HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-4-28, Page 7APRIL 28, 199. THE BR,IISS Ls POEIT. AN ENGLISH CATTERY. Lady Marcus Beresford 11as for the last fifteen years mode quite a busi- nsss of the breeding and rearing of cats, AL Bishopsgate, near Egham, mho Pae what Is without doubt the fittest cattery -as such establishments are galled -1n the uorld. "I bave applica- tions from all parts of the world for my eats and kittens," said Indy Mar- cus, in a chat about her hobby, "and I may tell you that it is lurgely•beeauso of this that 1: hive founded the Cat Club, which hue for its object the general welfare of he cat and 1115 im- provement of tJao breed. The presi- dents of the club are Lily, Molnar; of Marlborough, the Duchess of Welling- ton, and Lord Marone Beresford. There us a very strong working Dom-, mittee of the club, and the fist of mem- bers is steadily increasing. I should be very glad to have all who aro in- terested write to the bon. secretary of the club, at 56 West Kensington Mansions, London. "My cutteries were established in 1800, and at one time 1 had as many as 160 cats and kittens. They were a source of great amusement to both my guests and myself, especially if tea was served on the lawn, for the lawn was made their playground. r'Somo of my pets live in a pretty pottage covered with creepers, which might well be palled Cat Cottage, No expense has been spared in the fit- tings of the rooms, and every provi- sion is mule for warmth and ventila- tion. One room is set apart for the girl who takes entire charge of and feeds the ;pussies. She has a boy who works with her and performs the rougher tasks. There is a small kit- chen for cooking the meals for the cats, and this is fitted with every re- quisite. On the walls are racks to hold the white. enamelled bowls and plates, used for the food. There is a medicine chest, which contains every- thing that is needful for prompt and efficacious treatment in case pussy be- comes sick. On the wall are u list of the names and a full description of all the inmates of the outcry. and a set of rules to bo observed by both the cats and their attendants. These rules are not ignored, and it is a trib- ute to the intelligence of the cat to see how carefully pussy can income amenable to discipline, if once given to understand of what that disoips-. Line consists. "Then there is a garden cattery. I think this is the prettiest a t of all. It is covered with roses and ivy. In this there are three .rooms, provided with shelves and all other conveni- ences which can add to the cats' com- fort and amusement. The residences of the male oats are most complete, for I have given them every attention possible, Each married male cat has bis separate sleeping apartments, clos- ed with wire and with a 'run' attach- ed. Close at band is a large square grass 'run,' and in this each gentle- man takes bis daily but solitary ex- ercise. One of the stringent rules of the cattery is that no two males shall over be left together, and I know that with my cats, if this rule wero not observed both in letter and precept, 11 would be a case of 'when Greek meets Greek: I do not wish It to ba understood that the gentleman eats are forced to lead a solitary existence, for they have their reception days for lady visttors, who seem to open their eyes in astonishment at the luxurious arrangements provided for guests. "I vary the food for my eats as much as possible. One day we. will have most appetizing bowls of fish and rise. At the proper time you can see these standing in the cat kitchen ready to be distributed. Another clay these bowls will be filled with minced meat. In the very hot weather a good deal of vegetable matter is mixed with the food. Swiss milk is given, so there is no fear of its turning sour. For some time) I have kept a goat on the prem- ises, the milk from which is given to the delicate or younger kittens, "Cleanliness is a great feature of the Bishopsgate oattery, and in sash room or compartment is planed a box of dry earth to encourage the pussies in cleanly habits. My oxperiehoe with the Persians in particular has been that they are naturally in their per- sonal habits of that Berne degree of daintiness that distinguishes the hu- man of the class that is better bred. And I cannot say that the Siamese are lass particular, It is interesting to see that, in spite of the wide dif- ference in the breeds, they meet on n common ground of aristocracy, feline though it be. Apart from the pleasure and amuse- ment of keeping cats, you know, the pussies can be made a good soured of Income. I know of one instance where a friend of mine cleared about seven- ty pounds annually by matins of one pair of bine Persians -Beauty Boy and Bluetits. I have started many of my poorer friends in eat breeding, and they have proved conclusively how easily an addition to their income can be made, tot only by breeding good Persian kittens, and selling them, but by exhibiting them at the various bows and taking prizes. But of course, there is a fashion in cats as in everything else. ; When I started breeding blue Persians about fifteen years ago they were very scarce, and I could easily get £5 apiece for my kittens. Now this variety is loss sought after, and self silvers, commonly called chinchillas, are in demand. One of the best specimens of this breed is to be Sound in Sweetheart of Bishopsgate, These oats should have no decided markings, but be white, tipped with silver gray. Lollypop, Stella and the Angel are beautiful self silver kittens worth their weight in gold," And then her ladysbtp went into an elaborate and enthuaiastio description of her pets -Siamese cats lilco Paahan and Cambedin, each 'with one or two bidets or kinks to the tail, and encu, in this end in their colouring, bearing, a strong resereblanee to pug dogs ; ;Azure, a fine. blue Persian with a pair of lovely yellow eyes, a special beauty in bluecute; the tine orange -coloured Lifeguard, a renowned prize Winner; Gutsy, a hcanitfnt smoke-enloured cat of the ecrre01 shading, white at the 'ants of the fur nn'l Meek at the tips, with n• sort of halo of light fur. at I lei ruff ; the sable Kismet, n lovely little onetime', which Lord 'Willinln R°t esfnrd freewill from etwineere, and olive; splendid specimens, hdenier), Lion of which v oul5 male any eat low• er turn green with envy, Tit=Bits, WASTED, Miss Topnot-Isn't 1t too bad about this book? Miss Panhandle -Why, what is the matter/ Miss Topnot-Why, I didn't discover until I had finished it that I had read it before, HE MIGHT HAVE KNOWN. Cholly, the idiot, told Ethel that be loved her so he wished there were two of her. I think that rather bright. So did °holly, but now she is jealous of the imaginary other. SHADES 073' MEANING, The Growler -Confound these news- papers! Why Can't they say.a man was plu'alyzed instead of stricken with paralysis/ The Ribber -Because the meaning is totally otherwise. ITIS ACKNOWLEDGMENT. You admit, said the Judge, severely that you marriedthese two womeni I did, said the unabashed bigamist. They are my better two-thirds. HOW TO TELL IT. Have you ever read the article on bow to tell a bad egg? No, I haven't; but my advice would be, if you have anything important to tell a bud egg, why break it gently. AN UNGALLANT REPLY. She -Did you know that I am an actress now ? Why, no. All 1 heard was that you had gone on the stage. A SUCKER. I went a -fishing with Dorothy, One May day, sweet and fair, 1 caught naught, but she caught me In the meshes of her ]fair. IN THE DARK. Wire, ominously; I know where you were last night, sir! Husband, irritably -Then why don't you tell met Caa't you see I'm in no mood to be kept In suspense/ NOT QUITE SURE. Do'ou think bachelors ought to be taxed some one asked. g I'm not quite sure yet, she answered dreamily. Give me another week and maybe 111 be able to land him without any outside help. LABOR LOST Young Hardhead-I don't see why I am not invited to parties oftener. I am sure I always behave like a gen- tleman. Young L ighthead-That's the trou- ble. You are so very gentlemanly that the girls think you stupid. A PLEASANT THOUGHT. Clara -I tried to console Sadie fox the lose of her front tooth. Maud -What did you say? I told ber Ididn't think it would make the slightest, difference. NO DIFFERENCE. These eggs aro not so good as the mica you sent last week. They ought to be, mum. They're out of the same crate. THE RIVAL BELLES, He -I really believe Miss IIighup tried to out us. She, rival belle -If she hadtried she would have succeeded. Did you ever see such a hatohot-face 1 OUR LITTLE FAITH. Mrs, Blinks -Dear ,ne, it's raining. How am I to got this letter mailed? Friend -•Laud it to the letter car- rier. Mrs. Blinks -Huh 1 He'd forget all about it. He's a man. A STRANGER PRESENT. .Struggling Minister -There was a stranger in church to -day. Wife -What did he look like / 1 did not see him. Then how do you know there was a slrenger among the congregation 1 I found a good quarter in the oon- tribution box. THE HEATHEN CHINES^ Mrs. De Fasbion-What perleotly horrible creatures the Chinese are 1 I am told that in China the men actual- ly buy their wives. Mrs. Ds Style -Yes, isn't it horrible? By the way, when le your daugbter to marry Mr. Bullion? Mrs. De Fashion -Just as soon as he recovers from this last attack of gout. LIKELY' ENOUGH, Magistrate -You are accused of breaking into a house and - Prisoner -It was all an accident, jedge. I jest felt a sort o' tired -like, an' leaned agin the wall for 0 rest, an' it fell in, 00' I tumbled through the hole. Magistrate -Nonsense 1 The idea of a side of a house falling in with only a man's weight resting against it. Prisoner -Please remember, jedge, it was ono o' these ere suburban houses woles put up by contractors by the hundred, ate sold on installments. Magistrate -Oh 1 You may go. HAD OJISE.Ii;VED IT. There had been a brilliant oompany at the home of a society leader, a wo- man whose husband, while a very worthy man, was noted rather for his motel attainment.& Well, Abner, she said, after the last visitor hid gone and they had sat down to talk, it over, it was itcomplete success, wasn't it? Sure, replied the husband. Did you. notice Professor 5 U0hmane no was the roan with the bandage around Ms neck, wasn't he? Yee, You beard him talk, didn't you? Oh ya9, I heard him. What an astonishing vocabulary be hall Well, that may be what 11 le, said Abner, doubtfully, but from the way lie had held his bead I'should judge it was a carbuncle. TIRED AND LANGUID THE EXPERIENCE OF AN ESTIM- ABLE YOUNG LADY. Iter lilo0d WM. Poor and Watery -Suffered Prom Sick Ilendarhea surd 5n1511nc Spells-lloW She Regained Ilerelth'a Bloom. The Reoorder, Brockville. On one of the finest farms in Wol- ford township, Grenville county, re- sides Mr, and Mrs. Alonzo Smith and family. Mr. Smith is perhaps one of the hest known men in the county, as in addition to being a practical farmer he represents several agrioultural im- plement companies, His family con- sists of two estimable daughters, the eldest being seventeen years of age. To u correspondent' at the Brockville Reoorder 15110 recently vaned at Mr. Smith's, Miss Minnie E. Smith, the eldest daughter, related the following story: -"About two years ago I was taken quite 111. I became pale and languid, and if I undertook to do any work about the house, would easily beanie terribly fatigued. I became subjeot to terrible sick headaches, and my stomach became so weak that I teethed food. My trouble was further aggravated by weak spells, and my feet, winter or summer, were as cold as We; in fact it seemed as if there was no feeling in them. I tiled several kinds of medicine, but instead of help- ing me I was growing weaker. One day in Match, 18£8, my father brought home a box of Dr- Williams' Pink Pills. I immediately disountinued the other medicine and began taking the pills. I found that they helped me and four more boxes were procured and by the time I had finished them I was en- tirely well. Ihave never bad better health in my life than Tam now enjoy- ing. My appetite is now always good and T have increased in weight. All this is due to the efficacy of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, and I would advise any other young girl troubled as I was to use them, and they will certainly mire if the directions are followed. The facts above related are impor- tant to parents, as there are many young girls just budding inie. wo s n- hood whose condition is, to say the least, more critical than their parents imagine. Their complexion is pale and waxy in appearance, troubled with heart palpitation, headaches, shortness of breath on the slightest exercise, faintness and other distress- ing symptoms whtoh invariably lead to a premature grave unless prompt step; are taken to bring about a nat- ural condition of health, In this emer- gency no remedy yet discovered can supply the place of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which build anew the blood, strengthen the nerves and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. They are certain ours for all troubles peculiar to the female system, young or old. These Pills also cure such diseases as rheumatism, neuralgia, partial paralysis, l000molor ataxia, 5t. Vitus' dance, nervous headache, nervous prostration, the after effects of la grippe, influenza and severe colds diseases depending on humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysi- pelas, eta. Do not be persuaded to ac- cept any imitation, no matter what the dealer may say who offers it. Imita- tions never cured any one. See that the full name Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People is on the wrapper around every box you buy. FLASH' MEASURED. By means of a photograph, made with a vibrating lens, scientists have cal- culated the time of a ]ighlningflash. It comes out one nineteenth of a second. The calculation is basad upon the mul- tiple image in the photographs and the rate of vibration; of the lens. The time applies, of course, only to the particular flash that was photograph- ed'. i BLACK BABIES. The children of the blankest Africans are brown whitish. In a month they become pale yellow; in a year, brown; at 4, dirty blaok, and at 0 or 7, glossy black. Nave You Catarrh ? Then get Ca,tarrhozone, which is neither a wesb, snuff nor ointment, but odorous gas, which is carried by air directly to the diseased parts. It penetrates wherever air am go, and never fails to cure. Have you slight symptoms of consumption? Theu try Cwtarr'hozone. ,Outfit, $1.00. Sample bottle and inhaler, 10 cents. For sale by all druggists. Manufactured by N. C. Poison & Co., Kingston, Ont, Send 10 rents for sample, The Marquis of Salisbury' keeps about seventy indoor servants, not counting dependents of a higher class, suet' as private secretaries, librarians and chaplain& lows enema for oslo, 62 per acre Oash, Bal. atm y Won until paid. J. Montan, Mous city, la. Of 802,000 blind persons In Europe, Russia confesses to be responsible for 192,000. La Toscana, 10c. 1,11et'O ,V,1Vlonieo011 Billboard advertisements are posted in some plaoes,by machines that reach to the top of a 60 -foot wall without ladder or paste pot. We la. 0. 908 CALVERT'S carbolic Dlelnfdotante. soape, CIl,it Mont, Tooth Powder.% etc., have been tweeted 100 medals and diplomas fbr superior exo011enoo. I'h510 regular use prevent infoeti. MI5 dlaoasee. Askyour d°atar to obtain a supply. Lints mal led free on application. F. C. GALVEItT & Co., MAAMCHEerno. - swam/tatr, Of 69,000 adult immigrants admitted to the country in the last three months of 1898, 41,000 had mousy, Less than 9,000, though, had mole than $30. Per Over Fifty Terme MRH, WINSLOW'S HOOT1i7NG HYRUP has bee. I,o.4 b mothers for Such 01j11 108 teething. It eoothol the ahnld softens the gems, open7s all Pala, burse bet, 511e, 01185 U the hest remedy for throughout m 460 a boo 111.. 611,1 by all Elmdruggists low's ho th the world. x15 taro and ask 00, 2,011 Wtmlow'a Soothing Syrup' The nnmbar of cities in Massaohu- setts has doubled in twenty -Sive years , TO CURE A 0OLD IN ONE DAY Tatra Laxative Bromo ttulufoe Tablets. All Drug. Meta rotund the moray it It tulle W aura. Mo. Ostriches, when frightened, get over the ground at the rate of twenty-five miles an hour. Their strides measure 11 1-2 feet, Bflles Poultry Crit Is the beet digester In the market LAUltENTIA11.SAND & GRAVEL 06, Montreal. Hotel chambermaids are uuknown in Mexico. Men make the beds and keep the rooms In order. t1 Pltaraflv1. TOC)." Payne, of Granby, Quo" Guar MImmfeat0rer. At present the longest single sub- marine cable is 2,700 miles. How's This ? Weolior One Hundred Dollars Reward for any two or Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Ouro. 11. J. OHBNIOY & 00., Props., Toledo, 0. We the undersigned, have known F, 3. Cheney Por the 1[1,0 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obliga- tions made by their firm. weer&TRUAx, wheleoalo Druggistsy�'1'olado,O. WALDnta, 1{INNAR R: MARVIN, wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio, Hall's Catarrh Cure is tatcen Internally, act- ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur- faces of the system. PH007543. per bottle. Sold yHell'Druggists. F roily Pills are the best. Ann Maria Grant, who was 71 years a servant in the family of Mr. Hailes, of Chalk Farm, Babraham, has died at Lenten at the age of 87. NEW S'rlLkl OF ADDRESS. It is getting to be the faOblen to ad- dress red stamp envelopes on the bank, With the directions written aoross the folds the letter cannot: be operiod by an unauthorized person without the fact being noted, ONEN 10 IJI T Coro °Uro. Ant your kit® 1 f� ®drugeir rorft. Prioel9u g 1108'1'REAL The " Balmoral," Froe Bus Qi'oo '4; Rheumatisiin—our° 0555511 i9 24 hours, an P.O.roia0 ,CAAtbymall op 0005(1 of $1. DR. ICOUBY, .O. Box sis, dloutroal. CUTTING SCHOOL- Tudors and Drees• makers,send for eat- alovC. & 0. 501100L CO., ua ontreal. FOR SALE -One Sinop on Ory Pres' Bruck flechln,with screen, elevators, and n Johnson d y Pao; oleo 2 Cornell Hand Br000m, a'1 In Ile,and nr ie 04 very I is tie recd. A pply to Hrick., Room non n rd 01 'I'rsdo, bloatra,l, am ff Y■ere8 era➢nota tytna.e who 5531 taaud where, mi., to to DL Arnott, Berlin who will oonsinco you he can corona 29 OB OUR BTUDF,NT0 baro recently 10500 goo4 sltuattone, and tour poelslo50 remain uuellea IT'S A STICKER for quality—remember the name -'- EL Lead packages, CEYLON TEA. 25, 30, 40, 5o & Goa, HAVE YOU SUBSCRIBE° FOR law"— HOME HOME - NEEDL WORK ? STRATFORD. ONT. we teach real buelueeo—mo imM taboo or nonsense. In fair oompelItlon our graduates are nearly always chosen. Business men appreohuo our work. Best Oommerolal School In Canada, Eater now: Circulars free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 05 Inner " Maltese Cross " Tubes. 4474titl- Issued Quarterly, 25c pO year. znd Number now in press. Send in your subscriptions at once fQ'p the year 1899 and receive Mat 1 and 2. No. 1 contains 30 colored plates, giving the exact' shads and reproducing the stitches In that many studies. Send sec to OORTICELLI SILK CO, 101 Richelieu St., St. Johns, P. Q. wee B. -When replying to this ADVT, specially mention this paper, give the lame oi'paper and where you saw it. itFRWlSEMOTHFRKNOWS THE VALUE OF AS A PARTURIENT MEDICINE. Books, Cath "l. � o Rosaries, ry�=k Crucifixes, rage r Scapulars, Religious Pictures, Statuary and CHURCH ORNAMENTS, Educational Works. hied orders receive prompt attention. D. J, SA®? IER & CO., moNEAL Wegivethis fine -Blade 4 Pearl Handle KNIFE for selling 6 Ladies' Gold Plate Shirt Waist BEAUTY PINS at 00 cents each. Simply send your address and we will forward wicks post-paid. When sold, send the 6o cents and we will send knife, with all charges paid, Address, Qom Novelty Co.,Toronto, Ont. New Tires 14 "1 r_I' per DOUBLE TUBE. ��t1I' Beal c. o. 0. to say address MW mall 11.0tle5 B requested. mins WM. B. NORTHAM, TORONTO, ONTs THS MOST NUTRITIOUS. EPPS'S GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. COCOA BREAKFAST -SUPPER. t HEALTH RESTORED wlthnae m:dl00 pp ar epee to Bladder, Eldoa s, Brain ndaBreath Nerves, Bleed, D Barry '$ llsvalenta Arablca Food• Invalids and Children and also Rome e which Saves h20 manfully Intents whaeapAilments and Debility then Mated od is rlejecteder treatments. ,T saes 50 Bao a lteIt looet in ents when 9 Invariable Swoons, 100,005 Annual °urea of Const( s Hon Flatulegno Dya opal iIndigo.tlon Consumption Diabetes nronnbaa, 1515*. erre, 0uuglr Aatbmu, datum,, Pht."gm, DIarrbma,' Nervous Ddbillty, eleepleeeoeee, Deebondenay, DuCarry & C® �Ltmaady 7 Regea n Htroet, London, W., mien in Parlo,14 Rue do o tlglion, cod at all Grocers, Chemists, and Stores everywhere, in do* @a, J,, 6d, ee., dub. 14s. eonl oarringo f ee. Aleb fid Dare's or Canada: aRi oohsT., Kinaton tiro Ja 6,1 andga. Aponte for anbbe db., Ltmttod. woronta 50 Years .150 w.xn.. a,,ro :Swarf roe..,, ,12z aro.Dram. ^.a:a41Pa.'.:.rtaiboaw Unrivalled One of the most valuable products of the farm is a fine crop of Mangels. To grow the heaviest crops, the very finest selections of seed must be sown. STEELE, RRICCS' Prize Mammoth or Ciant Long Red IY ANCEL Is the greatest weight -producer known. Requires deep, well - enriched soil, and will yield enormous crops of clean, sound, well -formed roots of great weight. Pries by mail (post-paid) per ib., 2ao.; 5 lb. lots or over, Igo. lb., or 4c. per Ib, less if purchaser pays carriage. SEAIGGs'61flt 1HL Ye+11ot Offal -shaped Paffigel A grand variety for shallow soils; grows large, hand- some, clean, sound, heavy roots. Price by mail (post. paid) per Ib., 220. ; 5.1b. lots or over, ygc. Ib., or 4c. per lb. lees if purchaser pays carriage. STEELE, SMOGS' Ciant Yellow CLOSE I A CEL On heavy clay soils it Is perfection ; grows above ground, with a small tap root; bulbs large, fine globe shape, sound and heavy. Prise by mail (post-paid) per Ib.,2xc, ; 5 -lb. lots or over, 390. per lb., or if purchaser pays carriage, at 40, per Ib. less. If You Wish a .... Good Crop, Use Steele, Brigs' SEEDS Send your name for CATALOGUE, It containsuseful and vale. able In. formation neseametsmeermeawanauen The Best Seeds Are Cheapest to buy The Safest to plant. STEELE, BRIGGS' ...Famous Garden, Flower and Field Root Seeds are sold by leading merchants everywhere Should you be unable to obtain them from your merchant, send your order direct to "HEAD- QUARTERS" HEAD- QUARTERa" and secure S I<rwits $�8�1t Grow ig Oro S A thorough germination test is made with all Garden, Flower and Mold Root Seeds before they aro sunt out, and a Field Trial Is made upon oar own grounds each season to prove their quality. The utmost caro is given in the interest of buyers and planters. t9 W tgr W tsl' w poi'TH pY va r° The increased product with Good Seeds many times exceeds the difference in cost from Using inferior, low-priced $cede. Olin is,: ? _E" I ,1 111 TRACE G. :; AWE. see that it is upon all labels and packages when buying your supplies. All enquiries promptly answered. 1 MPee.. ...a„a ma. ,A,a„N.r The STEELE, BINGOS SE �a TOR/'ONTO, Limited, Ont. .�m.ssenovemmoresencesesersvemessmeasernmarealf