HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-5-12, Page 5MAY 12, 1899
3.11• omit. U', S. SCOTT, llrues°le,
Y • rammer olMarriageMileages. Ogles
at Ms (beery, •1'uruberly street, Myocoele,
l.U• 1'onsorialArtiet• Shop -Nest door
North of the lona ta116tandard Bans,• out4ln'1 a apooialtyadl0tl' and
nran07nNan hue several good ,r001L'e for
1, tie and to rent, easy terms lu 'rowuehille
of Morrie nu,1 Grey,C 8, 8601T,lintesel8
—TEA011E1i 01P—
Issue' of Marriage Licenses,
OIrnIOr AT JnwEL1tr STOnn.
I No Witness Required.
T. PLETCHER Brussels
L. O. M..
Academie graduate of London 0on0erva-
tnry of Undo, is prepared to r000iv0 a limit-
ed number of pupils for iuotruotion 011 the
piano. Walton—Monday, Tuesday • Brussels
—Wednesday, Thursday; Seaforth—Friday,
Saturday. 9ualifled to Prepare pupils for
the Principal 0 P00112 111 the 000010011317 of
ti Clerk of the Fourth Divleion Cour
00, Huron. Couveyauoor, Notary Public
Land Loan and Insure nee Agent. Fund,
invested and to luau. Oolleotione meth
081ee in Graham's Block, Brussels
• 0110 01(1. Money to loan. Farms
to sell,
• sun, will soli Tor better prices, to
bettor men in egg time and lees °hargee
than any other Auctioneer in Nast 1lar0n
or bo won't charge anything. Estee and
orders can always be arranged at this ofgoe
or by personal application.
eP • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, I0 prepared to treat all
diseases of domesticated animate In a com-
petent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at-
tended to. Cgiee and Infirmary—Four doors
north of bridge'purnberry et., Brueeeie.
Y • Bolioitor,Oontone's BlockaryPob•
Ito, &e, Oigoo—Vauobono's Block,1 door
north of Central Hobe Solicitor for the
Solicitor, &a. (late o1 Garrow &
erondfoot'e Oilioe, Goderieh,) Game over
Glides & 8mitb'a Bank,Bruaeele.
Money to Loan. 47
• (Formerly of Cameron, Holt &
Cameron,) Barrister and Solicitor, Godertob,
Out. Olnee—Hamilton St., Opposite Col
borne Hotel,
11I. D., 0. 118,, Trinity University, Follow Trin-
ity Medical College, Momper College of Thy -
etching and Surgeons, Ooc. Lioontiate of the
Royal College of PhyYeiclano and Lioontiate
of Midwifery, Edlebergh. 1_t'Tolophoue
No.14, Residence, Mill 1., Brussels.
M.D., 0. M., successor to Dr. A. McKelvey,
Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians
and Surgeou0, Kingolan ; Member at the Col-
lege of Physicians and Burgeons of Ontario.
Disallow, of women autl children a specialty.
Night years' oxperienee. r -0lgoeandres-
ideuoo that formerly occupied by Dr.11io•
Kolvey,'1'ui'nbarry street, Bruseele. 25-
M.B., M.D., M.O.P.S.O.
Special attention given to dieea0ee of the
Throat and Lungs and diseases e1 Women
and Children.
rhY0101AN, 0011111011 AND AO0onOBETM,
let Oleos Honor Graduate of the Uuivorei-
tieeot Trinity (Toronto), (Kingston),
and of Trinity Medical Oallege; Fellow o1
Trinity Medical College and member of the
OJiloae 01 Phyeloiane and Surgeons of Ontar-
io, Pest Graduate (Masse in Detroit and
Ohicago,180e, Special attention paid to dis-
eases of Eye, Ear, Noee and Throat, and dia.
sGrmairesidence. Elv-
ish German. Telephone
JL mingl3NED 10(11 keep for service on
Lob 0,0one. 10 and 11, Grey, a thorn bred
Durham bull, with registered pedigree, Also
a registered Yorkshire boar, from J, k1.
Brotheur'o World's Pair stook. Terme, 8100
to bo paid at time of 0ervi00, with privilege
of returning if nuoo00arY
8141M CRAB, 1i0ZELL, Plopriet0r.
Tho undersigned will steep for service on.
Dottie Com 0, Morrie, the t11o1'o'-000d Im•
proved. Yorkshire Boar, "Oak Lodge Long-
fellow," No. 2400, bleed b J. E,llrethou0, Bur-
ford, to which a limited number of sows will
he taken. Terme, 91.00, to be paid at time
of servlao with privilege of returning if neo.
A number of thole.) piing 0ow0 for tale far
broodies pennant;wruieh will be Sola at
prides to Quit the Home.
T, NICHOL, Proprietor.
lzst>z.c Itcttis.
[Intended for last week.]
/intros Frur1BOe,--Mr, Riehm intends
having a kitchen erected to the rear of
hig r08iden00.—Richmond Fallie is at
present suffering from n ringworm on
hie right band,—Rev, Wilmot Mahood,
Who has been rooruiting hie health under
the paronlol roof here for the poet cauple
of months, left on Monday morning of
last week for hie home in Rook Rapids,
Iowa, almost folly restored to hie usual
good health.-•-T)to Christian Endeavor
of Trinity ahurmb was reorganized on
Tuesday evening of last week. The fol.
lowing offiurra wore e'owled :—President,
fvlr&. Wm, Goggiu ; Vice Free., Joshua
Boort ; Sea., Mise Nellie Murton ; Treas.,
Mise Nellie Hainstock ; Organist, Miss
Mabel Orr ; Sideemen and Ushers, Alfred
Murton and W. Gamble.—Jamas Seeder.
son had the miafortuue to lose one of hie
fine thoro' bred lamb°. The lamb died
under snob peculiar oiroumatanoee that
he resolved to have the ease iuveotigated.
A vet. bold a poet mortem examination
And reported it tumor to have been the
081108 of the fatality.
G orris.
NEWSY GLaAilo.—Alex, Strong shipped
a oarload of horses to Manitoba.—Geo,
Brown is having the Albion hotel paint.
ed.—Wm. MoKee has plans and specifi-
cations out for the erection of a new
reeideuoe on Mill street. 1'110 regular
Quarterly meeting eervioe was held in the
Methodist church on Sanday.-0onrtnry
Gilpin, of the Model Farm, Guelph, is
visiting under the parental roof South of
the village.—Mr. Love, of Mitohell, has
rented the photo. gallery occupied by 1.
A. MOArter.—Mrs. Wm. Doig, is vi2'iling
with friends in Hamilton and Tiloou•
burg.—Jas. Ward, of Wiogham, baa
secured it eituation in Isaac Sanderson'•
blaokemfth chop.—Wm. Dane is having
some repairs made on the ovrrilow dam.
—Work has again been oowmenoed on
the Methodist driving •beds.—On Mon-
day evening of last week,eome boys while
lirhing, found the lantern which the late
James Perkins bad in his band when be
went over the dam. It was found a few
rode below the Beene of the accident.—
Again we have to record the tatting away
by death of one of Howioh's most res•
petted ridden is in the pereou of Mr.
Hugh Carson, of the 15th can., who de•
parted this life on Saturday, April 29th,
at the ripe age of 82 years and 5
months. His remains were laid to rest
in the Gorrie oemetery. A. C. Cummer
left for Carman, Man., where he has
soured a good position at hie trade.—
Mrs. W. G. Strong and daughter Mies
Bessie have returned home from Hamilton
where they have been spending a few
weeks.—W. R. Russell, 0. P. P0. agent,
of Rat Portage, is at present in town
visiting his father, Wm. Russell, end
renewing old acquaintances.
I:3stil t..
LITTLE BLINtlL0Te,-Howard Alexander,
who epent the past Winter in Blyth, baa
returned to Winnipeg. Mrs. Alexander
and baby will remain here until Septem-
ber.—The Methodist church, which ban
been in the hands of the painters for the
past month, will be re -opened on Sunday,
May 14111. Rev. W. F. Campbell, of
Toronto, a former pastor, will preach.—
Ed. Keohna, who recently completed hie
apprentioeship to the barbering;btaineas
with T. J. Haoketep, has eeoured a alto•
atlon in Strathroy.—Bert. Moore has )eft
to take a position In a Pease factory near
St. Thomas,—A cad accident happened
on the Grand Trunk railway about 1}
mile» North of Londesboro' on Wednes•
day afternoon of last weak whereby John
Smith, eeotion foreman, lost his life.
The unfortunate man was fa the not of
removing the lorry from the track when
the afternoon express struck and killed
him.—The annual meeting of the mem•
here of the Blyth Public Library was
held in the reading room on Monday
evening of last week. D. B. McKinnon,
treasurer, presented his report wbioh
showed the reoeip:e for the year to be
$87.75 and the disbursements $52.45, leav-
ing a oash balance on band of 885 60.
On motion the report woe adopted. The
new Board of Direo)ora was ohoeen, eon -
slating of Rev. A. MoLean, Alex. Elder,
dames Smith, Frauk Metcalf, 8. Oreigb•
ton, A. 10. Bradwiu, Dr. Fait, A. W.
Sloan and Joseph IIabkirlr. The free
reading room in connection with the Pub -
Ho Library has been closed for the Sum•
mer months.—The motion accepting the
ober of the Ontario Mutual Life Assur-
ance Co: for the Bale of Blyth debenturea,
amounting to $2,280, was rescinded by
the Oounofl, as the said company failed
to parry out its part of the agreement.
—001111 of Revision for Blyth will be
held on the evening of June 6th.
i.irtto w el.
LITTLE Livxe.—By-law has been paeoed
warning all bioyole ridete not to ride on
the sidewalks.—At the congregational
meeting held in Knox church on Monday
afternoon of last week, the question of ex•
tending a oall to a pastor was taken up.
Rev, P. A. MoLeod, of Atwood, modera.
tor, presided, and the oongregatiou, after
considering several names, finally decided
by unanimous vote to invite Rev. J. 8.
Hardy, of Ayr, to become their pastor.
The usual formalities are being prooeeded
with, T. L. Hamilton and B. F. Brook
being appointed to prosecute the call
before the Preebytery. It is thought that
Rev. Mr. nerdy will accept. •— While
snaring for makers in the Maitland at the
railway bridge near the tannery, a very
large fish was seen, wbioh, after several
atteinp's being made by a number of
boyo, was finally landed by Robt. Smith,
It turned out to be a bleak base, menear-
mg 16inohee in length and weighed 2
lbs., 8 mums. It was taken out alive
and now adorns the trout tank in Living.
etone'e drug stare,-1'Ianly, eon of W. M.
Brune, dentist, met With a painful aooi.
dent. In turning the rear wheel of his
bioyole he got the index finger of his
right hand oang111 between the chain and
sprocket wheel, the finger being so badly
jammed that it was Minot severed be.
•ween the first and almond joints.—Tice
Queon'e Birthday will be celebrated here.
—While delivering a plow in Wallace
Andrew Olimie, of this town, feet with a
severe aooident by being thrown from bis
wagon owing to his horse turning sudden-
ly. In falling one of hie ankles wee bad.
ly sprained and a rib was fractured. He
will likely be confided to hie home for
same time, -Arbor day in town was
made a public holiday by proclamation
of the Mayor, Some tree planting was
done, but fishing and bioyole riding tools
U(0 fanoy of 4110 younger portion of the
oommuoity,—Norman Williams, B. A.,
late of Osgood° Hall, and eon of ltev, Dr.
Wililame, of Lietuwel, et the seseione of
the Supreme Court of California, held on
April 20th, waif admitted to praotioe, and
doolared a member of the bar of the Stnte
of California.. -Trod. Graham, of 'lona.
wands, N. Y., who played with the Strut'
fords hot swoon, and ie now the tale end
of the Listowel battery, has arrived in
%%frame Era ptl,ne
Are grand, bub Skin Erupti0na rob life
of joy. Bnoklen'e Arnica Salve three
then` ; oleo Old, Running and Fever
Sores, /Peers, Boils, Alone, Corns,
Warta, Outs, brnisee, Burns, Soalde,
Chapped lianda, Chilblains. ;Beat Pile
cure on earth. Drives out Paine and
aches, Only 36 ciente a box. Cure guar.
anteed. Sold by G. A. Deedmau, drug.
Cr. rtax.
Smoot, RNroa'r.—Tho following shows
the standing of the pupils in S. 8. No. 9,
Grey, for the month of April :—Sr. 4th—
Laurenae MoNaught, Bessie Oliver. Jr.
4th—Mattie Fraser, Russel Robertson,
Ella MoNaught. Sr.led—Willie Har-
rison, Ethel MoNougbt, Jr. 3rd—.Willie
Mann, Nellie Harbottle, Olive Oliver,
Frank Harrison, Johnny Burns. Sr. Sod
—Wilbur Bray, Henry MoPay, Norman
MoNaught, Wesley Molloy, Harry Mo
Naught. Jr. 2nd—Robbie McKay, Mag.
gie Mann, Katie Harbottle. Part IL—
Wiunie MoNaught, Alfred Meehan. Sr.
Pt. L—Ferane MoNaught, Elia Bray, Rae
Roes. Jr. Part L—Roy Cummings, Mel.
burn Bray. NINA J. Islnmmlan, Teacher.
SCHOOL Rapoao.—The following is the
report of B. 8. No. 1, Grey, for the month
of April. P. S. L•—A. Oalder, 859 ; W.
Arnletrong, 264: 0. Armstrong, 269 •
; J.
Fargnhare' u, 210 ; A. Switzer, 180. Sr.
4th• -1r. Armstrong, 4011 ; G. Bielby, 858 ;
R. Davidson, 333. Jr. 4th.—E. Houle•
ger, 378 ; W. Switzer, 848 ; E. Blake,
340 ; D, David.on, 274 ; N. Fraliok, 228 ;
A. Dickson, 178 ; G. Blake, 174 ; E.
Resell, 171. Sr. Srtl.—B. Davidson, 202 ;
F. Davidson, 160 ; B. Rands, 162 ; L.
Dioksoo, 145. Jr. 3rd.—A. Oakley, 179 ;
J. Hoggard, 167 ; W. Glaeeier, 105 ; 1'.
Bielby, 99 ; Cr. Dark, 80 ; W. Stevenson,
87 ; W, Farquharson, 22. Sr. 2nd.—B.
Dark, 200 ; M. Dark, 198 ; A. Glassier,
172 ; M. Hoggard, 160 ; A. Lawson, 76.
Jr. 2nd.—A. Gordou, 210 ;L. Blake, 180 ;
A. Glassier, 175 ; E. Oakley, 138 ; J.
Stevenson, 187 ; £f. Rozell, 48. 2nd Pt.
—Jno. Diokeon, 188 ; Jae. Dickson, 182 ;
T. Dark, 145 ; L. Grant, 02. Sr. let.—
F. Oaltley, 59 ; F. Al000k, 58 ; R. Craig,
50 ; F. Lawson, 22 ; A. Dark, 18 ; B.
Stevenson, 9. Jr. 101.—L. Glassier, V.
Butwell, P. Dark, F. Aloock, J. MoOal•
lum, L. Switzer.
S. R. Osman, Teacher.
No 11111111 10 11g11nees.
The woman who ie lovely iu faoe, form
and manner will always have friends, but
one who would be attractive she must
keep her health, If she is weak, sickly
and all run down she will be nervous and
irritable. If she has constipation or kid-
ney trouble, her impure blood will cause
pimples, blotohee, skin eruptions and a
wretohed oomplexion. Eleatic Bittern
is the Meet medicine in the world to
regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and
to purify the blood. It gives strong
nervea, bright eyes, smooth, velvety
skin, rmh complexion. It will make a
good.looking, charming woman of a run-
down invalid. Only 60 (lents, at Dead.
man's drag store.
SouooL REPORT.—The following report
gives the standing of the pupils of S. 8.
No. 8, Morris, for April, and determines
position in olaee for ,May.—Sr. 4th—
Total 400.—Gordon Embury, 271 ; Lorne
Knox, 244. Jr. 4th.-Ettie Agar, 361 ;
Aline Panl, 343 ; Ruby Farhat', 342 ;
Martha Ingram, 287 ; Chas. Garnise,
277 ; Vena Knox, 206. Sr, 3rd—Karifa
Fraser, 888 ; John Garnise, 248 ; Eva
M. Souob, (86. Sr.2u8.—Annie Garnise,
318 ; Emma Jermynn, 179. Jr. 2nd.—
Chas. Agar, 380. Sr. Pt. 2nd.—Willie
Forbes, 868; Wm. H. Jacklin, 848;
Harvie Knox, 324 ; Tommy Jermynn,
291. Jr. Pt. 2nd—Total, 200.—Linie
Knox, 170 ; Vonnie Rutledge, 104 ; Hul.
dab Rutledge, 156 ; Eddie Campbell,
Sr. let,—Mildred Jewitt, 176 ; Fed
Agar, 158 ; Roy 0. Turvey, 156 ; Nor.
mac Souob, 145 ; Sarah Agar, 135. Jr,
let. -Hazel Stamper, Nelson Agar, Willie
Agar. D. L. 8111110x811, Teaober.
Sonoor. REron1—The following is the
report of S. S. No, 4, Morrie, for the
month of April. Primary—Total 600-
Norah Maunders, 458, Public 8011001
Leaving—Total '150 — Willie Oloakey,
586 ; Alex. McNabb, 610 ; Richard Oar.
diff, 442. Entrance—Total 700—John
Cloakey, 504 ; Bertha Nichol, 008 ;
Mabel Nichol, 92 ; Bertha Sharp, 400.
Jr. IV.=Total 000—Carrie Speir, 427 ;
Lizzie Davis, 820; Everett Walker, 817 ;
Nelson Maunders, 204, Sr. IIL—Total
600—Lizzie Speir, 486 ; Minnie Walker,
465 ; Elston Cardiff, 482 ;Laura Olonkey,
892 ; Annie Nionol, 860. Jr. III.—
Total 000—!Tena Forsyth, 482 ; Ada Mo-
CUtcherin, 412 ; Peroil)a Manning, 808 ;
Frani` Nichol, sr., 874 ; Frank Nichol,
jr,, 815. 2nd. — Total 450 Lorne
Moho', 850 ; 0110 Walker, 824 ; Harold
Speir, 200 ; Earl Bernetd, 90. Part II,
—Total 250—Robert Forsyth, 191 ; Ben-
nie Walker, 165. Sr. 106•—Tato) 200—
Jennie Robb, 148; John Speir, 125 ;
Kale Manning, 79. Honor standing for
the month — Norah Maunders, Willie
Oloakey, John Oloakey, Bertha Nichol;
Mabel Nichol, Bertha Sharp, Carrie
Spear, Lizzie Speir, Minnie Walker,
Elston Cardiff, 'lana Forsyth, Lorne
011e Walker, Robb. Forsyth,
Janie Robb, J. D. E..L•inan , q'eaohor.
Leman not DAwenN CITY. -We 0,18
indebted to Mise Ella Gibson, of Morrie,
for the following interesting letter from
Dawson City and the gold field». The
lettee was sent to Mise Gibson by her
cousin, Mrs, Joeeph Gibson, who does
not spank iu glowing termed the Yukon
gold field. Here is the letter :—"i have
a obanoe to Bend you a few linea by a
party going out to Seattle, and I hope
they will fled you all well. I have been
very eiolt ; all my friends thought I never
would get better, but I am up once more.
I lay five weeks tvith the fever, I take
all the fevers going, and there are many
here, I also had neuralgia and it gave
nee etloll pain. loo ie well and strong, and
se are the boys. The eldest boy ie out
at the minae with his father. It takes
110eit five days to go with the doge.
Tommy got his feet frozen badly, and
had hie nose frozen twice. This f0 a
hardtiotlntry to live in. ;there are lute
10milade the thrifty housekeeper that there are numerous artiolee
Pommy for the comfort of the home which need renewing. Perhaps after you
have beaten your Carpets and washed your Curtains you find they aro not fit to use
again and your thoughte naturally turn to where you Dan get the beat value for your
money and no doubt this store is uppermost in your mind. We Kaye anticipated
your warts and hive made greater preparation» than ever before in Carpete, Cur•
taiae, Art Mneline, Goltien Draperies, Art Denims, Art Squares and various other
art;clt s which Help to tone up the borne, and at prices that are within the reach of
—hemp Carpets at 12110, 14o, 17o, 20o and 320.
—Union Carpete, yard wide, et 25e, 80e, 400 and 600.
—Wool Carpete, yard wide, et 75o, 80e, 903 and 51.00,
—Tapestry Carpets at 50o, 080 and 80o,
—Floor Oil Cloth, 1 yd., 1} yde, and 111 yds. wide, 250 per square yd.
--Extra Heavy Floor Oil (Sloth, 2 yds. wide, 870 per toluene yd.
—Stair Oil Cloth at 1210 and 14o.
— Hemp Stair Carpet, worth 10o, for So.
-Nottingham Laoe Ourtaino, 20o, 25o, 350, 60a, 750 and $1.
—Swiss lin 08 Curtaine at 51.20, 51.50, $2, $2,50 and 53.
— Oheuille Ourtaine, dado border, $2.75 and $3 50.
—Art Muslim at 5o, Bo, 100, 12110 and 15o.
—Golden Draperies at 10o, 15e and 18c.
0 Wo Out and Matgb all Tapestry, Union and Wool Carpete free of charge.
of lies told outside to bring people in.
Many people have become disappointed
and returned home ; others become din-
appointeed and kill themoelvee one way
and another. Many freeze to death and
many die of this awful fever. It ie not
like the fever in other countries—you
just waste away till you die, and it
mostly takes only a couple of weeks for
the strongest person to die. The flesh
just drops from the boogie—you can feel
it do so ; it is awful. You could not
believe it without you caw for yourself.
There will be n great many deaths here
this Summer, for it is eo low and swampy
where the city ie. I live en on the e'ope
of the hill or mountain. The ground is
frozen e0 bard that they have to build
fires to thaw the ground to dig a grave.
Some have been dug only three feet deep
and in many ioetanoee the ends of the
coffins are stinking out• The old grave.
yard is in the heart of the oity. I get
from $10 to $25 for wakinga good dregs ;
the prioe at one time was as high as $75
and 500. Wages have fallen, there are
eo many here. I hope we will strike it
rich soon and be able to get out. I fur.
tber hope that no one belonging to me
will ever come to this country. Every
hotel in Dawson is lousy, Men are so
dirty you cannot touch them without
getting looey. Itis only lies you hear
about the great gold finds. Some strike
it rioh, while others will oink holes ell
aaro00 their claims and not find any, 1)
a man has capital and Domes here and
buys a olnim that is working good pay
dirt be may double his money, but a man
without capital bad better stay where he
is, for the chanties are ten to one he will
blow his brains out. Men who have gone
out from here and reported such Holt
finds and good times ought to be punish-
ed, for there ie many a one's death that
has occurred here that they w ill have to
answer for. Indian •aye : 'White man
fool ; Indian live in white man's cabin,
when white man fn no more.' I oonld
write all day and could not piotnre half
the misery men and women put up with
here. Life is et failure here, for the good
timeshave gone. There are only four
hours of daylight now but there will soon
be five hours. I do not mind the cold
here like is Ontario, It is a different
cold—yon will not freeze to death and
not feel it."
Newco Bnlara—Hilton Holmen, of the
Bank of Commerce, Toronto, left for that
oily to oommenoe his duties.—Morris bac
commenced bnilding a mill near the spot
where the former one was burned.—The
employees at the Furniture factory work
till 9.30 p. m, to keep up with present
orders.—The Public soboole have to cele.
brace Etnpire Day on the 23rd inst.—
Chas. Seager has resigned the position of
Division oourt clerk, opened an office on
Hamilton street, and oommenoed practice
as solicitor and barrister.—J. E. Brydgee
baerented the dwelling on North street
000npied by the late Registrar Gibson,
and will move into it before June lat.—
The Goderioh company of the 33rd Bat-
talion, oommanded by Captain Dudley
Holmes, goes into damp for the Summer
training the last day of this month.—The
harbor along the front of the new elevator
was tested for the depth on Tuesday of
Mat week, and i6 showed 18 ft., 0 inches,
so that vessels of that draught can un-
load.—The life boat at this station went
into commission May let under oommand
of Capt. Wm. Babb, late of the Royal
Navy. The names of the Drew are as
followe : Capt. Jae. Inkster, Oapt. John
Oraigie, Capt, Peter Wylie, Capt. Alex.
MoLean, Angus NnNevin, Dar, MoLeod,
Newer 'Arritunao, — The caw and
planing mills are kept very buoy these
days turning out building material.—The
new porch adds considerable to the
appearanoe of the Methodist paeson050.
--0. H. Holmes has had large plate glass
windows put in his store.—The Apical.
tnral ground was rented to A. W. Bran,
deahergerfoe the present year for $10
He will probably rola it to the football
club.—There is some talk of organizing
en Oddiellowa lodge in Atwood,—The
annual meeting: of the Atwood Public
Library was held in the school house, let
May, President Anderson in the chair.
Minutes of the last annual meeting were
read and (mnfirmed, The Secretary's,
Librarian's and Auditor's reports were
read for the year ending May let, 1890,
and on motion of Messrs. John Roger
and G. F. Thompson were confirmed,
The finances of the Library are in fine
shape, with over $225 Government
grant due title year. On motion the
following aioere were e1 soled for the
ensuing year ; President, D. G. Ander.
eon; Viee-Provident, W. F, Forrest .
Seerebary, R. S. I'o)ton; Troaearer and
Librarian, J. A. Mitchell ; Directors,
Rev. E. A. Fear, Rev. P. A. Mot,ecd, B.
D., B W. Ziernan, G. F. Thompson, Dr.
Langrill, Dr, Kidd, Robert Forrest, g'. W.
MoBain, John Roger ; Auditore, Thoe.
,Fullerton and W. R. Erskine; took
Committee, J. W. MoBain, W. F. For-
rest, B. W. Zlemann, D. G. Anderson, R.
S. Pelton, John Roger, John Knox.—
Neither of our hotels have a license this
year. The complaint in the one ease is
against the man, and in the other the
lack of proper hotel accommodation.
One liquor license in Atwood is plenty;
no license at all would be much better.—
Dr. Langrill moved last weak into the
home and store lately 000apied by J. J..
Johnston, which he has purchased of
Rev. A. Henderson, M. A., Toronto. The
Dr. will utilize the etore for an cf0oe
after making some alterations and im•
provemente.—The Bee says :—George
Cranston, V. S., eon of our worthy towns•
man, John Cranston, was quietly mar•
ried on Thursday, April 27th, in Pal.
mereton, the understand, to Mies Char-
lotte Ooghlin, daughter of Nathaniel
Ooghlin, hotel keeper, Atwood. The
young couple have taken up their real -
deuce in Clifford, where George is praotio•
ing his profession.
Thorold ratepayers have pared the by-
law granting 510,000 bonus to the Ontario
Silver Works.
E. 8s E. 13ioyole
Is the ONLY Wheel that requires
Oiling but once a Season.
No Oil Can sent out with Equip-
Material, Workmanship, Finish,
Design, etc., Unequalled.
--Is .1(181 1110 Wlreel Yon Want.—
E. & 1). 'Sl1eelal'—Thio Wbeel
ie equipped with B. gear ease of our own
design and manufaotnre. It is simple in
oonetrnotion, is easily attached or remove
ed ; does not have to be removed in order
to adjust chain or rear wheel ; is light in
weight, being made of aluminum with
celluloid front ; the chain is at all times
visible. It will keep duet from the
sprocket and chain ; file closely and ie
free from rattle. It is elegant in appear.
anoe and finish.
AGENT, Diluents.
AnClur---4 P
Wire Fencing
The undersigned in prepared to
sell and build any quantity of the
Anchor Wire Fencing.
This is the Strongeet and Cheapest
Fence on the market and ie guaranteed
to give ealisfaction.
For further particulars as to prioe,
,bo,, call on or write
the Standard Bank
of' Canada,
one. Orders
For amounts of Fifty Dollars and under
lasted by this Bank, payable at par at
any 611artered Bank in Canada, with the
exception of Branohes in the Yukon Dis-
Under ;10
$10to20 . .
20 to 80
80 to 50 .
J. N. GORDON* Agent, 111{USSCLS.
The sole agents of the "Slater Shoe'I
are bound by contract to carry .in stock
enoughshshapes, sizes, and widths of `( Slater
Shoes," to lit all kinds of feet. Where a
town is too small for that kind of a stock,
there is no agency, Are you there? Order
"Slater Shoes" by nail from the
nearest agency.
Stamped on the soles with
makers' trade work and price:
$3•oOl $4'oo and $5.Oo, Goodyear
Write for Catalogue, it's free.
Jno. Downing, - Sole
Local Agent
System, Renovator ( l (�
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita•
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Near.
algia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Oon-
gumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De.
Prop, and illone facturer.
Oehl by Ju., Fox. nrugglol, ltruaaete.
Fitted to Correct all
Failures of Eyesight,
and your Eyes tested FREE by
latest Optical methods at
Division Court Office,
The undersigned having purobased
the Restaurant briefness of W. A.08ICH
hoe added a fine choice stook of
and ie now prepared to give good value
to the public. Our stook embtaoes
New Tear, Canned Goode, Fruits,
Spines, Soaps, Fieb, Syrups,
Vinegars and all other linea kept
in a First.olaee Grooery.
Choice Stook of Confectionery.
Will continue the Restaurant tie
usual where Oysters, The Oceans and
Summer Drinks will be served in the
best possible style.
Chas. 11. nartliff,,
Central Grooery and Restaurant.
While thanking our 1Omer0na 0ne-
tomera for the busy time they gave us
daring the Winter in 00pplying them
with Sleighs and Cutters we wish to re.
mind them that we ars equally as buoy
now in Manufacturing
We have thirty-five of the very beat and
most stylish Buggies that can be got up
nearly completed, and will have them
ready for running about the First of
April. Should you need a Buggy or any
Repairing or Repainting, or what ever it
may be in our line of business, be sure
and oall et J. CORER'S Carriage Pao.
tory, where you will get the very best
that eau be got anywhere and as cheep
as the Cheapest. Please keep in mind we
manufacture all our Vehicles right here
in the old reliable Carriage Factory at
John Caber,
win ma %)
a well mail
PI000000000000 ran 00000
8000L110 IN 1000108080,
0000, 700Ot11ng 1Omorr, es oll Nervous
EmttB tolon490.061e and
t 00 mss; Imp0to0aY, ata., 000004 00 Boot
Oven vigor and else to ohrunkon 000004 a
quickly but aumlyy e0mree Lear MANHOOD to 014
or ona3. Ueo P)000I 0nd you wm grow late/
and ha000 0gaiu. e001 by man In ptoto wnt0Dor
0108 000100)7vest sealed from obeervan00. »I. nig
farted to v00t noy in theca, gr. a park, .tit
am tt, . d money i0 0100( to 7. ry T. orrogtMItar,
Uroagegt(1±. W00081001il1, 00011. ;$081 10010. 110.t
mtn(onB01 Canada.
British Columbia
lied Cedar Shingles.
AND - —
North. Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notioe.
Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
P. AMENil',
We have received our stock of General Hardware and will
be pleased to be favored with your patronage in Shelf and Heavy
Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Graniteware, Churns, &c., c&o.
Specialty made of Milk,1 Spring , ssortnent of
and Creamery Cans. I Reacy Mixed Paints.
Diamond Medal Binder Trine,
The beet of all American Brands, made of the finest qual-
ity Pure Manila Fibre and guaranteed to run 650 feet to the pound,
DM you ever use the
BoYker Bone and Potash Fertilizer-
i particulars.
and get
Custom Work Carefully attended to.
Estimates Cheerfully given Our Prices are
on [fobs.
hardware Stoves and Tsnivar•e.