HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-3-31, Page 5•
MAR, 81, 1899
7 01°11. MoOBAOKEN, rueaala,
'VV• Isamu ofMarriage Linageg, Of11oe
at his Orooery, 4 urnIorry etroot, Brusoois.
. Tonsorial Artist^ Strop—Next door
North of L10 Standard Bank. Ladies' and
'Millirem' hair cutting a epooialby,
.1. DnnaIONEn has Several good Farms for
Oa 0101 t0 Oat, 0100y terms 111 'UDwnehipe
01 Morris and Grey, b' S. Sb0'1"r.J3ruaeel°
sxav-zinu x,s, OST.
setael of Marriage L100118es,
1'No Witness Required. •
T. FLETCHER, Brussels
L.. 0. M..
lndomio graduate of London Conserve.
• of kfuet°, is prepared to receive n Melt•
,umber of pupils for instruction on the
to. Welton—Monday,Tuesday ; Brussels
oduesday, Thursday; Bealoroll—friday,
.lyday. (Qualified to prepare pupils for
Prioolpal's Form in the Conservatory of
Clerk of the Pante Manion Cour
Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public
Loan and Insure we Agent. Funic
d and to loan Collections weir
1 Graham's Block, Brussels
TRONnnn. Money tolenu, Farms
.,vn, will sell for bettor prices, to
man in e0s time and leas chargee
• ly other Auctioneer in Nast Huron
w on't charge anything. hates and
An always be arranged atthis oitloe
ecnnl applioatton.
Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Vete.,nary College, is prepared to treat all
diseases of domesticated animals to a com-
petent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Oalle promptly at-
tended to. Office and Infirmary—Four doors
north of bridge 'Purnborry et„ Brussels.
.Solicitor Conveyancer ,Notary Pub-
lia, &a Ofmoe—'Vauetozelt Block, 1 door
north of Central Roto Bolioitor for the
S tandaed Bank,
Solicitor, &o. (late of Garrow &
'oudfoot's OifloeGodoriob.) O10oe over
d illtes de Smith's Bank, Bruesele.
Money to Loan, 47
je/1 C.OA141ERON,
• (Formerly of Cameron, Holt &
Cameron,) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderiob,
Ont. Ofiloe—Hamilton Bt., 0ppoeite 001
borne Hotel,
M. D., 0. M., Trinity University, Fellow Trin-
ity Medical College, Member college of Phy-
sioiane and Surgeons, Out. Licentiate of the
Royal College o1 Physicians and Lioentfate
of Midwifery, Edinburgh. ea -'Telephone
00.14. Residence, Mill St., Brussels.
M. D., 0. Af., Bueoessor to Dr. A. McKelvey,
Lloonttate of Royal College of Pbysioiaus
and SurgBeons, Ringstou ; Member of the 0o1 -
lege of PIy0i0ious and Burgeons of Ontario.
Diseases of women and oeiltlrbn a specialty.
Fight years experience turOWce and res-
Ldeuao that formerly occupied byDr.Mo-
Solvey, Turnborry street,Bxussole. 26-
M, B:, M.D.. M. O. P. S. O.
Special attontiongiven 11'disoaeee of the
Throat and Lungs and diseases of Womon
and Children. '
PN"eIOIAN 0500110 AND AbOoVtln0DR
1st Claes Honor emanate of the' Unive si-
tiesof Trinity (Torent0),Queen's (Kingston),
and of Trinity Medical Ooiloge; Follow o1
Trintty.Medical College and member of the
Ci11oB0 of Phyeiciaue and 6nrgooria of Outer -
lo. Post Oonrse in Detroit and
Cbicago,1891. Special attention paid'to dia
. eases of Dye, Bar,Noee and•TbrOat.:and d1e-
.,eases of Wornon. la'Oopsuttatlon in Eng -
and Germ" 1 Bono at reels ence,
Dug -
11011 au. Te
h 1
.OR SERVIdk�. - IB UN–, 10ne1001)!) win keen for 6ervioo on
Tut 0, Cone. 10 and 11, Gray, a thorn'. bred
Durhvm bnll,witb rogietei°d bed (gree. Also
1 a registered Yoekebire boar, from 4, E.
L Brotkotlr''o World's fair 0toclt. Terms, 6100
to bo paid at time of OOryiee, With prlyileg0
of returning 10 nu°ossaryy
84.9m ORAS, 110715LL, Ptoprdeter.
Tbo underatgnodtill heap for Service On
Lot 25 Oen, 0 Mortis the thorn •brad Sm-
' proved Yorksi{{re Boal, "Oak Ledge Long-
fellow," No. 2489, bred by_.J,.N,11rethono, Bur-
ford to whiah a )fmi.lorl uutpbor of soya trill
he fatten. Terms, 81,09; to be paid at Milo
Of Satvtoo wick privilege of returning if nee -
area.. 014.
OF 11911
BI ti
. sscciaticn0
The twenty seventh annual meeting of
the Oonfrde•ation Life Association VMS
held at the Head Office of the Company,
Yonge, Richmond and Viotoria•atreete,
Toronto, on Tuesday, March 14tH, 1899,
at2p m.
There was a large attendance of those
interested in the affairs of the Aseooi
Hon, Sir W. P. (lowland, President,
was appointed to act as Chairman, and J.
K. Macdonald, Managing Director, as
After the usual formalities the follow•
ing report and statements of the affairs
of the Association for the year 1898 were
Tho Directors herewith lay before the
Polieyboldera and Shareholders the re.
port of the business for the year 1898,
and in doing so they feel that both Policy
holders and Shareholders will find ground
for congratulation with the results of the
operations for the year. The business
generally has been well maintained, and a
satisfactory volume of new business has
been enured on the lines which have
guided your Di
re t r in the
Thera were received during
the year
2381 applications for a total new insur-
ance of 58,883,898 ; of these 2251 for 53,.
164,448 were approved ; 118 for $205,450
were declined, not coming up to the Com.
pany's standard, and 12 for $13,500 were
deferred for further information. In
eluding bonus addition, the new business
for the year was 58,186,450. The total
business in force at the close of the year,
was $29,677,418, under 19,930 policies on
17,106 lives.
The claims arising from death among.
the insured were very favorable, and con-
siderably under those for the previous
year. There were 99 deaths, calling for
the sum of 5183,991 under 112 policies.
The valuation of the policy and annuity
obligations of the Aesooiation has been
made on the conservative basis used for
the two previous years, namely, a rate of
interest of 3i per cent, for all business
written since 1895, and 4i per Dent, for
business written prior to that date.
The usual financial statements are
herewith submitted, and they will be
found to exhibit the position of the Oom-
pa.ny at the close of the year.
The auditors have continued to make
their audit each month, and their report
will be found appended to the financial
By reference to the financial state.
menta, it will be noticed that sub•
otantial payments have been made to the
Polioyholders in the way of profits, th e
sum of $85,390.22 having been paid dur•
ing the year. Taking the last four years,
a total sum of 8345,975 has been paid to
Policyholders in this way, giving an aver:
age of $86,819. During the same four
years the net interest and rents received
have been ouflivient to pay the net claims
arising frotn deaths and leave a surplus
of 5158,840 ; and, during the same period,
the expense ratio has beengradually
brought down, a result, in view of the
volume of now business n'laintained and
the existing conditions, your Director,
believe will bear most favorable Compari-
Your Directors, after oareful consider-
ation, concluded that the improvement in
business generally would Warrant them
building on the vacant land on Queen
street whioh forms part of the Head . Of-
fice block, and they have accordii gly
erected a three storey brick building con•
raining eight stores and two flats; the lat-
ter used as show rooms. All were oar
copied as soon as finished,. The . balance
of the vacant land South of the stores
has been grouud•rented, and the lessee
has erected a brick building thereon for
warehouse purposes, so that what was
non•productive Is now yielding a very
fair return, in addition to paying taxes
and all other ohargee.
Your Direobors, also, though receiving
a good rental for Yong street ,hope in
the Head Office building, deemed it wise,
when the corner store became vacant
some time ago, to make changes in the
construction of the fronts on Yonge
street and part of Riohmond street, by
Which the heavy piers, wliieh were undo.
mm Dial stand
eirable from a co er standpoint,
that will
will give place -to a constructionwl
admit of mole window apace and by that
means be more suitable for the purposes
for which the space is likely' to be used.
These changes are now beingmade, and
will shortly be finished, and the whole
epaoo has been let at oatisfaotoey rentals
and will' be occupied fie soon as the
chanoee are completed, It Will also be
satisfactory to ]Darn that tat th o Head Moo
bonding is filling up with good tenautd at
fair rentals and with good prospects.
. Roforeaoe wae•made in the feet annual
report to the returns from the properties
taken over in tbo City of Toronto, and
yonr'Direotbro aro now able 'td feport• a
still further improvement in the return%,
with better prospects for the present year
both as to rents and sales,
The Directors are pleased to report
continued diligent and faithful 9ervioee
on the part of our field staff, and also of
• the employees. generally.
All the Directors retake, but are eligible
for re election.
W. P. IlowrANn, ;Preedont,
I. K,, MACDONALD, Mog, Dir.
FIN,lNl17AL '8TArlittaOP.
eesary.Preminme (not) $ 865,626 88
A number of °bolo° going owe for sale for .
breeding puritans which lv It be sold at Interests and yenta (not)205,571 08
prices to suit the thug. 1$.1,281,107 80
21• ROBT, N10210L Proprietor, .
To Policyholders,
Death Clkime..$176,809 00
Endowments ., 127,655 00
Annuities 14,198 86
Snr'd Policies51,886 20
Cash Profits85,990 22
—$ 455,978 78
Expenses, Comm's, etc 211,208 65
Dividends to Stockholders15,000 00
Balance 549,019 96
$1,231,107 39
Mortgagee and Real Estate.. $4,200 193 29
Bonds and Debentures .... 1,388,886 43
Loans on Policies and Stocks 804,224 52
Outstanding and deferred
premiums 202,069 57
Interest and rents due and
awned128,890 47
Cash in Bauks, and sundries 101,902 58
$6,825,1I6 81
Reserve, IIm. 8} and 4l• p. 0. 56,280,798 00
(Reserve Government Stand.
and0 178 499 00)
fi O
Declared Profits 0 , (' ,90 52
Capital Stook Pd. up 100,000 00
Sundry Items 89,721 24
Cash Surplus 868,977 05
$6,825,116 81
Cash Surplus (Gov. Stan'd) 5 416,206 05
Capital Stock 1,000,000 00
Total Surplus Security For
Policyholders $1,410,200 05
AUDIT0118' nEPo0T.
Wo beg to report that we have completed
the audit of the books of the aeeooiation for
the year ending December BIBt, 1838, and
have examined the vouchers connected
therewith, and certify that the financial
statements agree witb the books and aro
Tho securities represented in the assets
(with rho oOptiou of t-uoeo lodged with the
1)om10100 Government, amounting to 58),-
6,00, and those deposited with the Govern.
Meet05 NOwfOltudlaud, amouuting to 020,-
20,000) have beau examined and oompared with
the books of the Association, and .aro cer-
met and correspond with the schedules and
The bank balances and cash are 00711001
a8 cermet,
W. 10.15117000,15.1'. HOBNOB, Auditors, To-
ronto. March 4th, 1809.
Bir W. P. Howland, President, in moving
the adoption of the report and financial
statement, said;•—
"It affords us alumni) pleasure, gentlemen,
to he Ole to presentyon with the report
and statements in regard. to the business
and the position of tbe Oomna0y, whioh you
bave just read.. They afford evidences of
satisfactory progress and Bil0050s in every
department al tbo company's business. The
new business seemed during tub year, not -
W itbetandiug the increased compeition, was
somewhat in excess of that obtained in the
prevloe° year, and at the eud of the year we
had fusurunee in force aggregating 5e0,077,418
au increase of 61,846,418 over the amount in
force at the and of 1807. This large and
eatiefaetor yamou ut of buss nese has all been
obtuiued while the expeuee ratio of the
company has been less than that of the
previous year, which proves that the busi-
ness of the aesooiation continuos to be of a
hernlnnent and reliable character, The
death claim's for the pear aggregated 518a,-
981, which were 500,893 less than those of the
previous year. Our financial eteteinents
show an increase in income for the year of
645,071,00. There Wats paid to policy holders
. during the year the large sum of $400,073,
and our cash Dux,1u0, over all liabilities,
acoordiug to the Government standard' of
valtvioutathon,sloyea0410rof ,200.
600,857eu . !wreath!wreathover the
"We oovetder that these facts fully justify
us in the belief that they will prove 0111 -
nently ealistaotory to our policyholders eud
s1 areholeer5, and will insure the eontinu-
anoe of tbe ge001000 support which the
company bee received from the public,"
W. H. Beatty Vice -President, in seconding
the adoption of the, report, said .—
L will just , malco cub remark, 'tallith I
am sure you will he pleased to hem', cult I
tbiuk it will be partioulerly gratifying to
the gentlemen of the field staff, namely,
that this year, down to the present time, the
business swayed 1s largely in 000000 of that
for the oorrospouding period of last year,
and is.greater than that of any previous
Mr, W, McDonald, in moving the resolution
,thanking the President and Dir actors of the
Association for their faithful attention to
the affairs of;the Company Wining the 'past
year, said'—"Ido not thtulc, in view of the re-
ports whioh we bavp„instltcard ria rl, curl the
elVice Pr'fr Meet 11 t°e a remark
of this kind 'ought tobocon silored of a form-
al character. As ie peltayy holder, I have hada great deal satisfaction substantial
n substanti
al re-
dtet"oua male upon m ,premiums out of
the ProOtp, and I have been a shareholder
with very• considerable eatiefaetioti to my-
self, and While ibis true that the President,
Viol -President and. Directors are in. one
sense doing no more then their duty in look-.
105 dar'efutly after the 11010 of fbo Mewl-
ation, as • has boon done lash yell., yob I
Clinic that it 10 duo to .them that there
should beau eeruoet .word of • appreciative
thanks, seet ,,that'the duty has Dace so
weal discharged GB 10 'tile present Vase.' I
v° 3u moving
mt ° lease 8
.t ie� of 3 ]ia e
lr 00 V p
this r 1 iib°."�
l O Ogg U
Rey, iOn M0Gi173vrshY, in very
the pleoo said be 0 share very f eso ration
the tieing
to 'of second
it. My of ethle (dace ip 1
th rising 10 eecoud it. My 1710000111 doge 1101
reach quite es far as that of the mover,. Ho
is both a policyholder awl a stookboIder. I
catty have fhb privilege of being a polloy-
holder be the Coa)odoration Llfe 'Aseooi-
a bet, /Alt ,Ifool in that-partfethar,,I have,
10 common with all polloyboldors, 0 very
good and very safe investment, aul if 'do
tloo0 not yield any very immediate reter0e,.
itis euro to yield very satisfactoryretur315
in cine time, if not to myself, to oters
"No ono ban read the statement or hear 16
roatyyiwit1lautboiug fully satisfied. With the
01 1110 Ae0001ntfon Lias 10
bee s'icour uatedi mud
prosecuted during bio year,
"It is hlOreeting to notice that the in-
eomo train premiums is very clear the. 1011 -
lion mark,and tint the income from inter.
late amt rene0 ba0 been more thou sufi°lent
to nay all death dams (tering the y00e,
' Speaking for the pollcyYholders, and as
one Who has 116W been a polloyholder for 20
,yenta, i boyo groat pleasure in expressing
isy entire. eatfefaetlon. with they tvay. Li
cltiimbeed, andutthheesplend t,e0ditbitaw which Lias
1)0611 pv00°11to0` 0n0 of- 6110 past year as•
011100 ane that the greatest posslblo once has
been bestowed upon 0111 affairs by the
Dtrootore mid 'enema of the Assneatb,u,
tied wltli very great etrtlofaoHau 1 mond
the rosolabon proposed by Mr. bloDonallJ'
A resolution blanking the others, the
memhers of the agency and 0111 e 010104 for
their faithful 0050 000 lu the iut0110010 of the
As0o0lation during the past year was pro-
lposed by Mr. W. H, Giant and seconded p by
ion US, 'Young, and replied to by many of
these present, the in ember a of the held sta0'
g000relly expr005105 tbemKiva asblghly
grafi-Hod with the v°uy enoouragh)g report
of the operations of the Asslotation for the
poet yyear which has been prewired to the
41(tho reblr e -o 13 tiara of at the
of theunanimously re-olectod, and at the mooting
ni 000 01017 hoard hull Immediatelymeeting,
1110 adjournment of the 1111001 03001105, Sir
W.1'dowlaide 0, 11 , 40, 0, 00 Co was re.
sleeted P rosld°nt and .010501°, Lidwartt Hoop-
er and W. ii. 11eetty, Vic°-Prootdouto.
1110 Lire 019.s Saved,
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of
Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful.
doliveranee from a frightful death. In
telling of it he says : "I was taken with
Typhoid Fever, 'that ran into Pneumonia.
My lunge became hardened. I was
so weak I couldn't even sit up in bed.
Nothing helped me. I expeoted to soon
die of Consumption, when I heard of Dr.
King's New Discovery. One bottle gave
gre,t relief. I continued to use it, and
am well and strong, I can say too much
in its praise." '1'hie marvellous medicine
hs the Burnet and quiolceet cure in the
world for all Throat and Lung Trouble.
Regular sizes 50 Dente and 51.00. Trial
bottles tree ab Deadman's Drug Store;
every bottle gum -anted.
Orr uitcliurl Ntewrat.
The hutellceepers of Kingston are
petitioning the oity oouuoi) to redone its
portion of the license fee in view of the
additional tax tobe put, upon them by
the new reve1oe bill. This nation will
donbblees result in petitions in other
The London' Free Press says 1t ie
oredibly informed that the report It bout
the 0. P. R.'e becoming the owner of the
Erie & Huron railway, is untrue. Tbo
deal made last Augu-t between the
owners of the L. E. & D. R. R. and the
owners of the Erie & Huron railway
stands to -day unobanged, and there is not
the slightest intention of the former oom
pany making any sale of the E. & H. to
the 0. P P. R. Traffic arrangements will
L m
be made by the L . E. &117. [i. Company
with the Flint it Pere Marquette R, R.
whereby the 0. P. R., M. 0. R. and the
Wabash railroad will be able to inter.
obange traffic, with the F. & P. M. R. R.
The L. E. & D. R. R. Oompany'e oar
ferry, the steamer international, will ply
between Sarnia and Port Heron. Con-
tract for a slip dook at Sarnia has been
let to parry these arrangements into ef•
E. Diokie, Toronto, S'oretery of the
License -holders' Protective Association,
has seat out to the trade through the
Province a circler marked pleats, in
which he anis : "I enclose you forms of
petition protesting against the proposed
increase in license fees and asking for
concessions. Will you have the game
signed by the officers and , executive of
your association and as many others as
possible, and forwarded to yonr member
by the first possible mail ? Do tint delay
in this matter. Time i•' precious, We
cannot expect if lioeuse fees are increased
in cities, that towns, villages and town-
ships will be exempt for any length of
time. 'We are waking for oettain eor-
oeasi ,ns for the entire trade. Follow up
the petition by individual lettere, and
bring all the pressure you possibly, nen,
upon your repreuentative. Let me know
r niekly if you will take action, and also
the day you forward petition."
Nu 10151.0 110 Val teens.
The woman who Js lovely in facie, form
and temper will always have friends, but
Ono who wauld bo attraotivo most p
her health, If she is weak, sickly and all
run down, she will be uervoue and ;rriti-
ble, If she has Dons-tipation or kidney
trouble, her impure blood will cause
pimples, blotehee, skin eruptions and a
wretched complexion, Electric Bitters
is the bent medloine in the world to regu•
late stomach, liver and kidneys and to
purify the blood. It gives strong nerves,
bright eyes, smooth velvety shin; rich
oomplexion. It will make agood-looking,
oharmiag woman of a run down invalid.
Only 50 oente at Deadmno's Drug Store.
Notice to Creditors.
In the Surrogate Court of the County of
Huron, in the matter of the estate of
John McDougall, late of the Village
of Brussels, in the County of Huron,
Gentleman, deceased.
Norio° le hereby given pursuant to'Revis-
ed Statutes of Ontario ,3808, Seo. 88, that 011
ersdltors'and °there having any claims
wettest the estate of Jnbn McDougall, late of
the. Village of Bruage's, in the 0ounty of
Huron gentleman, cleooasee,, who died on or
shout the faith slay of February, A.U. 1890, et
the said Village of Brussels, are hereby re-
quired to sena by poet, Prepaid, or to deliver
to G. F. Blair, ofthe Village of Brussels, sot-
otloiter for F. S. Rcott, of the Village of Brus-
sels, and Archibald Lamont, of the Town-
ship of Grey, in the said county of Huron,
the Executors of the said estate, on or be-
fore the Seventh day of April, A.D. 1809, their
full names, eddreesee and descriptions, and
the full pal'tioulare of their claims, and the
nature of the .securities (if any) held by them:
And notice ie further given that after the
said last mentioned date the said Exeouterg
will proceed to distribute the assets of the
said deceased among the persons entitled
thereto, having regard only to the claims of
which notice shall have been given as above
required, and the said Executors will not be
reepOneible for the assets or any part there-
of, eo distributed to any person of whose
claim notice shall not bays beau received at
the time of such distribution.
G. F. BLAIR, Brussels, Ont.,
87-8 Solicitor for Executors.
Dated at Brussels, March 18,1800.
Notice to Creditors.
In the Surrogate Court of the County of
Heron, in the matter of the estate of
Robert Shortreed, late of the Town-
ship of Morris, in the County of
Huron, farmer, deceased.
Notice is hereby given nnrsuent to Revis-
ed Statutes of Ontario, 1898, Seo. 38, that all
creditors' and others having any oleime
against the estate of Robert Shortreed, late
of the Township of Morris, in the Couuty of
Huron, farmer, deceased, who diedou or
about the 28111 day of February, A.D., 1899,
in the sail Township of Morris, are hereby
required to send by post prepaid, or to de•
lever to G. P. Blair, of the Village of Brag -
eels, solicitor for George Jackson and Neil
McDonald, of the 'township of Morris, in the
said county of Huron, the Executors of the
said estate, on ar before the Seventh day of
April, A.D., 1899, their full names, addresses
and descriptions, and the full particulars of
their claims, and the nature of the securities
(it any) held by them. And notice is hereby
given that after the said last mentioned
date the said Executors will proceed todie-
tribute the assets of the said deceased,
among the persons entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of whioh notice
shall have boos elven 08 above required, and
Mae said Executors will not be responsible
for the DBBOls or any part thereof, so distrib-
vted to any person of whose claim notice
shill not have been received at the time of
such distribution.
G.F. BLAIR, Braesele, Ont„
Solicitor for Executors.
Dated at Brussels, March 18,1809.
°`c'', ))
Wishes to announce that she has secured the Newest
Effects in Millinery for this season's trade, includ-
ing all tlie New Shapes in Fanny Straws ;
all the New Shades in Ribbons,
. Wings, Plumes, &e,, &c.
Y and Thursday,
A : IN ......5
.my many Custoiniers for past patronage, I
,again solicit. their favors, feeling confident that I have the
correct Styles for this Season. Miss Armstrong has
been re-engaged fort this -season, as Milliner.
Co f0'
sfe151 1 GI
The sole agents of the "Slater Shoe�1
are hound 12i contract to carry in stock
enougasliapes, size::, and widths of " Slater .
Shoes," to fit all killcls of feet. Where a
town is too small for that kind of a stock,
there is no agency, Are you there? Order
°'Slater Shoes" by mail from the
nearest agency.
Stamped on the soles with
makers' trade hark and price:
$3.00, $Q..00 and $5.00, Goodyear
Write for Catalogue, it's free.
Jno. Downing, - Sole, Local Agent
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
ori uJ
aster Holidays
Will issue return tickets at single firet-
olass fare, going March 30th to Apr 1 111, in.
elusive, and returning up to and including
April 11b, 1899, between all station in Can-
ada, Pert Uonou and Detroit, Mieb., and to
but not from, Buffalo, Bleak Rook Su°pen-
eion Bridge and Niagara Falls, N. Y. Teach-
ers and students (on surrender of certificate
slaved by grincipul,) single let -plass We
nod one-third between stations in Canada
West of Montreal, and single let -class fare
and one•tird to Montreal, added to single
1st -Maas fare Montreal to destination, from
stations West of Montreal Quebec, Levis,
New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, going
March 17th to April let, inclusive aud re-
turning up to and inchtdiag April 10th, 1809,
Tickets, Irate° and all infonnrtion from
agents of the Grand Trask Railway system.
J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Brussels.
dd, IJ
• —II—
We are ready for it with a nicely
assorted stock of
Prints, Cottons,
Skirtings, Linens,
/Sp7'jag SUitin1s, e.
Our Groovy Ipartmant
is known near and far for
the freshnessand excellency of
our stock. A trial will convince
you that this is correct.
Agent for Parker's Dye Works.
will zua ao
a well mast
• of Y®V
11(0051115001000 THE AEOvn
0800015 m FOUR W0000.
P10055 Dare, WI NA/ Dl.o.sos, Sleepiest.
nese. Fainag o emery, 0150107 Nmfeoloan, ou.
gives 00. or anchor, oto., cawed by past non i
glue. vigor and 0100 to ,ruateu tOoD i, 004
quickly but sure�ry farce L007 M0NNOen in old.
or 7 ang.
abeUo P00T adyooewmPw7. 0�
d eoserly0voided phomhevonoEuIl/
carried to vest pocket Pries, Si 5 package .15
for e4. Send money in eltbor ordinary ter:
ed letter,
P len.
0t, r
W00050000, Oar., Or
Cathe DO.
mfn�On of nada.
INDS—Fitted to Correct all
Failures of Eyesight,
and your Eyes tented FREE by
latest Optical methods at
Division Oourt Office,
License District
—0F THE •
East Riding of Huron.
To the Tavern -Keepers and others
whono it may Concent :
NOTICE is hereby given that `r
for the Bale of Liquor 101 the
for the License year of 1800.1908, whioh' oom•.
menace on the' let of May next. will be
received by the under0lgued from[ the peas-
ant date up to
Saturday, April I, 1899,
ipolueive. Applicants must furnish .the.
mimes of twb good and eufflroient sureties as
bondsmen at bbe timeofmaking application,
Any applicant for a new license must fur,
nigh a eerti0ceto signed by 0 majority of the:
electors entitled to vote at elections. for the
Legislative Assembly In the Polling 'Sob -
Division in which the promises sought to be
Boomed are situated, and the said majority
must include at least one-third of the said
electors, who are at the time of such appli-
cation residents withinthe said Polling -Bub -
Jamestown. Feb.27, 1898.
s�:N.ul a
10 PIM PALO PATENT ALL 1060,. 011 HAaan,
The Buffalo All -Steel Diso Harrow
xi*, is the only Disc Harlow made or sold in
Canada, having independent, adjustable spring
pressure upon the Muer ends of the gang discs,
allowing any amount of pressure to 1.10 thrown
upon the inner endo of the gangs, by the foot of
the operator, 13y this means a perfectly flex-
ible notion is seemed and tbe ground can be.
worked to a uniform depth. Examine this
Mashive 00.3 •,fully and compare with others,
The No. 12 Cultivator -
Cultivator made that both limo of teeth will
cut an oven depthin the grround. Examine it
and you will 'Bee 'why, The only Cultivator
with a moveable teeth set So that the angle of
the teeth eau be regulated to suit, any condi,
Mon of soil. Pressure eau bo regulated to not
differently on every section requiring it. The
teeth aro carried between the wheels instead
behind, at in other machine°itimeseelighter Thin machine e fur-
tdiebt with grain and
gross coed box than re-
quired. bed. It has revertible diamond steel pointe
ler the teeth-;. also extra nide thietle•.cutting
points oau be furnished, Examine it and ytju
willbuyno otnot•,- _.
The Best Drill Made.
The. lloosier Neale No irtlroddctloit.
Over 40,000 Drilla and Soedore of aur mann. -
faOttn'o in 1100 in Canada. The billy Drill made '
with lever for instant aid perfect regulation
of depth of hoe in all kiode of soil, While team '
fain motion. Soave absolutely detract to scale;
01005 seed, 08 every kernel fa &moolted at ,
proper depth to grow, Purohaee only the beet
and you will be aatteod. - '
170 oleo manufacture Bindero, 0e1pers
mowers, 1101,00, Oultivatore and Moen, 00
good es the telt,
Send for ilhlatratod eataloguo,
NOON 130105. i11'(nl. co,, (Limited)
Ingersoll, 00t.0 Camila
Agent, gent, 13:nesoise