HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-4-21, Page 8•
dkia ,, "• Please remember that L. L. 03. tames,
Le not be rue of those echo sup-
pose that because you pay from Isle' to
WO more for another bicycle titan yvu
oltu flet a Crescent Sur that yvu are get.
ting a b0tter wheel.
The Crescents aro high grade Wheels
and wbeu yvu pay 410 more for another
make then you eau buy a Crestteut fur, .t
mono that much warted.
If you boy (mother W1,eel ivr the
saute 08 you 000 buy a (;reeceot you may
Feet assured that you ere nut fretting 000
as good.
We do not }iesita'e 10 saying that
there is no Wheel made that oau own
pard with Coo Lreec,ente ler tale.
The Cr0000,at Bicycler are so ea
taken apart and if you will coli we
e}vow you how it is done.
G. A. Deadrnant
Argent for Creooent Bicycles.
D'oatlrautc;'o Dreg Store.
Jl' as :aeaoabg tied Wail kopek -log kopek—logere
1491410 or'4$:e4 7.'0e Wali ,t 0her0 are ie.
larks variety and mt,c:u ild tatust 8t JJ.
:t w xA tit Y 1 e tV (1808 Chloride vi
Lone or other gold diei..ftoants. You
0410 tel any of tilers:
J'e.t away your furs so t t they Will
nut betruubiox by nlvtla. Yon oto get
L.,aveeader 1'',ower: 117.e.a Bulls: Gum
Candi/Ler 00d lesee1 J'uwdel ail for this
purpose at .Li 1.'.13.
1S• oaks t.ud Camerae are beeo.m "t?
very VJt.t(0.0(0. .Yeu Can "'euy them as'
veli (8 everyt;. r•g reoui:ed fur their use
aud.aare money too at L. L. S.
Dont forget that IS. 1?. ),. u.tt'.s Dead -
myna; Drug );tare.
11 r.at') had it thei the N(tat'na1 Boller
floor (tell would (1,A. be a41( to run orrice
t4 the "G.e't0008 to the. teal dere. but t1+at
is au error ar they have 1L8arre power as
ae.1 'whit h w{ i us• Lai; izesil 0(1801 1001
1'rc•akt• it, ling` tier z.t r: be r puirect when
the 'water flaw a.'1Fh 1 permit tits
wr.'rr staff , ,t, d
A. to a
perIcsr w ore& at the 1'erre:'uof;e
last 1 ecedit)• e1'eye,r.)0 (sown ee:aeiiaol•
iwere ren Terni Ito A1i308 la L/.4e tanip's,
and it d e ar'J1 0800.01 br' a 00(042n7 of
.33(zt etris. !bliss 1,Sac':rwkh tit,d Al) 8.
:Ua 1 Fr frier 1: aged pi0e.v duetts ; 8118011
iduote end Bart uiteerwor gate retiei.:vgs
stud I3 L. act sot. a r000pl a.te reale a
.1',010''r(11;bOut 081 I d iota)) b0lut[tl.r.
J.a the '.00(0 r Ire 4t+I;1...a 1t -eel' woe
a car ,f I3- C. t o,a:ee for 1'. Arvett.
cur of lutcb00 for J.. A.. Lowly, a car 1
p"t;f et fur Baekkr & S aeet00)08, ani
':art r coo:. for the Solt Works. Among.
'x081-;V0•ag 0L Jlente ,taxa • r ':t. -1 Uf
wheat by it. Bra/mats; t ; a car o1 oto o1, P)
Joy. lova ; 2 care ed ashes by ti. Park ;
a cars of suit ; and a oar' of heading born
Aire Anoeot factory.
'Boa limn& I a. emirs. -• The reguier
annual meet0o' of the kart Huron
Tem:here (0808,01±01) will be held iu the
Collegiate I (stat tate, (;!into.,, cu Titbreday
awl Friday, May Jlih m i 12th, ceinmei•
cine tai Thursday at IO a. tn. 'Inc pro'
grain wst1 comprise the following
president's address, 0». C3, fihiilinglaw ;
1'iaird crass Gransurar, W, 11. Baker ;
Juui,r Bonding, Otis. 0.1. Annie Taylor
Arithmetic; 1 L.C. 111, ani G. C. W. and
Prime Factors, L. L. AI'Faoi ; Over.
strain and .0dtr
,vwar Dr.
a Literature, L•rlauv
t with claae.f
1 I
fair Dotcgatu s report, Woo. Watters ;
I;iectien of CLII ors , 'Vreaourer'3 report 3
Verb Matinee, SO', IC. Lough ; Teechieg
of (.ompesiti008 and Literature in Public
13choots, with 1 relude vu the Plrilonephy
of Things in Genera}, 0. (lle.r)fson ;
tieview Work, Jaynes Ise wen ; lrnpro-
vioivned Apparatus for Physical Science,
1:.M'Lean; 11iatery, Cew';10 Spotttrm.
On Thursday eveuaog Frank Yeiuh, of
1'0r,nta, 08111 deliver hio popular and
instructive travel talk int ',Imperial Can-
ada" in the Tawe Ball, The lecture is
illustrated with over .100 super!, 08!1'1(,().
ti.1,n views and is highly (puke u of by
tboae wino have heard it.
fll•UOaelo School Guard.
The regolarmor.dily meeting of the
Public !drool Board woe hold ill the
Board Boom on Friday evening, April
14th. A11 the members were prevent.
The minuted of hast regular meeting were
read and padded,
An aeeount of P. Scott, I! 1.70, for re.
(pairing bell was read, and it wan moved
by J G. iikene, aecobded by Jas. Turnbull,
that it he paid. (arr:Ted.
Report of Inspector Itobb'e reoeut visit
to the ;wheal wee read and ordered to be
A r,Ominllu}cation from P. We+iShar was
read a01t1(g for au inereues of salary, and
it Wag MOM/ by J. G.Slams,&rc0{d•
1, ) C. ,
I . R,ma W1 rt' t
084 no a 1u 1 be taken. 1r
Y G e awl
that the Chairman acid W. F. Vandtoue
report to Mr, Welsher, Carrick!.
attendance of pupae at the Wined
for the I1101Ith of March wag e1 follow,, :
GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 11,13 (..,,,,,,to w 4! 1',)33 entiimence.
-. 'Teri B3 y. -,1 1,u lt e'a ie. 01330.1.10)0 to
10010808x11 Ex:r0aaroon W. 0. a E. 000)11 ryhee.e are ru0L11:'g. 1
101'01084 *Ora }lea V,mi/ mimed, and the
Trains /seize Brnsssd8 Station, Northe
!y a•a
ddher3 tttx1108310040. ,
, ,:
and BOnt1083f01,J .
#orxOSuu'rn, rivaxti llcarx. Julie S4 x0'10 biackamith shop hoe been
Express 7:15 tiro. Wei! iv I .m /eased by a Mr. 1:lattice, who wail begin
'axe 3 448 a. '. 1 (;res ...».34 0. .na work alt, rti .
Q d a m .i: 1 p , y
Iia bin lv1,0.» os B1, L, %:111.'3• }n noti-
Iyiug 130,1 3,,e 1), tetcreu..c to cleaning
up yards and pr, in:sea.
rice car loads et export cattle were
shipped from Brussels 4t1 Thursday of
tiros week by 14 ,1. Scott, drover.
A part of Aho et,ue wall et the Soutii
.Neat euruer of the flex milt cattle to
4)8111 by the action of the current.
A 8101r busy and practical wildeeriber
its Wien/peg ('1cl0006 a pobtal nota to us
with the fol awing short but 'sweet letter ;
P 1 er.hsuriptiu0, Ifullu!
I„• e ser. INnraoxoa 41)1.1.10a is after Brun•
e: Is ho:otkeepers' fur 81J1ing liquor taw
)iu{„hay eentrary to fitatute. It }ecoid to
Ifs tar eac,;md offence in two of the cooed
.. If (' Nl'.ar, of Guelph, was in Town
this week looting over the ground 301 tri
new cement walks, 01131, Couery'1 Com-
pany rand a 1300145170130 of business 0851
Dial A,Ci� Pan :Nemo,
A 5311051's among ye takln' notes,
Au' faith he'll grunt it.
Ae=1311 uratly cellars were !feuded.
ti08ioae house cleaning has commenced.
REAL every advertteetnet Aha THE 1-',44.1
A. O. G. W. wits meet 1`riday 8v80ing
of this week.
Ba0So:L1 obsess faetcr08 wilt comment
011800(00us vn the tat of May.
1 n.n peddling and egg wagons hays
commenced their regular trips.
M Eddt's. C31ao & Damns shipped a ear
of cattle how Wh,glaaui se/ C. P. It. leer
New awnings have been !!110; out by
Mise Auufe hose 1. ti. Skene and Jos.
Ballantyne this seasuo.
W. 1. Mal)ho,.1 nn s store front rer•8ived
a Spring .tress of paint Ude week at the
hands of MuCxacseu di Stewart,
A number went from Brussels awl
locality to Bonin art Tuesday to attend
the fu neral o frte hate bailee t J n e I .'081108.
THE monthly meeting of the Free
Library BOA 1-11 wee not held o0 Tuesday
evening owing t11 the absence of 0e88ra}
Bust Tuesday evening D. D. G. M.
Irwin, of lilrarford, le (mpeoled to make
en otlic18) visit to St. John's Lodge, A.
P. & A. 1331., Brueeele.
WeomeeeA0 Rev. It. Paul tied the
matrimonial knot between Moses Wild
fang, of Listowel, aid blies Agnea Bishop,
of Ethel, at Victoria Cottage, Brussel..
May joy go with them.
A 131415311\08 of those l,.terested in
bowlingon Elia green wee bend en Mon •
day evening 8ui1 Gum roil tear appointed
to secure a listen, h ,ria, ,t d. It is in-
tended to meet 0;083) shortly,
Dox'T' forget the auction 53018 of bonds -
hold f(C0fture, .tu., at the r08idauce of
George 1ltspl1riek, Mill 8Lre0), 11r01se)8,
on Saturday aliens/on of Ore week, at 2
o'otook. 1t will be unreserved ad the
proprietor is moving to the West,
G7-. A. 1)3.0804)13(0 r8;Orta hie bees 1)008011;
Wintered wall. 0f the 1Lib «planted i0
ub&fi hover Wintered 1111 their Suomior'
stands one died a1,d of the 1112 Wiutered
}u hie bee miller one died also, of '2
101001 s out of 2301. The le80 of theca
in the cellar Were taken out lade 1'naeelay.
Tba bees 118388 alr'ea.dy started works
gathering pollen.
A.JOpebi80, haoyole dealer, has been
busy this 808
aaun already. iT
10 Wed,.
needay of t wen
h h
k a 0.8 made the
1011ow0this 4 salsa 1-. T, Bell, of Morris, au
Ideal ; Clem, tlxt ay, 1411181 , Frank
Wuode, Grey ; T. Ilene/at, Gray ; and J.
11. Sperling, W1111eohnioh, (Jievelaude ;
W, 110'1118, Brow/elm, an 19, K D, ; and
three swami hand wb8835 to other
(Pott MULal(cerrno 1e bank to town after
a week's job 08 brakeman, 118 had the
option of going lits) the yard in 45111180.
810), and atsen(ing to shunning, .re., or to
quit and lie 0110w8 the latter ae the more
likely to lengthen his days, Men who had
been thrown out of work at fart Heron
tunnel are tilling up the vaasuatee, Tom
Will 00utim,5 as Dr. 140140Rg111011'8 860(1
Ilan Bata., --A ('0.11(1)685 Of the Gown lies
been made 01 behalf of the hast! Ilull
team for this year and it generous raw
po1110 awarded. The nen888ary prelimi-
nary 1tep a are being 1101088,, 10 pa 1118
diamond in th'St-lelals 81)5111 in 111(1 tray
of 13088113114,redualdfng, whore neetweary,
it0, A. sharp nine will he put 8l, the hold
9)11] an interesting 88(308011')) (port le ex
TENN38.--•Friday 8veniug of haat week a
meeting was bald at Lalvysr 01inelair'1
Mlles to re -organize the Tennis (11nb for
1000, The following 0111,1878 ware Sleeted;
—.j. D. Runaid, 11011. Prealdant • Jae.
Fox,1'rssid8n1 ; G, F. 'Blair, Viae Praat.
dent ; J. 11, Ca11ier0n, S10.-1'rtal, ; .0.
0, Bow, Captain. l'rannies( will aanl-
lnenne as anon ae the tennis' eollrta will
permit and outside mud halal matuh84 will
be arranged, Brussels tutu moistly nom.
her of expellent retsina wielders,
Tura 10)81113, p\'1:1P11•aNh,--.1,) last week's
Pool we reported the «weeping away of
the West half of the 1014,041ga, but
about 4 e'eleel( of the ammo day th8 re-
maining portion of the bridge also fell a
prey to the mase of driftwood and -toe.
The abutments were also (on8iderabty
d1tnaged, \V, If, Blt4wart'u mill darn
WAS next on the Bet and in addition to a
Sig waeb-ol1 Ip th30 Wane wall on the
130018rly aide 01 1118 river, the centra ut
Oho dans also antlered to unite an extent,
as did the mill rase, her, Stewart w111
make the n0088ary 18paire. Many
fe90e8'alo(lg water luta were either entire•
ly wept away ur antlered 880810nsly by
the freshet. 0riday the water lowered
(jj.a1akly 081111 the danger war poet, Ilml.
11re118 of people visited the rival' and took
in the broad expense of raging mare,
AN hour's work on some of the roarie
LW/Wig away the ice 3on3d have raved a
day'( h305liug ut gravel to make damages
good. WO a penny wise and pound
kunst/ ) odes,
0,1,.81. ISO,:mA0AN, now of Walton, hae
been engaged as sawyer by Philip Aureat
and with 111s tuna!), I1
t4 w lv8 u, Brue.
eels hi the t1580 future, probably next
week, !let: Peet 0ewen81 them beak to
lir 'betel*.
'rut ,aheml of the lata Mrs, dud. M0-
Cr80kee,'3301 111111 Morrie, passed through
J3rueer.)e •,1. Wednesday ufternouu and
was largely attended, 103:130001 W0.8 1n
her 080811, your and was most highly re
8peeted by all who phew !ter
L. F. ,1reaa30 lute liouipletad a large
I3ueieeee Directory of Brussels 1.011ell,an8
1)1,-10 (3,4 had it hang up in the pu8L11tlice.
The work Woe all down with it pen and le
quite le k eying With the artist 08 touch of
the pee wielder.
'1'oltebte Aho 1X18088 Board for Leel,
lfurol neat at the Queen's 1801081 to 011(1.
aider the greeting of licensee for the
emoting year, All 111e 180813 1ieenees
were renewed exlepting 10 the latkel01
hotel wltigh wee laid over until next
J'i1v Psenutive of Aha I 08001818 Dietrint
Sabbath 8011001 A81ouiedinn wi11 sleet at
the ulfi18 of G. 1'. Blair on Saturday
aftel•n0011 of tine week, at 2 14')1!011(1, to
arraug8 for S. S. Con9461i5, to 110 1108)) 1
Lite lest T118aday iu May. All hit..rented
110e Malted to attend.
(lo notice e188wh81'8 it will be seen that
Laura 1;., eldest daughter of R8v, Gl10an
1:1 lfowie, lirnr8tly of lirunsslx, died on
L'sl.'«2ed, aged 0 years, ''11e home of
her father is an Shwa'', near 130yr5111,
(tylia, The old triende of Mr, and Mrs,
Jf,wie t
t fl r
w a u lot fou toff I GL
h 4r am 'n
Y 0 1
their bareavemanG.
Rituals !lemma; le malting the petition
for the proposed new granoli1hle aide -
writhe and the property onetime era, as et
rule, falling in quite heartily with the
prlpaailiva, The iucr8ne0)1 expense is e,
mere uagata111 when divided over a term
of ye0ra when the comfort tend permit. 1
1)8)1ey of the new walk ie taken Into
gaconut. A large quantity of the walk
will u4 doubt be put down tide season.
\Vaavr WILL pun (luwrunv blas? - 11; ap'
;ware that the muist8011 of when 0110
uantury mold and 1111"111,,)' begi1,1 i8 quite
waren y ,itaun0ee,l naw oo 11, W¢1 ILhttudrnd
,y01118 ago, and in 11118 anligh1onad ngu of
aura 10th 1'r011l ten exelemge of the Old (
Land we have raked up en old paenival
problem Whiah 886(18 to ache it. It was
written nu 018 111011) 1114 of January
let, 1801, 81111 fr1,))) It we wield nay the
2011, uantury hagiva at one 1'11111111 A. 111.,
11,1(1. 1t. rune 08 followo;
1)8881881y a.G t.w ohs n'eluelt 1)181 u1nhG
'311100 eldht.suutl, 04u110n•9 Gunk its 111,1IIt,
(hill limey an ea ning baud
11(.1 Faulted its bruhr, its ted( 1(1 Hied
lu 1,+1,01 hV nmMp11y116a lino
That 4,08 1010,11101 Moons not 1111+0tt 10115,
11'11118 411)011 et soon 16)0,),11,) 189181,,1'1,1, 1
.111,3 tuna nus mora Ge 3)11!)08 8 hna3lml.
1(TL,0 rN (IALT9,,uxta.-11101 and 81111!!1•
gyne of the demote of W. 1). Brothers,
dondehaw to Mite, tins• \Viluon, 1Inwee18, 1
reached here loot Monday, 1)004080011
wan tmited do 10)11(5840 to Mlaa Alinario
111mun, of u118 pians, Hunte it years 1tgq,
fuel inter 1. e
f I r atdnnoo
wG Mfiton for 4 t
)'Sara 0111ere }\L'. Brothers ono engaged in
the newspaper b11ei11ae0, they removed to l
,California. .In the Weed 13)6 8abj0u1 of e
thin 1101500 engaged in the drug bnaiuons, 1
with which h8 w•a0 0aquainted in
Ontario, Behurl been in falling 118)11111
for 110 past year With pnlnlonttry trouble
but !tad phukdly ntltelt to his store until S
week( priue'to hal death. Mr.Itrulhere
was highly swine 10d ; woe a member of
the Methodist 411110•0111 and it Liberal 111
hulith+0. Ito was 80 years of ago and he.
gidep 1Nre.11rother8, 1011)x!' owe (1(11(0 1011(1
It daughter to mourn bis dontfne. Hire.
Brothers and children will return to
1411814h; as noun e,( the business nifeir5
eon be Orr/8ngm 1, PMIS remade and
brothers and mister 41 deeea1ed live It,
California torr, Mr, Ilrotliwre died 80
lierl,olov on 'Powder of lost week and Wee
huri4d there. • The ntan,y old friends of
the MOM, w'll] uynlpathiee with her 115
her bereaVenrenl)
BOON. ON Huth, Avzna,ai ATT.
,,,,,,,,• (12 60
01 e4
04 Chi
4 100 d7
Tattle 237 204
Board thud adjourned.
011(111011 0101 14s.
Nov. P. A. Pear, of Atwood, will
ou1upy the pulpit of the Mathedlet
ohm'o11, Brussels, next Sabbath. ITev,
M.r, A}Iil, will preach 1u Atwood,
IL. Damao, 4f Chatham, lute been
app..iuted a Lay Reader 10 00nn01tion
with the Seglfuh church. Mr. Donnie ie
a ;410)1 worker and wit wish him 01100830)1
3)1 1,34 labors,
Owing to the anion meeting in eon.
minhtll with 10881 Sab1)11, evetiit1g'e 80r -
vies the Normal: Im ague did sat }told rte
monthly Coneeeration meeting. It will
be held next Humbly night,
A very 0nj0yablee 808(1111314 W300 anent by
tate young people of Bt. Johu'i «introit on
'J'hu0edlty uveufug of Iron week, An
noiellent inimical and literary pr(1;'08111
We [MOM fie
Wag B tad., oPr ul e
Lt a let! 11tH
I worn
Nerved before the ohm.
7'ha unlort service of the two Young
Penpirl'8 1,Inietleu, hold last 4abbaW1
availing Ju the oohing room of 1h8 AfoLho•
diet Word) was a profitable one, G, Ir',
Blair introduced the tnpia "The P3ternal
morning and Modern mi5(10ne” in an
exnallant addro811 and n nluuhur took part
n the further opening up of the interest-
ing whjeut, Bev, Mr. AIIin proehled.
1'110 late Hiram F. I0gl811)rt, of Item.
Ston left property valued 01 510,160, wlth
the following bequests :-102,000 to lho
Oontenl i'y Clltoroh, 112,000 La tit0
Cl, A„ 511,000 to the Miuuionnry Heelety
sf the Met.hadiet Cherub or (louodit,
$1,60(1 to mei University of Viotar.la
)ullega and 111,000 to the Snp.,rltunuat•
ad Minieterte Fund of the 1.1St1111o(liet
1180, I)eel8 O'Connor, D. 1)., Blahop
of London, hen melees' hie nthui,1
appOinlment nu Arolilbiohop of 1Toronto
whmb has boon vaoant 01110,1 the death: of
Arohb}ohop 540181, 011 Auguel, let, 1811)),
hldtall31100 will take plan to the
Cathedral probably the lire(
Neel( in May, Viva(dt81teral klefla110 in
licitly to wowed the 7li,lhoprlo of Landon
lute made 0)100891 by Ihi0 new Appoint.
mein to the Toronto Hee,
Loot Illtbbolh, in the morning, Rev. y,
J. Alli( prea0110(1 from the words found
11 Let, 3(1 21, "Thin earn shell hear a
word behind thee, Baying, this to the way
swells ye in it,” "Moms, Loader and
Lawgiver" WW1 the evening top)n, rho
'11418111) preownted woo 3 (1) Thu birth or
Mutter ; (2) Me home training ; (3) 1118
ntelleettntl 0(dt3 (0 ; (4) lido training in
x118. The other pan of the nubjeet. will
:e the theme al another dine0nree, tt'hle!'
will l+nn1p11te theories, nom in ell, of
Old Testament, blut0(nt0(8,
The malingers of Willis Moroi', Olin.
tun milt the other evening and hove
granted their peelerIter. A, Stewart, a
three menthol' mention from the ilret of
Juno, 111r, Stewart bag not boon in the
bent of health for 1101110 time rind it was
owing to tiller that thew three months'
11011day0 have boon preened tip011 the
politer to enjoy. Tn 1110 nbaunoe, A,
Milker, AT, A,, thio year's graduate, will
larva (Marge of th0 Ite1));regnth'n, Th111
gentleman 001111(4 very 111911)y honored
from Kew( tlollogo, having graduated
WW1 9post-graduate seh"h1rabip of 1)400,
also seemed the .lienttr•Sinrnl eoholareh1p
of $080, atend11,4 first in the third year
theology oleos.
18 F3 sS 1! 3,-(' L P O t
11171' 01308,11 0011Itta 1.101 ,l 1.004101010
3(185." w01 !td the. topic• tit 1!111083108 731)1
tleuvor alert Sabbath evening.
t .tbbnl)1 aften:owl '.teat the numbers
111• 'Wester,/ Star J r,). (I. }''.- Bru88als and
tlttttar;; Inst) ,eo1 and fri1ntle •w'il) attend
siert aaaGIG 1,9 h , rh,arthtet 3:89 o'clock
wbee Jil.y. deo ltuo:. JS, Lt , will roach
the 80.r. ternar0 sermon. Iilatnbers are
ethed ev aosete b'e at tile: Ledge roost at 8
and waren to elsurs}3.
Meshy] r ; and OOtli verse Was S0e11., Jnv,
Buba' text last Sabbath morning. The
)0(1kwer e1peoted t'rotn Bog was (4 A
vert1t s 0Jswar 1 (L. An stwe-fnspiriug
an wt +,�
„. ,
t r it fi 111tt.. 8X1 w•.
r s s Yr, lha
J'x•raca. t•er f 1 vt tauo.t, ,Aar 'G-14. 09080
the evot• , theme 11 oven taken up
ert4ar the 811 ee Jol,awiug beans :-••(3)
Ilia 40811 3X. ilia 800. if euti013 ; 13, Iiia
characteristics. teristics Next Sabbath evening
the 1u(,u(t wri] be viestiuued. tole pastor
dealing with"The Audieooe at POnta0Oet"
wad the r 0uceeding Sabbath"The sermon
al J'c,tac.,tt."
}31zrSIrIeSS Locals,
C aver tui 'Jimotby seed at Mecum.
keg 's.
C,.vvl s stud Timothy seed.
L'tte er & 'tuts NA,
Warted• -Better and Bega, Iirguest
i'rl(e b, (:ar=ia or trade. Admittedly 0180
beet Produce market in Ca nada.
(i. L. 0(,00, i1108)0ham.
00olt store, pipes and ;zinc p atforn1,
and parlor stove and Oren for 08''9 at e
bargain. Apply to \\':4 Knl ;811',.1 Brue,
lode.t .
Jz 10,1571:Lrs offers his r efdel„e for sale
or to relit, aloe three 110atue5s ''11(,18 on
1'arnberry street, !fent model ate, 708•
10e001158iO4 irnme,iiatel y.
ASAt0aroT11 Mu» goads, prixe.taker
Sweden, fresh garden seeds, ulI kinds,
need i,gtaloce, end clover and timothy in
abundat •ave 1 .
at 11u ;
Crack n' .
111)8ahe. Cochrane & dok1.8ton have re.
ce}ved a sur of twee/hob and Scotch
granite. People wantingauytlribg in this
line would do well to we them before
purehaeinf; elsewhere. Doe% buy from
Leman but see the 01001, yourself aid you
then know what you are getting. We
carry a sleek not eurpseoed by any town
lir (lanada, (jot:nos11t 0 30)3941.31, .leel-
era in marble stud granite mow/m0,110,
New STYLES. --We h to received the
Stan/lard Pat(errle and leash lobe e11eeet0
for May. The 61111810 given free to than
who null for them. The May and 61.11.140-
4111 1111 /swell of the Standard "Denhghar"
will he enlarged and improved in many
re8pecle, snaking it more than ever before
the faeh)on magazine 4,1r excellence,
emailed by none, either ie )0wnnse of
prim; or 11igh0eda of quality. All sub'
eoriptioo; received daring April and to
c0mmon00 with the May fatale the charge
ter one year will he title. After that date
the yearly 00becriptiou will be ruined to
$1.00. Hand an your name to us before
the nr
41 v ,f the mon 1 L
t 1 at hs lown r"
A. S'ruAC A 1.f x.
WILnr1No-13r1M01.—At Viotoria Cot-
tage, Bruesele, by Rev. It. Peal, on
April loth, P!(r, Moaes Wildfaug, of
Listowel, to Blies Agnes Malmo, of
13nu'rneno,--On Anril 11 t at Berkeley,
08)1(0rnia, W. D. 13r'othera, late
Livonia Inepeotor of the ceuety of
Halton, in his 4011 year,
llowne--On February 22nd, Laura Bt.
mase (11ae0i1), eldest rinugbt131 of
Rev. (Moen 111 Bowie, mi0nionery at
Cihnweir, near 1oirout, Syria, for.
merly of Brussels, and grand.
daughter. of 151'1. Spurr, 248 Gerrard
and Bruit, Toronto, in her 0101 year..
Mc(litswinN.••-•In Morris, on April 171h,
1:11(111 Fleming, reliot of the late
damns bIoOrauken, egad 07 yearn, 13
m0111hs and 23 days,
40,108'08.—Ill (Iorrie, 011 April 1311,,
James Perkins, aged 04 years.
1A'rn,n,AY, April 22nd.--11ousebold fur-
nilurI, bioyele,&rt. Hale unreserved; at
2 0'0!04!,. Geo, 1"ilopatriok, prop. 3 F. 0.
Scott, aunt.
Taxa 'CT .:301.2:::.1:Z 0,&203 1 1TC7,
1''0811 \MOM Tr 65 ()it
Barley ...... ......... 85 40
Pone 00 119
Oahe 210 20
Butter, Lula ani! rolls 11) 11
Eggs per dozen 0 10
Flour per barrel4 00 4 00
Potetno8 (per bag) 1 00 1 00
iflty per non .,,, 5 00 Ct 00
IIidos trimmed ... 7 7
niacin t0agil 5 (3
Salt pal, bbl., retell 1 00 (t0
Shoop akins, (web ., .. „ 80 '75
lamb 0ldnu moll 25 26
Togs, Live 0 00 4 00
Wool 10 17
Applul (per bag) ...... ,. 1 00 1 00
Jloimar'o, April 18,--Wh0at---Bed and
whito wheat west, 080 to 080, and __11,,(4080
0)111 to 137o ; Manitoba etenfly; I1(o. 1
hard, North Bay, Hiro and afloat .Port
William. HTay, at, 76,1e. Flour quiet ;
straight roller }u harr008, Toronto
freights, $11.20 to 333.2(1, lU.fllfood firm
shorts, 51,1 to 1310, and bran at $12 wort.
13ardoy 1j1101 ; No, 1, 420 to 4134 wast.
Baaltwhoatquiet, al, 480 wast. Rye flrm;
nitre twig, 110e. (torn fret, al 07e for
Canada yullow wool, and 400 for alt!
Amnl'laltne'J'nl',nto freights. Data firm,
at 01la Ln 0211 for whilst wast. Peas
steady, aL 112o to lrlo wast.
',ruttoarro, April 18111. --The livo stool(
arrival,( wore 40 oar load8, in0lueiing
about 1300 (11)0ei1 081111 Iambs, 400 hogs, GO
ealv0, and 40 ttn1011 1)0898. 'Trade 011ow'
ed oonoid1rab10 improvement during (bo
oa:9y part of the clay, end Elio . offerings
were pretty well 011ared tint of Aho pone
at noon. A. tow aho100 hunohes of good
rut1118, which brought $-1 00 poi art.,
wnro the only Bales of any iniportanee in
the oattlo branoh, Other sales of cows
and mixed butcher's stook wore at the
prices roeontly paid. Mary exporters,
wlliult wore In moderato Supply, worn
111(01 1 at $4.50 to $1.80 Por 0001„ and
$-1.110 for 0114 10 0oleeti0710. Light wore in
email supply and brought prices recently
quoted, 13ut01t0108' 001618, otforingei of
)9111011 Wert a 111110 lighter than urinal,
were in gond demand, at steady prices,
good to oh,, 4o melodious being quotable
nt 91.201 poi owl. ; medium and (Ammon
grades were .in liboral snpply at On to
0,25 per ort, (1110100 export bulls wore
Steady at $5.75 to 330,90 Dor 0141; Boa
S i7.,lrDr1llL B..1X.(.1. OF (...!,4,7'41 D,;1 r
CAI'I'PAL PAID 171' (Oat I3J'.liwi 1)olhare)
AA rim. 2I , l 6'4
1;1.10,UUU COOK
40e0040inelf principalpein.191031090008it,Quit ee,1)190iiitda,1'0,5114Bin tr0(1Batriand•
A General Banking Business Transacted. k'arrners' Boles 131scouoted.
Drafts 1080..0 and 0olleetlans made on 0313 pointe,
Interest allowed on deposits of 51.00 and upwards.
SPECIAL. ATTENTION er9114 Ta TSE 001. ,11oTION OF 4501130316' BALI; 1431010.
Every facility afforded Customers living at 8 distance.
• , MO 0Eit1.
stock bulls were a little firmer at 1x3.2(1 to
93.511 per riot. Stockers were in Ilgiit
&apply and prices 1'emafued steady, choice
heavy stockers being quoted at 13 24 to
15.75 per ew•t. Feeders were firm at
93.:10 per cwt, ; choice milchers were in
active demand at 935 to 146 aacir, The
market for calves was dull, and ebo}oe
reals were not fn good demand ; the
prlee8 were eerier, at 92 to 97 per bead. '
Sheep for export and butcher'' use were
Yor0', Tamworth boar and 088,80al
row Cheiter 83001101.131., for tale. Ali (1r,tn
I1 1 + ut' -. 0101^1 at Toronto Fair. 11'. Y.
081' 01,'10311 t,h, lith 11ne.100Tris.
EGOS YOU IlA1rnnte,—The Ondersignrd
08e173 foe fele s tongs of eggs of pure (,red
Plymouth Rooks eel 0•103te Leptis/tee.
hAAf L'i:L HJ(7(40 (03,
Graham's lttlrvoy, Brussela
email supply, at ready 1'81108, or 93.60' THE POKE'S COLUMN,
per cwt. ; grans fed yearlings ware quo(•
ed at 25c. per cwt. lower, or 55 to 015.233
1cr cwt ; Spring
g lambs
were quoted at
9«t0 55 each •
buck( were quiet, at 12.75
to93 per awe., and lambs were steady, at
to $4 51 per cwt. Boge, -4o trading
of any consequence wee done in this
branch 3 prices for choice were 4c per
cwt. higher, while the other quotations
remained unchanged from Friday ; ehoie8
selections brought 14.60 per cwt„ and
light were steady at 94 per cwt. ; thick
fat were firm at 98.25 per cwt. ; sows
were quiet, at 53 per cat ,, and a few
stage fetched 52.
Ester BUFFALO, 1V. Y., April 113.—Cattle
--There was one load of sale cattle, and
with a fair demand the market w'as
steady. Tide feeling far the balance of
the week is for a good trade. Sheep and
lambs—The market to day presented
none of the features, as the offerings were
Movie, most of which were westerns
that were held over ; pr10e0 wore quotable
about the same as yesterday ; westerns
were on the basis f ('r
0 0 1
,. U to ,.15 •tilers
were five or six loads held over and only a
few launches of wool and clips sold.
Boma—Tho offor)ngo were light—only five
Loads 'h d
;the Omand was light ; heavy
were quoted at 5410 to $4.15 ; mixed,
94.10 to $4,15 ; Yorkers, $4.10 ; pigs, 53: I
110 ; roughs, 58 55 to 53.06 ; stags, 52 to
Sow peas for sale. WALTER YUILL
Lot 80, Oen. 4, Morris.
rx 1007 heifer calf, pedigreed, for Bale.
A bounty. G. A. DEADil1AN.
Y.ouxo horse for sale, euitebee for farm
work, Han ewe driven. R. GERRRY.
PA61oh11 to let, Apply to ROBEIRT
140T,01.155, Lot 20, 00n, e, Morrie, Or Brussels
P, 0.
Two breading sows and 2 11110118 of
ONON, Lot 10, Oon, 0 1111orrie. NAB,
41 tike
7 w grade hulls for sale, ons 131 years
0141 and tiro other 10 month8. 9'w further
Iulorinat100 apply to GEORGE ROBS,
97.14 11x081811,
1; WANTING ei1
101 r
4 7 acb yi, )rgbn .r Rano TE`,/',,b4
an be
tut diad ei apt Ging 40 rho f' r I d t net out
of the buolnt s as some have,oleo to 301 0, .
1 w•tR deal with yen as tensonal0leor
`63.3• T, a lOOltiv,Brusselo,
-s...L on Mill streat,Bruereis, The house
fa a cornfortuble one, well hitt (0 up, ,with
Vcellar, he'll 008.1 raft aster, do, Their fs
ire' good stable. Fruit tires •10 garden :
OVerane•gnat ter acre of land. For pries,
(soma, sc., tipple to 14. 1-1003N, Proprietor,
or W.11. EMIR, of THE Po1T. 1e-14
Splendid Black stallion, "Dexter lie -
v11170," stands 141 hands Mali (Old 088171116
',037). Sind by "Ansa! Revenge,' out of
"Old Clear Grit;" sure foal getter. Bur 1011
particulars apply to JOHN HOLLINGER,
Lot 10, Con. 1, Grey. Brussels 7, 0.
Al,t keep for eerr031
Iota 10 and 17, Con 8010, a ,hero'.hree
Ayrshire bull, with registered pedigree.
Terme 41.00. ufth 31139131;0 of returning it
11e06000t13', 1721.9120130it,
.41.4 Proprietor.
41EII0r4NE0 will keep for s01viCe on Lot
1, Goa. 1, Grey, a thoro' bred Durham bull,
with registererl pedigree. Terms, 01,00, with
privilege of returning if n200(88ry. Also a
0001 Yorkshire boar, Term a, 75e.
354, JAMES SIa1SON,Prrprietor,
Js My desirable lag
maniagood results mania be 01)-
tIi'ifx,(1 Without good
p (t
Have you tried ours ? W c
guarantee it to he absolutely
pure and to give perfect sat-
Try it.
F0z's Drzg 7tu0.
x10 rt'G.
c L 01;.N i- K 0r L'Morris td. There
^,n )l'0rng fru rnof 10.111 nand laud. There
tw u !wane burn, orchard end good raar-
huusr, and farm is aril 5leveed. Torre are
03 scree in Pan wheat ; 16 ben could
hay rad
et03 agree pasture, Pa1,0 the v Oage be given
90 once. Farm adj0]as the village 01 Bras.
(ets, For antefurther particulars 9. as to pr)ee,
terms, Ba.. writs to JA6IE6 LIVING1TON,
A1. P., Braden. 22-11
Consisting of the 1000th i nod south d
of the North 1 of Lot 30, 000.2, East Wawa.
r1os11, Thiele an excellent stock farm, being
well supplied with good spring Water, Itis
situated about 3 miles from the thriving Vil-
lage of Blyth. A large part of le is under
grass. 13111,13 (30 and fences are in a fair
state of repair. Easy terms of payment will
be given. Fur alt information apply to
114f 0,P. BLAIIi Barrister, Brussels,
Ti10 undersigned offer tiro sofa sore
farms for sal( ¢
at reasonable prices. '
SuThe lute
are Noe. (1 and 31, Con. 0 (Sunshine), h (tie
aidaxhad between ,and Good .12 b basso
and barn re lot 11, had hone and 2 barns s-
lot 10. Oxoll Wo and all necessary conven-
iences. 1Veli watered end suitable for grain
or grazing, 100 acres now in grass. will be
sold either separate or together to suit pur-
chaser, Torus of payment reasonable. Im-
pee on. 1(110, Il 00lpar,irntar.
03,9. to OSEPH CLh1GG, Dr ulloB30 0., or
E,L. llICIiIx BON, Barrfetar, lyisgham, itt
l.A SALB. Lot 13, Con. 0, Grey. 12 feet of
it touches the river•. Immediate possession,
For price, terms, 4c., apply to
THOS, 1100E91 Brussels,
derolgnod offers his farm, West Half
Lot No. 10, Con. 4, Grey, Containing 60 mores,
mere or lees. For perti0ulurs as to prico
and termB LLpply to
1)ru8sols P, 0, on the promisee,
JSt-ca$for i 'v111�1�Ja
Of our recent St Students bays 00011
good si§uatiens, It a s !ted
g } pouug won and
rotor to 1100008111 bas3ueea UrrghLneeal'
Eater ntla. 21:08pocta9 ,0001
Tr. .I, ELLIOTT, Prluelonl.
V!o1!n iVlllllbEl'Eii Jj lile
Numerous are the young girls who are victimized by the Departmental Stores ;
whose prospects are forever blighted ; and whose very life blood is slowly sucked away
by these monstrous public gormandisers who for compel their heli to honest
p l givelabor
the very lowest wage minimum,
We G-c.arantee to come up to the lever of De-
partmental Stores in PRICE and QUALITY.
We carry one of the largest and best assorted stocks of
1 1
e s Goods
Boots end
� shoes G. in �t
In Brussels'
-m- ared `. B. ---We dole Agents Brllss®ls lor
the Celebrated "Prestls 's Druz Goode."
'We only request a call and depend on our Bargains to do the .rest.
Mail orders filled directly on receiptb
M� ay� l5
e`e 9