HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-6-16, Page 1Vol, 27. No, 49
New Advertisements,
Free—Jas, Fox,
eleree—IL B..Brewer.
Kindly note—J. Kerney.
For sale—I. 0. Richards.
Millinery -McKinnon its 00.
Speotaoles—G, A. Dendmac.
Mail aontraot-11. G. Ilopkirk.
Jersey mflk—Mre. W, Biashiil.
Readymade olothiag—A. Strachan,
Brussels ou the 22nd is the word.
Mies Emma Sane is at Listowel learn.
ing the tailoring,
Connell meeting will be held here on
Monday, 20th tenet,
Mrs. Wm. Thompson is in a very low
condition of bealth.
We aro sorry to see that one of Our
youtht-ie on the lame list.
Mies Maggie Brown is borne from
Listowel for a few weeks on a visit.
May choose wag eoid to Messrs. Bal-
lautyne at 7s' °ante par pound. It was
shipped this week.
Alex. Shoop talks of taking a holiday
trip to Goderiob, Saginaw, St. Louie,
North Branch, Miele., and other places
on a visit with relatives.
Next Sabbath afternoon Rev. Mr, Bal-
lantyne, of Moieeworth, will preaoh in
the Presbyterian church as Rev. Mr,
McRae is away attending the Assembly
at Hamilton.
Mies Minnie Sharp and brother George,
who left for Manitoba Tuesday of last
week, arrived at Crystal City on Friday
after an enjoyable trip, barring a little
sea sickness on lake Superior.
Robert MaLauehliir, who lives veer
Ethel cheese factory, ie confined to bed
but we hope he will soon take a turn for
the better. Mr, MoLanobiin was away
to Toronto to consult a epeoialist.
Tbearrangementsnoted in last week's
PORT relative to a division of the work on
the Ethel Methodist oironib for the next
year did nob eventuate so Mr. Oaterhout
will acme on to assist Rev. Mr. Yelland.
Rev. Mr. Hunter will remove to Bervie
where be will succeed Mr. Stewart, who
will go to College. Rev, Mr. Baker will
be Mr. Hunter's superintendent.
Y01111 Photo.
Is just what you want to give to
your friends. If eo, by oelling on as and
giving Oe a trial, we will safely guarantee
to give you the best photo. of yourself
possible to obtain. Our work is THE
BEST and it will pay you to nail on u0.
We thoroughly uoderetand our profession
and have bad good experience. Copying
and enlarging done to perfection. Prompt
attention given to all orders. .A. kind in•
vitation is extended to the public to tall
and inspect our work. Gallery now in
running order and open to all. A. wel.
come to everyone. Don't forgot the plane.
Good opening for apprentice,
eltretten Biook, Brussels,
Sign of the "Heart."
Any Spectacle
ie ao more adapted to your face thea
any goat to your body.
The fit of the frame is as important
see the fit of the lenses,
I make a Specialty of both,
Old People
Over s 60
d N -----
Leet Monday morning Gas, Porter•
field hada °lose gall from serious injury
by being °aught by a saw log that had
slipped off a flat oar on which it wae be-
ing loaded at the station yard. Fortun-
ately it was a small Jog and when it
struck him and knoeked him down nu
Berton damage wae done. All the logs
are awny from Ethel station now.
The Brooke' 00. show is doing Ethel.
They have their tont pitched on the street
near the Orange Hall. They are attract•
ing good crowds. One of tbelr employees
met with a bad accident while helping
rip up some lumber for seats at Cole's
HMV mill. A. pieoe of board flew, striking
him on the forehead, keooking him down.
It took seven etitohee to sew np the
wound. It wae a marvel that he wae not
Sutton leeroItr.—The following shows
the standing of the pupils of the Senior
Department of the Ethel Public Sobool
for the mouth of May :—.Jr. 8rd.—Mag.
gds Osborne, Ella 'languid, Eva ()ober,
Leslie Fogel, Grover Gill, Mina Elliott,
Emma Kerr, Mary Pearean, Stanley
Dunbar. Sr, 3rd.—Goo. Eokmier, Ida
Feu timer, MinsiieBateman, Lily Simp.
son, Mamie McAllister, Avon Elliott,
Olive Renard, Eva McAllister, Dick
Davies, Giver Lindsay. Jr. 4111.—Eva
Oole, Maud1e Quorrin, Stella Dunbar,
Willie Coates, Gordon Imlay,' Henry
Querrin. Sr. 4th,—Bernice Stemma,
Ida Cole, Helena Barr, Howard McAI.
lister, Willie Balmier, Willie Oahtelon,
Willie Freeman, Mamie Haneuld, Edna
Ravnerd, Carl McAllister, Welland Me.
Desna, Annie Batsman, Maud Badgley,
Entine Imlay, Willie Lindsay.
Goo. DoneoN, Teacher.
Ii reseibl'oolz.
Mise Tilde McRae now rides a Domin•
ion bioyole.
What's the matter with our boys organ.
izing a foot bell club 7
A wedding ou the tapis for this month
but we won't give it away Will.
Rev. R. Pant, of Brunets, 000npied the
pulpit of the Methodist church last Sub.
Rev. S. S. Aplin, of Brussels, will
preach in Knox ohuroh on Sabbath next
at 280 p. in.
Yon will see a good representation
from this locality at Brueeele on the
22nd, go look out for 00.
Rev. D. B. McRae and Mre. MoRae
are at Hamilton this week where the
former win attend the General Assembly.
The ollioere of the Endeavor Society
of Knox ohuroh for the coming term
are :—Hon. Pres., Rev. D. B., McRae ;
Pres., IIes Jame
McNeil • Vioe•P
.Mise Jeaa Calder • Reo•Hee, W. H
Robinson ; dor.. eo. Allan Cameron '
Treasurer, Mise Aggie MoNeir. These
are backed up by good committees.
HvasturaL.—On Wednesday of last
week Rev. D. B. MoRae tied the matri•
menial bow between Nelson H. Cardiff,
a well-to-do y0a0g farmer of the 7111 con.,
and Miss' Aggie, the estimable daughter
of John MoOartoey, of the 8rd. They
have taken up houeekeeping On Mr.
Oardiff'e 100 acre farm and commence
married life under nneipolone circum.
etanoee. Their many friends wish them
health, happiness and prosperity, to allot
Willa]] Tne Posx says Amen.
W, and Aire. Belden, of 'Wingham,
spent Saturday and Sunday with friend0
in town.
Rev. Jae. Rees, 13. A., of Brunaele,
preaohed in the Presbyterian church
here Inset Sabbath,
"Dan," ie opeeding himself. hard theca
days, Look nut for fast Ohne 00 the let,
Melvor wou't be in it,
The Canadian sooiol held in the Free.
byterian 0tiur011 lest tents was a grand
euooeee. The baeemout wan crowded lint
being a cool night everything was oomfor.
%V✓1ne Zi1rt.rrt.
Wingham Orangemen hove neural
Bev. F. M• Baldwin, of Aylmer, Crrand.
Obaplain of Ontario West, to preach the
annual sermon to them, on July 2nd.
A epeolal train beeriog G. T. R. oda
oinle passed through ou Friday tact.
There were on tuned G. 77. MoGnigen,
General Superintendent, Montreal; 0.
Jones, Supt„ Toronto • H. Ferguson,
General Roadmaeter, anis P. F. Lynch,
!!ruin Master, of Guelph.
The Canadian Order of Foresters have
set an example that other eeolebies 0111)110
well follow, They have (Molded to hold
their annual church per0da on a wails
night instead of on the Sabbath. The
evening of Thursday, June 22nd, has
been ohoeen. Brethren will meet at the
Court Room Red mareh to the Presby-
resbyterian church, and Rev. D. Petrie will
preaoh. Service at 7:30.
The return match between 'Clinton and
Wingham Worthen teams was played on
Seterde.y. The Olintou players seam bo
be first-rate fellows, and the game wae
well played end interesting to wituo0n,
Mr. Tenney, of Woodstock, noted as um.
pica and appeared to be desirous electing
fairly between the contestants. The
game ended with a more of 10 to 5 in
favor of Wingham with one innings for
Wingbam to play. Following is the
w0r0 :—
Wingham 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 *-10
Clinton 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 1 1— 6
Norte.—H. Kerr nasi Robert Tennent
have sodded their boulevards.—Jas. Ste.
wart hue purobased a fine young driver.
--Jno. Herr is having hie delivery wag.
gon on
Bleufare at world p t11the oat of foundatiaont of
Mr. Porter's new house, South of Din.
stay's.—The dein is nearing completion.
—Tbe volunteers returned home from
London last Saturday, --Berlin and Sea -
forth Will play football on Friday in Sea.
forth.—Remember, the 12th of July three
weeks from next W eduesday.-W ingbam
goes to Seaforbh next Tnesday, 20011, to
play fOOtb0.Il.
—A load of Lady
drove to Brnvsels ou Sunday to attend
service with the lodge of that town.—I.
0. le. exooreicn to Sarnia and Detroit on
Saturday. — Wingham contributed its
veto of twenty-two out of the 1,138 wit-
nee000 eubpmned to give evidenoe in
Weet Huron election trial, in Godaxioh
thie week.—Town Oouncil considered
Bylaw No. 888, to ratify the pnrohnse ot
the water privilege from Carr Bros., and
authorize the raising of $3,500 for the
repair of the dam.
Miss Balmy, Black has been on the
Riots lint.
Don't miss the baseball matelt next
Saturday et 3:80 p. m.
Mise Lottie Pomeroy ie at present the
guest of ]Mise Sarah Bray.
H. E. Watson, of Bolton, spent Sunday
at the home of Dr, Brawn.
Mies Fanny Thompson is visiting Mies
Annie Voeburg at present.
Jas. Thain who has been in the employ
of A. 13. Moffat, has gone to Walkerton.
Mre, French, who has been visiting at
Thos. Ree'e, lett on Tuesday for her home.
Jno. Wendt and Alex. Montgomery
were at the union pie nio at Mildmay laet
Jno, Bray, atter hie siege of sickness,
is we are glad to report, able to be around
Geo, and Mrs. Spotton spent Saturday
in Listowel and witnessed the baseball
Don't forget to set Dominion day
apart for a ewell time. For the beet
eporte you have ever witnessed just
pull into Wroxeter on July let and you
will never regret it. There will be two
bot gn0100 of baseball and one football
matob, Bicycle ream too numerous to
mention and all kinds of sport.
Rev. J. B. Kennedy, wife and daughter
Rote, returned from a trip to Windom
and Detroit last week. They leave for
Potroliain about two weeks, Our new
pastor Rev. Mr. Lake, from Cedar
Spriuge, Ont., will take bis plane here.
The Blenheim News says :—Rev, 0. V.
Lake rename to Wroxeter. He Invert
here with a record of three years' faithful,
11oneet and earnest work, The people
of bis new charge will find hien a thorough
Christian gentleman, whose whole ever.
gies will be devoted to big work and who
will at once win his way to their respect,
His place at Cedar Springe will be taken
by Rev, Mr. Claris.
Basan L,--Onr boys took it into their
heads to run up against Listowel'e crack
team just 10 feel themselves. The play.
ere were 00 follows :—For Wroxeter,
J. Ilrawn, o. T. Grower, p.' A. Robin-
son, 1st b W. Knalse, Ind b, ; G.1 Ptya-
lin, 3rd b. , A. Rae, se, ; G. Male, rf.;
A. Kauko, of. ; J. Snell, If. For Lieto.
wet, Graham, o, ; Donnelly, p. ; Barlow,
let b. ; Baker, 2nd b. ; Thompson, 8rd
b. Morrison, se. ; Kidd, rf, ; Ward, of. ;
John0t00, 11. Some Was 7.1, in favor of
home two, Rather rough on the boys
but cheer upand try it again. nekt.
eter playagain on W
atnrdn T
titer .50110±0' ab 8 0 . m., and an es-
0it1115 game is expected. Exxs.—Sion
should see onr little nineteen year old.
Eddie m0kingmonkeye ; Adam Sanders
wee soarer ; What ie the matter . with
Snell 7 I guess he lame struck hie
spot now. Flayed a star game when
put in a reeponnible position ; Practise
batting 0 little more boys, ospsoially sky
rookete. Or praotioe letting theta go by ;
Art. played a star first base fora boy,
Orope look very well in Carey.
Uouncil meeting on Monday, Sone 20th.
Jae. MoKay, 10th eon., is away visiting
friends et Stratford.
The new More at Monorioff will soon
be in running order.
Mre. Robertson and George Sundayed
with friends in Elam.
Geo. Berry has leased the house lately
vacated by Ray McNaught.
Road labor is occupying the fermata'
attention at present on the 10th.
Bay MoNaugbtl is keeping the board•
ing house far Chas. Qaerengeseer,
Starry Marsden is lying seriou0ly ill at
hie uncle's, John Osborne's,15tb con.
The atone work is completed tor the
new bank barn on Hugh Lainont's farm,
10t11 con.
S. B. Wilson, of Poria, has been visit-
ing at Truman Smith's. He intande
going to College next Fall.
Eli Smith took the morning nervine at
Roe's °hutch last Sabbath morning moat
acceptably iu the absence of Rev. Mr.
School pic•nio iu oonneotioo with S. S.
No. 8 will be held iu Jae. Elliott's grove
on Friday afternoon of. this week. A
good time promised.
Road work is engrossing the attention
of one people. We hope the pathinnetere
will see that 11110tle0 are out and that
boulders are not substituted for gravel,
Jas. Grigg, 12th non., and John Miller
and Robb, Ridley, 4th noes, left Tuoeday
of last week for Manitoba. They went
by boat reaching Winnipeg last Friday.
Leet week's Co. Council isolated to
accept the 51,000 willed by EliasDiokeon,
demised, for the maintenance of bis sis-
ter at the House of Refuge and the resol-
ution of a former meeting wits rescinded,
A base ball team bee boon organized
between the 8th mud Otb cone. The play
ground le on John MoKilenon'e farm.
They will oro00 bate with a Morris teals
at Bruesele next Thursday end will put
up a good game.
Last week Jae, tog and Thos. and
Jho. Savage wont to Exeter to attend the
funeral of Mr, Boggle grandson, W. J.
Emery, a brakeman on the 0. cO E. rail-
way, In the North.weet, who was etruok
by a coag elute while Evoking on the oars
in the yerde at MacLeod on Botarday,
1 11 le,
lid . the w ee
June 8rd, and thrownn e ,
instant death reselling. Ho wag former.
ly stationed in the G, T. R. freight sheds
at Palmerston. The body was brought
to Exeter for burial. Mr, Eneery, G. T.
R. agent at Palmerston, is a brother to
(Imamate. Mn Dseeey wae 27 70010 of
age and had been in the Went for 1
1 n Friday
was a
Yre fuming n
a The
e 7
Society ono and wag largely attended.
Beautiful floral tributes w0r0 mode,
Jno, W. Antes and wife, of Bay City,
Mich., uncle and mint to deceased, wore
in attendnn0e ab the interment. Mr. end
Mre. Antes are now renewing old friend.
Otitis fn Groy, garde end Brumaire
Mr. Ames is a son of Semuol Attlee, of
Ethel, and tt 10140185 resident Of Bruaaele,
baviu left this locality 15 or 10 ye000
ago. gMMeg, Arnett da
is a ughteu of 141r,
Hogg, 8rd oon,
The addition to 3311ee Elliott's barn,
nth eon., wae retried On 'Thursday of Oda
week, a bee being held for that pnrpnae.
Wa congratulate 1'1. A, 11111 on Become.
fatly passing hie examination tine year
in oonnere km with his medical comm.
I1e will thou be au 111. D, and will make
a good one too.
Wolk ie being pushed along at the hie.
ditch. Ocutraotor Oliver lies haste of
visitors. The dredge ie quite a onrioshty
to many and the way it teras tbrough
warts ie simply surprising.
Robert Shiols, formerly of Grey, ban
(Reposed of lila property at Constantin
and bag gone to Toronto where be will
tate a situation seg traveller with Joe. 0.
Winston d; Co. Mre. Shiele and famlly
will reside at Winthrop for the time being.
The 31st ult., wae a red letter day in
the history of John F. Beirnse and Miss
Susan Ilarrit, for on thtt day they ware
joined in the holy estate of matrimony
by Rev. D. 13. MoR'te, at the reeidenoe of
the gro.vn's parents. May the sunshine
of prosperity illuminate their pathway
through life.
est ttt•Ytea
Read work is taking ite innings.
Township Domicil on Monday, Jane 20.
Last weeps Jolla Mille returned from
ettendance at the Methodist Conference
at Winlleor, lis represented Blyth air.
Airs. Bowker and son, Harold, of Min•
neep,elis, are %dieting at Ino.11'looney's.
Mrs. hawker is a sister to Mhee Abelie.
John Kelly, 7111 line, and Miss King
were married at 01in1o0 last Monday, so
report Bays. May their fu'nre be pros-
perous and happy.
Tnesday of 11110 weeps Peter Moffatt,
let line, raised his now barn. It is 50x00
feet and will be fitted up with all the
modern improvements.
Mrs. Samuel Walker wae vieitiug last
week at Ehmvilie, Kirktoa and Crediton,
arriving hone ou Wednesday of this week
after spending en enjoyable time.
One congratulations are extended to
Jay Olegg, Oth tine, who has completed
his College course and now has the degree
of B. A. May eno0eee attend him.
Inspector John R. Miller, who has been
laid up farlthe past six weeks, with a oar.
Inmate on the book of his head, is able to
take occasional drives to town now and
will soon be o. k.
Rev. Mr. Penhall, who is to be the new
m111101er et Jackson's thumb, 0omea from
Cornuna, Lombton Co. He has been 20
years in the ministry and has a good
record. His first service will be on the
afternoon of July 2nd.
A letter to Tum Masa from Jno, T. Vic-
Arter, of Abigail, Man,, says :—We like
the country splendidly. The Spring wae
a little backward but w0 g01 through
seeding and the wheat is up now, May
21st. Wo have 90 acres of wheat and 20
of oats. Our location is 10 miles from
Boiesevain ; 2 from the great hunting
ground of Whitewater Lake and 9 from
the new town of Elgin.
Bev. Robert Geo. Mnffait, eon of Bobt.
Moffatt, formerly of the boundary, now
in Michigan, wae here this week with his
bride on a wedding trip. He will leave
on the 10th of July for Central Africa
where he goes into the mission field of
the Oougregational aural). He served
hie apprenticeship to the blaoksmitbing
with John Forrest in Jamestown. His
old Mende in title locality wish hili great
enemas in hie work. Mr. Moffatt is a
nephew ot In0pe01or ➢filler, Mre. Mai.
fats will continue to make bor home with
her parents at Cleveland fora time.
A note to Tno POST from Clain, dangh.
ter of Hillary Mooney, now of 'Weyburn,
N. W. T., Paye :—We ere going to try
and run a Sabbath school . in„Weyburn,
hut of course it will be a anion school.
There is a nice young Presbyterian
minister, whose name is Smith and he is
trying to make the sohool a 00ooea0.
They had a meeting on Monday evening
to see about getting papers, helps am.,
and on a recant Sabbath appointedof-
fittersfrom the leading men of the town,
We bane Sunday school from 10 to 11 a.
m. followed by church servioe and there
1va0 quite a few there for the S. S. open•
ing. So far we like the country all
right excepting for the mosquitoes.
Hope the S. S. in Brussels still oontinuee
to prosper. We *all send our beet re.
Robert Wray is away on a short holi-
M. Morrison has erected a new fence
and gate on hie promisee.
James Carter had a bee ou Monday
moving one of hie buildings.
Jno. Mckenzie and Andrew Turnbull
were fn town on their be:Toles Sunday,
Mr. end Mrs. Hodgins, oI Luoan, were
visiting relatives 311 this locality for a few
The bricliyard opened up a kiln of ilia
on Monday. Thera was as usual a ggod
Mr, and bite. Dill and Mien Jennie
MoDooald were vieitingatL. McDonald's
on Sunday.
Robert Theism is engaged with John
Stookdiil, of Senfortli, in the feather.
cleaning 11usinogs.
Quite a crowd will go from this Iocality
to Brussels on Thursday of next weeds to
the oelebratlon to be held there.
Garden Party at D. Mo0uaig's on Fri-
day evening of this week. Jeremiah; Band
and other attraotione on the program.
Rev. C. 111. Filer, of the TI. P. ohnroh
of Walton, will preaoh next Sabbath
morning on "The Resurrection of Jaene.”
A cordial invitation is extended to the
public to hear him,
Rev. D. Forrest is away lit Hamilton
attending the General Assembly of the
Presbyterian church. Bev, R. Paul; of
Brnseele, will take the two 0orviee0 in
Duff's 011ur011 next Sabbath in otiose.
We are glad to loath that Rev. A. 0.
Tiffin le again to have Omega of Weitou
Methodist oirouit, eir, and Mrs. Mein
are well do meleg of the hearty and
effeotienatc 0uppor1 they receive from
the different mambos% of thou 0110rge.
Aire. T. and sou arrived IonisonTuseday
from Grey Co.
It is new peooible to have a Handle"
at the Northern part of our vills.ge.
Just eels Jno. GSvenlools how the new
arrival is getting along.
While L, ldollonald wee returning
from 73ruseola lamb Friday, bis boric
0hi01, and elf. McDonald was thrown
out, rooelving a severe shafting up.
It Is reported that Robert MoDole
reo'ivad the desirable gift of three colts
00 Ifni farm oue day I,tat weeds, Whether'
they were tripteta or merely 0ontsmpor-
tries deponent mail not,
Same residents think the p'thmaeter
in replacing p'.ank with gravel eldewalk,
hn0 put his foot in it, To judge from 1
oonsietenny, we don't 505011 least how he
could pet his foot on it.
The Walton football team playel a
mat611 with S. S. No, ll, Morris, Saturday,
on the 000aeion of their annual pic.nio.
The score wae a tie, no goals beim made.
A. MnCuaig noted Re referee, to the entire
satiefeation of all parbiso. The return
match will be played on the Walton
wands Saturday evening of thea week.
Wo1001AG DsotoxsmaA'tote.—A grand
demonstration will be held under the
auspices 01 the A. 0. U. W. in Walton
on Friday, Juue 23rd, 000tmencing at
10 o'clock a. 111, At 11 o'clock a sawing
snatch will take place with prime as fol-
lows :-let $7 ; 2nd, 51 ; 3rd 54 ; 4011,
$21 5th, $1. Entrance fee 5",,', of purse.
A number of Grand Lodge ofiioere aro
expeoted to be present and will addreme
the gathering at 1 o'clock. A foot ball
match will take place in the afternoon,
The winners will be awarded a foot ball
as a prize. foot races for old and young.
A platform will also be in readiness for
those wishing to enjoy tllemeelvee et
dancing. All are invited.
Syns0A'r117.—Ou Senility the following
resolution was unanimously (tarried by
the congregation of the Methodist church
here ;—".Moved by Wm. Pollard, emend.
ed by Robert Holland, that it is with
sincere sorrow that we have recently
learned of the death of Carl Baugh, eeo•
and son of Rev. Wm. Baugh, of Allem
Craig, formerly an aooeptable and beloved
pastor of Walton circuit, on wbioh oir•
cult deeea0511 was born. Therefore we
as d congregation, in worship assembled,
desire to extend unto Rev, and Mrs.
Baugh, as well as the younger members
of the family, onr most profound sympae
thy in the time of their sincere trial, and
we pray that the God of all comfort and
grace may euetain them in We trying
,trassels SeB0o1 1toa1'd.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Pnb13o School Board
was held in the
Board room last Friday evening ; all 1110
members present,
Minutes of last regular meeting were
read and passed.
An account was presented by G. A.
Deadman and wae laid over till next
Moved by D. 0. Roes, seconded by J.
G. Skene that the Board borrow the Dam
of 5475 from the Standard Bank for
three months to pay present note and
tea:here' salaries for the quarter.—oar.
Moved by W. F. Vanstone, seconded by
J. G. Skene that the Board advertise in
the Toronto Globe and Mail to Empire
of June 17th and 24th for a first assist-
ant teacher for tlae Brussels Public
Sobool, to hold a second-class profession.
al certificate or better. Salary 5800 per
annum. Applications, with testimonials,
to be received until July 14th. Duties to
begin after the Summer vacation, owing
to Mr. Weigher haniug tendered his
resignation .—O a r ri e d
The attendance for May was es fol.
lows :—
n00.11 ON ROIL AVG. ATT.
3. 80 75
2. 62 48
3 68 59
4 47 45
Total 200 227
Boord tion adjourned.
8.1+'C IIURO' I1'5RIIF.itS' INSTI-
The annual meeting of East Huron
Farmers' Institute was held in the Ootm-
oil Chamber, Brussels, on Tuesday after-
noon of this week, President Strachan in
the chair. Minutes of last meeting read
and passed. After an appropriate ad.
dross by the President romarlss were
made by Thos. McMillan, W. H. Fraser,
A. Gardiner and W. H. rerr,
Report of Executive was presented,
showing that 0 meetings were Held in the
Riding during the past year. Tbe
Auditors' report was also read, showing
the total receipts to be $180.00 and die.
bursomcuts $180.28, leaving a balance of
040.77. John McIntosh mud Jas. Bow.
man, Auditors, oartided to the comsat -
nese of the accounts. Both were accept.
ed and adopted,
It was dsorded:tbat the places for hold.
ing regular meetings be Bruosels and
Gerrie. , Supplementary meetings at
Murdie'a school house, Ethel, Fordwioh
and Constance.
Following were elected Directors
Howiok, Robt. Edgar and Thos, Gibson ;
Wroxeter, J, Brethour and T. J. Gibson ;
Tnrnherry, Tiros. Mosgrovo and Jae,
Elliott ; Morrie, Joseph Smillie and W.
H. Fraser ; Blussele, W. H, Kerr and G.
F. Blair ; Grey, Thos. Meacham and R.
Dilworth ; Mo7iillop, 0, Murdie and ea,
Gardner ; IIulbett, T, McMillan end
Jas. Hintltloy ; Auditors, Ino, MoIutosh
and Jas. Bowman.
Moved and seconded that the books
belonging to the Institute now at Wren -
ober be sent bo Forclwioh 1 Brussels to
Ethel •, and Welton to Constance and
that Messrs. :C gar, Dilworbh and Mo.
Milian. arrange the 118000001y work.
Me. Straohan was re•oleoted Prosident ;
Mr. Fraecr, Viee•Preeidont ; and Mr.
Hood, SoorotaryTreasurer.
The OryatelPPalau)in London, where
the first world's convention of the Ohrie.
tion leneeievor will be held to 1000, can
0000mmodate 100,000 persons. Peeper•
abione are being mode for 25,000 dela.
-- . H. KERR, Prop.
The annual sermon was preached to
the members of Tent Brussels, No. 94,
and the Lady Maaoahee Order of tide
place, in St. John's taboret' last Sunday
morning by Rev, G. 3. Abey, whose dia•
oouree was both pleasing, praoticel and
profitable. niarebailea by Jno. Wright
KU members of the Order, 20 of them be.
lag ladies, weariagbaclgee, marohsa from
their Lodge room to the church, There
were 12 lady visitors in attendance from
Wingham. Tho church was eppl'oprf•
ately decorated with bunting, flowers and
The textohelion was tial, 0 ; "Boor ye one
nuottG r'e burdeue, and so Will the law of
D1Cplt Fnta Nna,—T.t 1s alike a p10000 e
and a privilege to address you to -day, and it
Is like all pleasures and privileges, a toenail -
'Ability. I thank yen for the houor done me
111 asking me to preach , this annual sermon
to your noble Order and hope, 117 the aid of
God's Holy Spirit, to speak words' that will
not,only strengthen your Coosa hero on earth,
but that may lead you to strengthen your
hope on an eternal lnheritanee in the
heavens. I believe tea alma and ubleoba of
this Order, represented today, are privai-
pally the carrying out of the 00mmand
quoted in the text. Our Saviour when on
earth had helped the 1001! and needy,"Iia
,yantab0nt doing good' and this Order is
emulating the example of Christ, lint 01117
by the ilnnnaitl atd afforded through its
sick and relief funds, but by their untiring
and solicitous Care of the distrose0d and
needy and their offers of assistance and
sympathy to thesiok and to the bereaved,
Brotherly love and universal p hilantbrapy
ale the piliara of the Order, with (Marlty
Elm keystone of the olrole, but the feandatio0
upon which elle whole superstructure taste
is the tender care of 111e widows and
orphans o1 those who have 110051 members
of the Order, To give you an idea of the
popularity which Shia modern 000loty on+
oP 700 In 1581 it has grfrom
luallyy increased
till iu January of this year the total mem-
bership numbered upwards of 080,'03 souls.
I dummy many of yyou aro familiar with the
origin of the name bywhioh this noble Order
is known, every ata0ce,bee will quite, un-
derstand1t lie well as the emblems
of the Order and the colors and the motto,
bob for those who might not knew I would
nay the name is. taken iron that valiant
bonera0terof (050'0 chosen peopi0, Sodas
11180oehens, and their metros today are
sihlilar, As this great leader, with. the an-
010tau0e 01 other godly mon. defended the -
rights of the people, so to -day tits noble
Order 18 banded together in the interests of
those who ate oppressed by the ills of life,
and to old suffering bumau.ty by human
love and benevolence. Iu tweaking of their
emblem I would. say that the World
represents that the Order la universal. Ito
objects and purposes are withinthe roach
of all mankind wherever drepersed over the
earth. The tent on the world represents
the abiding place of the members and their
inotto translated into Engliish meaua "The
Stare our Tent, the Deity our Light." The
colors which yen see draped have also a
deep e10011100000 They ware Mimeo by
the blank e
mholie ed
the dark
p000500 and 1
eats around him the rad was
indicativenn dark goose love foe
of his fire and seasons 1
the right, and the oti a was he serenity eof
the purity nh his motivesand the 100105f
prate witch Ida faith taught him would
crown hie efforts at liberation. How could a
Society be otherwise than successful that
has such a a motto es purity of motive,
Now to go hack to the text, let me say
that mutual dependence is a la w of the uni-
verse, nothing/donde alone. Look at the
innumerable worlds that inhabit apace,
God -might have bald each world iu its
place separately and without relation to
any other world, but He has chosen to hold
all together as ono vast universe, 8t.
Paul points out the same thing in the
human body. The eye cannot say to the
heal"I have n0 need of thee,' and as in
the human so it is in human soolety wo
Pore it isnot tobewondered of another.
that Christ There.
in founding a 800iety proved as Christians
lay down this law of dep0tidonee for its
regulation, the law of Christ in this respect
ie "Sear yo one another's bardoae"
What a training Yen have in your noble
Order towards unselfishness, if you learned
or gained nothing else by being a member,
you learn our of the highest lessons in the
Obrletlanlife by endeavoring to Will Ilia
command in this respect you cannot be a
consistent member of any Ohristian COM -
mullion oro( this very Order present to-
day and live selflehly 0arelesa of 40ur fellow
workers and members. Our greabeet happi-
ness is never attained by feeling that we
eau live quite independently, but by a
division of labor, and myth of in in our in-
dividual spheres being se muoh as possible
Oho servants of our follow men. Indeed out
Saviour in giving us this work doesn't make
any now law, but gives a higher satiation
and appltoattou 10 a law which has Over ex-
isted to govern God's people. Ho duds men
already dependent on one another, all the
more by the entrance of sin, and He takes
advantage of this for the training of His
people, When wo rimy Bear ye one
another's burdens," it is implied that there
aro 00000111 burdens which One 0110100100
can bear for another, and witch that other
eau bear for him, and which can in, this
way, be made light for both. Isnot this one
of the prin0lples upon which your popular
Order 1s founded ? You are first Christians,
then being Chriottaus you aro the better
speak of certto ain burdens that aro borne by
suffering humanity, which may be lightened
by us. lab, there is the burden of want.
and only those who have suffered can give
any idea of what it means. We have all to
be supplied with our daily bread mud while
many aro rich that is to my have more
than they Load thele are many others who
are poor, 111x010 have lass than they need.
God might have ordained all to bo Mali and
n o poor among Ilio people, yet Ile hart in
His infinite wisdom made many who are
poor to bo dependent unou their more
favored brethren. Our Saviour moo said
' Phe poor pe have always with. yoc1." Wo
clarinet look forward to the time when there
Will be 00 poor, so that wo certainly ought
to make some provision to meet those ex-
isting evils. Of course many are poor by
oirottmstauces over wbioh they have uo eon -
1101, haying little or nothing doming in and
perhaps many mouths to till, they have a
roti btutlon on their minds, a burden such
as few of us would choose to bear for otr-
solves, yet are there nota great many pee-
plc to -day who will 1100 make 1150 of the
memis afforded them to ley up for a rainy
day 4 Ave there not ninny who today are
comfortable yet ley aside nothing against
the time when they may have no provider y
1 think every wife and mother ought to fool
it to their worldly interstate to lay aside
50m011115g. I know e, groat many have a
out in0ura000 but there
1)a 0 taking u ht
i a n
1 g
are tenons Societies, such as the one pres-
ent today, which area Groat means of sup-
port in the day of trouble, But not to be
oolash, thinly of the good that may be clone
to othere by investing emno0biug 111 this
wiry, 500 are helping to bear some other's
bateau, au, and in a thrall waY striving to filial
the law of 0111001, and the low of 011riet to
that we aro to boar this burden for our fol.
low. 10011, boar it as we would have them to
ire neer
like o ataand a
in i1) um w
do et for use
aro to de itthough it wore a 110 8-
t oou
ourselves anduotaatbough wm we0re
terring au objigatlon. Dear iriend0, let
use ev01 do it wine reverolla° and humility,
for if there Is anything lu a •person's monad
or bearing salon atoll to destroy the self-
resent. or auy005 receiving from them, it le
to makehinthim feel that though you aro re.
moren01I11oi Miracle r him toiobonn, Whenh1v
help anyone lobus bestudiousto make 111211
one fool Wattle or she is out ocual, ospsciel'.
gen we 00o t coni is lithe burden smother
Mon, and bow nobly your 'Order sustalne
this teething, 1' noon bearing the burden or
manage auu bereavonlout, 370 ere all
mortal, Death lute, sot hie mark or seal ou
our bodies we are all liable to Midtown! and
decay, end even ,vheu tee become a mo A
bor of the Church or of any 5001019,
not leave our 1118 behind Ota, but -bore of
this and that elm it is Bahl he or oho e0 etch.
Than haw r0ady you are as Maooebues to
wait upon and assist that af(liotod one,
to with mute them and give of your sub.
stenos, then when of those beloved, ono
after another, is laid in the grave, the
burden of mortality presses heavily upon
the bereaved. What 000ld be heaviee 7
Now you and I are called upon bo assist.
in bearing these burdens. It has ap-
pointed for all these things end yo but
carry out His appointment, "Bear ye one
another's burdens." We are to bear this
burden as we may yet be in their case
and we should like this same office to be
performed for us, and more than that,
we aro so olosely related, door friends,
that it ought to be as though part of onr.
selves were suffering If we leave the
true spirit of Christ in us end really be-
long bo the body of Chriet, then what a
fellow Christian suffers will, as it were
vibrate through us. We are to hear this
burden in the way of sympathy, and we
can make it a practioal sympathy by a
visit to the eiok•bod, by a kind enquiry,
by a kind act, by a kind express 11 or
even by a kind look. Dear friends, lee
in as Christians and Maeoabeee be
studious to show that wo are not wholly.
taken up with ourselves, and that w0
have a begat, and time and plane foe
thought and feeling towards °there,
for, oh 1 when life is ebbing, it is herd to
think we or any near and doer to us will
be left forsaken, while it is cheering to
think that there ore around them nes.
Rangers of Christ, each, as it were, eon•
vetting to the afflicted one aportion of
the Master's sympathy. It is a great an-
compliehment to be able to offer conaoia-
tiou in affliction. We should cultivate
this Divine art so that we may bottoms
proficient in it. We should each seek to
be a Barnabes,—a son of consolation--
eepecially to the Lord's afflicted ones,
mad may our Saviour, by His grace end
spirit, so worts in our hearts that we will
fuel for those siok and afflicted ones with
whom we come in ooutaet. Now I would
fail in fulfilling my duty, were I not to
make brief mention of the Auxiliary
Order of the ladies of the Maccabees also
present to day. It is the first Society of
women ih the world to organize a bene.
fioiary Society, offering life proteotion to
women, and the demand for such a So -
(tidy has been shown by its remarkable
growth. A year ago the total member.
ship in the United States alone was 91,-
010. This lbooietyis educational in its
its tea0h
in a
influence, Christieuin
aneffoent in
in its precepts, b
p p
its results and is said to be accomplishing
ranch good. Saab Sooietie0, dear friends,
ought to strengthen and stimulate the
true spirit of Christianity, and I hope
that those who have beard me to -day may
melee daily use of this text, not merely as
a means of carrying on mow safully the
work of your noble Order, but for work-
ing out for yourselves ars inheritance, in-
corruptible, nodedled and which fadeth
not away, prepared in heaven for tbose
who, through love to their Saviour,
bear one another's burden, thus ful-
filling His law.
Mre. Holmes, sr„ is very ill this week.
Mrs, D. Roes ie visiting at Kincardine.
Mrs, Pearson wag on the sink list last
Mardy McLennan, of Landon, wee in
town last week.
Mrs. (De.) Graham, of Clinton, is vie -
Ring in Brussels,
Mrs. Wm. Jewitt returned last week
from a visit to Elimville.
Mai. Geo. Good, of Toronto, is renew.
ing old friendships here.
Mise Ida Blashill boa taken a situ.
ation in a restaurant in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman, of Seaforth,.
were visiting at David Ross' last weak.
B. Gerry and wife spent Monday with
their eon, N. B. and wife, in Wroxeter,
Mrs. Bennett is visiting Mrs. John
Tait. Mre. Bennett is a sister to Mr.
Inc, Yeo and Miss Alma Yeo, of Holm-
esvitle, are visiting at B. Gerry's this
Miss Ella Ainley was visiting at her
Poole's, Luke Spearin, 14th con., of Grey,
last week.
J. W. Ames and wife, of Detroit, are
0101110g relatives he Brussels. Moe. D.
0, Ross is their melee.
Jno. F. McCeee, of Roseland, was here
for a few days during the pest week. He
has returned to the West.
Rob. MoOraoken and Jae. Thomson
spent Snndey at Mount forest. They
made the trip on their wheels.
Dr. G. 0. Munroe, who was assisting
Dr. F. H. Kelbiloieeh for some time, is
now at New York tatting a poet graduate
Mrs, Strubb is ill with inflammation
and erysipelas. Her eider, Mies Webb, of
Walkerton, ie waiting on her, at her
home, Sohn et.
Ernest Sperling, of MaIiillop, was look.
ing up old friends rn town last week. He
is recovering from a severe at0aok of
grippe, but slowly.
Harold Creighton, son of J, A. Craigia-
too, of Brtseele, ban reoeivsd a remuner•
naive appointment in oonneotion with
one of the railway armee in Breton. Ile
is 1t oompetent hand, and we, aro pleased
to beer of his promotion.
De. T. G. Holmes, formerly of Bruen
Ole, is nolo stationed with;. his regiment
at Spokane, Washingtnu Territory.
They meg be oalled to Manila to relieve
some of the ee imsnbe therm for some
time, Mre. Holmes end family Mill re -
aide in Detroit.
W. Beeley, of Northville, Altohi ang , 10
vieit'ng hie uncle, Wm. Biastiill. 1415.
13arloy did service with the 30th Midst.
gen volunteer hems during the duban
war in the Southern States. He :was a
member of the Band tad is a fine (Menet
player. A very interesting story E0 told
by Mr, 73arloyof the el hts, seen55 end
ox er1000es met with. daring hie taro
with the D. S. soldier boys. It he eel.
dentiy nob all gold that glittcia,