HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-4-14, Page 8ABOUT
When baying a Wheel get one
that every part of it ie Made by one
firm. They oan then guarantee
every part of Itand are interested in
making every part as near perfect ae
THE CRESCENTS are all made by one
firm—not like many others where
the different parte are bought and
then the Wheelie made up to order.
You cannot expect =oh from a
Wheel like that.
When buying a Wheel buy one that bee
a good reputation and whose makers
are wall known. No one can say
anything detrimental to the ORES.
GENT Biopsies.
Lastly, buy a Bioycle that you will have
no trouble getting any part of i6
should you rrgnire them. No trouble
getting ORBSOENT repaire when
Buy a CRESCENT and be happy,
G. A. Deadman,
Agent for Crescent Bicycles.
N3 Y.X S
Vaeoloe Pointe can be had at Dead -
man's Drug and Book Store,
Cement Bioyolee alwnye give oaths.
faotion and sales are inoreaeiug each
Wall Papers in large variety and epee.
lel values are to be bad at J)eadman's
Drug and Book Store.
Your Eyee should not be abused by
wearing Speotaoles not suited for them
when you can have them tested free and
get the proper kind at Deadman'e Drug
You can either buy or rent a Bicycle
from G, A. Deadman, and what you pay
in rant can be applied toward the par.
ohase if you decide to keep it.
SOUTHERN emission w. 0. et 9.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows;
14xprees7:16 a.m,ail ............ 2:10 p,m
foxed 0:47 a.m. I M
Express 10:17 p.m
Korai Reim Reins,
A.ahiel'e amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Ann, showers.
THE PoeT gives the news.
Samoa re•openedlast Monday.
On Baster friends have left us.
Saaom Board on Friday evening.
"Huhn° I all caught," is on the pro-
Some of the big snow drifts on the
gravel road bave bean plowed so as to
open the road for wheeled vehicles.
ALmnaT FITZPATnrax is now keeping
store at Births, Man. He bag added
hardware to the other lines handled.
Tier business part of the Main street
reoeived a sweeping np of refuse this
week at the bands of Constable McLeuoh-
A load of young people from Brussels
and vicinity drove out on Wednesday,
April 5th, and spent a very pleasant.
evening at the home of K. MacKenzie,
4th line, Morrie.
SLEIGamG ie wound np for this 700000
after a steady run of over four months
and wheeled riga are once more in nee.
It was a great Winter for the sale of
critters and sleighs.
Geoses Tanen ban purchased a fine
"Ferguson" mare from EY•Reeve Thos.
Strachan, of Grey, paying $140 for her.
Mr. Thomson is quite a horse fancier
and has owned a number of valuable
animate. His new parahase is in foal
to Scott & Warwiok's horse, "Costumer."
Garnenen AT THE G. T. R.—Thos. Mo-
Lauuhlin, eon of Neil McLauoblin, the
well known drover,
has taken a ei '
as brakeman on thetpat1W. G. & B. and, will
probably bave his run from Palmerston
to Kincardine. We hope Tom will not
have his finger nails trimmed by the oar
couplers.— Messrs. Clegg & Dames
chipped a oar of hogs Eastward
on Monday and Meagre, McDonald, Fer-
guson & Best did likewise on Tueeday.—
Last Wednesday the station men loaded
the loge, lost off the train last week,
between Brussels and Ethel, and brought
them bank to our station yard au the
lorrie.— TheEaster passenger traffic was
beavy this year.—Large ebipmeote of
local freight arriving during the past few
THURSDAY of last week was Morse Fair
day and attracted a large crowd to town.
Many of the good horses have been
bought up for the Manitoba market yet
some line animals were disposed of on
Thursday and good prices realized. This
was the last Fair of this eeaeon. Daring
the afternoon A. R. Smith took ad-
vantage ofso many people being in and
through the lung power of J. McKenzie
palled the attention of the public to his
stook of Readymade olotbing, &o., &c.
enbatioa and swat re•onion, previous to
the departure of Henry Mooney and wife
for Weyburn, N.W.T., will be held in the
Town Hall, Bruiseels, on Friday evening
of this week, commencing at 8 o'clock.
Mr. Mooney'e old friends in Morrie will
present bim with a fine far coat and the
Brussels well wisher"' of Mrs. Mooney
will deflate a gold watch. All friends
will be welcome. The municipal officers
of the township and others will be present
and give short addressee interspersed
with masioaf eeleotione. Mr. and Mrs.
Mooney and daughters expect to leave foe
the West on Tuesday, 25th, it week later
than was first intended owing to the
baokward Spring.
Alex, Leeob bad the top of the second
finger of his left hand taken off by the
caw a short time ago. Mr. Leech' lives in
Seaforth.—Tho beading department is
buoy sawing up the bolts. It will take
about fix weeks to finish this job.—A oar
of heading was turned this week and
shipped to Goderioh.—Last Saturday as
Aimee Doll and Rob. Wilbee were hauling
heading bolts from the yard to the mi
the former bad hie left foot injured by a
046 from an axe, wbioh the latter was tieing
in loosening the bolts. Mr. Doll moved
leis foot as the axe wits descending and
received a nasty gash, We hope he will
goon be able to get about as usual ae be
was in eharge of one of the mill -yard
iteaale.--Thursday of last week, Philip
Anient's blank driving Sydney mare pre-
sented hint with a fine foal bred from
"Costumer," the evell•lrnown stallion
Owned by Messrs. Scott & Warwick, and
Mr, Anent is correspondingly well pleas.
ed.—There is a large gangly of saw loge
in the hill yard that will keep the saw
ruin hamming 101 some. menthe, The
employtee he the factory' are busy on
Maga fnrnishinge far the Doming Sum.
mats building,
GET the snow and fie off your sbare of
the sidewalk. .
official visit to Brussels poatoffice on
Tuesday and found everything o. k.
Oooa stove, pipes and zino platform,
and parlor stove and pipes for sale at a
bargain. Apply to War. Examine, Brue-
years of age, has completed a quilt con-
taining 3,000 pieoee, a feat not within the
power of many of her age.
ENTERPRISE Salt Works is booming.
Gordon Mooney, the energetic foreman,
willsoon complete his 7111 year with the
Coleman's. Gordon is a good worker,
TENNIS.—A meeting of all interested in
the re.organizatioo of the Tennis club
for 1b$9 will be held in Lawyer Sinolair's
office on Friday evening of this week at 8
A BRueeots young Man was 60en On
Taroberry street on Tuesday afternoon
with one of the newest fashion hats be-
longing to one of our millinery establish.
menta. It looked nine too, quite beoom•
ing, and was np to the Standard,
TEE Truant Officer would not require
to look very far for a job in oonneatica
with the non-attendance of some boys
at the Public school. The lade don't
know what they are missing in their un-
willingness to eenore an education.
Mnsresrs.—Next Tuesday evening a
Mueioa'e will be held at the Methodist Par.
soilage, commencing at 8 o'clock, Mies
Sarah Denise Moore, of Ssaforth, will
contribute a couple of piano solos ; H.
L. Jaokson'e phonograph will talk and
sing ; and there will be vocal and literary
selections. The fee will be 10 Dente.
Tan Pose has forwarded, np to this
date, 148 subsoriptione to the Toronto
Globe for 1890 ; 45 to the Family Harald
and Weekly Star ; 31 to the Montreal
Witneee ; 28 to the Mail -Empire •,15 to
the Western Advertiser ; 16 to the Toron-
to Daily News ; and 18 or 20 6o various
Farm Journals. You pay us the club-
bing price and we do the rest.
IN the Postofiioe Statistics given on
page 4 of this issue, it will be uotioed
that Brussels Mime elands 2nd in Huron
Co. for money orders issued, the number
totalling 2,307, Goderioh beading the
list at 2,881, In gross revenue Bens -
eels is 6th in the Co., with an aggregate
of 52,328, Clinton Goderioh, Seaforbh
and Wingham exceeding this amount.
It is very goestianable if offices that do
the volume of business handled in Bras.
cele should not ring in for a larger salary
than that paid to Postmaster Farrow.
A Bennie Mon.—This is ebe eeaeon of
the year at which there is always more
or less moving and the size of the circle
included in these changes of residence is
often noticeable. Here's one of them:—
Jesse Wilbee sold his brick cottage on
Elizabeth street, to Alex. MoLansblin,
and moved to Ethel ; Fred. McCracken
ie now domioiled in the oottage ; Jae,
Oliver moved into the bonse vacated by
Mr. McCracken, which is owned by Mr.
Oliver ; Jno. Hewitt, tonsorial artist,
will abide in the brink house Mr. Oliver
is leaving ; and Geo. Lowry will move
into bis residence on Queen street, which
Mr. Hewitt is moving from. We can't go
back any further at present,
OURSELVES.—Last week a large number
of our neonate for baok eubaoriptions to
Tag Pon—some of them a long distance
bank—were banded over for oolieotion
and the parties duly notified. Running
a newspaper at 51.00 a year does not
afford margin enough to allow the amount
to 'stand on our books hence since postage
has been reimposed we found the nem.
city of making an effort to !square oil all
the sums past due. Our list was never
larger and never better paid up yet there
are several hundred dollars out that we
want in so that wemay make use of it by
settling our accounts. We wish to thank
the many who have squared up arrearagee
sed paid for 1800.
8050007107 OP SYMPATHY,—The follow-
ing resolution of oondolenoe was passed
at a relent mAseting of Brussels Tent No.
24, K. O, T C2.:—
To Daniel .Denman :—
dura and members of Brussels Tent,
No. 24, B, 0. T. M., desire to express our
heartfelt sympathy with you at this time
of your sad bereavement in the loss of
your beloved wife. None of tai are total
strangers to bereavement, and the mem.
ory of kind worde spoken in oar time of
need are very frequent with as still, and
awake the hope that this message of
sympathy may serve to li hten your
burden by the assurenoe that it is shared,
ab least in some degree, by others. It is
the earnest wish of this Tent that the
Divine Ruler who hail seen fit to take
your wife from you and your little child-
ren, may extend to you all that grace and
oonlforb which you need in this your time
of trial, and we pray that yourself and
children may be united in that Heaven.
1y Homs above where there will be no
more parting and whore God shall wipe
away all tears. Assuring you of our
deepest sympathy, we remain, yours in
behalf of Brnesele Tent No. 24,
rM. H. Moon Pest Com.
Signed { A. J. SOMERo, 00M,l A. Moaning, Reo,. Sto.
Bruesele, April 12, 1899.
A NEW awninb+ hoe been pot up for W.
J McCracken.
A omit/9T" wag bonged in the !ock.Itp
Sunday night, ate hie brenkfaet at the
Methgdiet parsonage ; borrowed it few
exchanges from Tile Pogy, and got hie
oompase toward Goderioh, Ile was a
reepeobable looking fellow 100,
Bowrkuo,—It je proposed bo Organisea
Dowling olub in Brussels for next Sam.
mer. Ail Interested are invited to G. F,
Blair'e law 'office on Monday evening at 8
oblook, If olub Is formed it le expected
Matches will be arranged with neighbor•
lag towne. The game ie praobioolly curl-
ing on the lawn, balls being need instead
of atones.
Tine ANNUAL TRAINING. -Tire military
oamp at London will be held this year
from May 80th to June 10111, when 8,700
mea are to be trained, The Bret infantry
brigade will ooneiet of five battalions.
One cavalry regiment and two City bat.
kittens will be attached for two days.
It ie not known whether the 83rd tat,
talion ie included in the five infantry
new STvnes.—We have received the
Standard Patterns and Pesbions thecae
for May. The sheets given free to those
who call for them, The May and eubee.
gsent althea of the Standard "Designer"
will be enlarged and.; improved in many
respects, making it more than ever before
the fashion magazine par exoellepae,
equalled by none, either in lowness of
prioe or highness of quality. • All sub.
ecriplioos reoeived during April and to
commence with the May inn the charge
for one year will be 850. After that date
the yearly sobsoription will be raised to
$1,00. Hand io your name to us before
the end of the month at the low price.
FLoon.—The foe broke lip on the mill
dam Thursday noon and with resietlese
force (Amok the foot bridge, near the flax
mill, carrying the 'Westerly half away
and giving the rest e, bad shaking. It
also wasbed oat a post at Oardiff & Best's
show room, near the iron bridge, letting
the platform used for storing imple.
meats, down, and precipitating a binder
into the river. The aloe was also en-
dangered. With the exoeptioo of the big
flood in August 18 years ago, the Mait-
land hatifnever been higher. The foot.
bridge was swept away then and was not
rebuilt for 4 years, when W. 11. Mc-
Cracken, who was then Reeve, pushed
the matter and had it constructed. The
piers, or abutments will be all right, but
a new superstructure will be required.
The old bridge timbers were badly dozed.
A number of kodaks were in use taking
snaps at different situations.
A YoaNO Wing Daae,—The Stratf„rd
Herald of Tuesday evening says of a
neioe of Alex. Stewart, Queen street,
Brussels :—Early D y Mo ndey morning there
passed quietly away at her home in North
Eaethope, Katharine, wife of Alex, J.
McMillan, and eldest daughter of airs.
John Stewart, Elizabeth street, this city.
She had been ill about a year and her
death had been looked for at any moment.
She was married to her now sorrowing
husband about 7 years ago, and shortly
atter the young ocaple took up their resi-
dence on lot 80, con. 3, one of the best
forme in the townebip. The deceased
was in her 3lst year and leaves a family
of three children, two boys and one girl,
Roy J., Joseph S. and Oral May, the
eldest of whom is about 6 years, and the
youngest not quite 2 years. Mr. Malta
Ian, who is bbe eon of ex-Ald. McMillan,
of this oity, has the sympathy of a wide
oirole of friends in the loss of a faithful
and loving helpmate. The funeral took
place on Wednesday at 2.30 o'clock p. m.,
to St. Andrew's cemetery, North Eaet.
SAW Co EaT —Bra 1
sae a
business men offered 520.00 divided into
5 prizes, for a sawing matoh with move -
out saws. The oonteat was hold on the
Market Square on Wednesday afternoon,
and was witnessed by a large number of
people. Two outs had to be made by
each oonpla off a beech log that measured
about 20 inohee and 19 incases emotive.
ly at butt and top. The work was well
done by the oontestants, and outside of
the let prize men, Messrs. Harrie and
Ramsey, of Grey, the others were well
bunched. Sawing was done in the fol.
lowing order, W. M. Sinolair and W. F.
Scott bolding stop watches, and N. F.
Gerry a5nonnoing the out :-
007 cum
Logan & Logan, Blyth 44 005 1.17}}
Bradshaw & Cardiff, Morris,01 87 1.23
Barnard& Willis, Wroxeter, S 02' 1,08
Mangier & Barnard, Wroxeter, 411 891 ,1.18:
MoOutohaOI & Fraser, Morris, 42 87 1,10
Wfltee &Harris Gre 99 a
y, 9 1,07
Ham;e & Rameuy, 4xey, 29 25 08
'The prizes were consequently awarded as
follows :—let, $8.00, to Harris & Ram-
say ; 2nd, 56.00, to Barnard to Willie ;
3rd, 54,00, to Wilton & Harris ; 4th,
52.00, Manner & Barnard ; 5th, 51,00,
Logan & Logan. There wag a match
against time by R. Cardiff and Wm.
Wilson, the "boys” winning. The time
by Messrs. Hartle and .Ramsay will not
be easily beaten, as 58 seconds for two
cute is rather bustling things.
—The following ie a brief note from
Ottawa oorreepondenoe relative to the
speeob of East Huron's M. P., on the
Address last Tuesday : "Dr. McDonald,
of East Huron, a strong and consistent
prohibitionist, iu an able speeob, in
whiob he dealt with the leading questions
of the day, expressed his oonviotion that
if the Government should pass a prohibi-
tory law at the present time public anti.
ment would demand its repeal in five
years, and that in ooneegnence the pro.
hibition cause in the Dominion would
suffer serious injury, As to the Govern-
ment action in the tariff question, Dr.
McDonald jaatiiied Sir' Wilfrid Lanrier's
action in respect of reciprocity with the
United States should be secured there
would be no market for our Canadian
barley, as the Americans had gone into
the bnsinees of raising corn and other
Hoarse grains which were used in brow.
ing and distilling. A comprehensive re-
view of the Conservative method of gorry.
mandering oonstituenoies, with the view
to legislating into Parliament the party's
supporters, was given the Rouge by Dr.
McDonald, who assured the Bongo that
Conservative comments on the impending
redistrihntion bill were based wholly ou
aupposition. The present expenditure
of the Government in administering the
affairs of the Yukon district wag shown
by Dr. McDonald to have been far from
extravagant, Dr. McDonald closed an
Able epsoch by stating that the country
was in accord with the Goverument'e
polioy, partleularly in reepnot to the fact
Atlantic line, the Pacific oabls and the
teaaeportalion," 'Tat FOOT expects 60
melte faller reference to this speech,
nLw ?OS .
ST4XD,414.1) .BANE OF C, N,IDV ,
19Sso.a,0EM.,T13XTZ17:1 0.072.
CAPITAL PAID UP (One Million Dollars) •
Business Locals,
Clover and Timothy good et Mo0rao•
Cunene and Timothy seed.
Baeker & Vanetone,
Wanted--Bnttorand Dgge, Higbest
Prima. Cash or Trade, Admittedly the
beat Produce market in Cemeda.
G. E, Kneo, Wingham,
S. 13, Sulam offers hie residence for Bale
or to rent, also three business etands on
Ternberry !area. Rent moderate, pas.
sesaession immediately,
MossRo. Coobrane & Johnston have re.
ssived a car of Sweedish and Scotch
granite, People wonting anything in bbis
line would do well to see them before
purchasing elsewhere, Don't buy from
agents but see the stook yourself and yoq
then know what yon are getting. We
parry a stook not surpassed by any town
in Canada. COCHRANE & JOHNSTON, deal.
ers in marble and granite monuments,'
Pons.—Tu Listowel, on April 4111, the
wife of Rev. M. Kelly, of a danehtor.
PAULIN.—In Wingham, on Friday, March
• 7th, the wife of Mr. E, P. Paulin of
a son.
Onemete—Io Brussels, on Sunday, April
9111, the wife of 'lir. D. A. Oruden of
a dangbter.
Henn—STAYYORD.—At Danville, en April
6611, by Bev. 0. E. Stafford, f.ttller of
the bride, Mr, F. C. liord, of
Mitobat), to Mies Minnie Stafford, of
Snaeltxn-Bnvcp.—At Elmbank. ills real.
donee of Mr. Robert Cleland, :Sime,
on the 29th cit., by Rev. P. A. Mc-
Leod, B. D., Mr. Wm. M. Shearer, of
lelma, to. Miss Margaret Wilson
Bryce, of Waterloo, Smittend.
Jon7sTON.—In Elma, on April 611, Annie
D. Johnston, aged 22 years, 4 months
and 4 deye.
Rsomeoo,—In Atwood, on April 2nd,
Rachel E. Hamilton, aped 22 years,
10 months and 8 days.
Teute w,—In Listowel, on April 2nd,
Emma Mearl, only daughter of Jas.
and Mrs. Tremain, aged 1 year, 7
months and 21 days.
RAE.—In Elma, on April lst, Isabella
Rae, wife of Alex. Rae, aged 32 years,
7 montbe and 16 days.
Tuoneoo.—In Walton, on Thursday,
AprilGth, Annie M., beloved wife of
Fred. Thomson, aged,84 years and
9 months.
MoRAn.—In Crenbrook, on April Mb,
Muriel Donelda, youngest dangbter
of Rev. D. B. McRae, aged 4 years,
8 months and 6 days.
MoINNEs.-1n Grey, on April 9th, Janet
Malnnes, aged 84 years.
Mc FADn er•—In Morris, on April 10th,
Aaron McFadden, aged 41 years, 10
months and 27 days.
RASISAY.—.In Toronto, on April 8th, Mary
Jane, wife of Herbert Ramsay, and
daughter of Peter Murdoch, Lower
Wiogham, aged 28 years, 5 months.
=Zola 0A.2 19.
WEDNESDAY, Ann, 12.—Farm stook,
implements, &o. Lot 26, eon, 8, Grey.
Sale unreserved ab 1 o'clock, W. J.
Sharp, proprietor, F. S. Scott auctioneer.
SATannev, April 22nd. --Household fur -
Miura, bioyole, &o. Bale unreserved, at
2 o'clock. Geo. Fitzpatrick, prop. ; F. S.
Soobt, anot.
Fall Wheat 65 60
Barley ....... ......... 85 40
Peas . ........ GO
Oats 28 629
Butter, tubs and rolls 18 • 14
Eggs per dozen9 10
Flour per barrel .. 4 00 4 00
Potatoes (per bog).,.... 1 00 1 00
Hay per ton 5 00 6 00
Hides trimmed 7 7
Hides roogb 5
Salt per bbl., retail1 00 60
Sheep skins, each 80 76
Lamb skins eaoh ' 25 25
Hogs, Live 3 90 4 00
Dressed Hogs 5 00 6 00
Wool 16 17
Apples (per bag) 1 00 1 00
East Buffalo, N. Y., April 11. -Cattle
—Tho market was quiet, with only a few
head on sale ; there were only a few head
of calves on sale, and with a moderate de.
mend the market was nominally
unchanged. Sheep and lambs—With
only four loads on sale, the market 7708
practically unohanged ; the feeling is still
strong ; uative wool Iambs were quotable
at 56.35 to 56.45 ; good to choice, $6.25
to 56.35 ; Western, 56.20 to 56.85 ; sheep,
choice to extra, 55 to. $6.26 ; good to
choice, 54.75 to 56. Hogs—The offerings
were only nine Ioads : the market was
slow to 6o higher ; heavy were quotable
at 5410 ; mixed, 54.05 to 54.07a ; York-
ers, 54 to 84.06 ; pigs, 53.80 to $8.90 ;
roughs, 53,50 to 58,60 ; stage, 52.50 to
Tonoaxo, April 11th.—
Wheat,-Offer-ings small, but demand slow ; market
easier ; (380. asked for red and white
west ; goose, easy ab' 66e asked" west ;
Manitoba a cent lower at 810 for No. 1
hard, North Bay, and 78c for No, 1
northern, grinding in transit. Flour
quiet ; oars of straight roller, in barrels,
58.20 to 58.25, Toronto ireigbte, Mill
feed, firm, at 514 to 515 for shorts, and
518 to 514 for brant wast.. Barley nomi•
nal at 45o to 460 for No. 1 west, Book.
wheat steady at 480 to 490 west. Rye
steady at 580 west. Corn quiet ; Can-
ada yellow, is quoted at 86o west, and old
American at 48ao, Toronto freights.
Oate limner ; white on northern, 31o,
and 30c to 80;io west. Oatmeal steady,
at 58.60 for oars of bags and 58.70 for
barrels here. Peas steady at 00o welted
Tonoivxo, April 11.—The run of etuff
at the western cattle market 10 day was
moderate, there being 63 oar loads, in.
eluding ant 285 sheep and ianihe, 575'
hogs, 50 calves and 40 miloh cows.
Trade in the cattle branch teas sIow,
there being practically no inquiry, owing
to the inabiliby of drovers and looal
traders to agree upon prime, There was
from 36e to 26e per cwt. decline in all
tinea of cattle, 1.'315 quality was goner.
ally ordinary and there were many fair
to medium cattle that looked as if they
needed a few more day's feeding, At
noon there wag still a largo Humber left
Me in the pens, heavy exports were
J91°lin. 14, 1.$99
Agencies in all prineepal potato On Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States its England,
IRVigeilotil BRAWN.
A General flanking Business Transaoted, Farmers' Notes Dieoounted.
Drafte.10ened and Collections nude on all pofnba.
Intermit allowed on deposits of 51.00 and upwards,
Every faoility afforded Customers living at dietsnoe.
in large supply at 54.50 to $5 per cwt, ;
light were a little easier at $4.50 to 84.70
per owt. The offeeings in the butcher
line were moderate, but the demand was
very poor ; choice selections were quot•
able at $4.25 to $4.85 per owl. ; medium
and common grades brought from 53 to
$8,25 to 54 per owt. Inferior were in
heavy supply, at $3 per cwt. Heavy
export bulls were steady at 5375 to
53 90 per ova; light were in small sup
ply at 52.60 to 53.60 per cwt. A few
choice cows fetched $35 to $42 each, and
desirable grades of veal calves, which
were i0 ample supply, were firm, at 58 to
$10 per head. The movement in Cana
adieu stookers for Buffalo was nob very
active, and prices were a little easier.
Choice heavy stookers were quoted at
$8.25 to $3.75 per cwt. Feeders were in
ample supply at 54 to 5425 per cwt.
Sheep and lambs—Ofierings were about
equal to the demand, and prices were
e, little steadier. About 500 sheep were
gent to the East for export. Sheep for
export and butchers' use fetched $8.60
per cwt. ;.grainfed yearlings fetched $5'
to 55.40 per cwt., and barnyard yearlings
fetched 54.60 per cwt. Spring lambs
were steady at 52 to $5 emelt. Lambs
worn in moderate supply, at 54.50 to
54.75 per cwt. Bucks were a little firm-
er, at $2.76 to 58 per owl. Hoge—The
run was very light, but was about equal
to the demand ; prices remained um
ohanged from Friday, and choice seise.
tions were quotable at 54.375o per 0w1. ;
light fetched $4 per cwt„ and thick fat,
which were in ample supply, brought
58.75 per owt. Sows brought 58 par
cwt. A few stage fetched 59 per cwt.
Soso peas for sale. WALTER YUILL
7,06 a0, Don. 4, Morris.
PASTURE to let. Apply to ROBERT
HOLMES,Lot 20, Con. 5, Morrie, or Bru5B5le
P. 0.
BOY wanted to work on farm, able to
handle team. JNO,. R01313, Lot20, Con. 0,
Two grade bulls for sale, one 13. years
old and the other 10 months. For Iiurtber
information apply to GEORGE ROBB,
07-10 Brussels.'
Yours Tamworth boar and mevoral
young (Mester White pigs for sale. A11 from
prize•wiuning stock at Toronto Fair. W. H.
MOCUTOHEON, 0th 11ne,Morris.
Roos FOR NATOErooe.—The undersigned
offere for sale settings of eggs Of pure bred
Plymouth Rooke and White Legborne.
Graham's Survey, Brussels.
Gm Machine, Organ or Piano can be
annulled byapplying to me for I nnot out
of the business as solve hove tried to report.
I will deal with you os rea Boilable as any,
28- T, MO ORE, Brussels.
0n 800i1 street, Brussels. The house
is a comfortable ono, well .fitted up, with
cellar, hard and soft. water, &o. There Is
also a good stable. Fruit trees in garden :
over 00e•quarter acre of land. For Mics,
terms, &o., apply to F. FINN, Proprietor,
0r W. H. 1631616, of THE Po7T, Is.tf
Splendid Black Stallion, "Dexter Re -
Winne," stands 180 hands high and weighs
1,000. Sired by Royal Revenge; out of
"01d clear Grit," Sure foal getter. For full
Lob10eulars,Ooa. 0pply, Groy
0 t0, 13 ,sJOHaeleN HOLP. O.LINGEB,
Dissolution of Partnership.
The eo-partusrehip existing between Noble
P. Gerry and Nelson 13. Gerry, under the
firm name of N. & N. Gerry, has been die -
solved by mutual consent. All claims against
the said Tom will bo paid by N. P. Gerry,
who will els 3 collect all assets forGPt1t11e arm.,
Witness v NOBLFI F10Y.
B. GERRY. NHL$ON 'B. 335161(Y.
Jl. DEn0IONED will linen !or aerviae on Lot
1, Oon, 1, Grey, a tboro' bred Durham bull,
with registered pedigree. Terms, 51,00, with
priviloue of returning if necessary. Also a
young Yorkshire boar, Terms, 76e.
80 4 TAMES SIMSON, Proprietor,
erelg0od oflora his farm, West Half
1)40,. Cnn. S, Grey, containing 50 acres,
e erases Per --particulars as to price
terhre.apply ta•
BSete,Ss 0, ou Elio promisee.
i-' rim Lot 20, N t Con, 0. Morrie township,
containing 08. acres of first-class laud. There
is a house, barn, orchard end good ware-
house, and farm is well fenced. There are.
2$ aorea iu Fall wheat ; 15 acres in hay and
45 &ores pasture. Poseeseion could be given
at nine, Farm adjoins the village of Brus-
sels. For further particulars as to price,
terms, &o write to JAMES LIVINGSTON,
M, P., Baden. 22-tf
Is very desirable but
good results cannot be ob-
tained 'without good
to e
Have you tried ours ? We
guarantee it to be absolutely
pure and to give perfect sat-
Try it.
Fox's Drug Store.
sans, 'Lot 10, Con. 0, Groy. 12 feet of
it touches the river. Immediate poseeeslon,
1301 price, terms, &e., apply bo
10- THOS. MOORE, Brussels.
-C1A.R M FOR SALE. -160 A0RE S
Consisting of the South d and South t
of the North a of Lot 80, 0011,2, blast Wawa -
nosh. This is an 0x0011501 stock farm, being
won supplied with goo dspring water. It is
situated. about 8 miles from the thriving Vil-
lage of Myth. A large part ofit is under
grass. Ruildings and femme are iu a lair
state of repair. Easy terms of payment will
be given, For all information apply to
11-tf G. F. BLAIR, Barrister, Brunie.
Tho uuderalgnod oiler two 100 acre
forme for sale, at reasonable prices. The lots
ere Nos. 10 and 11, Oou. 0 (t3unebius), the
eidoroad between them. Good brick home
and barn ou lot 11, and house and 2 barns on
lot 10. Orchards and all ngoesea1y 000750.
levees. Well watered and suitable for grain
or grazing. 100 acres now in grass. Will be
sold either separate or together to snit pur-
°basor. Terms of payment reasonable. Im-
mediate posa5e0tOu. Por further partienlare
apoiy to JOSEPH OLEGG, Bruseel.e p. 0., or
10.7,.. 101010 $ON, Barrister, \Vfugham. 161
Have reoently taken good eibuations and
fon positions remain unfilled. The very
best bueineee firms throughout the ooun•
try employ our graduates. In fair com-
petition our graduates are nearly always
chosen. Our business course is ailed with
praetioal points. We tench real lewdness
—no imitation or nonsense. Our Short-
hand Course is in °barge of experts.
'Eater now. Oiroulare free.
W.J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
(2) W .N IS IN
And that explains why the Winking Habit
is so noticeable in -Brussels
We have a "Good Thing" in the line of
ries 1e '
r s .'t' Y�:
Then u have the "Dust" and can Buy at Rock Bottom Prices,
'We Sell Very Low. We have One
Our Price ie �►°i ,C��.
We Guarantee to
Sel 1 N .A.,1\1 -5r �-�-•
A�TD .`� XGEL :.lL L_V 1 :
therices of the Departmental Stores, p Wllcli are the ruination of the country to -day.
oat 1Re.