HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-6-16, Page 4(bez.ttsseIs iTst. I''RJfAi', JUNE 16, 1899, Huron Co. Council, (f'ontineed from last week.) - 1t•EDNF,a144, Council resumed on Weclo aduy at 10 a.. m,; Warden in the (hair and all the members preeent. /Mutes of lout meet. ing rend and passed, Communication was read from Inepeotor of Prisons rola. tive to jail improvements, number of prisoners, dm—Referred to Co, Property committee. Several momenta were forwarded to finance committee. The oase of Miss Dickson, of Grey township, whose brother, now deceased, willed $1,000 to to Co. for her main. tenanoe se a ward, was dismissed, Mr. Blair, of Bruesele, addressing the Coun. oil for Mrs. Dickson, widow,—Beferred to epeoial committee. Jailer Griffin's report was read, being as follows :— amines RP9ORT, Herewith I submit to you my report of the number of prfsonere at present confined in the Co. jail. There are 4 males as followe ;—Thos. Hewitt, To- ronto, laroeoy; Jno. Hislop, Goderioh, insanity ; Isaao. Young, 11Tiddleees, burglary ; R. Chambers', Goderioh township, insanity. Co. Oommiseioner'e report wee read as follows :-- co, Coalaila5l021En'S REPORT. I herewith submit my report covering traneaotione since let of January 1800. T have bonds and agreements duly signed from the parties who obtained contracts from yon last January, and I expect the oontraots will be completed in doe time. I have provided plans for rebuilding the Mud Creek bridge on the boundary line between Stephen and McGillivray townships, Contrast is not yet let as we waited to see if other work were to be done on the boundary so that it ooatd be let at same time. Examined Dront'e bridge on boundary of Ueborne and laid. dulph. I* is in good repair and large enough for the stream. A. culvert of 20 feet in length mould be put in near bridge at acoet of 075 to eaob Connell, Your Warden and I examined cottage in jail yard and considered the matter of build• ing pretty thoroughly and will band in a report. Have erected Dickey bridge and ranee on boundary of West wawanoah and Hinlose. It he a good bridge. The Spring freshet has done considerable damage to bridges. Zetland bridge is badly damaged, one of the beams broken and piers out of repair. Some supporta have been put up under it to hold it for present, but bridge will have to be raised 20 inches and new supports put in. The bridges on Bayfield river require con- siderable attention. The South approaob to Brussels bridge should be completed as it was not filled in when bridge was pub up. The corporation want to pot down permanent sidewalk and can't do so until this approach is properly fin. 1shed, Audltore' report was preaeoted and Bent to finance committee. Council adjourned to meet at 4 o'elock. Council resumed at 4 p. m, A000ante read and planed before the Finaooe Committee. Report of Special Committee, appoint. ed at last meeting to report on County bridges, was read and referred to Road and Bridge Committee. Report of Spada! Committee re will of the late Elias Dickson, of the township of Grey, was read and sent to Exeoutive Committee. Moved by 110r. Bowman, seconded by Mr. Snell, that the Clerk purchase the Ontario statutes for the year 1899, for the use of members of this Council, the same to be the property of the County and to be handed to their successors in Mhos. Sent to Eseou*ive Committee, Moved by Dr. Rollins, seconded by Ur. Mernnis, that Dront's bridge, be. tween Huron and Middlesex, be lengthen- ed or a culvert be put in, safl"iofent to re. Have pressure at bigh water, provided Middlesex pay half the coat, and the Clerk at once notify Middlesex should this motion be ratified. Referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. The Council adjourned till 10 o'olook tomorrow on motion of Messrs. Miller and MoDwen. T0Oa5DAY, The Condi mat at 10 a. m. rewording to adjournment. All the 1139Mbufr were present. Minntee of yesterday read and adopted. Report of Special Committee, re jailer's reeidenoe, was read and referred to the County Property Committee. REPORT OF A SPECIAL C0,112910TEE. In referencia to the question left in oar hands, relative to better a000mmodation for Jailer's residenoe, Having given the matter our consideration would reaped. fully report that the present cottage be removed and a larger and more modern building be erected, We have provided a plan which we think would be suitable and it is herewith submitted for your in. speotion ; also eatimates of the Dost of building, all to be completed and ready for occupation on or before Oot. 1st next. Jena AN$LEY, CO, Commissioner. Report of Hones of Refuge Committee was planed before the Council. Mr. Bowman was asked by the Warden to WO the *hair when the reporb was taken upco in onon mThe t en r Wardeawed taking the allele the report paseed, with the ad- dition to the report of the following words "That the House of Befogs Com- mittee be empowered in theft diseretlou to diepose of the horses now need on the forte, and revalue a new team," 000e5 OF 1(E000E CO:j11ITTEE'a REPORT, Your Committee met at the House of Refuge on Feb. 7th and April 7th, Messrs. /Millet, Torrance, Snell and the Warden were present Clerk Lane and Inepeebor wethet iE Coath.IItoCo. repaired windmill and raised standard 20 feet, at an expense of $35,00 ; moved partition upstairs in the hallway separ. acing apartments of keeper and inmates at a cost of $3.00, formerly it was not at all private, Tho ventilabion in some lower 1001I15 in men's compartments e• fig ex0sedingly bad we put in a new Ventilator running through the roof at a roost of 037.00 which we believe will he a great improvement. We have decided to build a drivingabed and i00 house 24x40 feet, with 14 ot tante. Have reputed Ansley, Co. Engineer, to retain old oeilar timber to the Suninlerliill beidge, as it would only be disposed of at nominal ffgnre, and we require mine long thither for said building which (mold be soured frmn bridge timber as soon as removed and balance or 'Aar mould be utilized to gond advantage in fencing the faun, which will have to be date in the near future. We have ptirohased lumber at fair rate for bolding. The timber land on term being nnproduative in the posi- t tion it le now in 1011 reeonnneed that (00(10x4 ho +o.du+d and have 191119 dammed of turd have I:u, 1 ',lnarrd fire paalltre, it bring of lithe v.1IM. !IOW. though trees will be Oeeerved to provide shade and ornamentation. 70 young maple trews I have been planted also overgreeue which will enhance the appearance of the farm. A thorough examination was made of Hoose and f,rm and everything is in liret•elase condition and well kept. There are 11 agree or oats, 9 of barley, 0 of hay, ea of potatoes, } acre of beaus, b of corn, 2 acres of mane0lds, ,,} acre of carrots, 1 acre of onions, ' acre of garden vegetables and of turnipi, All work on farm has been done by the inmates with. out hired help. Tenders were asked for bread, meat and groceries at lira of year and the lowest accepted at satisfactory prices. have audited the accounts fur year up to May 31st, amounting to $1,331.85, and found -them correct. Prodaue sold brnrigllt 8254,92. The Corn. mittee was authorized to ;sell present team and pnruhaeeanother if they see tit. Roue. IIiiLLLe, Chairmen. Moved by 1,Ir. slays, emended by Mr. McLean, that the ll:erk be instructed to to Ntrniah a copy of the Municipal World to esob member of this Council, Sent to Executive Committee. Moved by Mr. M*Ewen, aeconded r. MoLena that this body, hire conveyances, and drive ov able to make abetter equalization of t Council, as the whole County with a view of b01 different municipalities in the Conn Said equalization to commence on M day, the 19th inst., and when finished meet in this chamber and pot the repo in proper shape, sash equallzatiou hold good for two years. Sent to Ermanation Committee. Oa motion of 1teesra. Multi yen and Herr the Council adjourned till 3 o'*luch in the afternoon. The Council reautned at 3 9. m. The Warden in the chair. Moved by Mr. Torrence, emended by Mr. Connolly, that the Clerk make in- quiry from the different Counties, that have valuators employed, as to the mat- ter of oust and general malefactiongiven, as a result, and lay such informs, tion before thin Commit at the December session, Left on the table, Moved by Mr. Herr, seconded by Mr. Bowman, that thin County grunt a pedlar's license fur thi•t year to john DsWolf, of Brussels, a young man al• most deprived of bis eyesight, Sent to the Executive Committee. Moved by Mr. Holt, applauded by Mr. McInnis, that in the event of an appeal from the equalization the settlement be left to the County Judge. Carried. Memorial from the officers of the 33rd Battallion, asking for County grant. Sent to Executive Committee. Moved by Messrs. Martinis and Bolt that the Treasurer furnish the Clerk, during the present session, with a lisb of paddler's liscensee, granted for the year 1899. The following are the licensed pedlars in Huron Co. for 1899 :—Louie Rash. kopeki, Toronto ; Chas. Elliott, Dungan. non ; Fred. Gasman, Dashwood ; W. H. Whaley, Belgrave ; R. M, Dur.ain, Lanes ; Louie Fine, Toronto ; Jas. B. Niobol, Belgrave ; R. A. Johnston, Jamestown ; Albert Xing, Auburn ; W. MoLeod, Wroxeter ,• Geo. Beatty, Varna; W. H. Burrows, Slisppardton ; R. A, Miller, St, Helens ; Chas, • Sanderson, Wroxeter ; Jae, MoEwan, Reimers ; Jno. D. Murdoch, St. Helene; Thos.Wiley, Varna ; H. Hayden, Port Albert ; Alex. Wyness, Fordwioh ; G. F. Makes,Darlow ; A. McDonald, Oranbrook ; A, McNair, Cranbrook; Wilford Potter, Porters Hill 1 J. 0. Clark, Auburn ; W. J. McCracken, Brussele ; J. T. Ross, Bruesele ; Time. Langan, Vyner ; J. De. Wolfe, Brussels. War, Uon» s, Go. Treasurer. On motion of Messrs. Patterson and Stuart the Council adjourned till 10 o'olook Friday. TIELE BRUSSELS elpglity, the Cio. Clark to send above uottncatiou. W. 11, Hama Cbairneau, 00, remarry co0taltmr1E's RETORT', We visited the jitil and found every. thing dean and well kept, the number of prie0neee agreeing with the jxiler'e report and rennmluend that both 14 and the re. pert of the Ioopentor of primes be print. -d in the minutes. Your Committee visited the Itegietry onto and rooted everything satislautnr'y, oleo examined Court Howie and toned the interior in a satiefootary onuditiuu with the exception of souse small rendre required in femme. Reuouiinend that Mr, Aveley have re. pairs tirade. We recommend that the w,odworit outeids be repaired and paint- ed and that 111'. Ansley prepare speolloa. thous and tisk for tenders, the same to be opened in the presenos of Messrs. Holt and Ansley, contract let and completed to their satieleotiott Regarding report of Committee on proposed jailer's residents your Committee r000mtneud u0 aoliou at present, and further reeommeud that the Council visit the jail in order to discuss the platter before the Council ha. telligently. Jas. Bowl*N, Chairman, R@O.LI00TION O00lriTT1:E's IMPORT. The Committee on the equaliz,tion of the assessment of the various muninipali• ties in this Co. after considerable disoue- alon report tlhet tho equalized assess• meets be aoeot'ding to the allowing sehedule of the total equalized real and personal values Ashfield S 1,328,921 Colboree 1,3.11,079 Godorich 2,004,228 Grey 3,012,522 Hay 1,808,220 Howiek 2,815,090 Collett 2,145,190 6y Moliillop 2,088,440 Morrie 1,780,766 OF Stauley 1,838,800 he Stephen 1,944,430 Tutkersmith 1,923,314 1,111,357 2,014 250 bust Wawanosh 1,204,871 Weet wawanoah ... , 1,422,100 ty, Turnberry °Co Usborne rt to li. EDUCATION COHIIITTEE'e 11EPO1T. A letter was presented to your Com- mittee from Geo. W. Holman, Secretary of west Huron Teaubers' Association, requesting that a paper read by Teepee - tor Tem at the Teachers' Convention, held at Exeter, in March last, be printed in pamphlet form for distribution. We reocmmead no cation, --A petition was presented from 22 ratopayeieof the town- ship of Hullett requesting that arbitra- tors be appointed to ajudicate in the formation of a new school section in said township. We recommend tbab petition be granted and bbe following parties be appointed as arbitrators in this matter : —E. G. Creswell, of Egmondville ; Jas. Bitable, of 13elmore, and Thos. Gregory, of Exeter, , Ronm, althorn, Chairman. BUM ,Lyn UEIDOE coaser301EE'9 0EP090. Regarding motion of Messrs. Rollins McIones that Drout's bridge be length. mad, we reoommend that the Commis. stoner have work done as soon as pus• siele, provided Middlesex pay half the cost. We oleo recommend that tenders be asked for Mud Creels bridge and hat the contract as soon as possible. Room. mend that the Zetland, Bayfield Brussels bridges receive the necessary repairs, We recommend that the Co. bridges shall be those shown on the map prepared by the Go. Engineer, and that the Bylaw attached be primed. We also reoom. mend that the Engineer have the iron bridges painted. That the Engineer et. tend to the repairing of the abutments of Loudesboro' bridge ab once, Mr, Ansley has prepared a very useful map showing aft the bridges maintained by the Co, for *hie work we recommend that he be paid 115,00. Jas. SNiILI, Obairman, SPECIAL CO\f2IITTEE's >WEPORT, In reference to petitione from certain mUnioipalibies aaking that municipal Clerks be permitted to send summarized copies of Assessment Rall to the Co. Clerk instead of fall roll, we recommend no actio*, seeing that only 11 munieipaiie ties of the 26 in the Co, have anted on the question. As to the (remotion of the sup. plying various' monis palitiert (in response to an enquiry from this Co, pound!) your Committee recommend that the Go. Council :supply the robe no longer but that their parobaee be left to sash Mani - 028,904,832 Rayfield 80,580 Myth Bromide 224,000 Clinton 641,830 Exeter 338,950 Goderioh 875,80Q Seafortb 512,900 gingham 354,700 Wroseber 80,150 Heusall 150,000 $ 3,295,250 Grand Total 32,385,280 In reference to motion of Messrs. Ilia• Ewen nod 1MMeLeao as to driving through Co. to moues better basis for equalizing, after a full discussion of the matter mover asked to withdraw motion and we recommend the same. W. H. Hann, Chairman. RFPORT OF EXECUTIVE CO)I.UITTEE. In reference to claim of H. Medd, V. S., for damages to a horse at Manchester bridge, referred to this Commibtee, having obtained what information we man, recommend no action, In referenne to letter of Jas. Mills, President of the On. tario Agrionitural College, we recom- mend that B. Courtney Gilpin be nomi- nated as a student by this Connell, such Domination to be for one year. In reference to motion of /teases. Bowman and Snell we recommend that the Clerk purchase a copy of the Statutes for the year 1899 for each member of this Coun- cil, the game to be the property or the Go, Motion of Messrs. Hays and Mo• Lean we recommend tbat the Clerk pro- cure a copy of the Municipal World for this year for each member of this Conn. oil. Io reference to motion of Mestere. Herr and Bowman we would recommend that owing to the very serious infirmity (Continued on page 5.) klIMAILWAY i1es--4186-4i1es UNDER ONE MANAGEMENT, Extending from the Atlantic Seaboard to Chicago and Milwaukee. THE PEOPLES' POPULAR ROUTE THE GREAT TOURIST LINE. To Niagara Falls, Euftalo, New York, Pbil- adelphia, Woehnigton and all principal Points in the South, and by its oonneotions it remains all Principal Points in the West- ern States and ruffle °oast, Through Tickets to all Foreign Points, For Descriptive Guides, Time Tables, etc., apply to R. T. SUTTON, Agent, Brussels. ST. - LEON, THE CONQUEROR, Commando a higher figure than any of the 1,702 U. S. springs ; the only water paying the Dingley duty of 0750.00 a oar. load, to purify the stream of life, instill vigor and joy and prolong sweet Ihfe, lihysicians Iii Loon 1a'iii1 aliodi Sold in Brunelle by CILA.S.11. EARMUFF, Grocer and Restaurant, BRUSSELS PUMP WORKS All orders for new Pumps or Repairs promptly attended to. Contraots taken fee new Wella and Cieterns. l:es'Lawn Mowers sharpened and repair. ed. Pruning Shears and Saiaeote ground, All work guaranteed. Agent for "Morris" Pianos. FRED. ADAMS, Shop on 190(11 Street, BRUSSELS, O S V, sem" INDLY ROTE That we are going to be prepared to seat 64 people in our Ice Cream Parlor at one time and only 4 at a table. Our increase ill business is the undoubted proof of the goods we put up. Gen- tlemen bring your Ladies ; Men bring your Wives and the younger class will come without being brought to where you will be able to sit comfort- ably and enjoy any refreshment you may ask for, Thanking you one and all very much for your past patronage and kindly soliciting a share of it on the near approaching day, June 22nd, 1 remain, Yours respectfully, r ----.THE— ay,lestauranter. 4 What about selling you a nice suit of 0 Readymade Clothing ? We have an up-to-date stock of Mens' Suits, A 1 value, at $5.00, $6,00, $8.>O and $10.00. The best value in the trade, Also a full line of Children's and Boy& Suit very Cheap. Wo have a large stock of Stiff and Soft Felt Hats from 50c. up. Style, Quality and Prices right. Give us a call and see what we have got. July Standard Patterns and Fashion Sheets to bane(. Call and secure a Fashion Sheet FREE. Strachaiiv INCIMPILINITEVIIND McKay &ma's .,.HARDWARE,,. Leave your orders now for BINDER TWINE. We sell the Celebrated Deering Twine. In 1898 36 per cont. of all the Binder Twine sold in the world was made at the Deering mills. Manila Twine, 1Oic. per ib. — We have some bargains in Screen Doors and Windows. —Pure Paris Green for Spraying. —The Latest Improved Churns and Washing Maobines, —Fall Linee of Garden and Elarveeting Toole. —8 onnee Waterproof Canvas Cover for Binder at —10 inch Monkey Wrench for 25o. —Mecbiae 00 from 25o. per gal. np. BICYCLE^. Ws sell the Welland Vale and Gendron. They are well known and always reliable. Prima from 030.00 up, The Shand- ard fitted with '99 Dunlops hs a snap, A. M. M'KAY ce CO. Y Wilton. & Turnbull • • • e • e • Have a good assortment of seasonable Linos in the way of Ready Mimed Paints, Screen Doors and 'Windows, Carpet Sweepers, Cheese Factory Supplies, 840.. Now is the time to attend to the Screen Doors and Windows before the flies come. We can suit you both for price n,nd quality. Specialty mouse of Evetroughhin,;. Have you bought your supply of...,.. BINDER TWINE ? We handle the Celebrated Diamond Medal brand. Give us a call. WILTON Sc TURNBULL. JUNE 10, 1899 eadquarters FOR THISPART OF THE EARTH ! Don't You be the last person in the World to find out where the Beat Goods are Sold Cheap A Great Rumpus Among Shrewd Buyers is the Natural Result of our Unusually Generous Inducements for the Season's Trade • Come in and see our Complete Assortment of Spring and Summer Styles in . , , ME1V'S BOYS' CLOTHING, Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods. A GRAND DISPLAY, A GREAT STOOK, JUST WIIAT YOU WANT. WE MARK THEM LOW - TO SELL THEM QUICK. All Prices at the Low -Water Mar: No Question about Your being Pleased with our Goods and Prices. See the Riggbzy Waterproof- Smock. We keep a fall line of Overalls, Smocks, Rigby Water- proof Bicycle Snits, and Rigby Waterproof Coats. Nothing like them. Specialty made of Ordered Clothing. D. C. ROSS CHANMPION CLOTHIER. IN ER TWINE F A Pure Manilla, 650 ft. to Ib. Fanners, Don't be taken in. There is none"Just as good," This Twine will not bunch at the llnotter, and a Binder will run all day without stoppage, thus saving time and annoyance. We pack our Twine in bags of the size .of ordinary grain bags, and we are not ashamed to put our name upon it. Don't take any other. Consumers' Cordage Co. Ltmlreo, MONTREAL. Leave your orders now for above Twine with N. I', Gerry or Cardiff 86 Best. PRICES GUARANTEED—If it goes up yon don't pay any more than present price ; if it goes down you get the benefit. Brussels Carriage Works. .•ve®- E W A N & /NNIS Has now on hand and for sale the following line of goods : Buggies. by and Open Buggies with t4 and 4 moll wheels. In calor—Black, Green, Carmine and Natural Wood. Bios of bodice, 20, 22 and 24 in, Also Jump Seat Buggies with 1 in, wheels, Democrats With two and three Beate. Carts. Road and Speeding Carts. Wagons. Farm Wagons complete, 2 and 2a in. tires with reelable arms and 4 in. Wagon Gear only if en desired. Ttarm Truolts 2a and 8 ie, tires. One-horse Wagon, with or without box. Mao Grocer's Delivery Wagon. Wheelbarrows. Wheelbarrowe with steal or wood wheels. As we handle the above' line of goods by the ear lob purchasers will get Lbs benefit by buying from TA, BWAINT & IN 1\TL Carriage Works, Brussels, Repairing and Painting in the above lines a specialty.