The Brussels Post, 1899-3-31, Page 7OS L9 M r,y un :10 in - nn lee ip- ,ad ;he rtw or• late th- at( nth kits ;01 - ova the ex - net 17111. the ex - fete out nisi. Mrf by will m and la:-- lave , Ott luso ren - half Bron boy and al. MARCH 31, 1899 TEE BRUSSVL$ OS T. SCAFFOLD TO THE TEMPLE. REV, DR. TALMAGE SAYS THIS IS WHAT THE BIBLE IS. gYlrrn the Ifrtntnng Ie none 'there 1Y111 De Kn glee ter the gonffel4ing-•4'hrJNPe Love, Compassion, Worth Life, Meath, ' II(,ireetien The Ihnvydcnre of S:od-- Pro'Iannd Mysieeles or Prevldeuce. brow that Was lacerated, upon the aide that was pierced, upon the feet that were nailed; to atand class up in the preaonce of Tim who prayed fur ua on the mountain, and thought of us by the sett, and agonized for us ID tbe garden, and stied for us in horrible crucifixion ; to feel of him ; to embrace him, to take his hand, to kiss his feet, to run our lingers along the scare of ancient sufferings; to say, ' This Is Irl y Mims! He gave himself, to mo. I shall never leave his presence, I obeli force& behold bis glory. I shall eter- nally' hear his voice. Lord. Josue, now I see thee! I behold whore the blood started, where the tears coursed, where the face was distorted. I have waited for this hour. T shall never turn my back on thee. No more looking through imperfect glasses. No more tit.udying thea in the darkness. But. as long as this throne sLands, and this everlasting river flows, and those gar- lands bloom, and these arches of vie, tory remain to greet home heaven's conquerors, so long I shah see thee, Janus of my choice; Jesus of my song: Josue of my triumph -forever and for- ever -face to facet" The idea of the text is just as true when applied to God's providence. Who has not come to some pass in life thoroughly inexplicable? You say, "What does this meant What is God going to do with me now? He tells me that all things work together for good. Tbis does not look like it." You continuo to study the dispensation, and after awhile guess about what God means. "He means to teach Inc this. I think he moans to teach mo that Perhaps it is to humble my Pride, Perhaps it is, to make me feel more dependent. Perhaps to teach me the uncertainity of life," But after all, it is only a guess -a looking through the glass darkly. The Bible assures us there shall be a satis- factory unfolding. "What I do thou koowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter." You will know wby God Look to himself that only child. Next doer there was a household of seven ohildren. Why not take one from that group, instead of your only one? Why single out the dwelling inwhich' there was only one heart beating res- ponsive to yours? Why did God give you a child at all? if hd meant to Lake it away? Why fill the cup of your gladness brimming, if be meant to dash it down? Why allow all the tendrils of your heart to wind around that abject, and then, when every fibre of your own life seemed interlocked with the child's life, with strong hand to tear apart, until you fall, bleeding and crushed, your dwelling desolate, your hopes blasted, your heart broken? Do you suppose Guth God will explain theta Yea. Ile will make it plainer than any mathematical problem -as plain as that two and two make four. in the light of the throne you will see that it Was right -all right. "Just and true are all thy wags, thou King of saints!" Here is a man who' cannot get on in the world. He always seems to buy at the wrong time and to sell at the worst disadvantage. Be tries this en- terprise; and fails; that business, and is disappointed. The man next door to him has a luroative trade but be leeks customers. A new prospect spans. His income is increased. But that year his family are sick; and the profits are expended in trying to cure the ailments. Ho gets u discouraged look. Becomes faithless as to success. Begins to expect disasters. Others wait. for something to turn up; he waits for it to turn dowse. Others with only half ae much education and char- acter, get on twice as well. He some- times guesses as to what it, all means. He says, "Perhaps riches would spoil me. Perhaps poverty its necessary to keep me humble. Perhaps I might, if things were otherwise, be tempted into dissipations." But there is no complete solution of the mystery. He sees through a glass darkly,. and must wait for a higher unfolding. \Vill there be an explanation? Yes; God will take that man in the light of the thorns, and say, "Child immortal, hear tho explanation! You remember the failing of that great enterprise -your misfortune in 1837; your trial in 1857; your disaster in 1887. This is the ex- planation." And you will answer, "Itis all right." I see, every day,: profound myster- ies of providence. There is no ques- tion we ask oftener than Whyf Hospi- tals for the blind and lame, asylums for the idiotic and insane, elms -houses for the destitute, and a world of pain A despatch from Washington says: - Rev. Dr. Talmage preached (rain the following text: "icor now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face." -1 Cor, xiii. le. The Bible is the most forceful and pungent of books. Wbile it has the sweetness of a mother's hush for hu- man troubles, it has all the keenness of a scimitar, and the Brushing power of a lightning -bolt. It portrays with more than a painter's power, at one stroke, picturing a heavenly throne and a judgment conflagration. The string of this great harp are fingered by all the splendors of the future, now sounding with the crackle of consum- ing worlds, now thrilling with the joy of the everlasting emancipated. It tells how one forbidden tree in the Garden blasted the earth with sick- ness and death; and hots another tree, though leafless and bare, yet, planted on Calvary, shall yield a fruit which shall antidote the poison of the other. It tells haw the red -ripe clus- ters of God's wrath ware brought to the wine -press, and Jesus trod them out; and how, at last, all Lbe golden chalices of heaven shall glow with the wine of that awful vintage. 11 daz- alea the eyes with an Ezekiel's Vis- ion of wheel, and wing, and fire, and whirlwind; and stoops down so low that it can put its lips to the .eat' of dying child, and say, "Come up high- er," And yet Paul, in lay text, takes the responsibility of Baying that it: is only an indistinct mirror, and that its mis- sion shall be suspended.. I think there may be one Bible in heaven, fastened to the throne. Susi as now, in Il mus- eum, we have a tamp exhumed from Herculaneum or Nineveh, and we look at it with great interest, and say, "How poor a light it must have given, 3ompared with our modern lamps 1" So L think that this Bible, which was a lump to our feet in this world, may lie near the throne of God, exciting our interest to all eternity by the con- trast betweeu its comparatively feeble light and the illumination of heaven. The Bible, now, is the scaffolding to the rising temple, but when the build- ing is done there will be no use for the scaffolding. Tho idea 1 shall develop to -day is, that in Lhis•world our knowledge is lomparatively dim and unsatisfactory but nevertheless is introductory to grander and more eompi.ete vtsfon. This is eminently true in regard to our view of God, We hear so much about God that we conclude we under- stand him. He is represented as hav- ing the tenderness of a father, the firmness of a judge, the pomp of a king and the love of a mother. We hear about him, talk about flim, write about him. We lisp hie name in in- fancy, and it trembles on Lbe tongue of the dying octogenarian. We think that we know very much about him. Take the attribute of mercy. Do we understand it? Tho Bible blossoms a1i over with that word -Mercy. It speaks again and again of the tender merciee of God ; of the sure 'mercies ; of the great mercies; of the mercy that en- duroth forever; of the multitude of his mercies. And yet I know that the views we have of this great .Being are most indefinite, one-sided and incom- plete. When, at death, the gates shall fly open, and wo shall look di- rectiy upon him, how new and sur- prising ur-ptising I \Ve see upon canvas a picture of the early morning. We study the cloud in the sky, the dew upon the grass, and the husbandman on the way to the field. Beautiful picture of the morning l'But we rise at day -brook and go up on a hill to see for ourselves that whim'. was represented to us. \\'bile we look the mountains are transfigured, The burnished gates of heaven swing open and shut, to let pass a host of fiery splendors. The clouds are all abloom, and hang pend- ent from arbours of alabaster and ane-. thyet The waters make pathway of inlaid pearl for the light to walk upon; and there is morning on the sea. The crags uncover their sacred visage; and there is morning among the moun- tains. Now you go home and how tame your picture of morning seems in con- trastl Greater than that shall be the contrast between this Scriptural view of God and that which we shall have • when standing face to face. This is a picture of the morning; that will be the morning itself. Again ; my text is true of the Sav- iour's excellency. By image, and sweet rhythm of expression, and startling antitheses, Christ is set forth -his hove, his compassion,. his work, his life, his death, pia resurrection. We are ohll:l- lenged to m6Rsul•e it, to compute it, to weigh it. In the hour of our brok- en enthrallment, we mount up into high experienee of his love, and shout until the countenttnee glows, and the blood bounds, end tbe whole netul•e him l found L " 1 have 0 is eXh usted. t And yet: it is through a glass, dark- ly. We sec: net. half of that compas- sionate face. We feel not half the swami 11 of that. loving heart:, We watt for death to leis us rush into his out- spread arms. Then wo shall bo ram to face. Not shadow then, but substance. Not hope then, bot the fulfilling of all prefigurement. Thaiwill be a magni- ficent unfolding. The rushing nut in view of all hidden exeelienity; (heroin - ng again oP n Inrtg-e been ,Tains, In meet us --nal: in rni;s, nod in penury, and (lentil, but amidst, n light, 11td pomp, and olitburstrng' joy stiohi as nine but a glorified inielligetee multi 'ex- 001110ee. Ohl to gaze full upon the an misfortune that more dtl t d d thin ell up. In the light that pollee from the throne, no dark mystery can live. things now utterly iusarutable will bo illumined as plainly as though the an. ewer were written on the jasper well, or mantled in Lhe temple AnthAnthem.liartimeus will thank God that he was blind; and Lazarus that hefwas cover - h nen solution All Coll will clear it 44E,xarnple Is ,leiter Than Precept." It is not what we say, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla ed with sores; and Joseph that he was does, that tells the .story. cast into the pit;' and Daniel that he donned with lions; Thousands of testimonials are and Paul that ho was bump -backed; and David that he i e..„..,....,/,,, Of cwhat H'ood's was driven from Jerusalem; and that rowing -woman that she coull gl't has done for others, and only a few pence for making u gar- ment; and that invalid that Tor what it will do for you. twenty y years a sou • t l could: not lift his SOrOfula-"lxuuning gcrolula cores bead from the pillow; and tout widow made me nhnnned by neighbors. Medical that she had such hard work to earn treatment fallpd. A relative urged me to bread for her children. You know try Hopd's Sarsaparilla, Dld iso and In Tew that in a song different unison cal l y months the some completely healed." Mas. different parts. The sweet and over- J, b1. 131100, FLna, N, li. whelming part of the hallelujah of the Rhoumattem'"Two heaven will not be carried by those nttackl of the grit lef3 me w1Ld InllAmtnu• who rode in' high) places, and Gory rbomuutlsm. Am 89 yea[. old bot gave sump:uaus ent.•riaiamen.Ls; Hood's Sarsaparilla cured me and t eau but pauper children will sing climb staffs and walk anywhere," J. LOV8- LAND, 878 Fargo Ave., Buffalo, N, Y. it, beggars will sing it, redeemed, hod -carriers will sing it, those who were once the off -scouring of earth will sing it. The hallelujah will be all the grander for earth's weeping eyes, and aching heads, and exhausted hands, and scourged backs, and mar- tyred agonies. Again: the thought of tbe text is just, when applied to the enjoyments we he able to say, like the Christian of the righteous in heaven. I think d t' "Though a we have but little idea of the nu•mbe> of the righteous in heaven, Infidels say: "Your heaven will be a very small piece compared with the world of the lost; for according to your teaching, the majority of men will be destroyed." I deny the charge. I suppose that the multitude of the fin- ally lost, as compared with the multi- tude of the finally saved, will be a handful. I suppose that the few sick people in the Brooklyn City Hospital to -day as compared with the hundreds of thousands of well people in lin city, wool? not be smaller than the num- ber of those who shall have upon them the health of heaven. For we are to remember that we are living in only the beginning of the dispensation, and that' this whole world is to be populat- ed and redeemed, and that ages of light and love are to flow on. If this he so, the multitudes•of the saved will be in vast majority. Hood's Pins ware aver 0111; the non -irritating and only cathartic to take with Noodbigareopailiir, A DYSPEPTIC'S RELEASE. Suffered from thin I/lstressing Mnlndy lie' Many mouths -Found Only one Med [chic to Ilelp 1111tH. . Take all the congregations that have to -day assembled for worship. Put them together, and they would make but a small audience compared with the thousands and tens of thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand that shall stand around the throne. Those flashed up to heaven in martyr fires; those were torn limb from limb by Romliah inquisitions; those tossed for many years upon the invalid -couch; those fought in the armies of liberty, and rose as they fell; Those tumbled from high scaffoldings, or slipped from the mast, or were washed off into the sea. They came up from Corinth, from Leodioea, from the Red Sea bank and Gennesaret's wave, from Egyptian brick -yards, and Gideon's thresbing- floor. Those, thousands of years ago, slept the lest sleep; and these are this moment having their eyes closed, and their limbs stretched out for the sepulchre. The farming community at Port Robinson; and many miles around, are intimately e a acquainted with Mr, Har- vey Horton. He is a young man, only 23 years of age, who farms in summer and follows a steam thresher in au- tumn and winter. While yet so young. he has had, his alar, of pain and sick - nese. Our reporter, hearing of Mr. Horton's affliction sought an interview witb him. Wham he learned the re- porter's errand, he readily consented to impart full details, which, are given practically in his own weds: -"I do not court newspaper notoriety," said he, "yet Tam not afraid to say a kind word for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. In the Bummer of 1847 I was sadly afflicted with stom- ach trouble, a deranged liver and general debility, My entire system was in a morbid condition. I felt as though I had an oppressive weight on my stomach and eating was sometimes followed by nausea. My nights were made hideous by un- pleasant dreams, I tried a good phy- sician. Ra doctored mo for liver trouble and dyspepsia, but without avail and for it year I could find no relraedy that could cure me, I felt per- foot1y worn out, had no strength, ap - petite or energy. I Was up- on -nn by a friend from a distance to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. l: purchased two boxes in June, 1898. .Although 1 thought myself beyond cure, yet the first box had moat a surprising effect be I took'courage as my strength pagan to gradually return. I con- tinued taking the Hills anti. now alter using nine, boxes I foal as good a man as over and nal in splended flesh, I ran eat, digest, and sleep well, while be- fore all food soured on my stomach and caused awful distress. I can now enjoy life and am satisfied that Dr. Williams' fink Pills have saved inc from untold suffering, A general expecting an attack from the enemy stands on a hill and looks through a field -glass, and sees, in the great distance, multitudes approach- ing, but has no idea of their numbers, He says, "I can not tell anything about them. I merely know that there are a great number." And so John, without etteanpting to octant, says, "A great multitude that no man can num- ber.' 'We are told that heaven is a place of happiness; but what do we know about happiness? Happiness in this world is only a half -fledged thing ; a flowery path, with a Berpont hissing across it ; a broken pitcher, from which the water has dropped before we could drink it; a thrill of exhilaration, fol- lowed by disastrous reactions. To help us to understand the joy of heaven, the Bible takes as to a river. 'We stand on the grassy bank. We see the waters flow on with ceaseless wave. But the filth of the cities are emptied into it; and the banks are torn; and unhealthy exhalations spring up from it; and we fail to get au idea of the River of Life in hea- ven. Wo gat very imperfect ideas of the reunions of heaven. We think of some festal day on earth, when father and mother were yet living, and the chil- dren came home. A good time that! 'But it had this drawback -all were not there. That. brother went off to sea, end never was heard from. -That sis- ter -did we not lay her away in the freehness of her young life, never more in this world to look upon her? Ah 1 there was a skeleton at. the feast; and tears mingled with our laughter on the Christmas -day. Nut so with ben- ven's reunions. It will be an unin- terrupted gladness, Many a Christian parent will look around and find all his children there. ' Ah I" he says, "can it be possible that we are all here -life's perils over? The Jordan pees - ed, ano'not one wanting? Why, even the prodigal is here. 1 almost gave him up. How long he despised my counsels, but grace bath triumphed. A11 here all hare) Tell the mighty joy through the city. Let the bell ring, and the angels mention it in (.heir song. Wave IL from the top of the walls. All here 1" No more breaking of Heart -strings, but face to face, The orphans left poor, and in a ntereiless world, kicked and cuffed of many hardships, shall join their parents, over Wfiut,e graves they so long wept, and gaze into the tface o face. We may oome up from enances 'differ- ent parts of the world, one from the Mad. and another from the depths of the sea; from lives affluent and pros- perous, 01• from .wanes of ragged dis- tress ; is -tress; but we shell ell meet in rapture o face, • 161.1. #aao t and jubilee, Many of'our friends have entered upon that joy. A few days ago they sat with us sl'udying these Gospel themes; but they only saw through a glass, darkly -anon, revelation hath Dome. God will not leave you flound- ering in the darkness, You stand wonder-stpuolc and amazed. You feel as if all the loveliness of life were dash- ed out. You stand gazing into the t the rave. Wait a opou chasm o t g M- lle, to the presence of your departed, and of Bios who (tarries thele in his bosom, you shall soon ;Land face to Thee. Oh, that our last hoar may kindle up with this prolnise.d joy I May WORLD'S BIBLES, The seven principal Bibles 131 the world are the Koran of the Moham- medans, the .11dda$ of the Soundinavi- ans, the '3ripitikes of the Buddhists, the lrive Binge of the Chinese, the Three Vedas of the Bindoos, the'laenda- vesto and the Scriptures of the Chria- tians. THE PHOSPHATIC III1AIRT. Mi Wallace hit then. 1l on the head in summing up a leulure on "Llanur- ing•"' before our inelltute, when he said: -"Su you SOn that after our care• ful study of geolt;gy and of soil pily- hies,' of botany or the science of plants; of the proper feeding of plants and animals; of the history of our systems of farming in general, and the results obtained, and after reviewing the evid- ence at band from older countries as well as our own Canada, it is borne in strongly upon US that, excepting in raising hay for sale only, the prineipal lose our land suffers by cropping and grazing is in humus, nitrugen and phosphates, By the proper use of our farm -yard manures and clover we can restore our humus and nitrogen, but the phosphate has gone from us. for- ever in our animals and grains, and can only be returned by purchase in some form, which, we may then call eummercial. If we are growing hay for saln only, we must restore the pot- ash it removes sooner or later, and though our lands will certainly stand a considerable drain, it is not profit - not long ago, agar tag, able to carry it too far. Hero is a pilgrim, walking through the valley, motto to paste in your hat, in the old the mountain Lops are gleaming from one you wear round the farm, -"A peak to peak I" or, like my dear friend good phosphatic heart is the base of and brother, Alfred Cookman, who re -;all successful agrioulture." Gently took his flight to the throne of 1 We expected to hear Mr, Wallace God, saying in his last moment that tell us something about Alberts' which has already gone into Christian Thomas-Pbosphete Powder, but be (Missies, "I am sweeping through the studiously avoided it and treated the pearly gate, washed in the blood of the manuring problem candidly and inci- Lamb I" aively. An up-to-date woman says her bus- lowa Farms far sale, 02 per aore Oaeh, eat- band is the very latest thing out. anco d orop 1131111 paid. J. mullion, Sioux city, la. CAUGHT RED-HANDED. How is your wife getting along in her endeavors to help the humane society ? Doing the best she can. She re- ported the butcher the first thing she did. Said she had caught him killing pigs. But she'll learn. AT THE TABLE. Mr. Weddling-Ah, darling, I see you have prepared something now with your own little hands. It's luscious, too, dear, Wbat is 111 Mrs. Waddling. That - that's b- read 1 A Happy New Year Indeed To those who believed there was no cure for catarr start use of ointments, snuffs and vvashes was a weariness to the flesh. Hunger may sharpen the temtbu delightful and sure cure has been it puts a rough g on temper .t and to whom the con - Hospital doctors are merely ward healers. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they can- not reach the Miran of Os- diaca•ce. Catarrh Is a blood or court tatlenal duces% and to order to cara it yen meat take internal romedlea. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is rink on internally, nal nota di. reoti yon tko blood and muooun eurfaces, Ball's Catarrh Core 1e not a quack medicine, It was proscribed by one of the beet physician', in tide nountry for yearn, and is a regular primorip• Men. It In „oinp000d of the beet tonloa known, combined w,th the bast blood purlders, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The porfeot combination of the two ingredient.in what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for teatimOak olOdo, O. F. J. CHIINRY Ss 00.,' Sold by Druggists', pries 75o. Ball'e Fatally P11(0 are the beet. found No need for fetid breath and broken voice. Send fora free sample outfit and be convinced. The nano of this sure cure is Catarrhozone. Cat- arrhozone penetrates to the diseased parts in the form of a pine -scented gas. Write at once to N. C. Poison & Co., Kingston, Ont. Beauty is but skin deep, but bomeli- ness measures twelve inches to the foot FEDERAL LIFE GROWS RAPIDLY. The report of the annual meeting of the Federal Life Assurance Company which will be found elsewhere in this issue, contains a record of remarkable expansion, even in tbis growing time, Theli'ederal Life secured enlarged pow- ers at the last session of the Dominion Parliament, and is proceeding to spread its operations into new and profitable fields The report of the directors show that during 184S the assets of the company were increased by 20 per cent. a very remarkable increase, which, however, was surpassed by the addi- tion ddi tion of 21.41 per cent. to the reserve fund. The company has also been able to earn high rates of interest on its invested funds, and exceedingly diffi- cult thing in these days, when the vaults of most: financial institutions are scarcely able to contain the sur- plus of hoarded capital The man who fights and runs away may live to run another day. La Toscana, 70c. The individual who stands still is sure to lose ground. Per Over Fifty Years MRS W iNehOw'A SOOTHING 1ethingP has bees lis et, ellipses for their oldl ren tall paM It 'Mina wind load he ohotd, 'Milena the puny, omi7t all Doha,00wind cap, Med t, the but remedy for martins, wo. w but. 0 Sold by dl dnu181al I000'ithroughout.000 the wend. Be ties and sok for "Mrs. Nipslow'e SouMiny Aylvy." .ran•• -- A girl isn't neoessartly an angel bo - cause she is flighty. Many people suffer with catarrh un- til it becomes chronic, because they do not know how easily it may be cured. Ten days' free trial treatment ought to bo convincing. Send fifteen cents to cover cost of mailing outfit. Dr. Bay's Successful Remedy Co,, Toronto. W. P. C. 964 CA.LVEHT'S Oarbolio Dlslnfectanta, ecap., *Int. moat, Tooth Powdore, oto., have been awarded 100 modals and diplomat' for auperlor excellence. 'r1,tr rognlnr use prevent intsetl. one Moen..., Ask your dealer to obtains supply. Until nisi In free nn nppltoal.ten. F. C. CALVERT & CO., 88001014118T53%. - - ENGLAND. 011b. Poultrryy 0Ht fe 10e b.vt digester Ool0 th.,M. ontwarodrk,l LAURENTIAN SAND h GRAVEL Wise is the man wbo knows that he doesn't know it all. TO CURE A 000.0 IN ONE DAY Take L,.xtl,e Broom ennoble Tablets, All Drug' 11. Sista re4 the money at it fella to ogre, 260. Any fool oan talk, but only wise lien know how to think. Satisfyin because cornprehensive enOng'h to meet every de* mand and suit every pocket. Try it_ __ F LA I;kYLON TE,r! Lead packages. 2s, 30t 40, so and Goo, Flam'° 1 Nolflonu R..euirol 1 , 9 If you will sell $2,40 worth of our Brightlight Chemical Lamp Wloko, 010 oops oaoh, we will send 705 free of °hers°, a Nickel•plaed, Stem•winat Ing, ateuesetting, Amonoas Watch. eveta' sloe, emanated a tellable dme•keepsr. These Moho have heretofore boon advortleed under the nant00 et W Wiellgh1 asst. 11 6••htt,, 0tc. and 0015 at 10 Genas so,h, 11111 ve. now ogor Ihem at the reduced polos. Fivtii a also for rAOH. For selling 53.0A worth we sit o 0 beauAuto ladies' sin, wnpih. Wu give also Bracelets, (((0.0 Wiekst uehle presents. Ylon°0, Autoharps, mMeudollu1, Pearl Bmoelels, Rlags, and other valents' no tame. Wo give a handsome belal forward rr1 rdandin Make for for salting ooh 80 seas,` worth, Send the .ddreso and we wf send premium oSW icke returnable post Dotssolrl 1"° sold sand the money sad we rr Address GEM NOVELTY CO., TORONTO. GUTTING SCHOOLw..1'an- and Dr.en. makers, scud for oat- alog.w C. & D. SCHOOL CU., aleotnri. RheumRheumatism -Cure assured in 24 hours, atism -Cure r g, 30 30 0 0000 0, 0)0, 001. on receipt of Ql. UP.. ROVBY, Y.O, Sox368,Mmtirenl. 18 OAUS00R 05018074 -Now ,uporeetloaa Boma Engli h 01,e0 sad Asertean Hos 04Icg -reliable Setoff. at 112,61 edam PARE. 12LAO1OW ZLL A 00., Toronto, Stam P e r ati rs 6,0oehl V these who bore failed toile cured else- where, write to Dr,Arwt1, D('11...119 191"oonvfoce you ba caa ours y u The Federal Life Assur ce Company. SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL STATEMENT. The ,eventev'ntb annual meeting of the Shareholders of The rednrnl Life A.aura0cc Company of ()anode wan held of the Head Office, la Hamilton, on Tuesday, the 7th Inst. Ie the absence of the President, Mr, fleetly, Mr %Villiant germ, First Vire-President, me oupied the chair, and lir. David Dexter acted as Sero - tory. The following report and financial etatoma°l was submitted by the Directors The Directors ham pleasure in anbmitting for the in. formation and approval of the shareholders the follow- ing report of the lewdness of the Company, together with a ,tatemeut nt receipts and disbursements' fur the year which 010600 on 31st December, 1898, and of the Meats and liabilities on that date. New businer. 0onn,ted of fourteen hundred and 8ft7-n100 application, tar 100070004, aggregating 92,- 148,850, 2;148,880, of which thirteen hundred and eighty-one "p- plloatlona for 02,11,232 were scooted, AVOCu01mw, for $134,001 basing been rejected or hold for further infor- n:Wen. Anuulty premiums to Me amount of 512,731.50 were also rendred. In the past year, Mt in the encoding year, fully 90 per 000E of the new bedews written by this Company wee on its investment plana This and the feet that the advent of three •ddltioual and well-eouipped oompont. ors In the field within Liie past two yearn has not dimin- ished the shun° of new business which this Com- pany has bate able to scour. Indlaae the continued growth of feeling in furor of investment insurance rather thou toworde other forms of investment as winch Interest enrolees aro depreciating steadily. The Income or the Company shows a gratit7l5g fn- atea.a over preview yearn and the addition of $143,835: 14 to the %meta in especially noticeable, the total assets having risen to 9884,"-83.41, exclusive of gu.rout50 modal. The enmity of the polioyboldera, lmhtdi0g guarantee capital, unouoted to $1,476,283.41, cud the iiubilitlee for reserve and all out,Onnding claims, $757,899.20 - Mowing 0 surplus of 807,884.21. Excivaive of unoallod gt teniae capital, the involve to ilollcyholdore 0M 410,,8431. A.euranoue for $114,875 on fifty-seven lives bemuse claims through deet) wee reinsured for $7,000. Moulding cash dividend. and dirldeo applied to the reduction of premiums (93,- 678.321 with wintered endowment, far .600 the total Dimwittn to policyholders amounted 10 9143,702 25, 1u hccnrduace with inetruotions received from the shareholder, at last manual meeting, your Di:Totem an plied for and obtained from the Parliament of Canada a special act of Incorporation changing the name of the Company to the Federal Life Assurance Company of Canada, and Poreacmeot iogandtou6 of Cenlan mda°ewers for business and The investments of the Company harm been carefully looked after. and hare yielded for years past the best reeslta reported by any company doing bushman in this pountry. Espana. have been Wet within reasonablo lieu,, while due effortIsbeing made for new bushman. led to muob credit forofficers end ' their` able reCompany enentuiion of°the Company's Interest. The onlce staff have also proud faithful in the Oumpanl'n orrice. The accompanying certificate from the And;lora vonohe, for the oorreothoae of the 'statements submitted brewlEb, all imamante, seeuraise and vouchers having been examined 87 Meta " SEAVER BRAND " Mackintosh never hardens a (k guaranteed Water. proof. brClNieoota ,v RbeouC31ure qq���,tL, Atter 4' yearn 0t St MITI ,}7.'�''���nairursle ml toll �511�a a6, kayo found Steatime foryon. Writs for terms or oallfor free oan.ultatioa All welcome. W.K.01010, Specialist, 3520ollego-et.,4 °mato, Skin Diseases All kinds cured or money refunded. Dr. Ruwoav oAa• Pharmac t, 370' Urnie St, Montreal. Prof. Lemourt. IF scuk.vem p PI'L b UTTEn, 9093 nrPUULTat b e1Ip. The 9aweoli Commission Co., Limited, otos• am a0. ea sea. t10�. NOTICE - Al' omni, Rn'voto nd St. Libotr° • °TmRell: d-3 orimee-Poll )leer oe the murder end trim at' Col dolts view mid St,i, o selow. Those mailed on per of 60, Agonal and Booksellers 1629 Not at 91 30 per HM Montreal. I,oprohon 8 Lepruhon. 1629 Notre sm at, Monp•.sl. • 88 04 5 Shannon A0T8(0M. The only enure Sling system. Send for analogue. All eisen In stock, from 1 to 66 drawer., Tha 037000 eas.301100 Mfg. Om, 1,1 00T0n. 129 anFFoolary: Newmarket. TORONTO. NI 71sE1tY ■®�W�FJTor per SIND LE ur x. rs DOUBLE TUBE ry 41 } Sent O.O. D. to any dilates. '^ . I Will 'Anil %eotlon if remained. ezugmli SVM. B. NORTHAM, TORONTO, ONT. EVE '1 151st OTN RKNOWS THE VALUE OF AS A PARTURIENT MEDICINE. 04a. titio,d 444,e, Ltri.•t, ,rt. -e nrKl4 . F'1NANCIAL STATEMENT. INCOME. Prom:isms, interest and rent $ 410,831 78 DIS131711508113N73, Paid pot107h01d0m for death claims, endow. moots, dividends, eta 143,702 2 General expense., re.in0uraa00 and 'livid. mule on capital 227,548 00 ASSETS, Debenture. morL50500, polio y louna, real eaete; cash and nth• or securities 9868,283 41 Oearuntee capital 6116,800 (0 Total resources for security of polloy-holdem 14475,283 41 LIA73ILIT108. Egg: fund .. 767,308 29 In 1 runes writteyn and t keo'during sus U, 9 year.. .. .. 2,021,585 00 Amount assured . .... ••••.... 11,125,668 4.9 JAMES B. BEATTT. •DAVID DEXTER, President, Maaaglag .Director. AUDITORS' REFORT. To the President and Direuem of the Federal Life As eurpnee 000,9y0ny Gentlemen,- Ws have made a careful audit of the bank, of your company tor the Tear ending 31st Decent. bet, 1898, and have oortln.d their oorre0tneea. the The ledger ,00,0uota and been inspected to agree therewith• with The anan01.1 position of your .company, ea on 3101 December, is Indicated by the acaomponying statemaaq Respectfully submitted H. 8. STEPHENS, 0HERMAN 26. TOWNOEND Hamilton. March lot, 1309. Auditors. 2n moving the adoption of the Directors' Report Mr Kerne referred to the steady and eubetantial grow,h 0i the Cowpony's badness ; the large (noreas0 from year to year In Iia income, .neem and enrpiue• He stated that while the expenditure had been de •teased 6.65 per cent, 1n the last year, the meets [Atha company had increased 19.90 percent., the not nungee 37.62 pertaut. and the reserve funds 01.41, Mr cent., the capital and 0.00ta haring now reached 91,475,283.41. He quoted from the December number of The F.eonne mist to slow that the Company had so oa0010117 man. aged the 10re0tment of funds as to earn , better rate of Interest In e00h of the pont eight yours than the average ratio earned by .11 of the Canadian life assurance companies. Tho ram corned by the Federal In 1897. .the lent year in which the average sun be obtained from the report of the Superintendent of Innw0noe--0006.64 par cent., nod dm overage rate named by all the Oanmll°o campaule0440 per cent. After the adoption of the D:rector.' Report on in. terooting report of the mortality unp.alenee of the Cos. 9007000001 the 80010 1 of ,edmnl oxamio r., Dr. Wool. 000000000 w00 mad by to Medical Dirooer, Dr. Wool. vete°, Congratulatory remarks regerdfng the snbelan,Inl progress of the Company wadregarding the management were made by Ooveral of the ahs 10014000. was responded to to the David Dexter, emote and Managce ing ff Director. The royd addition reotoar of the Company were re-elactey x18. Aio0ware reappointed. H. areoa, Ea., NONT1t1At The 1P Balmoral," Free Bus '050,d o Agentsne,e eel int mrtlee ell Lhe mar Wanted tat. Alms. every01ere, reit ROWELLa end holm. Ss Chicago n d 010010eal FREE!Thio ,17 a. n (hili Lddy. tvawith guard or W,telaEulai0o foreelli.g 3 doe of our full -egad Lina. Do71le. oi10o. each; Lady'. Ate ltnaSlirer Wseb forgetting 6 dos. Doylwn In latent and nen oh sight.`et Write and we send Mom postpaid. Sell them, return our money and wo promptly forward 051.00ab8lm iY01.0513009(LY00., Dept., 'E,' Toronto. �tleEE Ilio IG.Ii'lo`II ,A4l1rgImn• sot Mlles dainty roam 110)10100, Mini and l ioiet pot, taniA No Oritn erSunwu01. 8.11 01100 each, Reuse u. 01.20 And 10001 ring VILER by rotund mn11 I4boroll ,mare- tin, ifpp 1erred i0.oldgoale ntun,nbia 2005011 SUPPLY CO., Davi. '7,,' Toronto. Ont., THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. E GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. A BREAKFAST -SUPPER. 29 OF OUR STUDENTS 110,0 recently taken good 4400io5e, and four positimu remota unfilled. STRATFORD. ONT. we teach real business -no imi, lotion or nonsense. In fair oompolftioa our graduates are nearlyalways ohoson. Bedews mon appreciate our Work, Best oommerolal School In Canada. Enter now. Olroulnm free. W J. ELLIOTT, Prindpoi. On Trial WE SEND THE AYLMER SPRAY PUMP, on run ANDERSON FORCE PUMP, on thrs0 farms. N0 onokeq no w' 1 alt a Ht0uu,0. iackfn i 11 t a, Art nes ad• F lux rated Ca to Tor n t K , these AYLMER IRON WORKS* or J. W, ANDERSON, Aylmer, Ont. 00 Laval Cream Separators. ALPHA*HAND AND POWER. CANADIAN SUPPLY CO.,LY 1 N Dp18Y Of M6ntreal and Winnipeg Sole Agents ter Canada. Cha Ian EVAPORATORS FOR 11335.8 VV 1'• SYRUP. rotate uo tree. 0. H. (011)50 5000, co., 50ootr.ay, ALLAN Li fit`• 1E ROYAL M,401L 1' ST. LAWRENCE STE_LMELLLS I 'a °A1,1: wooL 00, SUMMER SAILINGS, CALIFORNIAN -May 6, June 10, July 13, CASTILIAN -(new), May20, June 24, BAVARIAN -(newt, 10,000 Tone, Twin Berets, July 10, end w.081) thereafter. enbin ?ammo -05).01) cud upward.. Second Cabin -81)00 Return 936.50. Bteuage-Lirarpoal, London, 0tasgow, L ndnnderry. Or Queenstown, 400.50. For furter Information apply to N. SOURLI@R, 77 nage St., Toronto, or N. &A. ALLAN, Montreal. Inner 4t Maltose Cross 1 Tubae. HEALTH RE'T®01) owr1h0x4000.0t00 nlnd 0r 1006,0,7, Ifraln'and Brao If by ' x"'". li10el, ®33 Bari'sRevalenta Arabioa Food, 110• 0boh Saran,,I010011050 Children, and nbabRears e elaed all LthrO 8 080,0Ai It 5X1.04 Debilityhoesother Foodall ether te0 00 SO It s 110 0000 10 0 col Mier Food le rejected, wen 50 31mee its coat ht tttedioina y�ma w�� Inviolable 5,0,000 100000 r,qy ■ Years �''•� Anneal .nuren of CometMen 'q ® ilei,101(0301000(1, uy4p 11.00 ,ndlgutlon 00enumptinn Di^b0100 IironShltie, InlhP 000.0, lutDebn Debility, Sleeplessness, P111enwt', niarrbmg, Norveuo DObilipt0y, Aluopl0a0n00a, Dstpoadanoy, DuBarry ry '.6Rir 00.9 'FE`o uc nim( nod c Coati ion in 1'arir! Is hood b ,London, lV„ u t, S. 11a, 800, 00, 0100, mutstores08 hoe Aiii idea 61011)00 liornl001n'ltfnauitSeat e ,10115 4,0,0 ,1010 Du minnis toy C^00da t The T. 0103on 09., Llndtod, Toronto Dominion !Line 06IiAANlt5$ Bt John N.14., nod H,llfax, to 0,1,0,9000, o°Biwat1 08 Lo.40.40wy, Lao o' and fast twin mita at5Amagl3( LAn1ATOltr ' VAN COoV1eR, - 80,1130M1N, Ellkmoor addorn3noda uon for First C abin, S eo. one (labia etasr age nociiiingora Roos of Cabin, 5.00 Sbhou4 Cabin, 88 4 Slee Steerage 1.500 A5 i $Gb i ether. 0 tl$9,50 an npwords seems -ling to 41.14nies and berth, For all information apply tt,y Leetti Agents or DAVI") Toal.1N0ar 31 C•O„ Neal Moate 92 tit. Boor*avant (08., 348ntt403.