HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-6-30, Page 8Your Teeth Ilave you ever need Enthymol far oleensing the teeth 7 It is an exceed. Ingly nine preparation, not only °leans bet claimed to prevent discoloration and deoay and protect the month and throat against germ intention, A FREE SAMPLE given with every 25o. paokage. Itis in eoiiapelble tubes making it convenient for use at borne or when travelling. Aok the a pamphlet on "The pare of the Teeth." Your Feet If your feet are tender, sweaty, blistered, aching, inflamed or swollen use Foot Elm. The manufacturers claim that Foot Elm in your shoes stets like sunshine in a damp, musty Geller, and that tender and sweaty feet eau tae cured la a few days by using Foot Elm. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Optician and Bookseller. PARIS GREEN It you want to melte ears work of the POTATO BUGS then let us simply you with your Paris Grren. We keep both Luglieh and the Canadian and you can get none bebter. We guarantee it Pure and to do the work, Regular pride, 2110, per Ib. at Deadmanat Drug Store, Croquet f The game of Orognet still bolds away. We have It 111 4, 0 and 8 ball seta. We will be planned to sell you if not supplied. G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Optician and Bookseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & B. Traina leave Brunets Station, North and South, as follows; Gorse Sonora. GOING Norton. BXpress 7:16 a.m,ail 0.10 p.m Kixed 9:45 a,m, I MExpreen 10:17p.m focal Naas reins, A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes, Au' faith he'll prent it. ENTRANCE Exam, THE POST gives the news. Fxnn showers on Wednesday. Menne. aerate & Dames shipped a car of cattle on Thursday from Brussels. Quasi a batch of applioante for the vacancy on Brussels Public eohool teach• Mg staff. SATURDAY le a Statutory holiday. The Bank, poatof&ce sad stores will be calmed on that day, Ma. SERVICE, brother to Mrs. 1. S. Scott, Brussels, died last week at hie borne near Ingersoll, Semen tild have been distributed along the Went side of Turnberry street, pre. paratory to the digging, HARES BREWER went out to the big ditch in Grey on Wednesday and took the "Mater" of tbe dredge, ata. ALL the bueioeea plaoee in Brueaels will be open next Monday as Saturday is being observed as the National holiday. Bn e 0 saneoatotfloe Loire P ou Saturday —Dominion Day—will be 9 to 9 a. m. an boar after the arrival of afternoon train and from 6 to 6:80 p. on. F. ADAaxs, Mill street, Brussels, has fitted up a maobine whereby he can at. tend to the grinding of mower and reaper knives in short order and in first -elates style. New PoraroEs,—James Oliver treated Tula POST to a mese of new potatoes this week. The were of the "Early Sunrise" variety and were dandies, Mr. Oliver can supply customers by a oall on him at his home. IT is reported that win, Thomson, a brother to the late Peter Thomson, of Brdeeela, streak it riob by the recent gold discoveries ie Parry Sound and clis. posed of his farm for the sum of $60,000 the other day, He is an uncle to Mrs, Jas. Jonas, of Brussels. Go to Brewer's reliable Art Studio, There are others, bat don't forget that eve are the onlyones that produce ea t . faction to all. judge from my ratoaah• ing and finish in my street exhibit and you will be satisfied that Brewer under- stands his business. Come and get Ibe beat. H. R. BREWER, Artist. Gaon Teem -290 peseengern were ticketed from Brunets on Tuesday for Guelph in connection with the exenrsion. A special train was run to a000mmodate the exoursioniate,—Two oars of tile for the street seware were received this week and a oar of B. 0. shingles for P. Anent, —Outgoing shipments were 8 oars of salt ; 300 boge by Baeker & Vacetone, and 8 oars of baled bay by the some firm, —R. Graham, 8 oars of wheat. THE following Brussels pupils are writ- ing at the Public sobool Leaving examin- ation hers this week in addition to numerous others from outside pointe :- 0. 0. Al1fn, H. Bnnhanau, J. (lonoley, Mary Kernaghan, Georgia Rose, Lucy Sinclair, R. G. Taylor, Norma Pentane, David Watt end 0. Zilliax. Entranoe candidates foe Brussels are :—Florence Armstrong, Mary Forbes, Hazel John. ston, Pearl MoMillan, May Skene, Ida Williams, Joe Good, Leslie Kerr, Nor- man Me(uire, Chas. Ricberde and Brine Boort. Fz-P".Fetx,—One individual in Brus. safe is making a vigorous effort to seek a little notority by manufacturing a mountain out of a mole hill over the Celebration Committee's surplus, that has been lying snugly in the Bank beating interest. The old Committee is not fortunately oaring whether the case suite him or not and ie quite prepared to prove to the public tbat they pursued a proper course under the oiroumstanoee and are just es much interested in the senses of Brunets as this man who would like people to think thab be ie the one and only Itir, Pro Bono Publico in town. A aamberof bis seppoeed "faate" as reported are away wide of the mark. Bavassts Orangemen will celebrate the 12th of July at \Viugham this year. IT is rumored that the Dominion Ex. pries Co. may cancel the line from Wrox- eter to Seaforth. A new tar, felt and travel roof bas been pat on the A. M. McKay & Co'e hard- ware store this week, A aoonr.v number of Bru selites, attended a garden party at Juo. Speirs, 411a line, Morrie, on Monday evening and report a good time. EVERY FRIDAY.—Jno. Wright, caretaker of the oeneetery, may be found there on Friday of eaob week ready to fix up plots or attend to any work entrusted to him. MEeeRs, MILLER AND TORRANot, of the House of Refuge Committee, have dig. posed of the team at the House of In- dustt•y and purchased a more suitable epee better adap'ed for the farm work. COMPLAINTS are made by several pet ripe of dower stealing from larvas and garden plots. Portions should remember that the la w does not permit them to visit a garden any more than it wuald the rani• dente connected therewith n0 60 save trouble the practice had better be stopped. TEE total finacoial results of the Cele- bration lest week was 9406. We asked the Treasurer for it statement of the expenditure but he says some accannte are not Battled yet but that there will be a surplus of about $80, not ae large as expected owing to the immense in expend. iture not figured on. ACCIDENT. — Geo Edwards had the misfortune to have hie right band thrown against the buz planar in his faotory last Saturday and ea a consequence be Math - ed off a portion of the inside of hie thurnb and art of the lot and 2 fid&n er. P s He g will be somewhat handicapped attending to ilia work for at little while. Two of Philip Ameet's children had a olose oall from serious injury if not death at the G. T. R. railway crossing, Turn• arty street, on Tueedey morning. The train was stopped just in time, to the real delight of people who saw the situ• tion from the depot but were enable to et to the danger plane in time to gat the hildren away. RODT, PERGusON, Tony Sample, James Chomson and Jno. Pepper attainted Wingham in a foot hall entitle at Sea. orth on MIoaday evening. Pepper is redited with puttiog up a star game. eatorth won quite handily ae one of heir forwards kicked Allenby, Wing- am's goal keeper, so seriously that he as not able to play any more and one of he other players, unacquainted with the oeition, was put between the gags. BOWLING.—The first Bowling match of e Beason 005.5la ed on the olub 1 P Y a awn n Friday afternoon by sides chosen by . N. Gordon and J. H. Cameron, It as an interesting game, the score being s follows B. MoLellan, A. D. Duncan, r. McNaughton, R. Laatherdale, . Farrow, D. 0. Rose, N. Gordon, ak. 20 J.H, Cameron, ek.10 everal members of tbe olub are bottom. g quite expert at the game for begin- s and will be able to give old timers me pointers by the close of the season. Ho 1 Fon THE WEST. -0. P. R. agent arrow, of Brussels, booked the follow• g passengers on Tuesday's exoureion to e Northwest 1—Mise Annie Hislop and re. Thos, Berea ten, of Grey township, Batsman ; Miss Chyle, Halliday, of orris township, to Moosomin ; Min rah Forbes, of Brussels, to Binecartb ; o. B. and Mies Lizzie efoLauohlin, of ey township, to Reston ; Misses Liz - and Cora Ferguson, of Brussels and eswater ; Wm, Ball and Wife, Mre, m. Spence, A. G. Welsh, of Ethel, and o, Molntosb, of Gray, to Deloraine. e return tioket was $28,00 and return p has to be completed on or before g. 20th, another month will be allowed payment of $6.00 on each tioket. Inmate HARVESTER Oo.—Last Monday ears. Oradea, of Brussels, and W. H. mphriea & Son, of Walton, had a ivory of haying and harvesting maobi• ry at Brussels for the Deering Her. ter Co„ of which they are the energetic nte, that attraoted a large number of mere and gave the Go. their initial d off in pushing the eale of their ahinery. The display ooneleted of me 20 wagons owned by farmers with - miles of Brueaels. Loading being mpinted a parade of the priaoipal sets was made alter whioh dinner was vel to the purchasers at the hotels. a local agents were 'waisted by 'A. E. mpbell, of London, and A. McDonald, Seaforth, General agents, Robb, itb, Listowel's tocol agent, also let light of hie countenance shine upon that day, The Deering Oo„ is no all inetitutioo, Its headquarters are at sago and their bosiness is increaning he rate of 00,000 machines' a year. air Shope °over 62 nares of ground in Windy city and their staff numbers 0, working day and night. They e a braneh house in each Province of Dominion of Canada, Loudon being 00arters for the Province of Ontario. display on Monday did not repre. t the total work done by the local nts ae a number of °aloe were made the goods delivered forthwith before e0otal delivery was decided upon. a new machine and now agents the lay was all right and by the time thee neon thins Sound they hope to this cue In the shade, g g s.a S P til 0 00 G D T J. B eo mer SO F lo til M to 6a Jn Gr zie Te W Jn tti A0 on ENTRANCE AND P. 6, LEAVING BeAem"- ATtoxe,—There are 48 candidates' writing at the Public eohool on the Eotranoe ex- amination. They are writing in Mr. Cameron's room and ars presided over by Miss Robertson, who teaahee the En. trabne class in Wingbam, Inspector Robb in preeiding over the eandidatea Writing on the Pnblio Bohool Leaving examination. There are 29 oaedfdatee on this examination. The papers of tbe aandidatee writing at Brussels, Seaforth, Wroxeter and Fordwich are examined by Meseta. Olarkeon, Shillieglaw and Robb. The papers of those writing at Clinton, Blyth end Wingbam are examined by Wens. Elvaston, Lough and Robb. The answer papers are kept until October. When they are destroyed. The namee of the ehoeneful medidatee will be publish. ed in the County papers of the 28th of July, Me Hu del fie nes age far sen ma SO in Oe err ser Th Ca of Sm the US Sal Chi ea t Th the 6,70 hav the bead The sen and n For alep ono put THE BRUSSELS POST Ala, hail to the Dominion of Canadn. She is programing splendidly for a 23 year old, Bnves .L ' r ss will e o largely ra lreeanted at the celebration at Blythynext Monday, Our 11nsa Ball nine will try conolneione with the Clinton bat ewingers. BRUSSELS Band and Base Ball nine tape part in bila celebration at Wroxoter on Saturday, July let. Quite a number will attend from town, Alae. Ota, Tnotrsot, organist of Mee - villa oburcb, treated the choir to an los mem repaet et Bartliff's testament Wed. uesday anteing of last week. Weal( on the new swore in progrnseing favorably and the Meners. Lowry are pushing it along. While the town bas only one paid inepeotor, Clerk Soott, the number often aggregates a soore and the amount of information contributed on sewer making would 1111 a big book, PORE PACKING KEETIN49,—Tho meet. fag in the interests of the Partnere' Oo operative Association, of Listowel, ao• uounoed for Ethel and Atwood have been ehenged and will be held at the Township Hall, Ethel, on Monday July 3rd, and the Ago Hall, Atwood on Tbnreday Jaly 8th. Everyone interealed in Go•oper- ative pork packing is urged to be present, Mzroouot Advocate says :—The Lon- don races were among the best ever held in Canada, On Tuesday Mise Del - march competed in a very fast race end won second money, Had it not been that she met with a alight aooident in the third beat the noble little mare wooid have been s, sere winter. Mr. Gotha] has a good mare, and refused $1,800 for her last week. ON Tree Firm Mum—Saturday even- ing a large crowd assembled al the Perk and witnessed a full hour's performance on the high wire by Jas. Grant, of Owen Sound, who gave a repetition of the work done ou the previous Thursday and ad- ditional juggling triok.. While designat- ed ae "Noble" on the bills of the oele• bration it was a mistake owing to getting the name of the manager mixed with the performer, Mfr, Grant would have had a fatter pooket book on Saturday night it many people bad not been breathy and jumped the fence. "Get all you sen for oothin" is the motto of nob a few. Go To THE SPonra.—There will be a great day in Goderioh on Monday, July 3rd. What with the obildren's games, processions, borse•reoes and fireworks ft looks as is there would be enjoyment for everyone who can take enjoyment. The advantages that the town presents to the exoursiouiet are partioolarly good, for in addition to the sports on the bill the boating and bicycle opportunities osn- oot be e0rpaseed anywhere. Make up your mind to paste the program of the Cironler City sports in your bat when you are making a date for Monday, July 3rd. There will be splendid races ; all the beet horses will be there. $700 in parses for beer rapes— 2:40 pane and 2:85 trot ; tree for all, trot or pane ; 2:25 pane rot 2:23 trot ; ball mils run in heats, weights for age. Horses eligible Pram June 12th, 1899 ; e❑trlee close July 8rd, 12 a. m. Children's e a games on the Square in the morning. Running races, jumping contests„ fat man's rases, all kinds of mon; free for all ; good prices. 4.rand display 1 g p y OE fiT aworke at night on Square, which won't cost a not to see. Everybody go and enjoy the big day in Huron county town. Speoial trains end special rates, ,Feople We Talk About. Mrs. Jae. Fox and children are visiting at Wroxeter. Mrs. R. Leathardale was on the sink list last week. Jake Tuck is cooking for the dredge in the South East of Grey. Mre, E, Grimoldby and daughter are vieitiag relatives at Owen Sound, Ken. MoKeneie is on the sick list but we hope be will soon be ell right. Mrs. B. Gibson and son, of Polmont, Oot. are visiting g friends in town. blires`bur 1 ea Gerry is visiting Ler sis- ter, Mrs. W. H. Willis, at Seafortb. Mies. Ella Ainley is vieibiug at her aunt's, Mrs. McNeil, Grey, this week. W. J. McGuire and R. Stirrer, of Glen Eden, are visiting at Arthur MoGtrire'a. Kra. R. McMartin and son, of Beosall, spent Sunday with W. Wilton and wife. Mies Downey, teacher, will spend her vacation with her brothers at Obabham, G. Rankin and Miss Fitzpatrick, of Wioghare, spent Sunday with A. Mo. Gulre. Mr. and Mrs. Humphries and Miss Olara Thomson, of Toronto, are visiting at Jas. Jones'. Rev. R. B. G. Anderson, of Wroxeter, wan a visitor at Melville manse on Tburs• day of last week, Mre. H. J. Mordea left on Townley to continue her visit with relatives at Lon- don and Bay City, Mich. Misses Annie and Maggie Beattie drove over from Clinton on the 22nd and en- joyed the day in Brussels. Mies Fannie Rogers and Mies Lizzie McLennan were vieibiug the Misses For. gum', of Walton, last week. Mrs. 0, It. Vanstone and Daisy return. ed to their home at Southampton on Monday after an enjoyable visit in Brus- sels. Kra, S. Pearson, who bag been dam gerously ill during the pasb week, is eon• aiderably improved in health we are pleased to state, Peet Obief D. Stewart represented "Ben Lomond" Clamp, S. 0. S., Bras. stele, at the Grand Clamp io session this week at Toronto. Mrs. A. M, Kay and Arabia, of Strat. ford, leave next week for Winnipeg Where they will spend a couple of menthe Visiting Mrs. J. R, Grant and other friends, Harry Macrae, of Tem POST etaff, who Wag Injured on Thursday afternoon of last week by being thrown off a horse, ie still off duty bet is improving, He re. osived quite a shaking up, Rev. S. J. Allis left for Godericb, hie new appointment, on Thursday of this week, accompanying hie goods which were teamed anon. Mre, Allis and ohildren will follow in a few Jaye. Harry l3aeker ie still it prisoner to his oouab but fe able to take the freeh air from the verandah. He bite been 1111 aside for a good many menthe but is one of the moat contacted patients we ever knew for a lad. We hope be may not be able to ran about as of old. Geo. Greeks attended the funeral of his seater -in -taw, Aire, Robert Crooks, at Ayr, last Sunday. Mrs. Crooke died on Friday, leaving a husband and largo family, They formerly lived near Jamestown, Mr, •Croolts visited hie daughter, Mrs. S, :i'', Taylor, before nom- ing home at Paris, Willie Taylor, of Paris, le holidaying at Geo. Creoles', his grnndfabher's, Brus- nele, Lorna Pringle is home from the I3usi• nese Oollege at Stratford where be °pent the past two tonne and is now ready to aooepb a situation Minn Jcau Viol. ,ehlln, Belle Irwin and Frank Pelton attended the Presby teriau pio•.nio at Ethel Int Friday. Tbev report a most enjoyable time. Gzze Fusoniiruaeels, and MiMisees OoralFiergneon,ergof,of Teeownber, left on Tuesday 00 a holiday visit in Mani. tobe, We wish them a pleasant time, Will. James had a close oall to a ser- ious accident ab the Ronald Engine Works on Tbnreday morning, Hie arm was oaugnt in the meoliinsry and gob quiteope be 8 wrench001118000, Hebeell fe origff ht workagainbut, we h 11 will be a relief to the friends of Be,, G. F. Salton, of Hamilton, to know that his son, Harold, is recovering favorably from hie innate of diphtheria, and that Mrs. Salton did not beoome ill of the same disease as was at first supposed, but is ae well ae the toes of her oheld Peroy and the distress of illness in the family will permit. Mine Stella, eldest daughter of Dr. T. G. Heiress, of Detroit, formerly of Brus- sels, bas graduated from the High school of that oily, We are pleased to chronicle the fact that she won the pries for the beet poem written in the eohool, Our oougratulations are extended to Miss Holmes whose snooees planes Brassels on the honor roll of poets. Jas. Aiken, an uncle 01 elide. Jas. Jones, Brunets, bas been visiting here from Big Rapids, Melt. 131n was n former resident of the 4th line of Morris and removed over 80 years ego, Mr. Aiken owned the firet tbreebing machine in this notion and used oxen instead of a steamer for propelling it. He is intereebed in real estate in Michi- gan and offers a large quantity of land for sale in the advertising columns' of THE POST. Very fete of Mr. Aiken'e former aagnaintaooes are living in this locality cow. win, Shedden and bis good lady, 4th line, Morris, are two of the survivors, CHURCH i'ilIEE.,. Huron Presbytery will meet in Willis oburcb, Clinton, on July llth. "Our National Heritags" will be the appropriate topio at the Epworth League next Sabbath evening, Methodist Sabbath sobool pie nio our Tuesday afternoon of next week, July 4th, in the Davidson grove, Rev. J, Zenner and family, formerly of Tated,rowbridge, have moved into their home io Mitchell. Mr. Kenner bas superannu- In accordance with the nsuai custom the Sabbath sobool at Knox church, Strat- ford, has been dispensed with daring the hot Summer months, We ars sorry to leer❑ of the eerfoae illness of Rev. Mr. Hall, of Nile, who is :offering from aPoral ria stroke which fleets his head and mind, and fears for his recovery are entertained, Rev, Mr. Abey read the Bishop'e address to the ❑ Loono nod B at the morniogservioe last Sunday in St. John's ohuroh end in the evening preached from the text "Be not weary in well doing" At the Methodist Sabbath school last Sabbath Rev. R. Paul took up the life of Christ in connection with the Quarterly Review and Rev. 6. J. Allan gave a very prank's' address using a shipping tag as an object lesson. B. Gerry presided. Rev. Mr. Feeney, of Gerrie, will preaoh the annual Sermon to the members of St. Jobn'e Lodge, A. F. & A. M„ Brae. eels, next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock in St. John's thumb. The brethren will march from their Lodge room in the Garfield block. Rev. Jno. Holmes, tbe newly appoint. ed pastor to the Methodist church, will preach hie inaugural sermon next Sete. bath morning and will officiate again e.t 7 m, Helmet Mrs. e. $"Imes and family arrived on Thursday evening. We wel- come them to Bruesels. "The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil," was Rev. Inc. Roes' text last Sabbath morning at Melville absinth. He showed quite oo0olosively that it worked injuriously (1) To the Home ; (2) To the Ohuroh ; (3) To Sooiety. In the evening the topic was "Stephen." Last Sabbath the change was made in the hour of Sabbath School and appeared to work satiefaotorily. Wednesday evening of next week an informal reception will be held in the Methodist oburoh for the new. peter, Rev. Mr. Holmes and his good lady. In addition to short addressee by B. Gerry, W, H. MoOraoken, T. Farrow, Miss Moore, Revds. R. Paul, W. Norton and the pastor, Rev. Jno, Rose, B. A., of Melville obaroh and Rev. G, J, Abey, rentor of Bt, John's church, will also be called upon. Musical selections wilt be interspersed. Every member of the oon- gregation will be made welcome and are cordially invited. Rev, GEo, MCKAY REnIGNs.—A Kansas paper refers to a former Brunelite as follows :—At a congregational meeting held immediately after the regular ser. viaee last Sunday afternoon, Rev. Geo, Malay tendered bis resignation as pas. tor of the Presbyterian thumb. A gime. lar proceeding took plane at 0beevee okarob Sunday morning. It bas been known by a few for acme time that Rev. McKay bad been offered the pastorate of the church of Clyde and that hie resighee tion was ander consideration, lent as a wbole bis congregation was unprepared for Imola an aonounoemeot and showed surprise and regret by a painful silenoo. Of course, as is usual in euob oases, nosh. ing could be done but aooepb the resigns. abion, but it was bone with a great deal of reluotanoe. 1n tendering bis enigma Leon Mr. McKay said be did ao in order to aooept pastoral duties in smother field whish would not be °o ardu. Gus and which would allow him more time for aermonizing, 'Andy and root. labs work in this field during the past five years bee been quite heavy, preaobing, as be did, three eermoue each Sunday end driving from ten to twenty miles, through all kinds of weather, to fill hie appointments. That hie labors' have bean attended with newer; everyone at all interested in ohuroh work earl testify, and he will leave the field in a meet' better condition than be found it. Both Omnibus have prospered under his tharge,a❑d both are now praotioally out of debt. The Menohester oburcb in particular bas cause for remembeting Bier. Matey, During hie pastorate the membership hag more than doubled and ie still growing, and the attendance and intermit fs constantly increasing. Ali thele things considered, it is o Wabtsr of ST4HD/1RD B4.7V7C O4N.1D4, :F,S'S.e't•$=,xoox=ne 1.X'7 a. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO OAPITAL PAID UP (Otte Niliion Dollere) • 91,000,000 RESERVE FUND, - - 9000,000 Agenaiee in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manilas, United ,States t6 England. A General Banking Basilian 'Transaoted. Farmers' Notes Disaonnted, Drafts Inet,ct and Oolleotione made on all pointe. SAVINGS HANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 91,00 and upwards, BroaIAL ATTENTION OIVEN TO TILE COLL1OTION Or Pontos' BALE No%es. Every facility afforded Onstomere living at a die tenor,. J. N. GORDON, ACTING AGENT. muob regret among Ohr1etian people that Rev. Mr. Molloy bee seen fit to fermi. nate his usefulness in this oommoniby ab this time. But the beet wiebna of all will go with him to his new geld, and all hope that he may be ae ermeaeaful there as he has been here. Mr. McKay does not know exaobly when he will go to Clyde therefore be will continue to fill his usual appointments bare until farther notice. It may be some time before a elders of the °baron will see to it that th permanent pastor is secured, but thee pulpit will be filled each Sunday evening and at all other regular services. CLOSED Hos PASTORATE.—Last Sabbath Rev. S. J. Allis closed his three year pastorate in the Methodist oburcb Brae. eels, and this week left for his new °barge. It is doubtful if any of bis predecessors here—and there were many good onea— left with a more oordial feeling generally existing between pastor and congregation than that enjoyed by Mr. Allis and the oburcb here. his dieeooraee on Sabbath did not partake of the "farewell" order as used to be the rule in years gone by but were able expositions of the Truth. The morning text wag Joshua 24 and 27. It represented (1) A memorial of Ierael's promisee ; (2) A memorial of God's help and deliveraooe ; (8) A memorial of perpetual intermit by reason of its assooia- tions. In the evening the Scripture cheese was Luke 4.18 and 19 and the topic was "The Scope of the Gospel," (1) In relation to man's physical neede ; (2) In relation to man's intellectual necessities ; (8) In relation to man's spiritual mann ; (4) In relation to men's soofal oiroumstanoee. Mr. Allis sang "Sweet Penes" at the evening ser. viae in good voice. He thanked the church ohoir for tbeir faithfulness and help and epoke encouraging words con. earning the new pastor and this Confer- ence year. Mr. and Mrs. Aliita have a large chefs of friends in. Brneeele wbo will be pleased to hear of their future prosperity. They deserve to be well treated wherever their lot may be cast. We bo p° t0 Often see them ' P m Brussels. Business Locals. PIA oa N and organs for Date. B. GERAY, Brussels. Fon sale cheap. two set second-hand single barneas, L C. Richards. BABY'S shoe and stocking found. En• quire at TBE Peer. WANTEn, Any quantity tub butter. "Wingbam Bgg Combination" is the &rat ever known in the interests of the produoere. Everybody pays 12 Dents or 14 Dente trade, G. E. $ran, Wingbam. Working Night and Lay. The busiest and mightieet little thing that ever was made ie Dr. King's New Life Pille. Every pill is a engar•ooated globale of bealth, that changes weakness into strength, lietlesenen into energy, brain -fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Oni 5 2 o per box. ! YSold G , A Dead. sad• mss. FLOWERS AND PLANTS.—A. dos stook of flowers and bones plants on hand at the Brussels greenhouse, formerly owned by the bate Thos. Belly. Also a olzoioe lot of tomato planta in boxes, pots or loose by the dozen ; also cabbage, eatery and cauliflower plants. Any quantity of ripe tomatoes in Beason. Mlas KELLY, 44 5 Red Bot Trent The putt Was the ball that bit G. B. Steadman, of Newark, Miob., in the Civil War. It caused horrible Ulcers that no treatment helped for 20 years. Then Buoklen'e Arnica Salve cured bine. Cures puts, Bening, Burne, Boils, Felons, Corns, Skin Eruption. Best Pile ours on earth. 25 ole. a box. Cure guaranteed. Bold , by G. A. Deadman, Druggist. The Grey County Connell voted down the proposition to build a house of refuge. .Che vote was a tie, eight for and eight against. Much disappointmout is felt over the result, ema1810. Bosonxaoon.—In Morrie, on June 28rd, the wife of Mr. Geo. D. Sbortreed, of Winnipeg, of a son, Werdcnu.—Io Wingbam, on tine 11th Mee, the wife of Mr, Jae. Walker, formerly of Brunets, of a daughter. axba. Hooton.—In Morrie, on June 28th, Bimeo❑ Hodder, aged 82 years, 7 months and 18 days. &elle RT.—In Grey, on June 27th, John Stewart, aged 05 years, 10 months and 15 days. >30 'tTSn3ElS.,8 TICA.1.8.1kt^•y+tat, Fell Wheat. 67 08 Barley 40 42 Peke 60 01 Gate28 20 Butter, tube and rolls 12 18 Eggs per dozen .. 10 11 Flour per barrel....,4 00 4 00 Potatoee (per bus) 2 03 2 00 Hay per ton ...,.. 5 00 6 00 Hides trimmed .... .. 7 7a Hides rough 5 5 Salt per bbl„ retail 1 00 60 Sheep ekine,eaoh ...,80 75 Lamb eking nob 25 26 Hoge, Live 4 50 4 60 Wool 13 18 Apples (per bag) .., 1 00 1 00 ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. JERSEY milk far sale. 4 cientea quart. 84110, W, BLASHILL, THnto good working heroes for rade, 3, 5 and 0 years, ROM'. &1oLACIlLA1V• 51.2 xot61,0an,10, droy, Rename property, house, stable and lot on Alexander street, Brussels, worth 81,000, will be sold for 2650, cu easy terms of payment. Enquire at THE POb1', THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. LABORERS WANTED,— 12 obenegeniilteGstruotinof wralthowalks In IBreese's. Apply to 0. H. CONIl113', Queen's Hotel, Brussels. DR. ROSS, DENTIST,, OF Wingham, will bo at the Amerloan Hotel. Brussels, every other Thursday, nom• morning July 19th, for the practise of dos• tiatry In all its braooltea,ht the most modern and up-to-date style. 50•tf HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE our Mill street, Brussels. The house is a eomlortabte one, well fitted up, with Dollar, hard and soft water, &o, Thera Is also a good stable. Fruit trees in garden : over one•quarter acro of land. For pries, tering, dr„ apply to H. FINN, Proprietor, or W. H`KERR, of Tan Poem. _ 18_tt Mail Contract. Sealed tenders, addressed to the Poet. master General, will be received at Ottawa until 00021 Dur Friday, 14th July, 1890, for the 0o uveyan5e of Her Majesty's Mails, on a pro. posed contract for four years, 8 times per weep each way, between Brussels and Wrox- eter, from the let of October next. Printed notices oontalulsg further information as t0 conditions of prop0s0d ()entreat may bo seen and blank forme of Tender may be,ob- taiued at the Post OMoos 0131110 route, Post Office Inspector's Office, London, 2nd June, 1699, H. G. IIOPIIIBI0 10 6 Post Onfoe Inspector, REAL ESTATE. 5 000 AORES OF TIMBER LAND FGR BALE. --Tile nnderelgned offers for Bale 5,000 acres rd timber lands O s0oda 00el Michigan, at a low Also Well 10 salea ed with hardwood. Also 2,000 scree for cheap for notual settlement, tying on the Ogeode & North Western railroad. Several inl•ovfidfarms x p oh enp Apply to , JAS. 11 61 -em Big Raid , Mich, FARM FOR SALE.—THE UN– dereignedofferg his 100 were Perm for sale, being lot 2, con, 10, Grey, Comfortable house, bank barn, good orchard, plenty of water and plans ie W. good condition. Only 2 miles from Walto uvillage and 4 miles iron Brussels. Possession given to suit purehne. er. PO/. prloe, terms and other particulars apply to WK. SMITH, Proprietor, 434f Walton P. 0. JUNE SO, 1899 alis Grceii Pl./RE / We keep but one fidelity rand We guarantee it to be absolutely' pure, Por the convenience of those who prefer it we have it in neat 1 lb, boxes or in bulk as de. sired. 250. PER POUND Fox's Drag Store. P. S.—We have a good second hand Bicycle to sell cheap. T.(7ARM FOR SALE,—THE UN– L01 No 10, eu, offers, y his 60 acres, more or less. For parttaulats as to pries and terms apply to ARCH, ROBERTSON, Brueaels P. 0. on the premises. rilINE FARM FOR SALE.—BE- containing Lot 9aores of frstio ass land, There house,, and warm pis We lurd and fenced. good Tereaere 85 sores in Fall wheat; 15 mores in hey and 46 aoree pasture. Poesesslon could be given at once. Farm adjoins' the village or Brue. sole, For further particulars as to price, berms, 40., write to JAMES LIVINGSTON, AL P., Baden. 224f FARM F0113 SALE. -160 ACRES of the Consisting d o1 Loof t S0, Oon.2, East South Wawa- nosh. Tilts is an excellent stock farm, well supplied with good spring water. itis situated about 3 miles from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth, A large part of it 1s under grass. Buildings and fences are In a fnlr state of repair. Easy terms of payment will be glyen. For all information apply to 11_tf G. F.BLAIR, Barrister, Bre Slid Is, GOOD FARMS FOR SALE.— Tho uudiersigned offer two 100 acre farms for sale at reasonable prioee, The Tote ere eroud between lthem. Goodnbricic ]ionise and barn on lot 11, and House and 2 barna on lot /0. Orchards and all neeeeeary conven- iences, Well watered and suitable for grain or grazing, 100 mores now in eras,. Will be sold either separate or together to suit pur- chaser. TOMB of payment reasonable, Im• mediate possession. For f urbhor parbtsolurs aEN%.1)HOKINBON Barri ter BrusselsP. nO iti CENTRAL. ��ll t E J yh \ . 5tMMM'forci., ant, 4 Of our recent students have minded good situations. It pays young 000❑ d women to 33poseosa 'busiusee brrghtoose." Enter now. Prospaobue brae. NY. J. ELLIOTT, 1R•fncipnl. 1879 — ESTABLISHED. — 1899 ith You Dazs, Bet But that doesn't mean that you can win. Bet. ting on poor Furnishing Goods is more expensive than betting on slow horses—less excuse for it. A close ex- amination will show what Furnishings are good for— Doesn't always work with a horse. Why doesn't a man examine Underwear, Shirts, Suits, Socks &c instead of betting on them, that is takingchances son them by buying the first thing that catches his eye regardless of its possible quality. There's where the money goes—Up the flue. Of course its your own mono but yr our Dry Goods, Cloth- ing, Gents' Furnishings, Boots and Shoes don't fool any- body. A. R. Smith CHAMPION CLOTHIER. cq-