HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-4-14, Page 5A.mui.,1,1, 1899 ROSINESS CARDS. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER cent, 1',6, SCOTT, liruooele. WH. MoOIUMKEN, • IeeurorofMarrlagaLloeusee. Otiloo at 1110 Gloomy, Ter nberl'0 0treet, Brue0ol0, 1' N, BARRETT, LV Tonsorial Ar±let' Shop—Next door North 01 the Standard Bona, Ladles' mod. a11lldrouo hair cutting a specialty, IABM8 FOR SALE.—THE UN - L nU0s10NEn has several good Panne for title and to vont, easy terms, in Townabips of Morrie and Grey, F S. SOOTT,Brusoeie MISS , JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, —T ()TIER OF— PIANO - AND -' ORGAN, 3:2x v'as=x,s, OTTT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM 1118II141008, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. T. FLETCHER Isstel Of Marriage Llaenses, O88IOE AT JEWELI Z STORE. fa—No Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L. 0, M.. Academic graduate 'of Loudon Conserva- tory of Music, is prepared to receive a Ilmit- od number of pupils .tor inebruetiou on the piano. Waitou—Monday, Tuesday; Brussels —Wednesday, Thursday ; Seaforth—Friaay, Saturday. 9uallded to prepare pupil a for the Pniudpal 0 Form iu the Conservatory of Music, .. A LEX. II.TJN'I'F�R, !A Clerk of the Fourth Division Oour Co. Huron. OOnv0yaneer•, Notary Public Land Loan and Insurance Agent, Fundy invested and to loan. Collection° made O luso in Graham's Block, Bruesol0 AUCTIONEERS. AHUNTER, LICENSED AUC- • e'IOINuo1r. Mouoy to loan. Forme to sell,. _ S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION• L • EER, will sell for bettor prices, to Potter men in use time and lees charges than any other Auotioueor In Bast Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and ordure can always be arranged at this office or by personal application. VETERINARY. 1r 1). 'WARWICK, Veterinary College, is prepared of to te reat all diseases of domesticated animals le a com- petent manner. Partzeular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calle promptly at. tended to. Oaiee and Infirmary—Pour dome north of bridge 'Puonberry et,.131usseis. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. YVM. SINOLAIR, BARRISTER • Boliottor,Oo0veyanoer,Notary Pub• Lie, &o, Odioe—Vaustone'e Blook,1 door north of Central Rote SolIoitor for the Standaad Bank. a F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Vt • Solicitor, &o. (late of Garxow & Proudfo0t'e 01Roe, Goderioh.) Olfi0e over Gillies & Bmitb'e Bank, Brueeels. 47 Money to Loan. M• G. CAMERON, • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Ont. Offf ee-Ramilton St,ioOppositee 001' borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M. D„ 0. M., Trinity University, Fellow Trin- ity Medical College, Member College of phy- sicians Coll Ce og Phye cions and `Licentiaf te of M140(101', Edinburgh. ia'Telephone No .14. Residence, Mill St.,Brinson',, E. T. SNIDER, M.D., 0. M., su000sser to 'Di. A. 1troIColvey, Licentiate of Royal College of Phyeioiaae and Surgeons Eingaton ; Member of the Col- lege o1- le o of Pbyeiclans and Surgeons of Ontario. Diseases of women and children a apoolalty. Eight years' experience. and r00- idlenoo that formerly occupied .byDr. Mo. I4olvey, Turnborry atreet,Bru88010, 20- J. M. ARMSTRONG, M.B., M.D., M. O.P.S. O. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AO0oupHEUR, ETO. Special attention given to diseases of the Throat and Lunge and diseases of Women and Children. BE81DDNCE—WALTON, ONT. DR. F. H. KALKFLEISC•H, TRYBIOIAN, SUMMON AND A000001111IIR, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM. BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. Universi- ties ni a •ei- ]o of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's of the v i. alud of P init y (Toronto), (Tai flow and ofTrinityMeol eg College11010 Fellow of ' M 1 and member of the Trinity ealcal0ia Ingo nn 0 .11 0080 Graduate Ooul oe 10 ane r Outar- n Yo, Post Graduate tl at ee to Detroit and oasesof Oye. Special and tionllln at, id dis- eases of Eye, en. s so and Throat, middle - eases Svomon, ra"tloneultatlon In Bug - Ugh and German. Telephone atresldence. rOR SERVICE.—THE . • TJN- aERaIaNED will troop for service on Lot 5, Cene.10 and 11, Grey'a thorn' prod Durham bull, with registerod1 pedigree. A1so a registered Yorkshire 'boar, from J, B. Brothour'e.World's Fair steak. Terms, x100 to be paid at time of service, with privilege of returning If necessary, 34.010 CHAS. 10o0Cf,r,, Proprietor. IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep ler service on Lot 28 con, 0, Morrie, the eta' -bred Im- proved+, theta'-bred Yorkehil•0 Boar, "Ma Lodge Long - follow," No. 2488, bred by S. E. Brethen°, Bur- ford, to whips a Bellied number of sows wi11 be taken, Terms, 31,00,00. be paid at time of aorvice with privilege of returning if nee.. eA nuinber of chole& young Rowe for sale for breeding purposed ethical will be sold at prime ,to suit nllo tilnot, 81A 1BOST. NIo1OL, Proprietor. t'zf r:i.Ct etv5, Goltrarice. GOLD Dot',—Division Court was hold in the towtlehip hall on Monday of last weak. ,Hie Honor, Judge Doyle, prosld• ed.—Mrs. Richard James is 00 the eiok list but we hope soon to hear of her re. uoyery,—Boneon IIamilton, a format teacher in our public, eobool, was renew. ing old acquaintances in town, --.Mian Flora James has returned from a munth'e visit with Nandi, near Ottawa. —Alex, Strong shipped a oar of horses to Portage -)a -Prairie. Man, — While working in the amp Isaao Sanderson took a paralytic stroke, 110 tva0 et once taken home and mediae' aid oummoned, lie is improving.—The sawing contest here was a encases in every way. A large orowd gathered to sae the sport. Seven saws entered the contest. The following were the prize winners : let., S. Willie and Robb. Barnard, two outs in 1.30$ ; 2nd,, Bennett and Gilbert in 1.42i ; 8rd., Muir and Jaokson in 1,67. D1or•11tr. Seam, 16EPJRT.—The following report gives the standing of the pupils of S. S. No, 8 for March and determines their position 10 Glass for April. Total, 400 : Sr, 4th—Lorne Knox, 814; Gordon Em• bury, 246 ; Robert Farrand, 240. Jr. 4th —Ruby Forbes, 376 ; Ettie Ager, 376 ; Aline Paul, 864 ; Chew. Garniee, 261 ; Vena Knox, 260 ; Martha Ingram, 216. Sr, 8rd—Eva M. Souoh, 389 ; Xerifa Fraser, 836 ; John Garnier, 832. Sr. 2nd—Lola Agar, 382 ; rnnie Garnier, 255 ; Emma Jermyn, 195. Jr, 2nd— Charlie Agar, 255. Sr. Pt, 2nd—Willie Forbes, 320 ; Harvie Knox, 295 ; Wm. 13. Jaoklin, 106 ; Tommy Jermyn, 89. Jr, Pt. 2nd—Huldah Rutledge, 157 ; Vonnie Rutledge, 126 ; Lizzie Knox, 120. Sr. 1st Fred Agar, 130; Norman Bouch, 126 ; Itoy 0. Turvey, 120. D. L. STRAW:AN, Teaober, BauooL REPORT.—The following is the report of the etau6ing of the pupils of S. B. No. 9 for the month of Maroh :—let Olase—F,ank Mooaughy. Pt.2ud—David Muf,ean, Eddie Farquharson, Stella Stubbs, John Taylor. Jr. 2nd—Nellie McArthur, Mary Fear, John McArthur, David ,laokson. Sr, 2nd—Rose Jackson, Leslie Pear, Menne Jackson, Carrie Jack - sun, John Watson, Jr, 3rd—Willie Farquhareon, Manson Taylor, Wesley Searle, George Skelton, Coral McArthur. Sr, 3rd—Joe. Bewley, Alex. Ferquhar- son, Lyle Jackson. Jr. 4th—Mand Jaok- son, Lily Bewley, Ray Fear, Emma Mo- Oall, Willie Kelly. Sr. 4th-0ozelte Searle, Willie McCall, Maggie MoOall, Laura Fear, Edith Jackson, P. S. L.— Gavin -Gavin Bewley. Alms J. B. KIRKBY, Teaoher. rorclwicli. NEWSY Fey:min .—•While outting Wood in Wm. Wade's bush, Joshua Scott had the mieforture to tint his foot so badly with the axe, that the little toe was al. most severed.—Bev, R. I. Hooking, ao' aompanied by his little eon, George, was away for a couple of weeks' visit to friends in Arthur, Markdole, Owen Sound and other places.—W, R. Cook, who has been attending the Toronto Medical School, is home for the holidays. We understand that he does not intend going bank for the remainder of the pres• ent term, hut will pursue his studies at home,—Wm. Watters was in Toronto last week attending the annual convention of the Provincial Teaohers' Association. He was the ofOioial delegate of the East Huron Teachers' Aseooiation,—B. S. Cook was in Goderioh last week attending the montbly.meeting of his (the War• den's) committee.—The anneal vestry meeting of Trinity church, Fordwiah, was held in the ohuroh on Monday fore. noon of last week and wee well attend- ed, The Auditors' and Wardens' reports showed the finanoes of the church to be iu good condition, and the past year to have been the beet in Use history of the ohuroh—there being the beet attendance; the largest oolleotiene and the most cum• munioante. The following office bearers were elected for the ensuing term :— People's Warden, Adam Spence ; Minis- ter's Warden, Wm. Watters ; Vestry Clerk, Adam Graham ; Sidesmen and Usbere, Victor Foster and John Arm- strong ; : Auditors, Thus. Goggin and Isaac Wade ; Caretaker, Dirs. Murton ; Lay Delegate to Synod, Alex. Graham. Mter varions iteme of business had been disposed of, a present of $15.00 was given to Rev. Mr. Forney, by the vestry, as a token of their appreciation of ,hie faith- ful services of the past year. C71111 COI), NEWSY OuATTEli,—H. Young left for Oshawa, where he bas decided to locate. —The chairman of the Street Oommittee has purchased a car of lumber for the town, --Joe. Copp has been engaged to repair and repaint the stage and sur- roundings in the town hall.—Ooh Hoare has opened up a music store in the store lately vacated by Mise Hillier, who re- moved to Goderioh.—D. D. Rosa, who has just completed hie etudiee at Toronto Dental College, is spending a few days with hie friends here.—A, S. Fisher, a native of Clinton, but now a prosperous arebiteot in Denver, Col., was married recently in that city to Mise Clara L. Feeney, of Hamilton.—At the Ontario Teachers' Aseooiation, held in Toronto, W. R.g,p i .Lou b rinc Pal of Der Model School, took part in the proceedings, dealing with the "Difficulties experienoed by Model School maetere."—Queen Eo- thee, the spleudid drmne in song in five note and ten scenes will be produced in Clinton, with full dramatio notion, in costume, by local talent, under the man. agement and direction of henry Trott, late of Ann Arbor, Mich. --The following are the officers for the current term in Willie church Ohrietian Endeavor :— President, Pel ia8 A. Taylor ; Vioe, Mies S. Monteith ; Seoretary, Mien Joan Matheson ; Oor,•Sea., Mee. Ogle Cooper ; Treas., Mise Mary Murray ; Prayer Meeting Committee, Jae, Scott, D. Mo. Tavieh, Mies M. Taylor, Mies Gordon, Miss A. Taylor ; Look -out, Mise D. O'- Neil, T. Lindsay, H. Holden, Mies M. Matheson, Mies A. Rose ; Social, Miss J. Gardner, Mies A. Beattie, F. Robertson, N. Downer, Mira B. Paisley ; Mueio, N, Yellowlees, Mies Downer, Mise Campbell, Mist Monteith, Mies MoKenaie ; Flower, Mies J, Smith, Mise G. Campbell, Wm. Coats ; Organiet, Miss I,. Lipdeay ; Asst, Organist, Mise Mary Stowart.—The an. null vestry meeting of St. Paul's o1uroil was held on Tuesday evening of last week' in the School room. After divine service the rotor read a report of the work done in the past and showed the present state T€iIJ 13l S 1,8 POST of the pariah to be in It most flourishing oonditiou, oouoiderhig that nearly 100 Soule have 1800ved Irene the parish o1• boon taken away to join the Church Triumphant above duriug the poet two years, W. J. Blgglne and B. G. Plum. mer were ro•oleoted Church Wardens ; G, Stewart, Voetry Clerk ; and P, Arabi. bald, F. Herman, H. Lawrence, 0, 13, Halo, 11. Worthington and F. llovey, Sidesraen. J. Ripneford was rs•olsoted Lay Delegate to the Synod. 131 1.10. Bm0l'LETo.—E, LeRoy Tait teas vioit• Mg hie brother, Dr. Tait.—lo future the afternoon train going Bculhop the L., H. & B. will not Derry stook,— Derive March 171 ±1011010 were sold at I31ytb station for Clinton and 90 for Wingham,—Mien Eva Bell, who has been very ill for Dome time past, IR recovering. —A. meeting for the reorganization and appointing of alliears of the local 0 0. G. T. lodge was held last week.—i±lre. Reade, of Teeewator, will give an address on "Women's Franohioe," under the auspices of Blyth W. C.'1', U., in the I1etboliet &lurch on Friday evening, April 14th,— John Metcalf, who has been in the grocery bueineee here for eeveral years, hoe retired from that bueineee,—The reeve has been empowered to procure a witness box to be used on oourt clays.—A special meeting of Blyth ooanoil was held in Industry hall last week : all the mem. bees present. Councillor Sloan moved, eeoonded by Councillor Metcalf, that we swept the offer of the Ontario Mutual Life Assurance Co., of Waterloo, of $2,• 880, payable on the let of May, 1899, for the new issue of debentures of $8,880, dating from January lab, 1900, and that the reeve and treasurer be empowered to complete the sale of the said debentures, '1'11 Appetite of a Goat Ie envied by all poor dyspeptics whose Stomach and Liver are out of order. All ouch ehonld know that Dr. .King's New Life Pills, the wonderful Stomach and Liver Remedy, gives a splendid appetite, sound digestion, a regular bodily habit that ineureo perfect health and great energy. Only 25c. at G. A. Deadman's drug store. *lentortll.. LITTLE SimTcNoe.-00e day recently there passed through Soaforth one of the largest trees ever seen in this section. Indeed it more resembled the immenee pine tree0 which we hear about as grow- ing in British Columbia. This tree measured 7 feet 1 inch across at the stamp, and it was 45 feet from the ground to the first limb. It was ont'into four sections, the first motion measuring 12 feet and each of the others 11 feet in length. It contained in all 7,661 feet board measure. It was of soft elm. It grew on the farm of Thos. Grieve, 2nd concession, MoKiliop, and was purchased from him by Geo. Murray, who bad it out and drawn to Wm. Ament'e stave (eatery in Bruoefield, where it will be manufactured into staves and beading. It made a big load for four sleighs to draw it from Mr. Grieve's farm to Bruce. field. It was perfeotly sound, and Mr. Anent says there will not be a foot of waste timber in it. This tree, according to internal rings, ie 341 yeore old.—The Broad foot & Box Furniture Oo. shipped several oar loads of furniture to the Fawke Furniture Co., Liverpool.—The Easter vestry meeting of St. Thomas' ohuroh was held on Monday of last week. The financial report of the wardens was read and referred to the auditors, It showed a total revenue of $1517.75, with an expenditure of about $100 more. A subscription list was ordered to be oirou• fated at once, to wipe off the floating debt against the ohuroh. The rentor appoint. ed F. 0. Minty as minister's warden, and the people eleoted Dr. Belden as their representative. Blesses. Holmstead and Minty were eleoted Lay delegates to Synod, liners. Jameson and Pierce, auditors, and Masers. Counter, Fox, Tier - man and Edge, sidemen. Ile fooled the Surgeons. All dootore told Renick Hamilton, of West Jefferson, 0., after suffering 16 months from Recta( Fistula, he would die unless a wetly operation was per- formed ; but he oared himself with five boxes of Bueklen'e Aruba Salvo, the surest Pile cure on Earth, and the beet Salve in the World. 25 cents a box. Sold by G. A. Deadman; Druggist... Liactowel. NEWRY LnNrs.—Mra. Morison, wife of Rev. J. A. Morison, has returned from the old land and is the guest of her sister, Mrs, R. T. Kidd.—John MoKeever, eon of Wm, McKeever, returned home a few days ago from Roseland, B. C., whore he bag been residing for the past two years or over. He will remain here during the Bummer, although he likes the West, and may return in the Fall.—Posters are now out announoi0g the date of the Listowel Spring Show, which is Wednesday, April 101h. The following good Het of prizes is offered :— Stallione— Imported heavy draught with reg. pedigree, 1st, $10, 2nd, $6, Ord, $8 ; Agricultural horse any age, $6 and 43 ; Standard bred horse with pedigree 66 and $3 ; Thoroughbred blood with pedigree $6 and $3 ; Carriage horse any age $6 and $8 ; Roadster horse any age $6 and $3. Bulls :—Derham hull any age with pedigree 44 and $2 , ; Dor. ham bull two years old and under $4 and 2.— . D. Pugh, Seoretar. of the North J o $ g Y Perth Farmers' Institute, is at present trying to make arrangements with the G. T. R. to run an excursion to Niagara Falls in the early part of Jane. — The prospectus of the Listowel Cooperative Pork Packing Company has been issued. The capital is unlimited, in shares of $25 each. The preliminary board of trustees oomprfees the following residents of the eurroundiog townships : Jacob Bray, Jeptha Vankleeolt, 10.McConkey, John O'Grady, Henry Smith, Robb. T. Hardie, Henry Hemsworth, Jobe Mann, OURS. E. Oogblin, John R. Oode, J. F. Elliott,— J. A. and Mrs. Tremain, have the gym• pathy of their many friends in their bereavement through the loge of their only daughter, Emma Mearl, aged one year and eight months, whose death occurred on Exeter Sunday. — Lietowel hag secured Pitcher Donnelly, Shortstop Jennings and Catcher Graham, of last years' Stratford club.—Geo. Young, of Listowel, better llnown ae Geordie the Hatter, a veteran of the American war, Ino reoeubly had his claim to a pension reoognized through the 01411110 of Barrister Morphy, and now enjoy` mt1 inoeme of $8 a month, besides getting a lump enm Of 4400.: The annual Easter vestry meeting of Christ church wee held in the parish room an Monday evening of last week, and I�� •�lil 1BT-tYTI-t. BIGGER BUSINESS AHEAD. Everybody ie talking about the good Spring it Is to be—the busy Spring, There ie a 0onllle0t tone to bueloeee all over Canada and nowhere mora s0 than right hero, Our preparations are on a larger scale than ever before, and no part of the bueineee shows up better this treason than the Dress Goode notion. It would be imposeible to show everything that is new in dreee etuffe. What we ciao do and are doing is to gather the beet and most worthy fabric's for you, boeidee giving yon a wider and better range to oboose from than you'll find anywhere outside of this store in the county. This must be your best dress goods store. It has been 80 for many eeaeons In the peat, This year we are going to dis0oent our past efforts In every point of oomparisoo. Below we give you an inkling of what yon may expect to find Here. —Fanny Drees Goode in shot effects, regular 30,. for 25o. —Plain Satin Vigoreaux, new oolore, at 850 , 60c., and 75e. —Plain Granite Vigoreaux, in Fawn, Dewey, Blue, Browne and mixtures, at 60o., 75o. and $1, — Box Olothe, in all the naw shades, at $1 and $1,25. —Plain Oovert Clothe, in all the new colors, 60e., 75e. and $1. —Plain Drap de Paris, very stylish, at 760. and $1. — Blank Luetree, fine and glossy, at 20o., 25o., 350., 60e. and 75o. —Black Primrose Serge, very epeoial, from 26o. to 75e. —Black German Henriettae (jet blaok) 250., 50e., 7fio, and $1, —Blaok Biaritz Cloth, for mourning, at 80o. and $1. —Bleck Mercerized Sabana, something new, 860. — Blank Soliel, very special, 76o. and $1. We will be pleased to have you call and see our new goods. Yon need not spend a oeut except you want to. M'KINNON 00, LYTH. was fairly well attended by members of the congregation. Rev. H. W. Jeanes, rentor, presided. After hearing the War- dens' financial statement, officers were elected for the ensuing year as follows Wardens, B. Witter and A. St. Geo, Hawkins, the f•rmer being ,peoples' and the latter rector's warden ; Sidemen, 11. B. Morpby, J. H. Stuart, F. R. Ble• watt, 0. Tabberuer, J. M. .Oarthew and John Bamford ; Ushers, T. J. Liter, W. J. Anderson, Peroy Fetid and 11. Goddard. Vestry clerk, 0. Tabberner ; Auditors, J. A. Collins and J. M. Carthewo ; Lay delegates to Synod, Metiers, Collins and Oorthew, with J. H. Gunther as alterna- tive. Official notice of the resignation of Rev. Mr. James ea reciter of the pariah was given, the resignation to take effect on May 31st. The rev. gentlemen and Mrs. Jennee purpose leaving for England early in June. Discovered by It W111111111. Another great discovery has been made, and that fro, by a lady in the country. "Diee.e fastened its clutches upon her and far seven years ehe withstood ata severest tests, but her vital organa were undermined and death seemed imminent. For throe months she ooughed incessant- ly, and could not Bleep, She finally die - covered a way to reooverv, by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis- covery for Consumption, and was so much relieved on taking drat dose, that she slept all night ; and with two bottles, has been absolutely oared. Ber name is Mrs. Luther Lutz," Thus writes W. 0. Hamniok & 0o., of Shelby, N. 0, Trial bottles free at G. A. Deadmen's Ding Store. Regular size 503 and 4100. Every bottle guaranteed. Sluevale. TURNDERRY Towesute Concoct.—Council met in Bluevale, April 8rd, 1809. Mem- bers all preeeot ; the reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting were read, mp• proved and signed. Communications were read from Earnest Heaton re pati• fico to the Dominion Government for the deepening of Goderioh harbor and the uonetruotion of the 0. P. R. from Wing. ham to Goderioh—filed ; from the Coun- ty Treas. re lands sold for taxes, also from County Clerk re Rolle. Cruickshank — Ooupland—That we are of the opinion that the county should continue to supply thelooml munioipalitiee with rolls, as the oounty buying in large quantities should' be able to buy &beeper than the loual municipality. — Oarried. Mitchell Ooupland — That Mete re. MoPhereon, Cruickshank aud Musgrove be a oommiltee to arrange with John Ansley re Iota 280 and 281, W.' T. Plot. — Carried. Mus- grove—Mitchell—That the Township of Turnberry is in favor of and will pay their share of 'putting a 2j foot concrete tile culvert in boundary line opposite R. Currie's lot. — Carried. Musgrove Cruickshank—That Wm. Deyell'e reeig• nation from the Board of Health be ao• oepted and that a By-law be passed mppoiating Gavin Wilson for the unex pired term.--Oarried. Moegrove—Oruiok• shank—That Bylaw No. 6, '1809, be patted appointing John Rutherford, Thos, Aitkin, Thos. Goy, John Robinson, John W. Walker, Jae. Elliott, John MoNaugh• ton, Peter Scott, William Beneath and Robt. Leathern, fence viewers for the Township of Turnberry for the current year, Bylaw read three times and pass. ed. Mitchell-0oupland—That Bylaw No. 6, 1899, be pained appaintiug John Little, Geo. Bremner, Geo. 13. Scott, Thos. Gilmour, Geo. Nioboleon, Henry Wheeler, Donald Stewart, Peter Scott, Gavin Wilson, Wtn, Netterfield, John Dimeot, jun., and William Maxwell, poundkeepera for the Township of Turn- berry for the currant year. By-law read three times and paeeed. Musgrove -.- Coa land—That B •law No. 7,1889 be P Y , paoeed appointing D. Frifogle, John Weller, Wm, Aitkin, John Porter, John Lftulen Wm.King, John MOKtnuon, Thos. M0Oreight, Gavin Wilson, Ralph Metcalf,. Reuben Stokes, Thos. Aitkin, John Hut - ten, Richard Porter, John Johnston, August Homuth, John Willetts, Alex. Forgle, Peter Hastings, William Haugh, Frannie Carruthers', Wm. Doan, Alex. Kelly, Charles Homuth, Geo. Nicholson, Jae. Wylie, jun., Alex. McDonald, Robt. Weir, Samuel Vanetone, Bonbon Banburn, Jas. Orr, Jas. Elliott, Thos. Walker, Frank Wanks, Robert Hamilton, Wm. Douglas, JohnMoEWen, James Hislop, Peter Soott, Chris. Moffat, Robert Bleak, Peter King, Wm. Stewart, Louie II. Boss, man, Wm. Maxwell, Duncan Anderson, W. Jermyn, Charles Gannett, Duncan MaNanghton, John Moffat, Robert Eogg, John Mulvey, Wolter Hutebieon, Andrew Gemmill, Peter MoTavieh, Robert Miller, John A.. Miller, Thos. Netteriield, John Mitobell, Peter Merdook, .David Welsh, John Cameron, Hiram Smith, pathmae. tore in the Township of Tnrnberry for the current year. Bylaw lead throe times and passed. 141itnhell '-••• Oruiok• shank—That Me. Musgrove be appointed to inep0ot B line where John Gannett made atone crossway and report at next Meeting of ooltnoil,—Oarried, Ooupland —Musgrove—That the matter referred by the local Board of Health re vaccina- tion be left over to next meeting. — Car- ried. The following accounts' ware pass- ed and oheques tested • Wm. Deyell, services an Board of Health, 42 ; William Deyell, work an Wewanosh boundary, 76 cents ; Wm. Douglas, refund dog tax, $1. Council adjourned to meet in Blue - vale at 10 o'alouk a. m., May 26th next, and as 8 Collet of Revision at 1 o'olook p. m., on the same day. Jean Boneue8, Clerk. Glorious News Comes from Dr. D. B. Cerullo, of Washita, 0 T. He writes: "Pour bottles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, whish had 0ansed her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and fano, and the beet dootore could give no help ; but her ours is oomplete and her health is ex. oelleut." This sbowe what thousands have proved,—that Electric Bitters ie the beet purifier known. It's the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcera, boils and running .sores. It slim• ulatee liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion, builde up the strength. Only 60 cents. Bold by G. A. Deadman, Druggist. Guaranteed. General Hotton proposes to have a large number of regiments from the United States and Canada take part in a tournament in Montreal next year. T. G. Dago, a prominent citizen of Selkirk, has been appointed Principal of the Indian Industrial School at St. Paul's, just North of Selkirk, to succeed Rev. Mr. Fairlie. Fire Fencing i The endereigned is prepared to sell and build any quantity of the Celebrated Anchor Wire Fencing. This is the Strongest and Cheapest Fence on the market and is guaranteed to give satisfaction. ALSO GATES FOR SALE. For further particulars as to price, &a„ call on or write JOHN CURRIE, 30.2m AGENT, 11RUSSELB. E °1I U RUI R SYSTEM COLONIST EXCURSIONS TO THE CANADIAN NORTH-WEST Will leave Toronto, via North Bay, at 8.10 14,m, and 0 p.m. each Tuesday during April (if Bethel() , t business offers.) 0010101st Sleeping l'i`re for Passengers with ordinary eaving baggage 8 Dattached , tod will run through to Wiuuipeg. Colonist Sleeping Cars for passengers travellingon same train as 'their live stook at 11 tptill ain,a d w 11 run train uvogh Jo TORONTO lnolpe BERTHS will be FREE in these ems, and can be secured by passengers on application to Grand Trunk Agents. Tickets rates and all information from Agents o) Grand Trunk Railway System. J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Brussels. SHINGLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND-— Nortlh Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT THIS Brussels Planing itis d Also Doors and Saeh of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Gdaranteed. P. AJLY.4 E J..! .l , Only no WEI Shoo" ag neyo There is only 011e " Slater Shoe ", Agency in this town. "Slater Shoes" can be bought in no other store but this store,. If more than one dealer i11 each town had the w - Agency for Slater Shoes,"no one dealer' could g Y afford to carry in stock enough shapes, sizes, and widths, to fit all feet, and thus the dealer's trade, the custolnels' feet, and the reputation of the " Slater Shoe" as a foot -fitter would all be injured. Price, $3.00, $4.Oo and $5.00. Shoes by mall. Catalogue Free. Jno. Dowding, - Sole Local Agent McLEOD'S System 'Renovator —AND OTflER— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita• tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Nenr• algia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Oon- gumption, Ga11 Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, 6t. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De• bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT, J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by Jae, Fox. Druggist, Brussels. Will molter a well malt of YOU 1 010060 P00011000 Tan 000011 1110317110 IN F00010x88& PI008r cures all Nervous Mama. elepeeprioesh noestorrhoea• Impotana, Fnlling etaN1R000eed by Pest aebuilee- gives vigor andsineto shrunken mans, and quickly gbut Um1 PIOOEI and you Mammon 010008 and poppy a Gln. goat br 0(011 ld p1aW vm.n•r and securely sealed. tram observation. Easily' carried 00. in morocket.eeither 0,4000ry rregpackage, ate 0d latter,, Address all lettere to J. T. PEPPER, Do,, llot. W00 0. 008, CYT„ Agent 10r the De. Spring ria is Coining. —11— We are ready for it with a nicely assorted stock of Prints, Cottons, Sheeting s, Shirtings, Linens, • Flannelettes, Spring SzoitinEs, �e- Our Grcccry Department is known near and far for the freshness and excellency of our stock. A trial will convince you that this incorrect. J. G. SK N E. Agent for Parker's Dye Works. Spectacles —OP ALL RINDS— Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Byes tested FREE by latest Optical methods at Division Court Office, BRUSSELS. The Standard Bank of Canada. ,honey Orders For amounts of Fifty Dollars and under issued by tbie Bank, payable at par at any &bartered Bank in Canada, with the exception of Brenchea in the Yukon Die• triol. RATES Under $10 . . $0.08 $10 to 20 . 0.10 20 to 30 . 0.12 80 to 50 . . . 0.14 J. N. 0011007, Agent, BRUSSELS. MONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 &6'l, Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. TAILORING! 111, G. Richardson Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Good Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES. Suits made' for $4 and upwards. la'Shop in Garfield Block. �,`.+wc •fit= rll�l "0000 N10 0000,1.0T Pn tNT all 18101.01(1841. 11.1100 4u4bm.L;lrri NOAON 101101.000110 70011 101110*008 The Buffalo All -Steel Disc Harrow This is the only Disc Harrow made or Boldin (Meads, having independent, adfustab]e spring pressure upon the inner ends of the gano 41080, allowing any amount of pressure to be thrown upon the inner 00de of the gange,by. the foot of the operator. By this means a,perfectly flex- ible motion is scoured and the ground can be workedto a uniform depth. Examine tits Machine carefully and n0mpare with -&there, r The No. 12 Cultivator. A fAR EL F 8130E 8 The only I8 t v 0 0 8 Cultivator made that bock linos �) teeth will en depth in he round Examine it and you ethe g l and you will sec why, The only Cultivator of t a moveable be regulated set to that the angle of the lofts eau be regulated to reit any to act moilOf 60f1. Pressure ems 110 regulated to 6ct differently ou every section requiring it. The teeth are carried between the wheels instead of trailing behind at in other maobines, thus scouring lighter draft. This machine if fur - ebbed with grain andrase Seed box When re- quired, It has reversible diamond steel pointe for the teeth-; also, extra Wide thistle-outtiug pointe eau be (01008hed. Examine it and you will buy no other. The Best Drill Maete.° T11e 01008100 Seeds No- Introduction. Over 40,000 Drills and Seeders Of our Manu- facture in use 011 Meade. TIM only Drill made for instant perfect regulation th lover oe 10 and with to depth of hoe o all kinds l coir, while team is i80 toed, a ever kernel correct to scale; props rood, as overt' .Prue] fa deposited the ata and you 'will to grow. Purchase only the boat and you will beanefie tufo ow rase kes, Oo1(lg Binders, and Reapers Mowers, a best, Oultivntors and Puipore, ag. good as the best, Send for illustrated catalogue, SMI. N0X0;4 B1005.1MGt1). Co 'Limited) s s (111. .. Ingersoll Ont., Canad nexnrtd.o PIM. .mu. Ingersoll, 1 n ,a J°a LONG & ofty Br asseis,