HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-6-30, Page 44 THE BRUSSELS POST
(tht Jut.
FRIDAY, JUNE, 80, 1899.
The County Court and General See -
slang of the 28808 commenced et 2
o'olook p. m„ on June 13th, before Hie
Honor Judge Masson, in the town hall,
the court house being engaged with the
election court.
The grand jury consisted of Luther
Allan, Colborne ; George Bsettle, Stanley ;
James Ballantyne, Dsborne ; Wm, Gal.
lagher, $,wick ; Edward Galbrath, How -
sok ; Jos. Henderson, AIoliillop ; Robert
Hamilton, Turoberry ; Thomas Jenkins,
Goderioh township ; Neil McNair, Grey ;
Wm. Netherly, Nest Wawanosb ; John
Rothwell, Stanley, and Louis Wolper,
Stanley. Robert lIamilbon was chosen
Molearlane ve. 141oFarlane.—A.otion on
a promissory note. Philip Ilolt omnset
for plff, G. F. Blair for deft. By con-
sent of ooanealjury dispensed with. His
Honor ordered , judgment to be entered
for plaintiff for $400 and posts of action.
Court opened et 10 o'clock e,. m., on
Strongh vs. Ooosley et al.—Action for
board and naming. Philip Holt animal
for plaintiff. G. F. Blair counsel for
defendant. The plaintiff, Mrs. Strongh,
keeps it private boarding house at Goder•
soh, and took action to recover from the
exeantore of the late Thomas Taylor, an
a000untfor board and nursing of the
dummied. Judgment was given for
plaintiff for $103.59, with oasts to pistils.
tits fixed at $60, the plaintiff consenting
toa net orf of $71, the amoaob of her has•
Meade; note to the deceased, set-off to be
without poste.
The court o'olook
neadjd until 10 'ot0 ok
r a
Thursday morning.
The election trial having beet concluded
the court was held in the court house.
Jones et al. Economical Firelneurance
Company. — Action on an insurance
policy. J. T. Garrow, Q. 0,, and L. 11.
Dickson, (Exeter,) for pills. ; J. P. Woods,
Q. 0., (Stratford) for clefts. One of the
jurors, after being sworn, was exoused on
the ground that he was au agent of
defendants, and by consent of oouneel
the trial proceeded with eleven jurors.
The plaintiff, Jones, is a merchant at
Winoheieea and in addition to his busi•
nese as a storekeeper he oonduoted an
apple•evaporating establishment. When
his place was burned down, he ico[uded
in his stook, and as coming within the
terms of the policy issued by defendants,
e quantity of apples ; end the snit arose
over the question of the reserve stook
usually kept in a country store. In
charging the jury His Honor directed
that a portion of the apples being new
stock, they could not be included in the
policy. The jury, however, brought in a
verdiot for the fall amount asked, 5350.
His Honor directed that on tbie verdiot
inclement be entered for the plaintiffs
for $350 and costa of the notion on and
after the third day of the next sittings of
the oourt.
Williams vs. Kelly.—Action for the
loss of a horse. E. L. Dickinson, (Wing.
barn) for p1ff. ; E. Campion, Q. C„ for
defb. The plaintiff and the defendant are
both farmers in the township of Morrie
and occupy adjoining kende. It was
claimed by the plaintiff that through the
negligence of the defendant in not keep
ing in repair the portion of the line fence
which he bad agreed to maintain, and in
not having the approaohes to a barn in
course of oonetruesiou properly guarded,
a colt belonging to the plaintiff broke
through the fence and got into the barn,
where it fell through the Boor and was
killed. The plaintiff claimed 5100
damages. The case commenced at 6:15
p. m., and was not conoluded at 10
o'clock, when the oourt adjourned to the
next day.
Williams vs. Kelly resumed. The jou
retired at 4:90 p. m. and returned at 13:35
p. m, with the questions submitted by
His Honor answered, The jury found in
favor of the plaintiff, and fixed the value
of the colt at $65.
Reg. ve. Obambers.—Richard Cham-
bers, of Goderioh township, was arraing-
sd for a serious assault upon .'Edward
Milian, of Colborne township. County
Crown attorney Lewis prosecuted ; Dud.
ley appeared for the prisoner. After the
bearing of evidence, in accordance with
His Honor's instruotione the jury return.
ed a verdiot of not guilty, the prisoner
being insane.
Reg. vs. Isaac Young. --Young who is
an Indian, was °barged with breaking
into the house of Robert Bell, jr., at
Hensen, and stealing therefrom $12 in a
purse and also some napkin rings and
other articles. P. Holt defended the
prisoner. e. number of witnesseeon both
aides were heard. Young himself was a
very interesting witness. He claimed
that he had bought the artiolee found in
his possession from one McPherson, a
white men, in the swamp between Zurich
and Heusall, and he accounted very well
for the mobey he had and that whioh he
bad been (pending. A sabpcena was
issued for the attendanoe of McPherson,
but it was served on the wrong man, and
the right man could rot be found. Tbe
prisoner was found not guilty.
Court reamed on Saturday,
Polley vs, Miller.•—Aabion for balance
of account, Garrow 6 Proadfoot for
pill.; L. E. Danoey for deft. By ooneent
of oouneel trial was postponed to the neat
sittings' of the court,
McConnell vs. Harrison, -This was nn
notion to recover the penalty for non.
return of aobviotione by defendant as a
Justine of the Peace within the time pro.
vided by statute. Since the aotiou was
taken an order•in.00ancli was pained
remitting the penalty, and the oase stands
for argument on legal pointe. le. Cam-
pion, Q. 0„ for plff. ;Philip Holt for deft.
Fawcett vs. Roes.—Aotion to recover
the prime of fishing material. The defers.
dant is a resident of Belfield. Wm,
Proadfoot for piff. ; Philip Holt for deft.
Settled out of wart by oouneel.
This concluded the bueinose before the
0010, which rose ab 11 a, to.
Following is the
MIND 30AY'S Pase7ttlTtlallT :
The jurors for out lady the Queen beg
to preeant bhat tbey have examined the
jail and find all the rooms Olean and in
order. They find four p028080re in jail,
none of whom have any complaints to
make—one serving a 800ten00 of three
menthe, two awaiting trial at this court,
ane ineano. We reoommend a more
anitabto xosidence for the jailer and hie
familyyIionaST 11Att100000,
Oodetiell, Zane 13th, Fineman,
JUNE 30, 1800
The animal meeting aP the
County UP
Huron C138)88ian Endeavor and Sabbath
Saline! Aeeuoiation was held in James S8.,
chorale, Exeter, Tuesday and Wednes.
day of last week, and was well attended.
W. C. l'ridltam, )'resident, presided ou
The regular 8eaaton oommeneed with
"The Quiet Hour" led by Rev, J. le.
ilendereoo, Vies Pres , of the Ontario el
13. Iluion. It we; a meeting where the
Master WW1 preeeut, and made a splendid
impression for the day's program. W. 0.
Myers, sI Clinton, led the devotional ex.
'braise-, after which lbs Preeideat, W. 0.
Pridlram, of Goderiob, took charge of the
aeesion. An excellent paper prep,red by
Rev. Jasper Wilson, of Get -leach, was
read by Mrs. Witeou, "flow to take
part" by Mise &l. Roes, Brussels ; "How
the Society mu help the Pastor" and
"How the Pastor eau help the Society,"
by liev. R. Garbutt, of Gorrie, and Dr.
Parguson, Heusall, completed the morn
Mg session.
Tbe afternoon session opened with de
votional exercises led by Rev. Mr. Mao-
dooald, of Varna. The first subject was
"Lifters and Leanere" introduced by W.
0. alyers, of Clinton, then followed the
paper prepared by Mims Mary 1;. Morris,
Goderiob, entitled "Christ the Endeavor.
ere; Jludee" Verbal reports from the
Societies followed, ehnwiug that epleudid
work i5 being done by the young people
of this county.
Reports were received from the Secre-
tary, the 'rreaaurer and the Junior
Superintendent, after which Mise Whit.
worth, of Ss. Marys, conducted a round
table 0anferenae on Junior methods of
work. ,Hies WVhitworth is Junior
Saperintendeut of the Ontario 0, E.
Tinton end was heartily applauded and
greeted with the Chantaqua salute.
At five o'olook the audience adjoorued
to the Opera Hones where the enrolee
"The Junior Wheel," had been prepared
by the Exeter ladies and 79 very bright
Juniors. The exeroiees consisted of a
full explanation of the work done by a
model Junior Society, and the perfect ars
rangement of recitations, e"lua sed oboe.
use5.weee highly appreciated by the lerge
audience present, The Juniors did
eplsndidly and too Wrath praise cannot be
given J. P. Ross, Sirs Bisee:t, [Hiss Ball
and Miss M. albite who 8u ably teethed
the children.
The evening amnion opened with a
song service. The solos of Misses David•
son and IIiults, alio of Moine. Petty end
Ifendrie were very muoh appreaialed.
On the pleiform were 1t. W. Dillon, of
Stratford, and Rev. Dr. Daniels, of
Sarnia, tee speakers of the evening ; also
Alfred Day, Provincial S. S. Secretary,
and Robert hicimee, M. P., President of
the S. S. Association for the County.
The president tpresided. It. W. Dillon
was the firet speaker, taking for his sub.
jeot "National Life and our relation to
it." Dr. Daniela followed with "Whet
ere you living for 7" Beth geutlemen
were heartily applauded for the practioal
thought.; expressed and emphasized, and
a vote of thanks was tendered the visit•
log gentleman and the 01)010.
Tbe officers of the C. E. Union for the
ensuing year are as follows :—Pies., Dr.
W. Ferguson, Heusall • Vice Pres., W.
H. Stone, B. A., Sea€otth; Seo., W. C.
Myers, Clinton I Treas., Miss M. 1'1.
Ross, Menefee ; Junior Supt., Miss M.
Minton S. Washington, ; Executive
Com., W. C. Pridham, 1tev, M. Doherty,
P. Gardner:and A. T. Cooper.
It was suggested that the next plaoe of
meeting should be Seaforih, ou June 10-
The interesting report of the Seors-
tdry, A. T. Cooper, was the subject of
favorable comment.
TUB S4:IDA0 5000014 DAY.
The convention aesembled on Wednee•
day morning with a fair attendance, the
president presiding. A service of prayer
wag held for the first 45 minutes, led by
Rev. J. S. Henderson, of Eleosall. The
first address given was "On the teacher's
faith in hie work" by Dr. Towler, of
Wiegham, followed by a discussion.
"The social relation of the teacher to the
class" was the subjeot of a address by
Israel Taylor, Clinton. "Hindrances to
S. S. work" was practically dealt with by
A, J, Oourtioe, of Flolmesviile, in which
were enumerated many well known
hindranoee. "The home, the formative
school ot true manhood" was an addrees
by G. F. Blair, Brussels, "The value of
the crop" wee the suggestive title of the
address given by Rev. R. S. G. Anderson,
Wroxeter, W. H. Kerr, Bruesele, spoke
on the subject of "S. S. Philanthropy,'
Mita Wilson, Clinton, enumerated some
"Helps to S. S. work," laying stress on
the Sabbath school tie an agency dissemi-
nating Bible truth, while doss White.
worth, of St. Marys, gave a practical
illustration of teaching the primary
Alfred Day, tbo ef0oient Provincial
S. S. Secretary, gave two eddiesees and
also conducted an open parliament on
`Sunday school work. He in one of the
most practical, es well as one of the 01051
fluent S. S. speakers in the Dominion.
Rev. Dr, Saunders, London, gave an ad.
dross on "Kings and Cranks."
The report of the Treasurer, I. Taylor,
showed the receipts during the year, in.
rending a email balance on band to be
$150.81, and the expenditure 5130,78.
On motion, the Aes'n pledged the earn of
;360 towards the Provincial Aesoolation,
J. 0. Stoneman, Secretary, gave his re-
port as follows :—In the printed program
there ere 142 schools for the County ; this
is not quite all, as there are about 150
schools in all. Prom 64 eohools they re-
port 662 tomboys, 6041 scholars, of whom
1295 are members of the ohoroh, 968 bay•
ing joined during the year, The amo°nt
contributed to missionary and benevolent
objeote was $384.20, and about $00 to the
Provincial Association. Tbare are three
townebip Assimilation(' in the County,
but although repreeentsd on the Exam.
dye, they do not teem to have got in
tomb with the County Association.
The °facets of the le. S. Aseooiation are
as follows; Rev. J. S, Henderson, Hen.
sail, President; J. 3e. Huston, Exeter,
D. D. Wilson, Seaforih, J. B. Hoover,
Clinton, VIC9 Pre51(1801s ; Exeoutfvo, R,
Holmes, 3, 0. Steventon, Mier; Wileon,
Etre. J. 1Youeten, Minton, Rev, It, Gar-
butt, Gorrie, 3, P. Rose, Exeter, Dr,
Towler, Wingham,G, le. Blair, Broeeele ;
CoreBeo, and Trees., I. Taylor, Clinton ;
;,fin, Sen„ J. C. Stoneman, Ileneell,
Wilhelm McDonald, son of John Me.
Donald, of Guelph, jumped off a raft and
wee drowned,
1.11f'•1,l'fl t•17131E'
'Wearied for last week.,
S. 8, tloweeerrlov,— The Bentley soboal
euttvention of the Anglican oiluruhee b1
the Deanery of Moran was hold at Tien.
sell on Wedneedtty of hest week, The
clergy meant were Itavds, 11nra1 Dean
Nudging, Parke, Lowe, Mills, Armstrong,
Absy, Ten l.wok, .leanings, Smith and
Doherty, with aborlb sixty teachers and
officers. The delegates met la St, Paul's
Murals at 10 a. ,u., noel partook of the
Holy Corrlmnuion, The tirst session
opened at 11, when reports were received
from the different Sttuday sobools, show -
Mg them to be in good oosditiou, and
theta Sunday aohoot was open at each
preaching 5881100. At 1 30 wee nom•
menced the reading of papers, when some
excellent contributions were made by
Alum 0yndmau, of Exeter, on the neoes-
sity of the Solidity school es means of
training the young ; by Rev, T. T, Arm•
strong, on the need of a good Sunday
school paper ; by Mee Holmes, of Clin•
ton, ou missionary work in the Sunday
school, and by Rev. E. 13. Smith, on
D:vute teaching in the Bible, all of which
ware listened to with le great deal of at.
teotion, At 6 o'clock en excellent tea
was served in the church grounds by the
tnembers of St, Paul's obnrob, and in the
evening service was held, the clergy pres-
ent taking part, and Rev. E. C. Jennings
preaching a prsotiral eermon on "A holy
regard for the thing(' of God," In spite
of the very sultry condition of the at-
mosphere the several 055500ne were oven
attended, and the 6111 00085ntion of the
Sunday school of the Deanery of Horon
was pronouuued a sucoese. 10 delegates
attended from Brueeels and speak highly
al the hospitality of the people of Hen.
sail. It was deoided to hold the next
convention at Blyth, and the following
officers were sleeted : Hos. Pres., Rural
Dean Hodgine ; Pres„ Rev, 0. T, lulls ;
Viae Pres„ M!(+ Holmes, Clinton ; Con-
vention See., Freak Metcalfe, Blyth ;
Rec. See , Chas. Sanders, Seaforih.
ANNUAL 51E01100 —The annual meet-
ing of the Metbodist Sabbath school of
Brussels was held on Tuesday evening of
this week, Instead of having supper at
home a nicely prepared tea was served
in the school room at 7 o'olook to whiob
the officers and teachers and their hos•
bands or wives, as the case might be,
were invited. '1'be,e were 85 in all.
Rev. S. J. Allis occupied the bead of the
table and Rev, R. Paul the foot. After
paying close attention to the important
yet pleasant teak of feeding the body, the
dishes were washed up, the overplue
of provisions forwarded to different
homes, the business meeting was organiz
ed with pastor in the cbair. W. H.
Kerr was re-elected Superintendent, his
10 h year, with the following staff 0f
officers and teachers :—B. Gerry, Assist-
ant Supt. ; Secretaries, J. 33 Mooney
and Millard Cardiff ; Treasurer, H. L.
Jackson ; Teachers, Rev. John Holmes,
Rev. R. Paul, B, Gerry , Eli Smith,
Misses M. Moore, Kerr, Maggie Mc•
Naughton, Jennie Mooney, Rozell, Sharp,
Howe, Minnie MoNaughton ; Mesdames
Lowry, Boimes and Dobeon ; T. Farrow,
W. H. Maunders, Robt. Maunders,
W.J. McCracken and A. Coseley. H. L.
Jaokeon was re elected aonduator of the
Orchestra and Mies Lizzie Semple organ.
let, 'leachers will be appointed for two
new classes being organized. The Sears•
tary's report showed the school to be in
a vigorous oondition, 260 being reported
on the roll, Amount of money raised
during the year for all purposes teas $208.
The Treasurer, reported $103 on hand
end everything paid up to July fat. It
was deoided to have the annual pio•nio
on Tuesday afternoon, July 4th, and
aammitt-es were appointed to make and
carry ont neoe58ary arrangements. A
vote of thanks wee passed to J. J. Bali
for his 10 years of service as Secretary
on bis declining to aooept office again
owing to dietaries from school, Rev. S.
J, Allis' was also thanked for bib worst as
Bible class teacher. It was agreed that
for the forthcoming year the coileotion of
the let Sabbath of each month lu the
school be devoted to missions. A short,
spicy program was presented as
follows :— "Bruessle Methodist school
past and present," B. Gerry ; "Social
side of the S. S.," Mise Minnie him
Naughton ; " Spiritual side of the S. S.,"
Rev. S. J. A11in ; "Home side of the S.
S.," Rev, R. Paul ; Mission side of the
S. S.," Robb, Maunders. Solos were well
sung by Misses Lizzie Sample and Julia
Sbarp. Mr. Jaokson also gave a few
violin instrumentals before tea. Tue en-
joyable and profitable gathering was con.
oladed by Rev. Mr. Al(tn offering prayer.
P118812T3118IAlf STATISTICS.
The fallowing digest of bbe statistics
submitted to the assembly shows sum
oinotly the 9058508 standing of the
Synode, 6 ; preebytsries, 53.
Ministers, elders, eta.—Pastore, them
logical professors,eeoretaries end agents,
1,013 ; retired ministers and ministers
without obarge, 138 : ordained mission•
arise, 257 ; unordained missionaries, 472 ;
eh -Ideate in tbeology, 83 ; ruling elders,
6,866 ; other offioe•bearers, 11,988.
Ooogregatione—Pastoral chargee (self.
supporting,) 801 ; pastoral °bargee, (tug.
minted,) 208.
Mission fields—Home, 462 ; French
evangelization, 36 ; foreign, 95 ; manses,
Membership—Received on profession
last year, 10,118 ; on certihioate, 7,868 ;
total, 212,026 ; families, 109,080 ; infants
baptized during lest year, 10,602 ; adults
baptized, 1,045,
Missionary societies— Congregational
(moieties, 851.
Sabbath schools.—Soboole, 2,419 ; offi.
dere and teaobere, 19,666 ; sabolars, 160,.
Young Peoples' Societies—Sooiebies of
Christian Eodeavot, 984 ; Young Pao.
pie's Sooieties, 121 ; Home Miaeiounry
Soalebies, 27 ; membership of (foaieties,
Oonbributione—For minletors' salaries,
$1,012,176 ; for other congregational
pbrposee, $013,274 t for °haroit sohemee
—theological education, 562,148.79;home
$105,160.74 ; augmentation, $33,
086,12 ; foreign missions, 5175,292,81
Frenoh evangelizatfob, $87,1.12.89 ; wld.
owe and orphans' fund, $16,880,61 ; aged
and infirm ministate' fund, $21,610,28 ;
assembly tunds, 54,461.49 ; several open.
lei funde, 516,977,63 t for other bonevol•
ant purposes, $111,780 ; total, $2,511,•
011 has been die0ovorecl in the vioinfty
of. Gneiph, and extensive borings will be
made, • About $1,500 has been expended
in machinery, The rnaobinory le all
about ready, and being pi1300d on the
Police Magistrate Ogare, of O,tawe, is
Arthur Wigle, of Gosileld Twp., was
drowned while bethieg in Cedar Meek,
1899 IDEAS
are found on no Biayeles but
We originate the ideas and make every
detail of every part in our own faotory.
New Ball and Roller Bearing,
The New Ball Head Direot Spoke, which
cannot break except by aooident.
The New Skeleton Gear Case, wbioh is
absolutely duet.proof,
The New Special Light Design Roadsters
which weigh 25% lees than any others
of equal strength, and many other
new features.
AGENT, 13RI,S8Eta.
Commands' a higher figure
than any of the 1,702 D. S.
springs ; the only water paying
the Dingley duty of 5750.00 a oar.
Load, to purify the einem of
life, instill vigor and joy
and prolong sweet life.
Physicians Doolaro St, Loon Vnrivaliod,
Sold in Brussels by
CHASE If. .RTI1I Il'r,
Groner and Restaur.,
All orders for new Pampa or Repairs
promptly attended to. Contraate
taken for new Wells and Cisterna,
0 'Lawn Mowers sharpened and repair•
ed. Pruning Shears and Soiseors
ground. A11 work guaranteed,
Agent for "Morris" Pianos.
Shop on M111 Street, BRUSSELS.
We have in stock over 10 tons of the Celebrated
Doering Twine—the Standard of the World. Every ball
of Deering Twine is what the tag represents it to be—
smooth and strong, even and long
Pure Manila, 10Ic. per Ib.
Standard Manila, , . 10c. "
Standard, Sic. "
—Waterproof Binder Covers, $8.00.
—A. 10 inch Monkey Wrench for 25c,
—Machine Oil from 25e. per gallon up.
—A large stock of Harvest Tools, Harvest Mits,
Paris Green, &c.
Kay & C o ,a' s,
What about selling you a nice suit of
We have an up-to-date stock of Mens' Suits, A 1 value, at
$5.00, $6.00, $8.50 and $10.00. The best value in
the trade. Also a full line of Children's and Boys'
Suit very Cheap.
SWo have a large stock of Stiff and Soft Felt Hats from 50c. up.
Style, Quality and Prices right. Give us a call and see what
we have got.
July Standard Patterns and Fashion Sheets to band. Call and
secure a Fashion Sheet FREE.
A. Strachanr
Wilton & Turnbull
• • • . . • •
Have a good assortment of seasonable
lines in the way of
Eeaa3r Mixed Paints,
Screen Doors and 'Windows,
Carpet Sweepers,
Cheesy Factory Supplies, &c.
Now is the time to attend to the Screen Doors and Windows before
the flies come. We can suit you both for price and quality.
Specialty made of Evetrougivir2,;.
Have yon bought your supply of,.,,,,
Wo handle the Celebrated Diamond 14Xedal brand.
Give us a eail,
adqua erS
Of+r Tit rL EARTH !
Don't You be the last person in the World %it -
out where the Best Goods are Sold Cheap
A Great Rumpus Among Shrewd Buyers .
is tho Natural Result of our Unnsuaily Generous
Inducements for the Season's Trade
Ooi ne in and see our Complete Assortment of Spring
and Summer Styles in .
Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods.
E••.•••••••••••011W TO ELL THEM QUICK.
All Prices apt the Low -Water Mark
No Question about Your being Pleased
with our Goods and Prices.
See the Rigby Waterproof Smock,.
We keep a full lino of Overalls, Smocks, Rigby Water-
proof Bicycle Suits, and Rigby Waterproof Coats. Nothing like
Specialty made of Ordered Clothing.
• D. C. ROSS,
Pure Manilla, 650 ft. to lb.
Farmers, Don't be taken in. There is none "Just
as good." This Twine will not bunch at the knotter,
and a Binder will run all day without stoppage, thus
saving time and annoyance.
We pack our Twine in bags of the size of ordinary
grain bags, and we are not ashamed to put our name
upon it. Don't take any other.
Coiltiuinexs' Cordage Co.
Leave your orders now for above Twine with
Nt Ft Gerry or Cardiff & Best,
PRICES GUARANTEED—If it goes up you don't pay
any more than present price ; if it goes down you get
the benefit.
Brussels Carriage Works.
Has now on hand and for sale the following line of goods :
Top and Open Buggies with a end a inch
wheels. la color—Black, Green,
Carmine and Natural Wood, Size of
bodies, 20, 22 and 24 in. Also Jump
Seat Buggies with 1 in, wheels,
With two and three seats.
Road and Speeding. Carte.
Farm Wagons complete, 2 and 24 in. tires
with malabie arms 04 end 4 in,
Wagon Gear only if so desired, Farm
Trnake 24 and 8 in, time. One-horse
Wagon, with or without box. Also
Gnooer'e DelivstyWagon,
Wheelbarrows with steel or wood whole.
As we handle the above' line of goods
by the oar lot pnreha5ere will get the
benefit by baying from ne,
Oarriagge Works, Brussels.
Repairing and Painting in the above lines a specialty.