HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-3-31, Page 9I te
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The Standard Bank
of' Canada
oney Oraers
For amounts of Fifty Dollen and under
issued by this Bank,payable at par at
any chartered Bank in Canada, with the
exception of Branobes in the Yukon Dia.
Under $10 . . $0.08
$10 to 20 . . 0.10
20 to 80 . 0.12
30 to 60 • 0.14
J. P1 6010)(0, stgent, BRUSSELS.
Bel =as asv e.
[Intended for last week.;
SUM/Ht.—Spring arrived on Tuesday
locked safely awey hi a blizzard. The
combination of the look le expected to
reach here in May, weather permitting.
Cauaea.—The exobange of pulpits by
Revs. Messrs. Hall and Oaten on a recent
Sabbath was a pleasing break •in the
routine of ohuroh life. Let it be oftener.
Methodist service will be held at 7
o'olook instead of at fen p. m., dating
from the first Sunday of A.pril.
Notres.—The sealed following the Tea -
meeting on Wednesday night was a pleas.
ant affair.-- large shipment of oattle on
Monday by Clegg it Dames. — Spring
stooks are being unpacked.—The recent
enow has added to the stook of logs at the
11., Wheels ; Com., IL Mulonhy, Alix.
alutiennse, 20, M. jnelt,on, W. Id. A.
Beet end W. H. Baker. The teem dote
not 12011112101.100 1110 0020011 with a balance
on the tight side of the eheet, but it is
to be hoped Glut the delioit- will noon he
made up. The club unanimously do.
aided to join the 0. L. A., and to send
representatives to the aunual meeting to
be held in Toronto on Good Friday,
Alex. Strong returned from Manitoba
where he had been with a oar of horses.
Jno. MoGlyun and Frank Outline lett
on Wednesday morning of last week, for
Henry Gildner and family left on Wed-
nesday of last week, for their new home
in New Dundee.
Simpson Rnth left for Griswold, Man.,
where he will make hie home with bis
aunt, Mrs. T. Gray.
The oongregration of St. Stephen'e
church presented Rev, Mr. Feeney, the
incumbent, with a private Communiou
Mise S. Blow was presented with a
gold wntoh chain and oaee by the mern.
hers of St. Stephen's choir before leaving
for Winnipeg.
David Bradnook hoe sold his 100 mire
farm on the 5th con., to Robb. Gathers
for $4,800. Mr. Bradnoak has purchased
no. Mooreat residence in the North and
of the village and will shortly remove to
lEta St Ner slew talioecie.
BUXOM 011tM08.—The congregation of
this ohuroh baa recently been making
improvements on the interior of their
chards. A. new platform and railing at
the front for pulpit and Choir and ine.
provements on the petve, together with
more perfect heating arrangements have
made the ohuroh more oomfortable and
pleesing. Re -opening serviaes were con.
duoted on March 12011 by Rev. Mr. Hall,
of Belgrave, preaohing in the morning
and Rev. F. J. Oaten, paetor, condnoting
a song service and preaching in the even-
ing. A tea meeting was held on Monday
evening which was a splendid mimeo
yielding $83.00. This, together with the
liberal collections of Sunday, enable the
trustees to pay for all repairs.
It in bold that the harbor and the
water rowel the piers ere teaming with
peroh, so that aa soon ex the toe broalte
up the anglers will liave lots of eport,
ThiS new elevator ili being put in shape
for the big season's business it will draw,
and as the expectations are that the rush
will commence shortly after the opening
of navigation Manager Mooers is bound
to be ready for the big abipa.
large meeting 0(3 2011200 Lodge, No. 02, I.
0, 0. F., between seventy-five and eighty
members being present, it was decided
by an almost Unanimous vote to proceed
with the project of building a hall. The
sum of $7,000 woe set aside for the per.
pose. The building will be of three
aeries and will be ereoted on North
street, next to the Hortoo block, with
sixty feat frontage, The plans were
drawn by Harry J. Powse, of Stratford.
On tee ground finor thee. will be on emelt
Lime, with seetieg nou mmociation for
at least 780 120800118, two rooms
—000 00 each eide of •he entrapoe to the
opera house. There will be eight or ten
dr00510g rooms in the basement. The
second iloor is to be il•ind 05 20 the Odd,
fellows' lodge quartere and the third floor
for the Masonic lodge. The front of the
bnilding will be of red pressed brisk.
The committee in charge will pooh
matters and expel to have the hall 00/71,
pleted in three or four mouths.
J. G. and Mee. Bmalloombe oelebreted
the anniversary of their silver wedding,
Throe more very large logs were de-
livered at the Stitherlandannis Milbo
here. They were not on the premises of
The. Cameron, Usborne, and measure
4120 feet.
Richard Terry ban purchased the bole
ante of the old MoDonell property at the
back of the salt works and bordering the
river, from Bavvden & MoDonell. There
ere about fifty.three amain the piece and
it was sold for $28 an acre.
Piok•Ble.UP is the name of a small and
neat little publication just etarted 10
Wellaoeburg in the interest of the public,
sehool of that place. It is edited by
Arthur Claims, and has for its manager
Ethelbert Batt, son of Rev. W. H. Butt,
formerly pastor of Centralia Methodist
A. resolution was unanimously adopted
at the last monthly meeting of Owlet
Exeter, No. 123, I. 0. F., and was for-
warded to the children of the late Samuel
Westawe,y, with cheque for $1000, tbe
amount of the insurance policy held by
Mr. Westeway in the Order.
Fel .31 .80.
The lea Blyth monthly fair for this
Beason was held Tuesday,
W. J. Dempsey and bride have com-
menced housekeeping in Frank Metealf's
house on Wellington street.
The bill respeoting the debenture in.
debtedneas of Blyth has passed the On.
tario Legislature and become law.
Adam MoKenzie made DO ugly gasb in
one of hie fingers by hie hand ooming in
contaa with a saw in Livingston's mill.
Blies Corn Moody, of Luoknow, is here
attending ber grandmother, Pare. James
Porter, who has been ill with oongestion
of the lungs.
Alex. Males, of Egmandville, died on
Tuesday of last week and wee buried on
Thursday. Deceased was an unole of
Mrs, (Dr) Sloan, of Toronto, formerly of
An emotion osis of the farme, farm
stook, implements, household furniture,
etc., belonging to the estate of the bete
George Kraehling will be bald on Tues.
day, April 4th.
Wm. Shane has received word from
Winnipeg stating that his son Will,, who
has been seriously 111 for the past few
weeks, is showing signs of improvement.
John Denholm has returned from hie
trip to Manitoba, he having made the
round trip in 11 days. He took up a oar
of horses and succeeded in selling them
soon after hie arrival, receiving a good
pries for all of them.
Mrs. Elder has retnrned from Elder's
Mills, where she bad been for five weeks
attending her mother who was seriously
111 with la grippe atm Christmas. The
illness proved fatal, her mother dying on
Saturday, 11011 inst., at the age of 78
oe.r. .-ssarao
KU lino—O. C. Howe, It, Cocicorline, 0,
Taylor, George Arnistong, J1/13, Short.
reed, Jae. Searle, Wm. Sholdice, P. lifts.
Arthur and Sas, Murray. South Bound.
ary—Geo, Grigg. West Boundary—Jas.
GelleY, 0. 141e0rea, T. Gasman and N.
Coming, Belgrave — Wm. Watson.
East Boundary—A. Bryan, A, Forsyth,
Thee, Maunders and Sas. Bolger. Wel.
ton—J. Moore, On motion of Messrs,
pods and Jackson the Council ilea ad-
journed to meet again on the 2011i of
May for Court of Revision and other
businose. WH, CLAIM, Clerk.
Kingston will puttehage 00 1358101 truck.
Brant Clatter and Wm, Elliott were
brought before 5. D. Stewart and 5. L.
Russell, 5. P.'s, Rueseldale, on March
14th, and fined, the former $25, and the
latter $5 and mite, for disturbing the
singing school class et Mount Pleasant
church the previous night, and threaten•
ing to punish or shoot the oompleinants
when ou their road home. There bail
been considerable complaint of late about
unruly minded in and out of said (thumb
says the alitobell Advocate, and it is to be
hoped the example made will deter others
from a aontinuence of snob unseemly be.
Following ie the song written by Rev,
R. S. G. Anderson, ("Ceres"), Wroxoter,
Ont,, which wee awarded third place by
the M amnia of Ava (Lord Dufferie) in the
the Montreal Witneste competition :
Hail to the Northland that cradles a
Lusty. and strong as the masts of her
Queen of her own, she reigns in her sta-
Mother of freemen she sits in her lines.
God eave the land we love,
. Blake her forever prove
Mother of men, and a home of the free.
Let every patriot sou
Sing, while the ago run :
"Canada, Motherland I Our heat beats
for thee,"
W. F. Forrest reoeived four cars of
lumber from the North the other day.
We regret to report the illness of J. J.
Johnson, who has been confitied to bed
for some days.
Geo. Loohhead and family have moved
to town. They reside in the house vac
ated by Mrs. Samuel Fear.
Mies Hannah ,Bennetb, only daughter
of Doane Bennett, formerly of this vine LtP,
was married at her parents' home, Va.
den, Man„ on the 14011 inst., to William
Heritage, a well-to.do young gentlemen
of the West.
Jae. Lineham left on Wednesday of last
week for Dee/dusty, Na W. T., tatting with
bits five entire horses, inoplements, eto.,
the whole occupying two oars. 15 will
Kell the horses out West. Mrs. Lineham
will follow Blr. Linelsa.m in 11 week or ten
A. fairly representative and enthusias.
tio meeting o& business men and citizens
of Atwood met in the Foresters' Hall 012
Monday night of lea week to discuss the
pros and 'cons of a, prospective industry
for Atwood and to organize a Board of
Trade to look after the industrial inter-
ests of the place. The following gentle.
men were elected a Board of Trade for
the ensuing year 1—aubn Roger, Chair-
man, W. F. Forrest, T. G. Ballantyne,
R. S. Felton, Secretary, Robb. Abderson,
J. A. Mitchell and 0. H. Holmes.
ISettiOr Lis .
Thos. Kali), (me of the proprietors of
the Commm
eral hotel, has fullyrecover-
ed frorn a severe attack of la grippe.
A meeting was held in the W. 0, T. U.
parlors for the purpose of organizing an
auxiliary for the aid of the I,epor's
Arthur Forbes, sr., has pnrehased the
'bus from Mr, 5)100)05. The letter and
family have moved to Leamington where
they will reside in future.
There died in Seaforth on Monday of
last week, Charlotte Freemae, eldest
daughter of the late Thomas Freeman,
aged 88 years and 5 months.
The Private Bill Committee of the
Legielattire passed the bill permitting
this town to issue debentures in order to
make a loan of $10,000 to the Van.
Ihtmond woollen mill, $17,000 to the Bell
foundry, and $20,000 to the Oase peek
peeking establishment. The painting of
the bill is fortunate for the town, con.
sidaing the opposition given in Pattie.
ment to bonus legislation. The whole
question of granting bonneee was review-
ed by the oommittee, but they allowod the
bill te pass batmen the industries to be
aided were already established and it wag
a matter ma
of Deoting them to increase
their productive oapaoity.
The annual general election ot the
Beaver Itiorosse club wae held in the
town hall on Wedneeday evening of last
Week and was the largest attended meet.
ing held in enemy years. The following
officers were (sleeted t—Eloti. Pres., W.
0. Reid; Hon, Vise Pree,, Geo. E. Jack.
eon ; Praia A. Broadfoot Vioserret.,
A. Stobie ; Seas 1)0, 1105515rd Ireati.,
There is
a Thing.
As wearing Glasses when you
SHOULDN'T, and not wearing them when
you &comm. It is a mistake to do either.
We only give Glestess when they will be
beneficial to the wearer.
ta'Oall and have your Eyes Tooted
Conte Set Our niece.
tSystean Bonovato. -- —
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
For Irnpure„Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleeeneset PAnita,
tion of the Fleart, Liver aoraplaint,Neur.
algia, Loss of Mamory, Sem:whale, Oon.
sumption, Gall Stoma, Jaundiee, Kidney
and -Urinary Diseartes, St, Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De.
Prop. and Manufaeturer.
8510 by Jas. rox.ltruggist, Brussels.
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Hs
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
term; on hand or made to order
at Short Notice.
Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of B aildings. Workman-
ehip and Material Guaranteed.
Honor the land where the knightieet race,
Battled as foerean to win her as prizes
Sous of these bold men we sit in their
Brothers forever by serest of ties.
God guard the land we bold,
Firm as oar Biros of old,
Jealous of honor, and fearloue, and free.
Standing with arms at reeb,
Gall we from East to West :
"Canada, Motherland 1 Our tenet beats
for thee."
Bleat be our land that has written in
Names tbat are worthy, and deeds that
inaphe ;
Long may her plane in the roll call of
Weise a true pride with the patriot's
God ring the Empire round ;
Bat let our sone lie found
Marching breast forward, the that of the
True to the larger house,
Still shell we give the rouse :
"Onuadit, Motherland 1 Our beart beats
for thee."
The town 010018 bas had many rests re-
cently on account of sleet,
It ie said that Menesetung Park will be
the attraotion for Summer visitoes the
Doming 000500.
Geoffey Holt is suffering from a badly
sprained knee, the result of a fall on a
slippery sidewalk,
The Goaerich Orglin On. shipped a oar
load of its manufaathres to British
Oolnmbia on Tnesdny of last week.
Mre. Seagee, accompanied by little
Greoie, left last week for Toronto on a
visit to her eon, Rev. Allan Steiger.
Roes Ragan, Dytneut's manager, 10.
oeived an order foe 40 omit of lumber, and
last week some 84 bad been shipped East.
Tuesday of last Week Mrs. A.111. Todd
fell on the ioy walk in front of the post.
00000(3 and as a eonsequence has been eon -
fined to bed.
D. C. BlcAedle, formerly of Goderioh,
has scoured the superintendence of the
dear building,in Toronto which is to be
built this season.
Captain Tretheway, one mining expert,
has tat for Sault Ste Marie on epeoial
business tionneeted With mines on both
sides of the hue.
The Kensington Furniture Factory has
been Bold to F. G. numbed!, of Londoe,
who i the largest ehareholder in the
present oompany.
The contest among the new members
of the outline olub was finished on Mos•
day afternoon of last week. The genies
not already reported resulted.as follows
In the seated round B. D. Grant defeult,
ed to E. B. Tilt, In %be thled rotted F.
Humbet beat E. B. Tilt 1.4 to 8; M,
Hninber beat W. Semite 14 to 8 ; J. H.
redder, bye. F. Humber drew a bye,
and Humber.. beat J. H. Pedder 10 to
2, In the genie between the Humber
Bros. Maitland team Out ahead by 21 to
10. The winner was then pitted epithet
Robert McLean, who heti not entered the
competition before, and am exciting game
last Monday afternoon Wail ibb melt.
Humber won by 12 bo 8, and the alas
trophy—a pelt of etonee-10 now his,
Morris Council Xeeting.
The Council rod in the Township
Hall according to adjournment on March
20th ; members all present, the Reeve in
th6 chair. Minutes of last meeting read
and passed. Jbo. Nethery. and others
appeared in reference to the effects of the
late Wm. Knowles who died about the
17b1.1 of the present month. Moved by
Mr. Code, mended by Dlr. Cardiff, that
this 0000011 take no action in the matter
at present until enquiry is made bythe
Olerk, endeavoring to gain some nfer.
maim respeoting the relatives of said
deceased.—Carried, Moved by Mr. Oar.
diff, seconded by Mr. Shaw, that the
Township Hall be put in proper shape of
repair end that Mr. Jackson be instructed
to draw speoifications for the work, the
G. Richardson
Is prepared to do all kinds of
work in his line.
Good Workmanship and
Good Fits guaranteed.
Suits made for $4 and upwards,
'S11012 in GHT11(1111 111(15110..
SOHO to be left ah the residence of Mr.
Cardiff, and that the Clerk be instruoted
to advertise for tenders for the work.—
Carried. Moved by Mr. Cardiff, Booted
ed by Mr. Shaw, that Bylaw No. 4, as
now read, bo provisionally adopted, and
that the same be published as required
by Statute in the Brussels Herald
On motion of Mr. Code,
seconded by Mr. jaekson, the following
amounts were Oedema to be paid :—
Muninipttlity of Turnherey, B. line ex.
penditure, $4.87 ; R. Blair, gravel, 900
Wm. Bird, Morris Aare of plow broken
ou B. lino, UN •' A. E. Bradwin print-
ing By-laws, 12 00. Pathmastets were
thon appointed as follows :—Notth
Boundary—C. Henderson,.Wm. Ilender.
eon, P. Fowler, Thos. jowl% Jno.
Wm, Robeetson, W. Johnston, IL
Messer and J. D. Miller. lot' rino—Sms.
Fyfe, 0. Campbell, 12, Blaguire, O. Ma-
guire, Wrn. Preget, J. Sellars, W. J.
Johnston and R. Milletand line—Jas.
H. Brandon, Wm. Diatom Wm. Garniss,
L Forrand, D, Agar, 5, Oaldbick, Wm,
Forrest and. Wen, Moses, Srd lino—Wm.
Wray, Win. Hopper, Thos. Prootoe,
Garnise, F. Brower, J. Budd, W. Farrow
end Jas. Ireland. 4th line—W. G.
Nieholsoo, 30. 13ryan, Geo, Feeder, L.
Wheeler, R. McMurray, Jas. Kearney,
R. Cardiff, N. Bleat, K. MoKenelb and
Wm. Bryan, Gib line—H. Johnston, A.
Oloakey, A. lissom, A. °lark, Wen. Mil.
lor,132. D, Sommerville, N. Elatt,
. Keys and jno Broadfoolt, ebb line—J.
Grashy, jno, Young, Jae, Hall, P. Carite•
len, jag. Thrtell, Wm. Smith, F, Me.
Outchoon mad Jno. Robb, 7th line -303
Taylor, 20. Kelly, T. Skelton, Wrn.
Ounninglirins, Jas. A.. Howlett, A.
Bleflall, Sas. Evans,. It Bewley and Wm.
Ilatmdem. hao—D. Laidlaw, 50,
Richmond, A. Smith, Wm. Marelisil,
DteEltoy, 5. MeCaughey, Wm. AA.-
son, Goo. Itoliy, ja., and boo, XeCiali.
Real Estate 86 Loan
New Prints, .Dress Goods,
Lawns, Mushns,
, 1 Embroideries, Insertibns,
1 Laces, Art Muslins,
Cottons, Cotton Shirtings,
Cottonades, etc., eta.
New Spring Boots Shoes
Money to Loan on Farm Secur-
ity at the Lowest Rate
of Interest.
Money Loaned on Notes and
good Notes Discounted. Sale
Notes a Specialty.
Fire cl Life Insurance Written.
Special Attention given to
Oahe over Deadman's Drug Store,
from the Finest and. most Stylish to
the Heavy Manufactures.
A Lovely Range of Oxfords. -461",„
Gall and see our
stook' of
9.:...111arch Standard Patterns and Fashion Sheets. The latter Free
to those who call for them.
la'Everything sold at very close and reasonable prices. We will
be pleased to have you favor us with a call.
Alex. Strachan.
ilto Turnbull
...Have you seen the...
Chancellor Steel Rangr, with HighOloset ? It beats them
all. Get prices on this range.
Wool, Hideo, Butter and Eggs
taken in exchange,
Cardino, Spinning,
Veaving, Knitting, etc,
Promptly attended to
ab the...
Fibre dlineriean Water White
Coal Oil,
Tinware, Cutlery,
Hardware, Graniteware.
The Lance Tooth and the Symonds are our Specialties.
, The best quality at close prices is our Motto.
We also handle Blacksmiths' Ooal.
Wilton & Turnbull, - Brussels.
No Sid oi
Either Wire or Wooden Wheels,
Just to Hand at the
'P st9 Bookstore.
rine Lino of Bibles ai Ilymn Books.
FOR 30 0,4YS.