The Brussels Post, 1899-7-7, Page 5Ttn,T 7, 1899
nenti, 1, H, 800'1".0, Manisala,
• pleural, of Alm:11MT 1,19011 Soll. 011100
at his (homy, •P urnborry street, Breese's,
Abont 7 oadoolt Saturdoy eyoning,
Katie McLean, aged nine, daughter of
ohn McLean, William Area was 11110120(1
from her home, Not having been seen
for two boors, and as there was a large
water tanIt near by that was being filled
warti: ofuitr d1:1°.1
015,11,150ns hIlIr 00 1111(1 it el Y.
A- nnnsialmsn 1(0,0 3303(10) goad Parma 101
0100 aila to rent, way terms, in Townships
of Morrie Grey. If 13, /MOTT, BritaBols
—TnAouga 0)1'—
Issue, of Marriage Li0011808,
Oroioo AT JEWEL01 STOng.
OrNo Witness Required.
T. FLETCHER, Brussels
.1_ 0, M.,
Academic graduate of London Conserva-
tory or tiltudo, is prepared to receive /4 (111(21.
cul number of pupils for instruction ou the
" \ rdriinZIVITI=Y;' 14g1V,
Saturday. Qualified to prepare pupit for
the PrInelpa.Ps Vertu in the Conservatory of
Clark of the Fourth. 11018(0(2 Com
Co, auron. Convoyaneer, Notary Public
Land, Loan and Insurance Agtut. Ponds
invested and to loan. O2a1e0000.0 made
0 Ili on in Graham's Stook, Brussels
.t1. 01110)12210. Money 10 1000, Minns
to soli,
J- • sum, will sell for hater micas, to
better men. in ass them and less ohargea
1.11¢13 any 0111201? AllOti00000 in East llama
or ho won't charge anything. Dates and
orders can 'always be arranged ut this 011100
or by personal application.
3.1 • Minor Graduate of tho Ontario
Veterinary College, 10 1)1010000(1 to trent all
diaoases of domesticated animals In a emu -
potent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calle PremPtlf at-
tendad to. 011ice and Inerulary—Pour oors
north of bridge Turnbarry at., lirtiseeis.
9' • Senator, tionveynnear ,NotaryPub-
Ila, &o. Oilice—Fanstono's Block, 1 door
north of Central Bute Soliaitor for the
— —
• Solicitor, &a. (Into of Garrow &
Proudfoot's 011100, G051010015) 01200 over
Gillies & Smith's Baulc,Bruasels.
Money to Loan. 47
ALI. • (Formerly of Cameron, llol(1
Oameron,))Oarrister and Soneiter,Godorieb,
Out, Ofece—Hamilton St., Opposite 001
borne Rotel,
ALM, O. 111,, Trinity University, Fellow Trin-
ity Medical College, Member College of Phys
Mahon and Surgeons, Out. Licentiate 01 1110
Royal Oolloao az Physicians and. Lioontiato
of Midwifery, Edinburgh. al'elephone
ltasidenoo, 1111121., Brunets,
M.D., C. sucoessor to Dr, A. Maltolvoy,
Liaentinto of Royal College of Physicians
and Surgeons, Eingston ; Member of the OM -
loge of Physicians and Surgeons o/ °Marie.
isoatas of woman and children a speadalty.
Eight years' experience, ral-Oillao mid res-
idence that formerly ocoupied by Dr. Ma-
Eolvoy,Turnherry street, Brussels. 26-
M.B., M.D., M.O.P.S.O.
Special attention given to (Mame of Um
Throat and Lunge, and diatiasea of Women
and Children.
mr21110IAN, ErtMOVON AND .10o0UOIlltIni,
1st Class Honor laraduato of the Univerai.,
Mae of Trinity (Toronto), Omen's (Ein(1aton),
and of Trinity Modioal College; Yellow of
Trinity Medical Ordlege and member of the
.1155g0 of Physiotans ana Surgeons of Outer.
to. Post Graduate Oottrso Potroit mid
Chicago,1800. Special attention paid to dis-
eases of Eyo, Eitr,Noso and Throat, mid ilia-
caues of Women. ralionsultation in Eng -
fell and German. Telephone at residence,
unoornosoo. won unoo n, young. grade
bull for Bente° on Lot 110, 000. 0 Morrie
(inliolulug 13russals), Terms 70 (lento with
privilege of returning 11museasary,
434 GEO. BUBB, Proprietor,
Tho undersigned will ,Iteep tor service on
Lot 20,
00140, Morrie, the thoro••brect 1m
preyed Yorkshire Boar, "Oak Lodge L000'
10110(v," No. 0100,00001217 3',11.1irathous, Bur.
lord, to which a )(mtlofI ninn her of sows will
bo token. 'Parma, $1.00,0 ho paid o.1.timo
of aerviao with privilege of returning if nea.
A reimbor of 03201(10 p0308 ROWS 000 ettle for
brooding purposea which will be told at
prinoa to milt V11005108,
21. 1101I11?, NIOHOD,Propyloter,
np,o, neighbor looke1 in and maw the
;MIMS hat floating on the water. Am
there WAS considerable water in the tank
and throe loads of dirt had been (limped
in after the child was tomposed to have
fallen in, the Easton fire ougine was
taken to the spot, the water jammed lout,
and a few minutes afterwards the little
body WAS found a few Mulles molar the
diet. The tank le an old one that was
used for fire purposes helots the town
had waterworks. It was covered with
long loge about a foot in diameter, some
of which had boon removed to allow the
filling up, and it was through the opening
thus made that the little one must have
tattoo. There were many people present;
when the body was found' and there was
muoh aommeut about the opening into
the well being 10111 ungnardeci during the
filling in process.
Clint( 111.
NEWt.)( Otarraws.—About 50 tickets
were stud at the depot for the Detroit ex-
cursion (by way of Hoderielt) on the city
of Toledo of the SW' Cole line of steam.
oro.—The House of Refuge was 11211(1. 1.0
itecommociate 70 inmates only, Mot for
awns time there has been lu the house
considerably (10010 111110 the contemplated
11(01111 1110(0 being at prooenb 811 inmates.
Two of these are Means, nod should be
ocudineri elsewhere. 201 WAN 11310 highest
number in the house at one time. Two
new inmates were received 0 few days
eince. The house has been open for Iti
I mug, and its benefits and adyentages to
the nuunty are more apparent every day.
—11/ Ondmore, the hay exporter, shipped
over 200 tons last week.—While Bd. T.
Holmes, Emigration agent at St. Paul,
formerly DI Clinton, wits helping to load
np ane Matey baggage belonging to a
3)02 2)' of immigrants, a box fell 011 his
Mot and broke three of his toem It will
lay him up for a couple of weeks.—E.
Watson d: Son, of Blytb, bought from D.
A. Forrester, of town, 89 heed of Rile
cattle, averaging 1862 eaoh,—W, Oook.
son, oedema of the Brantford Institute
for tbe blind, has opened up a basket
shop in the 'Ansley store, next Doweon's
hotel ; he will make all kinds of wicker
baekets.—There are 80 phones in use now
iu Clinton.
GI.01.1,011S X1.1144
COM011 from Dr. D. B. Hargile, of
Washita, I. T. He writes )--ala. tor bot
tles of Eleotrio Bitters has cured Mrs.
Brower of [scrofula, 4 which has
caused her great suffering for jeare.
Terrible sores would break out on her
head and face, and the best doctors could
give no help ; but ber otore is complete
and her haunt) is exoellent." This thaws
what thousauds have proved—that Etat-
trio Bitters is the best blood purifier
known. It's the supreme remedy for
eczema, tailor, salt rheum, uloers, boils
and runniug soles. It stimulates livor,
kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps
digestion, builds up the strength. Only
50 oente. Sold by G. A. Deaciman,
Do uggist. Guaranteed.
.ia.taw (a to a.
/WM! NOTR0.—Dr. Laugrill has re-
turned home from Niagara camp, look -
mg much better for his outing.—G. T.
R. Agent Heyd ticketed the following
parties to tbe West lad week ;—Geo.
Loahhead, wife and family and Miss
Lizzie Graham, of Atwood, to Oalgary ;
John Love, Lima, to Reston ; Miss M.
Harris, Atwood, to Brandon ; 19Iv0. 0E0 -
113s and children, Elma, to Calgary.—We
congratulate 001 )1001)1 friend and former
oitizen, D. M. Linebatu, on the result of
hie final meclioal exam. at MoGill Uni•
versity, Montreal, he having passed with
flying colors, mod is entitled to the degree
of M. D. 0. M. Mr. and hire. Lineham
(nee Miss Mamie Harvey, of Enna) will
leave shortly for the Dauphin Distrieli
where D. M. will practice -medicine and
locate permanently it he likes the
(wintry. —Tbe local Ocicifellows organized
lodge in Atwood on tbe evening of July
5111.—Mrs. D. G. Anderson and daughter,
Gladys, are vielting relatives at Inner.
kip and Londom—Jos. Malloy has been
elected delegate of the loaal I. 0. F. to
the High Court wbiolo meets at Niagara
Falls.—We regret to report that Andrew
Sweeten is suffering from an attack of
appendicitis and ie maim the doctor's
oare.—The North Perth Farmers' Insti.
tuts exeursion to the Guelph Model Farm
on Monday of lest week was sumesefel in
every reaped, tbe weather was fine and
ottendanoe large. 00 tickets were sold
here.—Russell Switmer has arrived home
from Manitoba where he went in quest
of health. He is at present differing
from an mimosa on the jaw which has
pulled him down in flesh, otherwise he
feels better for his trip West.
Yeo vary.
IN Manonatm.—In our notes of July 28,
we mentioned the death, by drowning, of
Robert A. Males which took place in
Minnedosa, Man., on Sunday tho 18612,
ult. Sinoe then tho particulare of the
melancholy effair have reached us,
While bathing in the Little Etskatalie-
won river, uear Pilinuedosa, be made an
attempt to swim acme and was borne
down by the current. There were two
°companions swimming in the river olose
by but before they could help him be load
gone down for the (0811 11(010. The body
was renovated Tuesday, 27111, and inter-
ment made at Alinneclosa. The &loosed
was probably the 110012 12110(0(1 man of his
age in the County. 110 20220 born on the
12th contausion of MoKillop, about 24
years ago and received the rudimenta of
lois education in S. S. No. 9. He mine-
queutly passed to the Seaforth Collegiate
Institute, and after a brilliaut 0000E10
there ho groduated in 1804. After
attending the Minton Model gehool he
engaged in tenoning and tanglot for 8
years with nouolo meeptatooe in No. 8,
Mellillep, He went out to Manitoba
hist Aegust, and regaled there till the
time of his death, FM intended to take
the AAA 001.1ree in Pdanitoba University,
and lately wee preparing to enter Unit
inetitution, Robert McKee was enclotved
with many 0( 1.120 best quelities of head
and heart 1.121411 0100 is heir' to and had be
not been thug prematurely boon riot off
be would oertoinly have made math
in the world, llanch of the happiness
aceerded toe here below springs from our
intact:lune Wall those who 1110120
TrkG 14, ti 8 SELS POsT
mortal lalane held, 24.4tIo thooe• ehnlil 0.0
110'0 12110011 11111 Pit 111A ,11 1(1,41 1 11 I. 2 1.1 1,0)3
the nast 1 and it i1 11(01 10 part. with , —
one 00 gifted by toottere, ((10.1(2(2 1114112b10 Of
1110121031 (21000 plensant end enjoyable the !
liras or those (2110111 12(011, Yet we most
limn bly bow before the Chaetener, o'er
lianrld divided anti o'er hopes distruyed.
e AppellIt5 or a 44001
In envied by all poor dtepeptiee sonnee
Stotnotelo end Liver are out of order. All
melt should know that Dr. King's New
Life the wonderfill 3110100011 mat
Liver Remedy, gives a eplenolid uppetits,
sound digestiun and a Y011111.1! bodily
habit that (11$111.014 ()Pripet health 121111
great mergy, Only 2145 at Deudinati•e
drug store,
91• t•44 witri tier tt.,
School aimed on Friday for vacation
and will re open on Aug, 21,51.
Mr, Green has moved Mao the house
recently \seated by A. W. Luiteb.
John aloOrae and family, of Unelp11,
were visiting at the hump of James Mc
Harry McCormick. lately bottle from
Detroit, was yleitiug friends in Peel end
B. E. Bothwell, of Listowel, hes 1)0011
renewing acquaintances in and artaiial
the village.
A. few from here went to Guelph on the
excureion, but the turnout wee not tut
largo as osual.
Bev. Dlr. Bristol, the new pastor of the
Mothediet thereto, arrived Imre on '('(12(8.
day evening of last week and WILH tendered
a reception at the parsonage. Owing Lo
illnese Mrs, Bristol 117110 not able to
accompany him, but hopes to be mutates -
cent soon.
ie our sad (ba)' to chroniole
the death of Itev. Lame Oran°, which took
place at his Immo ou the evening of June
21st. Death canto as the result of a
stroke, supposed to have been mused by
overwork. The deceased was in his 712th
year, mud wns twice married, His family,
with the exception of Mrs. Adame, of
Drayton, are out West. Mr. Crane
labored in this part of Ontario 1n0ny
years ago, whon eireuits wore larger than
now and mOitlis of travel very laborious.
Yet in Ram of ditlioulties 110 2)100 faithful
in the diecharge of bis duties, and was
highly respected its was etodeneed by tile
many who came from a distance to pay
their last respects, and followed hie re•
mains to Listowel station, from whence
they were taken to 'Woodstock for inter-
• 14104 IIONV
Loom LIMETS.—Ii0V. II. I1?0i110, the
new Methodist minieter, preached lois
inaugural sermons last Sabbath. He
and Mrs. Irvine were presented with an
address and a puree ut $12.80 in gold be.
fore leaving St. Thomas. --Rev. Dr. Wil-
liams closed his pastorate here, es well
as his motive duties in the Methodist
rniuistry, on Sunday evenhog, June 25t12,
the Methodist church being well tilled to
hear bis farewell sermon. Dr. Williams
has been placed upon the superannuated
list, ensd after spending a orople of
months visiting relatives and friends in
()auntie, will take up his residenoe in
Los Angeles, California, where two of his
sensate prnotioing law.—Nrarly 100 oan•
didnies were writing in tbe Listowel
High School for Entrance and Public
School Leaving examinations. Mr.
Pbillips 111111 Miss Orion were the presid•
ing examiners. The IIigh School ex
amins.ticins began this week, the °am-
mon(a) form on Illondey, end the higher
forme lates—Listowel and Palmeraton
base ball Marne met Thursday of last
week on the Palmerston diamoud, the
game ending in a row. Listowel boys
lett the field in the 8th inuingo, owing to
the alleged rank decisions of umpire
Foote, who is aoonsed of favoring the
Palmenston team all the way through.
The soore stood 4 to 4 when Listowel quit,
—About 810 excursionists took in the
North Perth Partnere' Institute 0E01.1t
8(011 10 001P11.—Clark Smith and R.
Arkell have returned from Atlin, B. 0.,
where they have been prospeeting for
some time. They seemed some claims,
but will await the development of the
Arlin distriet.—A. 080 10(2(1 of pianos left
the Morris, Feild, Rogers Co.'s foam
for Winnipeg Exhibition whion opens on
the 10th of July.—Rus. Rolls has return-
ed home from Muskoka, where he had
been reauperating his health, and is look.
ing better after 1119 sojourn up North.—
Tee property owners on Mill street are
petitioning the Council for a granolithio
walk from the Bonk of Hamilton corner
to the railway track. It ie much needed,
as the old board walk ie in a very dilap-
idated condition.—Miss Addie Clayton,
of the St. Mary's Collegiate Institute
staff, is home for the Summer vacation.
Miss Vivian Clayton, who is tenoning in
a ladies' seminary at Kingston, is also
home.—Our base ball 0100 (1011 it where
the ohieken gob the Rae at Wroxeter Int
Saturday in the match with Palmerston.
Ille II•oled The Surgeens.
All doctors told lioniek Hamilton, of
West Jefferson, 0., after suffering 18
months from Reotal Ifiethle, he would
die motets Pi costly operation woe per-
formed ; but be noted himself with five
bootee of Biathlon's Arnim Solve, the sur-
est Pile oure on Earth, and the best Salve
in the World, 25 ciente a box. Sold by
G. A. Deadmen, Druggiet.
The Sono of Scotland practically
finished up their businees ab 'Planarity
morning's seesion. The eleotion of ofil.
cars, lett untiniebed, 10118 token up. The
completed list now stands 1 Grand chief,
Alex, Putter, Toronto ; grithd chieftain,
J. IL Dow, Whitby ; grand secretary,
IlIajob Roberteon, Toronto (re-eleoted by
noo(atnatIon) ; grand treasurer, Alex.
Hoy, Thornbury (resleoted by acc)ama-
t(on) ; grand median' advieer, :Dr. Wiley,
Toronto (re eleoted by nealrannt(on) ;
gaud chaplain, Rev.Dr. Moltae,Oolling•
Wood. (m -elected by ocolamatiou) ; grand
Marshall, A. 0. Gordon, Dutton 1 grand
standard-bearer, Geo, F. Ceimpbell, Cale.
don East ; senior guard, John A. Mo-
Clormiolt, Cornwall. Goo. Hamilton, At.
wood, was cleated ironic:or guard, end J.
110 Winfield, Toronto, Lieut.•Col, D. Mo.
Rao, Guelph, 32011 0. L. McLean, Guelph,
were appointed grand trustees. The laws
and appeals committee consists of la 5
Meares, D. E. MoWatt and J. O. Mo•
Kemal. Pipallejor Beaton, of Toronto,
and Atex. MoGregor, 00 Henalton, were
The 210001 11101)01(10011 item of Inleinelle
Oarne llp In commotion with the proposal
to raise the retee of oseeeement on bone.
A 31011)' di fereo t il, re n wl at it was rux ago, tud yot by no mown(
what ove intend to make it. We 2 i TI d,1 thing4 b iter ovory year, Buying for
spot /lash bring• ;it in 11, 8101 with ne luau torero awl importure, which eometimes
doubles nor paresi
) acing ausiisilitil a In one wem
t, ut another good things flown) to
118 at less than regular 5 rices, and 10(0 8 (1(.0'4 11..4111110dd 20410 (lever 00 apperent•
We often got grieve for romps cash, wide people doing 0 credit Matinees never bear
tell of, which enables out to ;mote prime like those (--
New Prime, wide width, fest calms, worth Ps, for 541.
New Print», wide width, light and dark oolore, worth 10o, for Il[o.
Extra heavy Prints, feet colon+, new patterne, worth 120 for 10e.
White Noe, etripee end oheeks worth roe, for 102.
'Pettey ZephyoR, etripee and floral deeiene, mirth 124o, for
Mlle Butyrate, in otrihes ond 01100020, worth 10, for rim.
French Organdivs, white end fannies, at 10c, 15,5 and 20c,
Barium's, blitcli, shot tffecte and stripee, at 101, 73u, 11.1, $2 and 13.
lame Curtains, Hi yards lung, ,51 inehee wide, very speoial $1,
Mono Colon 80000, wurth 14o, for 1022.
210110 heavy 0011.01 Smoke, worth Pie, 4 ;sirs for 25e.
Every man, youth or boy, who 311(4not bought hie Spring Suit, should not foil
to BON the flue stock of Bloom le Ready Tailored Solite we are showing at
vary olosii Lakes. BoysSuits from $1.21 to $2.10. Youths' Suits from
$2.10 to aro. Men'e HMIs from $3.50 to $12.
liciary ;Jollities. After a loug ilistinsaion the Township hall. on the Pah day of
a mon prom (40 W101 arrived 01 by which it ' July next at 2 o'cluelt p. ofl.
was decided to inerraeo 1120 presentrates
for lleNY members coming in, whhe the , 511111011, Clerk,
rat. remain the same for Old members I
for tbe next two years, Thu new soloed. ')
u le agreed on per $1,000 la as follows ;
Age. 1'er mouth, Age Per month.
35 .... 1 25
20 tiO 90 53)
1 00
25 45
110 ...... 1 10 10
Bates for other polioies are to lte or -
1228)10,1 proportionately by the limo mime
04111 mil tee.
The report of the committee on juve•
nils mama 1900 adopted, and the forme,
tion of camps for boyo between the ages
of 10 and 18 wad authorized.
2 01
2 50
Grey Council Meeting.
Tho Municipal Council of the Town-
ship of Grey, met at the Township Hall,
Juno 26th, 1809, as adjourned Court of
Revision on the assessment of By law
No. 130, knowa as the Boyle drain By-
law. Members were all present. Reeve
in the ohair. Minutes of last meeting
were read and signed. Moved by Robert
Livingston, seconded by Isaac Lake that
the assessment of Ira Taylor on the
North 55 acres of lob 32, con. 12, be re
duced 2130, and the amount charged
against the roads 02 1110 municipality.—
Carried. There being no other appeals
before the mart ib was moved by James
McDonald seconded by Adam Turnbull,
that the Court of Revision on the Assess.
ment of Ily•law No. 180, be now olosed
that the Clerk be authorized to make the
necessary changes in said By-law.—Car-
ried. Counoil then met far general bug.
ness :—Petition of Dougald MoTaggart
and others to have the underbrush on the
road allowauce ou side road 4, con. 15,
out down to the proper width of said
road. Moved by jetties McDonald, sem
onded by Isom Lake, that Mr. Living.
stun attend to (L—Carried. Jelin Rose
applied for a ditoh to be dug on road in
front of lot 24, con. 6. Isaac Lake to
attend to it Moved by Robb, Livingston
seconded by James McDonald that the
Clerk be authorized to notify all parties
assessed for the proposed drainage work
to be known as the Fraser Drain of tho
R11101113b of their assessment and that the
Engineer's report will be read and con.
sidered by the Cbuncil on the 10111 day
of July next at 2 o'clock ia the oftertmou,
—Carried. Moved by Adam Turnbull
seconded by Isaao Lake that Bylaw No.
130,1tnown as the Boyle drain Bylaw
be read a third time and finally passed.—
Carried. The following accounts were
presouted, 1—Municipal World two
Clolleotor's rolls, $2.50 ; Geo. Oliver, part
payment on contract for Government
Drain, No. 2, and extension as per Engi-
neer's estimate, 0700.00 ; Russell Porter-
field, grovel, 07.00 ; Robt. Close, gravel,
$3.60 ; N. Gerry, wire for fence side road
1, con. 1, $6.60 ; N. Gerry, stone Ilam -
mor, No. ; johu Savage puttingstone at
end of aulvert 1o222, 000 4, $2.00 ; Robb.
Meuzie, tile for draM cm bouudary Grey
and Elms con. 1, 017.64 Samuel Mat.
thews, culvert on side road 5, eon. 4,
$1;100 ; Samuel Mathews, culvert ou
side road 5, con. 3, $2.00 ; Robt. Docket,
repairing culvert on side road 4, eon. 8,
10.00 ; Robb. Pearson, rag bolting culvert
nt lob 22, con. 4, $1.50 ; IL Alcook, goad-
ing up washout ab Bolo bridge, $19.00 ;
a grading and gravelling washout at
Mitchell's bridge, $6.75 ;11.011 putting two
sleepers under approach to Mitchell's
bridge, $6.00 ; Joseph Emmett, under.
drain and tile at lot 1, coon. 17, 02,00
George Bondman, grading at lot 10, con,
14, $19.50 ; Matthew J. Stewart, tile,
cedar and culvert; at lot 1, con. 15, ((4715;
Samuel Dunn, gravel, 534.70 ; john
Steiss, grading at North bend of liver, lob
10 coon. 11, and pioking out stone $6.00
IL A.loock, reitooring and putting o
stringent under Mitchell's bridge, 635.00 ;
J. Jaokson, rag bolts, $3,15 ; P. Amon*
elm and codar for culvert at lot 10, mu.
12,10.65 ; David Taylor, gravelling on
eideroad lot 15, con. 17, 020.00 ,• Commeoe
Bros., repairing washout at Cranbrook
bridge, $10.00 ; Geo. Readman, gravelling
at lot 10, con. 14, $43.50 ; Wom Pollard,
grovel, 51000; John Rose, gravel, 51(14;
John Steles, breaking storm and repairing
onlVert, ((8.00) John Mitchell, gravol,
$7.8.6 ; Jas. Ferguson, gravel, $9.00 ;
John A. McNair, culvert, lob 20, con, 14,
02.55 •, Alex, Brown, onlvort at, lot 20,
son. 14, $1,25 ; Won. Kelly, repairs ou
boundary Grey and Elam, con. 15, $1.75
Mond. jaoltlin, grading,Volling at
lots 25 and 26, con, 7, $23.90 J. E. (M-
ilne, ditch at lob 25, eon. 5, $2.10 ; Usury
Vogel, gravelling on Ileurryn road, Grey
slums, $10.00 ; Naha K. Baker, statute
labor returned undone, $6,00 ; Thom
Davidson, gravel, $22,64 •, DonOld
Lemont, onlvort ab lot 14, con. 8, $14 00 ;
Samuel Holmes, gravel, $1,44 ;Wm,
Millan, oulvorb om bdy, Grey 04121Elmot,
areY ohm, $0,87. Moved by Adam
Turnbull, s000ndoci by Imo Lake that
the above a000nnts be pont —Carried
0080001 then (4810111110(1 to moot again nt
1899 IDEAS
are found 011 no Bicyclee but
We originate the ideas and natke every
1.1011110 01 every part in our own factory.
New 13all and Roller Bearing,
The New Ball Head Direct Spoke, whioh
canuot break except by aooidont.
The New Skeleton Gear Case, which ie
absolutely dust.proot.
The New Speoial Light Design Roadsters
which weigh 25% lege than any others
of equal strength, and =toy other
new features.
'99 Tourist Resorts '99
Jackson's Point
Burk's Falls
North Bay
Owen Sound
Big Bay P01111
Trout Lake
Tickets and all information from G. T. 11,,
R. T. SUTTON, Agent, Brussels
Highest Cash Price paid
for any quantity delivered -at my
Grain Store House, No. 1, Brus-
sels. 1 also want all kinds of
llobt. Graham.
The undersigned having purchased
the Restautaut business of W. A. OBICH
1108 (2(11.1011 a fine choice stook of
and be now prepared to give good value
to the public). Our stook
New TOW, Canned 000(10, Pratte,
Spiess, Swope, Fish, Syrups,
Vinegars and all other lines kept
in a lfirstmlass Grocery.
Choice Stock of Confectionery.
Will continuo the Restaurant ne
usual where Clystere, Ice Omani and
Summer Drinks will be eemed in the
best possible style.
Chao. 1-1.
Onntroti Or000ry and Reetiturent,
1.6 tamp of Secunty.
On ever' " Slater Shoe ", put there by the
Makers as 21 Ktiortuttee f wear value a protec-
tion against extortioon,te profits.
Moony men wou:41 11•111ily pay more for a
" Slater Shoe " were 112,1 the price stamped on
the (411111 • this P tamp gives the actual market
value of 1118. :slaw determined by the manufac-
Made in twelve • •
fout-model alinta).1,
sizes, widths,
colors and styles, I:very pair Good- !'
year welted,
$3.5, ; and
Jno. Downing, - Sole Local Agent
An Wit
While thanking our numerous ens-
torners for the buoy time they gave us
daring the Winter in supplying them
with Sleighs and Cutters we ;elan to 10 -
mind them that we ars equally as Miley
now in Manufacturing
We have thirty.five of the very best and
most stylish Buggies that can be gob up
nearly completed, and will have them
ready for running about the First of
April. Should you need a Buggy or any
Repairing or Re -painting, or what ever it
may be iu our line of business, be Bum
and call at J. COMB'S Carriage Foto.
tory, where yon will get the very best
that ean be got anywhere and es cheap
as the cheapest. Please keep In mind we
manufacture all our Vehicles right here
in tbe old reliable Carriage Factory at
jam Cober,
System, Ilenovato:
—1.N1) OTHER—
For Impure, Weak awl Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepaia, Sleeplessness, Palpita-
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur-
algia, Lose of Memory, Bronohitie, Oen-
eurnption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and 'Urinary Diseases, St. Vitae' Danoe,
Female Irregularities and General De-
J'. M. MoLEOD,
Prop. and Manufacturer.
80141 by Jas. Fox, Druggist, Brussels,
Fitted to Correct all
Failures of Eyesight,
and your Eyes tested FREE by
latest Optical =abode at
Division Court Office,
The Standard Bali
of Canada.
Money Ocers
For oonotunn of Fifty Dollars and under
ilHllet1 by Oho Book, payable at par at
any obartered Bank le 'Canada, with the
exception of Branches in the Yukon Die -
Under $10 . $0.08
$10 to 20 . . 0.1.0
20 to 30 0.12
30 to 50 . . 0.14
7. N. UMW, 141H.ISSEL4.
Who Live
out of Town
Don't think for a moment that
my store is too far away. Every step
you take my way is money in your pee-
Gall and see what I have in-
-Dress Goods, Silks,
—Trimmings, Ribbons,
—Lace Curtains, Prints,
—Muslins, Art Draperies,
—Cottons, Cottonades,
r".Alsvays a full line of Cromp-
ton Corsets.
Groceries. -40610.—
Complete stook of fresh Groceries,
Canned Goods, Spices. Tette and Ooffees
a specialty.
Agent for Parker's Dye Works.
British Columbia
lied Cedar Shingles
North Shore
rine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notice.
Estimate() Famished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material Gnaremteed.
1 0. TEAvisetryLonigsepstofannclayg,et
ern and
1 oapt3trbia: e Mo
' NArt• • VI
Ask for our Catalogue "Light Draft Ideals ;" it is free.
We II. Humphries & Son,
D. k1 Oruden,
wiu.roN. BRUSSELS,