The Brussels Post, 1899-3-31, Page 1Vol. 27, No. 38
T. P.
Graduate of Now York, Philadelphia and
Toronto Optioal Colleges will be at
Wednesday, April 12th,
,Call early and avail ytureelf of
his valuable services.
Farm ® Pro pe ty7'
In iho TOW11$1111r Or Grey. in the
(1001113' of Huron.
Pursuant to the dh'eotions contained fn
the last will and testament of Henry Savage,
deceased, there will be offered fur Bale by
Fhilay Stewart Scott, auctioneer, at the
ETHEL, in the county of Huron, on
Monday, the 10111 Day of Apri I, 1099,
et 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the following
valuable property, vis, ;--Pareel No. 1—This
parcel consists of lot 1510 the 901 concession
of the Township of Grey, in the Oouuty of
Huron, aontniniau 07 acres of land, 85 of
which are cleared sad the balance a beaver
meadow. DIOTO is 00 the promisee a good
bunk Urn, 40180, with stone stabling under -
math, a goad frame house, both in a good
state of repair ; also a log barn and log
stable, There are six pores of 'Pall wheat
and a good apple orchard. This parcel is
well watered with rt. good spring Greek, The
soil is a clay loam, nod is well fenced with
good rail fences. Pareel No. 2—This paroel
consists of lot 18 in the 4111 oonogssion of the
said Township of Grey. There are no build-
ings on the promises. There aro 40 sores
cleared and the balaneo 1t a burned slashing,
partially Glowed. Tile soil is a Olay loam
and is well fenced with good rail fences.
Parcel No. 8—This narool oon0iste of the
West Half of the South Halt of lot 10, in the
erd oo110088/00 of the said Township of Grey,
containing 05 acme of which 10 aro cleared
and the balance in bush, There are no
buildings on this parcel. The soil le a clay
loam, and well fenced with rail fences.
These valuable farms aro conveniently
situated for church and school, and are die.
taut from the market Village of Ethel, 3
wiles, and from Brussels, 8 miles,
The above parcels will be put up separate-
ly and will he all subject to a reserved bid.
At the same time and Place there wail be
offered for sale the following chattels. -1
oow,1 top buggy and/ cutter.
TEAM 00 BALE: Tau per cent. of the pur-
chase money on the day of sale and the bal-
onoe within 00 days thereafter Further par-
ticulars and conditions will bo made known
on the day of sale or may be had 00 applica-
tion to the uuderoigued,
Dated at Brussels, Month 24th, 1890.
JOSEPH MAYNA1RD, i Esocutore,
G,18'. BLAIR, Brussels,
Solicitor' for Exeoutore, 80.8
New Advertisements,
Books—Jae. Fox.
Coming—T. P. Smith.
Glove 901111d—TBE POPE.
A snow ball—•A. R. Smith.
1200 more—G. A. Deadman.
Executors' sale—G. F. Blair,
Page for sale—W. H. MoOutabeon
Ethel carriage Works—Jno. Oober.
Annual Report—Confederation Life.
Dissolution of partnership—N. & N.
Visttii.ct Betas,
' Cranb rook.
Tun POST givee the news.
Jae. Mitchell is visiting friends in- At
It is rumored there is a wedding on
the tapik.
Daniel Steles is visiting John Benne•
wiee of MaXiliop.
Jas. Mitchell bas secured a potation
with Geo. Uoombee, of Jamestown.
Rev. R. Paul preached in tbe Meths).
dist ohurob last Sabbath afternoon.
Wm, and Mary Lynne, of Jamestown,
were visiting at Geo. Huelher's on Sun.
day.Mrs. R. Brown has purchased the
property lately 000tipied'by the late Mre.
J. Stewart.
W. J. Smalldon, our popular young
shoemaker, was renewing aoquaintanoes
on the 16th con. on Sunday.
We are sorry to report that Muriel,
daughter of Rev. D, B. McRae, is danger.
o uely. ill bat we hope she will soon be
better. .
We wonder what detains one of the
9tH oon. youths in Brunet' every Sun•
day night until the early Hoare of the
morning ?
Goo. Forrest and wife, who were for,
mer residents of Grey, but fou eeveral
years have lived in Oxford county, ere
• moving back to their farm on the 14th
e on. We welootno them back to. Grey.
Mimi Lizzie Moltae, of this plaoe, bag
taken a position at milliner et Carleton
2looe and event to her situation a short
limo ago. Her many young friends here
wish her a pleasant and euooeosful time
in her new home.
' Jno. Hunter has a busy season marked
out in the building. line, In new reei'
denims he hae -already the following on
his list.—Thos. Smith and Wm, E111.
oott, 148H oon, Elam ; Alex. Nichol, 6th
Idne, Morrie ; Peter Gardiner, Geo.
Ehtmilton and Richard Pollard, of Mo.
Killop ; Goo. Whitfield, 14111.1 con. Grey,
with the probabilities 01 a fete others.
Work oommeuces as soon 0,0 weather will
Mists Ida Hunter and Mies Linda Att.
ridge, of Milverton, ware vieitiug at Wm.
Bohnook's during lett week.
The village cow at large is an intoler•
able lnieemoe, especially ut thie seamen of
the year when gates are open and uo
handy way of keeping the roaming bossy
out. She investigates your bank yard,
prones your trees and bushes end like
some people will poke her nose into a
good many places without invitation,
Owners forget about the towuohip By
M cB illolu.
The farmers were seeding this time
last year.
Wednesday's etorm drifted up the
gravel road badly in some please,
James Munn and Mise Oatherinc Hul-
Iky were united in the holy bonds of
matrimony on Wednesday of this week,
May their pathway be a prosperous one.
The nuotion sale of John MoLaugh.
lin, lot 11, con. 14, Moliillop, was held
loot Tuesday afternoon and was well at-
tended. Good prises were realized,
eepeoially for cattle. F. S. Soott, of
Brussels, was the anationeer, The sale
amounted to about $800.
W ieta-tenors .
The foundry is in operation woe more.
Special inueio ie St. Paul's church for
Easter. -
The pastors of the churches preached
on Sunday evening on the "early closing"
The stook for the new grist mill and
elevator is not being subscribed very
B. Willson is removing to British Col,
umhia and bee a sale of furofture here on
the 6th,
Jana Davidson Davidson brought a load of green
wood to town containing over six cords of
stove wood.
Jae. P0000k, J, Manna, W. Campbell
and A. B. Sovereeu left on Tuesday for
A Branch of the Lord's Day Allianoe
has been formed hero with Dr. Towler as
Wingham Methodists have invited Rev.
0. W. Brown, of Amheretburg, to become
their pastor.
A horse belonging to C. Robb, of East
Wawnnoeb, fell dead on the street here
on Thnredey of last week.
The early closing movement is attract•
ing considerable attention just now, A
petition will be presented to tbe Council
at there next seseion, asking for the pas.
sage of a Bylaw to that effect.
Thos. Straohan was visiting in the
vicinity of Galt during the past week.
The ohildren of S. S. No, 9, are reoov-
exing from their attack of ooarlatina.
Mise Louise Miller, of Milverton, le
visiting her couein,Mies Carrie Gorealitz.
Next Saturday the contract will be let
for the now eohool house in 8. B. No. 6.
The Township Commit will hold its
regular meeting on Saturday of mat week,
April 8th,
Hugh McKinnon, 7th non., has been on
the sick list with pneumonia but is get.
ting all right again.
Last Sabbath Robt. McKay took 'the
morning service at Roe's church and
gave an interesting discourse.
Aaree in Thos. Whitfieid'o bush was
set on fire by the lightning on Wednes-
day night of last week. It was very
Mise IsabellaKallner, of San Francisco,
Cal., and Mise Teraosa, of Detroit, are
home on a visit with relatives and
John MoTavieh held a snaoeesfnl stone
bee on Friday of last week. He intends
putting a foundation under his barn next
Mrs. A. D. Mo0osh, of Pine River, ie
here on a visit with relatives and friends.
She is a daughter of John Btraohan and
is a welomne visitor.
Rumor says that the 5th line will sap•
ply the bride for a matrimonial alliance
to be consummated shortly. Alf. wants
it kept quiet, so mum is the word.
James Armstrong, of the Boundary,
will undergo an operation for appendicitis
at Listowel on Wednesday. His many
friends hope for hie speedy recovery.
It's very lonesome eir,' alb popular young
Indy of the 18th oon., has gone to her
home in Morris, but rumor has it elle has
gone to prepare her quilts and mate. We
may expect a good time in July.
Andrew McKee, ar., will have an
auotion eale on Thursday. He intends
going to Manitoba as has health ie not
good. John Doig has bought the plane
and will take possession shortly.
The executors of the Savage estate,
Joseph Raynard and John Smith, have
annoonoed an auotion sale of the farms,
&a., at the Royal Hotel, Ethel, on Mon.
day, April 10th. Further particulars
tnay be obtained . from the advt; in
another column.
The 60 acre farm belonging to the
Woodburn estate was purchased last
Saturday by Angus Shaw for the sum of
6900. Mr. Shaw einem the 100 acres on
rue opposite side of the co900001on so will
be able to stake convenient need his new
A black,bear WEE seen on Thursday
night of last week about '20 rods from
Win. Bray's, lath con. Hie bearehip
woe quite unoonoerned about being so
near civilization and was taking its lttnoh
along with it from some quarter. The
shades of night hindered an old fashion-
ed bear hunt.
Mre. Robb. MoKay, 7th eon, has been
troubled with her eyes for soma time
and this week went to Toronto to oon.
malt a opeoialiet. The virion appears to
be obscured, something after the nature
of a oataraot. We hope she will be bene
fitted by the consultation and treatment.
Andrew Kellner. who hag been away
from Grey for the past 17 or 18 years, is
now in the Klondike. He reached theta
last September. 30 letter from him
dated Feb. 14, he says he dose not mind
the gold very much. Wood was 636,00 a
oocd but is now down to 612.00. We
wish our old Groyito 01100009 and hope he
may run against a rioh gold mine. Mr,
Kellner wa0 at Sae frano1000, 011ifernia,
for 80010 tame before going t0 Dawson:
W. H. KERR, Prop.
Wood bees and danoing parties ore the
order of the day in Monoraeff vioinity.
Trueman Smith is spending Exeter
with hie son, Rev. W. A. Smith, B. D ,
and daughters at the Parsonage, Wilkes.
port, Lambton Go.
F0NE1AL.—The funeral of the late John
J. Gorealitz, 12tH pun„ took plaoe Friday
forenoon and the interment was made at
Oraubrook monsters, instead of going to
Milverton as proposed. There was a
large otteodanoe indioating thee respeot
in which deceased wits bold. Rev. Mr.
Baughtenbert, of Wallaoe, who is also
pastor of the Lutheran uhuroh at Oran.
brook, of wbich Mr. Gorsalitz was an
ander, oondcoted the service in German.
The pall bearers were 0. Neable, V.
'Vomiter, 17. Stein, 0. Michael, J. Quer•
tin and A, Berfol'z. A short service was
held at the Lutheran church, Oronbrook,
after the body had been laid away in the
grave. In the reference to Mr. Gorealitz
illness we stated last week that the Dr,
was called Monday evening, it should
have read Monday morning. Artist
Brower, of Brussels, tool, a photo. of Mr.
Gorealitz after hie decrease as he had
never sat for a likeneee and the family
wet aoxiuuo to have a photo. of the hue
band and father. The relatives in at.
teodanoe from a distance were Mre,
Friokey, of Heidleburg 1 Mrs. Beimler
and daughter, and Mies Ida Gorealitz, of
Buffalo ; H. Preesing, of Baden ; Jno.
Rio, of Baden, and Mre. Millar, of Milver-
Wi-oxo tor.
Mies McConnell ie visiting her sister,
Mrs. W. Pomeroy.
Mise Bate Itobiuson is visiting friends
at Wingham this week.
Mies D. Perkins, of Gerrie, is visiting
Miss A. Swale this week.
Jno, Fortune, of Turoberry, has moved
to a house on Anne Street.
Mies Minnie Staples spent Thursday
at the home of Dr. Brawn.
Thee, Hemphill, sr., was on a business
trip to Harriston 0u Monday last.
H. Brawn and A. Rae spent Monday
and Tuesday with friends in Listowel.
Miss Gloria Harris has secured a posi-
tion in her cousin's store at Fry, Ont.
Mrs. A. L. Gibson, of Goderioh, is
visiting her daughter, Mre. F. Dickson.
A, Wells, who has been confined to bed
this last week or two, is slowly reoover-
inA pleasure sleigh load of boys took a
drive to Fordwioh on Sunday afternoon
The Free Masons had a supper Mon-
day night as several now members were
initiated. -
F. V. Dickson, while reporting at To-
ronto, took ()ramps in his head and Court
was delayed for a short time.
Miss Annie McDonald, who has been
visiting at Luoknow this month, bas re-
turned to her borne.
Two loads of settlers' effects were
shipped to Manitoba on Tuesday last by
McMichael boys ; also a oar of heroes.
Gibson Bros'. saw mill is oloeed 'down
et present on account of broken mnobin-
ery. They intend cutting shingles this
J. A. and Mro. Walker brought their
daughter, Mies B., from Palmerston on
Monday. She had an attaok of la grippe
followed by rbonmatiem,
Andrew Miller has purchased John
Kuuteon'e house and lob on Anne street.
Mrs. T. F. Miller will move into it in
the near future, and N. B. Gerry will
000upy the house she vacates.
What about the 1120 the Brooselo
hookey team were so bravely shouting
about ? When we offered to cover it
they flunked. Next tarns boys take your
medicine like men when it's a clear case
of right is right.
In another column may be read the
patriotic song composed by Rev. Mr.
Anderson, Presbyterian minister of this
place, in uonneotion with the Montreal
Witness competition. It is well worth
committing to memory.
What makes the dwellings look so
bright this Spring ? It is bemuse every
one is taking advantage of the selling off
of the stook of wall paper which W. H.
Brown & Go. bought at a low rate on the
dollar, and also the new Spring stook
bought before the rise which is being
sold off at and below coat.
Tba sawing contest of last Friday was
largely attended by the townspeople and
farmers. The lst prize was won by
Robt, Barnard and S. Willie ; 2nd by
Bennet and Gilbert, of larrieton ; Ord,
Barnard and Campbell. There were 7
entries. The boys intend contesting at
Gerrie and Harrieton this week.
}Cali el.
Tun Pose gives the news.
Mrs. John Jamieson is at present very
Township Council here Saturday of
next week.
Aaron Cober left Isere last Monday for
North Dakota, Success.
S. Yelland left last week for Port Perry
where he has secured a situation.
Mre. Thos. Watson, of Belleville, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Cooly.
H. L. Harrison, of Soettampton, Was
in town last Friday renewing old acquaint.
Chas. Slemmo'h has returned from
Guelph. We are pleased to see him look-
ing so well.
We are sorry to been that Mrs. R,ioh•
and Pearson, is getting weaker and ie now
oontined to bed.
The Misses MoArter, of Breesels, are
opening a dres0maller'o shop here. We,
wish them suaoes8.
Our enterprising villager, S, B. Cole,
boo been keeping Woes 0ompany with one
of job's oomfortero this week.
Alex. Conon left for the West this
week, Ho goes to Cyptoee River. Mre.
Conan and family will reside in Morrie,
Wilson MoKay, a young man South of
Ethel, has been ditngorouely ill with
something akin to appendicitis, A con -
saltation of ptyeimaus was held on Tues.
On April 10th the farms of the late
Henry Savage will be Offered for hale at
the Royal Hotel here by Ordat of 81112
B800utors.- F. Si Boort will be the
F. and Mre. freeman were in S580100 h
lest weak attending the funeral of Mro,
Freeman's easter.
A. Cook hag opened up it Maribor shop
in connection with Cleo. M. Mitobell'e
Boot and Shoe store. We wish him euo-
00 B.
Joseph Querriu wee a pall bearer at the
funeral of the late John Jacob Gorealitz,
of the 19th of Grey, wbiob took plaoe last
It is quite evident that young gentle.
men are getting oonroe in our town, as
the ladies have to go out promenading in
0009100 now.
Rev. R. Paul, of Bruoeelo, occupied the
pulpit in the etethodist ohproh last Seb•
bath evening owing to the illness of Rev.
J. G. Yelland.
Ethel and tonality contributed the
reepeotable 0nm of 1115,00 to the Upper
Oaoada Bible Society this year. The
oolleators were Miss Rebecca Spence and
Miss Blemmon.
Ur Ta•DA1'n.—The old reliable carriage
business of Jno. Oober is getting a Spring
hustle on. They have 35 new buggies
nearly ready for this season's trade. A
very busy Winter has been put in as they
turned out no less than 110 (lettere and
nutter gears. Par. ()ober is a reliable
manufacturer and all hie work can be de-
pended on to give satisfaction.
PRESENTATION.—Tbe following from the
Heneall Observer refers to a former pee.
for of the Methodist church here :—A
number from the three appointments of
the Kippen Oirooit end a few invited
guesta met at the Kippen parsonage Wed.
evening and presented Rev. W. J. Wad-
dell, with a very fine 000u akin overcoat
valued at 000 and a large load of oats.
The overcoat was given by the Kippen
and Ohieelhoret people and the oats by
times of Hillegreen. By request Rev. J.
8. Henderson reed a neatly worded ad-
dress while John Sbeppard merle the
presentation. The address highly eolo•
gized the good work done by the rev.
gentleman and regretted that he must
soon never his connection with the oir-
cult. The rev, gentleman made a feeling
reply, highly praising the psople for their
warm and very hearty support daring
the three years soon to end. An excel-
lent repast was served by the ladies, and
with games and made all had a most
enjoyable time,
VV ELI 0015.
Miss Janet Ramsay left last Thursday
on a trip to T1,oe tlon, Algoma.
Mre. Dnnoan McKenzie, of the 18th
con. of Grey, has been very poorly for
few days but we are pleased to learn that
she is recovering again.
The lengthening out of Winter is giv
ing the farmers who contemplate build•
ing this incoming Summer an excellent
opportunity to have their lumber sawed
and drawn home with good sleighing.
WEDDING.—At the Methodist parsonage,
Walton, Wednesday, afternoon, March
29111, by Rev. A. 0. Tiffin, Solomon 3.
13e11, of McKillop, to Mies Lizzie Moore,
of Guelph Uity. We shower the best of
wishes upon the happy couple.
Last Wednesday the night train on the
W. G. & B. stank in a snow bank near
Listowel and did not get to Brussels
until nearly 7 o'clock Thursday morning.
Robt. Ferguson, of Walton, was one of
the belated paseeogere. Three engines
were required to get the train out.
THE Pose gives the news.
Frank Bell is visiting et Toronto.
A number lett on Tuesday for Mani-
Join Agin; had a wood bee au Thursday
of last week.
Jay Clegg is home from the University,
Toronto, for the Easter vaoation,
S. Hodder, 2nd line, is slowly recover-
ing from his recent illness.
Thos. Bone aid Mies Alice are visit•
ing relatives at Woodetook.
Mies Annie Manndere has been visiting
old friends in Grey township.
Morrie Oounoil minutes may be read
on the supplement this week.
Some are wearying for a good run of
sap so at to make some molasses and
Telford Sellers, of Stratford, wart home
attending the wedding of his sister, Mise
Alextti, Smitb, 8th lies, has bought a
farm on the 7th from Mr. Hugbee, of
Mre. Jno. R. Miller bae been ill with
la grippe but is improving nicely now we
are glad to hear.
A etrcoessful wood bee and party WEE
held at Jae. Speir's recently when a moat
enjoyable time wag put in.
A 6th line young man was seen driving
along a few evenings ago without belle.
Better put them on next time, Will,
Wm. Sellers and wife, of Clinton, at.
tended the wedding of Chas, Turvay and
Miss Lottie Sellers on Wednesday of
last week.
John Kelly had a wood bee on Wed-
needay of this week, and some fun at
night. We wonder who the housekeeper
is going to be ?
John Russell has returned from Tor-
onto where he has bean attending college.
130 is now a full fledged Vet. and passed
with high honors,
Revival 80001009 are in progress in
Jackson's church, 8111 line, conducted by
Rev. Walter Rigsby, and Rev. Mr,
Matheson, of Toronto.
A large company of neighbors and
friends spent a very enjoyable evening at
John Mooney's comfortable residence,
6th line, Thursday evening of iast week.
Miesoe Ella and Annie „ daughters
of Jae. Davis, 5th line, left on Wednes.
day for Rat Portage where they expe0t
to make their home for atimo, We with
Them 01100000.
Harry MoArter, wile and ohildron, of
Harrleton, attended tbo funeral of the
late Mr. MoOutobeon on Monday. Mr.
MoArter returned home ma Tuesday Hut
Mrs. MOArter and young'fe:te will spend
Easter with relatives.
John Forrest, who baa been 9000wi09
a0gnaintan0e9 in thie looataty for the
part mouth, left on Wednesday fee hie
home in Thesea1011, Algoma, It is about
12 year2 ranee Mr. Forrest left Morrie.
He it well phased with Algoma.
Mies Minnie Hallam hap been spending
a few weeks with friends fo Blyth.
Sento have lost their potatoes in pits.
A bad lose a0 the "Iviah Palle" are same.
John Mustard ie not improving in
health as rapidly as his friends would
During the past week the Brethren
have beim holding 9ervi0eg lo Button's
Baxter MoArter aonideotally ant an
ugly geek in his lag while chopping in
tbe bush.
A party was held at Mr, Yuill's on
Wednesday evening of this week and a
jolly time spent by all prompt.
A Bomber of young people of the 9.h
lice, spent a very enj ryable time on Tues.
day evening last, at the home of Wm.
Mre. John Mollroy, 8th line, has been
gaat0 poorly this Winter and hsr frioude
ere quite concerned about ter health. A
heart trouble is the pause.
A wedding took plaoe on the 1st line
on Wednesday evening of this week.
The °entreating parties were Mr. Owens
and Mies Susie Mothers. They will
move to Manitoba.
Last week Samuel Love, who has been
living Lear Vandioar, Isabella Gu., Mich.,
retnrnod to Morris, and will farm here
for the time to come. Mr. Love is an
old resident of the 5111 line and he and
Mrs. Love will be welcomed bank by their
many old friends in this section.
• This Spring Robt. Nichol, 6th line, has
disposed of Improved Yorkshire boars as
follows :—"Maple Leaf Congress II.," to
Chas. Remit, 10th con. Grey ; "Oak
Lodge Longfellow," to Robert Shine, 12th
con. Grey ; Maple Leaf Hero," to Joe. E.
Lamont, 8th oon. Grey. It pays to keep
good stook.
46 years neo, so Thos. Miller, a well
known Morriaite informs as, ason of Wm.
Michas's, near Sunshine, died. His re•
mains were carried to Brussels oemstery
by the pail bearers through the bush.
There were no roads nor bridges and as
a consequence a conveyance ooald not
make its way. The company attending
the funeral took tutus in carrying the
coffin, Molting their way through the
bush and or000109 streams on logs. The
dietanoe was over 5 miles.
We wonder who the person is that put
the piece in the Morrie keine stating that
the woodpile out by the Fear Bros., bad
shrunk to 9 oorda ? We hope that per.
son does not thick that beoause 0 cords
is their best, that nobody can out more.
15 oorda was the amount out and the
time was 10 Imre. There was nothing
lacking in the wood pile but there must
be something lacking about the person
who can only out 9 cores. If the cap fits
put it on.
HYt0ENEAL.-0,o Wedoeeday evening,
March 151h, a goodly number of invited
guests assembled at the home of Jos.
Sellere, let oon., to witness the tying of
the matrimonial bow between (Mar.
Turvay, of Morrie, and Miss .Lottie,
yonogeet daughter of the host end
hostess. At the hour of 6 o'clook the
bridal party entered the parlor where the
guests awaited them and were met by
the Rev. D. Rogers who spoke the magic
words wbioh bound them together, The
bride was prettily attired in a dress of
cream cashmere, trimmed with white
silk and pearl trimming, and carried a
bognet of pink and white roses. The
ceremony and congratulations over the
guests, numbering about 85, sat down to
partake of the wedding supper prepared
in the beat style by the boot and waiters.
The remainder of the evening was
pleasantly passed in social gamut and
chat and in the early hours of morning
the guests departed wishing Mr. and Mrs.
Tarvey many years of happiness.
last Saturday afternoon the spirit of John
MoOutoheon, an old and well known
resident of the 8th line of Morrie town•
ship, took its flight. He had only been
ill for about a week, congestion of the
lunge, added to his old age, being the
onnee of his decease. Mr. Mo0utobeon
was born in the Go. of Fermanagh, Ire.
land, and on Doming to Canada lived in
Simone County before pioneering to this
looality in 1854, The father of deceased
tools up 400 aortal'of land and both he
and his wife pasted away here and were
buried In the•family plot on the farm.
Mr. Mo0utaheon was a member of the
English uhuroh and woe also an Orange•
man. He �e jovial in dioposition ;
athletic in 11;i n and bad enjoyed ,gx-
oellent health axing his life, poesessi g
all Me faculties to marked degree to the
last. Mre. Mo0utobeon, who died a
number of years ago, was Hannah Somer-
set. She was twice married, her first
husband being a Mr. Clark. The 000010.
ing children of deceased aro ; —
William, of Manitoba ; John, Frank
and Robert, of Morris ; David, of
MoKillop ; Mre. Hugh anMre. Simon
Forsyth, of Morrie ; Mrs, Thompson,
of Brusaele ; and Miss Hannah at home.
Mr. Mooutoheon wae0 brother to Frank
MoOutnheon, a wall known resident
of the 801110 line ; Mre. S. Walker, of
Brussels ; and Mre. Robert Armstrong,
of the 4111 line. The funeral took
place on Monday afternoon and was
largely attended, Rev. G. J. Abey, of
Brussels, oonduoting the service, after
which interment was made in the family
burying ground. Thus another of the
few remaining links between this and the
90o000r days has been broken but the
memory of these industrious stalwarts
will live although they are no longer with
us. Itis raid the first night Mr. Mc.
Cutoboon spent in Morrie was under the
hospital roof et Jno, MoOrae, on the farm
where James Speirnow resides.
Johnny Smith, a fourteen•year•old
Woodstookite, is behind the bars for
swiping a juicy roast of beef he taw care-
lessly exposed in a hotelier estop window.
The Oxford prohibitionists mob on
Saturday and pa -sed resolutions condom -
Bing the Government for not carrying out
the will of the people as expressed in the
reoent pfebisoite.
There is a possibility, says the Wood.
aback Times, that Woodetoolt and Liger-
so11 will shortly be o0tlneated by street
railway. An American sjrndieato is going
to take hold of the affair.
The Iollowiug is the report of Brusaele
Public Sabool for the month of Metro)] :
ParlIA0Y.—Examined in Gram., Arith.
Phyeios, Hist, Total, 400,
M. Blelby 818 E. Bryan 160
S. Lamont ....274 W. Grieve ...,160
0. Allan 259 A, MoKelvey..145
M. Mo3snzie247 M. Hayoroft ..148
M. MaGaire...,229 A. Rendall ....147
K. Smith 227
P. S. L. --Examined in Gram., Alg.,
Eau., Aritb., Read., Geo. Total, 500.
N. Smith 825 I, Zilliax 200
P. Watt 820 D. Watt 184
G. Roes 300 L. Sinclair ...,180
J. Ooneley 300 N. Vanetooe,..,163
A. Alain... 252 J. Innes 158
C. Allis 252 G. McMillan ...,140
R. Taylor 229 M. Kernaghan.,128
0. Zilliax 215
ENTBAN(lE, — Examined
Arith,, Comp., Wr., Dr.,
Total, 500.
M. Skene 409
F. Armstrong ,876
I. Williams 840
P, MaMlllan 887
J. Good
B. Scott
M. 8o0tt
J. Peebles
M. Forbes 299
N. MoGnire289
B. McKelvey 279
J. H. 0A,InoaoN, Principal,
Roost 2.
4mi Claes.—Examined in Hist., Geo.,
Dior., Comp., Arith.—Total,,600,
B. Howe 891. E. McCracken —831
1'. Oliver 890 W. Amens .,.,830
W. Zilliaz382 0. Mainprioe..023
A. Roee380 N. Kendall ....314
H. Gooding370 E. Fan eton....808
G.Thomson,366 9.. Smith 279
B. Scott 364 13. Ainley 275
H. Watt 840 R. M'Laaohlin,, 48
BB. 3an.—Examine d in same subjeote.
Total, 500.
E. Beaker 483 h'[. Hunter ,,..296
R. McKenzie -,411 D. Innes 295
C. MoOraokeo..404 M. Rowe 273
M. Thomson ..4111 E.Denbow .,.,290
E. Wilton 384 R. Plitm 271
E. Lowry......3711 M. Scott 261
N. Irwin 374 B. Maxwell ,...268
G. Muir 861 P. Lowry 282
N. Blashill ....346 R. Wilbee 210
P. Rioharde....831 M. Grewer 202
G. McKay ....328 C. Hmgetoo201
V. Danford .,..321 S. Forsyth ,.•165
R. Aiuley......311 V. Cooper 103
A. Carry 301
Stuffier. —Examined in same subjects.
Total, 500.
M. MoArter....407 M. Rose.. 261
3. Thomson....388 B. Blashill •298
I. Johnston .,..385 B. Beattie 255
G. Roes 878 R. Sinclair ..,.216
B. Henderson 368 E. Pugh 203
A. Lott 368 D. Walker 160
B. Hin.ston....30t R. Pugh 146
A. 610 vl Bien .. , .8558 M. Kerr 100
A. Ibreyth ..,.276 K. McDougall,90
0. Mooney ,...272 3. Burgess..,22
W. MOGuire....269
PHILIP WEI9nlR, Teaober.
Bootf 8.
So.2Nn.-Examined in Arith.. Lit.,
Geo., Diet., Writ., Draw. Total, 500.
L. Turnbull.. ,.455 A. McQuarrie 369
R. Deadman ..443 E. Good 867
N. Forbes 440 A. Rose 364
J. Armstrong ..437 G. Zilliax858
B. Straahan...,431 J. Willlameon858
G. MoLellan ..426 0. Wilbee 851
M. Ament ,...426 F. A11in 834
L. Edwards....425 A. Scott 330
B. Ross 420 E. Carry 320
H.Riotardo.,,,410 W. Williamson 812
F. Thomson ..404 R. Lowry 305
J. Mooney 393 E. Oameron....804
M. McKay 376
Highest marks in eaoh subjeot.—
Arith„ R. Deadman, 80, J. Armstrong,
80 ; Lit., L. Turnbull, 101 ; Spell., B.
Rose, 99 ; Geo., N. Forbes, 97.
Jot. 2Nn.—Examined in Lit., Geo.,
Spell., Aritb„ Draw., Writ. Total, 500.
G. Roes 899 F. Miller 309
L. Leatherdale 394 L. Sinclair 295
G. Ewan 394 F. Boort 284
A. Sager 873 A. Thomson.. ..282
J. Bloomfield 371 17. Blashill ....281
R. Kendall 866 W. Burke 265
H. Lowry 352 N. Peebles ....264
J. Wilton 348 W. llendereoo..258
17, Ament 345 3. Doll ..,.....246
W. MoQuarrie841 0. Avery 228
3, Moore 338 M. McNichol .,214
W. Scott 322 A. Bird 208
V, Barrett ..,.817 -
Highest marks in each Bettina—Geo.,
Rose, 92 ; Arith„ 3. Wilton, 901
Spell., J. Bloomfield, 04 ; Lit., J. Bloom.
field, 60.
MIme DowNEY, Teacher.
Cuss IV.—Examiood in Deana, Dint„
Read., Arias., and Writ.—Total, Boo.
M. Miller.. .,.286 F. McKay - 240
W. Tnrnball ..272 C. Scott 226
L. MoArter....268 F. Stratton 219
G. Armstrong ..254 F. Campbell... ,173
P. Beeper 247 F. MoKenzie ,.178
L. McCracken -245 A. McMillan ..164
H.Wilbee 240 V. Wilbee. 89
Cuss III,—Examined in same sub -
jade. Total, 800.
K. Deadman 202 111. Allis 21.1
V. McKenzie „268 75. McKay., 208
J, Ament 260 J. Wilbee 203
K. Innes ,.....285 A. Jackson ..,186
0. Bell - 281 A. Jackson 130
O, Gerry 226 W. MoOraoken 107
L. Strachea 225 W. Straahan,...160
S. Amens 225 S. Walker ....168
S. Chmpbell214 W. Shine ,,,.,.148
W. Richardson 01.4 E. Ewan 145
GI.A55 II.—Exoelledt--Tommie Arm.
strong, May Birt, Eve Snider, Tommie
Burke. Good—Oleve Donbow, Willie
,Hell, Ebbed Currie, Harry Moore. Fair
—Edith Colvin.
Gum I.—Expellent-4Vatiie .RggereOn,
Florenoe Maioprioe, Emma Forsyth,
in Gram.,
Diet., Read,
L. Roes 275
F. Thomson ... 252
R, Beattie.., 243
E. Avery 238
L. Kerr 237
W. Eayaroft 200
D. Moore 193
0. Beaker 173
W. Roche 171
0. Riobarde...,168
W. Peebles ,154
Hardly Wilbee, 'Homer Barrett, John
Wilton, Nellie Watt. Goad—Vivian
Kendall, John Burka, WIllio MoKaya
Henry Rogereon, Verne Walker. Fair
—John Cooper, Karl Peebles, Frank
Gerry, Charlie McMillan.
Mise JEAN RrronxE, Teacher.
People We 'talk About.
R. Roohe Sundayed in town.
Will. Walker talke of going West.
Mre. F. S. Soots is visiting in 'Toronto.
Mrs, Wm. Martin is visiting at Paris.
Mies Gertie Ewan has been on the seek
Jno. Ament was in Kincardine this
J. J. Denman, of Bluevale, was in town
on Monday.
Mrs. Deadman and Edith are boliday.
ing at Woodetook.
Geo. Halliday was in Toronto for a few
days this week.
Mies Lizzie Sample will speed Good
Friday in Wingham.
Harry Gooding is spending hie Easter
holidays in London.
Willie Ainley is home from Leman
High school for Easter.
Mrs. F. Baines and nepbews are visit.
ing at Constance, Huron Go.
Mee Eliza Oliver is visiting her sister,
Mre. J. Leckie, at Toronto.
Mies M. Hill, of Oentralia, is visiting
at the Methodist parsonage.
Mro. J. L. Kerr and Miss E. E. Rare
are visiting relatives at Guelph.
Mre. Gomer Green will visit her mothtr
at Marlette, Mich,, leaving this week.
Mise Kate Menzies is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Harry Ooutts, at Chicago.
Misses Luella and Gertie Rose are
holidaying at M. MoLennan'a, London,
Mies Hattie Downing is home from
Goderiob Collegiate for the Easter varia-
Defies Ada Gilpin, of Wiartoo, is visit.
ing at her uoole'a, J. J. Gilpin's, Church
Mre. A. J. Lowry is away at Bt. Thom-
as and London on a holiday visit with ber
Mre. Geo. Forrest, of Mattson, Oxford
Go., has been visiting Mre. D. Ewan,
Mrs. (Dr.) McKelvey is the guest of
Mre. R. G. Wilson, of London, formerly
of Brussels.
Mieeea Sadie and Minnie Jamieson
spent a few doye last week at their home
in Constance.
Will. Mole, who has been employed in
R. N. Barrett's barber shop, left for
Winnipeg on Tuesday.
Mre. I. 0. Richards and Percy have
gone to Midland City, Mirth., to visit
Sire. Richards' parents.
Mrs. Robs. Stevenson and daughter, of
Glencoe, are visiting Mre. Wm, Blashill.
The ladies ars sisters.
Mre. A. Good, Elsie and Edna, attend-
ed the funeral of the late Mre. Vanstone
at Galt on Wednesday.
Miss Annie Ross is away to Cheetay on
a holiday outing to visit her brother and
easter•, Miss Mary Roes is also at
Fred. Gilpin and Brit. Anderson are
'spending the Easter holidays iu Brussels.
Both ere students of the Owen Sound
Alderman J. F. Mo0rae was in town
for a few days while en route from Rose-
land, B. 0., to M 'stray, where he was
attending 00 business.
R. Leatberdale and W. F. Pentane
were away at Galt this week attending
the funeral of Mrs. Wm. Vanstone, a
former well known Braeeelite.
Mre, (Rev) Ferguson Ina gone to To.
ronto on a visit and will also spend some
time with relatives further East. She
may go to Scotland next Summer.
Mre. Robt. Johnston, who has not been
enjoying very robust health since last
Fall, is still a prisoner to the house. We
hope the Spring weather will invigorate
Mrs. (Rev.) Paul will ope0d the Easter.
vaoation at Orangeville. Her sister,
Mies Gordon, is not in good health, and
Mrs. Paul has gone to visit her. We
hope Mise Gordon will soon be aonvales-
Mrs. Gilotti, who has been visiting her
sister, Mre. (Dr.) MoNaaghton, for some
time, will leave for her home at Durango,
0o1., after a sojourn in London. Her
health is materially improved by ber
stay here.
Last Friday Jas. Irwin had the mis-
fortune to fall through an open trap Book
at P. Ament's mill and broke a small
bone in the baok of hie right hand which
will incommode him for some time as the
hand baa been badly swollen.
Messrs. Denman, of Woodetook ; Mr.
and Mre. Garter, of Blyth ; and Mr. and
Mrs. Jamieson, of Tuokeramitb, were
here last Saturday attending the funeral
of the late Mre. D. Denman. Rev. S. J.
AIIIn oonduated the service.
J. D. and Mrs. Ronald are visiting
their daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) W. T. (fluff,
at Strathroy. From there Mr. Ronald
will go East to Windsor, Nova Bootie, to
see the testing of the Ronald steam fire
engine purchased. He will not be bank
for a couple of weeks.
Tbe Exeter Advocate of last week says:
—"Chris. Wells, who has been visiting in
and around Exeter for the past three
months, returned to his home in Cava.
lien, North Dakota, on Tuesday, a000m..
panied by Mies Annie Geis, of Zurioh,
and Andrew Musser, of Dashwood;"
It is said that Fred. Montgomery, a
brother to Mrs. W. F. Vanstone, Brua•
eels, bas joined the great benedietine
army by wedding a Mies Conine, of San
Franolsoo, Cal. Mr. Montgomeryle old
time friends will be a unit an washing
him and hie bride health, happiness and
Last Tuesday G. N. MoLareu left town
on a visit to Alliston, where his father
resides. From there he expecte to go to
the West, perhaps to the Coast. Mao, ie
a level headed, straightforward busineea
man and in hie oapa0ity as olerk and
subsequent partner in the firm of Smith
& McLaren bo demonstrated his ability
to Dater most staiefaoterily 00 the wnnte
of the pnblio. Ells many old friends here
wish ham the prosperity and s(0oe5s he
desires, and will be pleased to hoar Of its