HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-7-7, Page 44 'C"il[Ic, 113 i3.laSSELS POST Vat never had 110 leen aen.oldeduuc•I3 ;1 fielder• tug owl as title. lle• mprosaed his grata. Gude for the mall • kindnesses himself and family Aurin their residence here, and it wee with feelings of deep re- gret that they were compelled to part With frieude whom they held leal'ued to lova so dearly. 11• t 1 1 IIu briefly i 1 reviewed t o d nu• G j of his work r 1, 1t J f11 t1 l and l llle de. stl^ declined 5 to take to lnuaelf the rrultG for much of the 4m, se turn h led attended his efforts in this plain. 11,+ spoke ii glowing terns of the generosity. aid the moral, spiritual and the Jntedle'Wlal worth of many of the members, and bo:,peke. for his snoaeseor a pleasant and profitable miuietry. lle said that the Blenheim people would over have a warm place in his; heart, and that he would avail himself of every opportuii- ity of meeting with them, and expreeeed the hope that in the future such meetings might be frequent, - ••-+--. ... •.._-.... _. -.... 1 Slll 1100(0 shown '.FL.f lir 1 , .11 �/, i• 7, 1899.nerd, Brethonr, Gibenn, I111)1 1', ,lo„ wero 01 it all clay and had the eatiefae• Lion of clinking everything "go -The decoration of liege atilt evergreen gave a holiday 131n es ( Hutu , to tb+ , r. - l a H. J •1 3• 1 let 1 se'Is Band wore not c G,t )+ tall luuu•ionawith Weir music and gave a good program.--• The Wroxeter Park will be a very pretty 'tare in the coarse of a few years when the maple shade trees attain their growth, Wroxeter hay a good ball team and all residents of the hantlity.-»•The constables kept the i, •unnds well 7n order but ft Ives not a formidable task eta the crowd was 111081 orderly and good natured. -•Long live the 1> ll11ien of Canada. si+nt. '1 'rogriun in its elltir'ety end made a elle. Deas of it. Deltssts, 1SI1te!lt }l,utton liar - 'ho Committee muittee carried out the FITTINGLY FAREWELLEO, Tho Blenheim News of last week gives the following account of a farewell to Rev. John Holmes on the eve of his de. partnre from that town for Brussels The League mooting at the close of the regular service in the Methodist clutreli on Sunday evening, was of an exeeediug- ]y pleasing and novel obaraoter, lustead of the usual order of procedure being followed, the meeting waa converted into a farewell service for Rev. John Holmes, who left Blenheim 013 1Vednes. day to assume the duties of his new charge at Brussels, after four years of faithful service as pastor of the Bleu• Dotal/god Day at Wroxeter, helm Methodist clwroh. T. B. Shilling - ton sated as chairman and called upon eev eras of the prominent and representative GOOD DAY'S SPORT. members of the (thumb for short address• es, whioh were cheerfully given. L'tst Saturday ushered in the 3211d amlivereary of the Coufederation of this great Dominion of Canada. high hopes were entertained in eooneetion with the bringing together of the various provinese and the brightest expectations have been more than verified. There is no day that should be more heartily or Loyally celebrated and observed by Canadians Holmes' ministrations, and knew that than the 1st of July -the birthday of the others had been also. gels of the British Empire. Wroxeter has for years catered to the public in the platter of an annual celebration on this slate and although the ground was part' ally cat from muter their feet this year by neighboring villages holding demon. etratious, Wroxeter held its own very well and gave a I o ul program as usual. The day's performance commenced with the arrival of Bruesels Brass Baurl and after a few selections there was a parade 1n which some school boys 0(1 a wagon On nd a pretty turn ont utit la dressed in white aril garnitured in beau. 116(11 flowers were the chief features, Bailiff Brethour and wife were i0 charge of the latter which WCL. an attractive and pretty scene and would stand repeating without growing wearisome. A Base Ball match came next on the Park the local nine being pitted against Brussels. The visitor, were not very deeply in it et any time and the home team won in a cauter. The teams are ordinarily closely matched and on June 22ud Brussels won, but last Saturday was evideutly their off say while Wrox- eter put up a snappy game and were never headed. Owing to W. Grower being leader of the baud the twirling foe Brussels woe clone by Mr. Augne, of Wingliam, with catcher Alltineon behind the bat, The battery did very well after the 1st iuniugs, Atkinson putting up an extra good ball. Tod. Gfewar and Jack Brawn filled the petals for Wroxeter and did it well, The score was as follows :- BR1raPt.e. It (1 WaIY1:Taa, It 0 Atkinson, a 0 4 Rrawn, c l Thotuson,:;b 2 3 10,,i aced, lb .....1 1 Downing, to 2 :i A Konbo, ef......... •i o Scott,Yb ...... o 3 Snell, If ............. 3 3 Banker, rf 1 1 W ltaake,4.) ....,. 2 2 Mocha, ss u 4 Rao, se 1. 2 31ugnseLauet, 11in, c f... 1 a miller. rf 0 6 Ap l 1 3({rower, 0 11 2 Cmuley, ib e 4 Paulin, 311 1 a Totals7 07 Totals 1a 01 Bruesels........... 3 0 1 n n 0 0 1 2- 7 Wroxeter 7 8 1 3 4 3 2 0.-10 An adjournment was made for (Rimer, the hotels providing a good bill of fare. At 1:30 o'clock a 2 lap bicycle race Ives announced on the line mile track. Holmes ]lad always been fn hie place, ex• There wore four entries viz • D Beaks, Wroxeter sept when other engagements and bad 6. Fortier, 1Viu�ham • II health prevented, and Ms example had been most healthful to the school in general. The chairman also expressed his sorrow at having to part with Mr. Holmes, having been closely easoofated with him in the work here, he had learned to love him dearly, and amid not apeak too highly of him. He could only join with the other speakers in wishing him Godspeed in his new home. The following address was then read and presented to Mr. Holmes by Miss Jessie Plater, and was accompanied by a well-filled purse, presented by Defies May Boll : Thos, Coabsworth, sr„ the first speaker, expressed deep regret at the departure of Rev. Mr. Holmes, Ile felt that the church here was losing a devoted and earnest pastor, whose groat aim had been, during his sojourn here, to win souls for Christ. He expressed himself as having been wonderfully blessed daring lir Jas. Pegg, in a few brief, pointed re• marks, expressed himself fu much the earns manner. David Beard said that he was thankful for the services that Mr. Helmer had rendered the church and the cause of Christ, particularly for the great benefit Ile had himself received. Ile felt that he was a better Methodist from having known him, and believed that Christ's kingdom on earth had been much ad• vanaed through hie efforts. The speaker thought the oburoh here would sustain a severe loss ; but that Blenheim's loss would be Brussels' gain. On behalf of the Trustee Board, the secretary, Geo. M. Baird, said that not only had the spiritual interests of the church been advanced during the present pastorate, but the financial interests as well. The mortgage debt of the church had been reduced, all floating debts paid, and matters were now in a flourishing condition. He could not speak too highly of Mr. Holmes' abilities both ae a preacher and a fivanmer. When Mr. Holmes name here, four years ago, the mortgage debt of the church was over $5,000, and there was also a looting debt of $180. Thanks largely to his generous efforts the floating debts were all paid, and the mortgage debt had been reduced about $1800. James Shaver, the President of the League, on behalf of that Society, said that all the young people would feel deeply grieved et haviug to part with M. Holmes. He had been untiring in his ef- forts to assist the work of the Society, and was ever ready with a helping hand and sympathetic heart to render any needed service and had endeared himself to the hearts of all. J. J. Cooksou, for over twenty years an active worker in the Sunday school as well as in the church, said that the school would lose in Mr. Holmes one of the most earnest and devoted workers it had ever known since his connection with it. The Bible class had increased in atten- dance, and he believed =oh good had been done. As Bible olass teacher, Mr George, Listowel • and Jnoa Brawn, Wroxeter. The latter fell on the second lap and the first heat was awarded to Kaake, George being 2nd, and Fortier 3rd. .Brawn captured 'Apiece in three successive heals, George holding 2nd place and Iiaake a 31d. Best time 1.02 It was a very close finish in a couple of instances but Brawn had the necessary apeod to carry Mtn to the front. The foot ball match between Listowel and Wingham teams was a well contested event and was anybody's game until the close. Listowel won a goal toward the close of half time and the expectation was that Wingham would more than even up Dear Mr.Ifalara :- when goals were changed but such was tits mg wittlosaea the 01015 of not the case as the Easterners added Our thio ty pleasant relations as pastor Aaevananother to their stere, It was a tiptop and people, we demise to express some exhibition of foot ball and both beanie thoughts regarding your labors amongst us, did well but the better combination We have admired your loyalty to thevas one Listowel. The teams en ga and deotrtuea of the ehuroh of ear t chi» ward t d b y L' t chalet, which we all so dearly love, and we lined up as ferreous :- have marked with real gratitude, your can. T,IeTOwnr,, stent fidelity to the peeseh3 2 of the vita It Pearson ......., Coal ';1'1srn Allenby principles of Godliness, and especially to 11 Tughao i •"1••••••.420 dllultea Thele are others, but don't the grand and cherished prtnotole of sal. It Cook ........ , 1 Tracks { �% Swizer vation by repentanoe toward God and faith l: Kidd ........... J 0)31101 in our Lord Jana Christ. , 7droorohead ..•1• (... C Tusk While you have carefully upheld those in #hacks T Ansley forget that we are the only one 011 your pulpit work and mare private A Howler 1...,.,, 1 i.,,,,,J pepper mieletrations,we are lair to know that you A 31oi' rd..,.... Ccutro • s Th 0 bonuff that gives satisfaction to all. have been fearless, and yet wise and kind, n Hay '.".' •• L R, Luing in your denunofations of all the tendencies 11 7, Cooke.......,, I g JUd e from myre-touching and of evil growth, cropping up in modern sott L. win ) • It Icer urea Y It with these ill such a r witson f g 1;.; it Hamilt0u ' g Morris Coun.oil Meeting, 1118 Court of Revision met in the 'rownehip Ha11300ording to adjournment, on June 20111. Members all present ex. eept Sir. Cardiff. !Minutes of last meet, 131(3 were tread Hud ptosed. .luhn mills wee entered owner Sy lot 12, con. 0 ; favus Lockman entered 11. 1'., lot 1, con, 2 ; L. J. Williams entered M. F„ lot 7, nun. l ; 01. 5fe1nire entered V, S., Ni 8, coo. 2; (ii bort Stephens eutered teuent ea 4, eon. ;1 ; Win. it Lox entered F. S. e11 lot 13, u m. 3 ; Albert, David- and ilerbert Russell each entered F. S. N lot 9, eon. 0. C, r11,tion of Ueda and Otto tl)e Coen of Revision was then oiosed and the assessment roll its revised and correuted was oouilrmed and estali- ]iehed as the 080,51010111 roil of this township for the mitrent year, Council N10(1006 was then proceeded with an fol. locus : -••Cu motion of Jackson and Code Sir. Shaw wee ine:Muted to examine the sideroad between lots 20 and 21, in the 4111 concession, and sell the timber there• on, On nleti0n of Code and Shaw the following fence viewers and pmntd keep- ers wet.. app +tilted and the Clerk instruut• ed to draw Bylaw confirming the eame, viz, • 1 . Wm. Jackson d au and D, W.` 1 Gttn (hell 1 feat's viewers ; and Jae. Logan, John Hunter, peter Jacks in, Jas. Mui ray, W, 1I, Watson, Jas, Sharp, Win, Hopper, R. Bloomfield, Thos, Jewitt, A. Ramsay and Q. Anderson, pound keepers. (in motion e,f Jackson and Code, the Clerk waa in. struoted to advertise for tenders for the construction of the flatness drain, tend• ere to be opened at the next Council meeting on the 7111 of August next. Ao counts were ordered to be paid as follows, viz, :-John Duckett, tile on Nest bonnet. cry, $4 ; Jos. Styles, putting in two aul- verte on West boundary, $0 ; D. Russell, putting in culvert, $3.50 ; A. B. Jackson, gravel, $11.17 ; George Peacock, gravel, 88.08 ; W, 0. Wilson, gravel, 68.85 ; A. Button, gravel, $3$5 ; A. Clark, culvert nn eideliue, $2 50 ; Wm, Godde0, lumber, $2.50 ; James Craig, ditob and gravel, 80.85 •,J. Grasby, ditch, $2 ; J. Belly, oulvert, $1; P. Kelly, ditch and oulvert, $5.50 ; J. Scott, repairing bridge, $8 ; George Birkby, tepairiug bridge on South boundary, $10 • A.er. idoOall, two aul• vests, $,i ; Wm. Robertson, repairing washout $2 ; W. 5. Johnston, tile and culvert, $2 25 ; Jas, Russell, material for culvert, $1.80 ; C. Mo0rae, fence viewer's conte, $3 ; Dr, MoAsh, attendanne on the late W. N. Knowles, $2 50 ; P, Can• talon, gravelling and repairing approach to bridge. $:13 ; D. Sommerville, inepeet• ing jobs, $3 ; MoLesu C Son, lumber foe We,t boundary, $80.50 ; P. Kaye, gravel, $2.15 ; t1. Cloakey, gravel, $8,70 ; George Pollard, gravel, t$3 57 ; T. Maunders, work on East boundary, $1.25 ; T. ilianuders, gravel, 83.80 ; R. Sheridan, job of gravelling, $7.75 ; Wm. Denbo re, job of gravelling, $23 10 ; Wtn. Ames, inspeoting work, $3 ; John Mooney, grad. ing ou side line, $8 ; E. Beeman, gravel, 64 70 ; John Wightman, repairing culvert on West boundary, $1.50 ; Thos. Russell, ditch and lumber, $12.20) Is, Beys, gravel, $3.40. On motion of Shaw and Jackson the Council then adjourned to meet again on the 7th of August next. W. CL,tarc, Clerk. ..G'O 70.. e er9s RELIABLE PHOTO. STUDIO. clay, You have dee way as has been well oaloulated to put ue Geo, Paulin, gave good satisfaction as on our guard, and to view with clearness ' Referee. those awful pitfalls. Thorn was a looking forward bythe We stall lomember with gratitude 38110 g untiring efforts to build us up to strong large cumber of spectators to the Base Christian character, and in the develop. Ball match between Palmerston aid wont of well-rounded Christian lives, Listowel cribs. Quite a rivalry existed De been your byorate many of our manse between the two towns ne to the relative have been s tete de th. 1801 and even to ilierits of their respective clubs but many cases by death, Your 4nl 0081 at aural times has been a real becodiotlou, and Palmerston walked away from their your words of sympathy under these heavy oppeeente without 1111)011 trouble and wen e0rrow3 have vary materially lightened We burdens. Indeed 30u are poesoseeel of by 1(] t0 7. Each team hall its fall quota "A heart that eau feel for a neighbor's woe, of bleachers, guying, coaching applause, glow;' And share In his pleasure with a friendly and chin music became wearisome in Ole church muthaveoentero,thimosthe ttiiyf100 every enterprise oaloulate,l to advanoo its material prosperity and'growth. Our words eau but faintly express our 1114(1 appreciation of all your Iab0ra, Wo now ask your aeoeptanoa of this omen sea slight mark of our 1110013' feeling toward yourself and Mrs, Holmes, and we usenre You yon go out carr3ing with you the best wishes and fervent prayers of your Blen- heim congregation and Meth oda • at inch. Wo Wo aha11 expect to Lam as the years 00 by of your continued 0100050, and we she over pray for such. We earnestly hope that MMrs, lfohnea w11 extreme, J. T. Rose, of Brussels, the Umpire and showed neither feat' favor in his decisions, Following is extended score, 0SBToWEL, 15.0 P.oLuane'rex, It 0 Giuliani, 1 3 kfnrrisun, 08 ...... 4 1 StokBaker, 'Sb Ward, rf (1 u Brawn rf 1 3 navi00Bliller, 0 o 0 1 3 T,awre l) '2 1b- 2 a Ro ramify, 1)1.........8 '2 lhlaxwu, 2b..,,2 1 Do nosily, P 0 4 Tuskeu, 1f 1 1 liidd, ib 1 2 Merle, of 1 0 1 'd Brady, :ib 0 4 Bluoltburn, wag nor the 11 1 4 1 0 Y y Tetals 7 27 Totals 16 27 o palmaretou •..... 4 1 0 2 1 r 1 0 3--10 n d,istowet 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 t 0- 7 o The Pursuit Bicycle race was well eon. d tested, II, George won .let piaoe and God after a hard light, in which many a eiroie 1• of the track was made at a lively gait, J. Boswithorielc' of Gerrie, passed Dan. ICaako, In the Consolation race II, • George was the winner with Joe, Brawn 2nd, Geo, Boake also rode in this race and is a coming bicyclist, This conolided the day's program and the crowd soon dispersed to their mopes.tive homes woll pleased with the 00lebra• tion. LI'1'i"1,0 81niv 0s, -Proceeds from gate about $140, --Kiev, Me, Anderson got soma good snapshots with his kodak of the flower girls in the morning proses., Alwen1, of entirely regain her health, so that She ata still skald with you In the greet work t whish, iI Ilia rimy/donee, you have bee called, May your sons and daughter grow np t be useful members of society, and bonenmembereof the ohuroh of the living Go and in rho sweet bye -and -lye may we al Betio e noon blreakf0(1 and Sabbaths have 110 end,' Blenheim Methodist Church, June 21311,1800 Mr. Helmets was completely taken by surprise, and in replying said that he had resolved some clays ago that he would using the close of Iris te no ehow of m ministry b leolbment or z t the kind hds of d,xexIillfrom both anoidtaxed him, to the utmost. Ile said that during his 110 lisgl eceivedrmany hindfare as otvolls, but p finish in my street exhibit and you will be satisfied that Brewer understaalds,bis business: Come and get the best. 4 � t °R"•BREWER ARTIST, COMING i COMING ! T. P. SMI II, EYE SPEOML/Sr, Graduate of New York, Philadelphia and Toronto 0ptioal Colleges will be at FOX'S DRUG STORE, BILTISS7ILS, ONE DAY ONLY, Wednesday, July 12th 1.�"`Call early and avail yourself of his valuable services. 1IX A a11s,1T101 1`lt if l7, 87 E Oy THE CONQUEROR, Comma 1. li 11.s if higher figure that t any ' nC the i "0' i 1 I, springs ; the only water ter pafiying Lha 1>iugley duty of $7610.00 a ear. load, to purify tete 1St eau; of life, instill vigor and joy and prolong sweet 111e, Physicians Dsclaro It, &con Vnrivallodl Sold in Brussels by CHAS. li. BAI,TLIFE, Groner and Restaurant, BRUSSELS PUMP WORK S All orders for new Pumps or Repairs promptly attended to. Contracts taken for new Wells and Cisterne. ta-L.ewn 'Viewers sharpened and repair- ed, Pruning Shears and Scissors ground, All work guaranteed. Agent for "Morris" Pianos. FRED. ADAMS, Shop on Mill Street, B11II'SBLS. ijjPijij( M. G. Richardson Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Good Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed, LATEST STYLES. Snits made for $4 and upwards. 'Shop in Owlish' Mock. MONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 67 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. Wo have in stock over 10 tons of the Celebrated Deering Twine—the Standard of the World. Every ball of Deering Twine is what the tag represents it to be— smooth and strong, even and long Pure Manila, 10c. per 1b. Standard Manila, 10c. ,, Standard, Die. tt —Waterproof Rimier Covers, $8.00. —A. 10 inch Monkey Wrench for 25c. —Machine Oil from 25c, per gallon up. —A large stock of Harvest Toole, Harvest Mita, Paris Green, Sze. cK y ..co.'s HARDWARE. What about about selling you a nice suit of II� 0 Readymade Clothing We have an up-to-date stock of Mens' Suits, A 1. value, at $5.00, $6,00, $8,50 and $10.00. The best value in the trade. Also a full line of Children's and Boys' Suit very Cheap. We have a largo stock of Stiff and Soft Pelt Hats from 50c. up. Stylo, Quality and Prices right. Give us a call and see what We have got. July Standard Patterns and Fashion Shoots to hand. Call and secure a Fashion Sheet FREE. trachan, Wilton & Turnbull Have a good assortment of seasonable lines in the way of 'ready Mixed Paints, Screen. Doors and Windows, Carpet Sweepers, Cheese Factory Supplies, 8&c. Now is the time to attend to the Screen Doors and Windows before the flies come, We can suit you both for price and quality. Specialty made of Evet7 oug'hings. Have you bought your supply of aINbER TWINE ? Wo hancllo the Celebrated Diamond Modal brand, Give tin a call. WILTON & TURNB-3ULL. JULY 7, 1899 adquarters I FOR THIS PART OP THE- EARTH fl Doll't You be the last person 111 the World to find out where the Best Goods are Sold Cheap A. Great Rumpus Among Shrewd Buyers is the Natural Result of our Unusually Generous Iudueemouts for the Season's 'Prada • Como in and see our Complete Assortment of Spring and Summer Styles in . . . . Za BOYS 1,111111.1\ MEVS S Q J Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods, A GRANT) DISPLAY, A GREAT STOCK JUST WHAT YOU WANT. ' WE MARK THEM LOW TO SELL THEM QUICK. All Prices at the Low -Water Mark No Question about Your being Pleased with our Goods and Prices. See the Rigby Waterproof- Smock. We keep a full line of Overalls, Smocks, Rigby Water- proof Bicycle Suits, and Rigby Waterproof Coats. Nothing like them. Specialty made of Ordered Clothing. ° -`.()SS , CHAMPION CLOTHIER. MOW »ENDER TWINE F A E R s Pure Manilla, 650 ft. to Ib. Farmers, Don't be taken in. Thorn is none ''Just as good." This Twine will not bunch at the knotter, and a Binder will run all day without stoppage, time saving time and annoyance. We pack our Twine in bags of the size of ordinary grain bags, and we aro not ashamed to put our name upon it. Don't take any other. Consumers' Cordage Co. LIMITED. MONTREAL. Leave your orders now for above Twine with N. F. Gerry or Cardiff & Best. PRICES GUARANTEED—If it goes up you don't pay . any more than present price ; if it goes down you get the benefit. Brussels Carriage Works. EWAN 1NNES NR.r S Has now on hand and for sale the following line of goods Buggies. Top end Open Buggies with 5 and :f inch wheels. Io color -Blank, Green, Carmine and Natural Wood. Size of bodies, 20, 22 and 24 in. Also Jump Seat Buggies with 1 in, whale. Democrats with two and three seats. Carts. Road and Speeding Carte, Wagons. Term Wagons complete,'' and 2a in, tires with amiable arms Si and 4 In. Wagon Gear only if so chaired, farm Trunks 2i and 8 in. tires. One•horee Wagon, with or without box, Also Grocer's Delivery Wagon, Wheelbarrows. Wlleolbarrowe with steel or wood wheels. As we handle the above` line of goods by the oar lot purchasers will get the benefit by buying from 110, HJ "A ZZ 8t I11.1 -MS, Oarriege Works, Brussels. Repairing and Paintingtin the above lines a specialty,