HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-5-5, Page 44 Owl rinwstl$ FRIDAY, final' 5, /S;)!3, Sabbath Schaol Visitation. In 1110 0112x011 of - God there are many inheres of Christian aetivtty,many phases of Christian work. The 'pulpit, the p7ow, the home occupy 21 foremost plane, 1tu4 the pe eons filling Damn are under tremendous re- stlousibilitvte dud and their fellow men. But the place and work of the Sabbath sobool worker are groat indeed; the honer and reward 110 0110 can estimate, To the greattgoo 1, it 1100 piny luable, Ono mnethod co-operation is that of Sabbath aabool visitation; and this by tate different 0310101100010112012 321 this God given work, Now,. may work undertaken, is worthy of be- ing w01L done. lb the ten1t before a walleye e three thoughts Yhlehlwe want to make plain to you. (1) The nenes8ity of 011010 visitation, But here alai 1110. question may he ask, does su11i neoe8now, 0lty exist? Does a Sabbath school, well organized, well ec,ulpp ed, with agood etait of nears and teachers, need help f110mOutside ? No one would asst such auestion if he had been with mo and MY fellow helpers through the last visitation, and would <noddally 0on811101 the fallowing. The object to, (a) To strengthen the bond of union among Sabbath school workers. Union is strength; and a threefold card le not easily broken. Union is essential to marl's being, woll•boing, happiness and pros• parity. Hence we have the union of man and wife, union in the home, in hne churob, in the body politic and union by the various -alaseos of men for protection aid material prosperity, Then how necessary for the hosts of God, the armies of Emmaun8l to be 0)0lted'111 a march against a 0Ommen Poe All Sunday schools have the Bailie work, the ee•ha truth, and that truth taught in the mune 1009008 from year to year. Then the workers have the same trials, difficulties, temptations, obstructions, carelessness cold indifference to meet and overcome. Now needful for the workers, having the same work, the same purpose, the same on in view, to have their hands strengthened their iterate cheered, their faith in God and in their work stimulated, so that they may pgrove faithful to the frust imposed la them 0ne way to do this is by the yearly visite• tion; and thereby strengthen the bond of union that exist in the hearts of those who love the Saviour, and who are engaged in Rio work. We are fully persuaded that everything should be done that is possible to make our Sabbath schools more efficient for the workin whioh they are engaged. No t1me, no work, no motley, no talent, no energy should be spared to bring about this great achievement - the salvation of the children. This visitation IS, 310) To encourage and stimulate officers, teachers, 00holar8 and others in their work. We do not go beyond stile bounds of truth when we say that all porso110, all classes. in all lines of aotlon have their doubts and fears times of darkness and dtscouragoments; when they long fora word of cheer &tad help, and no where more than In the Sabbath school, Here the year through the teachers Lave the same routine work, to meet the 01m8 class, the Same terbulaut restless boys, careless and indifferent girls, the same want of sympathy from any one. There is nob 11111011 wonder they sometimes have the blues and think of giving up tilt it position, or become indifferent whether they 0u0010od 01' not. Now at such a time, !t visit from a friend, a few words of cheer, warning on- o0nragement, help will bri0g lA;ht and inspiration and stimulate zeal. The good that maybe done to all concerned will be known only when the Lord 0Pm00 to make up Rig jewels and reward Ms eervauto, The v18itatation is, (0) To show the schools visited that thov have the sympathy, prayers and help of others outside of themselves. No ono can over estimate the value of true Christian sympathy at any time, under any ob'enmstanee8 ; but there are times and air- onmet0rlQee when it Is more espoeially need- ei1 and it is unspeakable value. Here ie m anomie. sad bereavement -the wife of his young manhood, of his mat0rer years, has been taken away from him by the hand of death. Bis home is fullof gloom and dark- ness, his heart is overwhelmed with pain and sadness. Re is not only in need of sympathy, butshould have it from all his fellows. 8o ib is with many, if not all Sab- bath school workers. They have times of darkness, en due ea tlispOndeuoy when they Y are special need, and when derneee Ch blon sheirtr ubled heart. a balmmto t heir troubled a lets and clouded10001 minds. Then in some way lel thorn prayers. they are the subjeotg of your youyers. My fr nea rand your work are all remembered before the Lord in our hearer nesting:' has iy Heart and life farr more than influenced twem ntt y -fl ve years. Pray for Sunday school teachers, and do not be afraid, or. ashamed, to lot them know they have yo101 Prayers, sym- pathy and help, and the best way we know Se to go to them when engaged in tbeir.work. And farther, the children demand special attention. The Master said to Peter, "Peed mylamb0." This renlatn8 in force fol' all times; and it should be stamped on the heart and burned into the soul of all who love our Lord Jesus Christ. It is no vain boast to say this wile done In every case dur- ing the visitation last made, And it must be stated, the children,in all cases, showed their appreciation of the attention paid them. We nave a right to expect thou the seed sown will take root and bring forth trait to the honor and glory of God, What is said oP the passed may be hoped for In re - • bo the future. We now oom0 to our next thought. (2) The importance of such a work. This arises, (a) From the message to be carried. What is the message you have for the Sabbath school 2 Who leas sent ? It is a Divine message gent from our Father in heaven, having the signet of Eternal King. It is a message, every word of which is true. I3 tells of God's great love for His fallen oreatnles ; the gift of His only Son Jesus Christ ; the way of Life and Salvation by a living faith, and a home in the allies when this life .is over. The nee88age is full of life, light, power and grace. It is for the man full of days, the man in middle life, the one rising into manhood, the boy and girl every where, but more especially so for those in the Sabbath school. The importance will appear when we consider that its reception means pardon, peace, joy, hope, life, happiness, holiness, lemma for ever. While its rejection means the loss of ail that is great and good for time and eternity, with the in. Reagan of the punishment due to sin which the Bible Faye i8 outer darkness and eternal pain. In view of all this, no one willbe found to say, that visitation and the carrying of such a message is not important. But note (b The of the visitors. The aim sboullaim d bo high, direct and at the greatest possible good. Nob the exhibition of self and the superior talents possessed, if there were any. Not to oritioize, nor to find fault with the methods and working of any oohool. But magnify the Lord, the inspired Word, end the Sabbath before the oflicere, teachers, childrbn and all p108ent. To encourage a thorough, earnest, eon1eut, systematic study of the Divins Word by both teaoh8138 and pupils, To ineieb on the ab80111te ne38001ty of true manhood and womanhood of noble Christian oharaoter, holy living with 8arne01 activity all along the line of Christian duty and usefulness, The bleesodness of being on the high- way of life, of being right with God, with man, with one.eolf now and forever, To show all yen address God's pu1p000 in man, on earth, is that he sli0nid be right and do right 3 that he do right to hie fel. lows and therein glorify his Maker and Redeemer. That the highest honor pour siblo bo man, is bo do 1118 work appointed ]nim, and so do the will of God on earth, "as it is done fn lleavon." To make it plain, that teachers called of 'God to thi8 work cannot neglect 1r- with Impunity oe shirk the 7'eepoesibility, But "blessed are they that do 1Iie OOminandmel118 fol' they shall have right to the tree of life." We note (c) The end to be aaoompliehed, Everyone, more so every thoughtful, In. tolligeut man, must have an end is view 0he11 he embarks on any eotorpri0e. We are not prepared to say all have at worthy and in view. , To the midnight robber hooey is the end before bion, and to au. 00mplisll his purpose he will d0 anything bad. To the Man of letters, to explore the broad Beide of literature 18 hie highest ambition, where he ant satisfy his 13181. cry tastes and as)liratious. To the man of 8018008, 801entllle inveetiilati0ne is the end sought, and that accompplished he has reached the joal desired. To the man of toil, to meet and satisfy the wants of himself and family is all that gives him any conoeru. Hence the days and yours go byand he never thinks of risingabove the cmmon level. To the true Chistian, the aim and end is to be in Christ, to be with Him, to be like flim, to have the s frit of Christ. To the Christian worker the aim should be to fled the field of labor, the work to be done, and how best to do it. The work of Sabbath school visitation may be expressed in one word, the word, Help ; help the 31800her0 to lay the foundation of Bible truth broad and deep in the tubule aid hearts of the children ; to set forth Christ as the Saviour, the Friend of 0iuuer0, the only Way of Lite and Salvation. Help the scholars to see the opportunities afforded them, to prize the privileges they enjoy, to appreciate the care, attention, and love of their teachers and hieude in and oat of school, but above all God's love for them in the gift of Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Divine Word which is able to snake them wise, pure, good and fit them for life here and hereafter. We shall 11019 consider, (3) How this work should be done. And here we have two things to say, and we shall emphasis them. (a) The best talent possible should be given to this work. We have no desire to undervalue other lines of Christian activity, other branches of Christian work, but we eon - tend that this branch of Christ's work de- mands the best talent the clluroh has at command. It may not be out of place, at this point, and with no reflection on auy one, to say that some men are in no way qualified for this particular kind of work. A man may be an eloquent speaker, a first-class pulpit man and utterly useless addressing a Sabbath school. As a qualification for this kind of work, a man must possess an intense love for 01ildreu, a warm sympathetic nature, a burning enthusiasm to do good and a will under the controlling power of God. Then he must be able to adapt himself to the time, the place, the 811r- roandinge and circumstances of the hour. A man for this work should have •. a thorough knowledge of the Bible, under- stend human nature and have em ac- quaintance of the modes and thought and habits of the pupils attending our Sab- bath schools, and more, laborers in the field, soldiers in this war most be volun- teers. A man doing this work against his will, will never be a success. Now we state, (11) The best p3aus should be adopted, Iu this, as in many other things, men may differ as to what are the best plans to be carried out in visiting the school, What may be best for one sobool may not be best for another. Hence the need of wisdom, prudence, discretion, judgment. Bot, we give as our opinion, that in addressing ehtldren the object lesson plan is among the best any one can follow.. To reach the parents and talose who should take an futerest in Sabbath oohool work and do not, the best plan is to hold the meeting on the church service hour. Then the best way to help, encourage and stimu- late teachers is to address them on the nature and character of their work, its magnibude and importance, their reopen sibility to God and the reward of faithful labor. To this end give all the informa- tion possible ; stir an the powers of the mind, the emotions of the soul until all are filled with intense earnestness, and all go to the Help of the Lord against the mighty. And may all be found faithful. Amen, R. PAu1., Olin Coll. Nlrw8r OzrATToO,-W. J. Flenty, .of the News•Iieoord of town, has purohaeed the plant of the Southampton Beacon, and last 112ondey took charge as edibor•in• chief. J. Fteuty, Ilia brother, who has been engaged on the St. Marys Journal, will bake charge of the mechanical de- partment, -Will. Holloway has taken a position with Dr. Ireland, of Harrieton, formerly of Olintou, John Raneford bas ordered a forty -light gas machine from manufaotnrer Ashley for his residence it will he placed for 00rvioe in a abort time, --The Eaet Huron Teachers' Aseooi- o3ion will be held on Thursday and Fri• day, May 11th and 12th, -Thos. Hone - way has sold to 0. Hoare an more of land on the Bawden survey, Huron road, on whioh he intends to build a residenoe,- Lee Brown will keep a bicycle livery iu town this season, -It is said that J, 0, Elliott has rented the earner store, lately occupied by J. Wiseman, to a firm whioh will occupy 1r- about Aaguet,-The Hotel Olarendon and River Hotel, Bavdeld, are under the management of J. 0. Miller, of town, -The deal in the livery business be. tween the two in town whereby Jas. Mo. Cool wag buying out Jas. Beattie, and H. Davie was to become proprietor of the MoOool & Davis firm, is off. -Nicholas H. Stout, formerly of the Collegiate here, and latterly of St. Marys, sen of Rev. Wm. Stout, Kir1ton, has been appointed to a position in the tank of Commerce, and bite oommenoed duties in the branch at Sarnia. -The popular oantete, "Queen Esther," has been given op by Prof, Trott, a snffioient number not turning out for practice. -There is one butcher- ing business lase in town. Owing to the ,lack demand in this line, and consider- ing that four buteher8 i0 sufficient for the wa11t8 of the citizens of town, R. Fitz - pinions has closed up hi8 shop, ,1-41St,0 Lank Lisgx,rT3,-John Soott, the well known drover, who hag amenity taken up his residenoo on the (Mimic farm at the West end of the oorpoeatioi, i8 going into the cattle business on a large Beale this Beason,--Tavern-Itoeneee granted, 0eo,Zillisx, Queune; John McDonald, Station hotel ; G. S. Kidd, Arlington ; T, II. Rolls, Grand Central ;F. A. -Kraus, Imperial ( Tremolo! of lioense to 1VI, Upton, Imperial hotel refused, Shop granted, Henry Rapp, -111x. ',Tremain hag roplaoed the trees fn the town park which failed to grow lent 0ea8on, - J, Gildaer, lately employed with 0, P, Y.� Porton, hue taken 090r the bntober busi• now oarried on by A, Beaton on Wallace etrert.-Beet, Binning, sou of W, 1;. Binning, of this town, lute gone to Cal. eery, where he 11110 seettred a good situa- tionn t adr' goods i ubl sbment. -Ro 36 Ut, J. Kiugeley caught it Kieffer et the brew. any budge measuring 17 inches in length and weighing over two pounl0,-Bishop 13014113/1 is expe0led to bo present (1114 oolldnat the allnivseary s01vi1 8 in Ohrlat Chanel), on Sunday llfay 1 -101, - The eeh0ulma180 nod numerous friends In town t f ;Digo Millie Miller, who tree a pupil of the Listowel High School until oonlp.11td to relinquish her etudie8 lest 80a8on ()Mug to poor health, were pained to learn of that young ladies death, whioh occurred at her home near Milbank, on Sunday of last week. Deceased wag an only daughter of Thos. Miller, of Welles- leya 1 her d was a 71 1 et 1Jth year. II er affability and kiedly nature inda her a general favorite, )der school oaeemstes sent a floral wreath, and a load of them drove to 1131bauk to attend the rename - The football club elected the following otlioere : Hon. President, J. II. Stuart ; Hon. Vioe-Provident, R, Arkeli ; Presi- dent, W. I3. 013mie ; 101 Vioe, P. Kerr; 211d Vioe, P. Livingston 1 Captain, B. Tughen ; Seo'y•'1'reao., R. Cook ; Execu- tive Com, -E, Kidd, 0. Wilson, R. Hay- den, A. Bamford. A. Meyers and the Captain ; Team Com. -Captain, Seore- tary and Y. Mateo, TEE BRUSSELS POST [AY 5, 1899 A Frightful Blunder Will often Gauge a horrible Burn, Scald, Cut or Bruise. Buoklen'e Arnica Salve, the beet in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Curse Old Sores, Fever Sorsa, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. Only 25 oto. abox. Cure guaranteed Sold by 0. A. Deadman, Druggist. ROYAL. BUTEMAN," ROY & PRIDZIA 1[, PNors, This popular Stallion will take the season of 1800 as follows :- MONDAY, will 183170 bre own stable lot 8J, 0011. 0,East \Vawan0sh, and aroo8011 along sine line 80,$ 87 to Wm. P, 13all0hau's jr., con 5, for noon ; thence Eastward to gravel road, then South to Thomas Skelton's, Cou. 7, alorris, for nigh t. TUESDAY, will will proceed to Donald MO- Lean's, 000. 1, Morris, for noon ; thence to tno neighborhood of ll roseate for night WEDNFIBD\Y, will mooned to Arthur Smith's, Con. d Grey, for noon ; theuco )vast 2i miles, then {forth to Abram Bishop's for ¢ ght. THURSDAY, will pl'oteed West to Duncan Ta1'lor's, Con. 4, Grey, for noon ; thence to 70111011 aloVety's, Coo. 2, Morrie, for night, P1tIDAY, will proceed -West to \Vm, Isb1e- te1'6 Oon. 2, Morris, for noon ; thence Wear - to 1lingham gravel road, then to Zatlaud to Gavin Wilson's for night. SATURDAY, will proceed by way Of White- church to Armstroug'e Rotel, for one boar, then South to Peter Leaver's, Com 11, for noon ; thane° to hie own stable where ho will remain until the following Monday morning. "SIR WALTER." THOS. MoLAUCHLIN, P001'u, This Popular Stallion will take the sea• son of 1690 as follows :- AtONDAY,wi1l leave his own stable, Brue- ee1s, and go North to 2utt Com, Morris, than West to Wm Forrest's for noon ; thence ly way et the let Con to Bluevalo fur night, Tc DAY wt 1 proceed East alongthe TU S 1 Boundary ; to Gee 10 Be n alhonerd'slot Oen, GreMoles- worthnoon ; thence to SeohnfeNe Hotel, Mol°s- worth,for night. WEDNESDAY, will proceed nest 08 miles,. then South to NV APcOormiok's Trowbridge, for noon ; thence to David Shallot's, 8th Oon, Elnan, for Mena THURSDAY, will [mooed to A Welongb- by'e, Silver Corners, for 110011 ; tlet:00 along the 12th Con to Long's Hotel, Craubrook,lor night. PRLDAY will proceed to Alex Buchanan's 1711t eon, (trey, for noon • thanoo West, via Walton, to T Nolan's 73011811, for night. SATURDAY, will proceed to -lot noon ; 1118008 to his own stable, where he will remain until the followin g Monday morning. Vt?Iul tofu I STNEM tag 01 Bat MEI This interesting ulaoo is now rapidly (som- ing into prominence, situated as it is In the. heart of the hunting grounds of Muskoka. Ibis reached by GRAND 'DRUNK RAILWAY SYMTE,IT. from 'any point TO HUNTSVILLE, thanes by steamer over the beautiful waters of Petry auct Peninsular Lakes, to Grim- m ere, whsle every facility waste for reach- ing different parts of the lakes by means of the Lake of nays Nev, Co. Anglerswill find tide a veritable paradise, and can safely be Promised an of the result of theirdance efforts. Excellent e and boarding houses will to Potted here. hates SS and upwards per clay. Tlokete and folders and all information from G, T. R. Agents, J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Brussels. Who Live out of Town Don't think for a moment that my store is too far away. Every step you take my way is money in your pec• ket, Oall and see what I have in- - Dress Goods, Silks, -Trimmings, Ribbons, -Lace Curtains, Prints, M- uslins, Art Draperies, Cottons, Cottonados, -Flannelettes. Always a full lino of Cromp- ton Corsets. Groceries, Complete stook of fresh Orooerioo, Canned Goods, Spines. Teas and Ooffeee a epeolalty. J, G. SKE NE Agent. for Parker's Dye "Works. Strictly One Price, e Boll9i Need to Always the Lowest, 'ell You That we are doing a Dry Goods business in Brussels -You all know that -But we want to tell you of some Special Bargains we're offering this week. If things were going at regular prices all the time we could do without newspaper advortis•. ing. It is to tell you store news that we use this space, and this week we wish to tell you of these Special Prices A.t 25c per yard - 11 pieces double folrl Wool( Fancy Lnstree, ohofoe patterns, jeer- 0118 thing for separate skirts to wear with shirt waists, At $1 00 per yard -Heavy pure S3111, Blaols Saoin Luxor, and Pena de soar, not worth a copper less ihau 91,25. At 150 per yard --High clues Plaid Gingham for Shirt Waists, absolutely feet color. At 12zo per pair - 20 dozen only, full Mullioned Mateo Cotton Hose, Garman make, Her- enedorf dyes, real value 30o. At 85c each, -10 only, a job line of flue 10 x 4 White Honey Comb Quilts, the kind we've been selling at $1,25. A.t 25c per pair -5 dozen Women's full feebioned heavy all wool plain and ribbed Cashmere Hoke, real value 35o, At $1.26 each -15 only, 10x4, Imported White Marseilles Quilts, real value 91.55. At 25o per yard -2 pieces heavy Union Carpet, choice new patterns as Moe es you'll see at ado. At 85e per pair -38 only, Sommer Millets, sizes 10 to 25, real value 50e. At lee per yard -5 pieties English Art kneeling in most artistic patterns. At 5c per yard -15 pieces 30 inch Flannelette in Hebb and medium dark ehadee, real value 7e. 1f you put us to the test on the above lines we won't tell you they're all gone if you ask for them. J. Ferguson GlxCo., Dry Goods and Groceries. SHOES AT Redllce Prices. As an inducement to Cash Customers and for the purpose of .having our Shove seen and examined by all we have decided to sell al Reduced Prices for Thirty Days for Cash, beginning on Saturday, April 22nd, and con. tinning up to May 20th, inclusive. We invite all our old cnetomers 00 well as the new ones who will favor us by Doming in and examining the goods, and then the deoieion will remain with yourselves as to whether you will buy 0r not, but we want you to see the Goods. Bring your repairs with you, they will have our prompt attention. - Harness Department-_,°itHona'°g°ot Harness above mentioned time for Cash. 50 Choice- round Cedar Fence Posts for sale. subject for the .. I. C. RICHARDS. 174 E Pure Manilla, 650 ft. to Ib. Farmers, Don't be taken in. Thera 1s none t1Just as good." This Twine will not bunch at the linotter, and a Binder will run all day without stoppage, thus saving time and annoyance. We pack our Twine in bags of the size of ordinary grain bags, and we are not ashamed to put our name upon it. Don't take any other, • Coiaumers' Cordage Co. LIMITED. MONTREAL. Leave your orders now for above Twine with N. P. Gerry -or Cardiff 86 But. PRIMUS GUARANTEED-Ifit'goes up you don't pay any more than present price ; if it goes down you get the benefit. Heaar ers FOR THIS PART OF THE EARTH ! Don't Yon 1.1e the last person in the World to tiled out where the Best Goods etre Sold Cheap A Croat Rumpus Among Shrewd Buyers is the Natural Result of our Unusually Generous Inducements for the Season's Trailo • Come in and See our Complete ABsortment of Spring and Summer Styles in , , i BOY'S C'ING, Hats, Caps anti Gents' Furnishing Goods. A GRAND DISPLAY, -:- A GREAT STOOK,. JUST WHAT IOU WANT. WE MARK THEM LOW TO SELL THEM QUICK, , O11 Prices at the Low -Water Mark No Question about Your being Pleased with our Goods and Prices. See the Rigb7j Waterproof Smoc76. 'fo keep a full line of Overalls, Smocks, Rigby Water- proof Bicydle Suits, and Rigby Waterproof Coats. Nothing like them. Specialty made of Ordered Clothing. CHAMPION CLOTHIER, OUR NEW SPRING . . ��AI�Y�IAD� CLOTHINJ is now to hand and for Style, Quality and Cheapness it is the best W8 have ever shown. Oar 12102'0 Snits at $5 00, 35 50 and $6 00 are extra value. Then we have them at 98.50 and $10.00, equal in every way to many tailor made Suite at doable the price. Also see our range of Children's, Boys' and Youths' Suite. They are all right. ouP Stook of Boots, $Loss and. flubbers is fully assorted with New and. Stylish Goods. Our Prices are Low, Styles Correct and Quality Good. have a look through our new Oxfords and you will see something that will matte you decide that you really meet have a pair of our Mee Shoes. • .New Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins; Kid •Gloves, Crompton- Corsets, etc,, etc. LWApril Standard Patterns and Fashion Sheets to hand. Have you tried the Pat. . tome ? They give a perfect fit ; are better and about half the price of other Patterns. Don't forget that we peep the Standard Patterue in stook. Everything obeap. No fanny prices. A call solioited. 1e St an. Brussels Carriage Works. g 4)44) NES Has now on hand and for sale the following line of goods Buggies. Top and Open Buggies with h and if Nell wheels, In ooloe-Blaols, Green, Carmine and Natural Wood, Sise of bodies, 20, 22 and 24 in, Also jump Seat Buggies with lin. wheels, Democrats With two and three seats. Carts. Road and Speeding Carle, Wagons. Farm Wsgong oenlpleto, 2 and 2j in, tireg with malable arms 3,} and 4 in. Wagon Dear only if, eo hakes]. Fern Trcoks 2i and 8 in, tires. One-horse Wagon, with or without box. Also Orooer's Delivery Wagon. Wheelbarrows. Wheelbarrows with steel or wood whole. As we handle the above line of geode by the car lot purobasers will get the benefit by buying from no, Carriage Works, Brusseis. Repairing and Painting ill, the above lines a specialty.