HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-5-12, Page 8$5 Cash.
Will take a Lady's Wheel for a
month and if you wish to keep it pay
$12.66 more and the Wheel is yours.
$15 Saved.
A bran new Bleyole, last year's,
oaeli prloo $65, yon oau have it now for
640. Thin le a high grade Wheel. We
ee11 nothing else,
A Bicycle.
If you want a Bicycle Dome and
see what we have. You cannot get better
value than we oen give you. bold one
this weak to a party who need one last
season. If you once ride a Creacen6 you
will always want that hind.
G. A. Deadman,
Agent for Crescent Bicycles.
Be ready and protect your Cur.
rant and Gooseberry Buehes by apply.
ing. Hellebore or Paris Green to them.
The worms menet lira where these are.
If yon pnrpose doing any Spray.
hag of your fruit trees or to use Blue
Stone on your grain we have just re-
ceived a fresh stook of this Chemeoel,
Wall Paper.
We have still a full stook of Wall
Papers having bought largely in amici•
Wien of the advance in pries. If you
are in need of any let us show you our
Druggist, Optician and Bookseller.
Trains leave Braseels Station, North
and South, as follows:
Gorse Sower. Gorse Nonni.
Express 7:10 a,m. Mail 2:10 p.m
lured 0:95 a.m. Express 10:17 p.m
rug Rehm fens.
A ohiel's among ye Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
BABES vegetables.
Tams is now on the program.
Samoa Board on Friday evening of
this week.
Dn.MoNavoHToz has parehased a very
tidy driving horse.
Tan Pose is aiming at 2000 subscribers
and will get there with the help of the
LAaT Friday was spent by the pupils of
the Public school in tidying up, rolling
the lawn, da.
TENDEns are asked for the new sewers
on Turnberry street. They will be re-
oeived up to June let.
A regular old time rousing celebration
ie talked of in Brussels this season. The
date is not fixed yet but due notioe will
be given.
Tan woods in the vicinity of Brussels
are filled with bean Wel flowers. In many
places the ground is literally carpeted
with violets.
Mee. (Rim) PAUL, Princess street, has a
display of geraniums and other flowers
that will do any lover of the beautiful
good to see them.
A.NEEPAwA sabsoriber writes :—"It le
better than a letter to get Tan Bauessos
Pose, as we get all the news in it and
could not gat along very well without it."
Two Italians did the town on Wednes-
day collecting ooppers for a noise they
were pieaeed to designate musio. The
moat of their selections weret
written in 6 flats.
A trout that measured 119- inches was
hooked by R. N. Barrett last Monday
when be and Jno Ament were away on a
fishing exoorsion. When we use the
word booked we don't mean that he
"hooked" it.
Tan other day Bob, the little son of
Doo. Warwick, Was jolted out of hie
father's buggy while turning round in a
field on P. 21McDougall's farm, 8th eon.,
Grey. The bind wheel of the rig ran
over him but very little damage was
fortunately done the lad. His father
was not in the buggy at the time.
THE Listowel Standard of last week
says :—The first game of football played
hers this season name off in the rink park
Thursday evening between Listowel and
Brusaele. The matob ended in a tie, the
score being one all. Listowel put the
ball ander the rail twioe in addition to
the game scored, bat fouls were claimed
and the referee, Bert. Johnetoo, of Brus•
safe, ruled them out. It is likely that
the return match will be a hotter game.
There was a good crowd of epeobabors.
Sir,—Enolosed find $2,00, eubeoription to
Tan Bet/sena Pose. The past Winter
here in Northern Alberta was a very fine
one. Not much snow and stock Winter.
ed outside in good shape. Seeding start-
ed on April 7th. There are a lot of
Bidden coming into this district this
Spring from Minnesota and Dakota, and
should do well with a good market, ()heap
tnel, rich soil, plenty of hay and a fine
climate. Yours truly, John Govenlook.
South Edmonton, Alberta, N. W. T.,
April 26th, 1809,—Enolosed find $1.00
for subscription for my paper for 1899.
We have a very late Spring here but itis
fine growing weather now, and every-
body fe busy seeding. Wishing you 800.
cesea I remain yours truly, Wm. Smith,
Boiseevain, Man,, April 26th, 1809,
Bowsaw me Tan Gnasre.—A meeting
wae held in the Council Chamber on
Monday evening for the purpose of
organizing a Bowling Club, W. H. Kerr
was voted to the chair and J. N. Gordon
elected Secretary, It was derided to call
the olnb the Brindle Bowling Club and
that the membership fee be $1,00, mem•
here to supply their own bowls. 15 of
those present put down their names on
the memberehi r. roll and agreed to be.
come responsible for one member each.
The following off3cere were elected
Preeident, Inspector Robb ; Vice Preee.
dant, D. C. Rose ; Seo, •Treas., J. N. Gor.
don ; Execrative Iommittee, the above
mentioned °Mioere and J, H. Cameron,
R. Leatherdele, G. F. Blair, 3, ;Hewitt
and G. 13. MoOlellan, A, lawn on the
Beeadfoot property, corner Mill end
Alexander streets, has been leased for
the Summerandit being got in shape.
Members cleeiring to purchase bowls are
requested to hand in their names to Mr.
Gordon before Saturday noon so that
play can oommenoe next week, Rinks
Will be seleoted and skips chosen later
and a pleasant time is atitioipated during
the comieg erasion. It is a game very
popular with persona who do not oars to
take too violent exercise and as the roost
of the neighboring towns have clubs or
are organizing there will be leo diflieulty
in arranging outaide matohee if thought
Arm your premises ready for the visit
of Sanitary Inspeotor MnLanoblio ?
He will be round to see you next week.
Tan town Band gave their first open
air concert of the season on Friday even-
ing. Nearly everybody likes good meal:.
Lase week the bar room of the Ameri-
oan Hotel was newly decorated with an
ingrain wall paper. A. Sample did the
Tars week the photo. gallery in the
Stratton block has been opened by Ed-
ward Hart, of Owen Sound. He invites
the public to cell.
IxoPEoTOn Roles bas compieted his
first tour of inspection inbannection with
the schools of Bast Huron for this year.
He is away at Clinton this week attend-
ing the East Huron Teachers' Conven•
A wranow pane was broken in Wilton
Jr Turnbull's store last week by a Wee
bell with which two youths were playing
catch. The main street is not a good
plane for tbie class of work as glass is
oousiderably dearer than on a side street.
THANES.—During the past month a
goodly number of subscribers straighten.
ed up bank aoeonnta due THE Pose.
They have our best thanks for their
efforts to square up and we hope several
others will do likewise as it takes a lot of
money to keep a newspaper running.
Wages, type, paper, ink, rent, insurance,
taxes, &o., all take cash and cannot be
"stood off" indefinitely.
Tan edict has gone forth and Station
Agent Kendall will be removed from
Brussels to Bluevale. Mr. Kendall bas
attended to his numerous and multi.
farioae duties with great faithfulness and
eatisfaotion to the public for the pact 10
years. Io a change he certainly deserved
a better salary than he will receive at
Bluevale. He will likely be succeeded at
Brussels by R. T. Sutton, of Drayton,
and it is said Mr. Campbell, of Alma,
will go to Drayton and Mr. Collie, of
Bluevale, to Alma. Mr. Kendall'a family
will not remove from Brusaele in the
meantime. The transfer of agents may be
made an da
y y as the
rogram appearsears to
be complete. Mr.iendell's many
in and around Brussels, while regretting
bis removal, will wish him snored in the
time to come. Re has been railroading
for the pest 27 years.
FooT BALL,—The first game of foot
ball this season wae played on the park
grounds, Listowel, on Thursday of last
week between the Listowel seniors and
the home team, and resulted in a drew,
the score being 1 to 1. The following ie
a list of the players end the positions
=SWIM. nRIIsenLs.
R, Pearson Goal W. Halpenny
B. nigh en
R. Ooolt,
T. VipondJ. Pepper
T, Moorehead,... 4 -Backe 1} R, Ferguson
A. McFadden,... ) L. Danford
R, Thomson Centre L. Jackson
E. Bamford J. R Wing 1 J, Stewart
W, Forbes
R. L. Cook Wtng 1... G.
R. Hayden,— B. GerryReferee,
13, Johnston, of ,Brussels.
A reborn match will be played in Brusaele
in the course of it week or so. Brussels
hes the material for a splendid foot ball
team, but regular inseam should be
maintained. Tae POST wishes them eao-
FIAM3ITH Salon 0oNyaoTION,—The
eighth anneal District Sabbath School
Convention will be held in Braseels on
Tuesday, May 80th. The sessions corn -
monolog at 10 a. no,, 1.80 and 7.80 p. m.,
will be held in the Methodist cbureb.
Forenoon session.—Commencing at 10
o'alook.—Devotional exeroiseg ; "Why I
am engaged in Sabbath School work,"
33. Gerry ; Dieouation ; Conference
on Work of School :—.(a) ow to secure
faithfulness in officers, Geo. Hood ;
(b) How to secure faithfulness in teach.
ers, Marshall Harrison ; (o) How to
noun faithfulness in soholare, Mise Joan
Ross ; Dieoassion ; "Three most essential
quaiifioatione of a Teacher,' W.
Hunter ; Dieauesion ; appointment of
Nominating Committee aid oloeiog.
Afternoon session.—Devotional exorcises
Addrese by President sleet ; "Sabbath
School Leakage, its Cause and Core,"
A. M. Malloy ; Dieouesion ; "The
Bible Cease in relation to the future
Teaohing Staff," Robert McKay ;
Disanesion ; "The value of Encourage•
ment to the 8. S. Worker,' Rev. Mr.
Paul ; Discussion ; Conference—"How
can a taste for Healthy Literature be
greeted in our Young People ?" J. H.
Cameron ; Disanesion ; Announcements
and Closing. Evening session.—Opening
exercises ; Anthem, Methodist okureh
choir ; Address, "The Sabbath School
and Missionary Worlt," Rev. 3. E.
Hunter ; A.nthem, Melville ohurola choir ;
Addrese, - "The Value of the Sabbath
fabool to the Cbutoh and Time," Rev.
Mr, West ; Anthem Methodist church
choir ; Besolntions and 'announcements ;
Anthem, Melville obnreh oboir ; Closing.
Miss Jessie MoLauobila and Miss Lizzie
Semple, orgeniets. A ooilootion will be
taken up at the afternoon and evening
sessions to defray expenses. All Sabbath
school workers will be welcome. Each
school is entitled to send five delegates in
addition to the Superintendent and
pastor, Delegatee appointed to the Con.
vention are requested to send their names
to Rev. R. Paul on or before May 26th,
and are Oohed to go to the homes pro•
Vided by the i3111otteng Oeminittse,
I Backs i T. Sample
P. Perguson
° 13J
JNo. Saoww sbippad a oar of eboek franc
Brunie on Thursday.
J. J. GILUIN reoeived a shipment of
Frost dr Wood binders this week.
Dn. 1110K Lvuy'e household goods have
baso shipped to Mount Forest this week,
Pgtr,u' AMEN' is shipping a big oar of
heading to Montreal this weak. Ile
turns out it lot of work.
Tan half mile traok at the Driving
Perk le in good shape this Spring and is
now being used by a number of local
horeemen in exercising their equines,
Tris Menzies—Smith assault oaee was
not heard hat Monday morning as the
former was not present, a msdioal oerteli•
rate was sent explaining his absence.
Case was adjourned until next Saturday.
SIeeeren.—We understand that the
Menzies -Smith assault ease, which was
to be beard here on Saturday, has been
settled by the parties oouoernsd• Mr,
Smith agrees to pay $100 end the expel).
see incurred.
Miss S. L. MOOED, mueio beadier, will
attend the Convention of Made Teaob-
818 to be held in London on May 23rd,
and will take part in a Recital at the
'Coneervatory in that city on the Qaeou's
Birthday, Owing to ber absence at Lon.
don ber cleaves will be dropped for that
BICYCLE business Continues to boom.
A. Coseley has made the following sales
of Clevelands since our last 'apart—:
Isae,o Rathwell, 1c.thel ; A. Michael,
Grey ; Jno. Skene, Brusaele ; Mise Jen.
ole Kirby, Morrie ; Lawrenoe Wheeler,
Morris ; Capitals to J. H. Cameron, Brea.
aele; S, Carnonhen, Grey' ; and HoraceCoates, Grey a "Storm." Mr. Oonslsy
also sold a 2ud hand Barnes to Donald
Campbell, Grey.
FORGING AHseu,--We are always plane
ed to bear of the promotion of B, 1186015
boys and with pleasure we report the
advancement of George, eon of Robb.
Watt: who fills a position as draughts-
man in the Poison Iron Works, Torouto.
He has been there a year. In addition
to the above Geo, bas been studying and
in last Friday's Toronto paper the results
of his examinations et the Teehnioal
School are given, In Junior Mechanics
he took 60 per cent; is Mensuration and
Metric System, 88 per pent ; and in
Steam and Steam engine Work, 88 per
cent. Master George is only 18 years of
age and he bide for to reach the top
of the ladder. - TEE POST aougratulates
him and wishes him continued eueoess.
LI:rnovEttENTs.—Dnriag the past week
the frame building on J. T. Rose' lob,
Turnberry street, has been moved beak
to the stable and is being fitted up for a
oarriage room for his vehicles. The re.
moval of the building bas ranch improved
the appearanoe of things about St. John's
Rectory.—The house owned by Jno.
Wynn on Flora street, and tenanted by
Jas. Stewart and sister, bas been mnah
improved by a new areas of paint.—A
naw roof has been put on James (Simper's
house, West of the Ronald Engine
Works, Queen street,—Wherever the new
cement walks are put down, excepting
the Main street, they should go outside of
the shade trees. Then remove the fences
and run the lawns out to the walks. It
makes 5, wonderful improvement.—A
new platform is befog built at the house
owned by Andrew Sample, Prioress
street, and tenanted by D. MaNaugbton.
Arrangements are also being made for a
new walk from the front gate to the
hoose.—New fences have been put up in
severed places to repair damage done by
the recent flood.
G. T. R. NOTES.—Two sued r
g a e
are busy hauling gravel from Lucknow
along the line as far as Palmerston.
They make two trips each every day and
haul from 15 to 20 cars. They should
leave a number of oar loads in the yard
here to improve the driveway, --4 double
decks of hogs were shipped by Messrs.
Baeker & Manatees an Monday and a
doable deck by Geo. Beet on Tuesday.—
Salt has been having a big boom. There
is nothing surpasses Brunie salt,—Seo-
tion 13055 MOKenzie and staff are doing
their Spring cleaning around the station
yard and tidying things up geuerally.—
No shortage of oommeroial travellers.
The amount of baggage handled at this
depot is something enormous.—Largs
quantities of tile have been reoeived at
the G. T. R. yard. J. N. Kendall is the
agent for them.—The Summer exouraion
trips will 8000 oommen05, East Huron
Agl. Society's exouraion to the Experi-
mental Farm at Guelph on Tuesday,
June 27th.—Better time is being made
by the afternoon mail than was the case
during the Winter.
Seam= Boss PASSES &wAT,—Thurs.
day afternoon of last week Samuel
Burgess, an old and highly respected red -
dent of Brussels, had aparalytic stroke.
He had come from the farm after dinner
to a hones owned by him on Queensberry
street to fix a door took. He was found
therein the evening in an unconscious
state, the work he went to do not having
been touched. Mr. Burgess was removed
to bis home and medioel aid summoned
but little could be done for him, 012 Sun-
day he regained oonsoioneness but had
another light 'stroke, Thursday morning
of this week, at 8:30 o'clock, Mr. Burgess
breathed his last, passing away peace-
fully. Deceased was born in Dumfries.
shire, Scotland, on Christmas day and
would have been 80 year's of age had he
survived until Deo. 25th. Re oame to
Canada some 42 years ago living at New-
castle for a couple of years before loeating
here where he purchased the farm on
which he died from the late Jno. N.
Kneobbel. Mrs. Burgess predeceased her
husband 8 years ago and the aurvivjng
members of the family ate :—James, of
Brussels ; John, of Matohwood, Mich. ;
Andrew, of Boissevain, Man„ and Miss
Maggie, of Sault St, Marie, Out. They
are all here now, Mr, Burgess was a
man most highly esteemed by all who
knew him and was upright in all his
braneaotions. He was a faithful mem-
ber of the Presbyterian ohuroh and a
Liberal in polities, The funeral will talie
place from bis late residence on Saturday
afternoon at 8 o'cloolf, service at 2:30 p,
an, Interment will be made at Brussels
An Oshawa barber named Garman le
of the opinion that 130 shaved Pare, the
escaped Drown witness from Napaaee jail
on Tuesday of last week,
At Wesley church, Hamilton, on Sun.
day, 80 membere were reoeived into the
ohurob, one of them being Mrs, Goodman,
Who is 106 years old. She is the oldest
person in Hamiltoi, having lived there
88 years,
Three years ago a Chinaman died in
St. Thome, and one day last week the
Oelestiale of that city took a ride on the
trolley to the cemetery- They placed a
couple of ohiokens, some Whiskey and
alga's on the Chinarn'an's greet),
An important find of 0081, said to be
good anthracite, has been merle et Oar -
mental Peiut, Vancouver 'aloud, 60 miles
from Vanpouver, B. C.
Drilling for oil On the James Boyle
farm, ou the 1tb line of Sarnia township,
streak an owaeUsut well on Wednesday.
In 24 hours 40 barrels of crude were
pumped from the well
Business ,Locals,
OLavatt and Timothy seed,
Butter & Vandone,
Wanted — 500 Tubs Clloioe Dalry
Batter, Eggs, 110 Cash, 12e Trade,
G, E, Knee, Wiagham.
TILE 1 Tile I Tile 1 A big stook of
all sizes of the oelebrated Drayton tile on
hand. Apply to J. N. Bendall, (Old
Revere House,) Brussels.
MiotiroTH Mangold's, prize -taker
Swedes, fresh garden seeds, all kinds,
seed potatoes, and clover and timothy in
abnndanoe at MoOraoken's.
liisnraru1Ps Iron Norvo,
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where Stomaoh, Liver,
Kidneys and Bowels are out of order.
If you want these qualities and the sue.
nese they bring, use Dr, King's New Life
Pilin, They develop every power of
brain and body, Only 25 eente at Dead -
man's drug store,
FLOWERS AND PLAN•rs,—A floe stook of
flowers and house planta ou hand at the
Brussels greenhouse, formerly o.vned by
the late Thos. Kelly. Also a chilies lot of
tomato plants in boxes, pots or loose by
the dozen ; also cabbage, celery and
cauliflower planta. Any guar); illy of ripe
tomatoes in season. Miss Kl'LLT. 44 5
011s Life N0'ns Saved.
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of
Hannibal, 01o., lately bad a wonderful
deliverance from a frightful death. In
telling of it lie says :—"I was taken
with Typhoid Fever, that ran into Pneu-
mouea. My lunge became hardened. I
WAS so weak I couldn't even eft up in
bad. Nothing helped me. I expected to
soon die of Oonsumpbion, when I beard
of Dr. King's New Disoovery. One bottle
gave great relief, I continued to use it
and now em well And strong. I oan't
say too much iu its praise." This mar-
vellous medicine is the surest and quick-
est cure in the world for ell Throat and
Lung trouble. Regular e'zes 60 cents
and $1.00. Trial bottles tree at Dead -
man's drug store ; every bottle guaran-
Aotts.—In Winnipeg, on April 25th, the
wife of Mr. John Ames, nee Mies Eva
Cardiff, of a son.
Clow,—In East Wawanosb, on May Btb,
the wile of Mr, David Clow of a
TAit/N,—In Goderich, on May 903, the
wife of Mr. John Taman, of a eon.
BELDEN — Howe. — In the manse, se
Molesworth, on Tuesday evening,
May tad, by Rev. Geo. Ballantyne,
Mr. W. R. Belden, of the township
of Howink, to Mies Mary A. Howe,
of the township of Wallace.
Hearearer—Bnawe.—In Wroxeter, on
May 8rd, by Rev. Mr. Kennedy, Mr.
T. G. Hemphill, to Mise Lottie,
daughter of Dr. Brawn, both of
n Marsh 29,
the residenoe of Mrs. Peek, 1809
73ornby-et, Vancouver, by Rev, J.
E. Coombe, Mr. J. 0, Turnbull, to
Miss Mary Tnrnboll, sister of Mr.
John L. Turnbull, of Elnan, and Mr.
Robert Turnbull, of Stratford.
Bun0ss8.—I0 Brussels, on Thursday,
May 11th, Samuel Burgess, aged 79
ysare,4 months and 16 days.
KNIGHT.—In Morrie, 00 M/131 6111, David
Knight, aged 74 years and 10
Pa,uaox.—In Grey, on May 10,1, Susan
L., beloved wife of Richard Pearson,
aged 88 years.;
Ronnnxsore.—In Colborne, on May 5th,
Ruby, youngest daughter of Alex.
Robertson, aged 28 years.
133v VSSa aI.S Zmr-A-ZS11�aaTS,
Pall Wheat 65
Barley .... 86
Peas ....... .... 60
Oats 2r9
Butter, tube and rolls 11
Eggs per dozen 9
Flour per barrel 4 00
Potatoes (per bag) 1 00
Ray per ton 5 00
Rides trimmed 7
Rides rough 5
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00
Sheep shins, each 80
Lamb shins eaob 25
Hoge, Live 4 10
Wool 16
Apples (per bag) 80
4 00
1 00
6 00
4 25
1 00
Belleville, Ont., May 0.—At the oheeee
board today there were offered 275 white
and 45 colored April cheese ; 90 wan bid,
but no sales tools plane on board,
Ingersoll, Out, May 9,—Tile Ingersoll
oheoae board opened today, and was large.
ly attended by both salesmen and buyers.
After the offioers for the =suing year
were appointed and other business trans-
acted. 800 boxes of oheoae made the
first week in May, were put on board
89e was offered.
Toronto, May 0.—Wheat quiet : prices
easy ; nothing doing ; impossible to sell
Wheab ; oars of red and white West, 68o,
and goose, 65e to 66o outeide ; Manitoba
wheat steady ; No. 1 hard wheat, 81o, and
No, 1 Northern at 710, Owen Sound, Sian
nie and Midland. Flour dull ; oars of
straight roller, in bbls., Toronto freights,
$8,15. Millfeed firm ; oars of shorts, 914
to $16, and bran, 912 to $12.50 West.
Barley dull ; No. 1, 41c West. Buck-
wheat quint ; care West, 480 to 50o.
Rya firm, at 68o West, Corn easy
oars of Canada yellow West, 86o, and
No. 2 American. Ontario points, 41o.
Oats steady, at 820 for white West. Peas
steady, at Oso West.
Toronto, May 9.—Tho reoeip18 were
about 100 sheep and lambs, 1,200 hogs,
70 calves and 100 miloh cows, but the
supply of common grades was very heavy,
for there was little rloneaud for them, and
as a consequenos moat of the offerings
were loft over he the pons at noon. Ex.
port rattle were about the same as on
t'riday. Choke heavy exporters were
quotable at 94,60 to $4,80, end 94.85 per
cwt., for an 000aeional buneh of Very
choice, Light wore in very, boavy supply,
MAT 1.2, 1899
awts'z'.a.�rJxsa;-z�rr "Le��.
CAPITAL PAID UP (Ons Million Dollars) • 91,000,000
RPSERV111 FUND , . - • 5000,000
tlgeneies in all principal pointa in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States (Sllitgland.
OBEIb"67vXffATasr7 ` :r'axem.
A General Banking Bnsinees Transacted Farmers' Notes Discounted.
Drafts Issued and Colieotlone made on ell pointe,
Interest allowed on deposits of 91,00 and upwards.
Every facility afforded Cuatomors living at a dietanoe,
kluging prices ranging from 54 to $4.56
per cwt. Butchers' oattle—All good to
choice stuff found ready sole at steady
prices : Prices remained unohanged from
Friday, good to choice selections being
quotable at 94.40 to 94.60 per cwt. ;
medium and common grades were in
heavy supply, but were very slow of eals,
febohiog 98 25 to 95.25 per cwt. Inferior
grades fetched 53 to $8 26 per cwt. Can -
adieu stockers for Buffalo were in moder-
ate supply, andthe quotations were a
little firmer, these being only quoted if()
per cwt, higher, or 98.75 to 94 25 per
cwt. ; light were steady ; good feeders
found a good demand at steady prices, of
94.40 to 94,65 per cwt. Milch rows and
calves—Good milohers met with a good
demand, and fetched. $40 to 955 each ;
poorer grades brought 980 to $40.oaoh.
The demand for- calves was fairly active,
and prices steady, these being quotable at
92 to 53 per bead. Sheep and lambs --
Offerings were very light, but the demand
MRS active, everything being cleared out
of the pens early at steady prices, Sheep
for export and butchers' use, weighing
126 to 1401bs,, fetched 90 50 to 54 per
owt. Spring lambs were steady, ab 92 to
$5 small, and bunks weighing from 150
to 175 pounds brought) 93 to $3.25 per
cwt. Yearlings were a little steadier, at
$5.25 to 95.75 per cwt. Lambe fetched
54 to 94 50 per cwt. Hogs—The heavy
supply found 5great outlet ab the best
prices paid so far this year : choice iodate
Mous were quoted Ito higher, or 94.621
per cwt., and thick fat were do higher,
or 94 25 per owl). ; light were also in
moderate supply, at i}c higher, or $4.25
per cwt. Sows were steady, at 93 per
cwt., and a moll supply of stage fetched
92 per cwt.
East Buffalo, 19.3., May 9.—Cattle—
There were no fresh receipts, but the
feeling was firm on the desirable hatcher
grades ; there were no calves. Sheep and
lambs—The total offerings were 6a. loads ;
prices ruled the came as yesterday ; choice
to extra lambs, 56.15 to $0.25 bid sheep,
choice to extra, $5 to $5.25 ; sales were
on the bases quoted, Hogs—There were
hardly enough on sale to make a market
—only two -loads, and prices were strong
and 6o higher ; heavy were quotable at
94.15 to 94.26 ; mixed, 94,20 ; Yorkers,
94.20 ; there were no pigs on sale ;roughs,
68.40 to $8 50 ; stags, $2.75 to 58 ; offer.
ings cleaned up.
HoveE and lot for sale. Apply to
JNO, VINCENT, Brussels.
CERAae posts for sale. Lot 22, oou. 6,
Two breeding sows and 2 litters of
venue rigs for sale. Apply to MRS. ALES.
cONON, Lot 10, Con, 5, Morris, 41•tf
Demme property, hoose, stable and
lot on Alexanderstreet, Brussels, worth
$1,000, will be sold for 8050, on easy terms of
payment. Enquire at TSE POST.
MI Machine, Organ or Piano can be
supplied by applying to me for I am not out
of the business as some have tried to report.
I Will deal with you as reasonable as any.
28. T. M0ORE, llrussels,
on Mill street,I3raseels. The house
is a comfortable ono, well fitted up, with
cellar, hard and soft water, &a, - There is
also a good stable. Fruit trees in garden :
over one•quarter sore of land. For price,
terms, &o., apply to B. FINN, Proprietor,
or W.31, 1111RR, of Tan Poet:. 18-01
Tenders Wanted,
Tenders will be received by the tinder -
signed up to the 20th of May, for the follow-
ing contract 1—(1) Shingling one half of the
roof of Ethel Presbyterian Chnroh ; (2) Iiai-
somining the interior and glazing windows
of same. M. FERGUSON, Ethel.
Tenders Wanted.
Tenders will be reoeived by the under-
signed to June lei for putting a trunk
Sewer, and Water piping and Hydrants in
the Vi Ilage of Brueeels, Tenders to be
separate , so mash for excavation and put-
ting in, t ile and taterpiping and hydrants,
Plane and epI010eutiousmay be seen at oflloe
orOlerk or Realm.
44.3 P. S. SCOTT, Clerk,
Notice of Dissolution.
Nottos is hereby given that the partner-
ship heretofore existing between the under.
signed, lately carryingon business as gener-
al merobauts at the Village of Walton, in
the County of Enron, bas this day been dis•
solved hy mutual aliment, The said bus -E-
llen will be continued by the undersigned
Wm, 00. Smith, who will assume all firm
liabilities, and to whom all debts duo to the
Said arm aro to be paid.
Dated at Brussels this first day or May,
A, E.18001.Witnj
W. . f3INCLAXR 1 WILLIAOO 3. 911I1T11.
underslgnedwlll hoop tor service on
Lot et, elon.12, Grey a thorn -trod Tamworth
Boar, with registered pedigree. "Terme,
$1,00 with privilege of returning if needs,
Bary. J, P. McINTOIM,
44.4 Proprioter.
undersigned will beep for sotwiue on
lots 10 and17 tlon� 10, Grey, a bboro'-bred
Ayrshire Mail, withregistered itedigrdo.
Terms 92.00, with privilege of returning if
neoaseary. WM,h'I80I110%t,
41.4 - Proprietor.
undoreignod w11l14eup1 for
aetoo on
lot G, omi.17, Grey, a theme -bred Diatom
bull, with registered pedigree. Terms 91,00
with privilege of returning if ts5Ooesary,
42.1 15111)1-1 1141118AV, Prop,
Wo, the undoreignod, hereby give due
notice that for the coming season we w111
not buy Beak Lambs Wean al a valuation
of at toast $1,00 per hundred less than E wen
tend Wetbore, and all mixed loads which
have not borototore been discriminated
acainst,will hereafter be bought by us with
the understanding that the Bucks elleli be
thrown out at a pries not less than 51,00 per
huedred lower, or on the game basis as has
hitherto governed 0111 puroltasse of ahem.
and this rule ellen govern all our perehusee
of Canadian Lambs f0r the season of 1800.
& WOOL Co,
Notice ie also given that the local lamb
buyers will be governed by the above deris-
ion and nett the farmers of this locality to
pay attentionto it. 44 8
SALE. Lot 19, Con, 9, Grey. 12 feat of
it touobes the river. Immediate possession.
For price, terms, 00, apply to
10- THOS. MOORE, Brussels,
ttersignod offers his farm, West Half
Lot No. 10, 000. 4, Grey, containing 00 sores,
more or lees. For particulars ae to price
and terms apply to
Brussels P. 0. on the promisee,
deret noel offers his 100 more farm for
sale, being tot 2, eon, 10, Grey. Comfortable
house, bank barn, good orobara, plenty of
water and plass ie in good condition. Only
2 miles from Waite u village and 4 mites from
Brussels, Possession given to suitpurcbas-
er. For prion, terms and other particulars
apply to WM. SMITE, Proprietor, Walton P, O.
INe Lot 20, N 1 Con. 6, Morris township,
containing 98 acres of nrebolaes laud. There
is alleges, burn, orchard and good ware-
house, and farm is well fenced. There are
35 acres in Fall wheat ; 15 acres iu h
CHEAPER Than Ever,
When we tell you that our present
stock of
is a Cheaper as well as a nicer line than
we have yet shown we do so knowing that
our stook will boar out what we gay.
Wall Papers have advanced greatly in
price elnoe we bought our stook but our
price remains the same
Fox's Drug Store.
Consisting of the South d and South t
of the North i oILot 00, Con.2, East Wawa -
nosh, This is an excellent stook farm , being
well supplied with good spring water. Itis
situated about 8 miles from tits thriving Vil-
lage of Blyth. A largo part of It is under
grass. Buildings andfemme aro in a fair
state of repair. May term of payment will
be given. For all in formation apply to
11-tf G. F. BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels.
The undersigned offer two 100 sore
farms for anis at reason able prices. The Ints
are Nos. 10 and 11, Con, 0 (Sunshine), the
sideroad between them. Good brink house
and barn an 10111, and house and 2 barns on
lot 10. Orchards and all necessary conven-
iences. Well watered and suitable for grain
or grazing, 100 acres now in grass. Will be
sold either separate or together t0 snit pur-
chaser, Worms of payment reasonable. Im-
mediate pogessefon, For farther particulars
L. DIUXIN ON,Barrrlleter,rWinghan,, 103
9 5t1r'c'f1for , Grit
40 acres pasture. Possession could be given Of our secant students have accepted
at algood situations, It pays young wen and
aloe, Patin adjoins the village 0f Bras -
sole. For further particulars as to rice, women to possess 'bneiuess bright:se.
terms, &o,, write to particulars
LIVINGSTON, Enter now. roepeotue free.
M, P„ Baden. 20-tf IV. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
re-SIGtll 4 rr'N. rY .c'td/0"rG`ti;z f ti + . IR.tstL- az.o
x,'13 LEAIa
The Hardware Trade in
Prices and Values.
Experienoe and paying oaeh for our goods enables us to outdo all
competitors. We will not be undersold. Can't name low prices on
one or two articles. Everything iu our flue down to Rook Bottom
Allowed to be superior to all other Twine in this market, and no
higher pride than inferior quality elsewhere.
Large assortment of Harvest Toole
Stains allrig prices.
Paints Otis Vtirolehes and Stas, atoright
d 'Vale and Gendron They aro well knave
and always retable Prices from $30 u
We sell the Wellan n
A. M. McKay & Co.
We have for sale the following varieties of
., •r7.• .. .r,. !,eds.
Hall's Westbury
,Skirvi7zg's Improved
Sharpes Improved
Su,tto72's Champion)
East Lothian
Bruce's Selected East Lothian...
Hartley's Bronze Top
White Swede
Carter's Elephant
Tettercairn Green Top
Carter's Imperial
ellso Grey Stone and Yellow 4berdeen in AS'o t
ps •
, • • •... 1,6.[
Although they iu'e very low .in price We guarantee
the above seeds to be the best that moneycanbuy.'
us It call forSeeds. Give