HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-4-28, Page 1In Advance gate
Tho "Post" and Globo
To Tan. 1000
In Advance gets
Tho ('rose" and Globo
To Jan. 1900
Vol. 27. No, 42
Notice to Creditors.
In the Snrrogate Court of the County of
Huron, in the matter of the estate of
I7liaa Ann Savage, late of the Town-
ship of Grey, in the county of Huron,
Widow, demigod.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to revised
Statntoe of Ontario, 1838, Floe, 38, that all
creditors and others leaving any olaims
against the Estate of BMA ANN 8AVAG11,
Tato of the Township of Grey, to the County
of Huron, Widow, de00and, who died on or
about 111010411 day of 1larah, A. D. 3808, in
Gm said Township of Grey, aro hereby ra-
duirod bo scud by Post, Prctanld, or to dollvor
to G,0'. Blair, of the Villago o1 hrusecis,
solipitfr for ,,9eph Coined, of 0110 Town-
ehlp of Groy, 10 Um Oouuty of Huron, the
AOmmisbr,ttor of 1110 said combs, on or be,
furs thelath clay al May, 1800, their Rill
names, addresses and doeoriptious and full
particulars of their 0101010. and the nature
of the securities, if any, hold by them. And
notioe is hereby given that, after the said
oo t a to distribute 111 1 assets i of ein0
deceased among the persons entitled there-
to,havingregard .only to bheolaim0 of which
notice shall have boon given as above re-
quired, mud the said Administrator will not
he responsible for the assets, or any part
4110000100 distributed, to any parson of
whose 01ain1 nutioo ,ball nob h,vo boon re-
ceived al the time of each distribution,
G. P. BLAIR, Brussels, Out.,
Solicitor for Administrator.
Dated at Bruasel0, April 21:11,1800.
New Advertisements.
Local—D. A, Lowry,
Flax—Oameron Bros,
Bioyoles—A. Coseley,
Wail Paper—Jeo. Fox.
Bicyolos—G. A., Deadman.
Puree lost--.Bobt. Holland,
Hard wars—Wilton. & Turnbull.
Bull fur service—Hugh Ramsay.
Notice to Creditors—G. b'. Blair.
Some bargains—J. Ferguson es Go.
Shoe Department—MoKinnon & Co.
Wood's Pboephodine—The Cook Co.
Seed Potatoes.
The undersigned has a limited
quantity of home grown "Rural
New Yorkers" for sale for seed.
Can't bo beaten for yield and
Thos. Russell,
N. ?• Lot 13, Con. 7, Morris.
Strictly One Price,
Always the Lowest.
oll't Nee io Tei Yoii
That we are doing a Dry Goode business in
' Brussels—You all know that—But we want to tell you of some
Special Bargains we're offering this week. If things were going at
regular prices all the time we could do without newspaper advertis-
ing. It is to tell you store news that we use this space, and this
week we wish to tell you of these Special Prices :—
At 25c per yard
—6 pieces double fold Bleck Fancy
Lustros, choice patterns, jest the thing
for separate okiito to wear with shirt
At $1.00 per yard
—Heavy pure Silk, Black Satin
Luxor, and Peau de _coir, not worth a
copper lase than $1.25.
At 15c per yard,
—High class Plaid Gingbame for
Shirt Waists, absolutely fast color.
At 120 per pair
—20 dozen only, full fashioned
Maoo Cotton Hose, Germau make, Her•
enedorf dyes, real value 20o.
At 85c each
—10 only, a job line of fine 10 x 4
White Honey Comb Quilts, the kind
we've been selling at $1.25.
At 25c per pair
—5 dozen Women's fell fashioned
heavy all wool plain and ribbed Oaehmere
Hole, real value 850.
At $1,25 each
—15 only, 10x4, Imported White
Marseilles Quilts, real value $1.05.
At 25o per yard
-2 pieces heavy Union Carpet,
choice new patterns as nice as you'll see
at 850.
At 35c per pair
—36 only, Bummer Corsets, sizes
19 to 25, real value 500.
At 10c per yard
—5 pieces English Art Matins in
most artistic patterue.
At 5c per yard
—15 pieces 80 Moll Flannelette in
light and medium dark ehadee, real
valve 7o.
If you put us to the test on the above lines we won't tell you
they're all gone if you ask for them.
Dry Goods and Groceries.
i k
We have received our stock of General Hardware and will
be pleased to be favored with your patronage in Shelf and Heavy
Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Graniteware, Churns, tko., &c.
Specialty made of Milk Spring sissortnient of
and Creamer j Cans. .Ready/ Mixed Paints,
Diamond Medal Binder Twine,
The best of all American Brands, made of the finest qual-
ity Pure Manila Fibre and guaranteed to run 650 feet to the pound.
Did you ever use the
�. Cali and get
Bowker Bose and Potash Fertilizer ?
Custom Work Carefully attended to.
Estimates Cheerfully given Our Prions are
on Sobs. Right.
Wiltonu _ -
Hardware, Stoves and Timzvare.
l frtd CiDS,
I+'.Isla ill.
Tun POST and weekly Globe to 1.900 for
$1.00 in advanoe. Now's your chance.
Rev. S. J. Arlin, of Benguela, will
.preach in the Methodist ohnrah here
next Sabbath evening. Rev. Mr, Hunter
will supply the pulpit at Brussels.
',Che cement walk laid clown by. H. F.
l8ioAllister stood the Winter firat.olaee,
It will be ooutinued as far as the poet-
olfloe tbie season. Hurrah I for Ethel.
Last week W. J. Sharp rented his
father's farm and moved to it this week.
Mr. Sharp, sr., will continne to live with
them. George Sharp and Miss Minnie
will go to the West where a eiat•r resides,
Don't forgot the Administrator's sale
of village property and hoaeohold effects
belonging to the estate of the lite Mre.
Henry Savage on Saturday afternoon of
this wcok, commencing at 3 o'clock.
Joseph Raynard ie the administrator and
F. S. Scott the auottonoer.
[7 a•: etabs-tact lt.
Tian Poso and The Globe for 81,00 in
advance to Jon. 1st 1000.
Roads have dried up fine but are a
trifle rough in some places,
Our looal fishermen are Rolling for a
race after the fiouy family.
Jno. Cameron is able to get about a
little after a lay up from a epraiued
Next Sabbath afternoon Rev. S. J.
Allis, of Brussels, will preaoh in the
Methodist obnrob in this plaoe.
We are pleased to state that Meesro.
Cameron intend operating the flax mill
this year and are now advertising seed
for sale. They will also rent a few sod
fields. 810.00 a ton is guaranteed for
first-olaooproduct next Fall. They de-
serve to do well by the business.
Mies Jennie MoNair will Bail per Allan
line steamer "Californian" on Saturday,
11/Tay 18th, for London, England, where
she will visit au aunt for a time. Mies
Jennie's many friends will very heartily
wish her a cafe and pleasant trip and a
good time in the land of the roar.
Miss P. Pepper, of New York, ie visit.
ing her brother on the 2nd.
Will. Stewart, of Weenie, left on
Tuesday morning for Dauphin, Macitoba.
Our farmers are turning the farrows
with speed this weep. Fine weather for
Mrs. Jamee Speer was away to Tooker.
smith visiting Mre. Gemmell and Mrs. A.
Grant, Inst week.
Tuesday of last week, John Pickett,
5th line, had a successful wood bee.
About 15 oorde were out.
Mies Maggie Watson, Sanehine, has
gone to Glenannan where ebe will take a
position in a store. We wish ber 0000000.
Metiers. Shedden hews posted upnotice e
on their farms, 4th line, forbidding peo-
ple from trespassing on their properties.
Mies Carrie Sonob, who has been visit.
ing fora few week under the parental
roof, 3rd line, returned to Toronto on
Wm. Stephenson, 5th line, moved his
log house beak a piece last week so as to
admit of the coming new brick reeidenoe
being built on the same site.
Last Monday W. H. MoOntaheon, 0th
line, disposed of a thoro' bred young
Tamworth boar to John Malotoeb, 12th
oon., Grey, ata good figure. Mr. Mo-
Outaheon is still the owner of a number
of fine T0mworthe.
The repairs to Thos. Clark's reeidenoe,
rendered necee0ary by the recent fire are
completed. A new roof had to be put on
and part of one aide of lithe house newly
aided. It was a wonder a clean [sweep
Wae not made by the fire.
AWAY To nun WEST.—Last Tuesday
morning H. Mooney, wife and two
youngest daughters left for Weyburn,
Aeeiniboia, N. W. T. They took a oar
of settlers' effects which included two
line teams, impiernento, lumber for a
house, &o. Mr. Mooney le an old and
worthy resideut of Morris and oannot
well be opared. He has had a long term
of service to the people of thio
township, being 'Pax Collector for 10
years ; Councillor, 10 years ; Reeve, 10
years, and Go. Councillor, under the
new Act, 2 years. A poouliar (drown.
etanoe in all these years ie that they all
mune to him by acclamation, if we mita
tape not. Mr. Mooney has taken up 640
aores bear Weyburn and the indications
ere that he has struck it 011 right, yet
many indulge in the hope that after
spending a season or two there he will
either sell out entirely oe convey it to
younger hands and return to his fine 100
aore farm in Morris. His old friends
wish him and his abundant prosperity in
which Tins PoeT heartily joins.
W roxet:er.
Itiobard Miller is here from Toronto.
Jno. Bray has started in the egg buying
There is talk of organizing a Base
Ball club this week.
Mylee Hazlewood, of Clifford, was in
town Oe Tuesday last,
0. E. and Mrs. Willie, of Clifford, spent
Sunday with S. Willie.
Mre. Moore, of Toronto, spent a few
daya with Mre. Thos. Sage.
Gibson Bros., ehipped a oar load of
maple blocks to Glaagow this week.
Mr. Godbolt, of Toronto, spent a few
days with his daughter, Mre. (Dr.)
Anson Spottoo, of Toronto, wag in
town on TIloeday visiting hie wash]
Rev. Mr. Andrewe, wife end obild
spent a day or two visiting his brother C.
W. Andrews.
Jne, Ireland and daughter, of Blytb,
attended the funeral of the late Jno.
Miller, last Saturday.
Jno, Miller, son of the late T.F. Miller,
while hunting maekrat0 end mink 8vae
ao0iclentaliy clot. IIe with two or three
Other boys were out on a jam of logs and
trees on the river. Jno. had laid his gnu,
whfnh Wits 000lted, on the loge end Pao
watching the boys, He then went to get
hie gun and unthougilbfnlly melted from
W. H. KERR, Prop.
in front of the gun instead of going to the
side of it on another log, He pulled his
gun by the end of the barrels and the
trigger naught on a twig thereby explod-
ing it. The charge tore part of his right
(land and was found all through hie right
lung. IIe fell bank unconscious and only
lived about 15 minutes. When the doe.
for got their he was just on his last breath,
The mother, sister' and brother have the
sympathy of the whole community. The
remains, which were Geminated to the
Presbyterian cemetery on Saturday
afternoon, were followed by a large num-
ber of friends and aoquainta0oe0. It was
a sad ease.
nun ACCIDENT —000 of the saddest
aooidnnta that has ever 000nrred in our
village happened Thursday evening of
last week, about 8 o'olook. John Miller,
a lad about 15 years of age, with it com-
panion named Arthur Robinson, was
shooting muskrats along the banks of the
Maitland river, Robinson asked Miller
for some cartridges, as his supply
bad ran out. Miller laid hie gala on a
pile of brush, handed over the oartridoee
and picked up his gun by the muzzle,
drawing it towards him. .The trigger
naught in the brushandthe whole charge
passed through the right lung killing him
almost instantly. The deueased wee a
eon of the late T. F. Miller, of Wroxeter,
who died about two years ago iaet Christ.
mai, and brother of Richard Miller, em•
ployed as olork at H. E. Snell's store at
Toronto Junction. Thefuneral took
plane on Saturday afternoon, Rev. R. S.
G, Anderson conducting the service.
Mre. Miller, mother to the deceased was
dangerously ill from the shock but ie
improving now.
Seeding has commenced.
Thome Bennett event Sunday al
P. Robertson wag in Goderioh for a
few days lest week.
R. Douglas and wife Snndayed with
relatives at Taokeram,th.
Mre. Peter Doig is very i11 at present,
but we hope to hear of her speedy re-
Mise Florence McKay, of St, Marys,
visited Mie, Marion Moxa , 9th con.
Y ,
this week.
Seeding ie general. A few made a
start last week, Abram Gook 4th eon.,
. being in the number.
John Kerney, who was dangerously ill,
has improved considerably in health and
is able to get about again..
Mies Florence McKay, of St. Marys,
woe the guest of Mies Marion Campbell,
12th con., for a few days last week.
The excavation is being made for the
cellar of the new briok residence, to be
ereoted on the 4th con. by Airs. Wm.
Burnett, the 4.year old son of Arthur
Smith, 5th con., is reoovering quite nicely
from a medical operation performed some
four weeks ago.
An improved Yorkshire hog has been
purchased by Arthur Smith, 5th oou.,
from J. E. Bretbour, the well known
Burford breeder.
Mrs. (Dr.) Rivera, of Crediton, was
visiting her father, John Hill, and old
friends in this locality during the past
week. She was a welcome visitor.
Mrs. Duncan Livingston hes hadalarge
woodshed built to the .Gael of her real -
demo, if miles North of Brussels. She
hes a very comfortable home now.
James Armstrong returned home from
Listowel last Tuesday. He bas recover.
ed rapidly from his operation its it ie
less than four weeks since it took plaoe.
Tai Poem gives the news. It may be
bad along with the Weekly Globe for the
balanoe of 1899 for the small sum of
$1.00 fu advanoe. Don't borrow any
The union Sabbath aohool held, in
Smith's school house, will reopen after
the Winter holiday on Sabbath, May 7th.
Mre. N. M. Richardson is the Superin.
Mre. J. Jenkins, who has been visiting
her daughter, Aire. N. M. Richardson,
left thio week for Goderioh where she
will renew old friendships before return-
ing to her home at Marshall, Alioh.
Mrs. Robert Molloy, 0th con., is beck
from Toronto, whither shelied gone for
an operation in the removal of a oataraot
from her eye. The work was success-
fully performed and Mrs. MoKay is
making favorable progress and will soon
be blessed with greatly improved vision.
A meeting of all interested in the recent
Debating Society, which met in Smith's
school house, will be held on Tuesday
evening of next week at 8 o'olook, in the
above mentioned solace!, to deoide on
what will be done with the money in the
Treaeurer'o hands.
Lash week wood bees were in full
swing on the 0th con. Jno. Steles load
off on Tuesday afternoon and a party in
the availing. Louie Hollinger had a bee
ou Wednesday afternoon and R, Menary
followed suit on Friday with a party at
night. The busy Beetling season will
wind qp the bees.
WEpnitle AT TIM Vmrp.—The Portage -
la -Prairie Daily Graphic of March 15111
says :—"A very quiet but pretty wedding
took plane this morning at Lansdowne
Villa, in the parlors of Mre, W. T. Reid,
which were taatsfully decorated with out
fiowere from the pity, Mioe Bertha Jenks
lin, the youngest daughter of Thomas
Jacklin, of Howiok,and John Papa.
ter, of Dauphin, Man., being the con-
tracting parties. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. Mr. Dean of the Metho-
dist ohurah in the pre5enoe of la few in.
Minato friends, The bridal party 08E30
in to the strains of Meodolseobn's
Wedding Maroli, preceded by little Tennis
Reid, as maid of honor, bearing wedding
ring 011 un embroidered white silk
ouahion. The bride was very becoming.
1 y attired in a travelling suit of brown
cloth, carrying a bouquet of Dream roue,
and wag the recipient of trimly handsome'
and useful gifts, whi011 indicate the e5•
teem in which alio is held. At the doge
of the ceremony and the oongratulations,
the happy 1100910 left at once, amid it
sl rine,old 511' pare end good
lotvor ofpl
rnhomeinDan his
wtsles, for their tutu Dauphin,
Mons' Berthas. many, Mende in On-
tario join with the test wiehfng them a
pleasant jet3rney down the rim of life.
Mise Maggio S. McNair, 14th con.,
who hag been visiting io Brussels for a
few weeks, has returned home.
A 250 pound boll has been purchased
by the Trustees of Smitb'e eohooi house
and will be planed on the building in the
near future. It is a good move.
Arthur Shaw, 4th con., 9ar0haeed a
young grade bull from George Robb, of
Brneeels, one of the animals advertised
in l'nz Po•T for the past few weeks.
Mies Ball intends leaving shortly for
tile Pacific, omit after a pleasant visit at
her home here. She has spent several
years in the West so is aoquainled with
the country.
Mrs. A. D. lvloOosh, of Pine River, who
has been visiting with relatives and old
friends returned to her home last week.
Her sister, alive Aanie Straoban, a0oom•
ponied her.
A young eon of Wm. Work while play-
ing with 6reoraokerg got some powder in
one of his eyes the other day that
temporarily interfered with the free neo
of the matte.
A commencement was made with the
work on the big ditch on Monday by
Contractor Oliver. They started at the
sideroad, South of Monorieff, and will be
into it full tilt.
A party was held at George Swiggler'a
on a reocnt evening. there wee a large
attendance but more boys than girls,
consequently the original program (mold
not be parried out.
George Dunlop, 16th oon., had the
fingers of one hand smashed while ad-
justing a bolt on is chopper recently.
We hope he will soon have the use of his
digits %gain all right.
On the let Sabbath of May the Union
Sabbath aohool in Shines school house
will commence operations. They always
close down daring the Winter. P. Hit.
°hie is the Superintendent.
Tbie is a great season for big returns
from oto°k. John Beechen, 3rd o00.,
owns a Yorkshire sow that made a record
for herself last week by presenting her
owner with 17 little piggie•wiggies, all
living. It would not take long to fill up
piggeries with yields like that.
One day reoeutly Jas. Ireland, jr., was
unceremoniously tossed out of his baggy
by his horse shying and landing on the
aide of his head received an ugly bruise
that rendered him unconscious for a
while. He might have been killed.
ANOTHER an Tln,zn.-13y the appear-
ance of a wood bee held ab Geared
Miohol's last Wednesday, the 12111 is
quite able to keep the lead, or at least
keep on a level, with any, as there was
88 oorde of hard wood out and about half
split. There is nothing slack about that
nor was there about the enjoyable even-
ing spent by all in tripping the light
fantastic and playing games till almost
daybreak. A large crowd was present.
First -clan music was furnished by the
large number of violinists while Dan.
Steins presided at the organ. We hope
Mr, and Mrs. Michel will call tie together
again as they know how young people
should he used.
Wine tL7t,m.
What about early 'being 7
Regular meeting of the town oounoil
next Monday evening.
The farmer's "busy time" has Deme,
Gardening operational are in order.
Rokt. Maxwell received a carload of
lumber last week for his new house.
Joeepbine street is deoidedly the better
for the recent cleaning it has undergone.
Button & Peasant have begun the work
on the 80x84 foot addition to their faotory.
The lecture by Rev. Morgan Wood was
an intellectual treat and was well attend.
ed. '
The council were fortunate in Bemiring
a plentiful supply of good gravel near the
Rev. Dr. Pascoe's sermons ere always
good, those on Sunday lest were es-
pecially good.
Sunday, 16th Met., there was three
inches of snow ; last Sunday, 23rd, the
dost was flying.
Work is progressing on the repairs to
the waterworks. The oounuil bee pur-
chased the water privilege of Carr Bros.
An address on "Three score and ten"
will be delivered by Capt. T. H. McLeod
in the S. A. barracks nest Sunday after-
noon at 3 o'olook.
D. Robertson shipped a double deok
oar load of bogs on Monday. D. Mc-
Donald sent a single deck oar the same
day. There wore about 300 hogs in the
two oarloads,
The. Mayor has a letter from Thoe.
Manuel announoing his safe arrival in
Winnipeg, and stating tine the reason be
left was that the town would not pay
him enffioient salary to keep his family
and pay his debts, which be intends to
do. He mentions meetinga number of
Winghamites in the city of the West.
PuneoNAre,—E. H. Dever, of Heneall,
was the guest of his sister, Mre. Button,
a few days this week,—Mre. C. P. Raeoo,
who has beau visiting Mre. A. Rose, re-
turned to Hamilton on Saturday.—Mr.
Martin, of Fingal, spent this week with
his sou, Robert, assistant at the G. T. R.
—B. Gerry, of Brussels, was in town on
Monday. —Wee. Walker, of Walker Bros.,
spent Sunday last in Bruesels. He at•
tended the ohuroh service of the I.0. 0.
F. in Melville olmroh. About sixty Odd.
follows numbed in the proeeesion.—D.
Garniss and D. lfloKay started for Dan•
phis, Man„ on Tuesday: Wm. Deyell
will spend the Summer in Winnipeg.
He left on Tuesday. Mr. and Mre.
Gracey spent Sunday in Blyth,—Mre,
Geo. Russell and three children left per
C. P.R. on Tuesday for Dauphin, Man.
111135 Geetie remains in Wingham until
Fall. Rhbt. McGregor went by same
train for Winnipeg.
The big iron bridge over the Grand
River at Dundee street, Par10, Ont„ col.
lapsed through the undermining of the
Western pie %
The District meeting of the Methodi08
ohurohng in the Wingham District will
be held In Benumbs on Tunably and Wed.
nesday, May 10th and 17th, At the
same time and plane the Women's Mia.
8i0nit0y Society of the. District will also
be held, apubiio meeting being held
Mader thole auepiooti on T0ooday evening.
Further 9artioulers eg0i13.
Western Star Lodge, No. 149, I. 0. 0
F., Brussels, celebrated the 80th mini.
variety of the Order on Sabbath after-
noon last at 3.30 o'clock by attending
Melville ohuroh in a body. Marshal
Frank Lambie was in command, and
some 00 members of the tiaras linked
fraternity mar011ed in the pr000ssion to
and from ohuroh.
Before leaving the Lodge room a col-
leobion was taken for the Odd Fellows'
Home and $10.00 contributed.
Rev. Jno. Rosa, B. A , was the preacher
and after welcoming the Order and thank•
Mg them for their invitation to preach to
them, he gave some interesting partisan.
laze of the work being done by the I. 0.
0. F. and their standing in the Province
of Ontario, as follows :—No. of Lodges,
278 ; membership, 22,741, an increase of
about 300 over the previous year ; total
disbursements for oharity and relief,
$83,892, or an average of $229 for each
day of 1898. $13,204 of this amount
went to relief of widows ; $7,635 for
burial expenses of brother Odd Fellows ;
$51,000 for sick benefits, 2,995 brethren
sharing in the latter ; nurse fund, 81,827.
Total receipts, $247.110. Mr. Rose said
great credit was due the Order for its
generosity along the lines indicated, and
he wished it continued prosperity.
The Scripture chosen for the founda-
tion of the discourse was St. John 3:13,
"And no man hath seconded up to heaven
but He that came down from heaven,
even the Son of Man, which bin heaven."
The Divine man was the subject, and
was considered under the following well
defined divisions :—(1) His Beautiful
Simplicity. This was evidenced in His
birth, with His companions and friends,
His teachings and His personal demeanor.
(2) His rare Tenderness. His sympathy
with Nature, with suffering, with infante
and children. (3) His Moral Robust-
ness (4) His Penetrating n and far reach-
ing Vision ; (6) His self sacrificing and
uplifting Beneficence. 'Application—(1)
Make this Divine man ours ; (2) Make
ourselves His. The sermon tv00 a most
suitable, practical and eloquent one, the
speaker rather excelling himself, which
is Baying a good deal. It should bear
fruit. The ohoir of the church rendered
two very fine Anthems, "Something for
Thee," and "The Lord is my Shepherd."
Mrs. Geo. Thomson presided at the organ.
On returning to the Lodge room a
hearty and appreciative vote of thanks
was passed to Rev. Mr. Roes for his excel.
lent sermon ; to the ohoir for their music,
and to the managers for the nse of the
WESTERN ,ren LonO1.
The 149th link in the long chain of
Odd Fellowship was added when Western
Star Lodge was Inetitued by D. D. G. M.
Prank Lawrence, of Goderioh, assisted
by brethren from that town and Seaforth,
in Bruaaele on September 29th, 1874.
D. McDonald, now Clerk of the County
Oourt, Goderioh ; P. Scott, Brussels;
Dr. Jno. Notb, Kansas ; H. R. Steele,
Waterford, and Geo. Russell, Wingham,
were the charter members. In addition
to these the following also "rode the goat"
on the above date ;—F. S. Scott, Dr.
Graham, David Dobson, Jno. Monkman,
Alex. Duncan, J. D. Pennington, B.
Gerry, Jno• Parker, Jno. Leckie, C. R.
Cooper, J. D. Hayhurst, W. H. Mose and
Jno. Duncan. The past 25 years has
seen enemy ohangos in both officers and
members, a review of the roll slowing in
many oases the mutability of earthly
things ; huh still Western Star shines on
with a present membership of about 100,
and encouraging prospectoin the advance-
ment of its' fraternal and benevolent
work. The Lodge meets every Thursday
evening in their fine Hall in the Graham
The principal alleles are now held by
S. H. Jaokson, N. G. ; W. Grewar, V.
G. ; A. Ross, Roo.•Seo. ; S. Wilton, Fin.-
Seo, ; F. S. Scott, Treas. ; F. Lambie,
Warden ; W. Thomson, Con, ; R. Leath-
erdale, Chap. ; D. M, Scott, I. G. ; W.
Martin, 0. G.
Additional obnrob items on page 4•
Rev. R. Paul will preach of Suuehine
next Sabbath afternoon.
At Melville Endeavor next Flabbalh
evening the topic will be "How shall we
divide our time,"
"How to make the most of our intel-
leobe" wf11 bo the topic at the Epworth
League next Sabbath evening,
St. John's Sunday School will meet
on Sunday morning instead of afternoon,
beginning, the first Sunday in May.
Rev. W J. West, M. A., of Bluevale,
will preaoh in Melville church nest Bab•
bath as the 'meter will be at Bluevale
preaching anniversary eermou0.
Rev. J. E. Hunter, Junior minioter of
the Ethel oirouit, will preach in Brussels
Methodist church next Sunday evening,
The morning service will be oonduoted
by the pastor.
Rev. G. J. Abey preached a Missionary
sermon last Sunday morning in St. John's
church, having reference to the centenary
anniversary of the MiseionarySociety of
the English obnrob. Hie text was an ap-
propriate one for the occasion "They
shall dome from the East and the West,
from the North and the Bonita, &o." In
the evening the words cloven were "It is
expedient Onto you that I go away."
Last Sabbath morning Rev. Jno, Bon,
B. A., °hose St, John 4 1 40.54 for his
text, dealing with the Nobleman's son,
(1) The 0ommonese of Affiliation ; (2) Tho
cry for Help; (3) The convincing Exper.
101100. "The audience at Pentecost" WOO
the evening topio, Aots 2 : 5 0, (1) It
was a numerou0 audience i (2) A diverei.
fled endionod A ; (8) A devoutandienoe ; (4) attentive •
and (5)
ienee ,A
profited audience. The enbjeat will be
continued on a 0abeegeeetSabbath When
"The Samna 1111 Penteoo08" Will be eon.
PERSONA 2AH.11lkd,Ib'1IS.°
Will. Grillitla8andttyed in Wingham.
T. A. Hawkins W80-ito B 10Iortll o0 Mon.
Dal. Kendall f5 raring for a otrainod
A. Forsyth and wife Sundayod in
117, F. and Mrs. Gerry Bandaged in
W inabam.
J. Ballantyne, wife and bon, Snndayed
in Seaforth,
D. M, Scott made a heel
Toronto on Monday.
Mrs, James ie visiting her Don, HarryTrip,
and hie wife et Blyth.
Mr, Leadley, Freight tracer for the G.
T. R„ was here on Tuesday.
Mre. Ferguson 10 back from Stratford
and will spend the Summer here,
Sam. Beattie and Geo. Roberton, of
Clinton, spent Sunday in Brussels.
Mr. and Mrs. Carter, of Blyth, were
visiting liobt• Buena last Sunday.
Mrs. (Or.) Graham, of Clinton, is re-
newi0g old friendships in Brussels.
Mies Fannie Thomson hae gone on an
extended visit to relatives in Miohigan.
Druggist Vex and wife attended the
funeral of Jno. Miller at Wroxeter last
Saturday. -
Harold Creighton, of Hamilton, is
home on a visit. He may take a trip to -
the Saab.
Mre. Eli Moore, of Atwood, w80 visit-
ing under the parentalrooffn Brussels
this week.
R. W. Jewitt has taken a aohool at
Winterburne, near Berlin, and is now
hard at work.
Colin McArthur, who has spent several -
months with his sister, near Luckuow,
is visiting in Brussels.
Miss Clara Thompson, who has been
visiting here for some time, left for
Toronto on Wednesday.
Bob Leckie, son of Jno. Leokie, Toron-
to, fell from the stable loft last Friday
and gat quite a shaking up in come.
Mrs. John Hayoroft has returned to
ber home here after an extended visit
with her daughter, Mre. D. Ferguson,
ormick who has been visit-
Mee. (Dr.) Snider for several weeks,
left for her home in Essex on Tuesday
of this week,
A. McNichol is away at the General
Hospital, Toronto, undergoing treatment,
which we hope wi11 aid in the improve.
ment of his health.
R. 0. Struthers, wholesale merohant of
London, left last Saturday on a purohas•
ing tour to the Old Country markets.
Ho 32050 twine a year.
Wes. Walker, of Wingham, joined the
three linked brethren last dabbath after-
noon in their attendance at Melville
oburoh for the annual sermon.
M. G. and Mre. Richardson were at
Wingham on Wednesday attending the
wedding of their nephew, George Simp-
son ()Leghorn, to Mise Bertha Honing.
Wen. Hewitt and wife will remove to
Paris where several members of their
family have preceded them. Tau POST
wishes them emcees in their new home.
Wm. Sample will leave for London on
Saturday where he will work at hie
trade for this season instead of going
Weotae be intended. London has a
oharm for Will.
Dr. McKelvey intends locating at Monet
Forest and has gone there this week.
The Dr. is well posted in his profession.
Mre, McKelvey and obildren will not re-
move from Brueeele for the present,
Mre. W. R. Wilsou, who has been visit-
ing with various members of her family
sinoe last Fall, arrived home this week.
Her son, Robert, of Wingbam, was here
for a few days setting things to rights.
Will. Dryden, who spent the Winter
here, left for Morden, Man., on Thurs.,
day where he will resume hie trade se
mason. Mr. Brydon is a brother to Mrs.
Walter Innen and is a firot.olase young
Oliver Smith, who hag been in the
American military service for several
years, is here on a visit. He has seen a
good deal of the world and can tell many
interesting stories and adventures. Mr.
Smith ie a son of A. Smith, Wroxeter.
D. D. G. M. Irwin, paid an official visit
to St. jibe's Lodge, A. F. & A. M.,
Brueeele, on Tuesday eveniog of this
week. He complimented the officers on
their exemplifloation and gave an interest-
ing address to the brethren. Mr. Irwin
is the Public school Inspector for North
Tuesday morning of this week George
Fitzpatrick, wife and son, Isaao, left
Brussels for Manitoba, where they pur-
pose making their home. Their many -
old friends here wish the old folk many
pleasant days and hone that the brothers, .
Albert and Isaac, will succeed' well in
business at Birtle.
Rosin bine printed on abort notid0 at
Tan Pose.
Mossits. Clegg & Dames ehipped a oar
of cattle Eastward on Thursday.
JVo. BEATTIE has secured the contract
of carrying Her Majesty's -mail to and
from, Brussels G. T. R., for another term.
He attends carefully to the work,
Roior. Ross has been re-elected Captain
of the Kincardine Base Ball team. If
the other eight players play their part as
well.as Rob. they will have a club that.
will be hard to beat.
Loom I'. Jeoxsou has the wiree laid for
a neat little romanoe. Last Fall he
encloseda note in a barrel of apples he
wee packing, asking the finder t0 write
him, &o. Last week a letter arrived from
Chioago, full of nice tbiuge, and nip -
pigmented by a cabinet photo Of a fair
damsel. The date of the wedding may
be looked for shortly.
Bre Busixzas.—Messrs. Ewan its Innes,
the well known carriage where of Bens.
eels, have already disposed of 18 buggiee,
5 road carte end 8 other wheeled con•
vsyanoos this Senn. They have a Ane
stools of home melte and beet 1008017
buggies in their show mow that intend.
'n re hour 000 before ie
ing purchase s d buy g
eloowher0. Nobody asked to buy if they
can do bettor eleewhore but vfgtt their
show room0 before deciding,