HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-3-31, Page 44 c: Gia xzxs5eis Dt, F'1RIIJIRY, MAR. 31, I89O. IN the light of past events in the Venue. ing of railways and the unfair treatment often meted out to the municipalities supplying the oash we are quite in accord with the following t-- "Neither the Dominion nor any Province should in- vest a dollar in any railway by way . of bonus or otherwise unless ownership to thexe e t tat of the investment is secured. Partial ownership and control will in time lead to entire ownership and. Com• plebe control." LAST Saturday, Maroh 25th, was Premier Greonway'a sixty first birthday. We extend congratulations and hope be may see another thirty-nine. Manitoba is justly proud of our old Huronite and have good cause to be as be has guided the ship of state with a cool 'head and a steady hand. His reign has been marked by solid progress and the Prairie Province will do well to retain him at the helm as long as possible. ENGLAND is quite determined to give this young Empire of the West a good show and she deals with Canada as if nothing were too good for ns. It is an indication of the loss attained by the death of Lord Herschell, as the most prominent member of the International Commission—at the same time that it is a compliment alike to Canada and the Unitedd St res—that iiiaA la ce has been filled by the Imperial Government by the appointment of Lord Chief Justice Bus- sell. The appointment will be a popular one. Tars is oar growing time and as a proof of it we beg leave to state that the Trade returns for the Dominion for the eight months ending February 28th Last show so lemmas in the aggregate trade of the country of 011,641,441, as compared with the seine period of last year. The aggre- gate trade of the current fiscal year is $215,070,642, as against 0208,431,201 for 1897.98. The increase is made up en. tirely from imports, there being a de - armee in the exports of 04,951,564 and an increase in the imports of 016,592,005. The duty increased by $2,277,013, or from 014,150,115 in 1897 98 to 516,427,128 in 1898 99. FoLLotrmro reduced postage should come lower rates by express, telegraph and telephone Companies, railroad travel and berths in Bleeping oars. These are all cath in advances or C. 0. D., trans - tuitions and should at least conform to the disoount often allowed for prompt payment. We believe the usage of the Old Country, where a number of the pub- lic institutions are in the hands of the Government, would not be a bad epee for Canada: In almost every case the tele- graph, telephone and express business could be managed at the postodice with little increase in expense and would work just as satisfactorily, we believe, after thorough organization, se any other branch of the Civil service, People who, off hand, say it would never work fail to acquaint themselves with the experiences of the past and even the stockholders of the above mentioned companies will not deny the feasibility of the plan. It would mean a saving of millions of dollars to , the public and if these corporations wont fetch down the rates legislation should be passed to do it for them. Tmo re.organization of the Con ser votive forces bae been a subject under consider- ation for several moons and with that object in view new men were selected to aot in the capacity of official organizers. Word comes to hand however that the olive branch does not wave yet and it ie reported at Ottawa now that the propoo- ed Dominion Conservative convention, wbioh it was purposed to hold during the present session of parliament, isnot going to,materialize. The excuse given for this by local Coneervativae, is that the Opposition is waiting to see if there is to be a general election after the present session, and if so, they think that a convention and a general election would be to much for them so near each outer. The truth of the 'natter is that in the present disorganized eters of the party a convention is about the last thing that the leaders would like . to face. There are among the rank and file of the party not a few who would like to see a maven. tion for the purpose of settling the vexed question of leadership, but ,bat ie the very thing that the leaders cannot agree ' about. The latter hada meeting among themselves and dismissed the matter at length. The only deoieiou that was resoled woo that for the present, ab all °vents, a convention was not advisable, The wboie re -organization of the party is therefore, ab a standstill. Lanett of re£ormiog the Senate the Dominion Government would do a kind - nets to the country if it would wipe it ant 01 existence 88 it is an expensive and comparatively speaking, useless body, It is DO 1)06101110,r cheek on legislation for in all the years since Confederation there Ate Only a very few instances where they refused to antlered the action of the Com• mons and waren they did se, with one ex- ception, it was purely aud simply bemuse Of pofitfdal Midriff. If the Premises of the various Proviuees ars satisfied to have the Senate reformed aud are auanimous fu thou opinion we see no reason Why the Opposition should idols at' the interests of the Provinces aro neither advanced nor guarded by the Senate es oousbibnted at present, The composition of the Senate is not correct, in our humble judgment, as many of its members are there because of their inability to longer represent a ooustituenoy in the Commons where an election was necessary and 08 a reward for past services rooeivs this plum from their party for life wiho t being respon- sible es ou-[ibis to anybody. If the Senate fa to be perpetuated we believe if it wore made elective there would be a weeding out of useless timber and the placing of men who would be able to perform the duties assigned them wibh competency and dis- patch. If the Senate clause of the Con- stitution were annulled nobody would suffer excepting the worthy Senators who draw big pay for little work. LOORL LEGISLATURE, The greatness of New Ontario was brought before the Government again by a big deputation, asking 53,000 a mile bonus for 20 miles of the Thunder Bay, Nipsgon and St. Joe Rahway. Premier Hardy said that due consideration would be given to views laid before the Govern. scent. A portrait of Premier hardy is being painted by E. Wyly Greer, and will shortly be placed in the main corridor of the Parliament buildings with the like usages of the other distluguisbed men now on the walls. These include oil portraits of Sir Oliver Mowat, Sir Wm. Meredith, Hon. Edward Blake, the late Bon.B e . G o Brown, the late IIon. O. F Fraser and the late Hon. T. B. Pardee, ONTARIO AGRICvLTUIoAL COLLEGE. The annual report of the Ontario Agricultural Oollege and Experimental Farm just issued, allows, in the words of the Superfnteudent, that the institution is gaining the confidence of the farming community, and doing much valuable work for the Province as a whole—stem- ming the tide from country bo city, pre paring young men for agrioultural pur- suits, conducting experiments for farm- ers, publishing the results of work done from year to year, eseisbiag at Farmers' Institutes and other public meetings, and contributing in various ways, directly and indirectly, to lbs success and dignity of farming as an occupation. So large has been the attendance that many students have been unable to find lodgings in the College, and increased accommodation is also required for a physical laboratory and for a reading room and hall for public meetings. The graduates of the College are in demand as teachers of agriculture in the United States, and in case of competition for each positions are successful as against American grade. ates. The department of field experi menta is a most important one, and while complaint is made by the Opposition that its coat is altogether out of proportion to the value, the President claims very justly, that the farmers have profited to the extent of thousands of dollars in neighborhood after neighborhood as a re- sult of these experiments. r'olectwlelt. George Bepinetall, of St. Thomas, is vieiting bis parents in town. James Lorae, who bas been very i11 with la grippe and heart trouble, is rapid• ly recovering. A sleigh load of the members of Jubi- lee Counoil, R. T. of T., drove over to Harriston and attended the funeral of a member of Woolsley Council of that town, Eli Jordon. George and James Willis out down and made foto wood, one of the largest beech trees in this section. The tree belonged to'J, J. MoLaugblio, of the 911 con., and it made ln cords of first-class wood. E. Riebm, harness -maker, is laid up at present with a sore finger, having run an awl into it. It swelled up so ,bat he had to have the Dr. lance it. Rev. Wilmot Mahood arrived home from Chicago, where he had been under- going an operation fur appendicitis. He was a passenger on the express train which collided with a freight at Shakes - pears, and was somewhat shaken up, the coach in which be was riding leaving the track, Lis t.crwei. Jae, Lee is able to attend to business again after being confined to hie house for some weeks with illness. Jae. Perrin has disposed of a house and lot on Elm street to Wm. Maynard, who is retiring from hie farm aud tvlll reside in town, The local Committee of the County of Perth Sunday School Association is mak. ing preparations for the annual oonven• tion, to bo held here on April 2Gth and 27th. A new steam laundry ie being opened in Martin's block, Main street Beet, by the Snow.Fiake Steam Laundry. Co., of which B. Price, late of Seaforth, is manager. H, B Morpby was in London attending the Maccabees aonvenbioe, which woe galled to select delegates to attend the meeting of Ibe Supreme Tent, and to discuss the question of separation from the American body. Mr. Morphy was the representative of Rob Roy Teat, Lis. towel. PEAT Flinn.—Mr. 9.rdagb, who has purchased the right to manufacture all fuel from peat under the patente of the Canada Peat Co., was in town last week and, with the assistanceofsome chime who interested themselves in the matter, has enured a teat shipment of peat from a swamp in the vioinity of Listowel which ie to be sent to'TorOnto and manufaotttr. ed into peat blocks to test the quality of the material. Should this tern oat satisfactorily it is altogether likely a company will be formed locally to undertake themanufactutte under these patents for Listowel and adjoining noun. try. The growing soundly of wood and the high pries of coal melee it very desir. able that soma satiefaotory and eoonomi. cal fuel OMNI he found to take their place and the citizens will watch with interest the experiments just now being made. I1 is thought that exeellent fuel both for steam making and domestio use oan be auppifed at very m uoh more reason. able prices than coal Or wood and wo only hope the undertaking may turn out eue- eeeefelly. THE, BRUSS +.LS POST MAR, al, 15;10 11, hong of this town, in company with DrFyfe, of Palmerston, huts purchased from Ed, Roy, 09 Orchard, the imported Olydeedele stallion, "Sir George." Mrs. Mary Bamford, toilet of the late Christopher Bamford and mother of the Bamford brothers of this taws, died lo Detroit on Sunday morning of lest week, in the 82a1 year of her age. The remains were brought here and interred from the reafdenas of Joint Bamford, Thursday afternoon of last week at Fahview Como• tory, 3uueral services were held in Christ church. F. A. Kraus, of the Imperial hotel 111 this town, and Mr. Upton, of the Atglen 'teal, Palm r arca have, we understnud made anv>bal ga f !tote! properties, Mr. Krnua going to Paliner•stou and Mr. Upton orating here. eke both gentlemen beets the repotution of being exnslleut hotel men, the dee!, so far at' it effects the two towns, may be considered an even trade. The exchange is to tape plane on the let of April, Ltiteltnow. B• rt, MoCorvie has gone to Brooklyn, N, 1„ where he has secured a lucrative position in a large drug establiebment in that city. Farmers say •the Fall wheat, which made snob a splendid growth lest Fall, bag undergone a terrible bleaching the past month in many districts, aud nn - lege Spring weather is exceptionally (adorable, the wheat distriut will show a eerioue shortage. Dritn IN CArarantvo,: The remains of the late Katbel herr, who died in Lm Angeles, Cal„ on Thureday, 9th Mat., were brought here for interment. De oeased wee a sou of Angus Kerr, of Kin- loss, and was in the 39th year of his age. Mr. Kerr was born and raised in the towssbip of Iiieiose, just East of the village, and was well known and' greatly respected by a large circle of friends. He was a strong powerfuiIYbitYr nn u scantad m a some 10 or 15Y ears ego me. oeesfuliy competed at the annual pale donian games here, with the beat athletes of the day, and in throwing the heavy baremere had few equals. He possessed a powerful and well trained boas voice, and after leaving Luoknow, appeared on many of the leading stages of Canada and the "[Jetted States, For some 8 years past be lied been a resident of Los Angeles, and was employed as a teacher in the academy in that city. His health had been poor for some time past, but about a mouth ago he was seized with tuberculosis of the throat, and despite the best medical attendance, he gadual- ly grew worse and hie spirit passed away as above stated. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon, religious services being conducted in the Presbyterian church by the Rev. A. McKay, after wbioh the remains were interred in the family plot its the Kinloss cemetery, and were followed to their lest reatiug plane by a large concourse of friends and an. quaintanoes. (.stmt d is n Ne NV w. F. Sell .k Go., dry goods nierohante, of 8t. Mary's, have assigned to Helmuth d Ivey, of London. The Livingston Linseed Oil Co., of Baden, are offering to rent the foundry. Wm. Matheson, youngevt son of Adam Matheson, of Inherkip, sustained injuries the other day which may result iu the loss of his sight, .He was pioking at a cartridge with his pen knife when he dig• charged the perousaion cap and the Cart. ridge exploded, Geo. T. Fulford, of Pink Pill fame, ie spoken of as the Liberal candidate in Brookville to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Bon. Mr, Wood, Mr. Ful- ford has been a wonderful emcees as a businese man ; there is no reason why be should not be successful as a representa- tive in Parliament. Some weeks ago reference was made to a suit of the Hastings Bros., of Cross - hill, against the Wellesley and North Eaetbope Agriuultntal Societies, which action wag brought to recover some 516.. 60, which the plaintiff's claim to be en. titled to as prizes awarded them at the Fall Shosv of 1898. The defendants admitted that prizes to the above amount had been awarded them, bob that they had forfeited their claim thereto by ex. hibiting a keg of butter in the olase for oreamery butter, and had thus by a fraudulent entry, barred themselves out, by the rules of the societies, from draw. ing any prizes awarded them for any articles in any of the other oleseee in which they were exhibitors, The action was commenced in the Division Court at Linwood, in December, 1898. The Wel- lesley Society only being served, neglect- ed to enter an appearance, and judgment for the amount claimed was entered up by tine Clerk. The defendants then made appiioatlon to the Judge for a now trial, which was grouted, and the suit was heard at Berlin on March 16th, with the result that the plaintiffs ware ad- judged to be entitled to 515.50 and oasts of the suit. CHANGE OF BUSINESS. The undorsietled having purchased the Restaurant business of W. A, (RICH bas lidded a fine choice stook of GROCERIES and is now prepared to give good value to the public. Our [took embraces:— New Teas, Conned Goods, Fruits, Spines, Soape, Fieh, Syrups, Vinegars and ail other lines kept in n First-class Grocery.. Choice Stock of Confectionery. Will continue the Restaurant a venal where Oysters, Ire Cream and Summer Drinks will be served in the beet possible style. FRESH BREAD ALWAYS ON HAND. Chas. 11 Bar c+i ff, BRUSSELS. Central Grocery and Restanrnnt. EW BldGkSllh!lli AT ' o.or BR OK ANRIOK Having opened up in the shop formerly occupied by W. C. Steiss, I am prepar- ed to do all kinds of Black- smith lacksmith Work at reasonable prices. %arae -Shoeing a Specialty, All Work Guaranteed the Best, � . iadda'tz. wieelftiaeltesdlIVENNIMMILMiti fS'tr'ietly One Prim o88 ✓llwa z/s the Lowest. Remember, that it Pays to Buy at FERGUSON'S. po you l�ays Iii�esii�aie Ejor flagO�ei�ug? 1 Some people ytant quality, others -prices, Sensible people try to get both and do so when they buy at FERGUSON'S. For your money buys ]pore here than elsewhere, whether you spend much or little. An honest, careful comparison of Qualities and Prices leaves no room for doubt. We are showing extra values in :— NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS, " CASHMERES, " G-RENITE CLOTHS, " COVERT SU.iTING S, You will find NEW POPLINS, NEW URGES, " PLAIN LUSTRES, " FIGURED LUSTRIaS, it BLISTERED CREPCNES, " COATING URGES, . " UENRIETTAS, " LADIES' CLOTHS. that it Pays to buy at FERGUSON'S.-4-' New Prints, Light and dark Prints, Indigo and White, Turkey -Red and Blue, Drillett Prints, heavy English Print, Heavy German Print. It will pay you to call and see our Prints and get prices. The Enthusiasm of Good Times ! Everybody is talking good times this Spring, and all over Canadaei by Hees is reported batter than it has u A a Sea for years. The enthusiasm of this faot is the enthusiasm of more work, more wages, more trade and more money. We hope to join in the general prosperity. The record of daily sales is one of constant improvement, and the more people make comparisons, the more they are eatisfled to spend money here. We are giving eproial offeriuga that menet be equalled, quality considered. OUR KiD GLOVES. Pewees' make. Every pair gnatanteed ; in Black and colored, et 01.00 and 01.25. Ladies' & Children's Underwear & Hosiery The wanted sorbs are in ample supply Careful reten- tion bas broogbt bore the thoroughly good and dependable kinds. Dome and see. Come and oompare qualities. Come and compare prime. Dress Silks, Blouse Silks, Satins, The place to buy Silica is this store. t,lnality target' it ; Style arid Variety urge it, and lest, but not least comes Euonouoy. CURTAINS, We know of no other store in this diatriot that carries nth a stock of Lase Curtains, Moo Tapestry Covers, Cb ute Covers, 0tarAet s and Matw' n;s If you have never been a anetomer come and learn the results of the welfare, satisfaction and good feeling of oar regular patrons. If you have been dealing eleewhore, give our store a call just to be able to contrast good style of deaf. ing and prices. Vt'e say with confidence that you will not regret the experience. Our prima telt the results and hence the verdict that it pays to trade at Ferguson's, bemuse quality, style and actual cost, all considered is the galla• Notion of getting an article that is good, new and reason. able. Table Linens and Table Napkins. This is the great supplying npportnnity of the year for housekeepers. Superior advantages offered, both as regards assortment and value in Bleached Table Damask, Un. bleached Damask, Turkey and White Tablings. Bleached and Unbleached Sheeting, Pillow Cotton, Towels and Towelling[. Extra value on Bath Towels. Remember that our Hortse is the Brussels. Dress Goods. T'r'imming and Tine,- BoZb.Se of JJr ussels. Lost opportunities usually make one feel as if he ought to have had courage enough to take hold of Bargains to be had at FERGUSON'S. If yon have missed before, we can only say, don't let this be the case now. Always a pleasure to show Goods at �dJ er son & Co's. INE Pure Manilla, 660 ft. to lb Farmers, Don't be taken in. There is none "Just as good." This Twine will not bunch at the knotter, and a Binder will ran all day without stoppage, thus saving time and annoyance. We pack our Twine in bags of the size of ordinary grain bags, and we are not ashamed to put our name upon it. Don't take any other, ConIurero' Cordae Co. LIMITED. MONTREAL. Leave your orders now for above Twine with N1 F. Gerry or Cardiff & Best, PRICES GUARANTEED—If it goes. up you don't pay any more than present price ; if it goes down you get the benefit. urils 'oris While thanking our numerous cue. tourers for the busy time they gave us during the Winter in supplying them with Sleighs and Gutters tee wish to re• mind them that we ars equally as busy now in Manufaatorieg WAGONS, BUGGIES, OARTS Br WHEELBARROWS, We have tbirtyOve of the Very best and most stylish Baggies that oan be got up nearly completed and will have them ready for running about the First of April. Should need a Bug„ y or any Repairing or Repainting, or what aver it may be in our line of business, be aura aud oath at J. CORER'S Carriage Fao• tory, where yon will get the very best that can bg got anywhere and as cheap as the cheapest, Plena[ keep In mind we manufacture all our Vehicles right here in the old reliable Carriage Factory at Ethel. 17ok 1 0013o4 O.8RnIASE, MAlntll. 331.-(Y211-1. & Goa MILLINERY ....OPENING ! You are cordially invited to bo present at our Grand •Millinery Opening which takes place on WEDNES AY MAR.:2 9 9 ��✓9 when we will show the latest designs in Millinery. We want to show you stow richly Dame Fashion bas favored you through us this season, what a galaxy of Millinery Eleganoe will be displayed ab this More. Frain Paris Domes the oltoieeet fancies designed by the leading modiste of that world-renowned fashion centre. New, York sends her quota of rioh and original creations to compete for the honors in Trimmed Millinery. White from Our own workrooms you will see dozens of 0on0eptione, whose beauty and originality are not a whit behind those doming from the Mande of French and American artists. All of them ors well worth seeing, At the same time we will make a epeoie, diapiny of New Deese Goode in all the 1pteot designs with all the now Trimmings to snatch, also Ladies' Spring Capee, Jaelsete and Skirts, With our large now Show roam our lady friends mu view our display with more coin fort, and not be crowded as formerly. CON Unit J. D. King's Shoes always in stock. SHOES AY LOW PFHCES and having the qualities of' Neatness and Durabil- ity is the exception, but we think we have them this time and are prepared to give you a pleasant surprise in this direction and solicit your atten- tion. We will be pleased to have you call and examine our fine range of Oxfords and Buttoned and Laced Shoes, feeling confident you will be pleased with thele and also the price cannot fail to interest your purse. - Remember we Repair Shoes and Rubbers Neat and Cheap. HARNESS DEFARTMENT, Our Harness always takes a foremost place and for Durability and Workmanship cannot be surpassed. Prices the Lowest. Trunks and Satchels, a large stock. ... I. C. RICHARDS. Brussels Carriage Works. -.m••oo- EWAN &. INNES Has now on hand and for sale the following line of goods : Buggies. Top and Olieu Boggles with S• and 5 incl wheels. - In oolor—Black, Green, Carmine and Natural Wood. Size of bodies; 20, 22 and 24 in, Also Jump Seat Buggies with 1 in, wheels, Democrats With two and three seats. Carts. head and: Speeding Carte. Wagons. Ferre Wagons complete, 2 and 2i rn. tires with scalable arms "li,i and 4 in; Wagon Gear only if so desired. harm Trucke.2i and 8 in. tires. .One-horse Wagon, with or• without box, . Also. Grocer's Delivery Wagon. , VY h eelbarrowsi wheelbarrows with steel or wood wheeler'. As we handle the above line of goods by the oar lot purobaasrs will get the• boned, by buying from us. wA - cliz Ilg1\7"MS, Carriage Works, Brussels, Repairing; and Tainting iii the above lines a specialty'., 7,