The Brussels Post, 1899-6-9, Page 8Poor ''," .
A peor•fittiug Spataole le hot
ou1y unsightly but aleo le an injury, in
other wordeyou will not receive se much
benefit even if the gleaseo are such as yon
require wlton the frame is tee wide or too
i arr0W, too Vigil or too low.
19. Good Glaze.
Thera is considerable prejudice
and ignorance regarding Spatulas.
Some have an idea that any Glass so long
as it helps one to see bettor ie as good as
any. 'The truth is there is not only a
difference in the material but also in the
way the Glasses are grolud. We are
speoially meek!, to gel the boot and when
you buy your Glaseee from us we are nob
only careful about the kind of Glasses we
give you but also about; the fitting of the
frame. We like to see a good fitting
Spectacle. We will be pleased to test
your eyes free any day except Sunday.
Druggist, Optician and Bookseller.
IZ •
I have a fills Iingistored
Jorsoy Cow and a 1Torsoy Heifer
wllicll I'ivill soli or gig's
to a rosponsible party not too
far from Brussels.
$30 Cash
Will bay a good half -
bred Jersey Cow. She should
soon pay for herdolf and is a
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optician and Bookseller,
800000RN EXTENSION W. G. & B.
Praine leave Bruesele Station, North
and South, as follows:
0 sprees 7:10 a.m. Mail 2:10 p.m
Hued . 0:40 a,m, Express 10:17 p.m
rotal Ethos
A ohiel's smiting ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Now for the granolithio walks.
A ma day Thursday, June 22ud. See
BRo8emcs Maccabees will attend eer-
vioe in S1. Johne ohnreb next Sunday
WATsoo Amax has beau levelling and
seeding the grounds about 1315 residence
on John etreet.
R. LEATIIERDALE sent a load of furni-
ture to Seaforth with Dal. Kendall Mon-
day of this week.
Doz'r forget the Garden Party next
Tuesday evening on the Parsonage lawn.
Band in attendance.
THE 50 cent rate of subscription to
TUE POST for the balance of 1800 is giving
us a lift toward reaching our 2,000 mark.
Tire Enterprise Salt Works may area
buildings at the G. T. R. end pump the
brine there instead of having to haul the
BnnssELe iron bridge will receive a
cont of paint and a renewal of flooring
this Summer. Neither will be money
foolishly spent.
Wm. GOEWAR was to have umpired e
game of base ball between Lietowel and
Palmerston on Thursday of last week, at
the former plans, but was unable to go
owing to his lame ankle.
TEE debate on the B'ibie and Printing
Press did not materialize at the 0. 0. F.
Court here last week owing to the ab -
sena of a number of those who were ex -
satiating bo take part. It will likely be on
the program of the next meeting.
Ilse? Tuesday, June 27113, clear so as
to take in the exoureion run to Guelph
Experimental Farm by East Huron Ag-
ricultural Society. The return fare is
only 51.00 for adults, good for two days.
Train will leave Bruesele at 7.10 a. m.
Saturday, 17th inst., at 2 o'olook, e, meet.
of the joint Boards of the East Huron
and Grey Branoh Agricultural Societies
will be held in Brussels Town Hall to
revise the prize list for the Fall Fair and
attend to other business matters,
AN effort was made to organize a
branch of the W. C. T. U. in Brussels,
on Monday afternoon, but nothing was
done as so few turned out. The meet•
ing was addressed by Mise Fisher, of
Wingham. A fiooriebing branoh existed
in this plane several years ago and did
good work.
550.00 REWARD.—Samuel Burke, who
a couple of weeks ago lost a pocket book
containing oeeh and notes to the amennt
of 5700, offers the above reward for the
return of the money. The notes beer
the names of V. Gramm, P. McDougall,
Jas. Sburrie and A. MoNeil., and bills
amounted to $300,
Wilson, Secretary of the Y. M. 0. A., at
Paris, and a former well known young
man in Brussels, is severing his oonne0.
tion with the local brenab to go into
business eleewbere. Mr. Wilson has
been very popular with the young men of
Paris, and about 60 of them gathered at
hie boardinghouse to give him a farewell.
During the evening they presented Mr.
Wilson with a oomplimentary address
audit purse of $40 in gold. A good por-
trait of Mr, Wilson appeared in a reoent
issue of the Patio Star•Transoript. TRH
Posit wishes him 8000888 wherever his lot
may be cast.
exohanga it is learned that Thomas S.,
eldest son of D. MoPhayden, formerly of
Brussels, died on the 5th of May, aged
nineteen years. Death was due to bran.
ohial pneumonia, wbioh began its work
on February last. The funeral on the
following Sunday was largely attended,
the members of the town council' attend-
ing in a body as a mark of respect to the
doctor, a fellow ooanoillor, The Lorne
iaorosee olub to wbioh deceased belonged
marched at the head of the procession
wearing memorial badges. Dr. and Mrs.
MoPhayden's old friends in Brussele
empathise with them in their bereave -
400 COLONIES. — The Goderioh Star
says :-On Tuesday of last week, Gar.
row and Proudfoot, on behalf' of W. M.
Sinclair, barrieter of Brussels, issued a
writ against Geo: A. Deadman, druggist,
of the gams village, to (muse him to pre.
vent This bees from beeeigiug the plain-
tiff's prnmi005, It Is averred that defen.
dant keeps 400 colonies of bees on hie lot
adjoining plaintiff's, and that the said
bees attack and take away preserves and
gaeobatine eatables from his dwelling,
leaving as a remembrance waxed floors,
walls, kitehen uteoailn, honeehold furni•
tore and elotbing. It is understood the
case will be defended, so we aball 8000
/mote whether the humble bee 080 be
interfered with in 1118 atigbbOrly visite.
A GRAND oelebration two weeks from
yesterday. June 2213d is the date, put it
in your hat.
COUNTY Council is in seeyinn this week,
Co. Councillors Bowman and Kerr being
in attendanoe from this divielon,
Wingham Minstrels will give en
entertainment in Brussels this Friday
evening tinder the auspices of the Base
A garden party *ill be held on the
lawn of the Methodist Parsonage, on
Tuesday, June 13th, under the auspioes
of the Epsvorth League. Good program.
Tam Free Library will be open Tues-
day mud Saturday from 2 to 5 and 7 to
9.80 p. to., Monday, Wednesday, Thurs-
day and Friday from 2 to 5 p. ra., during
the Summer.
Excensunt to Guelph Model Farm on
Tneaday, 27th inst. Don't forget the
date. Return fare only 51.00 ; children
under 12 half fare. Passengers will go
and return by regular trains.
Qum a rushing business is being done
by P. Ameut in the Bale of slabs, out up
to stove lengths. A good many Braseel-
itee did not lay in mach of a stook of
wood lash Winter SO are substituting the
A subscriber at Toronto Junction, in
remitting his subscription says 7—.1'
have lived bare for the past 7 years
receiving TEE POST regularly and we find
it as good as a letter from home. What's
the matter with Tae BRUSSELS POST ?
It's all right." Yours Truly, G. B,
TEE Education Department bas an-
nounced the dates for the High School
and University matrioulation examine.
tion. Candidates in Form I will begin
on July 3rd, oandidaees in Form II and
commercial epeoialiebs on July 5th, and
candidate in Form Iandon July
Tao anneal meeting of East Huron
Farmers' Iaetitute will be bald in the
Council Chamber, Brussels, on Tuesday
afternoon of next week, 13th inst. In
addition to the election of (facers arrange
meats will be made fur the nest aeries of
meetioge and other matters of interest
will be discussed.
A Pnovnecror, lave tennis league Inas
been organized, the clubs forming the
same being arranged in districts, each
district having ite own schedule of
matches and the winoere in the different
groups to play off at the end of the series.
District No. 2 is composed of the Gode.
rioh, Clinton, Blyth, Seaforth and Bras•
eels clubs.
Quire a few eagniriee are being made
by residents of the Main street relative
to the cement sidewalks and Tam Par
would not be venturing in the prophetic
role to an alarming extent to say that
quite a few yards will likely be put down
before the Sommer is past. The walks
should be kept ontside of the shade trees
and the lawns boutevarded out to them.
Fnoar WYo2Exa,—Adam Sinolair, who
is working tip in the Mountains arrear
Cokeville, in Wyoming, U. S., writes,
under date of May 17th, "We still have
from 8 to 0 feet of snow, though going
off every day. I have to walk 17 miles
to the poet -office, going about 6 males on
snow shoes, returning I have a climb
of 2,000 feet. We expect soon to be able
to get out with a wagon when we will
start shipping the ties we have been
TORONTO Exa.IRITION.—Stmulatsd by
the grand suaoeee of Met year's Indus•
trial Fair, the Directors of the Toronto
Exhibition are putting forth greater ef-
forts than ever to make the one for the
present year eclipse all that have gone
before, both as to the extent and variety
of exhibits as well as the novelty and
magnitude of the special attractions.
The Prize List bag been published, and
copies cnn be procured by any of our
readers by dropping a posh card to the
Secretary at Toronto. The Fair is to
be held from the 281b of Aogost to the
9th of September.
Jon 22xo,—A greed oelebration in
Brussels on Thursday, June 22nd. Keep
your mind on the date and invite all your
friende to town for that day. Give your.
self one day's pleasure in your own town
and don't always go away for your sports.
Talk it up and get everybody else talking.
At a meting of the citizens of Bens -
Bele, held in the town Hall on Tuesday
evening, it was denided to hold a Grand
Demonstration of the fraternal societies
on the above mentioned date: An extol.
lent program hag been drafted out, eon-
sieting of hose oontests, performing
wheelmen, baseball and football matobee,
Society procession, and a grand relay
rave open to the sohools of Grey an
Morris, besides numerous other attrac-
tions of equal int
nBrest. About 5600 is to
be expended on prizes, and the day pro.
misers to be the best ever held in this
part of the country, Don't mise the
treat of your life, "The blowing up of
Maine," and fireworks in the evening.
Arrangements are aleo being made to
bold a Grand Cosine() in the evening
when a fleet-olaea program will be ren.
tiered. Good Sande will furnish music
during the day. See large bills and
dodgers for full information. Following
are the chairmen of the various Commit.
tees 'Executive, T. Farrow 1 finance,
1L, 3obneton ; sports, F. Stratton ; fire
worke, W. 0. Smith ' printing, W, 0.
Smith.; deaoratinns, 'I3. Gerry ; male,
11. L, Jackson ; special atbraotions, N, F,
,l H E B E 4+ S S .W L (S POST
Doer forget the Wingham lblinebrele
this (Friday) evening. See sbreamore and
pragrame, Maio and fun for everybody,
Our Base lith boys deeervo to be petite -
1)r. Snider ban had a fine gasoline
range, made in Olevelaud, set up in hie
kiluhen title week. N. 1. Gerry supplied
the range, Thry are very 0onv0nienb,
auoh it comfort in hot weather, no need
to par boil yourself as well its the dinner
with snap a 000lter.
Tug annual Garden Party of the hip.
worth League of the Illethodieb °tumuli
will be held on the Petraonago lawn Tiles -
day evening of next week, Brussels
Bend will play and a good program of
male will be given. Strawberries, ice
oreani, ten„ou the grouude. See large
Fount; Dlvieroc COMM.—The regular
eibtinge of the Fourth Division Owlet was
held last Tneaday in the Town Hall here,
Judge Doyle presiding. There was only
one ease heard, that of Holmes vs. Mu-
Helvey—notion brought for breach of
contraot to deliver apples. Verdict for
plaintiff for 57.50. The ease was heard
by a jury. Sample vs. Mitchell—nation
for rent, WAS adjourned, Long vs. Nurse
—garnishee ease, was adjourned. There
were no judgment summons.
A oomplimentary badge was sent to
the Editor One week, admitting the
bearer to the Grand Official opening of
MoInunhlin Park and Balmy Beaoh
Summer Resort. The aomiug great
Canadian Mackinao, Owen Sound, July
Let, 1899. The Governor General has
tendered the services of the famous
Governor General's Body Guard Band,
the best and uniformed organization in
Meads. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Sir Oliver
Mowat, Sir Chas. Tupper, Son. Geo.
Foster, Dr. Oronbyatekba and other
noted people are expeoted to take part.
A. R. Sawn, cuampion clothier,
bought and received this week from
Senator Sanford, Hamilton, 10 only,
beautiful navy blue braided snits, sizes
22 to 20 for boys from 4 to 8 yearn aid.
Regular prices, 53 02 ; our pries 52.00.
5 only, Boys' Brown, Braided suite; 8
pima, beauties. Going at $3.00. S
suits only, dark oolore ; fit boys. 8 to 11
years, at 52 50. 5 men's suite, regular
price 510 ; our price 500 50. Sizes 110 to
40. Terms cash Or equivalent. No
credit. Highest price paid for Batter
and Eggs. A. R, Smith.
IN the Province of Ontario there are
35 Houses of Ref age and 31 Orphanages.
All the county hooses in operation are
Weet of Toronto with the one exception
of Leeds and Grenville. The total num-
ber of inmates is 4480 of whom 1470 are
males and 8010 are females. In religion
they are classified ae : Roman Oatboline
2235 ; Protestant 2171 ; or other relig-
ions, or not known, 24. The nationals•
ties are : Canadian, 1715 ; English, 826;
Irish, 1450 ; Scotch, 201 • Uuited States,
72 ; and other oonntriee, 15.3,
Gannet PARTY,—The first garden party
or the season will be held on the parson•
age lawn Tuesday evening, June 18th,
under the auspices of the Epworth
P w
League. Strawberries, coffee, -bread and
butter will be served to all. Ioa cream
and other refreshments on the grounds.
A program consisting of vocal and in•
etrumental mastcl, sea -saw drill, etc„ given. Grounds will be lighted
by eleotrioity and the Band will be in at-
tendance. N. Large, of Listowel, will
sing. Mr. Large captured the hearts of
the Brusselsitee with hie beautiful sing-
ing when living in Brussels. We will be
glad to hear him again. If it mine e
social will be held in the lecture room,
RE UNION.—Last Saturday afternoon
the Editor of TUE POST was favored with
an invitation to attend a re -union of
former and present Caonoks at Detroit's
favorite resort—Sugar Inland—to which
delightful spot the Cauadian contingent
was piloted by Moue. Holmes and
Leech, formerly of Huron Co. It was in
a sense a Leeah family (of Detroit)
gathering, plus a number of old friends.
Among Hnronites were Revds, W. W.
Leeoh, A. L. Ruseeli, D. Ropers, J. S.
and Mrs. Cook, F. J. Oaten, F. Swann,
W. E. Kerr, (J, C. Keine, Garbutt and
W. J. Ashton ; Mr. and Mrs, McKenzie,
Goderioh ; Joseph Leah and R, Stewart,
Bluevale, &a, The fair sex served a
splendid lunch in the old Disino to which
upwarde of 50 sat down and did ample
jastiae to the staple bill of fare and
season's delicacies. After this a pleasing
program of impromptu epeeabes, recite,
Cons, songs, reminiscences and oompli-
mentary sayings was given. Among poo•
pie formerly of Beat Huron we were de.
lighted to meet with Mrs. (Dr,) T, G.
Holmes and Mies Stella, Mr. and Mre.
Evans, formerly of Wroxeter, and Ohms.
Leech, formerly of Bluevale. The kind
friends of Detroit who generously and
hoepitally looked after the pleasure and
comfort of the party were accorded a
hearty vote of thanks wbioh they very
richly deserved. An enjoyable tour was
made among the pleasing and inviting
points on the island park after whieli the
oompany separated "Happy to meet,
eorry to part, hoping to meet again.”
Sugar ieland, with its hnndredo of aures,
is owned by the City and its natural and
artificial beauty is not easily surpaseed.
There are walks, flowers, shrubs, pa,.
'Biagilawns, eloobrio lights, boating,
collection of rare animals and birds and
is only about 2 miles North of Woodward
avenue. Easy and rapid nooses either
by steamer or eleotrio oat is at the dis-
posed of the visitor. A swing bridge
oonneots the island and mainland,
ell Unit OII I OIE$.
"Homo missionary work" will be the
topic at the Epworth League next Sab•
bath evening.
"Thos. Chalmers and 12M times" is the
subject an the program for Melville En•
d savor on Sabbath evening.
Next Sabbath Rev. 11, Paul will preaoh
at Oraubrook in the afternoon and Ethel
in the evening for Rev, Mr. Yelland who
hae gone to Illinois to visit big brother,
The eemi•annual business meeting of
Melville O. L'., was held on Monday
evening. The report of the nominating
001/I. was received and for the next six
months the ofloero will be as follows
Hon. pres., Rev, Joo. Rose ; President,
Miss Jennie Forbes ; Vioe,.pres., Peter
Watson ; Reo.-Seo., J. H, Cameron , Cor.•
sen., Mnry BOSS ; Treas., Fred, Wileon ;
Convener, mum oom,, Alex. Rose ;
organist, Jessie MoLauohlin • aolleotore,
Lorne Danford and Mr, Halpenny ;
inhere,0. A, Deadman, G. F. Blair ;
prayer meeting oom,, 5, H, Cameron,
Lizzie hoes, Jean Ritchie ; look•out nom„
Joao' Rose, G. F. Blair, Maggie Scott,
Annie Rosa ; missionary 00111„ J, B. Ma.
Lauchlin, Lyda Crooke, Anuie Slemmon,
Jas. Fox, A. M, MoRay, Jean Ritchie i
social aim,, Mary Roberton, Isabel
Irwin, Sas, Shaw, Tone Sinolair, Sara
Forbes ; flower 00n„ Edith I?oLauoblin,
Ade Mainprizs, Fanny Sample, Minnie
Stewart, The Society has eixby members
and ooubribttted about 520.00 during the
past six months.
Lady fleury Somerset wile ra•eleoted
prenidout of the Biibisb. Women's Tem,
pearnoe Aneoolation.
The congregations were not 80 large in
some of the ohnrohee last Sabbath ne
anal nwing to the intense bout.
The K. 0. T. M, and Lady Maosabeee'
Order will attend servioo in S6. John's
altnrob next Sabbath at 11 a, in,
Rev. Dr. Williams will leave Lietowel
in a few weeps for California whore he
and Airs, Williams intend making their
Rev, S. J. Allin will preach at both ser•
vioee in the Methodist cburoh next Bab.
With. Iiia pastorate will terminate here
on the last Sunday in June.
The annual Sunday Salami Convention
of Anglican schools in the Deanery of
[Huron, will be Iheid in St. Paul's ohuroh,
Hagan, on Wodneedey next, June 14th,
Rev. W. R. Cruiokshank, for the past
16 years pastor of St. Matthew's Presby-
resbyterian church, Montreal, has resigned to
accept the position of Principal of. Brant.
ford Ladies' College.
The teaohere and officers of Melville S.
S, oontemplate making a change In the
hour of meeting during the Summer
mouths, and talk of holding the S. S.
immediately after the morning service.
On Tuesday evening, 20th inst., the
Teachers' Tea and annual el often of
otlice bearers in connection w the
Methodist Sabbath sohool fn Brussels
will be held. A short program of S. S.
topics will be discussed after supper.
Rev. G. 5'. Abey preached last Sabbath
morning from let Book of Kings 10 and
87, "Hear me, 0 Lord, bear me, that
this people may know tbat thou art the
Lord God, and that thea haat turned
their bearte back again." In the even-
ing his discourse was the 28rd Psalm.
Sabbath morning last Eli Smith took
for hie text the first clause of the 24th
verse of the 0th chapter of St, Mathew's
gospel, "No man oan serve two masters."
Mr. Smith gave a very practical talk,
short and to the point. Roy. Al1in was
away attending Couferenoe at Winnvor.
Rev. D. B. Macrae preached 1 est Sab•
bath evening in the Methodist rhm'olh
from Luke 15 and 10, "Likewise 1 Hay
auto you, there is joy in the presence of
the angels of God over one sinner that
reponteth." Mr. IrloCrea is a good
preaober and well liked wherever he goes.
Last Sabbath morning The Sacrament
of the Lord's Sapper want held in Melville
(March. The pastor Rev. Jno. Rove
preached from Rom. 5 and 11. Ln the
evening preaching iron the text Numbers
0 and 20 : A prayer for (1) Spiritual en-
richment ; (2) Divine preeervntion ; (3)
Conscious aesurnnoe of accepbanoe with
God; (4) The divine loving kindness ;
(5) a sense of the fulness of joy and peace.
Rev. Mr. Hall, of Belgrave, preached at
the preparatory service Saturday after.
n n
0o and Rev. Mr. MoNab,Ripley,
oondacted the thanksgiving service
o Rserviae Mon•
day morning.
A6 thenal i n
00 lie o of the Guild meeting
in the parish room of Ohriet church,
Lietowel, on Monday night of last week,
an address was read and a presentation
made to Rev. H. W. acmes, rector of the
oburob, and Mrs. Jeanes, who have
severed their oonneaticu with the con-
gregation and sailed from New York
Saturday returning to England. The
gift wse a handsome travelling Hook and
the ladies were responsible for this grace-
ful tribute to Mr. and Mee, Jeanes' popu-
lariby in the congregation, nearly every
member of which availed bimeelf of the
opportunity to express in this way UM
good will towards their pastor and his
wife. The address was read by Mies
Tabberner and took the recipients en•
tirely by surprise. Mr. Jeauee aoknow•
ledged the gift and the spirit of friend-
ship wbioh prompted it in a few vary
feeling words, assuring them that the
friendships they bad formed during their
stay in Listowel would ever be a source
of the greateat pleasure to himself and to
his wife.
The Huron county Convention for
Christian Endeavor and Sunday Sobool
interests is to be held in James street
ohurob, Exeter, on Tuesday and Wednes.
day, Jane 20th and 21st. The executive
committee met in Clinton some time ago
and arranged a strong program, The
Junior 0. D. Superintendent, Mise
Whitworth, is to be present, as also Dr.
Daniels, of Sarnia, and the Sunday
School Secretary, Alfred Day. Practical
topics will aleo be discussed by the local
workers of the oounty and a epeoiaily
helpful convention is looked for. The
amities entitled "The Junior Wheel"
is being prepared by 75 of the Exeter
Juniors under the leaderebip of Mr. Sea
for and other local workers. This in
itself will be worth going a long dietanoe
to see. The local committee of Exeter
is sparing no pains to give the delegates
a grand reception cis this is the first time
they have had the privilege of entertain•
ing the oombined convention. Each
Young People's Sooiety and Sunday
School of the county is expected bo send
delegates. Programs will be out in a few
SWT'oxe tel -.
Blazes. — Geo. and Mrs. Allen, of
Proton, are visiting the former's mother.
—On Saturday the baseball team intend
going to Lietowel to play a friendly game
with the team of that pleos.—Misses
Jennie Miller and Laura Brawn were
vioiting in Wingham last week•—A num•
bar of sports from our town attended the
football match between Wingham and
Berlin on Saturday evening Inst.—Mies
Jennie Vogt has returned home from
Lietowel.—Mies Elsie Allen spent Sun-
day at het home here.—Jno. Bray hag
been indisposed this last week.—Rev, J.
B. Kennedy and wife have been attending
Oonferenoe and Rev. R. S. G. Anderson
took up bis work at Salem in the p, .re.—
Wm. Greer spent Sunday at the Walker
House.—Dr. B. J. Hazlewood, gold meda•
list, of Trinity University, returned home
on Saturday.—What might have been a
serious accident 000urrsd atThos.Fill.
more's balling shop an Monday night.
White attempting to extinguish the light
the flame was driven in minted with the
oil.; thereby causing an`exploeion. Help
being ailed the blaze was Noon extingui-
shed.—A. J. Saunders and Jno. Ruthor'
ford wore in Waterloo 0ouuty looking at
a drug hairiest; wbioh the former eon.
templates purobneing. —• Bert, Gerry
a000mpanied by hie either spent Sunday
With hie brother Nelson,—T. G. and Mrs.
Hemphill and Mies Hemphill spent Sat•
urday nod Sunday in Toeewater.—Some•
time during Saturday afternoon Chas.
JUNE 9, 1899
ST.1XDu.U1W B✓1N.LC 01? CAN,4D4,
a nTAx-ea':xox3Ax0 ase -72.,
IUISI,RVE FUND(One Million Dollars) •$1,000,
• $0000,0000000
1lpenoies in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States m 1i'nptand,
di'd9' RSX.48 DeetX072.
A General flanking Hardness Transaotsd, Fsrmera' Notes Dlsoonuted,
Deane Iesu,•d and Coileotione made on all points,
Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwards.
Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance.
J. N. GORDON, Ammo Amon.
Wilson, formerly fires Deputy Reeve of
Howiok Township, committed suicide, in
Jae, Galbraith's bush, by nutting his
throat with a razor, • The body was
friend about 10 o'olook Saturday availing,
No reason oan be assigned for the rush
ant, Itir. Wilson was one of Howiole's
moot respected citizens and but a few
weeks ago was appointed Township Trea-
eorer. The funeral took plane Tuesday
afteruoou to Molntoeh'e cemetery and
wag one of the largest ever seen in the
Business Locals.
TIRE 1 Tile 1 Tile ! A big stook of
all sizes of the celebrated Drayton tile on
hand. Apply to J. N. Kendall, (Old
Revere House,) Brussels.
BRUSSELS Driving Park teak is now in
good condition for driving and bicycling,
and as all using it must secure a Seae0n
ticket, they oan be got from the Seoretary,
F. 5. Scott. They ooet, for horses, 58,-
00 ; bicycle, gent, $1.00 ; lady, 280.
FLowEne AND PLANTS.—A fine stook of
flowers and bones plants on hand at the
Brussels greenhouse, formerly owned by
the late Thos. Kelly. Also n cholas lot of
tomato planta in boxes, pots or loose by
the dozen ; also cabbage, oelerytiglaud
cauliflower plants. Any quantity of ripe
tomatoes in seneon. Miss KELLY. 44 5
WANrEn.—Wo mast have 200 nibs but-
ter weekly. Eggs 110. cab, 13o. trade.
We are not responsible for what the
"little fellows" say. We pay just what
we advertise. We are right in this rape
—We've got the pole and mean to keep it.
Wingham track is fast.
G. 30. HiNa, Wingham.
Bre SALES.—Ewan & Innes, carriage
makers, Brussels, have sold to and de•
livered buggies to the following parties
during the ps.t week :—M. Black,
Morris ; Mr. Barites, 16113 con., Grey ;
Jno. Harris, Wroxeter ; Nelson Cardiff,
Grey ; Rev. J. B. Kennedy, Wroxeter ;
Mr. Hayden, near Wroxeter ; D. Holmes,
MoRillop ; Ah, Paulin, Wroseter. Eight
sales in a week is a good record. As all
kinds of buggy materials have shimmed
in prioe from $5 to 510 on each rig now
is the time to reap the advantage while
this stook lasts as they cannot be dupli-
cated at the same figure.
MOONEY.—In Indian Head, Mau., on
May 24th, the wife of Mr. Wm.
Mooney, of a daughter.
BAoea,—At Ailsa Oraip, on Sunday,
May 28th, Carl, seoond son of Rev.
W. Baugh, formerly or Walton,
in bis 18th year.
Toosoex, Juno 13th.—Farm etook, im-
plements, &a., at N. Balt Lot 29, Con. 9,
Morris. Sale at 1 o'olook. F. S. Scott,
anat. ; John Sbortreed, jr., and Andrew
Hislop, Executors of Estate of David
Notice to Creditors.
In the Surrogate Court of the County
of Huron. In the matter of the
estate of David Knight, late of the
Township of Morris, in the County
of Huron, Farmer, deoeaeed.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Bevis -
ed Statutes of Ontario, 1008. (:bap. 120, Soc.
88, that all creditors and others having any
chime against David Knight, late of the
Township of Morris, in tbo Oounty of Huron,
Farmer, deceased, who died m1 or about the
18th day of May, 1800,in the said Township
of Morris, are hereby required to sand by
post, pre -paid, or deliver to G. F. Blair, of
the Village of B ruseele, Solicitor for Andrew
Hislop, Of the Township of Gra ,y and John
Sher treed, of the Township of Kerrie. Bono -
sole Post OMIIoe, Exeoutore of the said estate
on or before the 28rd day of June, 1880, their
full names and addreseoe and descriptions
and full particulars Of their claims, and the
nature of the securities. if any bold by
them. And notice is hereby given that after
the said last mentioned date, the said Ex.
contort: will proceed to distribute the assets
of the deceased among the persons entitled
thereto, having regard only to the olefins of
wbioh notice shall have boon given as above
required and the Said Executors will not iso
responsible for the assets or any part
thereof, so distributed, to any person of
whose claim notice shall not have been re•
calved at time of ouch distribution,
G. F. BLAI10,
Solicitor for Exeoutore.
Dated at Brussels this 8th day of June,
1800. 48.8
Notice to Creditors.
In the Surrogate Court of the County of
Huron. In the matter of the imitate
of John A. Lamont, tate of the
Township of Grey, in the County of
Huron, Farmer, deoeaeed.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Revis-
ed Statutes of Ontario, 1808, chapter 120
Seo. 88, that all oh'odttenn and others having
any claim against John A. Lamont. late of
the Township of Grey, in the County of
Huron, Farmer, deeerveed, who diod on or
about 2120 25th day of May, A. D.1899, in the
said Township of Grey, are hereby required
t0 send by pest pre -paid, Or deliver to G. F,
Blair, of the 'Village of Brunetti, Solicitor
for Margaret Lamont, of the Townsllilp of
Gee y, in the county of Huron, Brussels Post
o0.Ocn, Adreinistratr]x of the said estate on
or before the 28rd day o1 Juno, 1800, tale
full natnee and addresses, and dosoriptleus
and hr llllartioulars of their alaimo, MS the
nature of the eootlritios if any, hold by
thorn, And notice is hereby given that atter
the said last mentioned date, skin said Ael.
miutetratrlx will proceed to distribute the
a99et0 of the doosasoa amend the per5on5
entitled thereto having regard only to the
Maims of which Boase ellall have been
given as above required, and the said Ad•
mmistratrix will not bo eespnnslble for the
as sets, er any part ()meet, 50 ,dietribsted,
to any person of whose claim notice shat]
not have boon received at the time of ouch
dietributlon. G. F, BLA3R,
Flxooutor for Administratrix,
181)ateti at Bru0Bols the etll of June,A5n I),
CEDAR posts for sale. Lot 22, con. 6,
Morrie, mum t'OR5YTH,
ONE Jersey cow, one heifer and one
bull for solo or on shores.
G. A. D14ADMAN, Druggist.
PAsreno for 8 or 10 head of young
caste, Apply to THOS. M001010, Brussels,
or Lot10, 000.0, Grey.
Fon BALE.—Heavy mare for sale, eight
years old, Good Dolt running by side. Ap•
ply to T. 1100RE, Brussels.
Fon SALH.—New '99 Cleveland "Quick.
atop" Bicycle. Hidden n0 miles. $35,00 at
COCH1RAN10 rb JOHNSTON, Brussels,
ELIGIBLE .property, house, stable and
lot on Alexander street. Brussels, worth
81,000, will be Hold for 5000 on easy terms of
payment. Enquire ab THlb POST.
Fon SALE.—Owing to removal in June
the Rev. S. a. A111n offers the (following arti-
(dos at private sale: -1 Upright Hatntoman
Piano ; 2 Plush covered Chairs ; 1 Parlor
Mirror ; o Sma11 Maude ; 1 Patent Stove
Drum ; 1 second band cook stove ; 1 lawn
mower. lEnquire. at Parsonage.
A joint meeting of the Direetore of Raab
Huron and Grey Branch Agrioultu rid Soele-
tiee will bo held h1 the Town Hall, Bruesele,
on SATURDAY, 17th I05']'., at 2 o'clock, for
the purpose of revising the Prise list for the
FallPair and attending to any other mat-
ters of W1611303 8brought
GUSON, the m=otlug.
on Mi11 streets, Bruesele. The house
is ry o0mfortable One, well fitted up, with
cellar, hard and soft water, the. There Is
also a good stable. Fruit trees in garden :
over Ono•quartor acre of land. For priori,
terms, &o., apply to F. FINN, Proprietor,
or W. H. IKE1111, of lag Posw. 113-10
. ,
'RAM FOR S R 'AL1;, 1—,'111; UN—
A_ I
A rloxsi Red offers hie farm West Half
Lot No. 10, Con. 4, Grey, containing 50 acres,
more o• r particulars a t prise
a o r lova. apply a s o ri e
1 1
and scare apply to
Brussels P. 0. onuthethe promises.
doralgmad offers his 100 more farm for
sale, being lot 2, eon, 10, Grey. Comfortable
house, bank barn, good orchard, plenty of
water and place is in good oouditiou. Only
2 miles from W alto u village and 4 miles from
Brussels. Possession given to suit purchas-
er. For price, terms and other particulars
apply to WM. SMI'TH, m
Pro otor,
40.18 Walton P. 0.
We Iwo a nine line of them.
Palm Leafe 5o. each and a obeeper
line a for So,
Always a aloe thing in the warm
weather. We can supply you.
For the bath. We have some
nice ones,
An exgnioite toilet for the bath
room, We have Murray & Senman'e
in large and small bottles.
Borated Talen><n Powder
An expellent toilet artiole. Do
you use it ? We Bell it at 150 per Hu
AT� ^®r
Fox's Drug Store.
(10013 100 AORE FARM FOR
saws. Lots 10, Oon, 0, Grey. 12 feet of
it 1.0110110e the river. Immediate posaeesiou,
For price, terms, &o., apply to
]0• 11108, M OOR10, Brussels,
ma Lot 20, N 1 Con, 0, Morrie township,
containing 08 acres of Brst•olaee land. There
is a house, bm•u, orchard and good ware.
house, and farm is well fenced. There are
85 acres lu Pall wheat; 15 acres in bay and
40 acres pasture. Possession could be given
at ones. Farm adjoins the village of Brus-
sels. Por further particulars as to price,
Orme, &e., write to JAMES LIVINGBTON,
M. P„ Baden. 22-tf
Oonoistlug of the Sontb 1 and south 1.
of ibo North 1 o1 Lot 30, Oou.0, East Wawa-
nOsb, This is an excellent stook farm , being
will supplied with good gyringwater. It is
situated about 3 miles from the thriving Vil-
lage of Blyth. A large part of It Is under
grass, Buildings and louses ars in a fair
State ofrepair. ltaoy terms of payment will
be given. For all information apply to
11-21 G.F. BLem, Barrister, Brnaeels.
The uadsrelgned offer two 100 acre
farms for sale at reasonable prices. The lots
are Nos, 10 and 11, Con, 0 (Sunshine), the
sideroad betweeu thorn. Good brink bougie
and barn ou lot 11, and house and 2 barns on
lot 10. Orchards and all nenessary maim -
tunas, Well watered and suitable for grain.
or Crazing. 100 area now in grass, will be
soldeither separate or together to suit par.
(Maser. Toms of payment reasonable, Im-
mediate possession,Bnr FFort urther particulars
) .LyI I BONOlotar, seele P. O„ or
afar, Wtngbnm, itf
CENTRAL ;fl.` r r
11.4 -GE
Of our recent edsute have ecce ted
good situations. It pare young men and
women to peewee'business brtghtueest'
Enter now. Prospectus free.
IV. J. ELLIOTT, Delnclpul.
1879 - ESTABLISHED. - 1899
ou can et
But that doesn't mean that you can win. Bet-
ting on poor Furnishing Goods is more expensive than
betting on slow horses—less excuse for it, A close ex-
amination will show what Furnishings are good for—
Doesn't always work with a horse. Why doesn't a man
examine Underwear, hi Suits, Sits, Socli:s, &c,, instead of
betting on them, that is taking chances on them by buying
b y g
the first thing that catches his eye of its possible
y regardless
quality. There's where the money goes—Up the flue.
Of course its your own money,Dry , but our Goods Cloth-
lug, Gents' i r1rnl lsllings, Boots and Shoes don't fool any-
A. ii G Smith,