HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-6-30, Page 5,Or,TOrn 30, 1899 BUSINESS CARDS. l • , ebt . ONEY TO LOAN AT f$ BElt ' : . - - .... Rotiotterevvtit. .0IfSitl'iCt CtOwa L�11 cont. 1'',H. HL'OTT, witowls, \XT 11. MoOltA iKEN, • isomer ofafao0iegc 1,30011080. 011100 at bis 040oe0y, teurnherry IIGroot, iirus00ls, Rli, BAIU TT, • Tonsorial AetiuL' Shop -Next door North of (bo Standard liana. Ladled' and 0ilildrone hair gutting a eneetslty. 111A1018 FOR SAL), -THE UN- DENBIONAihnoeaveralgood Fal'mo for Pale mod to rout, easy tonne, 101 '1`ownshlpe 00 hforrle and Grey, F H, SOOT L', Brueeele MISS JEAN M'LAUCI4LIN, -TEACHER OF - PIANO '- AND - ORGAN, m=e,-avrassxs, OoTT, ROBERT OUNNINGHAM INA MUNOZ, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T, FLETCHER Issue; of Marriage Licenses, OM= dT JItwELAT STONE, cSNo Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels MI88 SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L. O. M.. Academic graduate of London Conserve. tory of Mmile, is prepared to reoelve a limit- ed IneylUWa1b*11 Tion ay, Tr eday instruction Brussels Woduoeday, Thursday;?7 Seetorth-Erida Y. Saturday, Prfiioipall''e Foin in 111101 prepare of M0010, ALEX. HUNTER Clerk of the Fourth 'Division C011r Co. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public Land Loa* and Insurance Agcut, Funds invested Mae in and to Block, Bt00000lene made AUCTIONEERS. A HUNTER LICENSED ALIO- • woman. Money to loan, Farms to salt. S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION- 3- • nun, will sell for bettor prince, to Netter mea in ase time and loss charges than any other Auctioneer in Beet Huron or ho wont (Margo anything. Dates and orders can 'always he arranged at this ollice or by personal application. VETERINARY. t�D. WARWICK, • Honor Graduate of the Outeri° Vot0rtnary College. is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated aninale In a Gom- coveterinarydentistrt. Galls attention at- tended of bridge Puxnbe d Infirmary-Four et., Brusseisdoors LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. [ (7 lYI, SINCLAIB, BARRISTER 1eY • Solloitor,0onvoyaneer,NotaryPub• north &o. Central Hateono Solicitor for the S tandoad Bank. G• P. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solloitor, Ro. (late of Garrow & Proadtoobe Cllico, Goderich.) Mee over 011110e & Smith's Bauk, Brussels, A7 Money to Loan. MG. OANIERON, • (Formerly of Oamerau, Holt & Out. 0ID Barrister awl Solicitor, E ,, 0ppo lite oriel), borne Hotel. Newey Tire. --- A. it. Torry vlatled 1,ieuds hi harrIstou,--Things aro rush. ing at the oheoso factory these days, They rnake about 40 chime e day, -The annual pio.nio will be held on July let. Every preparation is being made to make it a ouooees.--Itev, J. Kennet proaohed his farewell sermon en Sunday. His au000s. sor will be Rev. Mr, Bristol, -The genial hoot of the Seohaver bailee wears a broad emile these daye. It is it girl that bas lately (tame to stay. -)'he German Go, was holding forth last week. They give a free entertalnmeot uightty,-•Rev. G. Bellantyue gave ttvo very able, eloquent and inetruotive disooureee to large and appreciative oongrogatiouu on Sunday. - The Molesworth "Pezolere" are meeting with great 01100080. They defeated the 6th of Grey by '1, to 1, and on Saturday the Ethel foot ball team came over to be defeated by a eoore of 1 to 0. MEDICAL CARDS, J. A. M'NAUGHTON, 1,1. D„ 0. M., Trinity University, Fellow Trin- ity Modica' 0o11ogo, Member Oollego of Ph), slalom) and Surgeons, Out. Licentiate of the Royal College or Physicians and Licentiate of Midwifery,Lrdtubnrgh. i"Telephone No.1'4. Roeitluoe, Will t., 110uesel0, E. T. SNIDER, M. D., 0. hi., successor to Dr. A. Meli0how, Licentiate of Royal (Soilage of Phyeicinne and Surgeons, Ifiugston ; Member of the Col- lege of I'Oyeiclona and Surgeons of Ontario. D100000sof 11,00)001 mud children a specialty. Eight years' experience, la -01110e and roe. 11elvey 1'ui nt bnlxy etreet,br sets, ded y Dr200- ✓. M. ARMSTRONG, M.B.. M.D., M.C.P.S.O. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AOCOUOEEUR, ETO. Special attention given to 1110011.e00 of the Throat and Longs and (18000000 of Women end 0hildrou, 1113SID71N0I1-WALTON, ONT. DR. F. H. KALBFLEISCH P0Y010IAN, SURGEON AND A0001.101t0UR, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. 13'orclwlelt. Lxoroo Fau'rrone.-Alex. Orr, aoaom• ponied by his daughter, Miss Mabel, ie visitiog with relatives in Chatham and Blenheim. -Wesley Johnston has pun phased 1:06000 Wade'e interest in Wade Broe' more and took poeseseion last week. ..Charley Welkey ie °en:dned to his bed at present,t laid up with an abeoees underr one of his Paces. -Percy Groben, of Chloago, is at present vitiLiug with his mxnlo, the editor of the Record. -Charles Leppard, wbo hue been attending the Normal echool at Toronto, has returned to town after having written on hie dual examination.- N. large oo0signment of cheese from the Fordwieh factory was shipped from °hie station last week. We uuderstaud the price realized was 8 1(tGo per pound. -Samuel and Mfrs. Nay and Mrs, George Scott left on Tuesday for the West, where for a couple of months they will visit their many relatives in Mani• tOba stud Dakota. 8ien.lortlt. Sueneeata.-Alex. Wilson left on Thurs. day of last week, for the old country. He is a member of the Sisley rifle teem which sails from Quebec on Baturday•- Itev. Rural Dean Modeles was in London last week, attending Synod. -Norman Campbell, of the Bank of Commerce, Peterborough), is spending a oonple of weeks with hie mother, tire. Campbell.- Celebration will be held in Senforth on Saturday, July let. -Dan. Clark, of Sacramento, Cat„ is renewing old acquaintalOee in town after twelve years' absence. He sees many changes in the town. -About fifty residents of this town took advantage of the cheap excursion, which run from Stratford to Goderioh, and thence by boat to Detroit, returning on Thursday evening. -Captain Keeler, who lends the Salvationists at Benferth, will be married on July 5th to Captain Blaney, formerly of Clinton. The wed- ding will be performed by Major South- all, of London, and will take tattoo in Cardno'e full, Seaf`rth^ ocmwca•.•+.m+,.• convenience if a tluall 130mitipg fountain was platted in Lowly l'ar)c, -Uue of the prettiest spots in town is 1laple Row, above Harbor hill. -'the Cluderiuh Organ Co. shipped two ware of uremia to 1•.ug• land the pest werlt, - The Knitting fuotory has to date NOVO ordered worth than there Wee in the company's books at Christmas in any previous year, K. letrachau shipped one of hie lemons street sprinklers to Teoewnter. ,ILf N((7 vt, 411. Nuagv LLNxa,--A $l exenreiou to Owen Sound is annonnued fur 1)ulniuion Day; tiokote good to return on Monday following. -Thu Synod of the Diocese of Baotou was in eeesiou at London last week, A. J. Collins, lay delegate, was in attendanea 018 representative from Chriet cbnroh.-Dr. aud'3YJ"e. Bnthorfued and T. W, and Mrs. Ila,sr'+'a town hist week for e trip down the St. Luwranoe. They went by boat from Toronto, taking i° the Tboueand Wanda, 'Montreal anti tenable) on the way, and will spend a 0h0rt time in the fatnoes tiagueuay. They purpose leturning by way of Ottawa, and wilt be gone about two weeks, -Sams vandals have been robbing the plots and gnaws at Fairview cemetery of flora) deuoratione whlob loving Moeda have placed there, - Mise Jennie Armstrong 1108 returned home from the.Nipiesmp, district where she has been teaohrng, 111e Lruete00 hav- ing given her permission to °luxe her eobonl earlier then unite she having taught during 410 Resterr bof ids a. L, S, 11ow0 hies e,.)d out hie barberiug laud - nese to Thos. B. Ward, who has lately been running a shop in Acton.-Tue rinks of Lietowel Bowling club drove to Harriaton ou Tuesday of last week and were defeated by 30 shots. --h, E. Lan• derkiu, from the bead odious of the 8ontheru PaulBa hallway Go., 17th1 )?ran 0)800, has been in town making a short visit at hie parents', Thos. Laaderltiu and wife, of the Wellaoe boundary. Lueltxxow. Louts oe NEwe.-A number of com- plaints feta ha a been lodged against the boys for swimming 113 the corporation before dusk. -Tho members of Old Light Masonic Lodge in this village attended eervioe in the Presbyterian church on Snoday morning when it special sermon was preaohad by Rev. Bro. Isaac elaDon. old of Glammie,-A juvenile band, nom posed of about a dozen members, all of whole are below the 10th year mark, favor our citizens with musical and vocal selections. -Thomas Miller, who has been in the employ of T. Reid, baker, here, for some months, has left for Toronto where he bee secured a good position in Frogley tit Co's baker shop.- Dr. Boling, of the Veterinary College, Toronto, is spending n few weeks with friends in Luokoow.-The local Oddfel- lowa drove to the Kinloss cemetery on a recent evening mud spent a few hours decorating the graves of their dead brethren. -The House of Refuge com- mittee, Wailtorlou, has figured out the Dost of the institution for 1899 at 86890 made up as follows : Live stock and im- plements, 0886 ; hired help, $277 ; salary of keeper, matron and inepeotor, $550 ; doctor and medioine, $179 ; books and stationery, $85; provisions and fuel for keeper's family and inmates, $2300 ; barn, pig pen, oto., $2155 ; improvements on building and furniture, $829 ; in0iden. tale, 8196. Their Business Peopling. Probably no one thing has oaueed thole a general revival of trade at G. A, Dead• man's Drug Store as their giving away to their many oustomors of so many free brie/ bottles of Dr. king's New Dieoovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this vary valuable remedy, Croon the fent tbat it alwnye cures end sever disappoints, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitic, Croup, and all throat and lung diseases are quickly cured. 'Yon Oen test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free, large size 60o, and $1.00. Ilvery bottle warranted, Goderiele. Nmn• e GLINTS. -Ln Engineer Brou h recently wrote to the Department asking if the dredge would atop working at the iet0fass Soutar Graduate of the 'Waiving- end of the financial year, or oontinue un. taus of Trinity (Toronto) Queen's (E10001on)t to the stem voted for the Wpm:, had and of Trinity 1110d10ra College; L'allow o Trinity Modfoal College and member of the ()allege of Phyatoiane anti Surgeons of Outer, io. Poet Graduate flourso 000 Detroit and Obleago,1600, Spools.) attention paid to d)0 - eases of Dye, Bar, Nose audThroat, and die. i p ini t Women, s man. Telephone1 at resin dence g• STOCK FOR SERVICE "P`UL L FOR SERVICE. -TUE U undersigned 111 keepa yecug grade Uu11 for sorv4o on Lob g0, Oan, 0, Morris (adjoining Brussels), Terme 70 emits with privilege of returning it 010008tt17, 46•4 GEO. BOBB, Proprietor. INIPROVEb YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE. '0)10 ul'd0001.140601. will 0007 for uorvioe on Lot 26 Go,,.13 Nits:r10, the thoro'•brod I01 Proved Yorkshire Roar, 'Oak Lodge Long - follow;" No. 2480, bred by 7,JI. Urethane,13ur- toed, to which it limited number osows will bo taltou, TormO, UMW bo paid at alto Of service with privibego of returning it neo. e ry berellte pus (,laves u e tit silo fence. opiated been expended, and in answer received a telegram to continuo the work under the new appropriation of $20,000. -Mrs. (Rev,) LeGear and daughter, Lotto, of 0010(00, Illinois, ore the guests of her mother, Ere. D. Irieher.-Coutraotor Cosner, has nearly oompieted the grime-' ]trine walls round MaLeen's blook, and as far as one can see, the job is a good one. t t he rnven• tsrotan L G -Frank Robertson h e the young We o Sanitarian'. g haret Sap Y gonbleman will be benolitted by the vieit. t at 200 full loaded -The G.T. R, sen o Y oars the past week, the greatest number in any one day being 45 on Newby. - Wm, Warnock Is again to the front with big rhubarb; he has shown three eamplo leaves, bile emailelt being 48x37 i0ebee and the largeet i0o07i end the quality is ae good as the leaves are largo.-Inepeo- tor Brough hoe oomnlended blasting the bottom of the loather to teat too possibil- ity of removing rook and herd pan sufficient to allow a depth of 22 feet, - The snow that was built to assist in the oonatruotfon of the neer elevator le now used to darty on the blasting operations, -Many °mewlnints have been made the sea peat few woeke about doge running over 00 number )3 1 a 000 yonug sows for solo for al l gong cls in the 081Olery,-- cess w1110b will be sold at ,-. pa (o ff to eo YtoB'I, NloHoL,1'rogelesee, It wattld be a groat and ninth apps Brave 31r* Fall Vietlmo to stomach, liver and kidney trouble es well as women, and all feel the results in logs of appetite, poieo00 in the blood, baokuohe, nervone0000, headache and tired, Hatless, run-down feeling. But there's no need to feel like Lint. Listen to 1. W. Gardner, Idnville, Ind. He nye : "laleotrfo Bitters are just the thing for matt when he is all run down, and don't Dare whether he livoe or dies. It did more to give me new otrengtb and good appetite than anything I could taloa, I can now eat anything and have a now lease on life." Only 50 cents at Deadroan's Drug Store. Every bottto guaraetoed. A TIi'E,CSSEL`u' POST .�.-..+rte-• NN '', f;. N & Co., X37 � (TII' T ENT 1 Don inion Day will be celebrated in Blyth on Monday, July 3rd, ]0009, with groat eeial. Caloclonit1r0 games, llaseball match and atblebio sports of all kinds will be held in the Agricultural Park. 8300 00 will be given in prizes. We expect everybody to conte, and et an event of this khat Ittdieo always want to appear at t)ieir best and ag the weather will be warts, we haus taken then by the forelook and bought a large stock of hot weather geode in the following light fabrics seizable for dreseee, waists and sicire, :- Panay Organdies, in floral designs, special et 20e. -Plain Organdies, pink, white and Nile green, at 25o, --White Brocaded Organdies, very spooled, 15e. --White open striped Organdies, quite new, hyo, - Diluity, tvhite and floral designs, worth 15e, for 10o. -Chocked MoslIne, new patterns, worth 10o, for 811. --Printed Challies, in new designs, worth tae, fur 60, -f,'cdiee cream and white, pure silk and tofate Gllvee, 150, 250, 35o and 4nc --Ladies' Bummer Corsets, worth 50o, for :iso. Every men who wants to appear at his beet on that (fey meet have a suit of elhoroy'e Ready 'tailored tllothlne to be had only from ns. 14e keep a full range at all prices and elzee et $3 75, e1 00, 8G, 87.60, 88 and 510. CASH AND ONE PRiCE. M'KifdNOH & CO., BLYT 12 miles in 100me0teade and the railroad rocks, hills, Inicee and scrub. Sometimes Janie b eight, moot of it bas settlers upon you could not see the tope of the rocks it, a number of them being good fanners from the car window. 11:30. We are at from Owario. The plane will be well Winnipeg now and have to wait 35 minu. tried next year. I like "breaking" very toe. 10 after 12 have got started for well if it were not for the moegnit0ee. have had a lot of ehowory went1100 but very little wind and the daye aro very enj )yab'e. I think in the course of 5 or 0 years I will have a nine place here if all tgoes well. There o the house that will, with ��verys little work, keep water the year round, and a nice place for 00 hank bern. Tbere are severallraine peso here every day, East and West, Sunday not excepted with 1liort• e . Sou,'oL 11E0011f.-The following report gives the standing of pupils of B. B. No. 8, for June, and determines position in class fur July. Total 000 :- Sr. 4th - Gordon Embury, 398. Jr. 411-Etlie Agar 580, Ruby Forbes 522, Alice Paul 504, Veria Knox 509, Chas, Garuioa 399, Martha Ingram 303. Sr. 300-Xarif0t Fraser 393, John Garnets 5002, Eva M. Bouch 218. Sr. 2nd -Emma Jerym 557, Juni() Gnrnies 508. Jr. 2nd -Charlie Agar. Sr, Pt. end -Total 22 -Willie Forbes 168, IIarv'ie Knox 145, Tom Jermyn 7(1. Jr. Ph.2nd-Lizzie Knox 115, Vonnie Rutledge 100, 111,133131 Rut- ledge 115, Eddie Campbell. Sr. 1st-BIil. dred Jewitt 150, Fred. Agar 160, Roy Turvey 115, Norman Souoh 110, Sara Agar 100, Stanley 1330 fledge 30. Jr. 1st Nelson Agar, Hazel Stamper, Willie' Agar. Low I -Edna Johnston, 'freesia Jermyn, John Rutledge. D. L. BTAAOBAN, Tonoher. AN 880.00 Sc110LAnsms.-The Brandon Stn of June 5th, speaks of a son of John Shortreed, a well known resident of the 8th line of Morrie, in the following fiat. tering ebyle :-"While the record of all the Brandon etudeute at the reoeut university examinations wile very gran• tying, yet the success of no one was woeived with more general pleasure than that of G. D. Shortreed, who, as was expected by his many friends fn the city, dietinguiebod himself by getting Bret plane in hie year at the mediae( col. lege, thus winning the $80 eoholare)tip. While clanked Wurster of the Brandon Collegiate Institute, MCr. Shortreed took the arts oouree at Manitoba university, and by hie own efforts graduated as B. A., though engaged tenohing all the time of preparatory etudy. Last Fal) he entered the medical oollege two months late, but not withstanding has succeeded in winning first place againet very keen competition. Mr. ShorLreed'e abilitiee Move been recognized by the Winnipeg school board, who have appointed him principal of one of the largest schools in the oily, where we have no doubt he will be quite as euocesshtl as he teas in Bran. don, Hoe able work in the echool, and 3110 active 1.0E8re81 in athletics and pub. lin matters, made him deservedly pop, nlar with hie pupils and the public gen. orally." We 000gretelate Mr. Shortreed and wish him increasing prosperity. A Vel000 Fnotr TUE Wne'r,-1T, Mooney, who went to Weyburn, N. W. T., last Spring from thie township, gives an inter - eating account of matters and filings in general iu the following letter to B. Gerry, of Breseels, which will be read with interest by Mr. Mooney's many old Mende in Huron Go. On June 12th he writes :-We had our first Methodist church eervioe here on Sunday and are to have it regularly 0aoh week at 3 o'olook. Rev. J, Smith, a Presbyterian, has been here all Spring. He is a very line young man and prenobea here every Sunday at 11 a. m. The Sabbath school is a union one, only nicely started and meets at 10 o'olook. Services are held in a building erected fora poste/floe as the preeeut poetoflioe to a mile out of Weyburn. There le a mai) twioo a week here. We have not organized a League yet. Don't think there will bo any oharoh building done here this' Summer hub expect a awe pub 131 right y house willbe school1 • 1 purposes and it will bo utilized for nhnio o p , p to. No grain of anyanoount will be 0 grown fere skis year na everyone is gat, ting ready for next year, I have not put any in but I have already 20 some broken and intend to make it 100 normo. I like the place well and thiol[ the 100(1 is good. Strunk good water, near the house, at 12 feet, Very few lento dug wells yet as all are bthay plowing. Weyburn is a nine little village 001110101313 8 litotes, ahard. Ware chop, blaokomith shop, betaher abep, 9 implement dealers, a lumber yard a boarding hauso, good livery barn And the doctor le going to start a drug store, There is no tinehop yet but the 3110110- re keeps etovee and tftrware, and you can get Anything you went es OhOapiy hero as at Indian head. Atl the land araontd there lien been fallen np for. 10 er palano and Pullman oars attaohed. We Crystal City and can see nothing but prairie and scrub, Wo stopped a few minutes at Morris station and saw quite a number seeding, Reached Crystal City 6:30 and lots at the station to meet us. Taking our trip all through it was very pleasant, and we like the look of the country very well. There is some seed- ing to do here yet, but it is great growing weather. may go up to Indian head for July 12th. l laeotaoles and From Ethel to Crystal, Manitoba. Eye Masses The following notes wore taken by Miss Are Vest bought where the Eyes 111. Share, who left Ethel June Gth for are properly tested, each eye being Sharpe, Crystal City, Manitoba :- tested eeporately and the frames care- fully adjusted. Both must be scour - Tuesday, left Listowel at 11.30 and felt very lonesome. Beached Gowauetowu in a few minutes and got to Palmerston at 12 o'clock where we had dinner and felt better. Reached Uarrietou at 1 o'clock, Boon to Ayton shortly after, where a bridal party got on and were well shower- ed with rice. It started to rain shortly after we left Ayton and when we got to Hanover it was pouring down. There was lots of oompa0y on the train ; a lady and three ohildreu from Ripley going to Winnipeg, besides the crowd that started with us. When th0 reached Chesley a lady and two little girls got on and each of the girls had a little kitten so we had the some mnsia Crops look about l e same here as at home. We are at Parkhead now, the engine has moo off and left ns standing here for a while aucl when the engine wee broking up to the brain there was a dog eau in between them and wee !tilled, We have passed Shallow Lake ; in the Summer it dries up, and they get cement for walks. 5 minutes after 4 -we are nearing Owen Sound now and can see the bay. A16.30 we reached Owen Sound and saw our trunks put off the train, Tho bus took ns around to the boat which WW1 waiting and we gob our trunks re. °hooked, and were soon on the boat "Alberta," Left Owen Sound at 6.10. There aro about 150 passeogere on board. The water is calm and it has been very pleasant so far. We have been all through the boat and it is something grand, being 960 fee) long. 8 30 -We are getting along fine, it is delightful on the water, not sea sick yet. 0.30 -We have got our beds made, good accommodation, There are 13 of us in one room and we have lots of fun. Wednesday morning, 5 o'olook-Well we have had our first night on the boat ; some slept well, others slept very little but not elok yet and feel quite refreshed after our night's rest. I have met with several going to Winnipeg and some going to Vancouver. 7 o'olock-Have had breakfast, good appetite -we all went out and saw them washing the deck. It is very foggy. We passed Manitoulin Is. laud in the night, It is raining now. There are a number of vossels near us but w0 can nob 600 thon-i for fog. Some folks are eating, some writing, some read- ing and one lady is playing the piano, 15 to 10 -We have made very littleheadway this forenoon ou account of rho fog. We have been standing still 4ltoure, but have got started now and will gob to Sault Ste. Marie in a tow hours. 2 o'clock -We have had dinner and passed some lovely scenery, such ne sonell villages, islands and light bongos. There was a young gentleman's hat blew off in the lake and ho is going around in lois beeehead. 3 o'olook-We ace just 50 yards from land mad see left in o hoftreta ro since a the eE Owen Sound, 0.80 -Wo are at Smelt Sts. Marie, Wo are up on the top deok and it is grand to look over the bowo. 7.30 - We have left the "Soo" and will soon he on Lake Superior. We passed between 45 and 50 vessels between Owen Sound and Sault Ste. Marie. 0.30 -Wo are getting ready for bed again. We havo some good Singers on board and have just had some songs. Thareting morning, 0 o'olook. We all slept very well, but it has been very rough, and everyone of us aro eta•sick. t10 'clock. indeed. a • 1 etre e rl of x It is a to ib feeling of ng rany ' diner foe No breakfast ofd but all are feeling some better, Gob to Port Arthur at 4 0'cloolt and d stn o d a short time to unload some freight, got to Fort William at 5 o'olook. The time hero is ono hour blower than our time. Wo passed some teeriblehigll rooks before coming to net William. 0 o"cloak we have got 6taeted fou Winnipeg, Ftiday morning 5 o'olooic. The sun le Stoat begin• Mug to oleo and we did not Bleep moth, it wee such terrible rough riding. 7 ob)o0k WO are at,,Rnt Portage now 7115. WO have just oo0nc through a largo tunnel, could see nothing but dark3Ose. We are tear Winnipeg and saw the first plowing on the prairie. There ale 60100 gipoiee and 0iuuareen on the train, We have ridden fu a Graf *lass car from 1`t. Wil, !fern Le Winnipeg, mod sate nothing but ate, as a poorly fitting frame and the beet adjusted lens will not )work in harmouy. Raving taken the advaao- ed °cense and being a graduate of the best Optioat Institute in Canada, will guarantee every pair of Glasses sold where Eyes eau be fitted. Eyre) Tested Free. You are not expeoted to buy Glasses if you do not want to. MRS. T. FLETCHER, GRADUATE OPTICIAN. UGI WoICf l Highest Cash Price paid for any quantity delivered at my Grain Store house, No. 1, Brus- sels. I also Want all kinds of Grain. Plobt. Graham. '"'iIIRAILWAY iJU�M 5YGSTl;M: DOMINION BAY HOLIDAY RATES. MAIM tickets will be issued at SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE BETWEEN ALL STATIONS IN CANADA. All stations in Canada to and from Detroit ltlioh., Port bIutou, Mich. island Pond 171., Maeeeaa Springs' N.Y.. Helena, N.Y., Bom- bay ,Tot, N. Y., Fort Covington, N.Y., house's Point, N.Y. All stattous in (huada to but not from, Puttee), le. Y„Black Bock, N. Y., Niagara Valle, 13.7,, and Suspension Bridge, N.Y. 4000 poles ,lune 30th and July 1st. Good returning from destination not later than July Ord, 1000. For particulars as to reduced fares to pointe on other Canadian Hues, Tickets, Stooping mud Parlor Car a.000mmodatioo and all information apply to nay agent of the 0 rand Trout{ Railway Syebam. R. T. SUTTON, Agent, Brussels. CHANGE OF BUSINESS. The undersigned having purchased the Restaurant business of W. A.ORIOH hes added a fine choice stook of G-ROCERIE S AN EASY PROPOSITION Beauty and style without eOttif0rt in vitally oldaiunblr, t•"tl1tort WiLb- om nppe•: rimae is equally simple, Ton 10.111' saw nn ugly 7mir of vet Many of them L 1'rr comfortably most unlovely tett. The combination of rhes.' two rename :,1101 bounty -are• only to be 11:,11 in the "Slater ('1000.” Henle in IA 'dye shapes, ON Mets 1110altlled from actual feet. nil width.: 10111 strew,7i leathers, style:. and rotors. r livery pair Goodyear welted, name and price stamped on the role, $3,50 AND $5,00, v. `135 ;3'y10�_I'i'HEAIa?. lino. Downing, Sole Local Agent Er , e � . .'i �,.EL Carriage Words While thanking our numerous cue. timers for the busy time they gave us daring the Winter in supplying them with Sleighs and Cutters eve wish to re• mind them that we are equally as busy sow io Manufacturing WAGONS, BUGGIES. CARTS, 1 -ANO ROLLERS AND WHEELBARROWS. We have thirty-five of the very beet and most stylish Buggies that 0013 be got up nearly completed, and will have them ready for rnncing about the First of April. Should you need a Buggy or any Repairing or Re -painting, or what ever it may be in our line of business, be store and call at J. COBER'S Carriage Pao. tory, where yon will get the very best thatoan be got anywhere and as cheap as the cheapest. Please keep in mind we manufacture ell our Vehiolee right here in the old reliable Carriage Factory at Ethel. end is now prepared to give good value to the public. Our stook embraces ;- Now Tctt• Chinned Dods'T Fruits!, Spices, Soaps, Fish, Syrups, lines and all other 1 I e Vinegars a V 1,p in it leirot•olase Grocery. Choice Stock of Confectionery. Will continuo the Restaurant as usual where Gyaters, toe Cream and Summon Drinks will be eervod in the beet poeaible otyle. FRESH BREAD ALWAYS ON NAND. Chas. BRUSSELS. Central aleatory and Restaurant. Johii, Cober, CiARRIAGE MAKER. i1TcLE0D'S System, Menovator -15D 01810 - TESTED REMEDIES AND ANTIDOTE TE SPECIFIC For Impure, Weak end Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplesenese, Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Coneplaint,Near. algie, Lees of Memory, Bronchitis, Con. gumption, Goll Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De- bility LABORATORY, GODERiCH, ONT. J. M. MaLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold by Jan, Fox. Druggist, 1111.00000. Spectacles -OF ALL KINDS - Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyes tested FREE by latest Optiosl methods at !Division Court Office, BRUSSELS. limaczarramanstameamoormalsommoser The Standard Bank of Canada. Money Orders For amounts of Fifty Dollars and ander issued by thio Bank, payable at par ut any chartered Bank in Canada, with the exception of Branobea in the Yukon Die. triot. RATES Under $10 $10 to 20 . 20 to SO 30 to 50 $0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 J. N. GORDON, Agent, BRUSSELS. Wiho Live out of Town Don't think tor a moment that ney store ie too far away. Every etep you take my way is money in your pore ket. Cell and see what I have In- -Dress Goods, Silks, -Trimmings-, Ribbons, -Lace Curtains, Prints, -Muslins, Art Draperies, -Cottons, Cottonades, -Flannelettes. Always a full line of Cromp- ton Corsets. r ceri G a es. Complete stook of fresh Orooeriee, Canned Goods, Spioeo. Teas and-Cotfeee a epeaialty, J. G. SKENE. Agent for Parker's Dye Works. SHINGLES British Columbia Lied Cedar Shingles 33x0 --- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT MB Brussels Planing Mills Also Doors and Sash of ell Pet teras on hand or made to order et Short Notice. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Baildinge. Workman• chip and Material Guaranteed. P. AMENT, THE LIGHT DRAFT NOISELESS -RUNNING if Nit ■ is a 11loclel of Mechanical Beauty, Strength and Durability. It will oat, le to and bl ttd an e va rrj V� kind of Grain with less horse power and less expense than any binder ever built. ter' •1 c {a ,( .�J / 1 15ri .E.;',4 , \,.01 r, ;,•6�4,i* t Irl. -t 5 \, Ilk, I "tIxt 0 4 . 1 1 'o AGENTS W. D. A. Orden, n • Humphries &Son WALTON, BRUSSLS. V Wo also handle all other lutes of Implements.