HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-7-7, Page 3JULY 7, 190% THE; BB'CTSSELS POST.
The News
went tlave Pent a petition to Britain
balling for the recall oL Sir Alfred s11LI-
r The Duke of Connaught has detailed
•not to accept the heirship Lo the Grand
Dnehy of Saxe -Coburg and Gotha
tallith will devolve upon hie sun, the
Duke of Albany.
The Aliuister oC Militia, al the Royal
aleatory College Pausing, enuounced
that out of 200 of lava year's gl'ad-
wnlea, 101 were still in Canada. The
Li 1110 WAS aiming whoa Canadian of-
ficers rs should command the Canadian
army. Dr. Borden denied that Lhe Mil-
itary College took young men Crum the
The report of the Minister of ,Jus -
tie,! 00 penitentiaries shows the total
number o[ convieLs indarcoraLed W be
1,4.10, of whom 00 are serving life son-
tenoos and 25 Levine of 20 years and
over. The total expenditure on the
rived at Halifax from Ito 11111 . peuitentiariea was $350,006, and the
riey IO1(
letoresfing neeeenings of Recent Date -The
Lnteot News of Our Own Country --Domes
In the Mother Land -Whet Is Gettig on la
the United States -Notes From the World
The Presbyterian Assembly will
meet next year at Halifax.
The British flagship Crescent has ar-
The Patterson Syndicate inns sena.- revenue $,77,080, leaving a not ax-
ed control of the Hamilton Street Mail- ptAndttUrt the Royal, 277. Agricultural Shute,
Welland Town has voted. to borrow held at Maidstone, the Queen received
H10,000 for streets, schools Lind Town four fleet prizes and several other
all. awards. To the Prince of Wales
were awarded two first prizes, and
to Lho Duke of York one eommenda-
Sir henry Campbell Bannerman's
speech Saturday, which was devoted
to the 'Transvaal crime, was a notably
The Winnipeg Grain Excha0go has I outspoken declaration voiding the
approved of Sir Henri Joly's new bill , soatimonL of the Liberal party that
governing rho inspeatiou of wheat. nuthing would justify warlike action
The Government has invited lenders 0t' even mi11ltry pre pat11101.
for a direct cold -storage service be -1 Mr. Gerald Balfour, Chief Secretary
tween Prince Edward Island and for Ireland, replying to a question as
Creel Britain. fto the proposed purehaso by the Gov-
Lord Mane will open the new Royal j ernmont o1' rho Lakes of Killarney,
u idunoe o£ aen-
real, late gift of Lord Strathcona, Lu,eral demand on the part of the public
September. Ila purchase the estate, as the place,
Mr, D%uuis Buckley, a reoldoart of he explained, was removed from the
Hamilton for 54 years, took carbolic population center, and was of uo value
W tourfste during many mouths of
acid re in mistake for medicine with fa -
Lal B
the year•
The Bank of Montreal has been
awarded the $0,000,000 loan of the
City of Montreal, bearing 31-2 per
cent. for 40 years.
The, Northern Pacific Railway Com-
pany will eruct a passenger station
on the site of the destroyed Manitoba
Hotel, Winnipeg. Report says that Gen, Miles will be
Sent to command the 'Putted States
army in the Philippines.
Mr. Sutherland, M. P., and
Booth aro establishing carbide factor-
ies at Ottawa.
Four then were killed in the War
Eagle mate at Roseland by their drill
striking an unexploded charge.
victoria Co lle.ge for woman in A1ona-haul there teas nu v 6
roe', Atlnlstor of Marine, for opposing
the M1nIa1er's plan of naval reform.
Three German banks are emote
Prima+ Leopold, ex-LiorodilarY Prince
of Isenberg-llirel:ten, for $37,500 ad-
vanced nced to hilt to mike a tour of lbo
United Stale• to prospect for wife.
In a vanilla. 4n, Tuesday between
peasants and pollee, a'ri00111 out, of
eleutiun riots al. Burh(rest, tits troops
were called out and fired upon the
mob, several persons being killed and
many others wounded.
The new fuel, which, had recently
been iuvenl.ed by a Munnbeim work-
ingman paseeee08 three Limas the
beating power of the beet Sileelan
or Scotch dual, while the cosi lo only
one-half. °Peal, moss and a peculiar
Wail of clay play important parts in
the new fuel.
The reigning Prince of Montenegro
has become Means. The use of narrate
Les end ((2048 ,nler•mperance have made
hbri a mental and physical wreck. Hie
Itinany has occasinn0d some alarm,
eines he Ls determined Lo go to war
with Austria. There is no one In the
priuoipality able to curb him.
Prospects of the Peace Conference
aro brightening, and the German de -
lo ares have been itistluated to take
para. in the doliberatlons of the AD
bit ration Committee ,w1110h wi 1 uuw
continue brisk work pending lh:afinal
decision in Germany, 1101011. will
make fresh proposals us to the Mura-
vieff eircu'nr, three paragraphs having
been voted down on the ground that
it weuth he, impossible to &tide upon
a satisfactory plan for checking the
continued improvements in explosive
The threatened general Lie -up, of all
building undies is on at Scranl.ou, Pa.
A sneak -thief managed to get away
with $10;000 from the Metropolitan Na-
tional Beak, Boston.
Hamilton has aeoeptod the tender of
the Elias lingers Co. fur coal, the
prices being about 70 cents a ton
ahead of last year's.
The clean-up in the Klondike for
the present season, it is estimated, will
amount to at least $13,000,000, more
than twice last year's yield.
Air, W. A. D. Lees of Ottawa bas en-
tered action against the Ottawa & New
York Railway Company to make the
company restore its second-011ss rate
between Ottawa and Russell Village.
The Cleveland Street Railway Com-
paq have settled matters with the em-
ployees -and the strike is ended.
President McKinley will authorize
the enlistment of additional men for
the Philippines when he returns to
Hun, Charles E. Littlefield, Repub-
lican, of Rockland, Me., has been
elected. to Congress to succeed the late
Nelson Dingley, jr.
The Montreal Board of Trade is
urging the Government to provide ele-
vators and warehouse facilities at Puri;
Colborne and Montreal and to light
the Welland and St. Lawrence canals
by electricity.
The Imperial and the Canadian Gov-
ernments have agreed to each .pay
Pickford & Black 500,000 a year for a
fortnightly service between St. John,
Halifax and the West Indies, begin-
ning next year.
i Ottawa to
A movement is an Loot
tender a banquet to Major Girouard,
Director -General of Egyptian R,ail-
wee's, on his arrival there on a visit
to his father, Mr. Justice Girouard
of the Supreme Court.
Chas. Hood, a five-year-old boy from
Freelton, was thrown out of a waggon
on Hamilton market by the horse run-
ning away. The child's head caught
In the spuke1 of the wheel and ho was
very seriously injured.
The Dominion Government will In-
sist on a Canadian telegraph system
Pram Bennett to Arlin, and thence
southealy to Quensuelle, 13. C., where
connection will be made with the
trans -continental telegraph. line.
The Attorney -General's Department,
Manitoba, has been notified that en
Indian named Choseman at Lac Seul
shot and killed auotller redinan. The
victim was going insane and the
other shot him as a duty.
The steamer Gallo, which has been
aground in the St, Lawrence, near
Sorel, for several weeks, has at last
been floated by dredging and will be
taken to Montreal. She is said to bo
very tittle the worse Lor the ground-
Mr. D. A. Sherk, a Hemilten car-
riage salesman, died suddenly from an
injury rooeiVed. in an apparently slight
accident. He tripped while descend-
ing the stairs in his hone, falling four
slaps. A blood -vessel burst in his
The Government is sting the Brit-
tali -American Bank Note Co., for 4800,-
000 damages, alleging that stamps
which should hnve been engraved from
steel under their contract, were mode
from stone. Tho detenoo is a denial.
The Dominion Government hes Boni:
north T, W. Fuller and H. Ewart of
the Public Works DePuuLmont, Ottawa
in oonnectiou with the erection of pub-
lic buildings at 'Dawson, Selkirk,
Bennett, ,Atlin and other important
Dr. T. Osmond Summers, late major -
surgeon in charge of the Lever hos-
pital at Santiago and: a noted yellow
fever expert, suiaidod Moodily night
at St. Louis.
A Chicago despatch says that the
Grand Trunk has issued a new tariff
un, oats and corn, which( it is thought
will lead Lo a competitive out by other
Au eminent New lora tinanoier has
submitted to an Irish member of Par-
liament a scheme for raising many
of dollars for the huncU,rod millions ll
chase of Ireland.
Nears of a big strUce in the Chicago
stow:verde are expressed. Already
abode, a thousand men employed in
Armour's and Swift's packing houses
have quit work,
Admiral liautz has arrived home at
San Francisco. He reiterates LhaL he
has done his duty in the matter of the
Saulo.:a trouble, and he believes that
he hue been subject to much unjust
criticism in certain quarters.
Your women were injured in New
York on, Monday by jumping off
trolley cars, while in motion. in each
case they got off: the cur in the usual
feminine Laehi.on, with their Lacon in
the opposite direction to that in which
the car was going.
Walter Porter and John Newman,
two mail wagon drivers of Chicago,
were arrested Wednesday, charged
with robbing the mails. An immense
quantity of letters and many money
orders Mad cheeks were found in a
lodging house at 260 Halstead street.
where the two men occupied a room,
'There were letters, checks and money
orders intended for nearly every State
in the Union and all ports of Europe.
Robert Ashcroft,- Conservative M.P.
for Oldham, is dead.
The British Government will give
aid to an Antarctic expedition.
British oil seed crushing milts talk
of forming a combine, with a capital
of $12,500,000.
The American liner Paris, hes
been driven further ashore by a
Rev, Dr. Wood, former presldont of
the Wesleyan Conference in England,
is dead.
Mr. A. J. Balfour' has stated that the
,British Government will give aid to
an antarctic expedition,
Winston Churchill, Loral Randolph
Churchill's son, has been selected as
,Conservative candidate for Oldham.
The prospouts are 11u41 .7011(1 Dillon
will be made leader of. the combined
Irish party. .Mr. Mealy is no Longer.'
regarded as a serious rival,
The Liverpool School for Tropical
,date:tees has dealded to send an expoil
''914*1101 lu Babylon." Don, L 8.41. Hoiden
Text. Don. 1, 8.
P11$OTWAL NO'l'llS.
Verse ti. 1)11 del purlx#sed in him
boort that he would not defile himself
with the. portion, of it. 11ing'•4 meat.
Daniel i:, specially mentioned a8 being
the leader of the four youths. "Meal"
means fond in general -the luxurious
"rata/tie" given daily to the uLiaches
of the court. Su eiviell was the sup-
ply t"liat a loyal favorite would be able
to ir141in1airl a funnily ami servants on
the "portion" of the king's meat.
Indeed, quantities of the '"king's meiat"
were sometimes sent to the inerket
and sold fur the benefit, of the cour-
tiers who had received it, Wes the
danger of " defilement'' real or imagi-
nary? It was real. 111'81, we meat
remember that. ceremonial defilement
was loathsome to a devout Hebrew,
The. whole Mosu(0 system was an el-
aborately acted religious parable.
Nearly everything in n_Lure was eirs-
sif.ed as either " eerem(ni1111y Pure"'
or "ceremonially impure," and there-
fore symbolized either goodness and
Purity of thane -ter 01' sin. Lep,ts
among the diseased, and reptiles, as
f 10011, were of ssttied as un -
Nies. tem. Ilreolcott opened Der Abdomen
Mtn a Unite.
A despatch from Toronto, says: -Mrs.
„ Gordon street, died
1i m. Breekon, cicon
on 1:'riday morning as a result of
wounds inflicted by herself with a
butcher knife while suffering tram re-
ligious mania, She was under the
delusion that she had committed the
unpardonable Hill. Wiliam Breekon
the husband of the dead mimeo, is u
street railway conductor, and they had
no family.
On Tuesday evening Mrs, Breekon
escaped for a few minutes the surveil-
lunee that was being maintained over
her, and. when she was found she had
a deep gash across her abdomen and
several feet of intestine were protrud-
ing. Her husband quickly summoned
Dr. J. W. Smuck, 170 Argyle street,
who, with the assistance of Dr. McCon-
nell, Dundas street, returned the in-
testine to its place and dressed the
wound, purling in several Glitches. The
patient remained quite conscious, and
lingered until 1,30 a.m., Friday.
The deceased was 40 years oE age.
About the middle 02 last April she
went to visit friends in York county on
a000unt of ill -health, and while there
became demented, and cut ler throat.
and - when
was sonC far
Her husband
she had recovered ho had her remov-
ed to the asylum. While there she
made two attempts upon her life. Once
she was found with her oorset-string
tied tightly about her throat, and an-
other time while out walking in the
grounds she managed to secrete a piece
of glass, and with that inflicted a deep
flesh wound across her abdomen when
she returned to her room.
At her earnest solicitaLion bur hus-
band tool: her home on Monday even-
ing last, and kept a careful watch over
her. The following evening, however.
she escaped lis vigilance,
Coroner Lynd was notified of her
death, and, after looking into the cir-
cumstances of the, case, deemed, an in-
quest unnecessary.
Dreyfus' friends fear he will be ass-
It is staled that Nausea may try an
antaractie expedition.
Federation has been carried in New
South Wales by 101,200 to 70,634.
The Chinese have been interfering
with the German railway in Shan -
Bad riots are reported In the Tin
nevelli district, in the extreme south
of India.
Brigands have killed a oouple of
Russian engineers and ten Cossacks in
Russia. is about to spend 11,000,000
roubles in improvements for Port Ar-
thus. harbor.
The great Limber firm of Christo-
1oheL'seu & Co., at Chrietianict, has sus-
pended paymeul.
Victoria will vote on Australian
federation a:t rho close of July, and
Queensland on September 2ud.
The ;Spanish C11,4mleur ut Depoties
has aproved of the sale of the Caro-
line and other Islands 10 Germany.
It is said that some of the Peace
Conference delegates are affected by
a local materiel ailment. prevalent at
The Hague. .
'Ale &titan's 011102 rspi'esentative at
the Peace CouCeroice wants to fight
a duel with the leader of the Young
Turkish party.
Dr'. Park, Lhe quarantine officer tit
Sanitago, Imports the existence attbat
port cd, fuorteen oases of yellow favor
Lata four deaths from the disease,
The Gorman Parliamtmt has made a
cammerelal egreenitfltt with Great BrL-
Luiu for alai year, Canada does not re-
tain musl-favoured-n1tlon treatment,
141 beeause of their w'boleianne diet and
because of the blessing of the Lord.
Alxrl doth nut live by bread alone,
but by every word that pr,x'eodeth out
of the mouth of .the Lord."
16, Took away the portion of their,
meat and the wine, Ile erased their
names from Lite list of those who were
to be fled by doily "portions" from the
royal table, .Gave (hem pulse. Per-
111i1led 1110111 to C431IInne the Meta. -
tone food whtell ,111 nut offend their
17. Ile -e four children. "' oulhs,"
God gate them knowledge rind Mltill in
x11 learning and wisdom, 1{no41'(15e
is the gift of Go,l; but there Ls nu
indisatiwn here that 11oi1 by miracle
opened 1.1(0 t re•tvurics of knowledge L0
these youth; men; he blessed. (heir en-
deavor, \1 uidom may In said to be
the right use of knuwledgr. The
good pbysteal condition into which
wholesome food and the blessing of
the turd. had brought these young
utcn w•n( the .foundation of their
growth in knowledge and wis-
atl. '1'h•, mortal cue:c'Iarlc0 which
k. pt them from defilement by food
k en them from vices which would.
Live dulled their iutelleets. Daniel
had understanding in all visions
and dreams, Ifs who was about 10
send the dreams au,' visions prepared
the interpreter,
At the end of the day's. Al
the end of the three years' training
w01'mh the king had prescribed.
10. The king communed with them,
Toiked freely, and, as Nebuchadnez-
zar was evidently himself a marl of
carat intellect ual force, we may sup -
('44e (hat his eoceverga lino :441001011
some of •11 examination, lune like
articles u oo .1) niel, I1)1laru1h, 11i l,o•'l, and Azar-
None 'h" d ,heir CIeu•ness oL
t b they furnished ready 11 ff f I t l
C 11)11 9ea.,use ley lair. rut. dere ore 1)404 1 try ,e-
symbuls of moral pollution. Poe such lore alt• kis;. c•,nto,cors and 511042
symbolic reasons the flesh of pigs .rid mei oC state, Yi'e oily think of Neter-
rabbits, and of many other mlimnls ciradnezzar be1ewelmo and crowned,
nomad ,m a rug, his counselors stand-
ing behind hind and at 111, tel •.
JO. Ten times better than all the
nla•dltin, and astrologers nwere
which are noes freely used Inc food,
was prohibited; ,,rid the :mallets that
Hebrew's were letm;tie4 to eat moat
It That was (o De Exported to St.
Pierre. send Logi IIA "1.1re."
A despatch from Halifax, N. S.,
says Smuggling liquor into Nova
Scotia from St. Pierre has long been
practised. The temptation t0 do this
is groat, particularly on rum, which
costs in Jamaica or Demerara less
than 50 dents per gallon, but on which
the Dominion Government levies 0
Customs duty of $2.40. A new phase
of the infraction of the law has just
come to light.
Customs Officer Jones on Monday
seized the wholesome liquor esLabLish-
ment of A. McDougall and Co., 0110 0f
the oldest in the city, on the charge
of violating the Customs laws. 051
visiting the bonded warehouse. 1n, Me-
Dougall's building he found that elev-
en puncheons supposed to be full of
rum, and which the Customs officials
claim wore to have been shipped to
St. Pierre on Tuesday, really contained
only coloured water.
Clonrlestine entrance', it is alleged,
had been obl:aiu'd t4 the banded ware-
houso, the rum drawn off and Intent
nwoy Lu srualt lots, and the water eine,
stilMed. The water would lieu have
been exported to Sl. Pierre.
Zloty the smugglers worked the game
at the St. Pierre end of the line is 001
known, but. It was aceonplished.
The penalty for this offence, hesidea
the fine, is a year a imprisonment. It
is asserted that prantieaily all the rum
consumed in Cape Breton Ls smuggled,
It is 00netantly brought from St. Pierre
by sailing veosels and handed there to
small packages.
be slaughtered in a peculiar wayHO In a 1 his realm Their wt 1,514 Was
so un, h belle, because U was Davi-
es to be 0.refully rid of the blood, ty seterrtifie rind partly re.eaiddir-
ertly i.y God, white the priests
an 1 a4rto'o ers who stu tied 111" occult
sciences and practiced the 111ole arts
were dapenlent on, neither the nut u -
rat not tau• supernatural, on neither
re igron net science. 1ml. on tricks
end conjectures.
which symbolized animal lifer, and in
the interest of purity was avoided. But
the Babylonians eared us little fur such
" ceremonial purity" es fur the real
moral purify it represented, :cud as
the " portion of the king's meat" would
inevitably include prohibited fund, it
was defiling. In the second pl..ce, even
the most tiumural u.,tions of the an-
cient world were in a w. y religious,
and Lt 11:11 become the universal habit
Lo cuusecratefood to the god thee was
worshiped by the eater. 'alis tea not
altveys duos, as at our Christian ta-
blas, by aha asking of a blessing, but
aome1Lntea in the process of cooking,
ox by setting aside aportion for the
god; so that the men who was feast- in Kendilgton (Laws attention to the
ed by heathens almost rerluinly par- imporlanee of that national. institution,
took of food already consecrated to ,
some abomineble idol. The third cause w beech has developed so rapidly. The
ot defilement was one to which m:uy huge building stands on five acres of
ground and will accommodate 7.000
Sometimes a deaf man gives an as-
sw'er which makes a wonderfully close
bit, although he has totally misunder-
stood the question,
Is your son's bride a pretty girl.e
asked an old lady of a penurious and
very deaf old gentleman, whose son
recently married the daughter oil a
Ilion to Aeries to Luvestignte malaria 1'hc Chinese have refused the .Brit- prosperoue glamor.
and other tropical diseases, lob demand for the removal of the No, 08,14 1110 old man, cleanly., she
A great uaalry coulaerfeit ;010 .]hank Governor of Xwei-Chau, eougla for his Isn't, bat site will be when her father
of, England notes are in circulation, failure to pnbi•1h the murderers 0
Tlrly are dated 1898, ttncl Inc:awe] 40) .0,4404451 hlamitIr
watormal•J4 in the paper Ls missing,
A Mery is eireulate l•in London that.
e0rtai0 members of aha Cape Portia -
Vine -Admiral Cavelier de C'averville, The secret of su4oess 111 life is for a
chief of the llrenell 11%0111 start MI5 01:10 10 he ready for hie olportun ty
been depriv04 of los puri fly Yi. Look• when it comms; Disraeli,
Eaornioas tiro WO, or the 11111Igte Postal
Saving.; flank.
A. despatch from London, says: -The
laying by the Prince of '(V ales on
Saturday of the foundation stone of the
new Post -office Savings Bank building
young people are exposed at tele pre-
sont day, the evil results of luxurious
diet. Intoxicating liquors Hud to-
bacco do immeasurable harm, and
many highly spiced and tooth-
some viands are so prepared as to
arouse unwholesome cravings. The
avoid all such
r should
pure in heart
things. Notice that I)aniet's purpose
was "in his heart" It wee a moral
resolution. Therefore he requested of
the prince of the eunuchs that he
might not defile ,himself. His con-
duct furnishes an almost perfect ex-
empla for those who are tempted by
their superiors in society or business.
He did not defy, nor denounce, nor
scold; he requested, Iceepictg himself
Ds long as possible in formal obedience
to authority, and he Made his request
on religious grounds, His very re-
questligion• thus became a profession of re -
0. God. had brought Daniel into fav-
or and tender love. Such 1t fact would
be explained by most modern
biographers as due bo Daniel's person-
al charm, But the. inspired writer
implies what the crust of this world's
affairs sometimes keeps from our
sight, .bat every el./7'6%1'01
vent of human iLfe
is Ln a deep senstt brought about by
God. The prince of the eunuchs,
These eunuchs were men set apart for
the, care of the royal harem, and their
prince was one of the. most important
personages at court.
10, 1 fear my lora the, king. Be had
good reasons to fear it king whose
slightest wish was law, Who hath
appointed your meat end yowl drink.
Eastern despots arbitrarily decide de-
tails which might wisely he left to the
ear% of subordineLLes. Worse lilting
than the children which are oE your
sort. Looking less healthy than oth-
er youths of your age. Thesis young
men were four out of many, and us
they were brought up to be servicer
able and ornamental to the court their
physical appe.arnnee was of importance,
Endenger any head. ,Beheading nt
ancient. coUrts Ons an every day 0e-
11. M:'lrar, Instead of being a proper
name this word means "the steward,"
the men who directly gave the dinners
or "rations" to the young men. Daniel,
Hatnlnieh, 111i4lieel, and AzariaIt, The
Etat there are elsewhere vatted by
heir Cltnld%tau mimes yltatlrach, Me-
sbeoh, and Abednego, Daniel also had
Cheld an anima Be.leshazzar,
"Pt' i nc,e-iof-113x1,"
12, Prove, Put to the test. Thy ser-
gracious self -disparagement,
vents. A ra is
!Con days, Short as this time was
Daniel's requesttwee not nn appeal to
a miracle. One week and 0 half af-
fnrds ample time to 5110w the effect of
some foods on health, especially where
alcoholic: drinks and varied flesh meats
are included, and where so radical a
change of the 01011.1181' of life had 11000
experienned as here. Pulse. Vege-
table food, especlally what is grown
from seeds, Water. It has beim well
seid, "If the people of the United,
St 111014 would (..r3' Daniel's exeel'im0l11
it would, save each year $35,000,000, the
coat of supporting 500,000 papers.'
15. Let our rounlenitnoe.s be looked
upon before thee. Let due tests of
clue health be applied. As thou sees.,
deal with thy servants. Thl'ou•ghout
this transaction Daniel 1MS standing
for God, and he was not afraid eo
throw on God God's task of making the
right rause victarlous,
14. Sin consented. If Daniel lord
stuitorm.ed And raved, probably he would
have been refused. The courtesy of
leis molest helped to make it suocess-
15. Fairer and fetter. In strength
and beau/ 'Shit young met, had improve
clerks. The 5,000,010 depositors of this
"poor man's bank,"four-Ciflhs of whom
belong to the working classes, have
f� Gr ft NS
len and MineE in all Walks of Life Toil of the Remarkable
Cures Wrought by' South American " Nervine Tonic.
balances amounting to £183,100,04.0,
which exceeds the whole capital of all
enbank" inle
"rich 's h
the joint stock or m a
the United Kingdom.
,Although the present high price of
consols makes the Post -office Savings
Bank cost the nation a trifle yearly,
yet if its funds could be invested in
other stock than consols the loss would
be converted into a profit, It is hoped
here that Parliament W1 1 allow this,
su its not to discourage thrift by the
threatened redaction in the interest on
the savings of small depositors,
Fearful Adventure or 0 ltnsvtnn Tomer of
6S7i1 Anlo,o:11s,
A despatch from St. Petersburg says:
-A terrible scene was witnessed here
on thursday during a performance at
the Sleyberg Menagerie. A tamer
named Charles Patti was suddenly at-
tacked by one of his bears, which, aft-
er fulling him, attempted to Lear the
flesh from his face with its teeth. Tha
tamer for at time kept the animal
away by thrusting his forearm down
its throat, but the beer again knocked
him down, and then began to tear his
stomach. All this time one of the at-
tendants was in vain trying to make
the bear release his hold of the tamer
by stabbing him with a pitchfork, At
length, however, the brute was driven
to the bars at the front of the eage
and this enabled rho tamer to be re-
moved at the back. He was then in a
terrible condition. Immediately aft-
wards another tamer entered the
cage, threw a lasso over the bear's
neck, pulled it tight, and then shot
the animal through the head with a
revolver, killing it instantly, In the
Hams cage were a second bear, two
wolves, and a wild dog, but, fortun-
ately they did not attempt to inter-
fere, contenting themselves with im-
passively watching the same.
(111008e TA1za1'et10 at n'Arcy Wand 180.
stroyedl by For.
A despatch from Vancouver, 13, C.,
says; -The Chinese lazaretto nt D'-
Arcy Isltand, British Columbia, has
been burned to the ground. The poor
lepers could not help themselves. Some
were so far gone that they oould not
Drawl from the flames. Two were burn-
ed to death, meeting their end but
a few weeks before their tine.
This morning Medical Health Offi-
0e1' Dr. Fraser went on 0 stoamor to
investigate. IIe found that the fire
occurred at 1,30 am, on June 15th, and
was caused by one of the patients, who
was very feeble, upsetting the lamp,
The flumes spread along the six cab -
bee 111 a row, whish were completely
destroyed, 1 t •
The other nice cabins were un -
scorched, and in them the unfortunates
took range. They had plenty of pt. °-
vision% and 110wfurt, in fact sttitiCu.nt
for a mouth.
They lead buried the dead lepers, and
waren tate duetnr arrived the 4.6(0045 of
the injured ones were dressed.
Nevepapee odi1orn are almost as
soeptioal as the average physician on
the subject of new remedies for sick
people. Nothing short of a series of
123081 remarkable and well authenti-
cated cures willincline either an
editor or a doctor to seriously consider
the merits honestly claimed for le
Hundreds of testimonials of won-
derful recoveries wrought with the
Great.South American Nervine Tonic
were rect!ved from mon and women
all over the country before physicians
began to prescribe this great remedy
in chronic oases of dyspepsia, in-
digestion, nervous prostration, sick
headache, and as a tonic for build-
ing up systems sapped of vitality
through protracted spells of sick-
During his experience of nearly a
quarter of a century as a newspaper
publisher in Paris, Ont., Editor Col-
well, of The Paris Review, has pub-
lished hundreds of columns of paid
medicine advertisements, and, no
doubt, printed many a gracefully -
worded puff for his patrons as a
matter of business, but in only a
single instance, and that one warrant-
ed by his own pe'•sonal experience,
has he given a testimonial over his
own signature. No other remedy
ever offered the public has proved
such a marvellous revelation to the
most sceptical as the South American
Nerving Tonic. It has never failed
in its purpose, and it lass mired when
Sold by G. A. Deadman.
doctors and other medicines were
tried in vain. -
" I was prostrated with a particu-
larly severe attack of 1 La Grippe,'
says Mr. Colwell, 1' and could had no
relief from the intense pains and die.
tress of the malady. I suffered day
and night. The dooters did not help
me, and I tried a number of meds.
cines, but without relief. About this.
time I was advised to try the South
American Nerving Tonic. Its effects
were instantaneous, The first dose I
took relieved me. I improved rapidly
and grew stronger every day. Your
Nervine Tonic oared nee in a single
The South American Nervine
Tonic rebuilds the life forces by its
direct action on the nerves and the
nerve centres, and it is this notable
feature which distinguishes it from
in existence.
ever other remedy Y
most eminent medical, authorities now
concede th at fully two-thirds of all tits
physical ailments of humanity arias
from exhaustion of the nerve forces.
The South American Nervine Tonio
acting direot upon the nerve centres
and nerve tissues instantaneously
supplies them with the true nourish.
meat required, and that is why its
invigorating effeots upon the whole
system are always felt immediately.
For all nervous diseases, for general
debility arising from enfeebled vitals
ity, and for stomach troubles of every
variety no other remedy can possibly
takoits nlnrc
Effort1 to Keep Toch.' Ifnvo Led to sas,u1fty
and De 111.
IC there is no limit to human folly,
there is equally no limit to human
perverseness, and many of the vows
that rash people make are as foolish
as they ore perverse.
A repent maker of these foolish
VOWS is a native of Brussels, 'who has
sworn that he will malce a tour of
the world walking backward. It is Lo
be hoped that his fate will be Happier
than that of the man who swore that
he would never rest until he could
walk on the coiling, like a fly, and
who lost his reason without gain-
ing his wish.
There was "method in the mad-
ness" of the great French painter,
'diema who vowed that he would never
leave his studio until a, certain im-
portant picture was finished. He gave
instructions that he should be locked
in his studio, and that the door should
opened under an i
h oan Y
not a P
his meals to be handed to him through.
a hole in the door. Thus he worked
for months during the crisis that
ended in Napoleon's humus coup
d'etat and this accossiou to the
ihroue, of which letem knew nothing
until his picture was completed and
his door untooklld.
Another french artist, Gericnuld,
was equally determined to 01(1,10 110
distraction to Interfere with the
painting of his great picture, "Phe
Wreck of the Medusa," lie had his
head shaved, and vowed that he would
never, allow his Mair to vow-
ravesuntil his work was done. This vow
he religiously kept, In spite of strong
temptation 'to break it, and the re-
ward of his heroism was the uwst per-
fect painting of bis life.
A story is told of tL great chose
enthusiast:, who was so annoyed at
his failure to solve an apparel he
simple proble0a that he vowel
would neither sleep nor oat until the
solution was found, He shut himself
up in a disused room, and was found
four days later by his relatives, ter-
ribly emaciated aria out of his mind..
He spent a year in a lunatic asylum
as the result ot his rash vow; and the
problem remains unsolved.
Woman appears to be at the root
of many of 1..vvee eccentric vows; for
11 was a hatred of the sex that im-
pelled a 01100 well known lawyer to
swear that he would never speak to
a woman again as long as he lived.
Nothing, would induce him to see a
lady client; and he would never con-
duct a case .n which & woman ap-
awitness. m
loyed afemaleservant, and deliber-
ately "nut" all his lady acquaintan-
ces, The inevitable result was that
the mon deserted him, his practice
dwindled, and he died less than a
year ago, alone and unattended, in
a small squalid attic, room.
A woman likes to have a lot of jet»
OA so that when her feelings have been
tort she oan leave them off and coma
down to dinner dressed in block and
looking Fate and Siad.
If you want to find out to a dead
certainty whether women are angels
ask an angel.
There is nobody who can believe in
mind-reading without sl:tuddoring at
what people would (Recover about
The most shameless mon that ever;
lived could not go around before .the
servants with what clothes a woman
doesn't put 011.
The average woman gets her first
impression of mnxculine hypocrisy from
the things her husband tells her about
the other 01011 she knows.
I£ tt wa5 as bard. to got married ns
it is to gel divorced, people would
break their necks trying to stay in the
halters they now try to get out of.
it is tato mind that maltethgood be
ill, that trinket)) wretchedness or hap-
piness, rich or poor. -.-Spenser.