, eon of James Gibson, of
Brussels, bad departed this life. He had
only been ill for a few days and until
Saturday evening hopes were entertained
for his recovery, The oaose of death
was peritonitis. Funeral took place on
Tnesday afternoon and was under the
diraotiou of the K. 0. T, M. Tent of
Brussels, of which deceased was a mem.
bar. Rev. G. J, Aboy oonduoted the Der•
vice. Albert was a big, hearty young
man,industrious in his habits and kind.
ly dispoeitioned. His decease is another
strong proof of the uncertainty of life.
Dr: G, C. Moreno, who so ably assisted
Dr. Talbfleieob bare last Winter, has, we
nnderatand, formed a partnership with
Dr. James Brien, of Essex, Dr. Brien
has praotised in of
for over twenty
years sod his reputation as a pbysioiao
and surgeon is second to none, We are
therefore exoeedingly glad to know that
De, Munro has pro0nred such a worthy
partner, Oo the other hand we consider
Dr. Brian very fortunate indeed in 0eenr.
Ing snob an able and competent assistant,
Dr. Munro has had a very 800000010)
career and has always been a very bril•
Rent student, He attended the Collegiate
Institute, of London, graduating with
high honors. Hia 000000 in 141081011)e
has been an extruded ono as wall as a
egooeaeful one. He passed at Trinity
University of Toronto with high honors
and as a 0oneegaenoe wag appointed
House surgeon for the Toronto General
Hospital, au appointment Which is. only
given to five graduates of the highest
standing. The dootor has also talon two
poet graduate oonres0 in New York and
contemplates in the near future to 0ro00
the °dean to take in Borne of the boat
hospitals of Europe. We are pleased to
bear•thatfr, Munro'a prespe0te are s0
bright .and Tun POST wishes him every
TAYLOR BROS., of Morrie, shipped a 021r
of cattle from Brussels au Thursday of
this week.
Gus, Gunnel, took let money in one
race and 2nd iu nuvther et Stratford
races last week.
Jenne W.wretl, of Wingtam, sold his
house and lit on ollexnn[ier street this
week for the sum of 8500.
1'n1: incresaed tat, in postage an news•
papers 00mes lute effect this week. We
now pay a half a cent a pound.
Mn. OoOE r 10 pushing the new pave
meat along and will reach St, John's
chnrob by the Mose of this weak.
Keno the 000001ng0 as free to the pub.
lie as possible is advice we would offer
without expellee to the sewer and side.
walk coutraotors. Same of our eitia008
are not altogether in love with the sewer
pipe collection massed before their places
of busineaa but it will only be for a short
Tun sewer hes reached Thomas etreet
but the tilling in has been retarded is the
waiting for tba water piping to throe
which will be nut fu the same sewer and
otelizad for lire protection purposes,
hydrants being placed at the intersection
of streets thereby saving the use of
lunch hoes in many Cases.
A mgr., wall will be pat put under the
front of S. H. Jackson's ebop and the
epaes between it and the roadway lilted
in eo as to be ready fur the new pare•
malt. This will make a very neeeasary
improvement as the timbers holding up
the aide of the roadway are abent done
through decay.
Paiu,ao; Thirteen pupils are writing
this week at the Primary examination in
Braesele Public echoer, with A. H. Mue'
grove of Wiogbam as presiding a amio-
er. The oaudip g xdatea are : — Norah
Maunders. of Morris; Salvia Seel and
Lizzie McKay, of Cranbrook ; and Cleve.
Allte, Maggie Bielby, Ed. Bryan, Juo.
Crerar, Mabel IIaycroft, Alice Kendall,
Sam, Lamont, Marion McKenzie, Alex.
McKelvey and Milton McGuire, of Brus•
eels Public [school. We wish them sue
A. F. & A. 11.—Last Tuesday evening
the oldoars of St. Jobe'a Lodge, No. 284,
A, F. en A. M., Brusaela, were Metalled
by Pant ,Masters Sinclair, Conaley and
Wilton for the current term as follows :—
W. DI., P. J. Biebop ; S. W., R. N. Bar.
rett ; J. W., 3. Wright ; S. D., J. H.
Cameron ; J. D., Jas. Ballantyne ; I. G.,
S. H. Jaokson ; S. B., Geo. Dunlop ; J.
S., T. Bone ; Treas., A, Conaley ; See.,
S. Wilton ; Chap., I. C. Riobarde ; Tyler,
J. Y. S. Kirk. Rep. to Grand Lodge, A.
Tun Mitchell Advocate of last week
says of a former Brueselite.—Already
things are beginning to hum around the
new machine shop, Mulberon's buildings.
The premi000 have been renovated
throughout, nntil you would scarcely
know them. Daring the week, lathes,
pletoera, drills and a lot of other due
machinery arrived from Toronto and will
be pat in position at ouoe. By next
week itis expected the Company will be
in randiness to get up steam, and will
start off with about ten hands. Thorough-
ly skilled machanioa have been engaged
and the very best of work may be looked
for, Adam Koenig is manager and as he
is a moat courteous and obliging gentle.
man the public will find it a pleasure to
do bnsioea' with him.
receipt of a number of papers from Ma -
Fadden & McFadden, well known
Barristers of Sault Ste. Marie, in which
the opening up of the country North of
the "Soo" is strongly advised. The
country is no doubt rich in minerals and
timber, but must have railways to open
it up. The distriot ie a thousand miles
from East to Weal; and from three to
four hnndred miles from North to South,
and at present has only one railway.
The Boards of Trade of nearly alt the
oitiea and towns of Western Ontario
have recommended the granting of a
land aubaidy for the 000etruotion of
another railway through thie immense
territory, and their domande do not look
at all extravagant. New Ontario, or, as
the Algoma Pioneer Pelle it, Greater On.
tario, is bound to go ahead, but like every
new country it needa a helping hand,
and there would be little opposition in
any part of the proviso° to any reason-
able grant to assist in opening up the
new country.
GRAVEL OoiTR,tu'ra LET.—Tloe following
gravelling contracts have been let by
Reeves Turnbull and Iebieter, of Grey
and Morris, on the gravel road North and
South of Brusaela ;--$80 job to William
Pollard at 1008. 1(1 and 17 at 80 moats per
yard. Another job to the same person of
$23 at cons, 14 and 15 at the above'prioe.
Jas, Smith, $•10 at cone. 9 and 10 at 88
cents per yard and $36 to same at eon, 1
at 85 ante per yard. Richard Miller, at
cone, 2 and 3, gats a eontra00 of $20 at 28
ciente per yard. Jas. Smith at none. 4
and 5,1125 at 30 dente per yard ; and
Walter Yuill $13 at coca. 0 and 7 at 43
Gents, The work will be done forthwith,
The trouble with these aontraota is that
not half enough money is expended to do
the wont properly as is lnatanced by the
above where $190 in made to oover"about
11 miles or road, a good share of it bad -
1 f
y in need a d o repair. A road maMhine on
this road for a law days would do a
Wonderfnf amount of good in cutting off
the shoulders that keeps the water from
getting away, r0o,
Po,IRroos Pay wa0 very Sunday like in
11ritesel0 until the tire alarm sot the borne
1•112r,i astir in ononeotian with the lira at
the G. T. R. depot.
The Godarloh Signal says :--"Rev, S.
de Allan, the new peeler of Victoria
street church, preached the deet aerinone
to hie new charge on Sunday hist,
large Onngregaticne were meant and
the remand gentlenlan'a hearers were
well pleaded with hisaddreesee."
The Bishop of Huron, rafetking, in his
address to the Synod, to the ritnalf8tia
co0troverey in England, said: "After
lietening to all that has been said, end
weighing the evidenoe of manly svibnee5es,
we eon 111111 00 soletlon for the tremen-
dous issues of the hour except by a loyal
adherence to those principles on which
the °Introit twee eetabllahed at tie Rater.
Blitl•etcI,e juniors were defeated at
Blyth on Saturday afternoon by a score
of 3 to 2, The players from here were :
Goal, R. Morrison; Benito, 8. 111o0raoken
and Geo, Irwin ; e Backe, 0. MoKay, N.
tetrad!, 11, Bartliff ; Loft Wing, Jae.
Peebles and Cleve. Allfn ; Right aping,
Geo. Buohenan and W. Good ; 0., Will.
Ailtley. Referee, W. Marr. The ground
wee very unlit for good play owing to
long Erase and nneveueaa
J11001 2220p. --floe following is Treasurer
2'40k/we'd abstract statement of the ex•
penditare fu aounoctioa with the recent
oelebration in town :
Fireworks $ 29 in
Printing 39 75
Billing and postage15 88
Musa° 10 00
Misoeilaneoue 2 00
Fixing Park 85 00
Telephone (i 75
Decorations 5 90
Spooled attractions 71 75
Sparta 115 40
Total 8'122 08
The total proceeds amounted to 3100.00
and Mr. Jackson informs us that there
area low aacoltuta to pay yet but that
the surplus will be about $80.
Boor. BALL AT BLYT1r.—A good game of
base ball Was played at Blyth between
Brussels team and a eine from Clinton
braced up by Woodstock players, The
hell field was not the smoothest piece of
terra firma, yet a Ane exhibition of bald
playing was given resulting in a shore of
9 to 4 in favor of Clinton, The viotors
got 5 of their rune in one innings. They
"whitewashed" our dads 7 times in the 9
innings and Brossela returned the com-
pliment three times, Ted. Grewar
pitched for Brussels and kept the batters
gnawing; Atkinson gave a good a00000t
of himself behind the bat. Our boys
played a goad game generally and are not
at all discouraged over the result. Wm,
Grewar, of Brussels, end Dr. Agnew, of
Clinton, refereed the gams with Batista°.
tion. The Beare was as followe
Atkinson, c.....,... 1 2 Sauudere,Sb 8 1
Seeker, rf 1 8 Treadger, if 2 3
Downing, 10.,....., 1 3 Doherty, se 1 2
Scott,2b 0 2 MOCo0uell of .., 0 2
Grower, p ,0 2 liabkirk, Sip 0 4
Boone, se ............ 0 4 Mason rt 0 4
McTnmebliu, at.., 0 4 McLaughlin, p
Gt•tlilth,:Sb 1 3 Moltaa,.o 1 8
(Mosley, 1b 0 4 Muss, lb ............... 0 0
Totals 4 27 Totals 9 311
Brussels. 0 0 0 1 0 8 0 0 0— 4
Clinton 1 0 1 5 1 0 1 0 '— 0
BRDseELn va. BEAFORTn.—On Dominion
Day Brusaela Bowling club Bent two
rinks to Seaforth where the fleet outside
match for the carpet town was played, as
this is the first season of their organiza-
tion and many of their opponents have
resided at Bowlingville for years. The
game in the forenoon was won by the
home team by 40 to 24 Red a game in the
evening went to Seaforth by 45 to 27.
Both were played on the club lawn and
were quite enjoyable to oar bowlers.
They were moat hospitably entertained
and hope to have an early opportunity of
reciprocating. Following is the score ;—
Gordon, skip
Roes, skip
17 Bright, skip.. —19
7 Hays, skip ....21
Totals 24 40
Anderson, Reid,
MoOlellan, Boott,
Gordon, skip
Irwin, Barr,
Blair, Aetrel,
Farrow, Speare,
Ross, skip 4 Coleman, skip. .20
23 Hays, skip ....19
Totals 27 45
Mr, Anderson who played with Brussels
in the evading was a Seaforth man RE
Iospeotor Robb was absent.
Brussels Council.
The regular meeting of Brussels Coun-
cil was held on Monday evening, present
the Reeve and Counoillore Ross and Wil-
Minutes of last meeting read end pass-
Following amounts were presented :—
A, MoLauchlin, Beinry 9 25 00
F. S ;Soot*, on salary 40 00
Watson Ainley, running engine5 00
Eleotrio Light Oo„ 8 mos 100 00
Town Band, on account 87 50
Moved by S. Wilton, seconded by J. T.
Ross, that above accounts be paid.—
A motion was passed to allow use of
Sinking Fund to meet current expen800
re sewer or sidewalks and that G% be al-
lowed, also that the Reeve and Clerk be
empowered to borrow money from the
Standard Bank when neaeseary, the same
to be returned from gale of debentures.
The Itoave bag authority to issue orders
to oontraetors of 0idewalk and sewers be-
tween Council meetioga,
W. I1. MoOraolreo addressed the Coun-
cil relative to a foot bridge at flax mill.
He asked that the old bridge be repaired
if the suspension bridge aohome bo not
onterteinod, The Reeve and Counoiltore
Warwiok and Cochrane to tee to it,
R. N. Barrett aelted for the half yearly
Band grant, It was paid after a warning
110 to better attention to the weekly coo.
Gloved by S. Wilton, eeoonded by J, T.
Ross, that the (Berk order tile 080100ary
for drain at station and for crossings
from Ontario Sewer Pipe Co.—Carried.
By-law No. 11, 1800. confirming the
Wingitam, as inepsolol' of sidewalk at
$1,75 per day was pawed.
Counuilthen adl0urned,
People We Iivuaw,
Mica flora Smith ie polite foe her vtt.
Mine Mit Williams is holidaying at
Frank Stratton is holidaying at
Cilatlhs m,
Jes. Walker, of Wingham, wits in town
Jno. Amen*, wife end son were in Lon.
don on to visit.
Ed. herb, artist, spout Dominion Day
in Owen Sound,
Ii. Matheson spent Saturday and Sun.
day in Luoknow,
W. H. MoOraaken made a business trip
to Toronto this week.
Mra, W. H. Kerr and Leslie (pant a
few days in Stratford,
Dirs, W. G. Willa, of Mitchell, is the
guest or Mrs, Jae. Turnbull.
H. E. Maddock, of Newmarket, spent
Dominion Day in Brussels.
Mise Porter, of Atwood, was visiting
her attut, 110r, Jno. Conaley,
Mre. G. F. Blair and Wilfrid enjoyed a
visit with relatives et Buffelo,
Mies Kate Wilson ie home from Belle-
ville for the Summer vacation.
Misses Dolly and Maggie Beaker spent
Sunday witb friends in Wroxeter,
Dr., Dire. Snider and Eva welts holi-
daviog at Stratford for a few dare.
Rev. and Mre. Garbutt, of Gerrie, were
visiting in Bruesafe on Wedoea'tay.
Scott Amant, eon of Philip A most, was
under the doetor'e oars last week,
Mise Vera Harrington, of Guelph, is
spending part of her holidays in town.
Clifford Pagel, of Bluevale, is visiting
his graudpareuts, Rev. R. ani Mra, Paul.
Dirs. G. A. Deadman returned Monday
evening from a short visit to Woorletook,
Miss Belle MoKibben, of Toronto, is
visiting her mother, Queen street, Bruen
T. F. and Mrs, k letoher spent Bator.
day and Sunday at Lnoknow with relit.
Misses Annie and Beryl Patl201 were
holidaying at Wroxeter during the past
DS. W. H. MoOfaoken and Fred. Mo.
Craoken were visiting friends at Pinker.
ton and Paisley last week.
Mrs. (Dr,) MoNaugbtuu and Florence
and Miss Lizzie DloNaaghton were visit.
Mg at Cromarty last week.
Geo. Watt, draughtsman in the Poison
Works, Toronto, was home un a brief
visit during the past week.
Meese Mabel and Eva Oluff, ot Olin.
ton, have baste visiting their cousins, the
Misses Bartliff, this week.
Miss Annie McKinley, t f Owen Sound,
was visiting her sister, Dire. 0. Grimold•
by, for a few days this week.
airs, L. J. Johnston, of Ypsilanti,
Mfoh,, is visiting her daughter, Mre. J.
W..Blaahill, Elizabeth etreet.
Miss Nina Rogers, of Tens POST staff,
spent Dominion Day and Sunday follow.
ing de in n bam with fries i
Jno. E. Smith, of Brandon, Man., an
old and well known former Bruseellte,
was a visitor in town this week.
Dirs. H. E. Maddook'B health is not
just Rret.olnss but we hope tine fine Sum-
mer weather will invigorate her.
The Misses Douglas have returned from
their visit to Harrieton. Mee, Douglas
is also back from her holiday at Elora,
Duosan MoLanoblio sprained hie
ankle et Blyth on Monday while playing
base ball and is still doing the limp eat.
A. Ooueley Will attend the Grand
Lodge of the A,. F. en A. M. at Ottawa as
representative or St. John's Lodge Brute.
Mrs. F. 0. Rogers is away to London
on a well earned holiday with relatives.
Miss Dunbar is in charge of Mrs. Rogers'
millinery store.
Aire. John Sinclair and Mies Teanie,
attended the wedding of Miss Ross and
James Shnpeon, of McKillop, on Thurs-
day of last week,
Will. A. Lowry, of London, spent a
few days in Brusaela and locality. He
returned home accompanied by Mrs.
Lowry on ttlonday.
Among those who visited Stratford last
week were Jno. Hewitt, Richard Wit -
lianas, Jae. Ballantyne and wife, Jae. B.
Stretton and Frank, 3r.
Mrs. Jno. Pugh and Mrs, Jno. Donald•
son, of Brussels, and Mrs. Jae. Oakley,
of Grey, visited at Goderioh for a few
days during the past week.
Miss Pennington, who bas been visit•
ing relatives and friends in this locality,
left on Thursday for Manitoba where she
will holiday in the neighborhood of Mor.
J. M. O'Qoonor is home from a visit to
his daughters, Mre, (Rev) Steele, of Port
Stanley, Ont., and Mrs. (Bev.) Hunt, of
Ctianning, Mich, He had an enjoyable
Mre. Joseph Burton baa been taken to
the London asylum for treatment this
week. F. S. Scott a000mpanied her to
the Forest city. We hope she will Boon
be better.
Mies Sara Code, formerly of Brussels,
is now a resident of Cadillac, Allah.,
where she has opened up a dress and
mantle bneineaa and is doing well we are
pleased to hear.
Mrs, (Rev.) Allan, Fernie, Maefrid and
Way left Brussels for Goderioh last Mon.
day morning. Clark wheeled to the Co.
town and Cleve, remained here to write
at the Primary examination.
Mrs. A. Koenig and Earl, of Mitohell,
were renewing old acquaintances in
Brnasele. Mr. Hoenig is interested in a
joint etoek foundry where the manatee -
Lure of engines will be the leading feature.
Sylvester Smith, wife and obildren, of
Brantford, were visiting in town during
the past week, Mr, Smith is a brother to
Dire. Jae. Tnrnbull and was a former
Brcaeelite. It is 18 years 8i0oe be was
in town before. 1de has been employed
in the Massey-Harrie Works at Brant.
forg for the years stated above.
While Miss Florence Blashill was re.
turning from London last Monday even.
ing a hail storm struck the train between
that city end Stratford. Onr windows
were broken and Mise Blaehill, among
others, had her face out by flying glass.
The oar was almost deluged by the rain.
The Brookville Times of June 28 says
of a former Bross elite : "A0 noon to.day
there was some uneaeineee among the
Central Hotel boarders for a while
caused by the abaenoe of ono of their
number, Alex. McKenzie, the genial drug
clerk for 1'. K, DR/Milian. Their anxiety
was relieved however when it became
known thathe had taken his departure
for Brusuele, Ont., on a oouple of weeks'
vacation. 1f reports are trite be will wed
ono of Bruesele' fair daughters before his
appointment of Darman MoP)herson, of return,"
STr,1 XD .1 13.1X. OF 0.4,1V',11).4,
1meees1 esexmx5H10 n.e7a.
CIAPITAL PAID UP (One Million Dollars) - $1,000,000
RESL,RVE FITNII . . $500,000
dgeliofer fn all principal pointe 10 Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States [0 Ragland,
filite,SW°xa'.40 BitosXC, '.
A General Banking Basineee Transaoted, Farmers' Notes Dieoonubed,
Drafts Isonal and polleotione made on all points.
Interest allowed ou deposits of $1,00 and upwards,
Every facility afforded Ouatomere /lying at a dietanoo.
Roy, youngest eon of Will. Ainley, was
dengeronely i11 last weak with an attack
of inflammation of the bowels. He is
getting quite smart again.
Wm. Martin will be the representa•
five from Western Star Lodge, No. 140,
Brussels, to the Grand Lodge which coin
Vallee in Toronto next mouth.
Business Locals.
Now potatoes for sale se Mooraolcen's.
PIANOS and organa for sale, 13. GE11RY,
FOR Bale cheap, two Bet second-hand
Bingle harness, T. 0. Riohnrda.
BADY's shoe and stocking found. En.
quire at TX113 POST,
WANTED.—Any quantity tub butter.
"Wiogham Egg Combination" is the
Bret ever known in the interests of the
producers. Everybody pays 12 Dente or
14 ciente trade.
G, E. Kinn, Wloghatn,
FLOWERS AND PL.oNTo.—A line stook of
flowers and hones plants on hand at the
Remota greenhouse, formerly owned by
the late Thos. Kelly. Aleo a choice lot of
tomato plants in boxes, pots or loose by
the dozen ; also cabbage, oelery and
cauliflower planta. Any quantity of ripe
tomatoee in season. Mess KELLY. 44 5
Discovered by a Woman.
Another great discovery has been
made, and that too, by a lady in this
country, "Diaeaee fastened its olutohee
upon Ser and for seven years she with•
stood its severest tests, but her vital or'
gang were undermined and death seemed
imminent. For three months she °ough-
el inoeesantly, and could not sleep. She
finally discovered a way to recovery, by
purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's
New Discovery for Ooneumption, and
woe so muoh relieved on taking first dose,
that she slept all night ; and with two
bottles, has been obsoletely mored. Her
name is Dire. Luther Lutz." Thus
writes W. 0. Ham/dolt 01 Co., of Shelby,
N. 0. Trial bottles free at Deadman'e
Drug Store. Regular sire 50o and $1 00.
Every battle guaranteed.
car t
Pare and Holden are oaptured,
Willie Boswell, e ell u
a of the o he f
firmer pro•
prietor of the Boswell House, Toronto,
was drmwoed at Bowmanvilie.
Mrs. Robt. Lane, of Brandon, was shot
dead on her own doorstep by an unknown
tramp, who has not yet been oaagk0.
Mies Louise Underwood, of Kendal,
drowned herseif in Stony Lake. She
hadtion.beau suffering from nervous proatra•
George Thompson, of Blenheim, was
hooked in the aye by a cow and nearly
blinded. Hopes are entertained that the
sight will be saved.
Harrieton base ball team beat Kincar-
dine at Teeewater on Dominion Day by
28 to 7. Arthur Boyd caught for Her.
rieton and Frank Scott pitched.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier has received a
cablegram from Hon. J. Isreal Tarte,
stating that the Montfort, hie steamer,
has arrived at Briatol, and that the Min.
ister of Public Works feels mach improv-
ed in health.
A laborer named Louis Beaulie died in
the Water Street Hospital, Ottawa, from
the effeots of a fracture of the skull.
The deceased was working with a gang
who were preparing for a bleat, and wete
making a ehelter of planets. A care.
tersely thrown board bit him on the head,
inflicting the injury mentioned.
T6A1Z12x a
LINO—KEnrro, At Fowlergville, Mich.,
on June 28th, by Rev. J. E. Ryerson,
Mr. Geo. Ling, of Fowieraville, to
Mise Mary, daughter of Mr. Jno.
Kerney, of Grey township, Huron
Go., Ont.
KAINE—MILLS.—At the reeidenoe of the
bride's parents, Hallett, on July 5th,
by Rev. W. S. Rigaby, of Kincardine,
escalated by Rev. R. 3, Garbutt, L. L.
B., of Gerrie, Rev, 0. 0. Kahle, of
Pine River, Ont., to Miss Amelia,
ascend daughter of Mr. John Mills,
of Hallett.
Hma0AN—E002ARD.---On June 28, at Ford
River, Micb,, by Rev. Dr. Todd, Mr.
A. T. Hillman, of Newhall, to Mise
Florence, eldest daughter of Mr.
Samuel Hoggard, of Brussels!.
Goy — Rowtann. —At the roeidenoe of
the bride's mother,ron July 8, by
the Rev. E. A, Fear, Mr. Joseph
Guy, of Mina, to Mise Winnifred
Rowland, of E1ma.
BONN001t—HEATIIERLY.—At the Meth°.
diet Parsonage, Atwood, on July 5,
by Rev. F. A. Fear, Mr. Obto
Schnook, of Grey Tp„ to Mine
Miriam Heatherly, of Elmn.
MaAnrunn.—In Morris, on July 4th,
Elizabeth, beloved wife of John Mo.
Arthur, aged 55 years,
Glasox.—Tit Brnseela, on July 2nd,
Albert, son of Jae, Gibson, aged 22
years and G months.
1112 'VBr3mm.,0 ;Qe:A1..-'11 T(5.
Fall Wheat....,. .. 67
Barley 85
Peas 55
Oats 28
Batter, tube and rolls ., 11
Eggs per dozen , - 10
Flour per barrel 4 00 4
Potatoes (per peak) ... 80
Hay pee too.
... ..... 5 00 5
Hides trimmed7
Hides rough .. 5
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00
Sheep eking, (nth 30
Lamb eking each 25
Hoge,Livo4 50
Wool 13
Apples (per•bag) 1 00 1
JERSEY milk for sale, 4 cents to quart.
Tanen good working horses for sale, 3,
0 and 0 years, 110BT, MoLAOIILAN,
Lot yl 0110,10, Gray.
dJ Wiugham, will be at the American
Hotel Brosecle. every other Thursday, nem
meueieg Silly 10031, for the lulu:Mee ot den-
tistry in all its branches, in the most modern
and up-to-date style. 00.00
on M111 9treet,l0re Heels. Tho Louse
is a comfortable one, welt fitted up, with
oellar, bard and soft water, .20, There 18
also a good stable. Fruit trona 1n garden :
over ono•quarter acre of laud. For price,
terns, da, apply to B. FINN, Proprietor',
0r W, 11, 101081 , of Tim PoeT, 28.61
Mail Contract.
Sealed tenders, 'addressor/ to the Poet -
master General, will be reoeive[l at Ottawa
until noon on Friday, 34011 July, 1800, for the
conveyance of Bar Majesty's )Merle, ou a pro.
posed contract for four year's, 1, tierce per
week such way, between Brttescle sod SVrox-
oter, from the 1st of October next. Prdoted
notices containing further information as to
conditions of proposed ()entreat may be
seen and blank form of Tender may be,ob-
tutced at the Pest Offices on tho route.
Post eines Inapeotor's 01110e, Loudon, 200
Tune, 1$00. H. G. BOPI:Ia10,
40 8 Poet ORieo Inspector,
J LAND POR aALE: Tho nildat'sgnad oGars
for sato 0,000 core¢ Of timberlands io Oeooda
i an, a
¢low prme. Well
vfthhardwood. Also 2,000 le fr Bae
cheap far actual settlement lying ou ! a E North Western railroad. Sevara
improved farms abeam Apply to
JAS. AI117;N,
51-2m Big Rapids, Mich.
dorsi„sed offers his 109 acre farm for
sale, being lot 2, eon,10, Grey. Comfortable
house, bank barn, good orchard, plenty of
water and place is in good oouditiol , Only
2 miles from Walto uvillage and 4miles from
Brussels. Poea:union given to suit purchas-
er. kir price, tome aid other particulars
apply Lo WM. SMITH, Proprietor,
11.1f Walton P.O.
JULY 7, 1899
Pari Green.
Wo keep but ono quality and
wo guarantee it to be absolutely
pure. For the convenience of
those who prefer it we have it in
neat 1.1b. boxes or in bulk as de.
250. PER.PC:)41 1D
Fez's Drag Store.
P. S.—We have a good second
hand Bicycle to sell cheap.
deralghed a0'ere his farm, West Half
Lot No, 10, Con. 4, Grey, eoutalning G0 novae,
more or lees. For partioulura us to price
find terms apply to
Brusaole P, 0, en the promisee,
ma Lot 20, N i Con, 0. Morrie township,
ea utaiurng 08 acres of Rret-clans land. There
is a bauee, barn, orchard and good ware-
house, and farm is *well fenced. There are
86 aorea in Pall wheat; 25 acres in bay and
46 acres pasture, Possession could be gives
at once. Fara' adjoins the village of Brus-
sels. For further partiuulara as to prioe,
terms, 00,, write to JAMES LIVINGSTON,
AI, 7,, !laden, 224t
Consisting of the Routh i and South i
of the North d of Lot 80, Oon.2, Beet Wawa -
nosh. This is an expellent stoogck farm, beteg
situated 110,10d 3 miles good
lage of Blyth. A largo part of it is under
grime, Buildings and femme are in afair
state of repair. Easy terms of payment will
he given, For all information apply to
11-00 G, F. 13LAIR_Barrister, Brooaels,
The undersigned offer two 100 erre
Terme for Belo at reasonable prices. The luta
are Nos. 10 and 11, Con. 0 (Sunshine), the
slderoatt between them. Good brick house
and barn on lot 11, and house and 2 barns on
lot 10. 0ro11arde and all necessary aorfven-
leuces, Well watered and suitable for grain
or grazing, 100 aures now in arose. Will be
said either separate or together to suit pur-
chaser. Terme of payment reasonable, Iru-
me[Ilate possession, Por further portion lure
apply to O3I057,N,U03tVeltallr, rWePmO„1 r
Fall Term opens Sept. 6
}Sfrrt'ffoi d,r 1 t
Write to•dey for our new Catalogue.
It's the linnet Business College Catalogue
in Canada and represents the most pro•
grossly° and beet school.
W..0. ELLIOTT. Principal.
1879 - ESTABLISHED, - 1899
You can Bet
But that doesn't mean that you can win. Bet-
ting on poor Furnishing Goods is more expensive than
betting on slow horses—less excuse for it. A close ex-
amination will show what Furnishings are good for—
Doesn't always work with a Morse. Why doesn't a man
examine Underwear, Shirts, Suits, Socks, &c•, instead of
betting on them, that is taking chances on them by buying
the first thing that catches his eye regardless of its possible
quality. There's where the money goes—Up the flue.
Of course its your own money, Dry but our Dr - Gds Cloth-
ing, Gents' Furnishings, Boots and Shoes don't fool any,