HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-5-5, Page 5Nr.A Y 1699 BUSINESS CARDS. ONE) 0J O LOI N !L1 t 111;8 Dont, 1',8, BCUTI', Bruseals, V T II, ?vIoO11,ACKEN, IanurorofMarriagebieue888, Oilloe ab lils (troeary, ruruborry 010001, lirua0ela. 1 N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist' Shop --Next door North of the Standard Bels, I--.adloo' uud t:hiliirono hair outline a specialty. 11ARMS FOR SALE.—THE N. ARnare01101 has several good Far1L-o for ea'e and to rent, easy toms, in Townships el \I orris and Grey, F S, BCOTT.13russole MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, -T1.4011blft OF - PIANO - AND - ORGAAI, 231ZTT730x..7..S, ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM 1Ne0nerf00, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. PLETCHER issf;e! of Marriage Licenses, Oramn AT JlfwoonR STOne, II'No Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L. C. M.. Academic graduate of London Conserva- tory of l4uolo, is prepared to receive a limit- ed number of pupils for instruction on the piano. 1Valb0n-Monday, Tuo0day ; Brussels -Wadueaday, 'Thursday; Beaforth-Priday, Saturday, Qualified to prepare pupil a for the Prinolpal s Form in the Conservatory of Musto, A LEX. IIUNTEER, to Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour Co. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Publte Land Loan and Insure nee Agtnt. funds Invested and to loan. (lolloottouo made Chloe in Graham's Block, 13 reseals AUCTIONEERS. AHUNTER, LICENSED AUC. • s'roxr.en. Money to loan, Plums to tell, �i� S. SOOTT AS AN AUO`1'ION- • 0810, will 8011 for Letter prices, to bettor melt. in ass time and less charges than any other Auctioneer in Last Huron or he wont charge anything, Dates and orders can 'always be arranged at this olllee or by por0onal application. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, t7 . Honor Graduate of We Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals in a com- petent manner, Partmnlar attention paid to vatorin0ry dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to. O1noo and Inttrmary-Four doors north of bridge Turuborry et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. ' T M. SINCLAIR, BARRISTER Solicitor, Conveyancer ,NotaryPnb. lie, &c. Ogles-Vaustone's 131001c,1 door north of Central Rote Solicitor for the Btandald Bank. F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • solicitor, 80, (late of Carrow A• l'roudfoot's Onion, 0oderiah,) ol)loe over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels, Money to Loan. 47 Gl. CAMERON, • (Formerly of Oameren, Holt & Cameron,) 13arr1aler and Solicitor, Goderleh, Out. office -Hamilton Sb„ Opposite Col borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUCHTON, 111.D., 0, 111., Trinity Linlyorsity, Fellow Trin- ityl4Iodiool College, Member College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal College of Phyetoians and Licentiate of Midwifery, Eobooburgh. CA -Telephone No.14, Residence, M10181., Brussels. E. T. SNIDER, 81. D., 0, 21., 08000010) 00 Dr. A, MoI{OloOy, Licentiate of Royal College of Ihyotoamle and Surgeons,Kingston ; Member of the Col- lage of Pbyolcano and Surgeons of Ontario. Diseases of women and children a specialty, Eight years' experience. ts"0l1.1oe and res. !donee that formerly occupied byDr.Mo- • lieivoy, Tuouborry stroet,Bruesolo, 2e - d. M. ARMSTRONG, M.B., M. D„ M. C. P. S.O, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AOCOUGHEUR, ETC. Special attention given to diseases of the Throat and Limes end diseases of Women and .Children, 3E$IDANCA-..WALTON, ONT. BR. F. H. KALBFLEISCH, 1DR81O0AN, annum AND A0000011111111, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. 101 eines Honor Graduate of the 'Universi- ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Hiugaton) and of Trinity Medical College; Feil+ow of Trinity 0dedtoai college and member of the (1113080 of Phyoioians and Surgeons of Ontar- io. Poet Graduate Course in Detroit -and Obioago,1000. Sp00103 attention paid to dis- eases at Eye, Bar, Nose and Throat, aid dis- ea0osof Women. I Coaeiltation in Mug- ieh and Gorman. 1'010phone at residence. OR - SERVICE; --THE UN— mnelgNaD will keep forserVioe. on L0001,00010.10 and 11, Grey a thorn' bred Durham hull, with regi0torodl pedigree, Also 11 registered Yorkshire boar, from J, 10. Brothonr'a World's 2'aie stook, Terms, 011 00 tobe paid. at time of novelise, with privilege of returning if necessary, , 114.3n1 CHAS,110ELL, Plopriotor. IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for oorviee on Dot ea Boa, 0, Mollis, 1110 thoro'-broil Im' proved 0orlceiniro Bear, 'Oak Lodge tong- 10llow," N0, 00180, broil by 3,17. ilrothons,13000. ford, to which a rimtlotl number of sows will be taken. Tonna, $1,00,13 be paid at time of serviced with privilege of returning if nee. eesary. A number of 0110100 young Rows for 0a10 for • brooding purp0000 1vhf001 will bo sold at ) ohms snit the Bruen. 21- 110131', NICHOL, Proprietor. l , 3Dts.tr cf' ettY , Lie elLlko w. Lime blond,•-.lr, Grundy ,t' eon have just completed the renovation of the bloolr,--..lieg, ,Armstrong left last week for 1;Imiro, where he hassetured a Worm Live sit in a tailor shop. --The annual drill of the volunteers in this diatrid will be held earlier this year. The 32ud Bruoo Battalion will go into camp et London on li'ley 30111: -tome parties broke into the etable of John. N. Ross, of this village, and stole some twenty-five or thirty dollars worth of carpenters tools belonging to Mr, lions, -John 3), Nichol purchased to handsome little pony and cart in Godorieh lest week. Re has din posed of his line driving mare to a gentle. man in Listowel. -The G. T. It. (1000 a large staff of men and two engines fit work in the Luoltnow gravel pit, The Company intend gravelling their road from Listowel to Luoltnow, and it is ex. peeled that the work will be :completed before the end of July. -A lecture will be given by Rev, John Rose, B. A., of Brus- sels, on "John Calvin", in the Presby- terian church, Luoknow, on Monday, May 8th, oommenoing at 7;80 p. m. On Sabbath, May 70, ho will alae preach at 11 a,m,and 7p.m,' Corrie. LITTLo CLANoes,-Snokor tithing coin. menced last week. -Geo. Horton is refit- ting and improving the property he re00ntly purchased from Jas. MaLaugh- lin.-Early ()losing oommoneed 011 Mon- day. -John Ardell is loving an addition erected to his residenoe.-Gorrie ahould have a race crook, --Our village fathers Bh011ic) Poe 10 Our sidewalks, they are bad in many plaoo'.-Toe grim reaper again visited our village and the spirit of Mrs. Wm. Theisen tools its flight from this world of suffering and care to that brigh- ter home beyond. She was in her 64•h year and hood been i11 for over a year. Her remains, were laid to teat in St. Stephen's church oemetery.-Ata resent meeting of Rowlett Council it was moved by Messrs. Sp80100 and Doig, and resolved that we, the members of the Council of the Township of Howlett, do hereby plane on record our profound regret in the death of our esteemed and faith(ull brother, James Perkins, who has been Treasurer of this township for the past eight years and one who has by his genial and h011000ble course endeared himself to all with whom 11e became acquainted. Knowing full well our loss in him, who has been so faithful a servant and ollicer m alfa municipality, we cannot help bot mourn with those that mourn over the removal by death of so faithful a friend and officialswe andr do hereby extend to the widow and family of our deceased brother and ()ficial in her and their sorrowful momenta of meditation of the loss of a faithful husband and kind father, our deepest sympathy, and earn. witty pray that our Heavenly Father, who has promised to.be a Husband to the widow and a Father to the fatherle=0, may guide and comfort them through life. And that a Dopy of this resolution of condolence be forwarded to the widow of our lata Treasurer. -Carried, That Throbbing 1lcadeeba Would quickly leave you, if yon ustd Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their , matchless merit for Sick and Nervosa Headaches, They make pure blood and strong uerve0 and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money baok if not cured. Sold by G. A. Deadman, Druggist. G oda rich. TOWN ST.tTroTros.-From the return made by the assessor fur 1899, wo find the real estate assessment to be $1,140,440, compared with 131,051,280 for 1898, an in. crease of 980,000, but 975,000 of the ad- dition, the ossesement of the big elevator, will not be available for tax purposes. The personal property ie 953,025, com- pared with $52,125 last year, and the in. some column shows Itfalling off of 95,- 150, the. sum assessed this year being 924,850, compared with 980,000 the. previous one, The total aoseeement for 1899 is therefore $1,218,915, and that for 1898 wits 91,188,405. Number of horses this year 178, lest, 194 ; tows were the same both years, 167, and doge 105, .12 less than in 1898, the reduction being the result of the dog poisoning craze.. The population ie 4,027, that of .theprevious assessment 4,044, a difference) fatally,, Re- counted by the closing of the. ,furniture factory for a period, and the departure, of the men who built the elevator, many of whom were on the roll last year. The births stand 68-55, .deaths 39-84,. and school children between 5 and 13, 854- 818. The birth rate, it will be seen, is bat thirteen per thousand, a pretty low one, and the death rate under ten. NEWSY GLltivano.-The tendon for the addition to the Godericli Organ factory weleopened and Baobanes tl Mynas' tender for the carpenter work, was accept. ed, and that of Chariest Reid for the brickwork; A meeting of the Goderiolt Division of West Huron Te00her0' Mem. Matron will beheld in the Central school, Goderiob, on Saturday, May 011i, at 1, o'clock. The subject for disoueoion will. be "Composition.", ,let alase to be taken by Miss Ferguson, 2nd by Miss Wiggins, 8rd by Miss MoClusky, 4011 by Mr. Tag. gait. Also "Claes Management and Discipline" will bo discussed. W. Elliott will open the dieouesion.-Mrs. Doyle, mother of Judge B. L. and J. J. Doyle, of town, died in Sudbury on Monday of Net week, at the adva000d age of 85 years. The remains were brought to town by train on Tuesday evening, and on Wed. needay morning thefuneral took plaoe from the residence of deceased's eon, Hie Honor Judge Doyle. The . procession prooaedod to St. Peter's, where mass was celebrated by Rev. Father Weet, and at its conclusion the casket was conveyed to the Colborne it. 0.oemetety, and placed in the family plot beside those of her family who have gone before. The pal( bearers were her sone, Judge B. L. and 3, J. of town, and Sylvester, of Sudbury, and her nephswe, Walter, Charles and Frank Shannon. -As Jas. Culbert wag taking material from the jointing mach. ire at the Organ factory, his right hand in some unexplainable manner dame ho mama with the knife, which out off his four fingers. -The other day a resident of an adjoining township summoned a teacher for improperly puni0)1ing his Mild, but before the case came up for heating withdrew it, paying the coats.- Domoeeeb medal anted on May 19th, under the auspices of the W. 0, T. IL- A number of our oltizeus have 0onoh,dr3 'e'" ,ti E 0S T to test the legality of appropriating the town money to pay the exp0010es of the Ottawa trip, and to Oita end a suit will be entered against the O0u00illore who voted for it.-•-Godorioh wean a pork packing establishment and a 0a1111ing factory: - Joseph Riley, of Londeeboro, has per. phased the Queen's hotel, Sal1ford, from Ml0llael Tarr, -The Organ Oo, shipped two ears loads of mane to l401910nd, end a oar of their menufaotnros to Montreal last week,- .The Goderioh bowling olub wee re•organl1ed for the season, The fallowing officers were cleated : President, Judge Masson ; vioe.preeidont, Robb. MoLeen ; eeorotary-treasurer, R. W. Logan ; managing eomlnittee, Dr. Hun. ter, Wal. Lone, L. ilillot ; ropreeentative at Western Ontai ioBowlers' Association, A. Moll, Allan, On motion of Mes-re. Galt and Campbell, R. S. Williams was made en honorary member of the olub, The Curling do Skating A080cia1100, from whom the club ratite its grounds, wanted to raise the rental, but the bowlers etrougly objected, oleiming that they should not be asked to pay more because of improvements they had themoelvee effeoto(1. The matter has since been settled, wenndet'staid, on the breis of last yeur's rent. - The remits of the examinations of the Ontario Dental College were published, and among the names of those who paeeed the final examination is that of Albert It, Robert- son, of town. -Mies Jessie Adams, for- merly of town, has passed the final examination as nurse at the Montreal general hospital --The organ laotory now has seventy -live employees on its pay roll. -It is reported that Mr, chambers, of the Salvation Army, bas fallen heir to a fortune of $95,000, and Mrs. J, Walters also comes in for a fortune. -Lighthouse - keeper Campbell had Ills lights barring Sunday night of last week, for the first time this 0eaeon. Spain's (1 realest Need. Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain, spends hie Winters at Aiken, S.C. Weals nerves had caused severe pains in the book of his head, On using Electric Bitters, America's greatest Blood and Nerve Remedy, all pains soon left him. He Faye this grand medloine is what .his country needs. All America knows that it ouree liver and kidney trouble, purifies the blood, tones up the stomach, etreng- thene the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and Organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Every bottle guar. anteed, only 60 cents. Sold by G. A. Deadman, Druggist. 1313•rJo. LrrTLN 13L1NICL0Ts.-Blyth Iles been infested with life insurance agents during the ast toweeks.-Olming have plated a new and modern refrigora• for fa their butcher shop. -A. H. U, Fiunemore left for Ohfoago cohere he has secured a lucrative position. - .1317111 ladies circulated a petition to present to the Dominion Government asking for woman eutfrage.-.lfaloolm and Johu Somers returned last week from the lumber woods in the Bruce peninsula. - Rev. A. McLean attended the Synod of Hamilton and London, which met in Brantford.--Obarlee Sing, who has been aonduotiog a Chinese Laundry in Clinton for the past few years, opened out a branch in Blyth this week. Hie brother will have Merge of the Blyth 9anndry.- A. H. Plummer, principal of our Public school, purchased the house and nine acres of land belonging to Mrs. Oelloton. ]lire. Golloton, who hag been an esteemed reeident of Blyth for many years, intends moving away. O1:ATn 01' Jelin Bora-Another old and highly respected citizen of this neighbor. hood departed this life at 10 o'olook on Wednesday evening, April 10th, in the person of Capt. John Bnie, His death 0000 not unexpected, as he hod been a great sufferer for many years from heart trouble, especially daring the past Ilya years, and for the past few weeks had been very ill. When the final amnions oame he aocepbed it by gently closing his eyes as if going into a peaceful repose. .The funeral took place on Satordayafter. noon to the Union cemetery and was largely attended by the citizens of Blyth and vicinity, Capt. John Bele was born on the island of Gigha, Argylesbire, Scotland, in 1817. He received what at that time was considered a fair education, and living among a sea -faring oommun• ity naturally took to the sea for a liveli- hood. He made, many ocean voyages until wrecked on the island of Antipoett, when he denic(ed to give "up ocean fife and try the great lakes. He was a resident of Blyth for the past80years. Previous to that he had lived in the principal Amari. can 0iti00 bordering on the great lakes, on which, practically, all hie lake .sailing was done. For over 30 years be sailed these lakes, eervingin all capacities,ll'om a before•tbemaet baud to captain. He was always proud of the foot that hie father had been in the battles of Oopen• hageu, the Nilo and Trafalgar, and was quarter -master in these battles on Lord Nelson's frigate Victory, being within three feet of that famone admiral when lie (Nelson) was mortally wounded tied was one of those who carried Lord Nelson to shelter. (Apia Buio's experience on the lakes In the early days of steamboat. ing made him an interesting narrator of the marine events of that period. He married Mies Mary MoKellar, who aur. vivee him, in Toronto 68 years ago, their union being blessed with four sons and three daughters, five of whom are still living, viz. 1 Daniel, in Chicago ; Dun. Dau, in Toledo ; John, in Buffalo ; Mrs, Grecoy, in Winghatn; and Mrs. Oarlie in Blyth, The two youngest obildren, Hooton and Annie, are dead, the former is buried in 33(yth and the (atter in Dun. dao, nt tvoo(1. Arrr,e BLossoue.-The Flax Co. have disposed of the 1808 orop to J. Living- ston at 9io per ]b. This price with the cancelling of the interest due the share- holders, will allow the growers between 96 and 97 pee ton for their flex. The money may be oxpsoted any day now, The tow has not been disposed of as yet, -Co E. Harris, of Brandon, Man., for. lnerly of Atwood, ha0 gone to Dawson City to seek a fortune. He expe010 to bo away a year, Hie family will roman[ in Brandon. -W. R. Erskine 3300 had the front of his store painted a bright venni]. lion red, -Another highly eeteemod reel. dont of E(ma pegged away on the 22nd ult., at the advanced age of 77 yoare, We refer to Adam G,ay, er, of lot 0:1, eon. 10, this township, who enooumbed to a prolonged illnose, which latterly de. voloped into piton men ie. Per over 20 yoar0101,. Gray had been a resident of Elena, clueing which time ho and his good 4 ST (Jnoo time was a young Alan wl,o went to 030. When he Dame home be had been round the world sod through the lied See, and he commenced to tell his grand. mother about the wonders he lied seen, and about flying fish among other things, The old lady wouldn't believe a word about Hying hell, but when he told her they caught ono of the wheels of Pharoah'e ohariot cm the ship's a0ohor, she said she knew it was true because it wee reasonable. Now we don't want to tell you any fish stories, but we do want to tell you a few thing'; that sound reasonable. Buying and selling goods ns we do, for spot earth, is it not reaeonable that we 0011, and do buy and sell 011003ler than on the long credit system, as the following prices will show :- 9.�_—..�. -Wide Prints, soft Hnieh, fast oolors, worth 80„ for 5c. --Ohcuk Ginghemd, new patterns, fest colors, worth 7s,, for 5u New Fla¢uellettoo, light and dark oolors, worth 71,, for 5c, - Grey Cotton, yard wide, worth 40., for 21to. -Good Red Salmon (Boaheye) worth 180., for 10o, -Best Maple Leaf Salmon, 2 cane for 26e. -Gold Medal Baking Powder, 100. size for 50, -Good Valencia Raisins, 5 lbs. for 213e. - Four 5o. bare Soap for 10o, -Bine Ribbon Tea at 25e., 40e. and 50c. -Saluda Tea, at 25e., 400., 50e. and 60o. -Gond Japan Tea at We., or 3 lbs. for 50e. Buy Union Jaolt Soap, save the wrappers, mil he Ip the school children to get a large flag. ti..... ---mow•--..• CO., BUM PAGE FENCE QUALITY. When you seely the best fence that can be made from ^6 wire, wo know that you will buy the Famous Coiled Spring Page. It isn't like any other on earth -It's better. It was the first and itis still the foremost woven wire fence per the truth about Its uses and quality, address - < THE PAGE WIRE FENCE CO. LTD. WALKERVILLE, 09T. wife gathered around them many warm and steadfast friends who will regret exaeediugly to read this notice apprising them of the demise of their olcl friend. Three boys, R. H., an an adjoining farm, Adam, on the home -teal, and William, in the Klondike, together with three married daughters, comprise the .family,, -A pleasant departure occurred at the Methodist prayer meeting service Toes - day evening of last week, when at the close J. W. MoBain, for 80 years the faithful and efficientSuperintendent of the Sabbath school, wee reminded of the congregation's gratitude in the presentation of a handsome and costly eold•headed walking stick, accompanied by an address. The presentation was made by S. Peter, the anooeeaor of Mr. MoBain as S. S. Superintendent, while the address was read. by Miss Ida Park. er,-111. Harvey was at Listowel last Friday taking in the Government spray. ing teat. Mr. Harvey is a wonderfully vigorou0 and clear beaded man for one of lie years. Comm MtenT'000.-The munioipal Council of the township of Elms, met in the Agricultural Hall, Atwood, on April 22nd. Members all meant. Minutes of last meeting rend and signed. Moved by 1111r. Donaldson, seoonded by Mr. Roth. well, that By-law No. 889, known as the Boyle Drain By law, as now read, :be finally passed, and that the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to alga the eame and the Clerk to attaoh.tbe corporate seal to said Bylaw -parried. Moved by Mr. M0Mano, seoonded by Mr. Smith, that the Clerk advertise for tenders for sou• struoting the Boyle drain and improving the Maitland river in Recordnncc with plans, specifications and profiles, tend• ere to be opened on May 26th, 1890, at 8 p. m. -Carried. Moved by Mr. Donald• eon, seconded by 110r. Rothwell that the debentures for the Boyle drain be me. pared as soon as possible -Carried, Moved by Mr. Bothwell, minded by Mr. Davidson that the Reeve sign the agree- ment with the G. T. R. 00. for running a'drain across the road in Atwood -Oar - Had.' Moved by Mr. Donaldson, amend- ed by Mr. Smith that the Council do now adjourn to meet again on the 8th day, of May next at 10 o'elook a. m. -Carried. Wm. Henderson was fatally injured while mating'oordwood at Oliphant by a falling tree fracturing bis skull. Robert F. Harding, a Kemptville merchant, attempted to hang himself, but was but down and may reoover. THE En .,r'L D. Bicycle Is the ONLY Wheel that requires Oiling but once a Season. No Oil Can sent out with Equip- . 14ell1. , Material, Workmanship, finish, Desna, eto,, Unequalled, -----Os Just the wheel You want. -- E. & :9.. °Special'^This Wheel is equipped with a gear ease of our own design and manefaottlre, It is eimple in oonstroatien, is easily attached or remov- ed ; does not hyo to be removed in order to adjust chain or rear wheel ; 18 light in weight1 being made of aluminum with oellulord front; the ohaitt is at All times vleiblo. It will ltoep dust from the aproeket and chain ; lite slowly and i0 free from rattle, It is elegant in appear. 1000 and finish. A. COC,ISLEY, AGENT, 31133353 11.0, Ver e> .In .r agency There is only allc11 Slater Shoe" Agency in this town. "151ater Shoes" can be bought in no other store but this store, If more than elle dealer in each town had the k,r c(0 Agency for"S1ater Shoes," no one dealer could afford to carry hi stock pen enough shapes, sizes, I r and widths, to fit all feet, and thus the dealer's trade, the customers' feet, and the reputation of the f1 Slater Shoe" as a foot -fitter would all be ill j used. Price, $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00. Shoes by malt, Catalogue Free. Jno. Dowding, - Sole McLEOD'S System 'Renovator —AND oTnea— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Pslpitae tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neor- algia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Om - gumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Sidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irrsgularitiee and General De- bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MOLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by Jas, Fox. Druggist, Itrtr80ols. 817'IiR WM While thanking our numerous cum tomere for the busy time they gave us during the Winter in supplying them with Sleighs and Cutlers we wish to re• mind them that we are equally as busy now in Manufacturing WAGONS, BUGGIES, CARTS, LAND ROLLERS AND WHEELBARROWS. We have thirty-five of the very best and most stylish Baggies that o0n .be got up nearly completed, and will have them ready for running abont the First of April, Should you need a Buggy or any Repairing or Repainting, or what ever it may be in our line of business, be sure and pall at J. COBER'S Carriage Fad. tory, where yon will get the very best that eau be got anywhere and as oheap as the cheapest. Please keep in mind we manutroture all our Vehicles right here in.the .old reliable Carriage Factory at Ethel. Jo11.1), Cober, C\RRIAGTI MAKER. Wire Fencing ! The undersigned is prepared to sell and build any quantity of the Celebrated Anchor Wire Fencing. Thio is the Strongest and Cheapest Fence on the market and is guaranteed to give eatisfaotion. ALSO GATES FOR SALE, For further particulars as to price, So., pall on or write JOHN CURE IE, 30.2m AGENT, 131111580LS, The Standard Bank' of' Canada. 'iE oiey Creels For amounts of Fifty Dollars and under issued by thia Bank, payable at par at any chartered Bank in Canada, with the exception of Branobes in the 'Yukon Die - triol, RATES: Under . $10 • . $0.08 $10to20 , . 0.10 20 to 30 0.12 80 to 50 . . 0,14 J. N. (GORDON, JI gent, BRUSSELS. b000re. After. Tool's &'hospho(iine, The Gnat .RniAfsh Rellredy. Sold and recommended by at druggists in Canado. Only tali able medicine discovered. 011 i190knnda p0dran%red to cure all 'orme of Sexual: Weakness,all erecta of almaexcess, iltentnt Worry, uxcessive use of To. oaeeo, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt if 310300, ono peek:Iggo 01, six, 96. Ono 104113llesso, fxto!Elcvro. Pamphlets free to any addres0. Tho Wood yy Company, Windsor, On) Sold in 7301100010 by Booite ilei Optilclan, PI C®Sil Will make' a Well man of YO17! P1081r Fanno08 rue.00000 00801,80 00 0000 W0005. P00iNitlEio�no, 0(8ng cormoy Nightly mssiionSporm . totrhooa, Impotency, eta., eaneed by past ablims- gives vigor and elm to shrunken organs, and quickly but surely restores LOOT Mt/Moon In old and happy again. ID Sent by mall In pla111 in wrappeer and securely nomad from observation, Rsffiy for 01. od Send money In either ordlnaryyort tor. ad latter, Address all !otter. to S.'1 Pa1P AIS, Druggist, W0000000100, OST., ,agent for tbo 09' minon of Cr.nnda. CHANCE OF BUSINESS. The undersigned having purobaaed the Restaurant burineos of W. A. CBICH has added a fine choice stook of GROCERIES and is now prepared to give good value to the public. Our stook embraces :- New Teas, canned Goode, Fruits, Spines, Soaps, Fish, Syrups, Vinegars and all other lines kept in a First.olaea Grocery. Choice Stock of Confectionery. Will continue the Restaurant as usual where Oysters, Ica Cream and Summer Drinks will bo served in the beat possible 'style. FRESH BREAD ALWAYS ON CH AND, Chas. II. Baztliff, BRUSSELS. Central'Gr000ry and Restaurant. Local Agent Spectacles -OP ALL KINDS - Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyes tested FREE by latest Optioei methods at Division Court Office, BRUSSELS. SHU\CLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND -- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels Planing Els Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on baud or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. P. A,MENT. k•1 Cook's Cotton Root Compound ,. Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com- pound. Take no other as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangei'ons. Primo, No, 1, 0i per box; No. 0, 0) degrees stronger, $8 per box. No. for 2, mailed en receipt of price and two 8.cent Damps, The Cook- Company. Windsor, Ont. !"N00, 1 and 2 soldand recommended by all ienponsiblo Druggists in Canada... Nos.1 and 2 sold in Brussels by G. A. BRADMAN Druggist, Bookseller & Opfioian, tL V MP ‘vvvolucs, BRUSSELS. I have purchased the above well known Pump Works from Gomer Green and am prepared to supply the wants of the Public in either new work or ropaire. ALL WORK GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Orders left at my shop or residence or at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly, looked after. t 'Am prepared to take orders for new Wells and Oieterns.. FRED. ADAMS, Shop on Mill Street, BRUSSELS.. 0000,, e 8E0084 18040 10010 CULTIVATOR J. LONG, T he Bu ffa/o All -Steel Disc Harron Tbls is the only Dios, Harrow made or aolob Ilna. Canada, having independolrt; adlustable aiding pressure Upon) the inner ends of the gang ddieaa, allowing any amount of pressure to be thrown upon the inner ends of the gang0',b3' the foot of the operator.. By this motile a perfectly flex- ible notion is immured olid the .ground Dan be 'worked to a uniform depth, .Examine this Maohlue oarofully Ned compare wan others. The No. 12 Cultivator • ISA MARVEL OP SUCCESS. The only Cultivator made that both linos of tenth will out an even depth in the ground. Examine it and You will see why, The only Cultivator. With a moveable tooth sot es that the angle of the teeth can be regulated to suit any condi- tion of soil, Pressure can bo regulated to aob differently on every 000tio0 requiring. it, The teeth aro carried between the wheels instead of trailing behind art ill other macbinoa, thus securing lighter draft, This 100011100 is fur - nisi; eel with grain and grass seed box when re., quirod, It has reversible diamond steel point0 Tor the teeth ; also, extra wide thistle-onttiog poluteillbuy Danno be othferur.nished, 1:aamiu0 it and you w The Best Drill Made. The Hoosier Needs No ]tltli'odaelion. Over 40,000 Drills and seeders of our mauo- faotoro in use in Canada, The only Dr011 made vdt11lover for instant and 110rfaot regulation of depth of hoe in all kinds of Boil, while team is inmotieu. So,Oabsolutely correct to scale; eaves' sped, as every kernel is depotfted at a p10per depth to grow. Purchase only the boat. 04000 you will be eatlelled., We also manufaeturo Bindore Beapors Mowers, Italtes, Cultivators and-'Pulpers,000 good es the beat, send far illustrated catalogue, NOXO;V BROS. i)Lt`bl. Co., (Iaitnitod) 1rlg000011, Dalt„ Canada Agent, Dramas,