HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-7-7, Page 7JuLY 77 1999.
My name is Beatrice Aliee, but ev-
trybody ovals toe "Tummy," My cous-
in, Ronald Lindsey', gave me that niok-
aame because he says that i ought to
have been a boy.
Cousin Bonny is two years older than
1 am, and we are great "alums." Ho
makes me his ehiefl confidante.
Last Saturday he suddenly put in an
appearance. Nobody oxpeoted him, so
It happened that I was the only one
at home.
I was painting in the schoolroom
Ronny porohed himsolt on the table
and watched me for a few .eco» cls,
Presently he said:
"Have you ever done any erystoleum
painting, Tommy?"
"I em going to do something for
Marjorie. It's her birthday next
I saw Ronny's fuse light up.
"I say, Tommy, shall 1 tell you a
"Oh, please."
"Marjorie has got a young man."
I thought the expression was rather
vulgar, but I did not want to offend
Bonny by telling him Ro,
"You're not joking ?"
"Fact I"
"How do you know? Did she tell
you all about it?"
Ronny burst out laughing at my
"Can you imagine Marjorie confiding
in mo? Not likely. No. I found it
out quite by accident, He's a jolly
sort of chap, too,"
Of course I was dying to hear all
about it. My eldest sister never
seemed to Lake any notioe of young
men. I secretly stood rather in awe
of Marjorie.
"Who is he, Ronny? Where did
they meet?"
Bonny put his hands in his pockets
and began to whistle.
"Dear Ronny," I began pleadingly.
"If I tell you, will you promise to
do something?"
"Anything," I promised.
"All right. I want you to make a
arystoleum painting oe them.
But how oan I?"
"I'11 get you the photograph, little
"You don't mean to say—"
"Oh, yes, I do."
"That Marjorie and her fiance have
had their photographs taken together
Honor bright I"
"You haven't fulfilled your share of
the compact," I reminded him.
"Look here, Tommy, you are acting
like a girl now. A. fellow must have
breathing time. Marjorie's young
man is named Geoffrey Powys. What
do you think of that?"
I could not reply for a minute or two.
Why, only the other day I heard fath-
er say to mother, "Fred seems to think
that Geoffrey Powys is sweet on his
And now he was actually engaged
to Marjorie I What a horrid flirt ho
must be I
"Yoa must notsay a word. about it
to anybody," said Romry. "I sup-
pose Marjorie wants to keep it quiet
for a while. It will be a great lark
to give her the painting,
She'll won-
hown au
y knew about it."
I began to appreciate the joke. It
was rather nice to steal a march on
I'll send on the photograph when I
get home," said Ronny. "And, mind
you set to work on it at once."
I put aside my painting utensils ellen.
Ronny was in an entertaining frame of
mind evidently.
"My sister .Bee is engaged, too," he
"Not to Geoffrey Powys as well ?" I
Ronny laughed at first, then he look-
ed solemn. Whenever be looks solemn
I know that he is really in earnest.
"Between e you and
never was more surprisd in my life
when I found that Geoff didn't mean
Nosiness in Bee's direction. Tboy
seamed awful spoons on one another.
Of course a fellow couldn't say any-
thing, it would mako him look such an
idiot; or 1 might have told Geoff what
I thought. Anyhow, Bee's engaged. to
Lionel Davenport, now, so I suppose I
was mistaken."
"Is this a secret affair, too?" I in-
"Oh, no. Lionel is as proud as a
peacock, and tells everybody."
All rho heroines in the stories I have
read live in a state of tremulousness
and blushes, but I could see no sign
of such a symptom in Marjorie. I inci-
dentally brought up the name of.Geof-
Prey Powys at tea -time, but she did not
look in the least conscious. I should
have said more, only Danny gave me a
kick under the table.
Well, the photograph arrived in due
course, and I smuggled it away in my
look -up drawer.
It was a very pretty picture, but I
wondered why Marjorie and her liauee
should be taken together in fancy
costume. Nurse has a portrait of her-
Aelf and her soldier lover, and she is
Standing behind his chair with her
hand on his shoulder. She said that
was the proper posture for couples "as
are keeping company" In Marjorie's
por'tr'ait they are both standing, and
he has his aria round her neck.
I was quite pleased with my handi-
work when 1 ltad finished the painting,
and longed to show it to somebody.
But I managed to keep it secret until
Marjorie's birthday, when I took it to
her room before she was up.
Sha looked very much surprised *ben
she saw what the pioture was, and
gazed at it in a queer sort of way.
Then she turned to ane.
"It's vary nicely done, dear; bat
why this particular picture?"
I thought you would like it bettor
1:11011 anything,"
Marjory still looked puzzled,
"How did you got it?" she asked.
I and to confess then that 1 know she
was engaged.
"Because I had myphoto taken in a
tableau? O11, you air of silly chil-
dren ) T. have tomer seen Mr, Powys
stem those theatricals. You bad hot-
ter ex )I t
n the na
AO it would to awkward
for such a 1•e -
part to reach Mr, Powys' ears."
Then sire thnnlrad mn for the present,
end I went downstairs.
I31lt I felt very foolish, nevertheless,
Out resolved to flay Il.onny out for Mite -
Ing seal a trick on ine.
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c' • About the House. •
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Tho adage that "what is worth do-
ing at all is worth doing well" is as
wet, known as the troth that the pro-
verb is oftener quoted thou ilractieecl.
Life is such a whirl of duties, there
fa so much to be rushed off in a giv-
en space of time, that 'the ikurried and
harried housewo'lcer does things with
what the old-fashioned country people
eall "a link and a promise." This no-
tion of economizing time by slighting
work is as foolish as to rob Peter to
pay Paul. Sooner or later -and it is
generally sooner -Peter must be paid
and often with interest.. The room
that was only half dusted yesterday
will loot' more untidy to -day, because
of the fluff collected in the turners
and the deposits of dust an the rungs
of the chairs, and the whole apartment
will have to be thoroughly dusted, So
the time spent yestorday in flecking
the impalpable, but perceptible, pow-
der from the mantel shelf and in wip-
ing off the polished table tops was
really time thrown away. This morn-
ing the price of a former morning's
regleot must bo paid,
So with the ugly tear that was has-
tily mended last evening. It took
much less time to run together the
sides of the rent than would have been
used up in laying another piece of the
stuff under the whole and neatly
darning down the edges. But the
first Limo that a strain comes on that
wealc spot -rip I go the thin edges,
and the last and of that tear is worse
than the first. Now, profiling by ex-
perience, -you patch and darn It -but
who will give back to you the precious
time spout last night in superficial
work? Those sninutes are as much
wasted as if you had sat with folded
hands while they ticked themselves
away. Indeed, the folded hands would
have been a bettor investment than
the careless stitches, for they would
have meant beneficial rest, and there-
fore gain, while these only brought
burry, nervousness, loss.
It is Lima the housekeeper appreciat-
ed the great truth that time and
nerves are too precious to be wasted
in performing that which avails
nought. , Suppose you do not "turn
off" as much work as your neighbor,
what difference does that make? If
you have done what you could, thor-
oughly and conscientiously, you have
done all that it is your duty to do. To
do welt is better service than to do
Mrs. Prentiss says :-"If you could
make up your mind, in the fear
of God, never to undertake more work
of nay sort than you can carry on
calmly, quietly, •without hurry or
flurry, and, the instant you feel your-
self growing nervous and like one out
of breath, would stop and take breath,
you would find this simple, cummon-
sense rule doing
you ou whit
t no
prayers ur tears could over accom-
Ah I" some weary woman sighs, "if
one could do that But there are so
many Must-be's in my life that L have
nu time to do any ono of them thor-
oughly I"
Are they all Must-be's? Thera aro
hosts of things that come to women
in the garb of essentials that are real-
ly only 07ust-be's. The great thing is
to learn to distinguish those tasks
which are not our duties, which, as
sweet Leslie. Guldthwaito learned by
experience, "must he crowded out."
Let them be 0301/101 out 1 Never
mind what other people think you
ought t o d o. That is not the point.
The problem to be solved is what God
and you know you ougbt to do, When
you decide that, and then take up with
both hands each duty that he assigns
you, bravely and calmly, and with a
determination to perform it as unto
him, the flu'•ry and hurry will disap-
pear, and the needed strength will
Work accepted in this spirit. must of
necessity be well done. It an not be
nervously hurried out of the wny, only
hall' -performed, because of the hun-
dred -and -one other claims upon mind.
and consaiance, ntl clamoring for at-
tention. Select, soberly and in the
fear of God, the duty laid nearest your
hand by Him who knows our frame,
and du it so well that it can, when
finished, be laid aside once for all.
The task that is•well done is dune
Complete sets of bed -room fittings,
including curtains, table -covers, bed-
spreads, and pillows, are offered in
olive green and blue dentin, relieved
with designs in while. The design is
usually worked out: in narrow bands
of bias white lawn, stitched an in big,
sprawling bowknots tar trailing vines
and outlines of leaves. The, edges are
finished with white rotten ball. fringe.
Other sets are shown in the lovely ere -
Mimes, chintzes, and cotton tapestries,
hand -made covers of butches s linen
aro taking the phew of, the aonveution-
el Spreads. The linen la of sheeting
width, and the spreads are worked
with drawn borders and centre, if the
worker has yello ':0 and eyesight to
permit Borders and mitres of Lace
may be inserted if one prefers, In that
case, care should be taken to have the
thread of the lace the sante size as
that of the linen 'Thew covers are
lined with silk, Simpler designs, but
vary artistic, may be 1(3,10 in outline,
using ta'thread almost as heavy as a
cord, and foil m1ngalntta1n that
lute a wrath The figurer t is like.
a spray of flowers thrown neross the
bud 1t•0m one side to the centre is less
set. It may be worked in the finer
rillonq that comn rs ac.1
for fancy
work, if ono likes Iit better ter t1 a,otal e
cord, end is morn quickly Inc.oOne's
favorite flower may be. neon for the
covet', end ones itdividuality qua be
In making 'Cushions for the popular
wicker furntturo, it will bo foutd that
nothing is more durable than vel-
veteen find the, different varieties of
the fabric sold under various different
11 ruins a piano to keep it standing
Ln a draught.
Bruised cloves kept among furs
(lighten moths away.
Never let a child soh itself to
Whiting and lime juice clean ivory
knife handles.
When you want to out whalebone
warm it by the fire.
Soot covered with salt is easily
brvahed up.
Lemons stowed separately in dry
sand keep fresh.
Sufferers from dyspepsia should not
d rink while eating.
Brush a baby's hair, but do not
comb it.
A heated knife cuts freshly baked
bread well,
Mustard plasters made with white of
egg do not blister
Stir your starch with n piece of wax
Tomato juice removes ink stains
from the hands.
Blank mouton stockings should never
Ise ironed.
Mix fullers' earth and cold water to
remove grease from wall papers.
Gilded articles coated with oil Of
laurel scares flies away,
Wast, cane -seated ohairs on the un-
der aide only.
To reduce a double chin constantly
tap it with the finger.
A bedrooms crowded with furniture
is very unhealthy.
Onions in any form are good for
Keep a marble in the kettle to take
up the "fur."
Brushes should be stood bristles
downward to dry,
Tepid salt and water strengthen
weak ankles.
A Child's Suffering.
She Was First Attacked With Acute itheu•
nudism, Followed by St. vltuc' Dance
In a Severe Form -Iter Parents Thought
She Count Not Recover.
From the Enterprise, Bridgewater,
N. S.
Wm. McKay, Esq., a well known
and much respected farmer and mil
man at Clifford, Lunenburg Go., N. S.
relates the following wonderful cur
effeeted in his enmity by the use of Dr
Williams' Pink Pills: -"About three
years ago my little daughter Ella, then
a child of ten years, was attacked with
acute rheumatism. it was a terribly
bad ease; for over amonth she wa
confined to her bed, and during most
of the time was utterly helpless, be-
ing unable to tarn in bed, or in fact to
moveall it
at without help. She could
not even 'hold anything in her hand.
All power or use of her limbs had en-
tirely gone and the pain she suffered
was fearful.
Byconstant attention
after a month or so she began to gain
a little strength, and after awhile im-
proved enough to be taken out of bed
and even walked around a bit after a
fashion by means o£ a support. But
now she was seized with -a worse ail-
ment than the rheumatism. Her ner-
vous system gave way, appeared
completely shattered. She shook vio-
lently all the time, would tumble
down in trying to walk. In attempt-
ing to drink from 0 oup her band
shook so as to spill the contents all
over herself, She was a pitiable ob-
ject. The doctors were called to her
again and said she had St. Vitus'
dunce in the worst form. tale look
the medicine prescribed u p s bad and followed
the instructions of her physician for
some time, but without apparent bene-
fit. She wasted away almost to i
nkeloton'and we gave her up for, loot.
About this limo 1 read in a paper, an
account of a great cum of nervousness
effected, by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
and resolved to try them, I bought
six boxes and the little girl began
using them. The good effects of the
first box were quite apparent
and when four boxes were need,
she seemed so much improved
that the pills were discontinued.
She kept on improving and after a few
weeks was as well as ever. We were
told that the cure would not last, that
it was only some powerful ingredient
in the pills which was deceiving us
and; that after a time the child would
be worse then ever. All this has
proved false, for now nearly three
years she has had unbroken good
health, nerves as strong as they are
made, and stands school work and
household work as well as a mature
person. We have no doubt about Dr,
Williams' Pink Pitts restoring to us
our little girl, whom we looked upon
as doomed to an early grave."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills am a specific
for clieeasos arising from an impover-
tshed condition of the blood or shat-
tered nerves, such as St Vitus' dance,
locomotor ataxia, rheumatism, paraly-
sis, soiatira, the after effects of la
grippe, headache, dizziness, erysipelas,
scrofula, ore, They are also 0 spe']fie
fur the troubles peculiar to the female
system, building anew the blood and
teetering the glow of health to pais
and sallow cheeks, Protect yourself
against ilnitations by insisting that
every box beer's the full name Dr. Wil-
liams' Piulc Pills Inc Pale people, If
your dealer (loos not have thein they
will be sent, post plaid! at 50 cents a
box or six boxes for 32.110', by address-
ing the Dr, Williams' Medicine Co.
Brookville, Ont.
"The Thorn Comes Forth
With Point Forward "
The thorn point of disease
Is an ache or pain. But the
blood is the feeder of the
whole body. Purify it with
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Kidneys, liver anti stomach will at
once respond? No thorn in this point.
Blood Polsoning-"The surgeon eald
when he took out the brags shell received In
wound at San Juan 11111 twit +seeks before,
that It would haus polsoned me 11 0 bad
riot been for my pure blood. I told him it
was hood's Sarsaparilla that made Opera."
GiOROE P. Coonan, Co, 0, 25th U. S. Int.,
Washington Barracks, Washington, D. C.
Rheumatism- "Myselt and a friend
both suffered from severe attacks of rheu-
matism. Hood's Sarsaparilla curt d both,
We would not be without it" Wse. H.
Levee, 65 Leonard St., hall River, Mass,
Wisal "'°""w
a+ niyt�j",SrE.:]'1�iogoof
ti nood0 Palle cora liver Ill.1 Oho nonirrltntlng nod
only eubertic to take WOO, nood'o earsap¢rw,.
Buildings In Berlin That TTih Cost 311,00:1,
The removal and enlargement of the
Emperor's Berlin stables, which are op-
posite the old Palace, at the corner of
Breite Stress° and the Schiossplatiz
will cost from 7,000,000 to 8,1)00,000
marks. ,According to the plans of the
architect, Herr Gerheimrath Ihne, the
front facing the Spree will be two
hundred yards in length, The Emperor
requires, among other things, two ride-
Ing grounds, several poach houses for
about three hundred carriages, and
stalls for two hundred and seventy
horses. Several work -yards and
farmyards are also needed, -as well as
dwellings for fifty families and eighty
unmarried servants and coachmen. The
chief facade opposite the Schloss re-
quired reaonstruotion on a large
scale, and this was rendered very
difficult by the different character of
the rooms looking on to the Schloss -
plata, some of which are quite insigni-
ficant. The architect has, however,
been fortunate in his design, having
1 arranged the chief room of the upper
• floor, lbs large carriage -room, with its
• costly historical and modern sleighs
and ata hes, as a S.ata room, and there-
by giving it the appearanoe from the
outside of a museum,
S Passing g un dor the lofty doorway, one
enters the front court, which is cover-
ed by a glass roof, which in summer
is removed to prevent excessive heat,
Southward .steads a broad wing, with
coach houses and dwellings in the up-
per portion. Eastward ones sees the
stables, built in two stories, one over
the other,
each calculated to hold 130
horses. Lifts saddle -room, e room, tflights of
stairs, cleaning -rooms and servants'
rooms aro provided there, or are to be
found in the intermediate story. The
great carriage hall in the Scholossplatz
is an enormous room, stretching over
two stories, and provided above with
a long gallery. The walla are Bonet
eiecterl by double rows of columns, and
are decorated with tendril and shell
work. The ceiling is more richly
treated, and its strung plastic dec-
oration is in harmony with the great
height. Behind the above-mentioned
cross building, all the. work is in pro-
gress, as was ascertained by a visit
al - the Architect Club, which was
late -
1Y made which afforded an idea of the
extent of the grounds.
On the Spree about half of the facade
fronting the water is finished, but the
wings stretch still farther southward,
so that they will eventually pass far
beyond the front of the Schloss. In the
second court will be two riding grounds
of exactly the same size, situate over
nn enormous carriage -house, separated
by two double walls. Thu works upon
the new building, fur which pieces of
ground were lately acquired, south of
the older grounds, will require about
three years more to complete.
The French match factories arc, now
turnia f
g outrictia n matches Which
will ignite on any eurface, but winch
are free from the objections liaised
against white sulphhr, No smoke, or
odor is perceptible in the factories,
. b ingredients its of the
pasts aro sesquisulphido of phosphor-
iteiand chlorate of potash.
Briggs isn't a man of mach polish.
Except on his coat 51 -eaves,
No notion can bo destroyed while it
possesses a good home life. -J. G. Hol-
For Over Piny Years
need by mothers for their Mil ren teething, It soothes
the child, softens the gams. allays all pain, 'urea wind
collo, and 14 rho boat remedy for d' •r/ 250. a hat•
ale, Sold by ell dre,giste throughout rho worn, Dm ` par weak ie paid b�y (tor
for all
aura and oak ter "Mrs. Winslow'. SOuthing Slmap," 5 t0
Ont, Write furrterme, t°noh ywn how to
0. W. BUNT & 00., Toronto, Tailors
Yes, her mother wanted her palled
Famine, and her fattier insisted on
They call her both, I suppose?
Yes, Ella Fanllne- and ebe's the
smallest girl in her class'
"A Thing of Beauty is a Joy."
Nerviline ie 8 joy also. Nu remedy In
the world equals it. Neuralgia and
rheumatism 1,10 IP] ievert almost in-
Sl;[n717 and Ininor aches and pains are
aired by it single application. Nervi.
line iB euro lit cure.
A 'useless life is only an early death
A Rare Chance
'1'o cultivate a calor, hols'ful spirit lice
ill 1)1P nee of 1'utnam's Painless Corn
Extractor, Il never faits. It makes 110
son's 111101.0 on the flesb and is there-
fore painless. 1t 1'elieVON promptly.
Next to being bad the easiest thing
is being worse.
w. LLOYD Y000, acro rte G1t t AL AGENT.
In the airing time woman's fancy
lightly turns to shirt waists.
LU 3y9��rr..�� .),
0. Itmake, IEgnh,
Sold byal] druggists, and raotoroe the co or.
5oc, a bottle.
Manner Is everything with some peo-
ple, and something with everybody. -
Bishop Middleton.
"Pharaoh 10c.11 Payne, of Granby, Que.
Cigar ktonutacturer.
The secret of success in life 1s for a
man to be ready for his opportunity
when It comes,-Disraell.
Hotel Carslake European Plnn,pp�Raoma
G.T.R. Station, blootreal. Geo f0anlake & iio,'Prop'.,
It Is the mind that maketh good or
in, that maketh wretchedness or hap-
piness, rioh or poor. -Spenser.
La Tosoana, 10o. TINLIANCE CTGAR
FACTORY, Montreal.
The joys of meeting pay the pangs
of absence; else who could bear it. -
FRANS J. CHENEY macee oath that b 0 l the
senior partner of the firm of le. J. CURREY dt
U0., doing business in the City of Toledo.
County and State aforesaid, and that said firm
will pay hergum of ONE HUNDRED DOL-
LARS for each and every case of Catarrh that
cannot be oared by the W Me of HALL'S CATARRH
G one.
Sworn to before me, and subscribed 1n my
presence, this 0th day of December. 0.D.1886.
'1 eEAL Notary Public.
$alt directly alyrrh Cnre le taken informals and
face othee on the bleed and mucous res,
tacos of the system, Send Por testimonials, bedo tree.
F. J. Ct11CNEY & 00., Toledo, O.
Sold byall Pills eth.
H411'g amily k'ille ora the beet.
Half themisery in the world comes
from want
of courage to
sIoak and
hear the truth plainly, and in a spirit
of love. -Mrs. Stowe.
W. P. C. 978
Carbolic Disinfectants, Soap., Obit.
mons Tooth Powders, etc„ have been
awarded 100 modals and diplomas for superior
excellence. Thai'regularneepreventinfeoti-
ons dieensee. Ask your dealer to obtain a
supply. Lists mailed tree on applloation,
Instruments, Drums, Unrfornas, etc.
Every town can have a band.
Lowest primmer quoted. rine oatalogua 500 Illus.
tra1ln, maled fee, W,tnenonhin
WHALEY ROYCE & CO.Toronto. le
The Talisman a pivoting
of Beauty t,";.•,,
�p 0 ttI lieXlell
• tlSS
Benutifnl as a rose -lent: Near, 0010, 1 vol•
voty as an infant's, eau be obtained.
Sent free on npplioatlmn,
CUTTING SCM®OL— To1In,R and (00,
,end for oat-
olowe. C. ni D. SCHOOL CO., Montrea
00) 7ne,11,
The tt Balmoral," Fren Sus pan.
Ho that thinks do can afford to be
negligent is not fax from being poor.
(.Chis material being fire, frost and
vermin proof is now being very largely
used as a non-conductor of heat, cold
and sound in cold storage, public build-
ings private residenees, etc., also for
covering steam, bet water, hot air,
end cold water pipe. The Eureka
Mineral Wool and Asbestos Co.,
Toronto, will be pleased to send de-
scriptive pamphlet if you are in-
A school for nursemaids has been es-
tablished in Boston. They are instruct-
ed In the care of children, and have
to prepare food and simple remedies
for the little ones.
Hugs, Rn10 and baton, Sold by alt
Druggists, or 391 Qooen W. Toronto ~ '
N w
Wholnenle only. Long Diaanee Telephone 1720.
Stain e rero7Pa.pOamtiytaaw
who,tare tnllod
to be entad ales•
whore, arae to
Dr Arnett, Berlin who will oomivaayou Miami ane Duro you
The Dawson Comm ssion Oo,, Linjited,
Oer. West -Market & eoiborne St„ Toronto,
tlan get yon hent priosetor ymnr Apples, Batter, Sega,
Poultry, and other pr°dl oo, it you shiptt to them,_
OzAlz/nte,6 4,4
,glt w 1.
,p tO
There's a oup of goodness In every Cup Of
LOUd 110010ages.
05, 30, 40, 5o k' 60C.
Aro engl000 t0 Secure the address of every lame men and woman 1n Otwda whosa oreh,
mai rollout in true Irub Meng Shorter thou the otter. and are offering G0µµ1 puytag NAV
pluymeut to every law p, rsnu who will lake the trouble to Write for elrreltlurs nand -0005
to net a agents. Orn one of the Extensions for yotroelf and yell will, afterv....Nos-i6
u work twre 00 troublo to 000,1000 others of Its IMMMO,
This Eataneloe it by far the bat of fie nnturs ever p'aned on the market, sod sosbtes
the Nearer Eo walk Opnght, to walk with e9 n and Netted, le wear nay ordinary ol,o e
soo, and saves blew the mune appearance as thotr more fortunate friends. Deserip ,Ce
circulars free to all. Aak for terms La ugen)0. Address
ONEONErt.®IdY LJTCora Urrn. Aek your
i'® 6,i1 r1 1 d'us'ts terit.Prlaelgs
TORONTO Cutting School offers Bimetal advantages
e Lo nl1 derlruaa of au,p,irieg a thorough knowledge of
'erring and Fitting Gentlemen's Garroent.. Write for
113 Tonga at, Toronto,
DA'rE UT V Procured In all countries Doaigne,
II C Ii V Trade barks registered, Copyrights,
Caveats [unaVed, Write for information.
MERTON, 1t. (10011, Registered Suiioltorof Patent,,.
Rotor) Public, Temple Building, Toronto, 001.
Catholic Prayer Books, Roeap filar ru-
o0000,, Seaptiunen
ltcllgiuns Pictures, d1u. nary. and uelveChuroh Oeatnntten
Lion.tonal W' ,'k-. biota aria's r0e')eO prompt nttea-
Nun. O. & d• SABLiEB & 00, Montreal.
,I Miflo, Mills & Hales,
BArricture,oto.,removod to Wesley Bldgs., Rich-
mond OL W., Toronto.
"2..0 0 BEAVER BRAND" Maeklntoeh
d never burdens A le guaranteed Water,
proof. Ask f••r I1,take no other. Bea-
ver Robber Clothing 0o., Montreal,
Rd o®r G0ree n. LAi Eand Sheet Metal Works.
R1ft0A01QK1)B1O)A0RLA1Er, yin 11nt1ppoky,
Public and MO Sohooia Torot+a ). Rooting 6011, Pnoh
bol Tor, to. 000(0)30lar F: 10ee Ncw Cloy Bifid,
,ate. Re door byreleheml, Motel omtliuge, Cor•
uios,0te, Reiterates furnished for work complete 50100
mot'rlal, hipped to am part of the ennntr7 (000,1030
3.00708.005155, Adolnlde 0Wldmor etn.,ToronoA.
Ideal Leather Polish
Will keep your shoes soft as velvet
with push and energy pan secure permanent, profitable
uoaiuonc an our exclusive dealer.. Little capital required.
We have established ort BOO yo0og men d0 paying hud-
news of their own, And we are ready to do thesame for
you. EOterprtaing merchants also represent ua, *Lbprat to themselves and absolute satisfaction to their
euetemera. Write ua today for full particular. You earn
a better percentage from our goods than from any other
Marl° En. 1101(00 M'F'C CO., Toronto, Can.
L0.0,F. Building, Oor. Yong. and College Ste„ Toronto,
Thorough and practical lnnIeeotion to all subjects pee
Mining to o thorough Business er Shorthand education,
Thorough prepparaton for Inland Revenue and Civil Ser.
m5 nnatuln¢tioos, 0yeo 001,0 year, day and evening.
Send postal for Iron infnrm,Ewn,
L. COFFEE & CO., E.1nhlrehrd 1St
Room. 400.12 Board of Trade Building,
�.� TRY 011R
'1 s,01LS, PACKING &
1utwufn,'0'-" EN WEBERS.
It s1't's SUPPLIOS.
;e waa TheWm. Sutton
Compound Co.
Limited, Consulting
Engineers. Office:
080 Queen St. East
Toronto, Canada.
Det Laval Cream Separators,
Of Montreal and 'Winnipeg
Sole Agents for Canada.
Rotel and Oolron men cannot afford Lobe
without the A,lowalo Emmet Attach.
(00,1,00 llioySfotllool(l, uoe,ro,hdraw.
Ing Inc, No drip, no waste. You only need
armband to draw beer with tbeAutomutic
brain canal rusb you oan hold giosoedu
eaohband, as the Automntio ie
always randy. The Automntio
druwothe llu t l
lee f
s o bear and
is used for any trade, berthas
the .Price 01 the bear that
you want. ,nd a 81 o b mai, oo.
tom%Hamiltoed ff Ca,Tsedaa
tory. nwiltou MfgCa.,Toronto
An IS0arvesolsg Phosphate eaoolleat oloanaor for layer,
kidney and stomach, takes lho Moos of coal tar pr,
in case nllwodaobs, its °Root le Immedioto. Bald by
all11ru81¢101,, In 10a, 28o,00o and S1.00paoka os.
Queen City Drug -00, 275 Wellington -et, Toronto,
The only 900001 ey01om for komp.
ing. names a00 addrroaoa•
Semple tray outfit �a0
The ORloe B].phoeenelaityd Mfg. Co„
122mei 120 Buy 101. TORONTO. Factory: Newmarket,
Michigan Land for Sale.
Ogomow and Ornvdord Oounttce, Tlttepa
Loo Oo Mielioo Railroads, ateRl, Detroit t Mroklo d S
S ons Lako hese at prices 'posing from q2 togq
pp,'Bare. Thee. Lands are Oto,, to It borprielng Net
ravine, Chamber:, Schools, eta, and Mai be sold on most
reasonable 1000,. Apply W
R. M. PIERCE, Agent, Went Bay City, Mich.
Or J. W. OUR?rIs, Whittemore, Mash.
hrtlon Line srEYAAML ilPl
hlnntrcal end Quebec to Liverpool.
Large and fast Steamers Vancouver,
Dominion, Scotsman, Cambroman.
Rate. 00 paeeage 1 -First Cabin, 250upwards; Second
For furth35:er informattioonapply t0 and o Mea23 l agents, or
DAVID TORRANCE A CO., General Agents,
17 Bt, Sacrament Bt., Montreal.
Galvanized Steel
Windmills and
Towers. .,LBB
Steel Flag Staffs,
Grain Orinder.,
Iron and Wood Pumps,
Bea Supplies.
Bend for New Catalogue.
Mention thin. paper.
Hobbs Hardware Co.
Rope, Lath Yarn, and E ioyoles.
Dea:urs, As`- For Quotalloos.
P6bY,U,V1SAINw3®o WR i s'Y
'1' I-110 SEND
Burns„ore Co,
to ��A■p
Ontario Canoe Co
J. Z. ROGERS, Manager.
d. abb'1'.^L'N,41081Y,4'41"1"®'®.'e'@/0'
From Liverpool. From Montreal,
2 Juno....,.. 1'rt1N1'I 24 June,
22 June 1 AT RRNTIAN
2e June YCMIDIAN 10 July.
The new Twin Screw Sr S. Bavarian, 10,000 toren, will
mil from Lb0rpo 1 Jn: 17, and from Montreal Aug, 10.
Peewees- 50.00 and n ward°.
Cabin 1 Baan & 1 n
brayed C -i iorrpno.0d occur, la,ru0:
Stearn e0 -Lomond, 02301, tandou, Glasgow. Londonderry,
Qouenstown, 523 aU.
For further information apply to
H. SOUREIER, 77 Tonga St., Toronto,
or H. & A, ALLAN, Montreal.
HEALTH GESTORD.0 w,thutn ¢nadmwe
or exneuse to the
nlnk disordered SEolnnoh, Luoggo, Nerves, elver, 01,08,
ddor, Kldueye, Brafu and Oeeath by
DLA Barry's Rovaienta
Arabloa Food,
which Saves Invalids and Children, and also Rets sato-
miser Lilly Infanta whose Aliments and Debility have re•
rated all other treatments. It digests when all other
Food is rejected, save, 50 times its coat In 00110 ne.
0 Invariable Sums. 10000050 Yea.�Ao...vCraorDOo.,Indleouu Consumption, Diabetes, Oroeo D, Mu -
cam, Coughs Asthma,Catarrh, Phlegm, iR,C00a
Servers Debility, Sleeplessness,
rry 00 Idmitadl
77 Reet,
e9 toeStro
London, see ,oleoChemists, in ista, N Rtte eo Owboro, In and
nt all Orocer., ,,,and Stores a raA in tans,
2n„ r.L 04„ Oo., 51b., ism nein 1)0, 20c Iran. Alm DU
Syria tor(Ueda: rt`, in tins Co,, 04,and ,T
AVentafor Camillo 'rho T. Eaton ties, Limited, Toronto
are the best RAMBLERS eves batik, at
any price, and the 7Sgg
PRIG IS $ 50.O0.
RAMBLER builders are confident, after
zo years' experience, that they can
build and are building the
and no wheel at a lower price can be
Of RAMBLER quality, none at a higher
price worth more,
Cafafadrwe 0frea
000800111/ THOVOLES 3'.0.00
Carnality A .ieitery Mfg, Co., Ohloago
0,S,t¢by Cyclic t(e,
Shelby.Ohl°If there In aA anrn mar town far the Above
YY ISMto�nI 1
' . IW .-�
r V
For selling two dozen paolcages of Toledo
Pone at ten oontsapgokage wo give this
Camera, It Is made by the 'S'alo Cam era'
Co., has a Baueeb & Lomb Ions, and a
shutter that clan be used forsnapehotor
tint oexponures. With itwoeendfull in.
struotions, so that a ohlld of ten years
oan make, after a little a perlenco, pie.
tures almost as good as those Laken by
high-priced canrores. Man eatnoraearo
eold separately, and the ppullohaser has to
buy the outfit afterward. We gave the
complete outfit, az shown, with every
camera. The outttconsists of:
1 "Ynlo"Osmate, 1 Paokage Developer.
1 De: Dry flaks. 1 Bot Directions,
1 Package Hypo. 1 Toning TEiny.1eelOa1ookogeill
Tray. PgEinem Paper.
1 Paokago Ruby Fever.
Wore require mn
d ne do ss, and
q y o. Send
yard name and address, and we 1,0.
forward rh n thee, wheat you sell p us.
Then return the 'war e ate, and your
Camnrawnl be forwarded, all charges
TOM Yen Co. Dept z„ ?erode, Can,