HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-6-16, Page 3JUNE 16, 1999.
The News
rief1y T. id
Interesting happenings of Recent Dake -Tho
Latest News of Our Own I ountry--Dologs
In the Mother Land -What Is Oolng on in
the United States -Notes Proin the World
Petorboio fair la Lo have a dog show.
At Chinese joss house has been open-
ed In Montreal,
Belleville leas deeided upon oivfe con-
trol of the waterworks,
Hamilton aldermen have declined to
reduce water rates for baths.
London Board of Health is investi-
gaLing the prevalence of scarlet fever
The Canadian Canners' Association
Met in Hamilton and decided to raise
the prince of their goods.
The Manitoba Government may es-
tablish four chairs of natural science
in the University of Manitoba.
Ma. W. W. Turner, a retired mer-
chant, has given $100,000 to establish a
tliome for Incurables in St, John, N.13.
A syndicate, represented by Mr. John
Patterson, has made an offer to
purchase the Radial Railway of Ham-
Hattie Grantham, agea 22, took pois-
on at ber home in St, Thomas on Tues-
day after a dispute with her father,
She may recover.
A committee of the Hamilton Coun-
cil is to investigate the City Engin-
eer's Department, which is alleged. to
be out of date.
Work was began Tuesday on the
Grand. Trunk Railway's new offices in
Montreal. They will cost about half
a million dollars.
Thu Bear Lake Mioa Co. Le askiug
for a site, exemption from taxation
and water, it they establish in Kings-
ton a mica refinery.
A body found in the St. Lawrence
near Cornwall is presumed to be that
of one of the victims of the bridge
()attester on September 0.
an the Regina gold mine, near Rat
Portage, Henry Langsbare fell 45 Leet
and was killed. He loft an invalid
widow and five small children..
A mother has been committed for
trial at Hamilton on a charge of pour-
ing a cup of boiling tea clown her son's
neck. She says it was ac'lidental.
In a railway accident on the Cal-
garry & Edmonton Railway, nine cars
left the track. Several Galicians and
three train hands were injured, but not
Rudyard KLpling will bo unable to
attend the convocation of McGill Uni-
versity at Montreal, June 18th, to re-
ceive in person the honorary degree
of LL. D.
The Queen -Regent announced at the
opening of the Cortes yesterday that
the Spanish Government has ceded the
Carolines, Palaos and Marianne Islands
to Germany.
A spread of leprosy is threatened in
Violoria, B.C., from the fact that vege-
tables purchased by Chinese and
Japanese from lepers on D'Arcy Is-
land, Lazaretto, are sold there.
The action of ex-A1d. Griffin against
the Montreal Street Railway for $20,-
000 for injuries sustained while trying
to board a car has been settled by the
company paying $3,000 and octets.
Beginning early in duly, a new line
of steamers will run between Mont-
real and Bordeaux, France. The com-
pany will be known as the Societie
do Navigation Franoo-Canadiene.
The Brantford Board of Trade has
decided to have a grand reunion of all
the former residents of Brantford at
the beginning of next year, to usher
in the closing year of the nineteenth
Ex -Mayor ivic.Leoa Stewart, of Ot-
tawa, who has just returned. frpm Eng-
land, says he has saooeeded in the dor-
tuaiion of a company with $2,000,000
to construct the Ottawa and Georgian
Bay Canal.
East Flamboro Court of Revision
has exempted William Hendrie's race
horses from taxation, because they are
bred on Valley Farm, where he oar -
ries on general farming. They were
assessed for $10,000.
C.P.R. land sales in Manitoba were
very heavy in May. Several days'
sales have run as high as 3,000, and
on Tuesday the sales of the company
reached the 4,000 mark, 3,000 acres be-
ing sold in North Alberta alone.
The Fish hod Gama Clubs of 'Mont -
rent whioh have leased waters in the
Province of Quebec are greatly per-
turbed by an order just issued by the
Department of Lands, Forests and
Fisheries at Quebec, imposing a li-
cense fee of $1. per day on guests of
clubs who are not residents of the
Dr. Norman Kerr, the inebriate ape -
statist, is dead at London,
Mr. Robert Cox, M. P;, for South
Edinburgh, Liberal -Unionist, is dead.
The reports as to the Queen's eye-
sight are slated by TheBritishModioal
i'ournal to be incorrect,
The Duke of Albany, the Queen's
grandchild, is to be made successor Lo
the Saxe-Clobourg throne,
Sidney Cooper, the veteran artist,
who Le 110W in his 90th, year, has sold
faux Matures at the London Academy
at a price reaching four figures.
The , London Daily Chronicle an-
nounces that Mrs. Maybrick is likely
to be liberated shortly, as the result
of the pressure brought to bear by
Mr. Joseph H. Choate, Untied States
In the forthcoming sale of Dickens'
lmanuscrillt, owned by Wm. Wright, of
London, is the manuscript of "Mrs.
Gamp With the Strolling Players.
Although the first portion of the tale
Was written it was never+, published,
Barley House, Marylebone Road,
London, once 06eupied by the Qaeen
of Oado, who brought from, :ladle
2,000 idols, and was attended by 'a
sella of 800 persons, is to bo torn down
to make room for a new building,
The Marquis of Londonderryhae been
asked and has consented to prssicle at
1 meeting in a commttee room of
the House of Commons, when a state-
ment will be made of a projcot for
cunstreating a tunnel between Great
Britain and Ireland,
A girl has died in New Orleans of
yellow Cover.
J`all River, Mass., has twelve casae
of smallpox.
There is talk of a eonsoldiat.ion of
Michigan railroads.
The Nicaraguan Canal Commission
thinks the canal can be built for $118,-
Six United Slates revenue mutters
have been ordered to Behring Sea, to
protect the seal from slaughter,
Robert M. Murray, farmer, aged 00,
of Bridgeport, Ont. fell from a trolley
in Buffalo and eustnined concussion of
the brain.
Robbers wrecked the express oar 0f
a train at Wilcox, Wyoming, with
dynamite, but got little for their
trouble. The engineer was severely
William IL Holland, the bookmaker
who shot Samuel Roller, ticket seller
for Buffalo Bill's Wild Weal show in
New Fork, afterwards esoaping, has
been arrested in New York. t
The steamer Perilashire is missing
in Australian waters.
Over 4,000 factory employes are on
strike at Le Creugot, France.
Liberia is understood to be asking
for an American or British protector-
The steamer Moscow has sailed with
8,500 Cossack emigrants for Pori Ar-
thur, China.
The reported 'marriage of Paderwe-
ski, the pianist, to the former wife
of Ladislas Gorswi, the violinist, is
A new discovery of gold in lower
California is repurtod. The average
yield is from an ounce to two ounces
a day.
Since March 4 there has been 498
plague cases in Hong Kong and 430
deaths. The weekly average of deaths
now is 00.
The direotor of the Germania ship-
building yard at Kiel was accidental-
ly killed while preparing for the launch
of the battleship Kaiser Wilhelm.
The arrival of Major Marchand in
Paris has stimulated an anti-British
feeling, voiced by cries of `Down with
England." Fifty agitators have been
The Spanish speech tram the throne
announces the sale of Spain's last
islands, except the Canaries, to Ger-
many. They include Marianne, Caro-
line and Palaos.
German physiologists are interest-
ing themselves in the case of a woman
who lay concealed in aGeller twenty-
seven days without food• or water at
Lubeck to escape arrest.
The Diet of Saxe -Coburg and Gotha,
in spite of several ministerial protests,
will ask Prince Arthur of Connaught,
heir to the throne of the Duchies, to
reside in his future kingdom and re-
ceive a German education.
LordKitchener of Khartoum has
been detained in quarantine at Trieste,
Austria, on board the steamer Se-
miramis, from Alexandria, where
de.aLhs from the plague have occur-
The winter wheat crop of Southern
Russia has been completely destroyed
by a protracted drouth. The spring
wheal crop is also in jeopardy from
the same cause.
The United States has reconstitut-
ed the courts of the Philippines Is-
lands, appointing a number of pro-
minent native lawyers as judges and
retaining the Spanish language,
A sensational report from South
Africa says that the Transvaal Govern-
ment is supplying Mouser rifles and
ammunition to Boer farmers on the
British side of the Transvaal border.
The French steamer Alosia, from
Marseilles for Palermo and New Or-
leans with 283 passengers is at Algi-
ers with her cargo of sulphur on fire.
The cook of the vessel was asphyxi-
ated and several passengers were burn-
Rrengbt to .hel by Meeting a Man Carry-
ing a Rundle of Fiteltforlls.
"It has always seemed to me," said
Mr. Biffleby, "that the good-natured
man who carries his umbrella jauntily
over his shoulder or under his arm in
crowded streets, was about as danger-
ous a person as one could meet, but
I met the other day a man to whom
the umbrella man was but an luno-
cuous babe, This other man was
carrying over his shoulder, in a horiz-
ontal position and with the tines to
the rear, a bundle of new pitchforks.
As I followed along after him, keep-
ing all tho time an eye on the forks,
the man putted out of his pocket a
paper whioh he held up in front of
hien, slowing down his speed mean-
while to enable hila the easier to read
au address therefrom, and before I
could stop myself and sheer ofd 1 had.
almost impaled myself on the pitch-
forks' points. Then I sheered off and
weht ahead, and I thought I would
rather be poked in the back with the
handles than jabbed in the face with
the tines of the totem.
"Still, while fano bundle of pitch-
forks was fifty times as dangerous as
an umbrella would be, as a matter of
fact, ono does not octan meet men
carrying bundles of pitchforks over
their shoulders in the streets; and so,
Immensely more dangerous as a bea-
dle of pitchforks would be over a
single umbrella, yet, in the aggre-
gate, the amount of danger arising
trona the umbrellas thus carried would
be greater thab the aggregate amount
Prom the pitchforks for there are pro-
bably 5,000 umbrellas carried in this
way to ono bundle of pitchforks.
"So it's umbeellrs that we want to
look out for mostly, after
all; and it
seems to me that something might
'reasonably bo done about them, W1111e
I don't believe in multiplying laws on
tete statute books, I believe it would
be a good thing to make it a mild.
form of misdemeanor to marry an am -
beetle or tone over the shoulder or
under the arm, in all cities of a 1pop-
ulatiob, say, of 100000 and upward,"•
,."lJie New Life In flutist." Col. 0. 1.10.
Bolden 'Text, Uel, 3. le.
Verse 1, 1f yo than be riven with
Christ, The Revised Version is nine -
worthy, "if then ye were raised trt-
grthee with Christ," The allusion is
to a passage in the provious chapter,
chap, 2.12, where in the act of bap-
tism Christians are said to have Levu
buried %lath C'btist, Seek those things
wbioh are above. 'Ciera is an allusion
here to the simple rites ut the early
(khuroh., by whieh uew members were,
after baptism, received fully into the
holy etunpanienslrip of believer's. The
"things winch are above" aro opposed
W the earthly objects hinted at in
verso 23 of 111e lust chapter. "Of
ourselves we can nu more ascend than
u bar of iron can Litt itself from the
earth. But the love of Christ is a
powerful magnet Le draw us up, 1L'ph,
2. 5, t'."-J,.imieeon, I'ausset, and
Brown.. Where Christ sheath on the
right hand of Gude "Where Christ
is seated on the .right hand et God"
We tire physically bound to ibis world
of sense, and most of our mental
activities have to do with IL; but our
aifeetiuns, our irensuros, -"our heart,'
as Jesus would say, should be in boa-
ven As a cultured Englishman in the
deep jungles of Afrioe would strive l0
reproduce, as tar as he could, civiliz-
ing °mediti,.na amid baroaric. Kurruund-
ness, se e11lll:ns of heaven, comrades of
Jesus, children of God, constantly Leel
the ties of their Immo country, and
seek to have God's kingdom come on
eurlh as it is in heaven, "Here we
hui•e no abiding city." There are
hours when to every real Christian this
deep truth comes -that he is a strang-
er, an alLen, a sojourner, a foreigner
on earth ; that in spite of all eilizen-
ship ties and church ties and home
ties, and in spite of the fact that his
own body, to be got rid of only at
death, es forever clamoring for recog-
nition, he himself, the high and the
holy part ca him, that part of him
which recognizes the fatherhood of
God, is not at home in this world, and
cannot be, can never rmu satisfaction
until it reaches the place where Christ
sitteth on the right hand. of God.
2. Set your affection on things above,
not on things un Lica earth. Literally,
13o minded, think," This verse is not
merely a repetition of the first, though
LL certainly is in harmony, one might
say in unison, with IL. Dr. Light-
foot has in startling Cashion rephras-
ed it in connection with the first verse
-"You must not only seek sal-
vation, but you must have salvation."
O. Ye are dead. Revised Version,
"Ye died." As we have seen, the
early Christians regarded baptism as
a symbol of death to the old life of
sin, and of the beginning of a new
Christian life, Your life is hid with
Christ in God. As a seed buried in
Che earth is hid. ;The apostle is talk-
ing of their new life, which had been
symbolized by the rite of baptism;their.
spiritual life. A11 life is at once hid-
den and manifested. The ruddy cheek,
the flashing eye, the graceful move-
ment of youth, are outward mani-
fostations of physical life at its best;
but the life itself. is hidden behind
heart -beats, and nerve pulsings, and
lung breathings, far beyond the ut-
most roach of surgical etplorera. Quick
perception. astute observation, clear
analysis, retentive memory, alert
imagination -those are outward mani-
festations of inlelleotual life; but
this life, also, is hidden, and no phyeienl
or metaphysical research has yet
found it. Paul here Leaohes that there
as he elsewhere wrote, are love, joy,
peace, long-suffering, gentleness, good-
ness, faith; but when the search for
the life itself it oaunot be found "in
the sphere of the earthly and sensual.'
Just as physical and mental life are
deeply bidden in their natural spheres,
so is this spiritual life hidden "with
Christ in God,"
4, When Christ who is our life. The
life is not only with Christ, it is
Christ. "I am the life," he said to
Thomas; and John, who heard him say
this, afterward bears this record -
that God hath given to us eternal life,
and this life is in the Son. "He that
hall the Son hath life, and he that
bath not the Son of God bath not
life." Shall appear. Shall be manifest-
ed, in contrast to the hidden life men-
tioned in verse 3, Then shall ye also
appear, be manifested, with him in
glory. This promise or prophecy has
a multitude of fulfillments. In the
everyday lifo of the Christian it is
fulfilled, for though that Christian's
spiritual life be hid with Christ in
God, "the life, also, of Jesus"; is made
manifest in him by every grace he dis-
plays. It is fulfilled in Christian bis -
tory too.. Pagans could not under-
stand tho vitality of the early Chris-
tian Church; et was a marvel, to them
that over and over again, when they
thought it utterly destroyed, Christian-
ity burst into resplendent life, The rea-
son was that while the real life of
Christianity was hid with Christ,
Christ in due time menitosted himself,
and, the Church was manifested with
him in the glory of philanthropy and
spirituality. But the complete fulfill-
ment of Ilia woeda is to be found in
the second coming of our Lord.
5, Mortify. Put to death, Make
dead. Shakespeare uses "'mortified"
for killed. Your members which are
upon the earth. Organs of and
ministers to the life of Sense. But
this commana is no more to bo taken
literally than the command of our
Lord to cut off the right hand and
pluck out the right eye• Our mem-
berswhich are upon the earth, literally
speaking, Height begin with bands
andd, feet, andtongues, end include
all physical organs. But the list that
Paul makes out is a not of the modes
in which the members sinfully want
themseives. Tho fleet two mentioned
require no explanation. Inordinate
affeotioa refers to the diseased moral
condition out of which ungovernable
passions spring. Evil concupiscence
May be defined as those ungovernable
passions. And covetousness, M.R.
Vincent points to "and" as having
hero a olemaetio force and meaning.
Which is idolatry. Which is included
in idolatry. (Compare 1 Cor. 5, 111,
Eph'. 5. 5.) Idolatty ns not in the Now
Testament confined to the more Wor-
ship of images; it leeinded, to again 000
Dr,Vinod/It s words, 'the soul's de-
votion to any objoeb Which usurps the
place of God,"
0, Per whieh things' sake. The
risings mentioaed in the lest varies,
The wrath of (Ind cometh an the child-
ren of disobedience. The best texts
omits the wurde 'children, or 001131 of
disobediorleo." IL le a Habra', term
and means the maturate, the product,
of disobedience,
7. 10 the width ye also walked some-
time, whin ye lived in them. Not
enamel whom, the children IA dleobede-
encot bll in which, 1)18 evil aondll.ienM
sp•'nifled fn verse 0.
8. But now ye also put off all Mese.
Ye also, as well as other Christians,
divest yourself el habits mai nimble
and practices that used to enwrap
you like garnreniS. 100t blasphemy
I11.' ittvised V,'1'eian is "railing;" fur
i by comment 0,010 "i harneful epe'k-
1118' hludern s1luivalen83 far all
might 10 irritability, naughtiness,
mnliei.0us g .snip, bad language,
0 Lie not one to another. In the
peerect and crystalline beauty of
(heist one can Memel all ao deem ion 00
falsification; and as we aro risen with
Christ, and as Christ is our lite, we
should not deceive each other. Seeing
that ye have put off the old man with
his deeds. Throughout the lesson al-
lenticn is directed to that old life
which we are to put off like old gar -
matte, With his deeds. When the old
nature goes surely the old behavior
sbuuld go with it,
10. Hive put on the new man. The
new nalurn, Is renewed in knowledge.
is being continuously renewed, su as
In bring about knowledge. After the
imIgo of him that created him. Re-
newed after the image of Christ.
11. Where, "In whioh slate." There
is neither Greek nor Jew. By Christly
measurements people are'not divided
01111 estimated according to race tar
eulur or al oditilm
('hien ear soelunci0Camcncision.ons. NeitherCirme
they esl.imtted according to religious
creed or clturoh membership. The
phrase Barbarian includes all tribes
outside of Greek end Human civiliza-
tion. Scythian • tribes had hitherto
been reg;trtled as the must barbarous
of all. Bond nor free. The Revised
Version gives "hondmen, freemen,"
Christianity was net promptly recog-
nized ns an emancipation proclamation
hut. it leveled all men in their relation
to Christ. Christians of all social
grades were free before God, and at
the same time servants of Christ. And
if, when the Church came to power, it
had retained the C'hristly spirit that
pervaded the heart of Paul and John
and Peter, mediaeval and modern slav-
ery- and military cunquest could nev-
er have degraded the morals and dis-
greoed the history of Christendom.
Christ is all, and in all. Our Lord
absorbs In himself all distinctions; he
is the Sun of Man; only in a limited
sense oan he even be called a Jew.
Sublimely is hs all things to all man;
meets every man in the heart of his
own nature. Before him neither racial
nor social distinctions can have the
slightest velue.
12. Put on therefore, Alluding to
verses, 8, 0, 10. Having disrabed them-
selves of their old life and its vices,
and having put on the new lite, these
young Christians are exhorted to put
on with it its graces. The elect of
God. God's chosen ones ; the choice,
however, is one of mutual love. Holy
and beloved. It would be better to
plane these two words as adjectives
before "eloot"-"You are God's ohosen,
holy, beloved. ones." Bowels ofiner-
et.es. Or, as the Revised Version puts
it, "a heart of compassion." Kindness.
P.raotical kindness; beneficence rather
than mere -benevolence. Humble-
ness of mind. True lowliness. Meek-
ness. Gentleness, which indicates a
strong nature held in oonlrol. Lon; -
suffering. "Love suffereth long and is
18. Forbearing . . . forgiving The
first wordrelates to present offenses,
the second to past offenses. Quarrel,
Cause of complaint. As Christ forgave
you. The. whole passage closely re-
sembles a beautiful exhortation in the
letter to the Epbesians: "Let all bit-
terness, and wrath, and auger, and
clamor, and evil speaking, be put away
from you, with all malice; and be ye
kind one to another, tender-hearted,
forgiving one anothert, even as God
for Christ's sake hath forgiven you: -
14. Above all these things put on
charity. "These things" are regard-
ed as garments by which the Christian
is enfolded and clothed. About them
is the sash or girdle which keeps all
together, and that girdle is charity,
or, as we would say, love. The bond
of perfectness. The perfect band.
15. Let the peace of God. rule in
your hearts. The peace of God finds
a home in some hearts where it mai-
n& be fairly said to rule. Anxiety
and worry about the future, undue
unrest in the present, remorse for the
past, are alike inocnsisteut with the
absolute rule of a human heart by
the peace of (rod. A man may obey
all the commandments, he may go
further and have such blessed com-
munion with Christ that the fruitage
of lies life is manifestly good., and yet,
because of strong temperamental ten-
dencies or of faulty religious educa-
tion, or of a leek of living faith, he
may not only be outside of rule by
"the dance or God," but 11e may eau -
ally live in nunrest. Surely this is in-
exousable in the case of one tar whom
the atonement and justification ap-
propriated in faith have furnished
abundantly the condition of perpetual
peace. To the which also ye are call-
ed in one body. That body is the
Church. Ye are made members of one
body, so as to be peacefully related to
each other. 130 ye thankful. Be-
come more and more thankful. Thank-
ful for what? Doubtless for all the
mercies of God, but pre-eminently for
being called to one body; that is, for
the privileges of the Christian Church,
Wrecked Sailors Ten hays In an Open
A despatch from London says: --Nino
men, sole survivors of the brigantine
Daisy, which foundered oft the Canary
Islands, were picked up by the steamer
Nile off Southampton, after being ex-
posed for ten days in an open boat
with neither food nor drink.
The famished sufferers had chewed
their shoes into shreds and oaten their
leather belts, while two of their uum-
ber, Owen Hughes and Allen Lashing-
ushin -
ton had nawed the flesh from theta
emenaciated hands. The hand of Lush-
ington had 10 be amputated, and the
rest of the crew are. recovering.
A'nr,st the 111,3 ('hn u"' -11e, nal 11e111' Says
etrifidn's maim maw Not we Trampled
Peder foot.
A deallaieb from London says: -111
a s•pereh delivered here on 'Tuesday
night Mr. Arthur J. Balfour, First
14or.1 of the Treasury, manna -
art the retorts of the fail-
ure of the negotiations of Bloem-
fontein between Sir Alfred 211111er,
(iavern00 of (lupe Colony, sant presi-
dent Kruger, of tin 'Transvaal Isle
declared that it was a matter of deep
regret and d'esappoinl1010111. Le the
Uovernrn"nt. Nevertheless, he hoped
and believed that the controversies
would be satisfactorily solved, because
all the Government asked or desired
was the elementary ri,ghls of oi.vi-
11.101 on for their fellow-eou'nlrym50 in
the Transvaal -rights which justice de-
manded and pulley required, and which
would be, he thought, to the first in-
terest of the Republic to grant.
IL was Great Britain's duty to see
that those rights were nol trampled
repeatedly In tate dust. No statesman
or individual in Great Britain desired
that any inroad be made on the indep-
pendence of the itepuiliio. He believed
that a settlement could be reached
which would rightly preserve the in-
dependence at the 1'rausvaal eonsist-
enlly with juatiee to the British resi-
dante, who were giving so much of
their wealth to the Republ'i°.
The opinion of the country must soon
be declared on the subject, and he bo-
1Levsyt L'hat that upinien would be un-
animously the sane as he had stated.
la concluding his references to the
conference, Mr. Balfour said: ' IvJy
sanguine forecast of a successful is -
use out of the troubles is based on the
fact that principles no uhvious 0s the
elementary rights of civilization which
we demand for our fell uw-Countrymen
must commend themselves to the Citi-
zens of the Transvaal, and t venture to
think Lhal the good sense, justice,
policy and wisdom of the loaders of
public opinion in the Transvaal will
make for sums settlement wltiolr will
rightly preserve the independence of
Lhe Transvaal."
A despatch on Wednesday afternoon
from Sir Alfred Milner states that
President Kruger obstinately refused
alt concessions Lending towards a set-
tlement of the Transvaal difficulties.
Upon reoeiviug this despatch Secretary
Chamberlain, Lord Selborne, and oth-
ers held a consultation concerning the
failure of the uegoLiations, whicb cre-
ates a serious situation.
Late in the day operators on the
Stook Exchange were seriously dis-
turbed by the South African news.
Prices declined -sharply, and there was
a semi -panic in Eraffirs.
A Toronto Sian ➢expires From a Slight
Serntrh-1llnod POW/1111,g sot In.
A despatch front Toronto, says: -
14Ir. Alex. Carlton, 205 Oak street,
died at the General hospital at two
o'clock Thursday morning, from blood-
poisoning, His ease was a remark-
able one, for although, as already
stated, blood poisouing caused death,
his sudden end can bel directly traced
to a slight cut from a blade of
Mr. Carlton went fishing early last
week in Ashbridge's bay, and during
the afeernoun, as he was bothered with
a toothache, ha picked a blade of
coarse marsh -grass and began to pick
his inflamed gums with it. While he
was doing this, the end :of the grass
got down his throat and, inflicted a
slight scratch. Mr. Carlton did not
notice the pain at thel time, and when
he went house in the evening he had
forgotten the little incident,
In a day or so, however, he was eon-
so10u3 of a pain in his throat. This
increased alarmingly in a few hours,
and a doctor was summoned. The
trouble was diagnosed as erysipelas,
and the patient was later au removed
to the General hospital. It was then
found that blood -poisoning had set in
and for two days the doctors struggled.
to save his life, but their efforts were
brought to a close by the death of the
patient early this morning.
,Montreal Street Railway Company Make n
Good More.
A despatch from Montreal, says: -
The M:ontrea Street Railway Company
propose to devote some of the large
earnings to increasing the welfare of
their employes. The msnegemcnt is-
sued a circular to -day annouuoing that
it had been decided to increase the rate
of their employes pay, and that the new
arrangement will cost the company up-
wards of 525,000 per year. Besides
the increase in 'pay, the features in
the new arrangem. nt include On Ilea -
dent insurance policy, and the motor-
men and conductors who have been in
the employ of the company five years
or over will receive their uat1orms
Now 81111ia1'y Order Causes a ltevelt at 0116
Iln{Ifnx ltnrreeks.
A despatch from Halifax, sags ;-
There was a revolt at the Citadel bar-
racks on Monday. An order calling on
the man to out their hair in a particu-
lar way was Issued, and ignored by the
men. The rioters took possession Of
the canteen and ejected the sergeant,
It was not until the troops were cap-
ed out that the revolters were over-
powered. Considerable fighting took
The order requires the men to des-
pease with the military bangs and
other curls end looks with whieh they
decorated their £oreheads.
When the Nerve Centres Need Nutrition.
A Wonderful Recovery, Illustrating tbi
Quick Response of a Depleted Nerve
System to a Treatment 'W ioh
Replenishes E odiaustcd
Nerve Forces.
Perhaps you know him ? In Water-
loo he is known as one of the most
popular and successfulbusinsss men of
that enterprising town. As .eanag-
ing executor of the Kuntz estate, he is
at the head of a vast business, repre-
senting an investment of many thous-
ands of dollars, and known to many
people throughout the Province.
Solid financially, Mr. Frank Bauer
also has the good fortune of enjoying
solid good health, and if appearances
indicate anything, it is safe to predict
that there's a full half century of
motive life still ahead for him. But
it's only a few months since, while
nursed as an invalid at the Mt,
01emnns sanitary resort, when his
friends in Waterloo were dismayed
with a report that he was at the point
of death
" There's no telling where I would
have been had I kept on the old treat-
ment," said Mr. Bauer, with a merry
laugh, the other day, while recounting
his experienoes as a very siok man.
"Mt. Clemens," he continued, i1 was
the last resort in my case. For
months previous I had been suffering
indescribable. tortures. I began with
a loss of appetite and sleepless nights.
Then, as the trouble kept growing, I
vis getting weaker, and began losing
flesh and strength rapidly. Ely
stomach refused to retain food of any
kind. During all this time I was
under medical treatment, and took
everything prescribed, but without
relief. just abonr"hen my condition
Sold by G.
seemed most hopeless, I heard of 4
wonderful cure effected in a case
somewhat similar to mine, by the
Great South AmericanNervine Tonto,
and I finally tried that. On the first
day of its use I began to feel that it
was doing what no other medicine
had done. The first dose relieved the
distress completely. Before night I
actually felt hungry and ate with an
appetite such as I had not known for
months. I began to pick up in
strength with surprising rapidity,
slept well nights, and before I knew.
it I was eating three square meals
regularly every day, with as much
relish as ever. I have no hesitation
whatever in saying that the South
American Nervine Tonic cured me
when all other remedies failed. I
have recovered my old weight—over
200 pounds—and never felt better
in my life."
Mr. Frank Bauer's experience is
that of all others who have used the
South American Nervine Tonio. Its
instantaneous action in relieving dis-
tress and pain is due to the direct
shoot of this great remedy upon the
nerve centres, whose fagged vitality
is energized instantly by the very first
dose. It is a great, a wondrous curs
for all nervous diseases, as well 8.8
indigestion and dyspepsia. It goat'
to the real source of trouble direct,
and the sick always feel its marvel-
lous sustaining and restorative power
at once, on the very first day of its
A. Deadman.
Infantry Charge the Crowd With Fixed
.A despatch from Belfast, says: -
There were exciting scenes here on
Monday afternoon, in consequence of
a Nationalist demonstration headed
by Mr. William O'Brien. and aceom-
peaied by bands of mesio and the dis-
play of banners. The Protestants
threatened trouble. with the result
that large bodies of polios and mili-
tary were stationed in the streets. Sev-
eral conflicts took place, and the in-
fantry charged the crowd with fixed
bayonets. Several persons were in-
Tile rioting was resumed in the even-
ing after the return of the process-
ion. The mob fusilladed the pollee
with stones, and the troops were
obliged, to charge several times,
Ultimately the Riot Act was rend,
and a force of 50 policemen batoxod
the crowd, but they were obliged to
retire before a heavy shower of
stones. A public -house was looted
and much damage to properly was
done. The police have made many ar-
rests. Two officers were badly in-
jured by flying stones. Shank Hill
district. the centre of the rioting was
much disturbed until a late hour in
tan evening.
Hord Salisbury end anibasmdar Choate
Saud to Hatt Agreed.
A despatch from London, says;
Lord Salisbury and United States Am-
bassador Choate have a'eatched an
agreement for a provisional boun-
dary in Alaska, pending further ne-
gotiations by the Joint High Com-
ommission. The matter of the Dalton
trail, which was the stumbling block,
has been settled.
A high authority of the Colonial Of-
fice has informed a representative of
the Associated Parris that the melotia-
Lions with ;reference to the Alaskan
question ars in the rosiest possible
condition. After the interview United
States Ambassador Choate had on
Tuesday with the Marquis of Salisbury.
the lines of a prospective settlement
and for carrying on the dismission in
the High Commission were formally
submitted by iia Secretary cf Stara
for the Colonies, Mr, Joseph Chamber-
lain, who throughout has had most
potent influence nvith the Canadian
side. Every arrangement in the ne-
gotiations here between Mr. Choate,
Lord Salisbury, hone S.r .Julian 1'aunce
fote has gone through him, and the
prospective settlement, in a great
degree. may be considered a triumph
for 14Ir. Chamberlain's tact and per-
amino 0011000 to :hake llaatorlologieal
Ylxnnnlnat1111 Free.
The bacteriological department of
the Ontario Agricultural College es
anxious t0 get in touch with the mak-
ers in the cheese factories and cream
cries of the province, with a view to
rendering assistance in cases of diffi-
culty in the way of defective cheese or
butter which may be duo to undesir-
able bacterial infections, and to that
end a circular has boon issued with
the approval of the Minister of Agri-
culture, explaining the scheme, and
showing how the services of the college
bacteriologists may be taken advant-
age of, The effects of undesirable
bacteria and. the probable causes of the
trouble are pointed out, and. the offer
is made to baoteriologioall,y examine
samples of water, butter, cheese, milk,
whey, or buttermilk sent to the col•
lege. Chemical analysis twill also be
made, if necessary, and the causes of
defeats will thereby be asoertainodand
revealed, free of charge.
It is said that there are more limn
. hu
5000 different kinds of flowers which
give forth no odor whatever,
Than, why the dickens. do people ge
raising lilies of the valley?