HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-5-5, Page 7MAY "), 1309.
Provided lit Mft'RHO rot• 20100oy0o or
:newel 1LIg llitahliahtOenit.
For same years past 8ov3Tal of the
large maunfeetuting firms of England
have found it profitable in various
ways to set apart a by no mane unim-
portant portion of their space for the
Purpose el it mess rwm Or dining hall
for their employes. Where the em-
ployes ineludo members of both sexes,
separate room*: are provided.
i.'ha question new arisen: Would it
not be still more profitable to the prin-
cipals of large firms generally to pro-
vide ,free lunches for those employed
by them' One firm in London, em-
ployi'ng about seventy hands in ire fac-
tory, has already decided to give a
free tea, the deterneinetiOn being bas-
ed on business ideas rather than on
philanthropic principles.
"The tea will cost us so much,' rea-
son the principals, "but our workpeo-
ple will remain on the Premises, and
there will be less time lost in leaving
off and recommencing work. In win-
ter they can stay in the warm shops,
and in summer they can walk about
our own piece of laud. The morale
will be better in any case, and at the
very least we shall reap more benefit
than we could purchase at the cost of
the free tea, And our employes will
get a better tea than they could af-
ford to buy outside."
From a purely business point of
view the question of free lunches is
well worth the consideration of largo
employers. The .plan bas been adopt-
ed by several big oclmpaALes in the
United States, so fax as their 'large
clerical staff is concerned, and is work-
ing very successfully. Hare, also,
philanthropy enters to a very small
degree into the transaction.
A dining room is set apart for the
clerks, who go to lunch in parties at
stated times. The food Is prepared
on the premises by an experienced
cook, and, on reaching the dining
room, is carved by a carver and hand-
ed to the Merles by waiters. Both the
food and the attendance are much sup-
erior to what the men could expect
from such restaurants as their means
would allow them to patronize, while
the room is as exolusive as a club,
no visitors being admitted chuuig the
luncheon time.
The Lisle allowed for this midday
mesal is reduced to half an hour; but
there is no waiting or journeying
to a restaurant, the men do not in
the least complain. In foot, although
in one firm the employes go out to
lunch if they choose, it is very sel-
dom that any one takes advantage of
the option.
Despite the cost, the employers are
well satisfied with the result. The
saving of half an hour per day on each
man's time goes a long way toward re-
couping them for the outlay. Then,
as in the case of the London firm pre-
viously mentioned, there is not so
.much time wasted in recommencing
Finally the men are not subjeot to
the temptation to spend their time in
the public house, especially in wet
weather, and, having had a good lunoh,
go to work with that contented frame
of mind which a good square meal gen-
erally induces. The net result to the
employee's is a profit on the trans-
Itreerd oi'the Events Taking *ince In Ibe.
La1Nl of the nose _. I nterentlag °rear
The Queen hue accepted a sample or
Nyassaland coffee growls by the Zam-
besi Industrial Mission in Brltieh Cen-
tral Africa.
Mr, Sidney Arnold, it former preen -
dent of the British Chamber of Com-
merce at Paris, died recently of ty-
phoid favor.
Lord Salisbury has declined the re-
quest of the Birmingham Gunmakers'
Union that be would receive adepu-
tation with reference to the seizure of
arms in the Poraian Gulf,
Phrenologists find in Lord Salisbury a
head the bumps of self-esteem, cau-
tiousness, imagination, perception and
reason strongly developed. Hope and
personal ambition are small, but firm-
ness 1s very large.
Violin makers report that aluminum
when used for stringed instruments,
produces a richer sound than wood,
especially with the 'high notes, and
that experiments with the new ma-
terial have been entirely successful.
The total amount subscribed to the
memorial to the late Baron Pollock is
£111 lis. Arrangements have bean
made to execute a brass, in raised let-
ters, to be placed in the north wall
of the Church of St. John's Putuey.
For selling as butter a substance
containing 98 per cent. of foreign fat,
Thomas Jones Davis, a grocer, of 105
Christ) street. Poplar, was fined £20,
with 25s. costs, at the Thames Police
Court. This is the defendant's third
Two children, the sons of a dock
labourer named Webb, were suffocated
in bed during a fire in Southampton.
Superintendent Johnson gallantly as-
cended the burning atairoaeo, but was
too late to resoue them alive.
A Cornish fishing lugger, the Mtz-
pah, was driven on to Plymouth Break-
water in a gale and had to be aban-
doned by the crew, who found shelter
Lu England There Are 10 Railroads With
No Blore Loeomotivea.
Moat people would be inclined to re-
gard it as an impossibility for a rail-
in the lighthouse. The vessel was Car-
ried over the breakwater and went to
Lord Tennyson, who started for South
Australia, March 3rd, to take up hla
duties as Governor, has appointed Capt.
Wallington to be his private secretary,
and Mr. Alfred Tennyson, son of the
late Hon. Lionel Tennyson, Lo be un-
The offloial figures of the (Manuel
traffic between Dover and the Contin-
ent for the past year chow that 443,105
paseengers embarked or disembarked
from the Channel boats at Dover, be-
ing au increase of 50,000 as compared
with the previous year.
A sapper of the Royal L4ngineere
named Weston fall over a high cliff
near the station hospital at Gibraltar
last week, and was killed, Weston was
a patient in the lunatic ward of the
hospital, and escaped from custody by
overpowering an orderly.
Some colliers out on strike near
Burnley, Lancashire, hove been fined
for intimidating a non -striker. They
met him as he was returning from
work with a band, three of defendants
having a drum, bagpipes and kettle-
drum, and played him home.
The States of Jersey are to take in
hand the defence of the island, The
preamble of a bill was adopted re-
oently dealing with the matter. This
is the outcome of Lord Lansdowne's
suggestion as to the remodelling of
the Channel Islands militia.
A private in the West Riding Regi-
ment, named Joseph Chapman, was
charged at Dover recently with caus-
ing the death' of a seaman, supposed
to be named John Walpole, at the quay
a short time ago. Be'was remanded
until after the adjourned inquest.
Mr, Vernon, who has received the
appointment of bailiff of Jersey, was
born in 1852. HO was admitted to the
Inner Temple, in 1871, and became At-
torney -General of Jersey in 1885. He
is a keen yachtsman and commodore
of the Royal Channel Islands Yacht
Arrangements are being made for
the erection of a tablet to the mem-
ory of Gladstone on the house in Rod-
ney street, Liverpool, in which he was
born. The work is being undertaken
by the 2listorio Society of Lancashire
and Cheshire, to whom the necessary
permission has been granted by the
possessor of the residence.
Mr. J. W. Lowther, M.P., has been
unanimously elected to, and has ac-
cepted, the office of, president of the
National Retail Jewellers' Association
'of Great Britain and Ireland, in suc-
cession to the late Baron F. de Roths-
child. The Hon. Walter Rothschild,
M.P., has accepted the position of vlce-
president of the association.
Col. Lockwood, M.P., having offer-
ed to give ,as usual, a prize at the
Essex, Eng., Agrioultural Society's
show, but on condition that the com-
petition for the prize should be open
only to those farmers who have no
barbed wire on their farms, the coun-
cil of the society refused to accept the
Der Joints Regan to Swell and Twist Out
or All Shape -Death Would (lave Been
a Relief -Dr. Will tams' rink rills Re-
store Her to Bettitb.
From the Harriston Tribune.
After long consideration and much
hesitancy about having her name
made public, Mrs. John A. Copland,
wife of the editor and proprietor of
the Harriston Tribune, has resolved
that the world should know how won-
derfully her health was restored by
the timely use of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People. Our represen-
tative interviewed Mr. Copland and the
following is his statement of the case:
"Whilst we were living in Toronto
at No. 93 McGill street, my wile took
111 in the autumn of 1894, and had such
ranking pains that she could hardly
stir. One of the best specialists in
Toronto was palled in and he diag-
nosed the ease one of acute iuflamma-
tory rheumatlem, His prescriptions
were given and be said t hat the case
was a severe one and it would be a
wonder if her joints did not become
misshapen. What this eminent phy-
sician predicted name true, At the
end of a month my wife was worse than
ever, and her wrists and knuckles
were twisted greatly out of
way to be worked with a single loco -
shape. She was so disheartened
motive, but there are in Groat Bri- that she would weep at the slightest:
provocation. She was loath to stay
Min no fewer than ten railway com•- in bed, and had to be assisted to arise
ponies tbat manage to get through
their work somehow with one iron
steed. No fewer than fourteen own
only two locomotives.
One of the most interesting of these
email lines is what is known as the
Ravenglass & Eskdale railway, eitunt-
ed near Whitehuven, in Cumberland,
which runs from R,avenglass to Boot,
s distance of rather muse than seven
miles. The whole of the railway staff
;consists only of five persons -two plate-
layers, engine -driver, fireman and one
guard -of -all -work, if we may use such
a term.
Between stations the engine occas-
ionally manages to gain a speed of six
miles an hour, but the obliging driver
is always willing to stop the engine for
the convenience of any one who may
wish to miter or alight from the train
between stopping places.
Perhaps the Easingwold railway is
the smallest in England. It is .two
mites long, and the extent of its roll-
iRg stock is one small locomotive and
two passenger vehicles.
Tito Hundred of Manhood & Selsey
tramway is ono of the most recently
opened light railways, and oonneotsthe
city of Chichester with ,Selsey 13111, a
Small promontory to the east of Ports-
mouth, jutting out into the English
This funny 11ttle railway Image of
no signaling apparatus whatever, and
the few switches on the railway are
uvntrolled by hand levers alongside the
line, which have to be worked by the
fireina*1 or driver when necessary.
At one place the line crosses the Chi-
chnsier canal by means of a frail draw -
budge, which is lifted to let boats
underneath. t is stated that for the
first fats weeks after the opening of
the line a barge was left underneath
in order to ea toll the train in naso the
bridge gave way I
another occasion this troublesome
bridge got stuck, and in spite of all
lowered. As it
of bew
ell". its could a
was most important that the engine
should; be taken to the other side of
the canal, it was lifted off the lino and
drown round the road With a traction
uij ltlo.
and dress, every movement giving her
intense pain. During all the ensuing
winter this state of things ootltinued,
she gradually becoming worse in spite
of the strong medicines and the lo-
tions that the doctor prescribed for
her. We tried in vain the massage
treatment and the electrical treat -
merit. My wife would moan nearly
all night with the pain. She was un-
able to hold the baby, and even could
not bear to have a person point a fin -
gm' at her. I feared that the spring
wouldseo my wife under the sod, and
you may be sure Iwas terribly affected
by it. All this time we continued to
give her the doctor's treatment and
medicines, until finally my wife gent-
ly refused to Lake any more of Liao
drugs. From that out she began to
improve, and one evening 1 was as-
tonished to see her coming to meet nee
when I arrived home Loom the office.
"Why," I said, "the doctor is doing
you good after all." 'Not at all," she
said and smiled. Then she produced a
little round wooden box and held it
up. I have a great secret to tell
you," she laughed. "Unknown to
you nave been taking Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, and this is the seventh
box. They are repiclly curing me.
Naturally I was overjoyed and al-
most wept at the thought of how
very near I canto to losing her. Sha
continued taking Dr. Williams' liams' Pink
Pills, and before ahs had finished the
.eleventh box, she was quite wall again
and to -day her wrists and knuckles
are as shapely as ever.
Several of our neighbors in Toronto
knew now sink she was, and can cor-
roborate every word I have Said.
Either mysolf or my wife are willing
to swear to the truth of these state-
Mr. Copeland has been laughed at
for the enthusiasm with wbisb he has
sung the praises of Dr. Willi/one' Pink
Pills, but he believes that anything #o
l got a the
mankind should valuable to mal
praiseit deserves.
ben at her resid-
enceCopland was s
enol on Ding street, Harriston, and
she corroborated ovary word her hus-
band nos said. She reluotentiy gave
consent to neve her name published,
Mil said that slie thought it proper
that the efficacy of those pills should
be made known. She was led to use
l)r, Williams` Pink Pills 'through aim-
ing the neonate of cares in the news"
11A Worcs to the
Wise is Sufficient."
But some stubborn people
wait until " down sick" be-
fore trying to ward off illness
or cure it. The guise recog-
nize in the word "Hood's"
assurance of health.
For all blood troubles, scrofula pim-
ples, as well as diseases of the kidneys,
liver and bowels, Hood's Sarenparilla is
the effective and faultless cure.
Blood Purifier-" I have taken hood's
Sarsaparilla, and find it beneficial for my.
self and baby, It purifies the blood and
strengthens the ardent." Mao. Helens
WALL, Clinton, Ont.
Strength Builder-" Myself, wife and
children bave taken Hood's Sarsaparilla
and it strengthened us. It relieved me of n
lama book." DAVID MoOSoaer, caretaker,
Coit In Mute, Galt, Ont.
/ f / J
��017 5yy
,..- a 4�IfRasr',rr
nood'e Yi11. aero liver *Be; the non•Irr tatn4 end
only eethortle 10 tehe „lth neo Biraapi 11T
It is certainly not true that small
bands are bred by choice descent, for
in one family the bands of both women
and man are found different in size
and in every other quality. The indi-
vidual woman of the people stretches
and hardens her hand and batters her
nails on her own account, so that
months of care would not retrieve it;
but doubtless her baby band was much
the same as a rich woman's in her
own babyhood. English women, with
their blonde hands, are admired deliri-
ously for this one beauty by the dark-
er races. But, at any rate, to English
eyes, there is loveliness also In the fine
band that has clear, brown colon in
place of white a rare beauty, for the
blonde woman has usually the finer
form of hand; but somewhat dark
must have been the "tender inward of
the hand" that played on the virgin-
als for Shakespeare.
This 01d Game lx Often Played Ry the
Navies of the 'World.
The pursuit of Cervera's fleet is not
without its parallels in history. The
search for Sir John Franklin was a
great deal like trying to find a needle
in a haystack. His expedition was
last spoken in July, 1845, and there-
after disappeared without trade into
the then unknown maze of sounds and
islands between Baffinland and Bri-
tish North America, comprising 60 de-
grees of longitude and nearly 25 of
latitude, hidden in Arctic darkness,
bound in ice and covered with? snow for
the greater part of every year. More
than 20 expeditions searched that im-
mense area, first for the explorers,
and ellen for documents telling of their
fate, but it was not until 1859 that Sir
Francis McClintock, in command of
Lady Franklin's forlorn hope, the lit-
tle Fox, succeeded where so many had
failed. Nelson's celebrated quest af-
ter the French fleet, previous to the
Battle of the Nile, throughout the
Mediterranean, and to the West Indies,
is another notable historical example
of hunting for a man who had just left.
Active Man Wanted
To read this advertisement and then
give Putnam's Painless Corn Extract-
or a' trial. It never fails to cure. Acts
in twenty-four hours and acuses neith-
er pain nor discomfort. Putnam's
Corn Extraotor extracts oorns. It is
the, best.
The Indian population of the United
States is 825,464, a decrease in fifty
years of only 62,765.
11 pharaoh 0h y dt I1 Payne, of Granby, Quo"
0 6 Up ®. Tar Mennfeeturer.•
President Loubet, of France, rarely
is seen without a pipe in his mouth.
Kaiser Wilhelm's tactics of expelling
foreigners from Harmony are being ap-
plied to Germans by some of his neigh-
bors. Prof, Leo Meyer, for 83 years
Professor of Comparative Philology nt
the University of I)orput, in Livonia,
bas been dismissed and a Russian ap-
pointed in his place.
The Now Woman
Now- 'enters upon pursuits formerly
monopolized by men. But the femur
ane nerves are still bars and she set,.
Ears from toolhaebe. To her we re-
commend Nerviline-nerve-pain cure -
cures toothaebe in a moment: Nervi -
line, the most marvellous pain remedy
known to silence. Nerviline may .be
used effioaolously for all nerve pain.
Five bunched persona are buried ev-
ery year in Boston's potter's field.
La Toscana, 10o, FAO URX Mo,,Isal,
Capital'punishnsant is not inflicted in
five states -Colorado Maine, Michigan,
Rhode Island and Wisconsin. ,
NOTICE. -'351. Vaoaa ftawdun, end St. Llboire
,a edlea-3 ort View dull batary of nu
Thesemurder and triol of Cordele. View and cam. remove.
rise mailed on reoelpt of 6 Agenic sad Bookstores
10 ,PI* 'l at 81.60 par hundred. Luproboa & Leproboo,
1025 Notre Dame 8a., Moatruti.
One way to get anything on tick is
to put your watch under it.
Take Laxative Broom teen' a Tablets, All Drug'
nista refund the money if It fails to auto, 06o.
There are three Bo'napartes left -
Prince Roland, a widower, with one
daughter, and the Prince Victor and
A Montreal Citizen Baffles a Danger.,
ous Enemy.
,L Revere Sufferer From gladder Disease-,
Could Find No Relief TIIl He 'i•riesi
Dodd's Kidney Pills -They Cared Elm.
(Montreal, April 24. -There are few
people in Montreal who have not
known the agony of bladder trouble.
This complaint attacks four out of
every five persons, and unless it is
ohecked in time, it leads to more ser-
ious, and dangerous conditions, such
as inflammation of the bladder, stric-
ture, etc.
Weak or defeotive kidneys are the
oause of 'bladder troubles.
The one way to get rid of bladder
troubles, to sure them for all time,
therefore, is ito strengthen and heal
the kidneya.
This, like everything else, is easy to
do, if you take the right way, for, there
is only one way to do it.
Dna Dodd's Kidney Pili#.
Dodd's Itidnby Pills are the only
known remedy that can restore the
kidneys to complete health.
Thousands have proved this fact by
All who have done so, speak in the
same terms as Mr. John!)1. Barber, of
this city, who says: "I suffered for
two years with bladder and kidney
give me relief.
"I suffered more than I can toll, till
I began using Dodd's Kidney Pills. I
used only a few boxes, but they made
me a strong and healthy man.
"Dodd's Kidney Pills are worth their
weight in gold,"
Dodd's Kidney Pills) are sold by all
druggists at fifty Dante a box, six
boxes $2.50, or sent, on receipt of price,
by The Dodds Medioine Co,, Limited,
For Over Fifty Veers
trued bymothers for their ehil lren teething. It soothes
the chili, softens the mots, alloysall pain, nano wind
rlle, and le the best remedy for diarrhea', 550, a bot-
.; Sold by all dntgglebi throughout the world, Be
ie said ask for " Mra, Wlnelow's Soothing Byn9.
The man who procrastinates strug-
gles with ruin.-Hesiod.
All that is human must retrograde
if it do not advance. -Gibbon.
Better be three bones too soon than
one mtnuto too lata. -,Shakespeare.
Re that will watch providenoes shall
never want providence's to watch.-
The reflections on a day well spent
furnish ns with joys more pleasing than
`u l s -„themes a-
t ottsand
tri m h ,
ten h 1
Here is the manliness of manhood,
that a man has a good reason for
what he does anti has a will In tieing.
811100 Poultry Orlt le the beat digester In the market
China has begun the manufacture of
smokeless powder.
L tJ B Y' Giree now ]its to the
BM4� Rair. It makes it grew
and roetare1 the color.
Sold by all druggists. Soc. a bottle.
The father of thi children bas
died in a poorhouse of Indiana.
W. P. (1. 989
Carbolic Dleinfoctan to, Soaps, Dint.
ment, Tooth Powders cite., have been
awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior
excellence. Their regular use prevent intenti-
ons diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a
supply. Lista mailed free on app)loation,
ONE NIGH -A- Cornar
Ge. """°90drugala forit.Prlce10e
The ” Balmoral," Free Sus _ wgluv:
Rhetallatlsm—Cure mar in 24 hours,
00 receipt
aw epeoo 3 nllonig i.
on reoelpt of 81. DR. RDIIBY, P.O. Boz 306, Monereal.
CUTTING SCHOOL --Tapeta end Drees.
mW.a," caul for oet-
alome. C. & O. SCHOOL CO., Meotreal.
COMMON SENSE KILLS Roaches, Bod ► \, y
Bugs, Rate and Mice. Sold by all
Druggist', or 081 Queen W. Toronto,
Garment whowiebtolmpproveandbnoup-
todaEo moEhode, write ue.
Cutters! 6. W. suer &CO.,Toronto.
FARtli3 POR SALE -g3 Acres-Town-
lt 8'of1 sh1pp of SolU3,ol, 9 miles soot of Bnm•
Llton, an 1100 of H., 0 h B. Rothsay; in fruit dk6dot,
below mmurtoln; immInnate ppoanoolon; cony terms.
J. A. OULHAM, Hamilton.
Raking Powder. Formula Le make IS
.0 0,y • et, Formula
s made
et email cost. Halal to the best Formula cant for
190, in 06010
A. ➢,. LAPIBRRE, 19 Lernyer Bt., Montreal.
AR rim
LEAD, a Bea -em o.
wholesale only. Long Distance Telophon01720.
to Mille, Mills & Males,
i 35 Barrl,tera,eto., removed
• to Wesleyy BBldgs„ Rioh•
mond 8t, 09., Toronto.
F(1Rrl.ehiSALneE, with—One Slmp-on Dry Press Brick
screen, alevotnra, and a
JoOneou dry Dao ; .I.0 0 Oon,oll Fiend Prouoe; .?1 5
p005 ardor nod Tory 111,140. Apply to Bricks, Room
610, Boord o1 Trade,
1f you want to either POTATOES, write
buy or sell a car load of a tit•
The Dawson Commission Co., Limited,
o rcnom.trce.
Sir1 Titterers ?,,o huvatuilad
sf # 1. rd 1N EKY kl Mil tobemvad ciao-
IT'S A STICKER for quality—remember the name --
Lead packages.
25, 3o, 40, SQ & hoc.
onboy's Improved
arriage Tops...
550011180 THE HIGHEST AWAap
AT Inn WDRLO'8 MIR 101h
smears Patent senor Tope bass met wltyi
Mk b unlvireal favor thatother papa ryetltS
era aro now making Inferior lm titlegs 5W.0q
sellingthem on the reputation the Qonboy,i.
sayserson who reecommends an ilnlferinii
Boake to be just es good.
Thu Oonba FtolleriTopa ora A0 neer POP'
fent 80 skilled workmen can ma o thd7n. •
When you order yl1our��tt'B'ugg$yY4 etirt In pthilts•
Witha genuine Coobey Roller Top,tour eatirlage 80lmltpatia0i
are never am good.
• '1 7
where, Mite to
Within six Months Venezuela, as the Dr. Arnott, Berlin who will wale. yon ho eon aura you
nasult of North American enterprise, Good Rutter, Egtri, Produoo,
will begin the Manufacture of cotton. Buy Send samples and quote lowest
The only two great European capi-
tals :that ever have been occupied by
a foreign fee are London and St.
How's This?
PATnWe offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
say 0 00 01 CCa ar ro.that can not be oared by
HallF, J. CHENEY' At 00., Props., Toledo. 0.
We the Undersigned, have known F, J.
porteatly honorable 15 years,
ll business believe
and Bnanoially able to carry out any obHga•
Lions made by their firm.
Wawa/TM/An,WholesaleDrugiriata Toisdo,O.
WALa1NO, ICINNAN & MARv1N. Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Ball's Catarrh onto is taken Internally, act-
ing niroaly upon the blood and ,nueone mr-
faces et the eyetem. Yi*oslSo, per bottle. Sold
Prosperity is the touchstone of vir-
t'rue; it is less difficult to bear mis-
fortunes than to remain inoorrupted
by pleasure, Tacltus.
8S Front St. E., Toronto.
Agehta l3sot Hing nrnoloon the mar Wanted
yat. Rolle in erory elute, rrib
tory and hmtso nsc Oklre to,0,1 y.
_NOWELL & BURY - 41blmlgo end Montreal,
'2-0 ” BEAVER BRAND" Maokintoah
f't• never hardens k is
ggrran1eed Water.
pveroo055o,k, tClrotthtlaOno 0M0,00,00la;1u,s.
55 O o F 1 II C and sheet Metal Works.
50019INO 8LATE 3.131.0k,
sod er Gree,, SLAM BLACKBOARDS �lYo supply
Pnhllo 0011 Hi5h 8.0.11. Toronto), Rood 00,11 Pitch,
Omer Tar, eta, done 71010 (ISao Now 057 Rnild.
Inge, Toronto lathy furnished
Moral Oath complete
Maas, oto, shinned too furufertd fur work complete crier
O. ERWrlaEASOd to 0n8 part of the co01,1,2 Phone 1936
0. DOTH IE& daNB, Adelaide &Widmer its„Toronto.
pew Tire /M1 p rr
Boot O.O. D. to soy address ,�"'t
Will mall section If .'^' =
Ooty InstitutionInCanada for the of
qv Tpptohpase of 1600 .005 a 00000*. Estebltabsd
0 Pembroke St., Toronto, Canada
Agents Wanted
It every
Oua' 1ty
to nen
Health drink; looks, tastra and prepared like coffee.
Pointy.. cure for dyspepsia, and other ailments caused
by tea and coffee drinking. Send 10 cents for sample
' ,a1f pound package (pre•paid), and terms,
154 Queen St. East,
Isle beautiful
eollt0 ve
Mtn'm00 0
*0Lltpp PIueh•llnol easel
tar clung 1 ne. dmty 150 H
Malay.n,15 bran a iawdustt 8 u
at 100 each. *00 uta . *1.20 and
...Ira nag PO bpi by return
mW, Ll�pp rat rnma,io0, Wopre•
tarred. U oldgoed. tetant/ble
51fo1HE IMMIX 00..
Dent. 'Z,' Toronto, Ont.
21.150 will, IF TAKEN at ONCE,
BUSINESS, stock sufficient to make
$3,000 worth. No other pill like it
on market. Fortune for energetid
man. Box 17, TRUTH OFFICE.
4,47 471
,�0/p,'rPra6 ,a�.n ,t tt,
O •bs't,•'' wpN wat
iide Die
NUMODIAN-May 0 June - 10, ,idly 16.
CALIFORNIAN-liayl3 June 17, July 20.
GALLIA-May 20 June 21.
CORo0ONGA-biay 27, July 1.
Cabin Passage -$60.W and upwards
Second Oabio-595.00 Return $66.60
c .
Btcenge-Liver of London, Glasgow, Londonderry
orqueenetown, $110.
For further information apply to
H. BOURLIER, 77 Yonge St., Toronto,
or H. & A. ALLAN, Montreal.
On Trial
0o olSog, ibeae Lerma, No euaksr, ne
poWnl taste Rfetlme.
For Illustrated Oatalomea., ad'
Aylmer, Ont.
TORONTO Butting Bohool offers opeoial edren
1 e a:, desirens of acquiring a theraugh knowledge o
Cutting and Pitting Gentlemen's Garments. Write
pnrticularn' 110 Tango e0. Toronto,
Catholic Prayer 0cake.
Religious Pictures, Statuary, and BcApolar'Y,
CHURCH OP.NAMEHTB, Educational Works,
51e11 ordure reoolre prompt attontSee.
D. J. SADLIER & CO., rnRQaC14
Man'. LETTER F1LE0 andd
s. ���•��0 TRANSFER 0010[10
Loan and Sayings Company.
INnanranATED 1551.
Paid-up Capital • $2,000,000
Reserve. Fund. 1,150,000
Mead Office -Toronto 54,, Toronto.
iirestoh Df14000 Winnipeg, Man., Van00000r, S.O.
5SRt'0n1T'S are received at tetaroa, paid or mum,
pounded half yoarly.
9,DEanitT®nES Issued in Currency or Sterling w1Elt
Interest coupons attached, pyayYable In Canada or
• I0,4 by law to inveiors st In theTDebentures are of ttbl;
I10NmT At1VANd on on Rea ondit, security o at
current tatos and on favorable conditions as 4 rel
Mortgages and ktuniolpel Debentures purchased.
Managing Divider.
" Maltose
Cross n
GOLDla on v Ey fig gq Cu Ehe eel
1 7,51 4 hsod 0
.n a *M mw name
011 e0dioee,
## eh ea
130 aM lI, L*01 10
nod wo wa tw
by caption for 20 O'ld fol, it e I
a, u woo,
cap./lank a book aadina d 4l•
.m ,dnad,et
oD fn him wf ,
RAMA' It late like n nlld
¢old .011.6,drathiota
In Mted w,16G
nee einnnt 00thlthwe'oern 4t 1
aaiidinn 15eDOn .gp it
:aa . *10 5,009,0*llgpru.
Fra1,00 If leer pthIb, nxnra•
td. yyon Ond tteproo what' In
oxn11t0dnyae likp�ent,nt00 pit
01 0,00, ant its, yedri'6 su3
terry Watch CO., Toronto, Ont.
File Complete 51.00. Board and Arob 60o,
Blnd6mpolffee0e, B4o,or0d paand dAozrooeb,o2m.p
Tho Offloo Specialty Mfg. 00•, Lim140
122 and 124 Bay 8t., TORONTO.
Faobry: Newmarket,
De Laval Cretv1t Oeparatore,
Of Montreal and Winnipeg
We Agents for Canada.
Naafis O
Germania 011 G0,134 Ray Bt„ Toronto.
L. COFFEE & CO., awb11,5,4 10 8
Come 400.12 board of Trade Building, •1
Ideal leather Polish
is the best for
getrM0de in All Colon. sarsold By0gwtien.
FREE,. II kilo 1:711 7n
Watch, with gnarl Or
chatelaine f°reciting 8 dos.
of our full-sized Linen
Doylie..t1Oo.asoh; Lady's
e4ringailver Watch forscilla¢
5 dos. Doylies In I.te00 and
preheat denten. They .ell at.
eight. Wrl4cod we tend them
postpaid. Benham, return our
money end ere prumptly forward �.,,-�m-•r•+
yourwatchfmo. Unaod doy es
mtlumblo. 011501 tl0YLYQO., Ocpt„ Y,' TwoMg4
Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool.
Large and fast Steamers Vancouver,
Dominion, Scotsman, Cambroman.
Baton of passage 1-F rel Cabin $50 upwards ; Samna
Cabin, 836; Steerage, 8�114.60 apnyd 11150.
PorA ID internist*
8100 ,lGenerocal r.l Agent.,
17 St. &cerement St., Mania,
gagOF OUR STUDENTS have re000ny taken good
AO situations, and four position. remain unfilled.
5111,ATFORD, ONT. We teach reel business -no in&
baton or nonsense.. In fair competition our graduates
IVO nearly always oilman. Businosa 1000 agprealuts one
work. Beet Commercial Bobool in Canada Enternow.1
Circulars area W, J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
if Mi I
We give this fine 4 -Blade
Pearl Handle KNIFE for
selling 6 Ladies' Gold Plate
Shirt Waist BEAUTY
PINS at To cents each.
Simply send your address
and we will forward wicks
post-paid. When sold, send
the no cents and we will send
knife, with all charges paid.
Gem Novelty Co.,Toronto, Ont,
mo.t dhordorud Btomnuh, Luo ,,15.,,,,, Livor, Illood,
51,8400, $idnern, Drain nod 111,.16 hg
Du *653* n' Revalolita
Arabloa Feed,
whlo6 gem Invalids and Children, 004t1 oho Rooro sue'
bes.fnllri Iaf,n1s 03,00. Aflmenio 5,01 DobilltY hove .0•
e eked alit other trootm0nte, It dlguoto when all eth,O
s ")"'"1.
0 71;r:,1:1 . caEou1t0 i
nno Ym,edIii.e
e450a rs0l6lCeojodlgtao
snueds: eOt'a g�dsoAinum
tbnoto4dDia 'ldB o mu,6inrirrlhhv
NatronaDepity, SlOolileor0O0,,Dospnndcnoy,
,�l �t7na1ren,
��4Cp� 6g1 �^r.
BP 06IE r ,
9 st.1.
Etre 0 Casts
non, h
n ata li d s , Q
tall 4,00,111, 14. and Stores ea free.
8.rt�g,{', est, 51b, 1#0. SOnE onrrldt0 free, Alab Dd
Pd to,,seds1The , time 8g. d. nd0
n'y . pp '(tr fn 0 p 6�
Agee4 far Cen's7at Tho T',1I'4n ik.rLLWiWd�Tor0nt4