HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-3-31, Page 81200 MORE 1200 more voila o£ Wall and Ceiling Papers came this week. We like not only to give our customers low prices but a large variety to seleob from. You eau depend on good values and a choice eeleeblon la buying your Well Paper at DEADMAK'S DRUG & BOOKSTORE. When buying a Bioyole get a Cres - mint, Over 100,000 sold last year, You can hive one of these wheels 2 months an trial and if you wish, oan bring it book. We are never afraid of being ethok with Oresoent Blayolee. 910 will buy a LADIES' BICYCLE. 980 will buy a Geotlelnan'e Wheel -new last Summer. Guaranteed o, k. G. A. Deadman, Agent for Crescent Dioyolee. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 00010EnN EXTENSION ve. G. & E. Trains leave Bragaele Station, North and South, as follows: Going 80twa. G0I114 Nonan. 9x0oeee...... 7:10 a,m, I Mail a•le pan .m wised......... 0:40 a. Express 10:17 tem real 1,1ttos Jtems, A ohiel'e amang ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Goon FRIDAY. GET ready for April lot. Nzxn Sunday will be Easter. Bousooto village Colman next Monday evening. OnGANTEEn NixoN, of tbe A. 0. U. W., was fu town on Wednesday. WEDNranea's snowing and drifting made the roads heavy for travel. A. LARGE amount of District News on our 8•column oupplement this week. TILE average age of the persons buried in Brussels cemetery during the past Winter bas bedn over 70 years. LAST Saturday's snow storm was an old sneezer, more like the opening of Winter than the 2511i of Maroh. anima MAOMAEON has sentenced Peg - leg Brown to be hanged on May 10, at London, for killing policeman Toohey. Tosco BEATTrn disposed of his Meek driver to Dr. Berger, of Listowel, at a good figure. The beast was a good color and quite speedy too. LAST Saturday the monthly meeting of the Howick Fire Insurance Go, Direct- ors was held at Gerrie. There were no claims to pay bat the very satisfactory nnmber of 91 applications were reoeived. The Howick Co. fs a leader. WEDNESDAY Could bardly be palled seasonable weather for Spring millinery openings, and yet not a few of the gentler sex admired the fine diepiays of fashion- able !headgear M Sirs, Rogers' and ;lilies Roddiok'e stores. Thursday the weather was more favorable to the 000asion. GM= GREEN and Widdis Jaokeon left for Manitoba oo Taeedav morning taking two oars of settlers' t re offsets which in. eluded 8 horses, implements, lumber for houses, provisional, &o. Young George Green was also a member of the party. Mr. Green's addrege will be Fennaetelle. Their old friends in this locality wish them prosperity and expeot to hear of them doing well on their big !arms, Onrx.-Thursday of last week Alex. Donaidoon, a resident of Goderiob for the past 60 years, died at his home from a Meeks of paralysis. He had been grade• ally failing for the past year but was en. joying comparative good health until Wednesday. Ile ie survived by bis wife, 5 eons and 2 daughters. Only two of the children live in tittle country, viz., John, of Brussels, and Miss Donaldson at home. The fntteral took place on Satur• day, Rev. Mr. Anderson aondoating the service. L. 0. L. -The Moosomin, (N. W. T.,) Spectator, of Manta 10, givee a very neat report of the Grand Orange Lodge of the Northwest Territories, held recently at Grenfell. Among the office bearers for tbie year we notice the names of J. H. Young, formerly of Brussels, who is Deputy Grand Master ; and Albert Gerry, eldest son of B. Gerry of this place, wbo is Grand Director of Ceremonies. Mr, Young lives near Mammal and Mr. Gerry at Indian Head. Sacco IN Tan Show. -The W. G. & B. had rather an nnnaoal experience last Wednesday for this season of the year, viz„ to be stunk in snow banks for hours with their trains. The afternoon train did not reach Brueeele until about 8 p, to., and the night train, due here et 10 o'olotk, arrived shortly before 7 There- day morning, after spending the night in e. snow pile a mile this side of Listowel. They bad two ermines on, and when they could nob pueb through, the snow plow and an engine name to their help, and by the aid of the eeotion man working all night the train was liberated and tbe snow plow sent ahead, There fortunate. ly were no lady passengers aboard and the gentlemen made the beet of it, bob don't want the dose repeated, Tun OoNPEneiotTION LIPS. -The 27111 annual report of the Confederation Life Association a9 publiebed in another column, and presette a record of proe. parity wbiob moat be very grabifying to the ebareboldere and polioyhoidere of this stemma' institution. During the, past year 2,251 applications for ineuranoe Were approved, representing 99,164,448- a marked inoreaso in the volume of new buefnese, The total Imamate in force, at the aloes of the year was 929,077,418, under 19,050 policies on 17,106 lives, Polieyholdare were paid in pro0te during 1898,the handsome auto of 986,800.22, the aggregate for the past fottr years being 9345,276. In every teatime the financial status of the company le Round and fie Lignite progressive. Sir W. P. Howland, the Preeident, in moving the adoption of the report, pronounced it eminently satisfactory, an opinion which lie Was endorsed by the moorage ntatives 6f till the policyholders. F. 11, Heath is the , he general agent of the Confederation Life last for this dletrdot, the 1084,1 agent being mo W. 13. T{err, $kuesele, ala Gan thanks are due to A. Hislop, P, P., for parliamentary reporte. THE 100x1 dootare have been Navin busy time in vaoninating the snide." G. A, Deanntg wheeled down to store on itis bike on Monday and this the anew 100, MoxmuxY /Jovial lair Thursday of n week. Tbie will be the teat lair seasan. Don't fail t0 attend it, Seg. DAVIS will have his time felly copied on his farm, 5th line, Morrie, lute closed his shoe shop for Chia seas D. A. Lon'RY loteuda rough casting reeidenoe this Spring and will also m other improvements. Thos, 111oLau fit's reeidenoe will receive similar tr moot at Mr. Lovery's heads. Hume WmttAtte & Son disposed their carriage shop and premises on street last week to F. Adams, who is new proprietor of the Brussels Pu Works, It will suit Mr, Adams tip - and is mob 00nveniently located. Moult than one individual expres their thanks, audibly or mentally, to A ]usher for hie kindness in opening up unmber of the streets with his au plow last Sabbath morning after Sat day's blizzard. It was a very thought aot and added to the comfort of oho goers. AN auction sale of household farnita &o„ alai take plane at the resideuoe Wm. Kneabtel, corner of Thomas a Elizabeth streets, Brussels, on Thorel afternoon of next week, F. S. Scott w be the auoiioueer. Sale unreserved Mr. and ]lire. llneehtel are giving house -keeping owing to the ill health the latter, TEE Stratbroy Dispatch of March 22 says of a former Brasselite:-"Ro Thompson, the late popular clerk of t Commercial hotel, has entered into pe, nership with W. T. Gunn, of the Queen The joint partnership commenced Monday morning last. Both are fir Claes hotel men, know their burin thoroughly and are generally popular: Attowo the shipments from Brussels T. R. thitt week were 3 decks of hope a a oar of cattle by Mseere. Best, MaDo old and Ferguson ; 2 decks by Mese Baeker & Vanstone ; also a oar of dress bogs by the earns Arm ; a oar of oats a a car of wheat by R. Graham ; 2 oars ealt by the Enterprise Works • 2 oars settlers' effects ; 2 oars of Comber by 410Donald, of Walton. In inoomi freight was a oar of wire for N. F. Ger and a car of Dorn for Wm. Roes (ft Son. Munn $25.00. -License Inspector M ler laid information before A. Hunte J. P., charging 1. Stevenson with au plying liquor for M. Riehardeo0, regar ng whom notice had been given mutat Mg dealers and others against doing t11i The law is strict in this particular an properly so, and ae a result the pereo complained against was fined 925,00 o pleading guilty. There are a few othe pon whom suspicion also rests, an hey may hove to contribute to the Pro imolai exchequer as well. A Kansas newspaper says :-"Rober Broadfoot (son of Robt. Broadfoo armed): of Morrie township) and Mis pee E. Vickers were united in marriage y Rev. Geo. Mo8ay, at the parsonage t 11.80 a. m., Wednesday, March 811 be yauog couple have the best wishes o heir many friends. Sines the msrriag anis stroek this oommuuity so forcibly ev. Mr, MoE'y is afraid to go very fa torn home for fear of disappoiotiu orne young couple. Come along y000 Ike, Mr. Malley will tie the knot with eatneee and di -patch." The reveres enbteman is a forrner.Brosselite, being on of Mre, Geo. McKay, Thomas street A GOOD WouAN DIES.-Mre. Willis anetone, formerly of Brussels, passe way to her reward last Sabbath after oon, aged 82 years, at the home of he eioe, Mre. Wilcox, Galt, and was inter d in the cemetery in that town o edneeday afternoon, R. Leatberdale, o missals, baying the direction of th neral. Servlee was conducted by Re m. Kettlewell, Methodist minister, o hose ohnrob deceased was a rnoe orthy member, Mrs. Vanstone' aiden name was Elizabeth Woods an er birthplace was Devonshire, England here she was also married to Thos rills. They came to Canada over 5 ears ago and lived near Galt. Mr rills died some 27 yeare ago, She was nited to the late Wm. Vanstone in 1878 d resided in Brusselo for over 12 years, r. Vanstone pre-deoeaaing her 9 years o. Deceased has made her home for ars with her neioe, who lived with re. Vanstone on their farm when a ung girl, The subject of this natio as a kindhearted, generous lady, wbo ok a great intereeb in the advancement every good work, and she will be kind. remembered by many. Mre. Van - ane had a sister die on shipboard in ming to Canada, and another sister, re. Elliott, of Gait, is quite 111 now. r, Grille, Mrs. Vanetone'e first hoe. nd, was a brother to Mrs, le, Leather- le's father. Rev. D1,. 2eaoueog,-"The Interior," Preebyterian weekly published in Chi, go, in its Mane of March 13tH, gave a lendid portrait of the late Dr, Pergueoa lowed by the following obituary notioe The death of the Rev, John Ferguson, D., removes from among us a friend d preaaber whose departure we mourn. e was called to the Home Beyond on onday, February 27, at Brussels, °star. Ole was a man held in great respeot all who knew him. He was a native Glengarry, Canada. After a course of eperation in various wheals, be entered ox College, Toronto. Graduating in 65, he was licensed by the Preabytery Owen Sound, In 1895 be was ordained d induoted into the congregation of Iville church, Brunets, Ontario, by the eabytery of Enron. where he remained rteen years. In 1878 be was nailed d settled at Vankleek Rill, Ontario. ter a pastorate of seven years there, he of to Denver, Colorado, 00 '000ent of health. `There for mime time he sup. ed the WeetminaterPresbytery church, was then called to the pastorate of ohuroh at Central Oiby, Colorado. La ter the North church of Denver, gave n oell, which be aooepbed, laboring refsithlnlly with much aooeptanoe 1890, when he went to California for health. On big return to Denver ho ame pester at large, and in this napao. he did excellent work. In 1806 the hot degree of D. D. tvae conferred him by the college of Montana, A w yeare ego be became a firm believer he personal almond doming of Christ, took a decided Stand on hie faith, loved the doctrine and hoped to live the Lord's advent and kingdom, but has fallen under the power of "she enemy," /le Mame a loving wife 10 Urn hie lose. Sbehae theeyrnpntby of age carols of Monde, t50' ga hie on ext this oo. so on, his oke ole • sat, of DIM the top sed If. a 00" u r. fel rob re, of nd a fel as n nd bt. be rt 'e. On et - G. nd n. re. ed ud of of L. ng ry it- r, cl. d a n nre d• 8 li d a• William Rev v E R b a T 80 f0 reV B n n W B fa W w w 11 w G a 00 M ag ye yo w to of ly Bt 0o M M ba da 9 d• D• a 0a ep D. an H M io, by of 90 K0 18 of an Me Pr bbl an Af we bee pia He the L him the till his bee 11y ho on fe io t and • ¶rnE BRUSSELS POST Conn Friday poetoffioo boors- 8 to 0 a, lu, l 1 hour after the afternoon train arrives and 8 to 6.80 in the evening, Coxe'ranczs F. S. Swett and A. llfa- Lauoblin have each received a new pair of "derbies" this week and oan now braoelet law breakers with the latest improved niokle pletsd artiole, NOTICE, -To the Pubifo of Brneaele,- The attention of parents and others is galled to the matter of Vaoothation ibis and next week. All who have not boon Vaocivated must be, according to IOW, R. Paul, Chairman of the Board of Health. K. 0. T, M. -A imolai evening will be given by the Brueeele Tent, No. 24, I0. 0, T. M., in their new Lodge room, Stewart Mock, next Tneeday evening, commencing et 7.30 o'clock, A musical and literary program will be presented and a good time le promised. A Ronne steam Fire Eagine was Shipped along with hose, hose carte, ebo., to Nova Bootie last Saturday, The Ron. ald steamers are known from the Atlau• do to the Pacifist and give the beet of eatiefaotion wherever used ae the machines are made for durability as wall ae eflicienay. A BUSY SPOT.-BCueaele poatoflioe is a boey place as the following will show :- Last week was enumeration week in all the poetoffiaee throughout Canada and the following is the result of the count in Brussels oti£oe :-Lettere, 2,034 ; drop lettere, 1130: poet Garde, 914 ; papare, samplea, ole., 194 ; photos, music, etc., 63 ; parcels, 11. total postage on the above was 950.70. The Winnipeg Evening Nevin Bulletin of Marsh 18th, in speaking of the Feder- al Life Aesoranoe Oompany, says of a former well known Bruseelite the follow- ing :- "J.R . Grant, t, of this afty, assisted by a very able field force, le entrusted with the manaagement of the ]Manitoba and Nortllweetern Ontario branch of the Federal, and ooueidering his bttaineoe ability and thorough knowledge of this country and its values 011r00gh 25 years aloae tench with its people it is safe to say that the Company's interests in this district are in good hands. Sen eN Ham Cum. -The Atwood Bee atter theheonifollowin Spring hear Oaut ur hoolrey team played' the return match with Brussels on Thursday of last ween, the Brueaelitee ag,in defeating them by 2 goals to 1, The majority of the looal team are gentlemen, and invariably con - dust themselves as snob, but unfeltun. ately snob oaonot be said of all, The conduct of one or two of the playa's, under the influence of distilled tangleles, WWI anything but oredibable to themeel. vee or bheir town. It is surprising to what extent some young men oan make guys of tbemaelvee when opportunity offers." BTATIsTIOAL,-From the latest "Report of Birtbs, Marriages and Deaths," in the Province of Ontario, we glean the fol. lowing items of interest :-Total number of eirtbe, 47,328 ; total number of deaths, 27.633 ; giving an increase of 19 690 in the total of the population of the Prov- ince, in addition bo 4.570 by irnmieration. Of the 27.688 deaths in tbe Province 3 000 were due to Consumption, thab being, by all odds, the most prevalent di -hese from Typhoid fever 355 ; and from Diphtheria 976. The total number of Marriages was 15.298, an increase of 847 over the previous year. The denom. inations were represented in the mar riagee as followe :-Eplso paiians 6 004 ; Presbyterians 6.918 ; Methodists 10 480 ; Roman Catholfoe 4 370 ; Baptists 1.787 ; Coogregationaliete 240. Genie To BoANnoa.-Geo, Halliday, late ofS Rae & H 1 ' a Itda Brussels, e Y,h1, store ed a lucrative position in te store of Messrs. Nation & Shewan, Brandon, Mao„ and will leave for the West in the course of 10 days. Mr. Halliday is a clever salesman, a good stock -keeper, and has had a lengthened experience in both dry goods, groceries, Mobbing, &a, that will amply qualify him for hie new poet of duty. The Brandon firm is to be oon• gratulated on theaoquieition he will be to their Mail. Miss Jennie Green and Miee Polly Sample, formerly of Brussels, are milliners in the same store. Mr, and Mre. Halliday and son are away at Hansell now for Beater, While we regret to lose Mr, Halliday from Brussels, we wish him every success in the Prairie Province. Hie brother, W. J., reeides at Calgary, N. W. T. CIIpitCll (;11111E' . 'Last Sunday was Palm Sunday, Servide will be held in St. John's ohnrob at 11 a, m. on Good Friday. "The Birthday of Hope" will be the topic at Melville Endeavor next Sunday evening. Next Sabbath evening an Easter ser- mon and service of Praise will be given in Melville dearth. The collection in Melville Sabbath sobool iaet Sunday was a missionary one and amounted to 95.70, "The raising of Lazarae" will be the International Sabbath school lesson for next Sunday. See notes on another pace of Tun POST. Knox ohuroh, Queen street, Toronto, (Rev. Dr, Parsons), has received legisla. tive permission to sell its valuable clown. town property, and build elsewhere. The Woman's Foreign Miaaionary Sooiety of the Methodist ohnrob, Wing - ham District will bold their annual meeting in Brunets in May. Date is nut yet announced, Rev. S. J. Ailing preached last Sabbath evening to young men taking Joseph as his topic, After sketching his career be pointed out a number of commendable features in his life worthy of emulation. W. H. herr, of TEE POST, has been honored tvith an invitation to epeak on the topic "Integrity in Daily Life" at the International Epworth League Convon tarn to be held in Indianapolis, on July 2043, "Truly this was the Son of God," was Rev. Mr. Abey'e text last Sunday morn. ing in St, John's church, and in the evening, 15911.4th chapter and a portion of the 19th verse, "Who being past feeling," The Bishop of Huron will, at the invi. Cation of the Arohbishop of Rupert's Land, preaoh in the cathedral ab Win- nipeg on the 100th anniversary of the church Missionary Sooiety of England, on April 12th, 2.'he anneal meetiug of the W. F. M. Society in oonneotion with the Ohurolt of England, will be held in London next ween. Mre. (Rev) Abey and Mre. (1)0.) MoBnurhton will represent the Society of St. Johne ohuroh, Brueeele, and Miss Vinie Caedlrf the Junior Branch of the 4tiziliary, Rev, Dr. Warden has aunoucood hie intention of retiring front the seoretety slip of the home mission committee of the Presbyterian Matruh in June, 111s duties es getterni agent of the rhumb taking up all bus Limo. "The way to I.t, IIeavenly Life," woe Rev. Dar. Item' anbjeot iaet Sabbath morning, John 14;4.6. Obriet is to be to :e the way to the Heave,,ly Life, (1) By a personal arpropriation of llis atoning dell ; (e) By a personal participation in Ilia holy life. 'elle pastor answered eine queries relative to the repent series of rlleooursea at the evening service. The auniveneary services of the Meth- odist Sabbath sobool will be bold next Sunday. ltev, Jno. Ross, B. A., of Mel. villa ohuroh, will preach ab 10 BO a, m, and the pester. at 7 p. m, A platform meeting will be held at 2.30 o'olook, at which addresses will be given by the above mentioned reverend gentlemen, with mu,io by the pupils. At a recent meettog of the Saugoen Presbytery at Palmerston to consider tbe call of the Guthrie church, Herrieton, to Rev. T. D. ltloOullongh, of Dresden, a communication from the Ohatbam Pres- bytery stated that Mr. McCullough ao. aepted the call, It was then arranged that the induction would take plane on April 20th, Rev. SIr. MoD„nald, of Cedar.' veils, presohing, Rev, Mr, Aull, addree• sing the congregation, and Rev, Mr. Ed• mine, of Rothsay, addressing the new minister. Last Sabbath evening "Singing for Jens," was the topic at the 13pwarth League. Mies Minnie MoNaatitton read "'Phe bride's la.t song -Nearer my God to Thee" ; Mise Jennie Howe, a paper on "Singing" ; Rev. 8. J. Allin song "The Ninety and Nine" ; W. R. lllo uey read "The New Ilyma" ; Mise Lizzie Sample sang "The sinner and the Bong" ; MissClara Peebles read Psalm 100 ae te les- son for the evening. The President, Mies Minnie Moore, presided and the meeting was an enjoyable one. Next Sabbath evening the subject will be "Sooiability." Business Locals. Clover and Timothy seed ab Mo0rao ken's. OLosct and Timothy seed, Baeker & Vanstone. Two good working horses for sale at lot 27, con. 7, Morris. Wet AenToN. 83- A few kegs of lake herring to exchange for wood. Apply at Ballantyne's grocery, Brussels. Ronald Fire Engine Works wish to parobaee 100 to 200 cords of wood, four feet long -hard or soft -green or dry, early delivery. JUST reoeived large stook, Boys' knee pants all sizes from four years to fifteen years old. A. R. Smitb, Suaceeeor to Smith & McLaren, Oaeh and one pries only, Wanted -Butter and Eggs. Highest Primo. Clash or Trade. Admittedly the best Produce market in Canada, G. E. RING, Wingbam. S. 13, SzALr offere his reeidenoe for sale or to rent, also three bueineae stands on Turnberry street, Rent moderate, polio sesaeesion immediately. Ilfsiintt'lt's Veen Nerve Was the result of hie splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order, If you want these qualities and the soca acme tbey bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power at brain and body. Only 25o. ab Deadrnan'e drug store. It7Easaa. Cochrane & Johnston have re- oeived a oar of Sweedish and Scotch granite, People wanting anything in this line would do well to see them before purchasing elsewhere. Don't buy from agents but see the stook yourself and you then know what you are getting. We carry a stook not surpassed by any town in Canada, Ooanotttz & Joneemot, deal- ers in marble and granite monuments, Brussels. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life of joy. Bnokleu'a Arnica Salve, euros them ; also Old, Running and Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warta, Cute, Bruises, Burns, Maids, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Beet Pile cure on earth. Drives out Paine and Aabes. Only Mots. a box, Cure Roar• anteed. Sold by G. A, Deadman, Drug- gist, A, R. Sittrn, sueoessor to Smith & MoLaren, has lost reoeived this week, direst from Belfast, Ireland, one bale linens, and will Bell at the following prices :-Oce piece Loom Table Linen, 25o. psr.yard ; 1 pieoe Txble Linen, 40o. per yard ; 1 piece Table Linen 50a. per yard ; 1 piece Bleached Table Linen, 800, per yard ; 1 pieoe best French Oan- vase, in town at 10e. per yard I 1 pieoe beat blank Canvass in town at 10o. per yard. Cash and 1 prioe only, A. R. Smith, champion clothier. • OaloMeav WlrttiNeoN,-In Grand Repide, Mich., on Marek 2nd, the wife of Mr. John Wilkinson, formerly of Brussels, of a daughter, AnttcANpEa,-In Blyth, on March 16111, the wife of Mr, /toward Alexander, of Winnipeg, Manitoba, of a dangle - ter. McGowan. -In Boat Wawanooh, on March 23rd, the wife of Mr, R. 0. McGowan, of a 'daughter, amen, -In Morrie, on March 2011,, the wife of Mr, Riobard T. Miller, of a daughter. TDitVEY.-In Morris, on March, 6111, the wife of Mr, Wm. Purvey of e, laugh- ter. TnayEY-S11tl,Dona,-In Morris, on Wed` needay, Miceli 15th, by Rev. 5, Rogers, Me. Mae, Turvey, to Rise Lottie, youngest daughter of Mr. Jos, Sellars, both of Merrie, OWENe-MoTuzns,-In Morrie, on Wed- nesday, Marolt 2911,, by Rev. D. Rogore, Mr. Henry Owens, of Mani. toba, formerly of Belgrave, to Mise Susan, daughter of Mr. Robert Matbers, anxonsa. VANseotte,-In Galt, on March 28th, Elizabeth Woode, reliot of the late Wm. Vanebauo, of llrttaeeie, aged 82 yeare. Dote nsog,-In Goderiob, on March 22rd, Alex, Donaldson, father of John Donaldson, liraesele, aged 72 years and 8 months', McCercurog.--In Morrie, on Natoli 26th, Jahn Ma0utobeen, aged 81 yeare and 7 menthe, MAR. 31, 1899 S7.4XD4J D .B4.N,E OF C4X Di•:f, . =STA313S4mxx=77 t.E71. HEAD OFFICE, ^ TORONTO CAPITAL PAI[] 53? (One Million Dollars) • $1,000,000 RESERVE FUND 9000,000 elgenoies in ail princ{pal pointe in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States tdJ5,teland, Cams= s 2"i it i4l'a11yQe'dTv A Gonerel Banking Baeineee Transaoted, Partnere' Notes Di000ented, Drafts Lima and Calleatione made on all pointe, SAVINGS BANK DSPARTMEpl r. Inbereat allowed On deposits of 61,00 and upwards, SPECIAL ATTENTION OIVEN TO Trig 000000TI0N OP 1!Anotltje' BALE NOTES, Every facility afforded Customers liviug at a dietanee. J. N. GORDON, AOT/NO AMT. MoCAA.-T1, Egmonclvilie, on March 21St, Alexander Meese, aged 82 years and 2 months, BnosurooT,-In Taokeromith, on Maroh 2lst, James i3roadfoot, aged 64 years and 6 menthe, maze aassmaas 1vz-.8. '-uV£TM, Lail Wlteet •••• 13arley .... Peas Oats Butter, tube and rolls .. Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Pobatoee (per bee.) 'Hay per ton ..... Hide trimmed Hides rough Salt per bbl., retail Sheep ekine,eaoh Lamb eking each Hoge, Live Deemed Hoge Wool Apples (per bag) 65 85 64 27 13 9 4 00 65 5 00 7 5 1 00 30 25 4 00 4 75 16 50 06 40 65 28 14 3.0 4 00 65 5 00 7d• 60 75 25 4 10 5 00 17 85 ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Lemma' kid glove found. Owner may have it by calling at THE POST. Two grade bulls for sale, Ono 1} years old and the other 10 months. For further information apply to GEORGE ROBB, 57.50 Brussels. TomTamwortlr boar and Several y01108:50011. oung 0heeter White pigs for sale. All from (pair 0sIITOHZ oN etikt tlna, Olamrle wit•. W. G. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. . Alt•NL SEOIJRITY.-THE UN - A. has bad 016,000 placed to his hands to loon on mortgage, farm seour- ity. Payment to suit borrowers Apply to W, H, EMIR, Brussels. ANYONE WANTING A SEW - me Machine, Organ or Piano eau be supplied b applying to e far I am not out of the business m ess ae some have tried to report. I will deal with you es reasonable as ally. 20- T. M00R14, Brussels. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE on M111 street, Brussels. The house is a aomPorbable one, well fitted up, with. sellar, hard and soft water, &a. Tbero is also a good stable. Prutt trees in garden over ono quarter acre of land. For prion, tering, 06. apply to F. FINN, Proprietor, or W. H. KERB, of Tau PosT, 18.11 FOR SALE, Splendid 131aek Stallion, "Dexter go. yenge," stands 109 bands bifih and weighs .1,000. Sired by Royal Revenge," out of part culaars apply toJ'OGN HOLLINGlnli, Lot I0, Oou, 0, Gray. Bsusaala P. 0. Tenders Wanted. Tenders will be reoelved by the under- signed up to 12 o'clock, unn0, on April 1st,for the erection of a new School Nouse at Got 10, Oon, 0, School Section N0.0, Grey. flans and epeeifioatione may be seen at. John Bate. man's, Lot 10, Con. 0, Gtey, 21AL00LM LAMONT, 3O0N. �BATEMAN, .Crusteoa, At3RANAli'f G. 13I8130P, 10008,110RAY, Seo. -Trees, Ethel P, 0. __ Dissolution of Partnership. The cc-partuereh iv existing betweoo Noble Iv. Gerry and Nelson 13, Gerry, muter tbo firm name of N.& N. Gerry, has been dis- solved by mutual consent. All claims against the said Arm will be paid byN, P. Gerry, who will -also collect ail assote for the arm. Witness NOBLE P. GE1tRY. B. GER13Y, NELSON B. GE11tY. Dissolution of Partnership, Notice la boeeby given that the partner- ship beretofcre r•xistiog between the under slgoed under the Orel name of Smith & no. Laren, is dissolved, dating from Mama 1st, 1000 All claims against the said Arm will be paid by A, R, Smith, who will also collect all assets of the said firm. Dated at Brussels this 201h day of March, 1899, Witness 3 G130. N. MOLAREN, SAM, SKALITZ1iY 1 A.R. SMITH, Books g7, o e We have this week open- ed up a very fine lot of Books, comprising the most Popular Works of Celebrated Authors They are printed from large type, on good paper, and bound in attrac- tive covers, at 10c. and 16c. Ar'-'-"�®ay Fob's Drug Store„ 200 00 WILL PURCE[ASE 10 t (7 uoree, tete South .mast earner Lot 25, Con. 7, Morris. Prune boueo. stable and or. chard, For further particulars apply to B. G E1.titY, Brussels. 00.4 G005 100 ACRE FARM FOR 0.41,10. Lot I0, Oon. 9, (trey, 12 feet of it tonohee the river. Immediate possession, For pride, terms, 00., tiepin 00 J0• TE08,151002E, 13ruseole, 1:11ARM FOR SALE. -THE UN- dersigued offers his farm, West Ralf Lot No. 10, Ono. 4, Grey, containing 50 acres, more or lase. For particulars as to price and terms apps to ABrussels P. 0, on ROB on the0premlees, GOOD FARMS FOR SALE,- GOOD undersigned offer two 100 acre farms for sale at reasonable prices. The lota are Nos. 20 and 11 Con. 0 (Sunshine), the eideroad between them. Good brick house uu4 barn on lot IL, and hones and 2 barna on lot 10. Orchards and all necessary conven- iences, Well watered and suitable for grain or erasing, 100 nares now io grase. Will be Gold either separate or together to stilt pur- chassr. Terms of payment reasonable. Jul - 'Mediate possession. For further partienlare 10.10 y01000105 N,, larrisster,rWinghaai. „1 o1 REAL ESTATE. PINE FARM F013 SALE. -BE. zoo Lot 20, N i Con. 0, Morris township, containing 90 acres of first-class land. There is a house baro, orchard and good ware- house, end farm is well fenced. There are 05 acres in Fall wheat; 15 acres iu bay and 45 acres pasture. Possession Sould be given at once, Farm adjoins tate village o1 Brus- sels. For further particulars ae to price, terms, &a„ write to JAMES LIVINGSTON, M, P., Baden. 22-tf T1ABM 1(0R SALE -1110 AORES Consisting of the Routh d and South 9 of the North f of Lot 90, Con 2, East Wawa. nosh. 1'hta 1s all exaellent stook farm, being well supplied with good spring water. It is situated about a miles from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. A largo part of it la under grase. Buildings and fences are in afair state oP repair. Easy terms of payment will b11given. en, G. Por . 13 ll LAIR Bari tor, ilr neele. 'ti_ OF OUR STUDENTS Have recently taken good aituatione and four positions remain unfilled. The very beet bueineaa firms throughout the noun• try employ our graduates. In fair com- petition our graduates are nearly always chosen. Onr business course ie filled with praotioai points. We teaob real business , imitation - to or nonsense. Our Short- hand Course is in charge of experts. tenter now. Circulars free. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, STRATFORIO, ONT. W. X. ELLIOTT, Principal. A. Successor to 5 SMITH & MCLAREN Teres Cash, and One Price Only. Rolled through the snow keeps on increasing in size, and so does our business in the Boot and Shoe Line since we fired the ball loaded with low prices. It will not require much powder to shoot the following list One case Men's Splendid Solid Plough Boots, sizes 6 to 11, for $ 1.00 per pair. One case New Patented Plough Boots, pts, X1.40 a pair. One ease New Patented Plough Boots, $1.75 aair. These are p the J. A. 1VI. Cote [St, Hyacinthe] Boot -none other so good. ' :Jett i', lam.] Z La les' _ut ow nes. . Plain and colored leather, exclusive designs that you can get nowhere else in Brussels. The maker cut them low in style -we cut them low in price, This sea- son brings many novelties and pretty things ill Oxfords and other Boot and Shoe lines; Oeish and One Pages On1r. tZOIST CLOT