HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-4-14, Page 7Amur, 14,1999, T'1B BRUSSELS POST,
At last we eau bo proud of the way
our gide walk, Some attribute it to
Delmerto mod physical culture, but a
very swell booLmaker says the new
and graooful walk is :the result of
Women would insist mien High heel-
ed. shoes, even for street wear, Misses down two pollcomon who aLtmmPted to
In their teens wore them, and when M. Dishier, the famous public' extent, arrest him for refusing to slop amok -
they had grown to worngnhooil they donor of t'runoe, has reaignodhis post Ing in an omnibus, for which primo he
found rho weight of the body pushed in favor of his son. The history of the was Realsnced to death. M, Dlebler
forward to the front of the foot, giv-
ing an ugly bend to the book and en- man, has, on tee whole, been so ro- married the daughter of his older In
'urging the ankles, taking from them mantle, and his vooation Is always so Algeria, because "in his ,profeesien,"
all grace and beauty. peculiar a one,that a brief review of he once said, "the' have to marry
Now the walking boot has game intowomen familiar with guillotine work."
favor low .heeled, broad food and hIs lot and the similar existences of his The public executioner abroad Is
comfortable. IL as a blessing in die- kind may mot be inapplioable. held to be a mysterious, dark person -
guise. The (body straightens to its The life of the man selected by man- age, a sort of man-eater, a loathsome
monster from whose presence women
particularly flee. A wife taken from.
the world outside of their own call-
ing would endure, It is thought, con-
siderable mental torture; so they keep
among themselves.
Ifs notds the worht'» neel+rlt 1n FYhert De
capitation -Had ,enomEtrtn$ to Hume as
O 1'Intw'rlght, ant Juke Ilnrtlt, Was
witn'lyd by the IUAolatrent or Fete Into
Fin Dlnt.rftl thtA,14 ,1s.
I r
A reoent cablegramn
a nounoed that
11±. Diobler has always telt euro that
these two eases tilted are the holy ones
out of the large number of death min -
lemma that be bus carried out In width
the suffot'ers have been lbo victims of
faits. 'Neither gave any trouble. which
was unusual.
He has a roeordlnl; album contain -
in portraits of the erlminals he has
excuted, with a biographinal notion af-
fixed to mash, Among them is that of
the American youth, Seller, a cowboy
11 � ', toParis l
from YL b w 1 al Un t
Te i W1 t
H went
trill to nee the Exposition, end shot
original position, the muscles of the
toe and the ealf of the leg support the
body, and the poor, overworked ankle
slowly resuming its original size,
Almost every woman is Interested In
anything that will augment her own
attractiveness. If she isn't, she
.ought to be. But toilet articles that
.are found on the counters are some-
times too expensive to be indulged in,
no matter bow strong the desire luny
be to have thein. Then, often, after
paying a seemingly exorbitant pries
for them, they are disappointing. There
are, however, a great many prescrip-
tions that can be made up for the toilet
at little ei pens°, and that will be sure
to bo helpful.
A very simple and good preparation
for the teeth can be had by parching
dry bread till it is black and ready t0
grumble. Then reduce it Lo fine
powder by grinding in a mortar, or
any bowl that will answer the purpose.
Creep it in a dry place, and apply like
any other tooth powder.
A very simple and effective sugges-
tion can be given to porsous whose
teeth are particularly sensitive and
prone to quick decay. 0f course the
teeth should always be brushed in tepid
water just before retiring, and after
that is done, the mouth should be rins-
ed with a swallow of milk of magnesia,
holding it long enough so that a coat-
ing of magnesia will be formed over
ever tooth, and in trite way they will
be shielded from the acids that form
hi the mouth , at night. A bottle of
milk of magnesia can easily be pro-
cured and should be kept near the oth-
er dental articles, where it will not be
Another subject in which every wo-
man should be interested is her hair.
Authorities differ as to how often it
sluuld be shampooed, but the surest
way is for every woman to decide her
own ease. Of course too frequent
washing will take away its strength,
and not washing often enough is equal-
ly bad. From two to three weeks is
about the average of advice on this
The hair should be combed and
'brushed every day, and if possible in
the sunlight. Brushing is like mas-
sage to the skin -it gives it life.
A little borax dropped in the water
of the shampoo is about the best thing
that can be recommended. Ammonia
makes the hair very soft, and is ex-
oellent for cleaning it, but it should
be used sparingly and better not at
all on dark hair, as it fades the color,
turning it to an unpleasant yellowish
A very good tonin oan be made of
one-half a pint of alcohol, into which
a little of the best quality of castor
-oil should be dropped. Let it stand
until dissolved, and then repeat until
the alcohol will not dissolve any more
pf the oil. Add to this a little per-
fume, and an excellent preparation will
be had.
Any woman whu to graced with pret-
ty light hair has u right to use every
harmless means she can for keeping it
so, and baro is n very good way to ac-
o-complish it:
Make a shampoo of one tablespoon-
-tut of sal soda, two tablespoonfuls of
Mune, five. drops of ammonia, and cas-
tile suds. Wash the hair, and then
rinse thoroughly, After that, beat up
twv0 eggs and rubinto the hate until •a
good lather is formed, over the head.
Rinse with water, in which one tea-
spoonful of borax has been put: Then
rinse again -in clear water.
Arany volumes have been written on
the subject of the complexion, and it
still remains ell interesting topic' to
women -and also to men. Of course;
exercising, bathing, care of the diet,
and general good health are necessary
for the foundation, but beside that
there _are many tittle things necessary
to the finishing touohee.
Epsom salts is a veli -known ingredi-
ent of a good akin lotion, and a good
way, and a simple one, to peepare
is to pmt 011e potted of the salts into
a quart of rain water, bob Meese min-
utes and after straining it through a
tbin cloth, and allowing it to cool,
add a little rose water, bay rum end'
glyceride -five mints worth of each.
Another very good eel to fine skin
Is olive oil. The purest quality should
be used, rind it should be gently rub-
bed into tiro akin niter wvhieh the face
icipal or national authorities to inflict
the last, sternest punishment upon
these who have been so unfortunate as
to step beyond the pale is by neoossity
a lonely and unhappy one. Then, again,
in view of the constant vacillation to
which all countries are subjeot, the
post of the public executioner is a very
dangerous one. The most famous guillo-
tiner of the French Revolution was
gleefully esc'ort'ed to am block by tens
of thousands of the very mobs who
had applauded his fiendish exhibitions,
while in "Anne of Geierstein," Soot
sets forth most graphically the man-
ner in which all'rabbles wait the chance
to turn the tables on the wielder of
the ex.
Meister, like Murat, started life with
far different ideas in his bead. Marat,
it will be remembered, was in hie
younger days an ardent opponent of
capital punishment. Dishier was raised
to shine at the bar, but had private
literary aspirations. He therefore ne-
glected his law studies and bis prac-
tice. His father, who had lived in the
hope of seeing him a groat lawyer,
died broken-hearted at his lack of. in-
terest. The song unaccustomed to look
out for himself, fell into poverty and
became a wanderer. He trudged over
Franca from the Pyrencea to the sea,
careless of the futtu'e end hopeless of
subsistence. -Finally he felt in with a
friend who was at that time the prin-
cipal assistant to Lhe public execution-
er in Brittany. Be offered Diebter the
second pleas, and the latter in despete
allots, accepted. From that time all {.
hoafevao he.
w daysago,
actively engaged in cutting off the
heads of malefactors under Me lateiriel
h ranee.
From the beginning, of his public
career M. Diebter prospered. He offi-
ciated with more or less success at
The first criminal be helped to dis-
patch was Ratteau, a Judge of the
Criminal Colu't, vary strange to say,
a legal luminary who suffered the ex-
treme penalty for the murder of a
woman. Ratteau perceived that Dieb-
ter was u new man, and he said to the
trembling novice who was busy pre-
paa;ing the wretched man for the guil-
lotine: "Thal is also my first appear-
ance, but I should be ashamed
to be
as nervous as you are." After assist-
ing at all the executions 000000ing
within that provisos for two years he
was sent to Algiers, in 1802, where he
found constant work for the colony
was not then as peaceta' as It is now.
No sooner was the machine unbolted
in ane place than It was put up In
some other town. Batohes of five, six
and even ten persons at a time, were
sent to the scaffold.
His first notable work as cadet oper-
ator was the beheading of Lantz, the
famous parricide, who kept Judges,
lawwyers, the pullet) and juries guess-
ing for over two years as to his con-
dition of mind. Ile baffled medical
men as well. To the very end he feign-
ed to be a lunatics, hoping that the
President would have mercy and com-
mute the death penalty to it life sen-
tence. But as be 'roaohed the scaffold
he turned toward Diebter and said:
Listen, Monsieur de Paris, I am not
insane. Nowv the last chance is gone
I don't want to leave a possible re-
morse to the jurors who sent me here.
Will you telt thorn that I was named
when I murdered ms' father, and lam
not mad now?"
Dlebler always disliked executing a
woman. No woman died thus during
Carnet's reign, none under Caeunlr
Perim, and mune tinder the late Pre-
sident Faure. The rule of pardoning
them' is bbtainieg. Neither is he iu
teem of oapttal punishment at all, In-
deed, he is convinced that future gen-
erations will regard us es cruel bar-
barians for having in our vaunted civ-
ilization, flat only approved, but prac-
ticed it. 'F1e.tetl:a one story of the end
should be well wiped with a soft dry' of u young 1000111.n in whose innocence
cloth, The dirt and foreign Rub- he believes to this day. Her name was
stances in the pores will thus be rub- .Luna Fenayrou, a great benuty. On
bed out, and the shin left olenn. Be- sighting the machine as she was be-
sides ties, 'le supplies the skin w'ifh lig 1Oneu01.0± toward it from the pre
oil, and is en excellent lbreventative of son-tbes0 official death functions in
wrinkles. Prance arc carried out without the
A good blench' for theakincon be prise)) walls and in view of the. popu-
had by mixing cold Dream and pulver- lace -she naturally :01001ed 51111 became
teed flour o:t sulphur -as much of it as agitated, The assist."uta thought that
the cream will take lip This paste she would give them trouble, but af-
applied a few- times to the neck fame i.st' a fora Spasmodic attempts to Ise -
hands and arms will be tome" 111 very lease herself she patiently, submitted'
beneficial' anis hating in its effect and peacefully met her end, loudly
Oatmeal, ot
oourse is well known 'rs
Oaringher 1100 a
uee end »raying
a good cosmetic -Re only unpleasant wently the
fetithee being Wet it noels so
This he avoided, ho r
Lh s arta{vove bya
little nano in the pr'parntlon of i. 10
do this, take three pales of oatmeal
to five of water. Mix, and then let
stand over night, in a ono' place. Stir young mals, who, .an belug led out 10
l f i i • c�ed olhor.
again, and the seraen. Mix he 'eaoulu o. his tl slla t m
g a st,t thapl
sediment with enough boy ream to and Sister, stopped suddenly, crying
This male it thick as aronm .11115 will out:
I log- time, -7o apply,r lor "lTnivrt,5
You 1t111 in
nt I
Mee and allow it to reit-lain aln UI1i1 "h18 Ihin1e1permitted ?Willwill these
sly dry; wipe off .1111rub the ince two worsen du without me?"
h,„ 11) with a soft 111nm015, 01 -cloth Ito sill o[rly surrendered t0 his
1,nnnal 10 1-11('host. Tills 10111 melte rote remrkieg 1hi1 "hr was goitet to
tit 0111111 Soil. and steer, a better e,ee,''.
It may have been a misrarrlago of
u i.lc but nothing as of has tr ns -
S e t a
, g Y
pined to prove otherwise.
A NQ',1'll.Itli INNOC ENT.
He also relates- a Similar ease of a
Mnspero Tells of the Mechanical Statues
of Egyptian Gods,
M, Gaston Bleepers, the well-known
Frenoh Egyptologist, has recently
written auinteresting article on. the
"speaking statues" of ancient :lOgypt.
EIB says that the statues of some of
the Gods were made of jointed parts
and were supposed to communicate
with the faithful by speech, signs, and
other movements. They were made
of wood, painted or gilded, Their
hands could be raised and lowered and
their heads moved, but it is not known
whether their feet could be put in
motion. When one of the faithful
asked for advice their God answered
either by signs or words. Occasionally
long speeches were made, and at other
times the answer was simply an incli-
nation of the head. livery temple had
priests whose special duty it was to
assist the statues to make these
ocmmunicants. The priests did not
make any mystery of their part in the
Proceedings. It was believed that the
priests were intermediary between the
gods and mortals, and the priests them-
selves bad a very exalted idea of their
calling. They firmly believed that the
souls of divinities inhabited the statu-
es, and they always approached them
with religious fear and reverence.
These priests would stand bebiud the
statues and move their heads or bands
speak for them, never doubting that
•Wthat moment their movements and
rOs were inspired by the divine
spirit dwelling in the statues. The
statues were regarded as so very much
alive that in war they shared the fate
of those people whose deities they
were. They were taken prisbners, oon-
demnedd to death or given into slav-
ery -in other words placed in the
temples of the conquering gods. If
they were returned to their own
temples they bore -inscriptions testify-
ing to their defeat' and imprisonment,
Band Leader -You vents us to bray
mit der funeral? Ees it a military
funeral ?
- Stranger -No; it's the funeral of my
brother, He was a private citizen. He
requested that your band should play
at his funeral.
Band Leader, proudly -My pond, eh?
Vy he shoose my pand?
Stranger -Ile said he wanted every-
body to feel sorry he died.
It Is Just Now People Feel Host the *513001
- oTtong Months of indoor t'ennrunatt
'Winter is the most dying eels= of
the year sofa' ashenlih is concerned.
Confinement indoors and overheated
and impure air, makes even usually
strong people `eel dull, languid and
generally sea down.
A tonic is needed to assist nature in
regaining last energy. April is the
month of 1111 months when atonia is of
the most Servi00. Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills -for Pale People is the only true
tonic medicine. They do not purge
and thus further weaken the already
enfeebled constitution These pills
make rich, red, energy giving blood,
and transform listl0: s, Undue] worn-
out meet and women into smiling,
be.illhy, happy work -laving people. •
E. Sims, of the Salvation • Arniy,
Kingston, writes. "At the time I
ordered some of tour Dr,Williams'
Pink Pills I was physically run down.
I felt. 0101111. of energy, and always
had a tired feeling, After using your
pills fora time.[ felt as well its ever I
Thoteaands - some of them your
neighbors -have bean made well by
Dr. Willitunie Pink Pitts, but you must
get the genuine, which are sold only
in boxes the wrapper around wh'th
beat's the full name. ".Dr, Williams'
Pink Pills for Pole People." Sold by
all dealers or ilireot ftom the Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont.,
at so coots abox or six boxes for $2.80.
A purl, remarked the pedant, ismere-
ly n play on words. Yes; answered
the frivolous person. They call it a
play; but as a rule it seems more litre
.arduous and nnn00essal'y work,
Iowa Perms for sate, 12 per acre Cash, Bah
anon a crop until paid. J. Mullio 1, Slot's City, la.
e Czarina. at Czar-
- of of th Cy na
The boudoir
la S to be 5 a
kc' a Solo saida
artment, very lightht anr1 very sparse-
ly curtained. Masses of tropical ver-
lure divide the room into eeverel cozy
apartmentd and give it a very pictur-
esque appearance. The dodo of the
tvell is formed almost entirely of pho-
0a l f one ofwin-
dow1 An tie n 0 the
t0 Ta 118,
g 1
I'CaeS80a and a grand steno In an-
other testify to the Cea'fina's artistes
Melee ; 8e00ra1 of her Own Water (*l-
ore hang on the walls and she is in
the habit of singing l:o the Czar the
folk songs of his OW11 country,
"Livery Well Man
Hath His Ill Day,
A doctor's examination
might show that kidneys,
liver and stomach are normal,
but the doctor cannot analyze
theblo.upon which these
o c
organs depend
Flood's Sarsieparilla purifies, vitalizes
and enriches the blood:, It cures you
when "a bit off" or when seriously
afflicted. et never dioappointy.
Dyspepsia*" My husband had dyspep-
ela and 1100d's Sareeper111a cured him.
Our little boy was nervous and the baby
had ulcerous sores. It cared both," MUM.
Egg* BERE, Portage, Pa,
Indigestion-" I could not eat tor some
months on account of distress and Indiges-
tion, Hood's Sarsaparilla curer' me so that
'teen eat and sleep well:, Mao. 0, A. Gulrn,
Taylor and Walnut Sts„ Wilmington, Del.
SI i r r
VikttgePisap afnts,
Hood's 1111* ours firer ill.' the noa•initatiog. sad
7l 1a hiirtio to take war -Hoods tiareapert°L.
Mrs Lash -What did you get baby
for a birthday present?
Mrs. Itash-I took ten dollars out of
the little darling's bank and bought
bine this lovely lamp for the drawing
Clear and Convincing that Dodd's
Kidney P111s Cure Diabetes.
engineer James Graham% Case Wag Pro..
ttmumed. Incurable by a tending Mon
treat Physician -Tot Da'd's lllttnoy
Pills Oared It.
Montreal, P. Q., April 3. -Thick and
fast come the most convincing proofs
of the really marvelous cures of Kidney
Diseases, in this city, by Dodd's kidney
Pills. Not a day passes on which we
cannot read reports of several aures -at
home, right liore in Montreal, at our,
own doors.
In the face of this vast m11.80 of proof,
we must believe what such an enorm-
ous number of our fellow -citizens write
on the subjeot, vis,: That there is no
other medicine known to science, than
can at all equal Dodd's Kidney Pills,
as a cure for Kidney Diseases of all
Many hundreds of Montreal people
have been cured of Diabetes by
Dodd's Kidney Pills, but there ere in
the city, still, hundreds of other suf-
ferers who do not know that by using
this famous remedy, they oan be cured,
positively cured, for all time and at
almost no expense.
That such is the ease, let the ex-
perience of Engineer James Graham, of
No 50 Viet :via'Square, prove.
Mr. Graham had Diabetes for six
years. One of the most eminent of i
Montreal's physicians examined him, '
and informed him that his case was
beyond all aid -incurable.
No wonder the sufferer grew despon-
dent. But one day he read of a won-
derful cure of Diabetes, effected by
Dodd's Kidney Pills. Ile at once bought
a box and began to use them. They
caused marked improvement, and he
used two boxes more. Now he is as
healthy as he ever was, robust and
lent this proof enough that Dodd's
Kidney Pills will pure Diabetes?
It ought to be, surely I-
Fresh Young Man, at first-olass res.
Laurent -What have you hove?
Waiter -Everything, sir.
F. Y. M., sneeringly -Everything ?
Have it served at once.
Waiter, yelling -Hash for ono,
La Toscana, 10oe 7A07O 2XEMonkr nl;
1 notice a coldness between you and
Airs, Nextdoor. What la the trouble
She sent her little buy over yesterday
for o stepladder we borrowed of her
two years ago. The artful woman let
it stay here all that time so she could
end for it some day and make me feel
An Faster Greeting.
For those who have thought that
o bh ur a to vel om the
catarrh is u ra 1 1
r 1u
c'1 s and use of Snuffs and ointments
was almost unbearable C'atalrlw,lane
00100S as a sure and delightful aura,.
No need for fetid breath, broken voice,
and dropping in the throat. (Send for
Caturrhozone and be convinced, Ca-
nt, $1.00, Sample bottle and Inhaler,
19 cents.
N. 0. POLSON & CO.
"Siegel on, Ont.
Chewing gum valued al $0,000,000 is
annually consumed in the United
Silioon is generally spoken of as the
element of sand, and little thought of
its value in grain growing enters into
our usual caloulations, yet in eonjunc-.
tion with the potash the acid of
silent or silioie acid, forms an import-
ant part of the grain, and through
it we get the hardening. When we
consider thee the amount of silloia re-
quired to harden grain and give straw
stamina is nearly equal to the total
aggregation of nitrogen, phosphoric
acid and potash, over 110 per cent. and
actually 47 1-2 per eeat, of the total
mineral matter of the crop, it assumes
some importance -in the light of our
softening grains and softer straw.
The fact that there is lots of it in
the soil, does sot meet the ease, as like
the other essential inorganic elements
it Is usually looked up so hard that
our plants cannot assimilate it; con-
sequently the valuable Thomas -Phos-
phate Powder with its available silica
across to our aid, and along witty a
phosphate of lime, phosphate of mag-
nesia and phosphate of iron, This, and
the fact that grains, particularly
wheat, take their phasphates largely
as phosphate of magnesia, partly as
counts for the hardness and quality
as well as the great yields of wheat,
77 bushels per sore, obtained from the
use of Thoutas-Phosphate, as well as
the skiff straw of the crops.
Snowstorms have disorganized the
Belgian telephone service.
Sliloa Poultry Crit is rho host digester in itis market
LAURI TIAS,.0AND k GRAVEL 0'., Slnntreld,
Another attempt is to bo made to
introduce barmaids to the drinking
public of New York.
For Over Filly Years
laod'b7 mothers ins their elSl rod teething. 11 soothes
the child• soften the game; shayys oil spin'23e,
sures ,vied
0oao, Ardis the beet remedy for dior So., 23 , 0 bot -
Ole. Sold by ell`rig. eu througbeut 1110 world, Be
urs and eek for"Mn, Wrnd0w'e eeathlug Syrup`
War Department officials betIsve
the United States will have to fight
the Filipinos for years.
Take Laxative Ilramo (Moine Tablets- All Dna
gists refund the meow of h toils to pure, 31u.
London people are ugilating for a
better night railway service,
W. P. C. 966
Carbolic Disinfectants, Soaps. Dint
went, Tooth Powders, oto„ hove been
!:warded 100 mednts and diplomas for seamier
exe0110uoe. Their regular use prevent Weal.
ous dle1, 505. Ask your (155 r to obtain n
Snpply • Lints mailed frog on application.
ONEONEf 1 HT(001C,nm, Aekpour
G !ti 4'01f—i droggla foriy,PrlcolUo
The fe Balmoral," Free Bus A'�a•P'en'
51.60k PP"'
Rhe umatisilil=pure weaved lin24 hours,
a 5 0, Uolan , 5o,,iron1'
on receipt of 31 UR. RaUBY, P.O, nux:ll6, IrouErnnt
CUTTING SCnO'aTenors and Dross
alova. C. A O. SCHOOL mOrMeodras.ol
Stammerers so,emaay'thosc
tto ham failed
b, bn oared oleo
write to
Petey-Pop, what docs Eureka mean? Dr, Arnett, Berlin who will oonviaooyou 1,005,, omreyo n
Father -:That is what the wisest man
said upon the oceaetoa when he disoov- -ill lends cured or
t I n. Skin Diseaee� money r'i,15I d.
eyed 1110 los, collar butte moneatlrmataAa.
Garth; Pomade, 81.00 by omit. writs Prof. S0000r,,
Pl ar,naclst, 370 Craig St„ Afontreld,
Miss Beautigirl-Doesn't a maa'a Seo-
and love usually differ from bis first
love? Aunt Broadhead -Yes, the gen-
erally .hes more money.
How's This
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
0015 ease of Catarrh that can not bo cured by
Ha11's Catarrh Cure.
J, CHEGNEY k 00,, Props, Toledo, O.
Iwo Iha undersigned,. have known F J.
Cheney for she last -13 rears, and believe dila
perreelly honorable to all buttncss transactions
and 0esantaily shin Ie carry out any oblige.
tent. made by their ern:.
W eer&Tr+uex, tv bolo sale Drngalets,T'oledO,O,
marital, KINN...r Sr, idARVrN, wholesale
Druggists, 'l'oludo. Ohio.
Hail'e Catarrh ('000 Is taken internally, act.
MA dl,eotli upon she blond nod moons sue
ees of the ay, to" ..'role. 50e, per bottle. Sold
by all L Willy Pills are the best.
Poor Chollie 1 said the girl who was
in a sympatheiie snood. Ile aunt say
„ no."
He might shake hie head, then, said
the practical girl.
No, poor fellow; his collar is too higli
for that.
Enable, (triptl em 00
The Dawson Commission Co., Lirgited,
Mills, Mills & Hales,
Barristers utr , reinove,l
10 Wesley Ridge, Rime
mond Std W., Toronto,
al 61rr3^ dr
T p�
4 r
4,41eAtAt/ -4444 (44
Wisdom in buying tea consists. In buying the best.
Lead packages.
05, 30, 40, so g dos,
m o
wri4N „N f01 nIT Nlt
Garment t0u t ll8 full well paid art.
this welt aid ort.
For Gentlemen 10' lrlisoxio CO„
Stammerers My eOboolln7 oron
�•n sato lobe eloend dor'
1 y' my trip went. My
book will noon be complete, will give y0u Pull Man.
tions. Price walla $6. w,K.Bate,392 Coilegeat.,Toronto
Maple Syrup Cans, MA1C7+0.'RRV;Fal
A,Idrosx, G. IL GRIM UFO. CO., sluutreol.
Agents BaaENellicgortAetem,thnmpr-Wanted
kd. Bolin . every sive rrit-
tory end 4*7 Ew __Chicago
ROw'E7 L8 RV1LY - ChWagu .and :Slontreol.
"A. -a a SEAVER BRAND" Maokintesh
,.• never hardens k'in gnaraotood venter,
or ttbbb,er 05511 Wanks
Co.,, Montrea ea
D 0 0 F 1 N C and Sheet Metal Werke.
Red or Gran u. SLATE BLACA1a0.R1)5 iw'u amnia
Public and High Schoblo Toron,o). Reining Felt, Pitch,
Cool Tar, Mo. ROOP11'1G TI1,E{Mee New elty Build.
10gs, Toronto doe. by our firm). Metol Ceilings, Cor-
niest, eta Uedimatoe furnished for work amuploto Pr for
materials shipped to suy rano' the nenutry. Phdne1036
D. DUTHIE& SONS, Adelaide &W ldmer Sta„Tpronto.
Dominion Line
Bt. John, N.8„ and Halifax, to Laerpeul, 0611(yy at
Londonderry. Lurr and feet rwln sorew steamships
LABItAnbR,” • VANcouvBR, SCO'rSMdAN"
Superior accommodation 1 o First Cabin, dem
and Cabin and Steerage paesongere. Rates of
pnasage--First Cabin, $10.00: second Cabin,
$31; Steerage 822.60 end npwa2115 ao0Ording to
Stemmer and berth, Far all interim/Woo a55ply
to Local Agents or DAVID TORBAY/CU 8t G.0.,
Gen'l Agents, IT iib. Sacrament St., Montreal.
We give this fine 4 -Blade
Pearl Handle KNIFE for
selling 12 of our Bright
Light Chemical LAMP
WICKS at 5 cents each.
Simply send your address
and we will forward wicks
post-paid. When sold, send
the 6o cents and we will bend
knife, .with all charges paid.
Cern Novelty Co.,Toron'to, Ont,
Send name and address and
we will nd 2 dna. pkg. apo-
uial sweet Poo Seeds, to 6a11
at 10e, p r peokpge. Retorts
t0 sendt0 t
00 07 end you boys' or girls' Hie a
,rind wets t, guaranteed timekeeper, with Miura,
CANADA 1."1$g1,11:ANENT
Loan and. Savings Company.
Isoosu'ol5Tso 1866.
Paid-up Capital S2,Ooo,0o0
0000,50 Fund, ..,• 1,150,000
Head Office -Toronto nTotst , etc'.
Branob Offices Winnipeg,o
0EPOa1Ta are received et labored, paid or nom.
pounded half yearly
1NELCNNTHa031seood In Cdrrenoy or Sterling with
interest ammone &brushed, payable in Osuuda' or
' le Ragland, Executers and Trusty es ore anther
land by low toinvest lu :the Debentures of thle
?MT' MIONHY An1yAN11*5t1 on Rent Kolole security at
current rates Mid 00 favorable oonditionn 00 W 1.0'
Montego, and 3lm,iof a1 Debentures nurohased,
J. 111:01100± MASON
Managing Director.
011 Trial
maag,sr1meat No tfsuoknor, uo
Fur Ill,,hloo ea Catalogues, ad.
Aylmer, Ont.
0AL[FORNIAN-Slay 8,7uns 10, July 11.
CASTILIAN --mew), May20 June Si.
BAVARIAN --new) 10,000 Slane, Twin Screw,;My
, y
(0 and weekly thereafter,
babin Paeeo¢o-800.00 and onwards,
Snood Cabin -$,00 Return
rn 3060
Moorage -Lampe. London, Olego
rruousto{vn 11. Q ,$23,6
For further InformatLle, apply to
K. BOURLIEN, 77 Menge St., Toronto,
or a'4A. ALLAN, Montreal,
De Laval Cream Separators.
Of Montreal and Winnipeg
Sole Agents DM Canada.
Couboy's improved
eonber s Patent Roller Tape have nob with
such universal fever that Other m0nefeetUie
ere are now making interior Imitations and
selling them on the reputation the goober
Tops have made. Denial be beedwl0ked by
make person
ho jtsYet urecommends
good mends an Inferior
foot as Skilled orlkmen nun make them.
When you order your Buggy stipgiate
with your oarriage builder that blotto baso
a genuine Denbo/ Roller Top, as imitations
aro never as goo'}•
E.;8-10;A0(VIDE,L,S,T41 TORONTO.
WE BUY Oood Butter, E 4 q bO lows
gond aemylo, sod ggOte Ww
88 Front St. E., Toronto.
Young filen I :Share ,n no betiur uauu00 protGS
afon than endfg Ceder. o'
ONrmoul0. LEARN TO OUT. Hood for divider.
Toronto Cutting School, 113 rouge St., Toronto.
OMIT lo,Lltutl0n in Oeneds for the sure of
Ivery rheof speech defect. Established
so n Toronto, 1900. Curr arenteaL
e Pembroke 8t., Toronto, Oareda.
Germania Oli GO , 134 Bay St., Toronto.
s5a s
Pilo Complete $108 Bound and Aroh 60o.
Simples, Hoard ao0 Arch, Mo.
Binding Oases, 53.00 Par demo emanate.
The ORi00 Speotalty Mfg. 00., Limited.
122 and 224 Bay St., TORONTO.
Fernery: Newmarket.
New Tires 5,=ya 1
Sent 0.0, 0, to any edema
5 p
Will man motion U requested. mama
L. COFFEE !j- GO., Established ISM
Roams 49e-11 BoardofTrade Building,
00005±0. 0NT.
Wholesale only William St., Toronto
Long Distance Telephone 1769.
YER1\ 1115E1A01.0 1".".
FREE 041, bernead
. �7o1,1-Si4elt
E1ue. In ec-
I.I dot
50 n7p 5,sto
quiet,00000roiliest. 1 r. dmil t '100 0 or
Nino. ac' a and 4,e0. pea
at10a, es k. RJo ehire ud8 10660
iece100 ring FPSEE ky r5h,ra
nert, IAbemlogeeds.lon, Ir{{.ie
rermd, VO,Oldt0Odrretar0abla
5101611. SUPPLY CO.,
Dept. '7„ Toronto. out.
9 OF
iunfiedittoB and four positions.R STUDENTS have unfilled.
STRATFORD, ONT. Weteach real blteiaeas-no WO.
ta0toa 0r 000,0000, In fair competition our tradeable
ave nearly always chosen. Bnsinoas mea uppreolato our
work. Bost Oommorelel School la Canada. Enter 6030,
Olrmilsn tree, W. J. BLLIorr, Principe!;.
wahnuE modiolnd
L, t all m 0x00060 to ilre
BIsOOsly 701du 00, Lrnln 5,0 Iiec,rtth 'rye, Li1ar, Bioed,
Du Barry's enta a
M� y Arabica Food,
which 0,"o9 lambda end Children, and alto Awe ole,.
:menially Infants whose alihoen1R and nobility hare re'.
Slated all other treatmwnts. It 1100000 when ell other
Food la rejected, saves 00 Limos its 006 in lnodioloo.
50 years,
epos' fAlanm, rwlnteaplSouaRpnpe- y0
Indigestion Consumption, Diabetes Drotlehltin, Dieu,oz
Oe, Coughs Asthma, Catarrh,' Phlegm, Dlarrhmp,'
Rt0000,r1mahalet, Sloanlr,l050s,p�Dp4papendenay,
Du1p�oLrrY at99�ea Strad,
nbl Hot Ana
iu de ry
W also n
Para,14 I o (feeble
-am odea
born In tit
, d Sterol everywhere, w A
pp nth n , y
' ere pI1C11
' o DU
wattage troy n,
8 Groom,
9 Od. a,
{t for
venom DTheltn, to ton se, 51, soden,
Malted, Totron �'
50,0 Oo. L m ter
w The T.
corp nd .
AOonbr R ' '
oioiieorIig3oti uf1nt
our 0,111.01001 Linen
11oc0El0a, snob; L�Ody
6dfl�311veres tot
aiDoylioe 551an�
prettiest ceelgThey nE
ptht. &Bolthwe yawlMediour
winnoy*o BOLI them, ratan, our
your wank fieri, Unsold (MOWeituneiblr.. t1NSN DOyLYUO,, Oat. , ' a+' kens*