HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-5-5, Page 88 TILE I3.11,USSEI.LS POST MAY G. 1$99 NO :BICYCLE. No Bfoyele can Rive better sale. faction than dose the Crescent, nor hos a better guarantee. N o USE. It is no ase paying more for an- other Wheel than you can got 0Ores• cent for, and we believe you Gannet get one as good for the same money. NO ONE. No one that Ino of who llee ever ridden n Oresoent Wheel but what epeaka well of them. NO AGENT. No agent for Crescent Bleyolea has ever given up the agency for that of another Wheel. Make a note of that dor it speaks for itself. Let us show them to you. G. A. Deadman, Agent for Crescent Bicycles. Hellebore. Be ready and protect your Our. rant and Gooseberry Boston by apply. ing Hellebore or Paris Green to them, The worms cannot live where these are, Spraying. If you purpose dciug any Spray. ing of your fruit trees or to nae Blue Stone en your grain we have just re- ceived a fresh stook of this Chemival, Wall Paper. We have still a full stock of Wall Papers having bought largely in antioi• potion of the advance in price. If yon are in need of any let us show you our stook. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Optician and Bookseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 8001IIERli eXTEN91ON W. 0. & D. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows Gorge 6ouma, Go1No 10016017.. 0xise 6 M lta9:4a.m. Fxpreea 10:17 p m • .cal Ettas kerns, A ohiel's among ye te,kin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Ra0DA60 pie. Fnorr trees are in bloom. A. 0. U. W. on Friday evening of this week. Ion cream and Summer Drink signs are abroad in the hand. Tam painter's brush has been brighten. ing up the front of the Stretton blook. 13110010118 Base Ball team has been in. vited to go to Clinton on the Queen's Birthday. Tam stores are now closing at 7 o'clock p. m., Saturday evenings and the even- ings before holidays excepted. Tun Street sprinkler opened the season on Monday morning. Not any too soon either as the dust was very bothersome on Friday and Saturday. BACs To Tonal.—Miss Avery has re• turned to town and is prepared to assist in all bracohes of house work. Apply at her home, William street. Oen thanks are due to Dr. 8lcDonald, M. P., for a copy of the Disoriptive Atlas of Western Canada, issued under the direction of Hon. Mr. Sifters, Minister of the Interior. The work is all right. TDEsna1 East Huron Lienee Board not at the American Hotel, Brussels, all the members present. A hotel license was granted to Joseph Amel, Lakelet, held over from last meeting. The lioen- sea were signed and other business trans• noted. Board will meet at the Central Hotel on Wednesday of next week, 10th inet., to complete the neneasary annual atatemente. ON Empire Day in Brussels Pablio scbo.,l, in addition to a program of music and recitation, 10minuteaddresses on topics bearing on the British Empire will be given by Rev. Jno. Rose, B. A., Rev, S. J. Alhn, Rev. G. J. Abey, Bar. ri8ler Blair and W. H. Kerr. The pro- gram is in the hands of Prinoipal0amer- on, whish eneure5 its 8000085. BanronD 9a. CoonmES.—This wits an action tried before Chief Justice Armour at the Spring Assizes. The notion was brought to recover damages and an um - count of money retained by the Defend- ant belonging to the Plaintiff. Judgment was reserved by His Lordship, and was banded ont the other day. The result was a verdict for the Plaintiff for $170.00 and High Court costs. G. F. Blair for Plaintiff, Messrs. Garrow & Proudfoot for Defendant. Tins KIND DOES Ne Goon,—Editor POST, —You will find enclosed $1.00 for sub• soription to Tan POST for another year. There bas been ooneiderable wheat sown here but we had a fall of about 12 inohee of snow on Thursday, April 20th, which pat a stop to seeding operations. The land is pretty wet this Spring which i0• dicates a good crop. Wild geese and ducks are already hovering round here pretty numerous and I judge if some of the sporting fraternity from Brussels and vicinity were here they would enjoy the sport immensely. e r ectfull Yours respectfully, y, LangdonHz= , Dak. N M0LEAN. EAST Heron 'nowhere' Oonveution at Oliuton on Thursday and Friday of next weals. SEz the May Palo Drill, by 16 girls at the lied Lotter Day .l'entortainnlent in Brussels Town nail next 7'neoday even- i1p. Tin Poet has added another quire to its cirodlation. We are now heading to a 2,000 •nark. Will you help ue by your reoomtuaudation ? SEnnEAN'r 1‘.14101 ,TA0nsoN, of Clinton, is here looking up volunteer business in oouneation with 0o, No, 5 and the an. dual drill outing to London on May 80. Russell and Reginald Fletcher are home from Chicago on a two weeks' visit. They each hold good positions in the wholesale jewellery store of B. Allen & 0o. and are well pleased with their situ- ations. We are glad the boyo are doing so well. PABB and Holden, the notorious Napa - nee burglars, escaped from goal at that place on Monday night, Unless they are captured they will not be available to give evidence against Penton at hie trial ou the 15th of May in Toronto. Pouton says that be regrets their escape. OBIT.—.Early Sunday mnruing, April 23rd, the spirit of that mush respected lady, Mrs. MoOatlum, of Berrie, passed to the great beyond at the advanced age of '78 years, For some time the deceased was very feeble and daring the last week of her life her three sous visited and re• mained with her until life ebbed away. She was relict of the late Gilbert Mo. Callum who died about three peers ago. The deceased leaves a family of three sone and one daughter. Duncan, G, T. R. Conductor, Kincardine ; George, G. T, R. Station Aeent, Galt ; Donald, who is a resident of Detroit, and Mrs. Robert Cele, of Underwood, who were at the burial. The funeral took plane on Mon- day to the Kinoardine cemetery, being very largely attended by sympathizing friends who mourn the lose of a much reepeoted lady. In0P0Ovmn1ENTa.—Choc. MoLauoblin'a residence, Bruesels North, has been raised and a new foundation built. A new roof has been put on, and a number of improvements both internally and ex. ternally, made that will oonetitute a comfortable home.—A. new 'shingle roof has been put on Alex, blcLauoblirs'e oot- tage.—R. N. Barrett's residence has had a new roof placed during the pact week. —A1 Dr. Snider's a new slat eidewalk has been laid from the gate to the hall door and ollioe D. 0. Ross is having a portioo built over the front door of his residence, and other improvements made. —The verandah and portico at the real - define of Mrs. Thos. Kelly has been re• modelled and improved.—•A. new picket fence has been built at Jas. Oliver's.— Geo. Olvar has put a new shingle roof 011 his reeidenoe.—D. A. Lowry is at work at alterations and improvements at his resideooe East of the river, known as the Town property.—The majority of our villagers have been oinking a m07e to. warde a general cleaning up, the result of which is very apparent.—J no. Wynn talks 01 re -modelling the brick store and dwelling owned by the late D. Hoyden.— A. new B. 0. shingle roof has been placed on B. Gerry's residence this week,—An addition is being put to the rear of Robb. Watt's residence, Tut'uberry street. MAX. LIGHT frost. TRooT fishing is in order. C. 0. F. next Tneeday evening. Scno m Board Friday evening of next week. GEORGE BEST shipped a ear of cattle on Thursday. CLEAN up so as to be ready for the Sanitary Inspector's visit. "RED LETTER Dasa" nest Tuesday evening in the Town Hall. See program. Tan town Band will give the first open air 000aert of this season on Friday even- ing. WATSON AINLEY bas been busy with repairs to a number of the roofs on the various business blocks in town. FREn. Alums has his maobinery in shape for sharpening lawn mowers, hedge shears, &o. Shop on Mill street, Brussels. 80 people will take part in the program of Red Letter Day Entertainment in the Town Hall next Tuesday evening. Plan of Hall et Fox's drug store. Bere6EL5 Masons intended sending a delegation to the funeral of James Man- nell in Listowel on Monday but the train arrangements ore so awkward no one went. Jim. Poon was in Elm%last week build- ing in a boiler in Tindall'e cheese factory. Will. Conley is the cheese maker this season in aforesaid factory and has cam• rammed work. MoN1AY evening of next week a meeting of all interested in organizing a Bowling Olub will be held in the Council Chamber at 8 o'olook, The lawn on the Broadfoot property, corner of Mill and Alexander streets, bas been leased for the Summer and is being got in shape, LAST Saturday Tom Bloomfield left Seaforth in °barge of 2 oars of horses for Geo. Turnbull, bound for Liverpool. He will be away 5 or 6 weeks. Mr. Bloomfield has crossed the Atlantic some 76 times and while we can't say he knows every foot of it ie quite an old salt after all. A DELEGATION of farmers, iuoloding Walter Dock, Kincardine ; Wm. Robert. eon, Wingham ; W. H. Kerr, Brussels ; J. A. Lamb, Walkerton, waited on Dis• k of the G. •Clef PRea eng er Agent )oo eon T. R Fridanmorningin oonneotin 0 with an ex0r83o1 which is proposed to run by the farmers of Bruce, Turoberry and East Huron to the Guelph Agrionl• tura] College.—Toronto News. 200T-DALL.—A meeting fur the purpose of organizing a foot -ball team for the sea - eon of 1899 was held at the Queen's bobel on Monday evening with L. F. Jackson in the obair. The following officers were elected ;—President, J. H. Cameron ; Viae -President, G. B. MoLellan ; Seo. - Treasurer, L. S. Danford ; Captain, R, W. Ferguson ; Exeontive Committee, R. Ferguson, L. Danford, A. Sample, D. McLaughlin and Bert Gerry. The Hot game of the season was played on Thurs- day of this week at Listowel, A VACANCY,—"William Ifay, for about a quarter of a century lighthouse keeper at Kincardine, is about to resign his posi- tion, owing to advanced age rend ill health, During all the years he has held that important offioe he has been a faith- ful, painstaking officer, and no person 0001d have fulfilled thedutiss better. Kincardine lights were always in --order, and mariners oould make sure of their reokoning when off this port. It is not too muoh to say that Mr. Kay was an ideal oeaial, and whoever seouree the oSloo cannot do better than he has done. There will, as a matter of course, be a large number of applicants for the vacancy." Mr. Kay is a brother•in-law to Mrs. J. R. Grant, of Winnipeg, former- ly of Bennis. JAS. MANSELL DEAD.—Jamae MOKiniey Mannell, for many years proprietor of the Tremont House, Toroito, died at Listowel last Friday night, Mr, Man. nsll went to Toronto from Listowel ten years ago, and wag in business until a short time ago, when he retired owing to ill -health. The funeral was;on Monday, at 2 p. tn., at Listowel, and was oondnet- ed under the auspices of the A, 2, and A. M. A number of Toronto friends were in attendance. Mr. Manned leaves a wife and two daughters, Mrs. Abraham, of Toronto, and Mrs. Dr, Wyolcoff, of London. Mr. Mennen ran a boot and oboe bnalness in Brannels 25 years ago nod ne being burned out went into the hotel bneineee keeping what was palled the "Royal," which stood where Jae. Ballantyne'e greoery is now located, He woe counted a good hearted, honest going man and bad a large circle of Merida. He Went from Bruesele to Lis• tawol where he was proprietor of the Brat. --In :Brussels:, on May 1st, the wife of Mr, Samuel Berk of a daugh- ter. M('1001, --I11 Meleswm'Ih, on April, 241h, the wife of 1Ilr. SV. T. McKee, of a 8010. Ai's'1'iN.- In Mo'eeworlh, on April 28rd, the wife of Mr. Acetin of a daughter. 1lmlt'17'r.--In Brussels, on April 28th, the wife of Mr, John. Hewitt el it dough. trr. WAu.ur:u.-1n Dauphin, Man„ on April 27111, the wits of HO. Jas. Walker, nee Mies Nellie Richardson, format ly of Brussels, of a daughter. al6A1ZRr.rnm, BoLr1ER—Tuaroto.—I0 Brandon, on April 19th, by llev. Gee. Goetz, Mr. James Bolger, formerly of Morrie, to Miss Mary Tumoth, both of Belmont, Man. HATTEn—MOK0N1t1.-0n April 17th, by Rev. Win.ltoohseter, Mr. E. Hatter to Mies Margueritte McKenzie, all of Rat Portage. JoNEe—JAcrzsoN.—In Wiuglane on April 24th, at the residence of ItIr. Neil McGregor, by Rev. W. Freed, Mr. G. Stanley Jones, of West Wawanoelr, to Miss Elton Seakson, of Walkerton, B1DssELs AgeEes01ENT —The following partionlare are taken from this year's Assessment Roll, and for the sake of comparison, We give the figures of 1898 8.5 well 1880 1898 Beal Property 9277,000 8207,405 Personal Property 08,000 01,800 Income 4,000 3,200 Total 8317,710 5303,400 Total iner0 ale, 915,270. No of dogs 34 50 No of bitches 0 1 No of cattle 121 91 No of sheep 15 11 No of hogs 57 00 No of horses 124 11.0 Total population 1,106 1,187 Between 5 and 18,. 118 110 7 and 10181 180 10 and 2181 79 In population there is an intense report- ed of 65, not very big, some may say, yet on the right side of the aoaount. Brussels Oouneil. onssa, Bu1E.—In 1319th, on April 10111, John Buie, aged 82 years. (•'iAl,nOoN.—Io Oranbrook, on 'Tuesday, May 2nd, James Alvin, seonn'i son of James Cameron, aged 14 years, 7 months and 7 days. Borne —In Sudbury, on Monday, April 24th, Ann, relict of the late Nicholas Doyle, and mother of Judge Doyle, aged 85 year's. FA1nn6151.—At Sacramento, Oat., on April 29th, R. A. Fairbairn, formerly of Grey township. MANNELL.-8nddsoly, et Listowel, On April 28113, James McKinley Man- ned, late proprietor "Tremont House," Toronto, aged 48 years. Me0armubr, Io Bervie, on Sunday, April 23rd, Mrs. Gilbert McCallum, aged 78 years. TIPI'IN.—In Colborne Township, on Tnes- day, April 25th, Mrs. John Tiffin, mother of Rev. A. 0. Tiffin, of Witt. ton. aged 70 years. Capt. TTSSr—I..L' S AJ Tot ND at RD .134.71111C OF azI Ari,1 DA, =Ce',Val.IBT+TS=Te..11 1.17712. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO CAPITAL PAID UP (One Million Dollars) • 0,11,000,000 RESERVE] FUND • . - $000,000 Agencies in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, dIattiloba, United ,9Mies CORM/1470. A General Banking Bulimia Transacted. Farmers' Notes Diecouned, Drafts Iseuld and Collections made on all points, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwards, SPECIAL ATTENTION OIWEN TO Tall COLLECTION OF FAn610RS' SALE NOTES. Every facility afforded Customers living at a dietanoe. J. N. GORDON, Amnia AGENT. Fall Wheat 65 00 Barley 35 40 Peas .. ........... 60 01 Oats 21) • 30 Butter, tubs and rolls .. 10 11 Tlggs per dozen ........ 9 10 Flour per barrel........ 4 00 4 00 Potatoes (per bag) 1 00 3 00 Hay per ton ......•5 00 5 00 Hides trimmed 7 7i Hides rough 6 5 Salt per bbl., retail1 00 60 Sheep skins, °moll 80 75 Lamb skins eaoll 25 25 Ho10 Wog`, Live.... 4 10 36 4 17 Apples (per bag) 80 1 00 Last Monday evening the regular monthly meeting of Brussels Council was held ; all the members present. Minutes of last meeting teed and pas- sed. Accounts were presented as follows :— B. Gerry, Collector's salary .,$45.00 A. MoLauoblin, salary 25.00 Wm. Bird, snow plowing 1.00 Moved by S. Wilton, seconded by B. Cochrane, that the above amounts be paid.—Oarried. Moved by J. T. Roos, seconded by S. Wilton, that the Court of Revision for Brussels he held on Monday, June 5th, at 8 p. m.—Carried. Bylaw No. 6, relating to sewers on Turnberry street, was read threetimes and palmed. Application was made from Public Library Board for an advance of $200 until Government grant arrives for 1800. Uo motion of Messrs, Ross and Warwick the request w grouted. as waited on Council relative A delegation to surplus in hands of Treasurer from Concert Course, netting that it be ex- pended on stage ourtaine. The commit- tee will attend to it. The proposed foot.bridge to replace the one taken away by recent food, woe dis- missed. $200 was asked to put up a wire suspension structure, 4 feet wide. After having the pros. and cons, the matter was left over for future consideration. A general discussion of the cement sidewalk and sewer construction was en. gaged in and advance steps considered. The Treasurer wasinetrnoted to honor a cheque for $1,000 from Sinking Fund for a loan no farm security in Grey. Council then adjourned. WOMAN'S MIae1ONANY SOCIETY. — Tho Wingham District Convention of the Woman's Missionary Soniety will be held in the Methodist church, Brussels, Wednesday, May 17th. The program is as follows :—On Tuesday evening at 7; 45 a public meeting will be held when addresses will be delivered by Rev. S. W. Musworthy, of Teeewater ; Mre, Gordon Wright, of London ; and Rev. 3, Learoyd, of Lnoknow. Mende will be furnished by the Brnsela Methodist ahuroh choir. Collection taken, Wednesday m0ruieg ; 10 o'olook.—Devotional exefoiaeo, Mrs. Baker, Bervie ; roll call and reports; a familiar talk on Auxiliary Work, fed by Mrs. Garbutt, Gerrie ; prayer and praise 'service, led by Mre. Swann,ltipley. Wad. nesday afternoon ; 2 O'o)ook.—Devotional exercises, Mrs. Rogers, Bluevale ; addreaa of welcome, Mrs. AI)fn, .I3russele ; reply, Mre. Ocylor, Whiteobnroh ; patter, Auxiliary work from the financial aide, are, Morton, Wingham ; solo; paper, God's vineyard and woman's plane in 11, Mrs, Laurie, Gerrie ; solo, Miss Sample, Brunetti ; Sonferenoe on Circle and Mission Bands, led by Mrs, T. W. Field, Teeewater ' singing by the children ; re. caption of delegates from slater sooietios ; five urinate ballot on the following sub, jests :--Deaconess work, Mro. Brown, Tiverton; Supply work; Epworth Leagues Mies M. Moire, Brussels ; Distriot work, Mrs, Muxwenthy, Teeewater ; solo, Mee Allison, Gerrie ; oolleelion ; addreaa by are. Gorden'Wright, London, editor of hotel at the grand Trunk etati°n, "Outlook" ; °loa1ng exerois09, selections ween quoted al $4.50 per cwt. ; light fetohed $4 per cwt. and thick fat wore steady, at $8.76 per owt. Sows wore quiet at $8 per owt., and a few stage fetched $2. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. OEmAo poste for sale. Lot 22, eon. 6, Morris. 8IMON FORSY'1'H, ;Ir heifer calf, pedigreed, for sale. A beauty. G. A. DEADMAN. Two breeding sows and 2 litters of youngpigs for sale. Apply to MRS. ALEX, CONON, Lot 10, Con, 0, Morris. 41-t f Emeritus property, house, stable and lot On Alexander street, Brussels, worth 81,000, will be sold for 8050, on easy forme of payment. Enquire a6 116E POST, Bees von HATonnee.—The undersigned offers for sale settings of eggs of pure bred Plymouth Rooks and White Leghorn. SAMUEL 3UGGARD, Graham's Sulvoy, Brussels, Belleville, Ont., May 2.—The Belleville cheese board organized for the season. Dr. Simmons was elected president, and D. J. Fairfield, secretary • treasurer. Seven. hundred and forty boxes offered ; 180 sold at 900, 80 at 9 7-100. East Buffalo, N. Y., May 2.—Cattle— In the absence of offerings, the feeling was steady under unchanged conditions and a fair inquiry ; there were only a few head of calves, and no change in the tone of the market ; choice to extra calves were quoted at $5.75 to $1. Sheep and lambs—Tho offerings were light—nine loads ; the market was rather draggy, the. basis being $5.80 to $5.05 for choice to extra lambs ; sheep, choice to extra, were quotable at $4,75 to $5. Hogs—The market was slow and lower, uuder a moderate demand and correspondingly light offerings, which were 17 loads ; heavy hogs were quotable at $4 ; mixed, $3 95 to $4 ; Yorkers, $8.90 to $3.95 ; pigs, $3.60 to $3.65 ; roughs, $8.26 to $3.85 ; stags, $2.75. Business Locals. CLovua and Timothy seed. Baker & Vanstone. Wanted—Batter and Egga. Higbeeb Primo. dash or Trade. Admittedly the best Produce market in Canada. G. E. ICING, Wingham. MAunroxrl Mnngolds, prize.taker Swedes, feesh garden Leede, all kinds, seed potatoes, end clover and timothy in abundance at McCracken'e. Mosses, COobrane et Johnston have re. calved a oar of Sweedish and /Acetate granite. People wanting anything in this line would do well to see them before purchasing elsewhere, Don't buy from agents but see the stook yourself and you then know what you are getting. We carry a stook not surpassed by any town in Canada. Coons ng & .708N810010, deal. ere in marble and granite monuments, Brnseele, An Enterprising Firm. There are few mon more wide awake and enterprising than G. A. Deadman, who spare no pains to'secure the best of everything in their line for their many easterners, They now have the Age1oy for Dr. Ring's New Discovery, which surely cures Coneumption, Coughs and Colds. This 10 the wonderful remedy that fa now prodnong so mu011 excitement all over the country, by its many start• ling enrea, It absolutely mires A0t unit, Bronchitic, Nausea, and all affections of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. You on 608111 before baying, by calling at the above Store and gat a trial 13ottle '2100, or regular size for 50e and $1,00. Guar. Weed to mire, or price refunded. Toronto, May 2.—Wheat—No marked activity ; oars of reel and white, 69e to 703o West; goose, 67 to 0730: No. 1 hard, Northh Bay, BSa• in transit, , 85o • Manitoba grades steady. I lour dull cars of straight rollers, in barrels, Toron- to freights, $3,20. Mill -feed firm : cars of shorts, $14 to $10, and bran at $12 to $12.50 West. Barley, 410 for No.1 West. Buckwheat steady,48o to 50o West. Rye firm, at 53o West. Corn steady, ab 353c to 86o for Canada yellow West, and old American West at 43o. Oats firm: ears of white East, 30o, and West at 3210. Peals steady, at 04o to 85e West. TORONTO, May 2nd.—The receipts at the Western cattle yards this horning were about 50 sheep and lambs, 1,400 hogs, 100 salvos and 50 miloh gown. The demand for choice butchers' cattle was exceptionally good, but trade in other linos of stook was very poor, especially for exporters, which were in very heavy supply. Owing to the fact that the markets at Montreal and also on the other aide aro still in a very weak condi- tion, there was another drop of 5o to 150 in some grades of cattle. There was but little decline in butchers' stook, and M eeker's and feeders of good style sold well up to the best rouge of the season ; but the heavy steers and the plain and uniform cattle suffered a decline. Ex- port cattle.—Heavy exporters were quotable at $4.70 to $4.85 per cwt. 1 light were in liberal supply, at $4 to $4,50 per °wt. Although the demand was not very. brisk, the offeringe were fairly well clean- ed out at the close. Canadian atoolora for Buffalo were in moderate supply, but the inquiry was good, everything being bought up early. Prices for good. to ohoioo were a little firmer, these being quoted at 25o per owl. higher, or $4 to $4.15 per owt, Feeders were in ample supply, at $4.40 to $4,05 per owt. Milch °owe and salves—A few good cows found ready sale, while poorer grades were not wanted ; choice quoted at $85 to 1$40 each, and inferior fetched $25 to $80 each, The supply of calves wag very heavy and prioes remained unchanged ; good seals quoted at $2 to $7 per head. Sheep and lambs—The offerings Were very light and there Was practically no trading done in •hie branoh. Prices remained steady, and graiu.fod yearlings were quotable at $5 to $5.60 per cwt. About 5 Spring lambs fotohed $2 to $5 oath, and bucks Were steadier at $6 to $3.25 per cwt. Iloge—The market re. mained steady ; trade in the annex was very brisk, heavy offerings being easily cleared out at firm prioes ; prices renlain- od un°hang0d horn 211da93 wild choi°° THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. ANYONE WANTING A SEW - mo Machine, Organ or Piano nal bo supplied by applying to me for I am not out of the business as some have tried to report. I will deal with you us reasonable as any. 28• T. 1110 ORE, Brussels. OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE on Mill street, Brussels. The horse 15 acomfortable one, well fitted up, with collar, hard and soft water. &a. There is also a good stable. Fruit trees in garden : over One•gnartel' acre of land. For ;Pride, terms, 80., apply to Pf. FINN, Proprietor, or W. H. KER1t, of TUE PosT. 18-15 ULL F017 SJ7RSrIOE.—`PIIS undersigned -will keep for service on lot 0, 000.17, Croy, a tnoro'•bro,l Durham bull, with registered pedigree. Terms 5100 with privilege of returning if necessary. 42-4 160011 IRAl418AY, Prop, Notice to Creditors. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, in the molter of the estate of Eliza Ann Savage, Into of the Town- ship of Grey, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. Notice 10 herebygiven pursuant to revised Statutes of Ontario, 1808, Sec. 18, that all creditors and others having any claims against the Estate of'ELIZA. ANN SAVAGE, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Hnrnn, Widow, clowned, who died ou or about the 19th day. of Maroh, A. 1). 3800, in the said Township of Grey, are hereby re- quired to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to G.F. Blair, of the Village of Brussels, solicitor for Joseph Reynard, of the Town- ship of Grey, in the Oounty of Huron, the Administrator of the said estate, on or bo. fore the nth nay of May, 1871, their full names, addresses and deeoriptious, and full particulars of their claims, and the nature of the eocuritioe,if any, hold by them. And nobioe is hereby given that, after the said last mentioned date, the said Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given 60 above re - be reepo ieibleofortid e assets,aorr awill part thereof, so distributed to any person of whose claim notice obeli not have been re- ceived at the time of such. distribution, G. F. BLAIR, Brussels, Ont, Solicitor for Administrator. Dated at Brussels, April 25th, 1800. REAL ESTATE. Notice of Dissolution. Notice le hereby. given that the partner- ship heretofore existing between the under- signed, lately earryiug on business as gener- al merchants at the Village of Walton, 1: the County of Huron, has this day been dis- solved by mutual consent. The said busi- ness will be continued by the undersigned Wm. M. Smith, who will assume all firm liabilities, and to whom all debts due to the said firm are to be paid. Dated at Brussels this first day of May, A. D.1890. Wituoes, 4j WILLIAM 0.80111810 W. M. SINCLAIR l WILLIAM J. SMITH. BULL FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned will keep for service on lots 10 and 17, Gun 10, Grey, a tboro'-bred Ayrshire bull, with registered pedigree. Terms 81.00. with privilege of returning if 11800000,ry. WM, FISOR8130, 41-4 Proprietor, (1 OOD 100 ACRE FARM FOR BALE. Lot 10, Con, 0, Grey. 12 feet of it touches the river, Immediate possession. For price, terms, &R, apply to 10- THOS. MUO1E, Brussels. CHEAPER Than Ever. T 1AR11I FOR SALE,—TELE UN— tlersigned offers his farm, West Half Lot N o.10, Onu. 4, Grey, containing 50 sores, more 00 less. For particulars as to pries and tonne apply to A150H, ROBERTSON, Brussels P. O. ou the premises. 1 )INE FARM FOR SALE. -13E- ..0 IMO- Lot 20, N t Oen, 0, Morris township, containing 08 acres of first -elan laud. There is a house, barn, orchard and good ware- house. and farm is well fenced. There are 85 acres in Pall wheat ; 10 acres in hay and 45 acres pasture. Possession could, be given at 0000. Farm adjoins the village 01 pree- mie, For furlirer part;oulars as to price, terms, &o., write to JAME5 017117081000, M, P., Baden, 20.01 When we tell you that our present stook of WALL PAPER is a Cheaper as well as a nicer line than we have yet shown we do so knowing that our stook will bear out what we say. Wall Tapers have advanced greatly in price since we bongbt our stook but our price remains the same AT® Pox's Orin Store. TgARD2 FOR SALE.—TBE UN- 1� dorsi nod offers his 107 Lore farm for sale, being lot 2, eon. 10, Grey. Comfortable house, batik barn, good orchard, plenty of water miles Prom plan is eiu village null 4 nt 11os from Brussels.. Possession given to suit purchas- er. lrcr price, 6orme mud other particulars applyp 610 WM. SUITE, Proprietor, 41.6! Walton P. 0. �j ARM FOR SALE. -160 ACRE L Consisting of the South 8 and South of the North 3 of Lot 00, Oon.2, East Wawa - nosh. 'Pble is an excellent stook fal'm,bcing well supplied withoodsprin0 water. His situated about O miles from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. A largo part of Itis under grass. 1301111113gs and fauces are in a falx state of repair. Haee terms of payment will be given. For all ipformation apply to 11-tf G. L. BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels. GOOD FARMS FOR SALE.— The undersigned offer two 300 aero farms for sale atreasouable prioes. The lots aro Nos. 10 and 11, Oon. 0 (Stumbles), the saloroad between them. Good brink ]rouse and barn on lot 11, and house and 2 barns On lot 10. Orchards and all ne0eaeary couven- tenons, Well watered and suitable for grain or grazing, 100 ancon now 1n grass. Will be sold either separate or together to suit pur. °baser. Terms of payment reasonable, Im- metliate possession. For f urther particulars apply to JOSEPH 0L10GG, Brussels P. 0., or E. L. DIOl0IN SON, Barrister, Wingham. 111 rrn C,l aTRii%' 25tratfarci3Olv. 4 Of our recent at nts have accepted good situations. It pa3e young wen and women to messes "business brigh10010,' Enter how. Prospectus free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.. NOT 25 W VlC�is NllMhJere RY Hinor1 6 Numerous are the young girls who are victimized by the Departmental Stores ; whose prospects are forever blighted ; and whose very life blood is Slowly slicked away by these monstrous public gormandisers who compel their help to give honest labor for the very lowest wage minimum. WE PAY POR OUR HFILP ! WE SELL HONEST ! We Guarantee to come up to the lever of De- parttnental Stores in PRICE and QUALITY. We carry one of the largest and best assorted stocks of Clothing, DHSS Goods, Boots and. Shoos, 86c.. in Brussels. rte, a NtOco.. 1e are Sete Agents ii :3111$3010 for the Celebrated. "Priestley's gees Ore©ae.l' We only request a call and depend on our Bargains to do the rest. Mail orders filled. directly on receipt. Irl .t T stem ., ;. •', � � ..,, ;. y..r •• tr.-.... j c.: ;. x , .m ' q 99 CHAMPION' CLOTHIER. 99