HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-6-30, Page 6THE BRUSSELS 1) OS it
The News
Briefly Told
lateresting Happenings of Recent Dat
Latest News of Our Own Country—
in the Mothor Lund—Whet le fieing
the United States—Notes Prom the
The proposed tunnel between Eng-
land and Ireland will eon O00,000,000,
Lento Rosebery, Wolseley and Berefe
ford, end the Marquis of Londonderry
fever the scheme.
TIM Bridal/ Government announced
on Tueaday, 011'41114h Mr. Chamberlain
that they would await the full reports
of the conferenve between Preeldeut
Kruger and Sir Alfred Milner before
seeding the latter further instrue-
—ThTee returns for 1898 show that
British imports were g170,1178,580, an
increase oe dellee8ee000 over 1897. The
on in exp./lee were A:294,018,988, a decrease
World of 4:100,000 from 1897.
The report of the Newfoundland
b Commetsum, which has, just
been received in Loudon, wilt out
moot published until the II, me Government
has decided upon its texture melon,
stew- Lawsuit Tait, the famous surgeon,
ho died on June 10, et, le >deed a de 'ire
over in his will Le bo buried in a. avell-known
cave im his garden, knowe as "(Menne
. Cave." The Home Secretary hue given
roet necessary permiesion,
Ir, the Cambridge lenivereity math-;
auks omit:teal trieos, 0. Birtwistle anti .1. '
oletranjpse, the latter a Mildest, are
n to
equal in the examination Lor senior
„ wrangler, S. 1.3. McLaren 1.5 third, and
'-e" H. V. Beven, fourth. Ateeers, Mc -
' Woodstock may inspect all
Bold in the town,
John Leith has been appointed
e.rd of the Hamilton Hospital.
Brantfurd wheel children have
61,100 In the school eavings hanks
namiltota will employ two Ciis
Omen's and abolish the office ef S
Lord Kitehener eas soot bis th
to Ottawa for Canada's. contributi
the Gordon Memorial fund.
Manitoba Csoverreneint mop bol
Medea Lit i•
Croldeu Tort, llos. ti. 1.
Verse 1. 0 Israel, return unto the
Lord thy Gud, if man is bail, there is
ail Use greater reason for ue speeds'
return to tbe Lon.l. And God would
not urge sinners to return to him if it
was not possible for them so to do,
Every tittle obstacle to such a return
has been removed by our elott, and he
I will bestow illi assistance needed hy
tbe rem, u tan t shiner. Tho11 east
fallen by thine iniquity. Nothing but
oar iniquity can artIce us fall. The
difference between sinners is that the
neighbors of some see their Iniquity
and the neighbors of others are ignor-
ant of it, but in Cod's sight we have
all fallen by 11. As Hosea gives "the
wore of the Lord" in the propedi
chapter, "Thou hast destroyed tby-
self, but in me is thy helm.'
2. Take with you words, and turn to
the Lurd. In the fed days no worshiper
shows that 2,449,078 acres of Ian
wider cultivation this year.
The Newthern Pacifica will re
passenger rates in Manitoba from
3 eents per mile after July ist.
Agnes Glendenning, ofPie
Manitoba, has been committed
trial for the murder of bee in
D. J, Munn's splendidly equipped
eery at Terra Nova, Lulu Island,
was burned 10 the ground. Loss,
000; fully insured.
The London City Council has
eide,1 to arrange a hearty weiceme
the Old Boys, resident in Toronto,
their visit this summer.
A return brought down by Post
ter-Cleneral Muluck shows that
250,000 Jubilee stamps and 7,000,000
biles postcards were printed.
The residence of team: Paris, at
&melte, N. S., was destroyed by
and his mother, a blind wuman,
years of age, perished in the Dane
The London Street Railway Cos
resumed cue almost complete day
vice on all Lines, but the public e
no general disposition to patronize
There is talk ef the formation inL
don, Ont., of a co-operative autom
mmpany to operate horseless vend
in opposition to the Serene Rath
The ..angines recently turned out
the Kingston Locomotive Works h
been prunounced the equal, it nut
superior, of any built in Canada
the States.
Tim appointment is anuounced
Mr. George Walker Smith to be
trict passenger agent of the Vatted
Pacific Railway al Winnipeg, IS
Smith is only 24,
is is expected that in u few d
eome definite information will be
oeived as to whetter the Merid
Britannia. factorrat Hareiltun is to
closed up or enlarged.
Th. fast train service on the Can
dian Pacific Raileay started ma Su
day, trains being sent out from Deo
real and Vancouver to ones the ou
tinent in four days.
elle Queen, the Cloveznor-General a
Mr. Joseph Chamberlain have se
messages of sympathy tu the friends
the unfortunate victims of the collie
disaster at Glace Bay,
There have been no further cas
of smallpox ainotig the Doukhobo
at Grosse Isle. Most of the 2,300
quarantine are quartered in tee shelt
huts, a few only being under cane
and all are doing well.
President St. Charles of the Bank
Hoob.elaea, at Montreal, bas donate
95,000 voted to him by the she
holders to an empieyes' pension a
eounte wit= he bas requested th
Menages to establish.
In consequence of reckless and 1
discriminate fishing, mostly by Aria
erleans, carried on for smile time 1
taim Nepigon, and, the peel -stabled
hat this sheet of water would has
een depleted before long, regulation
ave been framed requiring that herea
Oar alt anglers there must take out
ere. Laren and Bevan are Australians,
duce Hon. Joseph Chanel:tertian, Colonial
.110 . eecretary, has declared that there has
never been the elightest foundation for
the report of disseneion in the Cabi-
"e'nS, Ind in reward to the Trausvaal, and
there has never been any threat of
'en' war. Ile believes that, gradually, Pre-
; shield Kruger will become amenable.
$50,— Admiral Ivashintsoff, of the Ris-
! seta navy. is at New 'Sleek,
de-! New Richmond., Wis., death list from
for the eyelone bas eeached. 90.
would dare approaeh any god without
gift,. Here the prophet, without belit-
tling the ordained offerings, enforces
the necessity of outspolteu heart peni-
tence. The words they are to take
ate given in the latter pert
of this verse tune inf verse 3, The
contrast between words and realities
so familiar to us Wee unknown to the
Hebrew. Take away all iniquity, and
re -
enitenee would be a distinct revers
al of this attitude, No sinner need
ow fear to come letcle to God, since
he Redeemer cume to take away ail
&gutty'. " There am no taunt a on his
Ps, nu frowns on his brow, only in -
Idle tenderness is bis beart."—Ait-
ie. So will We render the calves of
ur Instead of young bullocks
hey were new to cume with the sac-
ifices of penitent prayer. If au im-
enitent but kind-Iteorted nom gives
*eV or 950 or 91.00 each year to the
tuning expenses of some struggling
laurch, all good men will rejoice; but
the time mimes when from the
epths of that men's heart he singes,
Just as I am, without one plea," III
sacrifice of his lips" will be int-
easurably more acceptable to God. It
a pleasant, holy thought that each
us carries about with him wher-
efr he goes tee means of accept -
le sacrifice to God—our hearts, our
s, our lives.
3. Asehur shell not save us. Tucked
between two rivet empires, the lit-
e eindgoen of Ismael, like that of
dah, was compelled, sometimes by
e power, sometimes by the other, to
y tribute, and of course it depended
protection against bee dissatisfied
Wer 011 the strength of the empire
ee iTwo time oyes stelekilled and sev.
eral injured by the blowing up of the
man- Torpedu Cap faceory at Marietta,
37,-. Ohio. i
The trans-Atlentio trade between e
the United States and England, and t
teol-i the passenger traffic are the heaviest L,
ole, in years.
ssi A treaty between the United Stuns 1-)
's• ' and Great Britain, covering reciprocity s
has ; with British .West Indiere Colony of n
sere the Berbadoes, was signed at Wash- 1
how ; legion.
the Tim 01d Dominion stenm,hip Ilamil- 11
ton, which sailed from New York fi
DIA..; Tuesday, bound for Norfolk and k
1111e Newperr News, ran into the German o
ciss steamship Macedonia off Long Branch, t
00.3, Three passengers and 19 of the crew r
were saved and brought to New York, 11
by' The rest of those on board got into tbe 8
ave , boats, but drifted away in the fog. rt
the; GENERAL. c
01 I if
The plague is spreading in Formosa, d
of ! 2 e Sbah or ?meta is becoming in- f.
res.. sane. ..
Ian i Famine prevails in German East tn
er, i Africa. is
I .A. severe earthquake visited Iloilo of
flys ! on Friday. el
re -1 .elajor Marchand has visited Theis- '1-)
eleisey, his birth place.
Turkish troops are attacking Servian in
a_ villagee in the Javaloniza district. G.
n- A Cairo despatch says the Ehalira's Ju
"et form is now less than 3,000 men. on
n-! The village of Bay of Islands, Nfld., IL8-1
has been partly destroyed by fire.
adi Princess Louise, daughter of tbe to
ee!, King of the Belgians will be sent to sta
ee' an asylu,m. sa
rY. Prof. blazzoni, the Pope's physi- As
eine, has said he will live to see a w!
08 new century, W
A'S bro
eei Crops in Southern Russia 'have been ueo
er se damaged by dreught that they will ref
us t not be worth reaping.
of i Carpet of Maltomet, killing four of the lea
asking the German labour untens to No
e- 1 Danish strikers numbering 10,000 are we
d f escorts to Mecca.
e 1 contribute to their strike fund.
1 Betieuit Arabs have stolen the lio1y 0;1:1,
The Khalifa bas won a victory lo a
-1 foraging expedition. It is probeble ell
n undertaken in August.
7 Spain may sell the island of Fernand
to G'ermauy, the Belearie Isles t
s ! France, and. the Canary Islands to th
fe, Congo Free State.
a I The Italian General Guiseppe, el
1 rested at Nice on the charge of espion
4 . age, will be expelled from France fo
e his!"itadiscreet touring."
c.ii A Belgian syndicate has been form
t !ed \Vitt' ft capital of e1300,000 to de
"vcilop the commercial and industria
s t resources or tbe Philippines.
Dia the River Oder tbe passange
steamer Blucher was run into and s un
by the steamer Pmilitz Thirt )er •
are reported to have been drowned,
Ten were saved,
eeeive us graciously. Literally, "
tette us for good," or " reeeive f
us what is good and aeceplable," t
s, our penitent hearts. The aot
xpressing one's need has a teode
o intensify uue's desire. Israel
tem alienated Often tied; outset>
whine its tribute was paid. Asshur
nds for Assyria, And Israel is now
ying, "We will no longe depend o
semi. to save us from Egypt, but
11 depend on the Lord our God."
e will 1101 ride upon horses. In a
ful sense, "will no longer depend
n warlike power," but particularly
erring to Egypt, from which the
nes of Palestine were imported,
urning aeway from Assyria will not
ither will we say any more to th
d us to depend on Assyria's rival."
rk of our hands, Ye are our gods,
t only hod they depended on mon,
on gods that men made. Their
entance leads them to turn from
idolatrous °endue and reel-
. In thee the fatherless find
mercy. Israel had made hint -
fatherless by turning from his
her in heaven, but will now trust
him who Is the Father of the father
I will heal their backsliding,
is the speaker, and. this is the
leer to their prayer, the blessing
t comes in response, to the sacrifice
heir lips, packsliding here stands
all unfaithfulness to God, from the
htese wrong to absolute sinful-
. / will love them freely. Soon-
eously, with a love tbat has no re-
m to their merit, for they have no
it. So God loves us. Mine anger
urned away from him. God anger
not we int, but anger le
ility to sin. If spiritual eye -
1 were clear, no man or woe
could eversee en angry look on
s face, for the moment we nun
Reds him he, ie full of smiles and
Cams to us.
will be as the dew unto tenni
re is no real dew in Israel, but
o is a heavy mist whieb gathers
tIgh the night end rests milady
he land, refreshing lie etreams,
tieing its soil, und giving strength
beauty to flowers and fruit. So
comes to the worsbipful heart,
without observation, (2) coplounly,
vith refreshing power, kindling! all
dying graces, (4) making us fruit -
1 his roots as Lebanon. That
s the ceders which grew on
lofty mountain range and whirl
famous the world over for their
riatiee and strength. Itenuty and
gth are symbolized Ivy the lily and
Mar. Native the emphasis plac-
e -in the Foote. Cedars oe Lebanon
aid to throw their roots down ns
y their beetle reach upward,
are a type of permanenee,
His branches shall spread. The
es of eneeelt are mingled now
a profusion that reminds one, of
tat eungies, ''"1"fis branchese are
hoots or suckers or tendrils. Ills
y shall be es the olive tree, and
mell as Lebanon. The prophet of
huts no One fr111 111; which erntblues
he enema or the people who re -
to Ged—loveiy as the lily, firrn os
edar, they shall bo fruitful as the
and fragrant as the choice:it
, of Hee world, ' a Coyest full of
atio shrubs,
hey that dwell under his shadow
re lure. Probably ibis men es
they that have dwelt under the
w of Israel's throne, but who are
becattse of 'erect sins, to be
Thera is some truuble in No,
1'leld Battery, at Haraiiton, over te
retirement or Lt. -Col. Vats Wagner an
he appointment of Major Hendrie. 1
lemid that Le -Col. Van Wagner re
ruses to hand over the command to hi
sueceesor, claiming that under the ex
feting militia regulations he cannot b
- ammeter Egyptian expedition will be (sg
0 Fat
(e) len3s
ar tC:n°ssa
of t
_ for
_ elle
t an
11 mer
is t
t her
011 t
(5) s
the 0
are s
wi 1.11
his s,
Clod 1
all t.
the c
7, r
All the bandsmen of the Governor -
General's Foot Guards, band have
gone on strike, owing to new rules
1' made by the officers. One rule stip-
! ,ulales that 5 per cent, of the band's
earnings shall go into the bland fund.
fThe men do not like this and laid
own their instruments and left the
Replying to a deputation of the Do-
minion Alliance, Premier Greenway re-
, marked that the deputation had said
gtey did not want anti -election pledges,
but he had this to Bay, he had voted
for prohibition, and votes taken in
this province allowed the people vtant-
ed it. When in Ottawa he had endea-
vored to get concurrent legislation in
connection with any eaten taken by
IVIatitoba. Failing that, /gr. Green-
way pledged that tbe rdanitoba Govern -
meat would. pase prohibitory legisla.
Hon to the tallest extent of its power,
Oda means no licenses to sell,
1 7)r. Lemma Tait, a noted Loncien
ellrgeon, is dead.
The first edition of Dickens' "Pick-
vriek Paper" brought 9500 at auction
ie London,
Joe Mullett, the Irish agitator sen.
'fenced to lite imprisonment for at-
' tempted murder, has been liberated in
n dying icondition,
Mr. Chauncey Depew spoke strong-
' " ly Upon the friendship for Britain in
the United, Stetes at the Mark Twain
dinner in London on Friday.
,Totts Turlancl Brown, former prase
dent of the Baptist. Union, and known
es "the Iton-cenformest Whop," died
giuddeely at Northantpton, Brtg.
'Xt the British House of Cenimons 011
reesday the Greater Dublin Bill,
tell adds about 70,0110 Inhebitanta to
the population of the eity, passed.
Princess Helene of Orleans, wife of
the Duke of Aosto, and sister of the
Duke of Orleans, has converted many
of her valuables into cash to be used
in the OrleanLst cause.
The rites in the Tinnevelly District
of the Madras Presidency, between the
M.aravars and Kullars on the one hand
and. the Shined on the other, aro as-
suming alarming proportions.
The Dutch Government at The
Hague hes sent President. Kruger a
remonstrance respecting the disastrous
consequences that are .11101y to fol-
low persistence in his present policy.
Dreyrue, through friends, is said to
have bought an estate near Brussels,
where he will live when freed, An-
other report Rays his home will be
al Lapod, near Gravoea, Dalmatia.
The yacht Fire 917, mid to belong to
Lord A.sbburton, the representative of
Don Carlos in E•nglancl, has been seise
ed at Antiphon, a French port on the
Bay of Biscay, with a load of 4,000
rifles, said to have been intended for
the Carlisle.
tialtalreds 01 Woinen and Children Dying
A despatch from London says t—akd-
vitas received here from Beet Africa
show' famine is prevailing In theGer-
man possessions owing to the drought,
whiffle also prevails alarmingly in the
British proteetorete. Hundreds of
wonsett and children are dying at star-
vation, and the resident whiles are
wholly unable to cope with the die-
JUNE' 80, 1800
taken to a. foreign land, shall be re-
stored. They eball revive as the corn,
ind grow as ilia vine. The disintegra-
tion and apl?anut death 01 a grain
of viten and its rieh, reproduetion gave
19 our Lavigne of his most rentarlcal,le
sill:Weft, John 12. 24. The vine WRS a
eivorlte • national ewldent of die
Hebrews; and %veil it
be, for it was grown on almost every
hill -top. The scent thereof shall be
es the wine of Lebanon. A repetition
of the proudee of verso 11. The thought
soneerne the fame of Israel, As y011
,aid in Solomon's Song, "Thy name is
05 nintindit poured forth."
8. Ephraim mean Ally, What have 1 to
do any more with befled Bee:ming, "I'
will have not hi 119 More tti do with
them" 1 have heard him, and 'dowry -
ed. hint. "I have alisWered and will re-
gard bine" This is (eels respanse 10
Ephreint's d11et1roWa1 of his old uf
sin. I a tn like a green fir tree,
e3'pre,8, all evergreen, 111111119 004
beautiful both in winter and in stl 111-
tn 'rho 'joy of the 1011001110110011i,(1 soul is
111')',,111')',,expretsed, This is a /netted ttf
p' remit), 1. tee LfllOtly,From 1119 iS Illy
fruit f,tan.l. "My God 111111 1 altp111
all your wants," wrote the :fiftieth,.
'AD 017 spriugs are in thee," sang the
II ea [mist
0, who is wise. , prod,fut. Thie
question with its two elausee refers
1101 simply to our lesson, MU to the
whole teaching of Hosea, 11 requires
moral wisdom to Understand 11100111
truth. Ter prudent man, bearing the
threatenings of God's providenee, fore-
fweth the evil and hideth hiinself,
ways of the Lord are right. "Right nee
1111 ways of t he Lord;" sten igh t for
w a tel; directly lea ding Ing Tory. Ten ns-
gressors shall 111 11 therein, They
elm '1 si Leto Is teveause bey 1 eauserese;
hall is, been use they walk out of the
Lord Lansdowne on the Possibility or
This Step Doing Neermary,
A despatch from London says:—At
the Red Rose Club's annual dinner,
Lord Lansdowne's speech ems direct-
ed to the praise of the militia and
the possibility of conscription. It
might happen tbat in consequence of
prolonged hostilities convulsion might
be inevitable in order Lo keep aur
home army up to its proper strength,
In such a case they would have to re-
sort 10 compulsion,
Although they had not the idea of
Passing through Parliament at this
moment a Militia Ballot Act, they had
thought it their duty to revise the
machinery, of the. bitllot, and they
would shortly lament to Parliament
bill intended to bring tt machire
007 more 11110 accordance with the re-
quirements of the present lime. They
would then have by them a well-enni-
sidered measure, which might be pass-
ed into law in case of emergency.
eteetiannin Receives ligag trent nte
terpente ifs' Brotherhood.
A. despatch from Buffalo, N. Y., says;
—Mrs. Olive A. Sternamare the Buf-
falo woman who was twice tried at
Cayuga, Ont., on the charge of noir-
daring her husband, and at the first
trial was sentenced to death, has at
lest got the insurance money that the
International Brotherhood of Carpen-
ters' and joiners' at first refused to
give her, because of the alleged un-
certainty of the manner of Sterna -
man's death. A suit entered against
the brotherhood for the amount of the
insurance has been pending for some
time. On Wednesday counsel for the
defendants asked to eave the suit dis-
continued, as a settlement had been
made outside of court.
Mrs. Sternaman receives the amount
of insurance, 9200 and interest, making
a total of 9302,
BIM Passed by New 85(111, Wales Iftwour.
able Thereto.
A deepatch from Sydtney, N. S. W.,
says:—The New South Wales Parlia-
ment on Tuesday passed a bill confirm-
ing the agreement Lor the federation
of the five Australian colouies.
Ile referendum on the federation
question has resulted in 11,045 votes in
favour, as against 10,551 opposed, in
the city of Sydney. In the suburbs
the voting was 24,458 in favour and.
25,048 opposed, and lu the country dis-
trict the returns, now practleally 00.01 -
plate, show 05,007 for federation, es
agalast 41,0135 opposed. The result has
been received here with great enthu-
siasm and (be federation leaders are
applauded and eulogized ou ail sides.
Thirteenve Cents an Bone and Board
TirarSeli' in Biontiete.
A. despatoh from Port TowneencreVne
says :—A. number of Klondikers who
arrived here in the steamer Dirigo pre-
sent the dark side of Klondike life,
They say that Dawson is orowded with
idle men who are willing to work for
most any wages. Thiriy-five wide 1111
hour and butted yourself Is the pre-
vailing wagee for common labour,
They say there are hundreds of men
who heve nothing but beans and bn-
cen to eat, with no prospeet or secur-
ing work, and Lela the only way they
will be able to get out of the court -
try will bo trough Government as-
Antwerp noetrore Melte Experiment r
Which PIVI'S etweessett,
4. deepatett from Antwerp stye
Drs. Reurette and Lebro, of the Bel-
gian Medical Academy, have discover-
ed a serum for the mire of. canine. 115-
p00111181115 made upon twenty _horses
have proven conelusively the effie..ey
of the treatment.
.111 ore Men Who Originally 11010 0014
A deepateb from Kingston, Jamaica,
says1—,A, few days ago a little boat
containing four men rowed up to the
mouth of the ele.segulbo elver, in
British Guiana, from the open sea. The
leen had been buffetted about at sea
for three days and nights without
food or water, exposed to the fierce
rays of the trupteal sum. Tbey were
mimed to it terrible condition by the
privations they bad undergone,
The four men were French sonviets
who had eseeped from the penal set -
Houma, 1 at St, jean, in Marone
Cayeune, off 101(ild1 is Devil a Is-
land. where D1'' N.441 was eV:tuned,
The eldest fugitive is a Boulanger
adherent exile(1! saves years afru by
President Carnet fur political offences.
Ile was a professor of rhetoric at
Paris. His companims are 1111 artist,
nu optician, and 0 landed preprietor,
al men who were mite in gum" Posle
Their ages range from 37 down •
to 21 yeare. The British Cluiene po-
llee have not arrested them, end lhy
will not be seat buck to Cayonne,
tree moon C aix .71) entoat. e.1 Ina London
4. despatch from London, says:—A.
Police Court summons against Lip-
ton, limited, on the charge or making
a false trade description by including
the weight of lead paper and caber
wrappings in the weight ot tea, result-
ed in a fine of 950, and 975 costs be-
ing imposed.
The summons was issued. at the in-
stance of another trader, who alleged
that the profits of Lipton Company by
Lials means were increased 900,000 per
Counsel, for the Lipton concern de-
nie(1 the practice resulted in any
profit, but hlagistrate Ctuerin, in pass -
mg judgment on the Llimon Company
ho thought the practice was net
only a false trade description, but
against public policy, adding that it
10118 false and deliberate, and that be -
in deliberate, it was not innocent,
Counsel for the Lipton Company
have given notice of an appeal.
Two children of Count 111141 li, of 1109
gall', Murdered.
A despatoh from Vienna says:—A
mysterious affair is reported from.
Buclapeath. The Lwo charming young
children of Count and Countess
Battik, who are members of very an-
oient families, died some weeks ago.
There were suspicious symptoms of
poisoning thrbugh the medium of
sweetmeats, and every effort 18118 11111(10
to trace the poisoned delicacies, but in
vain. All hope seemed abandoned un-
til now, when suspicion has suddenly
fallen on one Laura Heinz, who, until
the death of the children, acted as
their nurse, She was brought up for
magisterial examination, and confess-
ed that she poisoned the two children
of Count Hadik. The motives she ad-
dueves are so extraordinary that it is
believed in Budapcsth she was hired
to commit the murdee.
Peensylvanta Woman Beeitirati Insane
Atter Attending 6,000.
A. despatch from Reading, Pa.., says:
—The authorities on Tuesday placed
Sophia Christian under restraint. For
thirty years sbe was a unique charac-
ter, attending some days two and
three funerals. She was a close read-
er of death announeements iu lucid
newspapers, and attended as many
funerale as possible.
She always occupied a front pow
when services were held in the
ohurehes, and took one of the first car-
riages to the eemetery. This becalm
obnoxious to several families, and they
The womea's diary shows that in
the lest thirty years sbe attended over
13,000 funerals. 'When there was 110
(=Oral in the city she has walked as
far as ten miles into the country.
Areasvemeithe or the Pease Coil ferenee Very
A (despatch to the London Dally
News from Odessa says that: the Czar
is Much disappointed at the results so
tar of the Peace Conference. He did
not hope that disannaments or the ar-
rest of progressive armaments would
be achieved, but he did hope that there
would be sufficient sueoees to warrant
the reassembling or the oonferencle 111
an early date.
The Czar's advieers regard that hope
as cliksipoteri. It is understood that
Germany and Austria would not re -
spend to an invitation to take part in
another conference, and the holding of
a conference without their partici-
pation would be usetess,
Sieeeral 11000 11111018 11C 'MINI 1(1141 411 ea
Distress Previtlbt,
A, despatch from Melbourne says:
—The people of Cobar mining (M-
ittel., Western Australia, ere suf-
fering groat distress through the
rehire or the water holes and arte-
Bien welts, several having tiled of
thirst during May.
Mines are closed down and bund.
reds of then thrown out or employ-
ment, find themselves unable to pay
the exorbitant price demanded .for
water for domestle use, The pre -
neat charge ohnrg 15 one shilling a gallon
at the nearefet reliable sowers
ply, and from 7s. lid. to Os. Ott, is ad-
ded for delivery.
042141b' \10j'va1el0w
\IRKJoHN W. ta E LL, i,
JfiviEto R.LLs
11 Ben veRToN o
James A. Bell, of Beaverton, Ont.,
brother ef the ele. John Wesley Bele
le,D., prostrated by nervous beauaches
A. rictim of the trouble for several
1.30th American Nervine effected a
complete mire.
Iu their own particular field few men
on n than Ole Bey. John
Wesley Boll, B.D, and his brother Sir,
James A. Bell. The termer win be re-
tognized by Ins thousands ot friends all
over the country as the popular and able
missionary superintendent of the Royal
Templars of Temperauce. Among the
20,000 members of this melee in Ontario
his counsel in sought on all Boles et oc-
eaSielle. On the public platform he la one
of the etrOeg men of the day, matting
seseeet the evils of intemperauce,
Venially well known is Mr. Bell in other ,
provinces of the Dominiou, having been
efr youre a member et the Manitoba
efethodist Confereece apd part or this
time was stationed in 9 lanlpeg,
troller, eft'. Tames 41. Bell, is a afghly
reollot,t of Beafferton, wineit
lite influence, though perhars more eh-
ennisertbed than that or his eminent
brother, is 110n1? the lees effective and
productive of good, Of recent yearehew-
(Ter. the working ability of Mr. JanieS
A. Dell has been sadly um red by severe
attacks of nervous imadaelfe, seeene
1)0.01011 by incligestIon, 'W110 Can do fit
work when this trouble takes hold of
them and especially wizen it beconsee
chronic., as was, seemingly, the Cate watt'
hits The trouble reached such
teneity that last June he was completw
ly prostrated. In this coedittou a friend
recommended South American Nee -vine.
Ready to try anything aud everything,
though he thought he had covereu the
liet of proprietary medicines, he secured
a bottlo of tide great diseovery,
second bottle of tbe medicine was taken
and the work was done. Empleeing ble
own languafte: "Two bottles of Some
American Nervine immediately relieve
nvy headaches and by butts up my
system in a wonderful manlier." Let no
;not deprecate the good our etergymez
tied social reformers are doing in the
world, but how ill -fitted they would
for their work were 11 not the retie(
that Soutb American Nervine brings 10
them when physical ills overtake
teem, and when the system, as a re.
stilt or bard, earnest and eontleuoue
work, breaks down. Norville treats Vies
system to the wise reformer treaty the
evils he is battling modest. It strews at
the root of the trouble. AU stint
ease comes from disorganization of tee
nerve centera. This Is a (fele/Aerie fact.
Nervine at once works on these nerve
centera; 91050 to them health and Tie.
or, aud tl,eo there courses througe the
system strong. healthy, 1ne-tnitibrale1;,p
blood, and nervous troubles of trreq
Variety are things of the pan.
Sold by G. A. Deadman.
war Mace Saheni(• 4ntrea0ee11 the W. Woad, a Railway Contriiittor Rifled 01
•Ilittuse ol'f't,ttatttotis it • :dr 11'
. ham.
A. despatch from Loudon, says :—
Wean the Houee of ComU10118 Went in-
to COVaraittee 00 Wednesday on the
Military Works Loan bill, the Part ift-
mmtary Secretary of the War Office,
Kr, George Wyndlatun, moved a reso-
lution authorizing the introduction of
a. bill providing a loan of $e0,000,000,
repayable in yearly instalments, for
defence worka, berraoks, and rifle
ranges, at home and abroad. He ex -
Walnut this was merely a continutvioa
of the Wiry had down by the Military
Vv'orke Loa rt Act or 1807, and menial out
thet all British seaborne e00211100eo
converged et a point between Cape
Clear and Ilshant, necessitating strut
gin harbeurs or refuge, elf of whie
must. be defended by heavy guns. I
this manner and. on Meer works, he n
plained, was proposed to spend 95
000,000, and on barracks tee suns of
,850,000 was to be spent, of svhich
sum e11,375,000 would. be expended ea
the present barracks. The bneume
would. be devoted to the expellees of
new situatione, and Wel-Elai-Wei
would absorb 9050,000.
Mr. Wyndlunn's benefits enflame in.
elude-% 9210,000 foe lifax, N, 13.
Pim reolntion was adopted by a vote
of 211 to 86.
A despatch from Winnipeg, says—W,
i Fteald, of Toronto, shot himself acct.
I dentally in the left lung one incla
:over the heart on Wednesday evening
between 7 and 8 o'clock, He died shoa-
1 wee polishing els sinaller revolver.
I ly after 11, Ile was cleaning' his revol-
ver preparatory to going to Kuotuay
on Thursday, and had peeked his
1 whieh he beld•close to his (vilest while
Irubbieg it with a tooth brush. Ile
1 riezettnitargeeeieteet. a 16111.9,41 ri 161,811,1111111 0 ri oewa ertt
!ad, Ills teething and Limb were bunt-
ed with the distelarge. He rang foe a
!bell -boy, who palled Dr, England; but
_ all efforts A•vre unavailable, be dying
81, four letters atter the anic0nt, Every-
., th ug points to a purely accideutal eir-
!eattustanee, there being no suspicion of
,:e monetary or other troubles,
strteett or the West Kent liegliiient Inc
Indio Arreded.
A despaloh from Allnhabad, Says; —
Lord Cureon, Vieeroy of India, hns
telegraphed to Oen, l?rotheroeat
Rangoon, Instructing him LO spare
neither trouble hor expense to de.
tett and punish the soldiers who ill-
treated au aged native woman, Who
died from the anode of her itjuries,
A. private of the name of Ilorrocks was
arrested for the mime, but was acquit -
&miter lank of eeldence, Horrocks then
turned info/Mete and upon the strength
of his story fifteen men of the West
e1:1ttt ltetglmn1 have been arrested
and placed In cells, awaiting trial.
40,000 FOR THE CAPE.
Regiments at Cape Town Ready to Leave
for ilitinhorie7 111$1iiirt
The London Daily Kull says that the
Imperial Government has practically
decided Upon a gradual reinforcement
of the British troops in South Africa
up to a total increase of 40,000 men.
4. deapatoh from Cupe Town says;
The activity of the War (Wipe Meal
authorities b.„Is been suspended in the
matter or contrauts for certain mai-
Lary requisitions, on the groteurl Out
the regiments are now re,ily to lone°
Cape '1 twin file Kimberley et short no-
An rugine driver ou the Calm rail-
way deelire.s, that be has seen men,
armed and moented, engaged in drill-
ing at Dont-Kraal, near Deattr end
Ponsronteitt, not fax from Kimbeeley,
Ile was informed that they were
Ilideemen, preparing to aesist the
Boers in the event of hoetilities,
11h11—.I thought yell seid yeSiadoy
you were going to etop smoking? 3111
did; but 1 managed to borrow an-
other dollar.