HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-3-24, Page 8A Drop
Iu prima in Wall Papaya means
balker velueo than ever before. Our
stook was all bought before the advance
in prime, If you are going to use any
Wall Paper
thie Spring you can save money at Dead -
man's Drug and Book Store,
Do you want a Bioyole 7 A good
one—one that 'stands up"—one that is
guaranteed and one that no one oats day
a bad word about—then buy a
Crescent Wheel !
We have them from $30 be $50 mob, with
discounts to oaeh ausbomers. Ride a
Gresoent. There is no better value any-
G. A, Deadman,
Druggist, Optioian & Bookseller.
Trains leave Bruesels Station, North
and South, as Ponoses
Genie Sown, Soma Nowa.
TXPreoe 7:10 a,m, Mail 240 p.m
'fixed 9:45 a.m. Express 10:17 p.m
OEC}x.0 Etba 1iemLL
A chiel'a amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prenb it.
SPRING millinery.
COME, gentle Spring.
READ our supplement.
A 0000ING on April 5tb.
LAST Friday was St. Patrick's Day.
FRIDAY of next week will be Good Fri•
UEBnms and Thursday were rough
SCHOOLS olose next Thursday for
Easter vacation.
Sous of Scotland held their monthly
meeting on Tuesday evening of this week.
Flimsy of next week will be a public
holiday. The Bank and business plaoee
will be closed.
TEE Enterprise Salt Welke chipped
several one of salt to various points
during the past week.
A encamp meeting of 0ourt Prinoees
Alexandria, 0. 0. F.. wae held on Moa•
day evening to initiate new members.
W. P. SnITH, ecientifio eye specialist,
will be at Fox's drug store, Brussels, OD
Wednesday, April 12th. Eyes tested
A. Lens informed Tun Pon )net week
that she never fails to read Talmage's
sermon and the Sabbath school lesson
notes in this paper every week.
EVERY instrument belonging to the
town Band is in operation and good
music should be provided this Summer.
A number of new seleotioas have been
Alamo the militia orders published is
one appointing B. D. Grant, of Goderiob,
hitherto second lieutenant, to the
lieabenanoy of No. 5 (Brussels) company
of the 33rd battalion, vice Dr. J. W.
Shaw, transferred.
"WALDEMAR," the imported German
coach bores bought some time ago at a
big price by a local syndicate from en
American, was sold and shipped last
week to Manitoba. The sellers did nob
Ooi0 money by the transaction,
OWING to the repeated thawing and
freezing it is no easy matter to preserve
your balance in walking on some of the
streets. Not a few have performed vari-
oue acrobatic evolutions before finishing
with the figure known as "Hop."
Tuns week Samuel Burgess received
word of the dosage of his eldest brother,
aged 88 years, at Newcastle. The old
gentleman died on Monday and the
funeral took place on Thursday. Mr.
Bargees was not able to attend owing to
hie delioate state of health,
As+EssoR GoUeLEY has nearly completed
hie rounds and has come to the oonclueion
that there are more poverty stricken peo•
pie in Brussels than Bradstreet or any
other finanoial Directory bas any idea.
The "embaraesmenb" may speedily
disappear, however, now that the anus.
ing is over for this year.
OYSTERS.—An enjoyable time was spent
at Bartliff's reetauraat on Tuesday even-
ing when a number of the members of
the A, 0. 11. W. assembled to sample the
bivalves and spend an hoar or 80 with J,
H. Wismar before he removed to Zurich.
Short speeches were made by a number
of the brethren to which Mr. Wiemer
replied thanking all for their kind words,
Emmen DAY.—r'Eropife Day" will be
celebrated in the public schools of Ontario
oh May 23rd for the fired time. The
Rdulatioo Department has issued a
circular to school Inepeotore throughout
the Province, notifying them to that ef-
fect, and outlining the method in whiob
the day should be spent. The morning
will be devoted obieily to a familiar talk
by the teacher on Canada's relation to
the Empire and readinge from Canadian
and British authors. Patriotic, recite,
tions, longe and speeobes will be the
afternoon program. The public will be
—We cannot too atrongly nor too often
urge the supreme importanoe of planting
seeds that are perfectly pure and fresh.
Seeds that are offered at cheap prides are
almost invariably of doubtful origin and
uncertain age, sore to cause the planter
disappointment and lows, The thought.
fob planter's only surety ilea in buying
seeds sent out by a oonsoisntioue rind
trustworthy house. A vast number of
gardeners have (and have had for years)
the utmost eonfldenpe in seede that bear
the name D. M. Ferry & Co,, Windsor,
Ont. The present generation of planter°,
can hardly remember the time when
Ferry's Seeds were nob on sale every.
where each year and as regularly planted
by thotiaands,—with the greatest faith
in the nuvarying quality of the seeds and
in the integrity of the firm that grew
ahem, Every planter, whether already a
buyer of Ferry's Seeds or not, should
send for Ferry's Seed Annual for 1899.
It !entailed free to any one who writes for
14IAlt, 24,1800
Tile POST gives the news.
GET ready for va5oivabion.
GET the snow off the sidewalks,
Tim bicycle butane is booming up fur
PLANT your Spring advertisement in
Tint Poen,
Menai. Wilton & Turobult received a
Oar of stove dial this week.
Tag Looal Legislature may close for
this sseeion Thursday of next week.
Deo Correspondent we would like to
hear from you once a week if possible.
SEt•ERAL oars of ooal Have ooms to
Brussels this week for the Enterprise Salt
Trw first Allan line steamer will leave
Montreal for Liverpool on Saturday,
April 2905.
MONTHLY Horse Fide on Thursday,
April 0th. Thie will be the bleb Fair
this season.
THERE are 261 names on the member.
ship roll of East 1larun Farmers' Meth
tote no far this year.
A FEW local curling matches were piny
ed during the past week. The rink was
arranged on the milldam and the ice was
very good.
BoaoEBorY broke into Mrs. 8. Smale's
home one night recently, wrenohing the
door look off, Mre. Small is eponding
the Winter at Buffalo, N. Y.
P. %Ekren was off duty two days last
week owing to a oarbunol° ou his face.
There was consequently no school in his
Department on Thursday or Friday.
NEXT Tuesday two care of settlers' ef-
fects will be shipped from Brussels by
Gomer Green and Widdis Jackson. They
go to Manitoba to become bonanza farm -
AN entertainment, designated as "Red
Letter Days," is being arranged by a
Committee of ladies in connection with
the Methodist church. It promises to be
very interesting. Announcement of date
Seam TEerr•—The Central Business
Oollege, Stratford, Out., announces that
the Spring Term in that institution will
begin on April 4th. W. J. Elliott, the
Principal of the college, will be pleased to
sena full information to any one desirous
of obtaining a business education or a
omen in shorthand and type writing.
Aluzrnnnn. Millinery Openings in
town will be held on Wedueeday and
Thursday of next week, 29th and 80th
ions. Mrs. Rogers and Mise Roddick
with their respective staffs are bard et
work preparing for the Spring display.
They promise something very elaborate,
and no lady should miss seeing the new
AUCTION SALw.—b o auction sale of the
household effects of Wm. Keteobtel
will be held at their residence, corner
of Thomas and Elizabeth streets, Brus-
sels, on Thursday, April 615, at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. Kneobtel's health is broken down
and as she is unable to continue house.
keeping the sale will be made on above
F. S. SCOTT enured a large number of
signatures lest week to a petition relative
to the Government granting aid to the
extension of the C. P. R. from Guelph to
Goderioh and bhe improvements to Gode-
rioh harbor, to make it available to the
large grain boats. It might have been
better if a little more definiteness had
been given as to the route.
Munn. Cochrane & Johnston received
a oar of Sweedieh and Scotch granite last
week. People wanting anything in this
line would do well to see them before
purchasing elsewhere. Don't buy from
agents, but see the stook yourself and you
then know what you are getting. We
oarrya stock not surpassed by any town
in Canada. Cochrane & Johnston, deal-
ers in marble and granite monuments,
Burnam] hookeyists crossed sticks
with the punk pushers of Atwood on the
Maitland rink here on Thursday of last
week. It was a retu,n match brit the
visitors were not very deeply in it and as
a consequence Brussels won handily by a
score of 8 to 2. Part of the performance
in the evening could have been eliminat•
ed without detracting from the good
name of anybody. The hoore team has
only lost one game out of six played this
season wbioh is agood record for the first
year Of organization,
meeting of the Direotore of East Heron
Farmed' Institute wee held on Friday
afternoon of Iasi week, at the Qaeen's
Hotel, Brunets. Present, President
Strachan, Secretary Hood, and A. Gardi•
ner, R. Dilworth, Joe, Smiths, G. Mer -
die, J. Brethauer, T. Mosgrove, W. H.
Fraeer and W. H. Kerr. It was decided
to oall the annual meeting at Brussels
Town Hall, on Tuesday, Jane 13th,-st
1.80 p. no The Seoretary reported the
membership to be 261. An outside
speaker will not be asked to attend the
annual meeting owing to the local elo•
gnenoe always at oommand,
ing is a statement of the income and ex-
penditure in connection with Brussels
Public school for the past year :-
Balance from 1897 $ 445 69
Non-resident fees 68 40
Equivalent to Gov. grant 140 00
Government grant, 1898 146 00
Legislative mnuioipal grant5 81
Local school assessment 111)9 85
Examination fees 18 00
Continuation classes fund 100 00
Insurance 550 00
Total $2677 25
Teachers' salaries $1548 98
Caretaker's salary 00 00
Seoretary-treasurer's salary,80 00
Repaid and supplies
Insurance on premiums
Expenses of Examination
0 05
92 00
805 22
42 00
17 86
10 55
Total $2285 11
Balance 442 14
$2677 26
The above amounts are certified to be
correct by the village auditors, J. N, Ken-
dall and 3, Y. 8, Kirk. It is safe to say
that the school premises are in better
supe now than they have been einoe'the
erection of the new building and although
the expenditure has been considerable
the wont Sone 'MILS deemed not only
necessary by the Board but urgent.
This year sbonld be oonsiderahly lighter.
The ratepaysre will be interested in the
statement published above and therefore
we give it a plane in Tout Poen, which
will be handier for them than going to
the postoffloe, where it is posted tip, to
get the information.
Came rales are diet ed on the G. T. R,
during Ilaetertids. By consulting the
advt. in another colt -mitt of Tog Pon yon
may he able to decide whether it ie cheap-
er to go visiting or stay at home.
AocTioo sale of the Woodburn 60 sore
farm, Grey, at the Alnerioan Mote),
Brussels, on Saturday afternoon of this
week, at 2 o'clock, F. te, Scott will be
the auctioneer. It ie an &seantare' sale
to close up the estate,
Mae. D. DEE MME PASarrs AWAY.—Th urs.
day morning Alios Denbow, beloved wife
of Daniel Denman, of Brussels, died at
the home of her parents, Jno. Denbow
and wife, Elizabeth etreet, of pernicious
an amnia, She had been ailing for the
past two months, A buebaud and three
little children survive, who will share in
the sympathy of the entire community.
The funeral will take place on Saturday,
Mee, Denman was 31 years, 7 months and
5 days old.
A. 0. U. W.—Last Friday evening the
eentf•monthly meeting of the As 0. U.
W. was held and after the uaanl liminess
routine bad been gone through the follow-
ing interesting program was presented ;—
Reading on "Rev. Joseph Parker," by T.
Farrow ; violin solo by D, Ewan ; ad
dress on "Esop's Fables" by Rev, S. J,
Atha ; solo by Watson Ainley ; Sootah
reading by N. A. Oriel) ; speed] on
"Snakes" by Harry MoCrao ; recitation,
"Earth's last picture," W. H. MaCraolt.
en. Bro. Wiemer offered a few words
relative to hie removal from Breseele and
expressed his best wishes for the moons
of Brussels A. 0. U, W.
'lItll1CB 1IlIINiBe.
"Singing for Jesus," will be the Ep•
worth League topic next Sabbath even-
At Melville Endeavor next Sabbath
evening the subject will be "True Peni-
Reeds. S. J. Attie, R. Paul end W.
Norton and B. Gerry attended the special
Dietriot meeting held in Bluevale on
Tuesday. Rev. D. Rogers, of Bluevale,
was elected chairman for the balance of
the term of the late Rev. Mr. Ounning-
Rev. S. J. Attie will preach the third
sermon on "Tire life of Christ" next Sun-
day morning. The evening discourse
will be especially to young men. Topic,
"Joseph, the Prince Minister of Egypt,"
being number four iu the aeries of Old
Testament oharaotere,
"Ohrist as a pattern in Character and
Conduct," was the Rev. S. J. Allin's
topio last Sunday morning. 'Text, Luke
5.27. "Three epochs in the life of Jacob"
was the subject of the evening disoourse.
(1) Jacob in his youth; (2) Jacob's middle
age ; (3) Jacob's old age.
The Executive Oommittee of the Sab•
bath school and Endeavor Associations
will meet in Clinton on Good Friday to
arrange for the coming County Conven•
tion which will be held in Exeter next
June. Thos. Straoban, Mies Mary Ross
and W. H. Kerr are members.
Rev. Gee. Lounds, of Grand Valley,
formally junior pastor of the Methodist
ohuroh, Brussels, bas been unanimously
invited to become pastor of the George-
town church at the beginning of the next
Oonferenoe year. The rev. gentleman hes
accepted the invitation. He is a good
Last Sunday morning Rev. G. J. Abey
took for his text 1st Oor. 18:18, "And now
abideth Faith, Hope and Charity, these
three ; bot the greatest of these is
Charity." In the evening the following
worde were chosen : "So likewise shall
my Heavenly Father do Mao onto you if
ye from your hearts forgive not every-
one hie brother their trespasses," St.
Matt. 18:85.
At a meeting of the Heron Presbytery,
held at Clinton on Wednesday of )eat
week, the most important business trans-
acted was the consideration of the resig.
nation of Rev. Dr. McDonald, for over
twenty years the pastor of Student) Pres•
byterian ohurob, the second largest con-
gregation in Western Ontario. The
revereudelootor is one of the most popular
men in the oburob, mei the congregation
and Presbytery feel very sore to lose eo
valued a man. The rev. gentleman in•
tends making hie home in Detroit and
live the balance of his days retired.
Rev. John Rose preached o0 "The
Grandeur of the Heavenly Life," Rev.
22 ; 3-5, last Sabbath morning in Mel.
villa church. It will consist (1) Is its
steady progress in knowledge ; (2) In its
increasing elevation in service ; (5) In its
oeaeeleee advancement in growth ; (4) In
its ever inoroasing nearness to God ; (5)
In its never ending duration. "Self
Mastery" was dealt with in the evening,
(1) Ile nature ; (2) Its attainment ; (3) The
practical exoeroise of self ms-'tery4)
The reward, Next Sabbath morning the
subject will be "The way to the Heavenly
Life," and in the eveningqueetions which
may have arisen daring the course of ser.
mono on "Tided; to Come" will be an.
swayed by the pastor.
CornoLENOE.—Tse following resolution
wae adopted by the Presbytery of Mait-
land at its meeting at Tesewater, Mardi
70b, 1899. The Presbytery desires to
acknowledge the hand of God in the re.
moval of our beloved brother, the Rev.
John Ferguson, D, D., of Brueeele, He
labored faithfully and successfully for
many years es the pastor of one of our
leading congregations, Melville °hurob,
13rossele. Of late years he served Hie
Master no lees efficiently in Glengarry
and in Colorado, U. S. We would recog-
nize his exceptional ability and faithful-
ness and his consecration to the Lord's
aervioe. And we rejoice in the goodly
meaeone of suooeee with which the Lord
Drowned his laborers "He being dead yet
epeaketb," As a Court we deeply sym-
pathize with his family and friends in
this their time of bereavement, though
they do not sorrow "as those who have
no hope."
Business Locals,
Clover and Timothy seed at MoCrao•
Cum and Timothy seed,
Beaker & Venetone,
Two good working horns for sale at lot
27, con. 7, Morrie. WM. ASHTON. 83.
A few kegs of latae herring to exchange
for wood. Apply at Batlanbyne's grocery,
Ronald Fire Engine Werke wieh to
purehaes 100 to 200 oorde of wood, four
feet long—hard or soft—green or dry,
early delivery.
Joel reoeived large, stock, Boys' knee
pants all sizes from four years to fifteen
years old. A, R,Smith, Suooeseor to
Smith & McLaren. Oathand one prim
Wanted ---Bolter and Eggs, Trigbeeb
Prides, Cash or Trade Admittedly the
beet Pradane market hi Canada,
Cl. T?,, Kula, Wbrighatn.
S. B. finers] Were his residence for dale
or to rent, also I.lu•ne business sbande On
Turuberry deter )lent moderate, pos•
01 sseesion immediately.
A, 1t. 8311T11, enooeaeor to Smith &
McLaren, has just received this week,
direct from Belfast, Ireland, ono bale
linens, and will sell ab bhe tollowfng
prioee ; —Cee piece Loom Table Linen,
20o, per yard ;• 1 piece Tebie Linen, 40a.
per yard i 1 piece Table Linen 60o. per
yard ; 1 pine Bleached Table Linen,
605. par yard ; 1 piece best P00001) Clan -
tons, to town at 10u. per yard ; 1 pine
beet binek Canvass in town at 10o, par
yard. Cash and 1 price only. A. Be
Smith, obampiou clothier,
CLENNAN.—Io Morris, on March 17th, the
wife of 111r. Jae. J. °lenm a, of a son,
DRNNrSON.—On Thursday, 16th inst., the
wife of Mf. J. T. Dennison, of Mo.
Killop, of a daughter.
Hoon.—In Fordwiob, on Arnett 18th, the
wife of Mr. L. G. Hooey of a eon.
MAY,—La Atwood, on Feb. 2305, bhe wile
of Mr. Robb, May of a son.
LONOBWAY.-1n Atwood, on March 0th
the wife of Mr. Louie Longeway of a
BOLTON—POLLAIID. Ab the Methodist
personage, Walton, by Rev. A. 0.
Tiffin, on Wednesday, 52 ,d inst.,
Mr. 'rhos. Balton, of the loth on. of
MoK!Ilop, to Mise Florence, daughter
of Mr. Joshua Pollard, of the llth
non, of 14IoKillop.
DENtrtN.—In Bruesels, on Tbureday,
March 23rd, Alias Denbow, beloved
wife of Daniel Denman, aged 81
yens, 7 mouths and 5 days,
SAVAGE.—Is Ethel, on March 19th,
Louisa Ann Hogg, relict of the late
Henry Savage, aged 52 years, 7 mos,
and 26 days,
Govesnrrz —In Grey, on March 22nd,
John Jacob Gorealitz, aged 86 years,
10 menthe and 18 days.
—Av-m ioSo' 885+}7. _
MONDAY, MAnon 27Th — household
furniture, at Elenfryn Section House
Sale at 2 o'olook. T. 0 Whiting, prop.
F. 8. Scott, no.
TUESDAY, MARCH 28T1r.—Lot 11, Con.
14, MoKillop, farm stools, implemeute,
household furniture, &o. Sale, unreserv-
ed, at 1 o'olook. John MoLaughlin,
proprietor, F. S. Scott, auctioneer.
aR :Tse=TSS
Fall Wheat 82
Burley 40
Peas 09
Oats .. .. 28
Butter, tubs and rolls .. 13
Eggs per dozen 9
Flour per barrel 4 00
Potatoes (per bas.) 55
Hay per ton 6 00
Hides trimmed
Hides rough
Salt per bbl., retail
1 00
Sheep skirts, each .....• • 30
Lamb skins each 25
Hogs, Live 4 00
Dressed Hoge 5 00
Wool 16
Apples (per bag) 50
4 00
5 00
4 10
6 00
TORONTO, ONT., March 21,—Wheat—
White, 08o, and red at 07a West ; goose,
67o to O8o East ; No. 1 Manitoba hard,
North Bay, 800, and grinding in transit
82c, Flour dull ; straight roller in bar.
refs West $2,96 to $3. Mlllfeed firm at
516 to 510 for shorts, and $18 50 to 514
for bran West. Barley dull ; No. 1, 40o
West. Buokwheat steady, at 600 west.
Rye dull, at 65o East, Corn steady ;
Canada yellow, West, Iffic ; old American
ab 42*0, Toronto. Oats steady ; white
290 West. Peas steady ; care West, 85o
to 86o.
Toronto, Out , March 2L—Tho receipts
of cattle at the Western etook yards to•
day were represented by 64 loads, and
business was rather slow during the early
part of the day, The quality of the of-
ferings was fair, and prices in all lines
wero.gonerallyunchanged. Cables report
a firm market for cattle, both in London
and Liverpool, but shippers did not show
any anxiety to take the offerings. The
best export cattle are quoted as high as
50 per pound, but the majority of sales
were recorded around 45o per pound.
Light exporters are quoted ab 4}o per
pound For butchers' cattle there was a
better demand, and in some oases for an
exceptionally good animal die per pound
VMS gluon. The range was from 4o to 4;}o
per pound, with ordinary stook selling at
3*0 to 35o per pound. There was n fair
enquiry for stockers, and dealers are
quoting from 8,10 to 8flo per pound. In
the small mamba market there was a good
supply of sheep and lambs. Sheep are
quoted at from 30 to 8,}0 per pound ; for
ewes at 2*0 to 25e per pound. Lambs
are quoted at die bo 5o per pound. Oalves
are quoted at from 52 to 510 per head.
The hog market is steady. The receipts
were represented by about 1,700 head,
with prices unohanged, the best selections
selling at 4*c per pound, Milch sows,
eaoh $26 to $45. Export natio, per cwt.,
$475 to $0. Export cattle, light, 54.26
to 54 80. Butohere' cattle, choice, mete'
$4 to $4.60, Butchers' cattle, oommon,
owb., $8.50 bo 55.75. Stockers, per cwt.,
58,60 to 53.81. Sheep, per cwt., $2,60
to $8.50. Lambs, per owb;, 54 50 to $5.
Calves., per head, 52 to 510, Hoge—
Choice, per cwte $4,50 ; heavy, fat, per
cwt., 58.87i ; light, per owl., $8.12} ;
sows, per cwt„ 53,
Este Bu1'rALo, N. Y., March 21.—
Cattle—There were no fresh offerings to.
day, but with a fair inquiry the feeling
teas steady ; there were no oalvee on
sale ; nominal quotation for choice to ex.
tra, $0.75 to 57 1 good to choice, 50 bo 55.-
70. Shoop and lambs—The offerings
wore four loads ; the demand was fair,
and prion firm atyoaterday's close ;• choice
to extra were quotable gb 56.25 to 58,75 ;
good to oholoe, 56 to 56,25 ; sheep, choice
to extra, 56 to 55,25 ; good bo choice, 54,•
50 bo 55 ; all sold, and the close was
firm ; these prides are here considered
beyond the limits of safety, with probs.
bilibioa in favor of a good •sized dsoline by
the end of the week. Hogs—The offer -
fogs wero light -12 tootle ; the market
wee even for the bust part of the day, but
barely steady at the close, which was
lower ; heavy were quotable at $406 00
5410 ; medium, 54.05 to 54,10 ; Yorkers,
$4.05 ; pigs, 58.00 to $4 ; roughs, 58.80 to
58,80' ; stage, 52,50 to $2,76.
mMTA73LC:F3:F :U
CAPITAL PAID 110 (COs Million Dollard) • 51,000,000
RESERVE FUND . $000,000
Agencies in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, litanitota, United States id England.
A General Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes Discounted.
Drafts Iseuad and Collections made on all points,
Interest allowed on deposits of 51,00 and upwards.
Every facility afforded Customers liviug at a die tame.
ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Notice to Creditors.
Two Cows for sale, 1 in calf and the
gib or Faarow. Apply ab L't 20, Oon, 7, Grey,
or to MRS, ALEX, OONNON,Ethel P.O,
Two grade bulla for sale, one ],j years
old and the other 10 months, For further
iuforutatiou apply to (210010GE ROBB,
07.tf Brussels,
i. DEnsiGNED has bad 010,000 placed in
his hands to loan on mortgage, farm eeour.
ity. PaymentApply to 02,. borrowers09, Brussels.
are Machin, Organ or Piano oats be
supplied byapplying to me for I am not out
of the busiess as some have tried to report.
I will deal with you es reasonable as any,
28- T. M0 ORE, Bru sae's.
on MI11 street, Brussels. The house
is a comfortable one, wen fitted up, with
sellar, hard and eofb water, &o, There is
also a good stable. Fruit trees in garden :
over ono•quarber acre of land. For price,
torme, &a„ apply to B. FINN, Proprietor,
or W. H. IMERE, of TSE PosT, 16.01
Splendid Bleck Stallion, "Dexter Re.
Yonne," stands lei bands high and weighs
1,900. Sired by Royal Revenge," out of
"Old Olear Grit.' Sure foal getter, For full
b¢rtionlars apply to JOBN HOLLINGER,
Lot 10, ion. 0, Grey. Bsuseels P. 0.
Tenders Wanted
Tenders will be received by the under-
signed up to 12 o'olook, anon on April lst, for
the oreotion of a new School House at Lot
10, Oon, 6, Soh col Election No. 0, Gray. Plans
and specifications may be Been at Jobn Bate -
man's, Lot 15, Oon, 0, Grey.
ROBT, MO2AY, Seo: Tress, Ethel P. O.
Dissolution of Partnership,
Notice is heleby given that the partner.
ship heretofore existing betweou the ander.
saguedunder.the firm name of Smith C Me -
Laren, is dissolved, dating from March 1st,
1800. All claims against the said firm will
be paid by A. R. Smith, who will also colloot
all assets of the said firm.
Dated at Brussels this 10th day of March,
WitnessGEO. N. MaLAREN,
In the Suerogate Court of the County of
Huron, in the matter of the estate of
John McDougall, late of the Village
of Brussels, in the County of Huron,
Gentleman, deceased.
Notice is hereb y given pursuant In Revis-
ed StnbubesofOntario, HO, Soc. 38, that all
oredltors and atboes having any claims
agaloot the estate of John McDougall, luta of
the Village of Brussels, in the County 0f
Huron, gentleman, deceased, who died on or
about the 20 Ili day of February, A.U. 1809, at
the said Village of Brussels, oro hereby IV-
5 rl sd to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver
to G.11'. Blair, of the Village of Brussels, sot -
tenor for F. G. Scott, of the Village of Antis -
a010, and Archibald Lamont, of tbe Town-
Sltfp of Grey, in the said County of Huron,
the Executors of the said estate, on orbe.
fore the Seventh day of April, 0.1)..1809, their
full names, addresses aaa descriptions, and
the fall partioulare of their claims, sad the
nature of the securities (if auy) held by thew.
And n0030 113 further given that after the
stud laps mentioned date the said Exaoabors
will proceed to distribute the assets of the
said deoeasod among the parsons entitled
thereto, having regard only to the claims of
which notice shall have been given as above
required, and the said Executors will not be
responsible for the assets or any part there•
of, so distributed to any person of whose
claim notloe shall not have boon received at
the timopf such distribution.
G. F, 1LA110, Brussels Out.,
27-8 Solicitor Inc' Executors,
Dated at Brussels, March 18,1890.
Notice to Creditors.
In the Surrogate Court of the County of
Huron, in the matter of the estate of
Robert Shortreed, late of the Town-
ship of Morris, in the Oounty of
Huron, farmer, deceased.
Notice is hereby given nureuant to Revie •
ed Statutes of Ontario, 1808, Seo, 88, that all
creditors and others having any claims
against the estate of Robert Shortreed, late
of the Township of Morrie, in the County of
Huron, farmor, cleansed, who died on or
about the Oslo day of February, A. D„ 1800,
in the said Township of Morrie, are hereby
required to send by post, prepaid, or to de•
layer to G. F, Blair, 01 the Village of Brus-
sels, ecliaitor for George ,Tackoon and Neil
McDonald, of the Township of Morris, In the
said County of Huron, the Executors of the
said estate, ou or before the Seventh clay of
April, A.D., 1899, their full names, address es
and descriptions, and the full particulars of
their claims, and the nature of the securities
(if any) 1,101d by them, And notice is hereby
given that after the said last mentioned
date the said Executors will proceed to dis-
tribute the assets of the said deceased.
among the persons entitled thereto having
regard only to the claims of wllroil notice
shall have been gtveu as above required, and
the said lexsoutors will not be responsible
for the assets or any part thereof, so dletrib-
sited to any person of whose claim notice
shall not have been received at the time of
such distribution.
G.F. BLAIR, Brussels, Ont.,
Solicitor for ]executors.
Dated at Brussels, March 18, 1800.
raper Again.
now quickly the nations come and
go but we ere always readyfor them.
Our new stook of Wall Paper is ali in and
when we say Limb it is not only the flneet
range but also the very beet values we
have ever shown we mean exactly what
we Bay. Drop in and see if this is not
Fax's Drug Store.
Cit200 00 WILL PURCHASE 10
111) acres, the South Nast corner Lot 25,
Oon. 7, Morris. Frame house, stable nun or.
chard, Icor further particulars apply to B.
GERRY, Brussels. 004
VI SALA. Lot 19, Oon. n, troy, 12 foot of
it touches the river. Imurorliate possession.
Far price, term e, 50„ apply to
19- 'PHOS. 0100100, Brueeo's,
dersigued offers his farm, Wost Half
Lot No, 10, Con. A, Groy, containing 50 acres,
more or less. For particulars as to price
and terms apply to
Brueeele P. 0, on the promises,
The undersigned offer two 100 ,,m•e
farms for sale at reasonable prioee. Tho lots
aro Nos. 10 and 11, Con. 0 (Buuehiurd, the
eideroad between thorn. Good briar house
nod barn ou lot 11, and house and 2 barns ou
lot 10. Orchards and all necessary conven-
ionoes. Well watered and suitable for grain
or grazing. 100 acres Dow iu grass,Willbe
sold er• 9or togetherto suit pur.
chaser. Terms of payment reasonable,
mediate possession, 2or fnrtbor particulars
apply to JOSEPH 0L10GG, Brnseelx P, 0,, or
E.L. DIOXIN BON, Barrister, Wiugham. Itt
Have recently taken good situations and
four positions remain unfilled. The very
beet business firms throughout the Donn•
try employ our graduates. In fair oom-
petition our graduates are nearly always
ohoeen. Our business course is filled with
pentium! pointe. We tench real business
—no imitation or nonsense. Our Short -
baud Course is in charge of experts.
t=tt-Enter now. Cheaters free.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Successor to
Terms Cash, and One Price Only.
r,,tiw -(
,.. es
There is nothing so good as forethought—It's a sign of thrift and good
management. It is almost a necessity to prosperity. Some nations practice it—they
win in war. Some governments practice it—they win in diplomacy. Some people
practice it—they are the prosperous people, we all know them. We can daily point out
dozens of them buying what they know they will want and can get better at the present
moment than later on when crowds are thicker and all bent on the same errand.
Dress Goods,
Shirtings and Denims
You will thank us heartily for urging you to make your purchases as early as pos-
sible this season in particular, for every species of Dry Goods is rising rapidly in price.
—N E5' OAR �l�•� •
There is a complete stock to pick from at different prices from 12- ,'�c. to $1.10er
yard. There are some exquisite designs in wool in what is known as the 3 -ply Carpet.
The wool is long and strong. They will wear splendidly.
We are proud of our Dress Goods Stook. The colors are Browns, Fawns, Greens,
Greys, Blues and a good stock of Priestly's Black Dress Goods,
Vt�. 11 f
F i
00 ,� r.,,• :,.,, • i" ,•f t Irtts�
Terms Cash and One Price Only,