HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-4-21, Page 5A.PVII, 21, 1899 ROSINESS CARDS. • • .... Tvi ()Ma TO LOAN AT 1.1 PER 3,',B. 1,001 1, 13 mind% 7 11M.0011A.OKEN, . Ignorer of Marriage hicouSes. Chloe itt his Groovy, 11urnborry street, Breese's. pN.BAREtrriP°E w' ,--Next done North of too nvatuilardHliank. adies' an*1 hildrens hair eatting sP00101t1. PARMS FOR SA.LE.-THE UN' LinninGaun has several good Farms 10? 10 nod rent, easy term% Townshlpe 0* Morris and Grey. 1 OTT , B re Reel . _ . MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, -THAOHER or - PIANO - AND - ORGAN, usavr.r.sm.,c, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM mutton, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH.. _ - - T. FLETCHER Issue] of Marriage Licenses, OFFICE AT JEWELRY. B001113. ta'Plo Witness Required. T. FLETOEIZR, Brunets MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, 0. Academie graduate of London Conserve - tory of Musio, is prepared to receive a. limit- ed marcher of pupils for instruotion on the piano. Walton -Monday, Tuesday Brussels -Wednesday, Thursday ; Beatortb-Vriclay, Saturday. Qualified to prepare pupils for the Principal's VOrm in the Oonservatcny of Music. rhLoi_LEX. HUNTER, Clark of the Fourth Division Cour Co. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan and Insurance) Aut. Funds Invested ana to loon. Collections made 0 dice in Graham') B look, liressols AUCTI 0 NEER& A BUNTER, LICENSED AU0- „ca..' TIMM.% Motley 110 10011. Berms to eell. 1.43 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION. I a Elm, "will sell for better prices, to hotter 111011 in ass 1111110 10)111 less charges than any other Auctioneer in Re st Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this aloe or by personal applioatiou. VETERINARY. "c D. WARWIOX, 13) • lIonor (arsenate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals in a own - potent manner. Bartionlar attention paid to veterinary dm:Alen. Calle promptly at- tended to. 011100 and uitrmary-Vour doors north of bridge Turnberry et., Brussels. LEGAL ANO CONVEYANCING. SINOLAIR, BARRISTER . Solicitor, Conveyancer o tory Pub - lie, Oilloe-Vanstone's Block, 1 door north of 00011181 010110 Bonet tor 1100 11110 Btandaad Bank, F. BLAIR, BARRIBTBR, • Solicitor, &o. (10.110 011 Garrow & Proudfoot's 011100 001101101).) 0111cie over Gillies & Smith's Ban(1, Brussels. Money to Loan. 47 G. CAMERON, • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Omni erou ,) Barrister and Soticitor, Goderiob, Ont. 011ice-Hiuniltou fib., Opposite Col borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. s.r.D., C. M., Trinity Thdyersity, Yellow Trin- ity Madiettl Oollogo, Riomber college of PUY- Means and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate Of the Royal Conoco of Physiaittne and Licentiate of Midwifery, Edinburgh. ta•Telephone 0(o,14. Residenea, Mill B t., Brussels. a. T. SNIDER, M.D., C. M., successor to Dr. A. MoSelve1; Licentiate of ltoyal College, of Physicians and Burgeons, Kingston ; Member 'of the 001- lapse of Physicians and Burgeons of Ontario. Diseases of women and (Mild= a specialty. Bight years' experience. 00.r00100 and *008- 1110000 that formerly °coupled bY Dr. Me• Kolvey,Trifulierry street, B nasals. 20- I. M. ARMSTRONG, M.B., M.D:, M.O.P.S.O. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, 5.000IJ0HEDR, ETO. Special attention given to diseases of the Throat and Lungs 11031 111000800 011 Women and Children, BBEDENCIB-WALTON, OST; R. F. H. KALBREISCH V IiIITSIOIAN, Ante= A14fl Acdouctern, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM'. BRUSSELS. - ONTARIO. lot Masa None Graduato of the lluiversi- tius.of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Hingsbon), mid of Trinity Madioal College ; Bellow of Trinity Medical College and member of the Canoga of Phymeians and Stu:pone of Ontar- io. Poet Graduate Oomso 10 Detroit and Ohiong0,1800. tipootai attention paid to die - eases of Bye, Ear, Nose ain't Throat, and dis- eases of Women, 11.7"1:1onsultation in Eng- lish and German. Telephone at reeidenlio. Lortse MeKnater.-Thitt ouse %bleb has been suing on for needy two yeare (1100 at Int readied the Supreme mutt or Ganda and will be nerd in Ottawa in May uext. The Aldan Wee brought by the townehip of Logan &pint the town- ship of PrIcKillop to recover $1378.68, pe.id by Logan for the constreatzon of 111 dad) made under an engineer's award. flo- Killop refused to re-imburee Logan be- nne the mouton) of the Coleman estate, Seaforth'who were largely inter. ested, Objeoted to the proceedings. At the trial Ohief JestIce Armour, with nine relnetane, dismissed the action, irogan appealed to the Ontario court of appeal and lineeneded, three jeans out of foor, who heard the lease, .deoided in favor of Logan. MoKillop now appralp to the Supreme Outlet, LIR C34.110 V4111. Lrrooio LINae.-A pioneer farmer of Kinloss Galled at the Sentinel .oilloe last week and informed them that 27 years ago he did not sow grain till the fith of May and 28 yeare ago it was the eth of the eame month before the steed was consigned to its earthly bed, and that he never had better non than those years. G. W. Berry lost it piano by the fire in the Oaledonian liall.-The bye election in county council dthielon, No. 8, 110 3111 the vanney caused by the unseating of CoI, Swot and Mx, Bland will take plan on May lot. -Al) the Caledoniane Soolety'e tins were destroyed by the tire in the hall. -There is no increase in the liquor lioenses in the villages' and townshipe by the new Koonce al(, -Our respected Post - meet)) and pioneer mondial% PcIaloolm Campbell, celebrated his eightieth birth. day len week, on the 4th inst., and his many friends through the country will be pleased to learn his health is edit as good as used, anti *ie) him many retinns of the clay. ITOR SERVICB,-THE UN- A- netexoten will 11001, for soryle0 1101 Lot 0, Con00.0 and 11, (Irby, a there' bred Durham Inill,With registered pedigree, Also it registered Yorkshire boar, from 3, :B. Brethour's World's Fair stook. Tema, 00 to be paid at time of service, with privilege of rettruing if neecieilerY,. . 04-001 0118.0. liczteLre Ploprietor. - • IMPROVE?) YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE, utiOnrehgnod will keep for fierviee on *0,01 11(1, Con, a, Morris, the thorogired proved Y011:0100 1301r, ',Oak Lone Long- relloW," Me, bre cl S.111. BrethoU 0, littr- ford, to whilst) a limited number of 00010*0(11 be (non. Teems, 0140, to booed *01 11(100 (*1 0010010 with privilege of toturniug if nee. 000*1*07'A sleben) of 0110010 yotregimes for 01810 for bending purposes' weld) 30111 be Sold at grins to suit the times, 21. ROM, NICHOL, Proprietor. »Coal 16) s. rel. SOWILIMITs.-Wiliinm Robb has die, posed of hie comfortable briels residenoe, on Goderioh street, to De. Oooper, of Ooestenee, who takes possession and Wends oomiug to town to reside on the lire' of May. -j. P. McLaren is nursing a sprained arm. He fell off a, load of draw entaind the itijary. - (Rev. Dr.) McDonald received the sad (me))). gence last week of the death of her brother, David Cavan, which took place ab his lionie in Houghton, Michigan, of stppendioitis.-R. R. Ross who has been attending the Dental College, in Toronto, and who graduates this Spring, has leasod the brick residence of Mr. Kline, and intends becoming a resident of Seaforth shortly. -John Oardno slipped and thll, dislocating his shoulder. - Mies Amy Brett, who spent the Easter vacation at ber home here, returned to Toronto, to resume her studies at the Toronto Normal Sohool.-Prior to tho departure of James A. Reid, late of bbe Ogilvie mill, for the Northwest, bo was presented with an address from the Sons of Scotland. - Levi Smith of this town, who built anew kora in St. Joseph last Summer, has leased his store to George Campbell, of that place, who hos opened a grocery store therein. -Thomas Wilson, 13011 of D. D. Wilson, has returned from Chinn, where he has just graduated from the Dental Oollege. Th0us:18148 Tonaues Could not express the rapture of Annie E. Springer, of 1,125 Howard street, Philadelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr. King'e New Discovery for Consump• tion bad completely cured her of a batik. ing congh that for many years bad made life a burden. A.11 other remedies and doctors meld give her no help, but she says 01 1111(8 royal cure -"It non removed the pain in my oheet and I oan now sleep soundly, something I oan scarcely re- member doing before, I feel like sound. ing its praises throughout the universe." So will everyone who tries Dr. King's New Discovery for any trouble of the throat, obeet or lungs. Pelee 50o, and $1..00. Trial bottles free at G. A. Dead. man's drug etore. Every bottle guaran- teed. about eighty theme, The delivery repro - Rented nearly $110018 ,o (1* of figs 'mature] implement li. Tho Advenoe suegesta that the town slitudd hold out some encouragement to the Braes Band to thoroughly reorganize and maintain 110011 10 an efficient state. There is, we believe, no look of telent, and it first•olose organization, creditable to themselvee and the town, might be eustained i/ suflident, eneouregement were extended to it, It 011(41(11 001 be nu. wise fon the Council to lend a helping hand. With Sufficient essiatanee from the Couneil and enciournement from the chiding, the Band might be Induced to play one evening a sveek in the park dur- ing the Summer. Certainly the Band cannot be expected to do this, simply for the fan there is in 0, Why should not Wingliem be as enterprising in this re. spent ae other towns. Itt et Oto. EmerrATs.-Davld Smith, of Morris, has oornmened thee' udy of medicine with Dr. Milne.-Wedneeday of lost week was a field day for the farmers in the neigh- borhood of 131yth. It was the minden of the Spring delivery of farm implements by the Noxon Co,, Limited, of Ingersoll. The Myth Band enlivened the proceed. ingo with eome excellent muolo.-J. Moser left on Tuesday for Morden, Man., where he hoe snared a lucrative position in a hardware atore.-The itt- terior of the Methodist oburoh is being repainted and deooratal. 7, Walthew, of St. Themes, has the entente -J. E, Bennett has purchased a rook crusher ancl is now in a position to melte con- tracts to °rush stone for municipalities or private parties.-Johu Phillips has sold his blaoltsmith shop and residence on Queen street to Wm. Rob.rtson, who takes poseession on August lot next. 8, 01. Gidley has purchased the four -secant Iota on Drummond street from Mr. Phillips.-Wotson & Emigh shipped five oars of cattle to Portland, Maine, for ex. port and one oar of hogs to Collingwood on Monday of last weelt.-Thee. Joynt shipped six oats of Lushes to Boston, Mass., last week.--Bainton Bros., of the Myth tannery, shipped 116 hides to Hamilton or, Wednesday of last week. - Hugh ItIoQuarrie, who has been the very efficient secretary of the Moeda Agri- culture) society for the poet 30 yeare, has resigned and is succeeded by Joseph Hab• kirk. -W. W. Storni left on Tuesday of last week On a Matinee trip to the South. ern States. VV in frit nan . (Iutended for last week.) Rev. D. Perrin enhanged pulpit work on Sunday last with Rev. R. S. G. Ander- son, of Wroxeter, On Friday of hist week while Ildre. S. Youhill wee ooming out of a neighbor's hone she slipped and fell, spraining her wrist. Tho regular Baptist Convention for Ontario and Quebec) will meet in Wal. mer Road Baptist Aunt)'Torontri, be. ginning May 2411) and001111)01)03)several days. Pasta Freed and Deacon John Smith are delegates. from Wingliani to represent the churn here, T. 13. PrIoAndrew has engaged for a year with the organization department of the Chosen- Friends as Organizer. He has not been it the best of health for NM time, and the change of ocoupation may be benefidal. The Order is nowt • ing popula_Jr, and Mao. should' meet with diocese. • lie is eanverning now. at Oen- tralia, with a view of eatablishieg 10 Connell there. PERSoNALS.-M)0. minion and ,DirS. Pielde, of Teeawater, were the guests of Permatt for a few days last week.- IVIre. S. Greoey and Mies Eva returned on Tuesday from visiting friends in Blyth. --Mitre Minnie Peasant ie visiting friend) it Teeetvetar this week. -Pd. E, Zarbrigg spent Saturday and Sunday at his home ih Listowel.-Pdr. and Mre. (Jerrie, of Mt. Forest, spent a few. doge Ian week with Mrs. Helm, ---Wm. Kitt. son bag purehased the regicience of Wm. Neil, nen the C. P. R. station,-Thoe. Dodde hoe accepted 0. situation in Sea. forth. LIMB= Derevertv.-On Friday last, the largest delivery of ogrioultural implo. manta ester witnessed iu Wingbam, was made by T. EL Ron, agent of the Franey. Harris Go., 00010 ed by Thoe. Johnston, general agent of the Co., and 3,0. Web- ster of the bead offiee, The forenoon was taken up with the loading of the machinery on the themers' sleigh!). Tho perchanes then availed themeelves of the hospitality ot the company, acrengements having boon made for dinner at the bottle, After dinner, the procession 0100 tonna, beaded by the Wingham Braes Band ; the purchasing with Ode tettale lintel up, darting from the Dineley Hone° end reaehing needy to (lie South end Of Josephine Area. Nearly sixty , toned), loaded With hindersioneWors, end drills, and other implements, made quite an imposing army, Me. ROSS in orms 1011 that quits a nember of rumbaed() seen not in the procession, and that hod they ell boon present, there Woelci have been Itobbed the Cleave. A. startling incident, of whioh Mr. John Oliver, of Philadelphia, is the sub - int, is narrated by him as follows ;-"I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain oontinually in book and sides, and no appetite-gradnally growing weaker day by day. Three phiethians had give» me up. Fortunate. ly, a friend advised trying Electi io 13% tees, and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improve. meet. I continued their nee for three weeks and a.m now a Well roan. 7 know they saved my life and robbed the grave of onother viatim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50 nets, guarenterd at G. A. Deadman's drug storm 1...itg-tow el. Newav Lteks.-There are one or two oases of eoarlet fever in town, which we understand is of a mild type. -S. S. Jennings, florist, has a fine lot of roses in bloom at hie greenhouse. -Owing to the basement 03 11)0 publio eohool being flood. ed with water, several ot the depart. meets were given a holiday, as the fires in the furnaces oould not be kept up. - Nathan Calder and Henry Horn have formed a partnership in the bnilding and oontruoting business, and have leased Jacob Large'o planing mill for a term of years, the latter gentleman having de- oided to retire from the business. -A ease of abusive language, in which two residents of the town were the prinoipals, was aired in the police oonrt, with the result that the defendant was fined §1 and costs, and the complainant received a reprimand from the magistrate. -The Farmers' Go Operative Assooiation of Listowel, Limited, completed He organi. entice by electing the following officers :- President, Jacob Bray, Elite,; Vice - Pen., Jept1)a VanKleeek, Wallace ; See, Treas.'Henry Hemeworth, Wallace.- The 810 annual convention of Perth Sunday Sohool Anouiation will be bald in the Presbyterian churn, Listowel, on Wednesday and Thursday, April 26t11 and 27111: -In speaking of the flood, the Manned nye ;Wallace street was oon• verted into a pond for the time being, most of tho business plane on both eine of the street being compelled to, shut up shop, and a clans, manned by a orew of young men, was one of the eights on thio Venieeliks street. The street was fl.00d. ed as for es the Main street orossingf and other low-lying streets were oleo dosed to everything except eavigation. Fortuo ately the water did not remain long at W(01101510, and soon began to recede agait. THE BRUSSELS POS BIGGER BUSINESS AHEAD. Everybody is talking about the good Spring it is to be -the buoy Spriog. There iso confident tone to heathen all over Canada and nowhere more so than right here. Our preparations are on a larger wide than over before, and no part of the htleinelle 0110018 up better this dome than the Drees Goods notion, It would be impoesible to show everything that is now in dens etuffe, What we can do and are doing is to gather the best and most worthy fabrine for you, besides giving you a wider and better renge to Choose from than you'll find anywhere outside of this store in the oounty. This mot be your best drese goods store. 111 1180 been 80 for manyseasons in the pad. This year we are going to disoount our past efforts in every point of comparison. Below we give you an 101)1105 03 what you may expect to And here. -Fancy Drees Goode in shot dints, regular 30o. for 23o, Satin Vigoreaux, new eolors, at 35o , 50a., and 75e, -- Plain Ganite Vieoreaux, in Fawn, Dewey, Blue, Browns and misturee, at 500., 760. and $1. -Box Cloths, in all the new ehadee, ab $1 and $1.23. -Plain Covert Cloths, in all the new oolora, 600., 75o. and $1. -Plain Drap de Paris, very stylish, at 75o. and $1. -Bleak Lustree, fin and glossy, at 20o., 20o , B5o., 50a. and 77o. - Blaok Princess Serge, very spode', from 25o. to 75o. -Black German Vendettas (jet b(ack) 25o., 500., 7Go. and $1. -Binh Biotite Cloth, fee mourning, at 80o. and$1, ' - Black Mercerized Satan, something new, 33o. -Black Soliel, very speoial, 75o. and $1. We will be pleased to have you call and see 0110 11001 goods. You need not spend a omit except yon want to. Rif ; GO., HUH. were :-Beeeipts $487.10, expenditures $409,89, balance $17 75.-W. E. Rend, R. A., of the Clinton Collegiate, 019.8 appoint- ed as one of the councillors of the math- ematical notion in connection with the Ontario Teachers' Assodation. - Earl Oriob, of Seaforth, is now engaged by George Roberton in his borne parlors. - A. A. Sohrenls is now the owner of the famous standard bred pacing mare "Mag. gie Murray" ; her record is in the 2 40 olase.-John Wiseman has noured an important and responsible eittuttion in the dress goods deportment of Craig's large Store Winnipeg. -The I, 0. 0, P. intend holding an At Hume about the 27th ; the occasion being an anniversary in connection with the order. The brethern will attend service on the 2erd at the Baptist ohurch. blower Onydres.-The offioers elected for the Laorosee teem this year are :- Pres., M. MaTaggart- vice, W. G. Doherty 1 Sem-Trees., 1, 13. Brook ; Committee, 13ort, Potts, A. J. Morrish, A. Miller, with ottptain and inerethey.- It was decided by motion that the model solmol observe "Empire Day" according to regelations of Dothinion anoolation, and the chairman, Dr, Brum, rind El, E. Bedizens were appointed s, oommittee re the day's prograin.-John Clarridge, of the organ faotory, met with a bad tool. des% While oleaning a, revolver, 0111 )011 be knew was loaded, 111 0180 suddenly dim - charged, the ball passing tint:nigh his hand. -W. Fowler, gold and silver medalist and fiest-olase honor graduate this year at the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Toronto, haa opened up an office on Hun Elt., in the nand formerly occupied by Dr, Wathington (opposite (Demmer. Oilil ho ol,)-1000 smoke of flour were sbip• ped en Wednesday of lost week, to Liverpool, Eng., by N. & J. Felt ; 130 organs on same clay, by Doherty Organ Co., to Liverpool. -The quarterly Official Board of Rottenbury Street Methodist 'bunch met on 'Wednesday evening of last week; and by a pendently until - mon vote invited Rev, W. G. Howson, of Modoed, to beneath the pestor for next year.- The Oonmitttee Managing the Star comae Entedointnent purpon to give the people of Clinton extotheo ocurse in the oaely Fall, The following le a statement 01 the gems receipts end expentlituree furnished by J. W. Trelee. von, Treasurer for the Course nOW closed A. FrIghlrel Blunder May often nese a horrible Burn, Scald, Out or Bruise. Buoklen's Arnica Solve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin eruption•. Beet Pile cure on earth. Only 25 ets, a box. Onre guaranteed. Sold by G. A. Dead- man, druggist. A.twoocl. Ari' Beossoms.-The Dime Cheese Cots factory oommeneed making ohne° on the 12th inst.-0. H. Holmes has giv- en up the Newry store and in future will devote hiE1 full Ulna to his Atwood husi- ness.-Tbe sum of $7,50 was granted in mid of forming a Public Library in Monk - ton by Elms Counoil.-The Atwood flax mill has been rented for 1899 to W. F. Forrest for 5250. Mr. Kean, the present foreman, will be retained that oapaoity by Mr. Forrest, as well e•st the present staff of employees. -Melvyn Graham left for Hamilton to take a commercial course in the Hamilton Business College.- Pathmosters were appointed for 15(ma township as follows t -D. Dipple, A. Weber, J. D. Philip, EL Kargee, H. Leslie, A. B. Gordon, R. Hall, J. Adams, Wm. Coates, A. Hewitt, W. Mortin, je , W. J. Forbes, A. Hamilton, J. Gray, A. Fraser, 0. Gordon, T. Moyberry, T. K. Mayberry, L. Heath, J. Porterfield, T. Tughen, J. Sheorer, J. L. Turnbull, W. Shearer, W. Brook, G. Hargreaves, T. Sproul, E. Gerry, W. Booth, E. Moore, A. Porter, W. Jolly, W. Porterfield, J. Leonard, Thos, Dickson, W. D. Gray, .7. Curry, W. Millen, \17. Hamilton, G. Graham, F. Curtis, G. Hume, J. Dan. brook, B. Burnett, 1. Garvin, J. Angue, J. Love, J. Wallace, W. J. Alexander, J. Petrie, W. Hemphill, J. Buohanan, 3. Hall, W. E. Wherry, W. Bell, J. Dewar, 3. Meautolieon, A. Robb, A. Gray, F. Soheeloff, D. Barton, J. Rutherford, 3. Ellaoott, 3. Gilkinson, 8.. Quipp, S. Hike, R. Buchanan, T, Coolswell, R. Meore, S. McCloud, 0, Ritter, A. PcloKay, G. Ellacott, W. J. Holmes, G. Struthers, J. Krugitl, V. Bahade, W. Buohanan, F. Doering, W. Ranney, H. Boo, W. Little, A. Aikens, H. Manton, J. Holman, Jas. Holman, H. Near, W. Scott, W. Merry. field, J. Adair, J. Gerithelcier, G. Leslie, J. Tinning, J. Struthers, J. Gordon, W. Blair, C. Broaghton. Milton Sheep, 808 Jr. IV. -Total (.100- °aer)e Speir, 423 ; Minnie Mooney, 324 ; Everett Walker, 312 ; Nelson Maunders, 306 ; Lizzie Davis, 294 ; WillieJohnston, 195. Third -GOO -George Davis, 450 ; Laura °loony, 430 ; John Moss, 424; Lizzie Spa% 408 ; Elston Cardiff, 418 ; Minnie Walker, 374 ; Annie Nichol, 284 ; Tena Forsyth, 278, Sr. 2ed.-Total 450 -Arthur Taylor, 329 ; Frank Nichol, sr., 324 ; Ada ProCuteheon, 298 ; Frank Niohol, jr., 274 ; Peroilla Maoniog, 140. Jr. 2nd. -450 -Lorne Nichol, 828 ; Har- old Speir, 254 ; 011ie Walker, 235. Part II. -250 -Robert Forsyth, 185 ; Bennie Welker, 131. Honor standing for Mardi -Norah Maunders, Mabel Nichol, Bertha Nichol, Garde Spa% George Davis, Laura Oloakey, John Pleas, Arthur Tay- lor, Frank Nichol, er., Lorne Nichol, Robert Forsyth, The following pnpils have been promoted :-From Sr. god to Jr. IV. -George Davis. From Sr. 2nd to Jr. Ord. -Arthur Taylor, Prank Nichol, er., Ada MoCutcheon, Frank Niohol, jr., Percilla Planning. J. D. E. Deny. Teacher, 01o0ke00.s. Sorrow, 111000a11. -The following is the report of Union school, No. 8, East Wawanosh and Morris, for the month of March. The names are arranged in order of merit r -5th class, -Katie Gras. by, A. Netbery, W. Nethery, W. Ileale,y. Sr. 4th. -5.. 0001080, W. Walsh, A., Claming. Jr. 4th. -T. Williams, M. Grasby, M. Goatee, II, Taylor, Kraal, ling. Sr. 8rd.-T. Blake, M. Armour, Jr. Nethery, A. 'Williams, W. Love, J. Kelly, Nethery, A. Lindsay, B. Pnaser, C. Prager, O. Taylor, P Kelly El Ellison Ft 2nd. -M. W11. Rains, 11. Grasby, T. Fraser, E. Armen. Pt. 1. -Leo Kelly. law 13, Isutesent, Teacher, ItgrOirt.-The following is the clitheifi• dation of pupils in S. 8. No. 1, Morrie, for the 10, 10 beginning the lot of April, 1809 2nd. -L. Dno, A. Attrestrong. Jr. 2nd, -S. Cookerline, 01. Oololough, F. Haggit. Sr. 2nd. -Amy Rogersoe, Genie Gibson, Bimetal Cookerline, Medley Clark, Odin MoDonald, Basil Walleoe.-Jr. Oncl.-Rogie O'ContiOr, James Phalan, Henry Pierce. Sr, Ord. - Jas, Gibson, Leo Kelly, Ellie Pierce, Fred, Armstrong, John O'Ckinnor, Ohris, Rogerson, Edwin Armstrong, Peter McDonald. Jr. 4i11. -Bessie Tap lor, Emma Clark, Mary Soott. Sr. 4th, -IL Arradeong, A., M. hthElrosl, Laura Smith. Jr. 6th. -Maggie McDonald, Roby Gibson, Len Smith, Sr. 5/11, - Rosie Clark. EL Auden, Tenher, Senn Revonte.-The followb3g is the raped of S. 8, No, 4, htherie, foe the month of derail. Primary-500-Nora11 Maunders, 858. Public S. Leaving - 900 --Willie Oloakey, 41151 Riehord Oar. diff, 427 ; Alex. MCN sb, 419 ; Ida Mooney, 211, Br. IV. -Mabel Niohol, 569 ; Bee, the Nichol, 608 ', John Oloakey, 618 ; Seethe finny, 126 ; Robert Mooney, (371; Thal Throbbing illandache Would quickly leave you if you need Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matohlees Merits for Siok and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strung nervee and build op your health. Easy to take. Try therm Only 25 oents. Money back if not cured. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. The L. E, ct D. R. Railway Go. have chartered the big ferry boat "Shenango" for 5 years, to run between Port Stanley and Conneont with cargoes of coal. This will make a lively trade between On- tario and the ooal fields of Pennsylvania and Ohio, giving employment to quite a number of hands. PUMP Won, BRUSSELS. I have purchased the above well known Pump Works from Gamer Green and am prepared to supply the wants of the Public) in either new work or repairs. ALL WORK GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Orders left at my shop or residence or at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly looked ether. -r'..At33 prepared to take orders for new Wells and Cistern. FRED. ADAMS, Shop on Mill Street, BRUSSELS. Anchor -4w Wire rencing Tho undersigned is prepared to sell and build any quantity of the Celebrated Anchor Wire Fencing. This is the Strongeeb and Cheapest Fence on the market and is guaranteed to give satisfaotion. ALSO GATES FOR SALE. For further particulars BS to prioe, &o,, oall on or write JOHN CURRIE, 80.2m anitINT, BRUSSELS. INGLES Relish Columbia Red Cedar Shingles North Shore Pine and Cedar FOB SALE AT TOR *Brussels Plaaing A "Feather -Bed Shoe." Light tas feathers, -warm as a feather bed, -no 1..ubber or leather -under the foot, -only strong, tough, soft, warm, wool felt soles, that grip ice, and prevent slipping. Lined with best quality piano felt. soft, flexible, handsome shoe. Made in water -resisting " K;d- dtick," all " Slater Shoe " shapes and sizes. Goodyear welted. Trade mark and price stamped on the sole. $5.00. Shoes by mall. Catalogue free. Jno. Downing, - Sole Local Agent 1141115....09SZEZ.49.4. McLEOD'S System °Renovator ^AND Munn - TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita. tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Cou- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vites' Dance, Female Irregularities and Generel De- bility. LABORATORY, GOMM, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manefaoturer. Bold by .fas. Fox. Druggist, Brussels, Also 08080 and Saeh of all Pat tarns on hand or made to order at Short Notice, Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman. alit) and Material Guaranteed. P. AMENT, W111 makes a well man of YOU I PICOM PROD11000 TI'M ABB= DEW= Itr POOR 800000. PIOOSS cures all Ilcryons 101,00000, Slooeleas• nom Eating reoroorr,Nisutly Emissions, Sperm. torrhoea, Impotency, etc., caused by Cost otoiSeo gives visor and stye to shunken 000800, anl guloky but. ratTerin old fllt0;zjvc'aiar:Zator1 dent by m001 lpyi 111 0011 securely sealed . from oteorration. Badly earriod in vest, packet. Prleo, el a package. SIX 001 30. Bond 000000 10 either ordlna7 or reenter. ad later. Addresc all letters to J..1, Pell'erati 2tgtW000010010,001„ Agent for tbc Do. goe,1c. CHANGE OF BUSINESS. The undersigned having purchased the Restanant businese of W. 8.00111031 has added a fine ohoice stook of GROCERIES and is now prepared to give good value to the public. Oar stook embraces :- New Tea., Canned Goode, Fruits, Spines, Soaps, Fish, Syrups, Vinegars and all other linea kept in a First-class Grooery. Choice Stock of Confectionery. Will (tontine° the Restaurant as usual where Oysters, Ioe Cream and Summer Drinks will be served in the beet possible etyle. FRESH BREAD ALWAYS ON HAND. Chas. 1-1. 73art1iffe BRUSSELS. Central Grocery and Restaurant. Spectacles -Or ALL KINDS - Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight; and your Eyes tested FREE by latest Optical methods at Division Court Office, BRUSSELS. The Standard Bank of Canada. gamy Orders For amounts of Fifty Dollars and under issued by this Bank, payable at par at any chartered Bank in Canada, with the exception of Branches in the Yakon Die - trim. RATES: Under $10 . . $0.08 $10 to 20 . . . 0.10. 20 to 30 . . 0.12 30 to 50 . . . 0.14 J. N. GORDON, Agent, BRUSSELS. HONE/ TO LOAN. • Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. TAIL RING! 11. G. Richardson Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Good Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES. Snits made for $4 and upwards. la -Shop lo (larflolil Block. On IMO NEW OVFPALO PATO, ALL MEI. MC 11/01R00. tO. tt. 110110101 r,PRINO tooni 001T100500 X X01 LI t. 1005. co.t. 30 LOITG, TheBuffalo All -Steel Disc Harrow This is the only Mee Narrow 108(10 00 sold in Canada, having independent, adJustable Spring pressure upon the inner ends of the gang diem allowing any amount of presenre to be thrown up= the inner ends of the gangs,by the foot Of' the operator. By this means a perioonly action is axonal end the ground aan be worked to a 0111form_dept11. Examine this Maehine carefully and oOnipare With others. The No. 12 Cultivator ikinavan 0110 ecconss. only Cultivator made that hobli lines of teeth will cat an even depth iu the ground. II:U=1UB it 110d you will sae why. The only Onitiyator with a moveable tooth nob so than the angle of the teeth...mu be regulated to suit any condi-. tion of soil. Pressure emu be regulated to alb differently on every sootion requiring it. The tootix aro carried between the wheels instoacl of tro.1.011f1 behind, as in other =nines, thug enuring Miter draft. This machine is fur- nishad with grain and Mae teed box When re- quired, 71 1.100 reversible diamond endpoints for the teeth ; also, extra wide tbietle-ehtting 1101 0110 ey anno boot hf 00 00. !shed, Examine it en you wn The Best Drill Made, The Hoosier Needs No teirelluslielt., Over 40,000 Drills) and Seeders Of our =MR.. 11161,000 in Ilse 10 Canada. The onlY neado lover for ivatan't and perfect regulation of depth of hoe in 811 kinds of nil, while team in motion. Sows absolutely aided to 00010; saves seed, afi every kernel is deposited at a prood depth to grow, ?motion only the beet and you will be satialled, We also inaniifitoture Ildepere Moven, Salto, Cultivntoes and Pain% os good es the Web. Bond for illustrated catalogue. NOXON BROS. Mill. CO., (Litailed) 'moron, Ont., thutodo A.golrb T3rti,sse1s,