HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-5-12, Page 70 0 .1 a 10 rd afl t. e, 10 id 1's id u it. rt he to O- ho od of et An int Y's of, 'a l•le r zl,a red 7 CONCERNING SUICIDE. Serve Interesting t''aets and Elgiii0$ He. tiling le ri7f•nr. i u e ion, In all eounLrics suicide is Our more OOmnlou aiming 01009 theft among wo- man, and those who are married are loss, prone to eon -murder than those who are singly. The class of men most liable to kill themselves Is the military, says the London Leader. The partleular form of religion exist- ing in is country seems to affect the number of its suicides, In Protestant States the depths attributable to this pause are largely in mama of those similarly brought about in countries where Roman Catholicism prevails. Suicide, again, is relatively rare among the yews. Cementing the age at which persons appear must likely to destroy them - ;selves, the suicidal tandenoy increases in direct ratio with the age till about the seventieth year, when it begins and continues 1.0 decline. Children under 10 have been known to cum - mit suicide, us also nave persona over 90. The following table throws some curious light on this question of age and suicide: Per. Per Age. million. Age: million 10-15. 4 45-55.. .181 15-20. ' . . . 28 55-611. . . ..281 20-25, . . .47 65-75. . 243 26-35. . . 69 75-85. . 183 95-46, . . ,110 Over 85. . ..116 If asked in which munch we should expect to find the greatest number of suicides most of us would probably reply—in November or December. And certainly it would seem that the dark, depressing days of winter would be more ealoutated to create or to develop a suicidal tendency than the bright and genial summer time. As a matter of fast, however, it is in June, when nature is at her loveli- est that men most frequently kill theannselves. Taking 1,200 suicides, the following table shows the monthly re- turns:— January. e- turns1January. . . . 88July. . . .108 February. . . 80 August. .1u7 March. .101 September. 93 April. . .112 October. . 93 May. ..120 November. .. 87 December. .. 81 Juno. .1'23 0 The means adopted by the poor wretch whereby to end his day varies according to age and sex. Am"ng men hanging is in nearly an eountriee the most common form of suicide— probably because, while being com- paratively quick and peinless,it is the mode most readily accessible of pro- curing death. Among women drowning 1s in some countries more resorted to than hang- ing, but in others, such as Denmark and Belguim, banging seems equally popular with both sexes. As against 281 suicides by women brought about by hanging and 324 by drowning, wo find only one by dire - arms. liven in France, where we are apt to think the ears of the gentle sex are less horrified at the report of a pistol than is the case here, we have it recorded that as against 311 suicides by women attributable to hanging and 423 by drowning, only 10 were due to firearms. • WHISKEY IN YOUR WOOD PILE. Every one has read at one time or another of the extraordinary amount of different things you can get out of a ton of opal. Are you aware an equally varied assortment can be ob- tained from a cord of wood/ A cord of fresh -cut timber weighs on an aver- age about 4,000 pounds, and here is what you can produce from it by the process chemists call 'destructive dis- tillation," Firstly, 2,050 pounds of pyroligneous acid and 700 pounds of charcoal—the acid will produce about nine gallons of 82 per cent. crude wood alcohol, which can by a certain pro- cess be changed into an imitation cheap whiskey—about twenty-five gal- bons of tar, and fully 200 pounds of acetate of Time. These facts indioate a future for wood outside the realm of fuel and pulp. GREATEST THINGS IN THE WORLD. Sonic information Abon( !lie Loretta Heellet- Inas, .rll1nm01tg, Canals, Oleo Ote, The largest ineeot known to entomo- logists 18 a Central Amerloan moth, called the Erobus alrix, which expands lis wings from 11 to 18 Inches, Tho largest cask in the world is the Illaloaer teak of Nuremberg, Germany. 1L is 105 feet in diameter and 51, feet deep,and its eampletion a tow yenr8 ego watt celebrated by a ball, at which over 5090 persons were on the floor of the cask. The longest wall in the world is the famous stone defense made by the Chinese against the Tartars about 200 B. C. Itis 20 feet high, 27 fent lak at tbo base, ant. stretobos for ?Alt miles over hills, valleys and rivers. The greatest bell in the world is in an edifice before the greattempleof Buddha, at Tokyo. It weighs 1,700,000 pounds, and is four Limes greater than Lhe great bell at Moscow, whose ohr- °elm:orenee at the rim is nearly 68 0t. and whose height is 21 feet. The highest monument in the world la ill Washington, America. It was erected in lienor of George Washing- tun. It is 650 feet high, 65 feet square at the base, and contains 18,000 blocks of marble two feet thick. In the in- terior is an elevator, and 50 flights of stairs, 18 slaps each. The largest room in the world, under one roof and unbroken by pillars, is et St. Petersburg. 1t is 620 feet long by 150 feet in breadth. 13y day- light It is used for military displays, and a whole battalion can completely maneuver in hi. 13y night 00,000 wax tapers give it a beautiful appearance. The ruof is a single areh of iron, The largest advertising sign in the wurld is said to he on the hillside of I an islet off the Grand Canary, north- west of Africa. It is several hundred feet above the level of the sea, and con- itains the words, "Grand Canary Im- I provement Company," in letters each ].5 teal wide and 30 feet high, each bar of the totters being 8 feet S inches 1 broad. The sign is '750 feat long. The greatest canal in the world is the Suez, opened on November 16, 1869. Its length is 95 miles, its depth is 26 feet its annual revenue is 15000,000, u 5 , its oust was $100,000,000. The aver- age time taken to pass through' it is II/ hours, less eight minutes. The depth of the canal is being increased, al a cost of 5=0,000,000. She world's i l anal of , 1 al A t± 1, ngest canal s Lhe Imp China, with a length of 1,000 miles. - ever raised by The greatest structurev g the hand of man is the Great Pyramid of Cheops, in Egypt, founded 4,001 years ago, and measuring 746 feet 'square on the base and 449 feet high. It took twenty years in construction; 100,000 men worked for three months, and, being then relieved, were sur seeded by an equally large amps. The ma88iv0 stones were brought Irom Ara- bia, 700 miles away. She dost of the work le estimated at $145,000,010. The largest map in the world is the Ordmtnoe Survey 090113 of England, con- taining over 108,000 sheets and costing $1,OJ0,001 a year for 20 years. The scale varies from one tenth of a foot to one tenth of an inch to the mile. The details are so minute that maps having a scale of 25 inches show every hedge, fence, wall, building, and even every isolated tree in the oount.ry. The pians show not•' only the e:111et shape of every building, but every porch, area, doorstep, lamppost, railway and fire plug. !The hottest region on earth is the southeastern part of Persia, where it borders the gulf. For 40 consecutive days in July and August the tempera - tura ha8 been known not to fall lower than 100 degrees, night or day. The largest library in the world is the National Library of Paris, which contains 40 miles of shelves, holding 1,400,000 books. Thele are also 175,- 640 mauusoripts, 300,000 maps and charts and 150,000 wins and medals. The largest sundial in the world is Hayou Horoo, a large promontory ex- tending 3,0,00 feet above the Aegean Sea. As the sun swings round. the shadow of this mountain it touches one by one a circle of islands, which act as hour marks. The deepest hole in the earth is at Schladebach, near Ketschau, Germany. It is 5,735 feet in depth, and is for geologic research only. The drilling wee begun In 1880, and stopped six years later because the engineers - were unable with their instruments to go deeper. This hole wee expensive, as its Cost was $50,000. The largest dwelling house in the world is the Freihaus, in a suburb of Vienna, Austria, containing in all be- tween 1,200 and. 1,500 roma, divided in- to upwards of 400 separate suits. This immense house, ' wherein a whole oily lives, works, eats and sleeps, has 13 courtyards—five open and eight cover- ed.—and a garden within its walls. .The largest history ever published is "The War of the Rebellion," issued by the United Status, in 120 huge octavo volumes of 1,000 pages each, with a gigantio atlas in 30 parts. The books occupy 30 feet of shelf room, and weigh one quarter of a ton, The series oust $55,000,000, is limited to 11,- 000 sets, and•bos been in course of pub- lication for over 20 years, The largest cathedral 1n the world is St. Peter's, at -Borne. The total length of the interior is 6121-2 Eng- lish feet; transept, 4461-2 feet; dime - RYE FOR EARLY PASTURE, A field of rye seeded last fall will make excellent early pasture for sheep and hogs this spring. Other heavy animals are liable to injure the plants severely unless the ground is unusu- ally firm, Feed. the horses and cat- tle ensilagefor succulent food and let the sheep and hogs have the rye. HAD BEEN IN HIS ARMS. Dora—Yes, Henry Huggleton ter- tainly is getting to be quite a sooial lion. Flora, blushing—Dear me, do you think sof 1t seems to me he acts more like a bear. ,THE CHEERFUL IDIOT. Every woman is an aristocrat at heart, said the youngest boarder. Yee, said the,Cheerful. Idiot, she hates 1.o think of herself as °leased With the plain people. LONG TAILS HANDY. ''60e tails of fishes are do much larger than their fine because their tails are their chief instruments of motion, while their fine are employed more to direst their 'progress and steady their movements. CITY PLANTS, ter of cupola, 103 feat height of dome t smoke of of the cross !plants stiffer Crow hefrom pavement to top , cities becalms the fumes injure the 448 feet. It was begun In 1450 A D. porous structure of the leaves and in- dedicated in 1020, but not finished till terfere with their free inspiration, 1880. Forty -•three Popes lived. and --,--- died during the protest of building, A LID NAILED, The cost is set down et ,$80,000,000. The Dog—You've got t0 have a pull The longest tualnel in the world is to got along nowadays, that of St. Gothard, on the line of the The Horse—Nonsenset I've had 0500 railroad between Milan and Lucerne, all my life and it ha,sy't done ane any It is lathe and a quarter miles in hoed, length and (lost over 545,000,000. , The greatest dietanoe that a allot has been fired Is a few yards over 15 miles, whioh was the range of Ifrupp's well- knuwu monster 130 -lots steel gun, fir - Ing a shot which weighed over a ton and a quarter, The greatest sea depth kr wen to man is in the South Attitude Ocean, mid- way between the island of Tristan de Cuba and the mouth of the Rio de 1a Plata, the bottom being hero reached at a depth of 4(1,280 feet, or eight and three quarters miles, The greatest 008pension bridge in the world is the Brooklyn bridge, which also leads the world in the num- ber of its daily passengers. Its length, including approlwhes, Is 5,989 tent, the distance between the towers 030 foot, this weight of the slruoture is 0,470 tuns; its cost was over $15,000,000. The bridge cars carry about 45,000,000 peo- ple every your. The largest stook yards in the world are in Chicago. The combined plent8 represent an investment of over $10,- 000,000. Tho yards contain 20 miles of streets, 20 miles of water troughs, 50 !Hiles of feeding troughs, and 75 miles of water and draining troughs. The yards are capable of reeetving and aecummodating daily 20,000 cattle, 20,- 000 sheep and 120,000 hogs. The most magnificent Lomb in the world ie the Taj Mahal, in Aga, Hin- dustan. It was erected by Shah Johan to the memory of his favorite Queen. l.t is octagonal in form, of pure white marble, inlaid with jasper, carnelian, turquoise, agate, amethysts and sap- phires. Tho work took 22,000 men 20 years to complete, and though there were free gilts and the labor was free, the cost was $17,000,000. The largest flower in the world is the Rafflesia Araoldi, of Sumatra. 11s size is fully three feet in diameter— about the size of a carriage wheel, The rive petals of this immense flower are oval and creamy white, growing round a center filled with countless long, violet -hued stamens. The flower weighs about 15 pounds, and is capable of oontaining nearly two gallons of water. The buds are 111re gigantic brown cabbage heads. The greatest empire of the world is tho British Empire, extending over one continent, 100 peninsulas, 500 promon- tories, 1,000 lakes, 2,000 rivers and 10,- 500 islands. It surpasses the Asyr- ian Empire in weatt'n, the Raman Em- pire in population, Lhe Spanish Em- pire in power, and the Persian Em- pire in area—all of which empires have passed away. The population of the i;mpire-40.2,515,800—is 27 per ceut, of the population of the world; the 11,- e30,310 square iniles of imperial ter- ritory isper cent of the land of r cur 21en the world, A BES 'ION A : MA3 HIS LIFE ONE OF PXPOSURE AND MUCH HARDSHIP. Ittrenrnatlenr and KI ndred Troubles the Pregnant Result -One who Blas Been It Orem Sntterer Speaks For OM Benefit or Otters. From the Watchman, Lindsay, Ont. 1 ln. Mcl1sndry, a gentleman of 52 years of age, has for 28 years been a respected citizen of Fenelon Falls, Ont. For twenty-two years be has held the position of section foreman for the G,T.R., which position he fills to -day, and judging from bis present robust appearance will be capable of doing so for many years to come. During his residence at Fenelon Falls Mr. Mo)Sendry has taken an aattve part in educational matters, being an elfiaient member of the school hoard un different occasions. Many times he has been nominated as councillor, but owing to the position he held with an outside corporation felt it his duty to withdraw, although much against the wishes of the representative rate- payers. As the public well know the duties devolving on a railway section foreman expose ,him to all kinds of inclement weather, and it takes a main with a strong constitution to enemas - fully fill the position. Mr. MoKendry had no illness until about 3 years ago, when, to use his own words, he says; -'1 was taken down with severe rheumatic pains in the right knee and the muscles of the leg. I couldt not sleep or rest night or day. I could not begin to tell you what I suffered. I took many remedies, both internal and external prescribed by doctors and friends, but instead of improving I was steadily going from bad to worse. One day while reading the Presbyter- ian Review I read of a Dura through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, in the case of a man' who had. not been expected to recover and this prompted me to give this medicine a trial. The action in my ease did not seem to be speedy and I was using my fifth, box before easy decided improvement Wes noted, but by the time Ihad used eight boxes I was a thoroughly well man. 5inuothet time my general health has been the very best'.and I have no signs of the old trouble. T make this state- ment tato-ment voluntarily, because 1 think it the duty of those cured to put others an the possession of the means of ob- taining renewed health and I am tsat- isfted Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will do all that is claimed for them if given a trial. These pills Duro not by purging the system as do ordinary medicines, but by enriching the blood and strength- ening the nerves, They cure rheuma- tism, seiatia, l000motor ataxia, para- lysh8, .heart troubles, erysipelas and all forms of wenknese. Ladies will find diem an unrivalled medicine for all ailments peculiar to the sex, restoring health and vigor, and bringing a rosy glow to pale and sallow cheeks. There is no other medicine 'just as good." See that the full name, Dr. Williams' Pikilr Pills dor Pale People is an every package you buy. It youl•dealer doss not have them, they will bo sent post P 1 aid at Gtl cants a box,. or sax boxes Tesin for 52.50, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. or, Schenectady, New York. • 'The game of billiards was ini.rodnoed into Europe by the Ilnighto Tem- plata. - 01 a-D�r�a61 lee.' 8l P yne,et Grabby Quo 0-19 8t jtyt.ntt,�koturor A lean seeks his ideal; a woman seeks the ideal of another. TO CURE A 001,) IN ONE DAY Take Ian/tire Nrowo Weadrla Tablet.. Ail Drug• slats refuadthe tummy .1109 falls to pure, 260. Some men go when duty Balla—but in the opposite direollon. Farmers cannot any longer close thole eyes to the feet that something more than ordinary farm -yard man- ures is necessary to the produelion of paying erode. The phosphate is ab- solutely necessary and there is now no room 10 doubt that large, quantities of good manure are absolutely wasted for the want of phosphate to balnlace the food fon the plants, 1 have had muoh experience In phosphat.ing lands and I have examined many phosphated 0001s anti I am convinced that double and treble ones of all hinds of pro- duce may be obtained by the use of a proper phosphate much as the Thomas - Phosphate, made by, the Alberts, I have seen ell lands brought: up to a wonderful condition or fertility by its aid,—Stroohner, in Farm Topics. Some men spend half their time in making premises and the other half in making excuses. 91LAUREN TIAN SAND & GRM le the AdVEL Oo., Montmarket. The first time a man goes to a race- track he imagines that be bas discov- ered a 'new way to make money. Por Over rift, Years MRS. WINSI.OW'S SOOT/INO SYRUP has bees pca4 017� othuro for 1,013 ohil roe teething. It soothes Ibe ahlid, .oftene the gurus, .tial .11 tido, puree bot- bot- tle.and the boat remedy too dihrrhmt, 260. a bole Ile. Sold by all Mn..1s throughout the world. IN .ole and ash t.0 " Mn. Wlbalow's 80136.815 Syrup' Violins made of aluminum have ap- peared in Paris. L B Y , G'vos new life to the Hair. It makes It grow and restores the color. Sold by all druggists, 5oc. a bottle. Women lire employed as bricklayers in Finland. La Toscana, 10o. FACOoCrat KYMo The wisp man who profits by his mistakes invests his profits in some other lino of business. Too many ousllions at the bottom may amulet fur the room at the tap. The golden rule is frequently used in drawing a line of eonduot for others. How's This `r Ws offer. Ona hundred Dollars Reward for a be ear any nano ofiI (J r11 that can at ad by Hail's Catarrh1(Onre, ID, rho enN1lY&00., Prohave k ooyu , We tho uie last IS years,, have kbewn i"0Js Cheney far lbs bre in 1bunee believe libn 1onu anao,lncially honorable in 1110017s oblige. and financially able to carry out any obllga- 1 ens made their aro. ,1'aheeal uD ,tAt(holds, W4nnisa00oWAN& MAIMS, Yholeanto Druggists, Toledo, 01110. Hall's Catarrh Core 1s taken internally, ace in dirretly upon the blood and muoou0 sur, /coos of th0 system. 10(00760, per bottle. Bold by all Druggists, Toetlteonluls free. Hairs b'amlly Pllle are the best, Love is all right as an illusion, but as a fact matrimony is the real thing. W. P. ID. 970 CALVERT'S Carbolic Diolnfaotr.nta. soaps•, °int. moat, Tooth Powders, eta„ have boon awarded 1011 modals int, diplomas for ou parlor oxrollenoe. Their regular 110 0 51'50004 mfeotl. 0095 disease.. Ask your dealer to obtain a supply. Lists mailed free on application. F. C. CALVERT & CO., MANCHESTER. - - ENGLAND, ONE HT ,real. 0,011. Pr100100 3NONTaa1f, Tho et iu9imoral," Fres Rue $269&ep. eumati„O. or: assured In 29 hour., YY.• nown1eoes s rebut o tl 0o receipt of dl DH, 1Cf1IIBY, P.O. no.3d6, Afoserani. CUTTING SCHOOL— T:diors and Diem. 8e8y 9951 W B.. 1'Y qy ls' makers wad for oat. dome. C. &.O. SCHOOL CO., Montreal. Sta erers sepeoilat Sn0ee who harp failed to be pored else. where, write to Dr. Arnott, Berlin who will o,nviowyou he pan oureyou The Dawson Comm+ssion Co., Limited, Dor, West.Markot & Colborne St., Toronto Clan get y:u beat prices P. r your Angles, nutter, iters, Poultry, and other produce, If you ship It to thew. 4, J 4 dolt.d/ 4, l t a ' j,,,...ppp...%pp t dam.. -e °7,-d1--6' 4-1 idill-P 4,4;fir Aft, 1 iii --A, 47417... dtnarndentelVent RI H. PURE. HIACRANT, HEALTRFIIL. IIE414IHC, Lead packages, CEYLON TEA, 25, 30, 40, 50 & 6oc, Sella Powdor. Fermata to mike 1t at Salting Powdor. y0, /formula naelly wxd, N. in aunt. Equal to the bunt. I"nrmnbr rent for 120. Lr tlta A. 7.AP7ERRR, 10 Leroyar 8t„ DdonErSal. COMMON SENSE KILLS Roaches, lied Bugs, Ruta and Wee, Sold by all Druggists,. 80 881 Quseu W. Toronto, PANTS Wrl t1' ito for inntrnehuns on the Bent PANTS Pent, Cutting ayslo s 1, the 100,1,. Lx gd ry per. %'n tench you for very 111510. G s i tisTaliors a.w.IUNT&o0.- Torpedo R©ikcO-ith-Drank 111RIDs DYBr0P81A. SUBSTITUTES 'TEA. AND COFFEE. A 100 pecker. will make 76 mom. For aatawy ell movers0ha lhalt afor a Agents s wated. Send 100. for CumROI(CO M'F'C CO., Toronto, Canada. Catholic Prayer R0eoolts, ,!,,, , aruolflzoo. Religious Pictures, Statuary, sod • 8capulare, CHURCH ORNAMENTS, Eduoational WorIO. Mail order. receive prompt attention. D. J. SADL@ER & CO., MOONUEEAE' Ideal Leather Polish Ie the beet for d1EN•8 WOMEN'S AND onthretxN'8 BOOTS AND SiHOES. ,grMndo In All Colo& 40 -Sold Everywhere. FREE' Thi. lovely otoW. ¢. 0 110091, Lady. Watch, wichatelaine forgettinguard doz of our fuli•elrod Linen Doylle.atl0o.em.h; Lady's BtorlingSilror Watch for Belling 6 doz. Doylies in latest and prettiest design. They 5011 51 sight. Write sad we0edd them n our money and welpomthemptl toward. yonrwetoh free. t'nooId doylies teturosblo. LINEN OO1LY00,, Dept., ' Z,' Torom:o. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. E GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. 0 BREAKFAST—SUPPER. GOLD PLATED. ° i eai'a ii to lin our era..said adds., andweate cut tab wetpk to roc n a M raasn.aoa. it 1 a r camas reel open two nen Mad e.r.,t, 'mid ?Wed 11,00,0 ,.ly grated. It took. ilk. a mond z ld 000.1 1:0 ectal wnh 0 •) .as4 00 lora nwl0 110,000809 taxi Ivo tun, and le d e h a 8, and r - giro per t� turbofor trndlpPur- posed If a1' 00S0Nw 0000. haven nee rel ted, tern ort u Rema and charges, n01t le sweat Terry Watch Oo„ Toronto Oat. t -rLr��i-� 6% 'gh e FREE oiiir�'s ta ¢In1r, In aY �pl.sul P#+pAosh. erogl ersY 10,,.4 wp'i kala• rodty 11,` 8*11 ri lest 140.ran amasses 00!1 K tao..r111 in Ileum . 11J0 4/1 W wll, Land mramitram lea, if�Pproo. (erred. Un.oldsood. retureal18 1180608 SUPPLY CO... Dept.'Z,• 'foveate, Ort. We give this fine 4431ade Pearl Handle KNIFE for selling 6 Ladies' Gold Plate Shirt Waist 13EAUTY PINS at to cents each. Simply send your address and we will forward wicks post-paid. When 6o1d, send the 6o cents and we will send knife, with alt charges paid. Address, Cam Novelty Co.,Toronto, Ont, FRECKLES Madam Marquand's ¢auEi f i¢r¢ ono FRECKLE DESTROYER is so well known it scarcely re- quires advertising. Every Lady in the Land knows its value. 60c. PER BOTTLE A. J. TRUSS, Chemist., cop. Kine a 05001990, TORONTO FRECKLES HEALTH PESTOD ,D owaBpnE ,elinin. a r xpnw N the Bin 1, ei°)0Idn r . ,ln o d Brentb b1'' Llrer. Btaad, II®ti slants � Barry's S ® Arabloa Food, which Sorm Invstina and Children, and also Rears x00' bavo 0M sided all Infanta whose .meets, Ailment, and Debility Flood all rejected, , mare. 6 te. . 1 dklodte 0 me all . 61101 Food a re1•ctd, maroe 60 lima. Ile coat in medicine. 5iy ! Invariable 8,mowm, 100,004 a of ()mutiny Yf �5 Annual Cure k �® a � �� Lieu, Flatulence, D7J.pepa� 10015wtlonn0. 0omumptio0 Diabetes, BrosOhltl., 10500 Marrone Dability,tSle pleas nese •Despondency lorrhaemr (loped 7y Regeu °r, 6tranE, 7.00don, W., also in Parka,. 14 Rae de Cabello., M at nil Groom; Chemist., and Stares everywhere, inti Stu, 8.t tht„ 0a, 61b., tie. Sant o.,,l31. 601.764 Alw Agent a Cana. 1 wpe'd, ie tluu 3.. Limited. Agent/star Cseeda : Tha'r. Raton tlo., Idmimd, Too,ta Du3arry adralerereere011arddellt CROP !leans WolI.Fed Stock GROWERS' FAVORITES: STEELE, "JUMBO" Swede BRIGGS' Grows handsome, lanhard-.looped roots, Of a purplish-.almson color above Around, yellow beoealb• minds well out of ground, ,own roots or or leant ol. i'rlco Ipoat-h,,id, lib., roe.; s lb, 010.1 r lb., um. ; for 5-19. lots and over, 500. 1b. STEELE, d"SELECTED" Swede BRIGGS' For over tem years the favorite with bolt growers; even, hand- some shape and a great cropper. Many tons of seed aro re- quired annually to supply the demand for 0991, ape variety. Price (post-pold) 3 lb„ 108.9 li 1b., 158,; 1b., xyc. I Ibr 5 lb. lots and over, am. lb, SPECIAL NOTIOE. Stmele, Bdgga' c Jumbo " cad "Selected" Swgqdes aro sold in eoaiod praclsaOoo only (33 lb. and r *11) n. shown In accompanying illustrations ntwaya lawainA their Homo. STEELE, BRIGGS' FORCIBLE INTERS Whatever crop you grow, success or failure 1a largely governed by the seed used. Seeeees'yul growers always use the btaSt 19eeed3 obtainable. All seeds have p. value, which varies according to the care end selection of stock in produc- ing them ; indifferently grown seeds Cele less to produce and permit of being sold at like low, "cheap" prlcee—i.ike produces, liko. The labor necessary to grow a crop with '• cheap " seed is the same as when using the beat seed --t on wily tlsctea unnecessary risk by U8185{g "cheap' seeds 7 THE BEST (meet ARE CROWN FROM ... Steele, Briggs' Seed ... BE SURE THAT YOU GET THEM WHEN BUYING EXTRA SELECT TURNIP SEEDS s"1:4',7.,2,".7."'" Ai1R/ F t'_il TRIM ASK 7 aY ILAGE CO LARGEST STOCKS OF I19ataAtleliotta Casil;ilai8 The besvloet ear Yellow Dealt Cora with favorable season has yielded 8k tons of ears per acre, and ripens in moat parts of Ontario. Price, a bush., 45c.; bush., 85a.; 1 bush. and over, OOc. bash.; bate, 10e. each. BEST KNOWN VARIETIES EARLY HURON YELLOW DENT CORN One of the earliest dent varieties in cultivation, a Q' strong grower, stalks and ears of good also, small cob with deep grain, productive. Price, 7a bush., We.; baths O0c,; 2 bush. and over, 85c. a bush.; Lap, 16c, each. First Primo VEGETABLES and FLOWERS OISOWN FROM 9 Briggs' S Steele, Seeds w1'r' i�. ml, r SEEDS You eon get Steele, Briggs' F51710111 Garden and Flower Seeds Nem your Resident Merchant, or send for them direct. THE BEST SEEDS THAT GROW.' FOO A OOMPLETQ LOW OF ewest & Best Seeds, Plants, Bulbs, Flo J,'erring Rots, Vie s, 1E p11R os s, Smali Fruits, etc. SECATALOGue.. If you hey' not received one, send your n001e and it will be 14•17..Ert raun. Mention thie peer, When ordering, please send money by Hspresa Money Order, Postal Note or Registered Letter, All orders receive beet oars. f cpit amt ✓" --°° i' 1 i , 4 I) 5 I P LIMITED in Terottto9 Cita raw IIFINSIMIMMIWOMIROMPA.2..