The Brussels Post, 1899-3-24, Page 7MA twit 24., 113111?. TRE BRUSSELS POST. 7 era-..�-.,-+..,•..�r. `MONARCHS OUR OP A JOB. LIST ori YAS,TIES WHO ARE LOOK IN VO RMPI0'I&LENT, ateei'd /or t er ,',l Annotation That De - pelt ed e-pelted 1'. *vn d HNI(Is of Pomp ilnd Power 'e0 :ape ff7 I1 Not Relinquish filo Claim 10 I'll pit[ Mel es,, 'fine(' are at present no loss than 40 mouurclla wanllerinte about the world out of regal employment. The thief cause is the annexation of their kingihentt by more lnnverful nteighbur,", .Thus Sardinia lute e,wullowad 11 of its weaker brethien- [lenoa, Lombardy, #L'w03any, ;lesslna and Carrara, Mad - one, Parma, Piombinct, Van;ca, Lhe Two Sloilles and the Papal Slates -and then ' in trying to swallow Italy got swal- lowed itself, and is now merely a pro - Von of tha "Iiingdtaut of ilttly," Prussia mimes next with regard to European subjects, having deprived five rulers or their kingdoms, Rut all save one -Leo. XIII. -of these deposed !monarchs have abdicated their rigitia and settled dclwn quietly in outer countries, and ]laving married the ;younger daughters of the reigning 'sovereignly prom red LUCRATIVel SINECURES. 'In !bele father -in-laws' governments or household retiuuee, The Papal States were taken from the Pape in 1870, and he has since periodically protested, end will under no consideration publicly relinquish his claim to the throne of the same. His example has been followed by the majority of the other unemployed anunarehs, only in some cases they are thwarting each other in their efforts to regain their departed glories. Thus, it the french nation ever fires of a republic, it will have to choose between .five royal claimants, each of whose ititles is as valid as the others. The FIVE UNCROWNED RULERS 'Are, in this case, Louis and Philip 'Bonaparte, le Due d'Orleaus, the Em- press .Eugenio, and .Con Carlos, of Spanish renown, who lays claim to the Spanish throne under the title of Don Carlos VII., and to the French as Charles XIII. Philip Bonaparte and Don Carlos are perhaps the most disquieting royal claimants in the world. Although Philip Bonaparte is the younger bro- ther of Louis, and therefore not the rightful heir, the greater number of Lhe Borinparlists have decided to fol- low him, as he is the more capable and energetic man. ills is still in the primo of life, and is at present col- lecting funds with a view to a coup d'etat. anent the 'tneyltts scandal. Don Carlos, however, is at present directing all bis attention to Spanish affairs, ells pause in Spain is, in fact, WINNING NEW ADHERENTS Every hour, and it may not be long be- fore he leaves the great army of the un- employed. On the other band, Princess Mary Theresa of Bavaria, who is the Stuart, claimant to the English crown, has practically abdicated her right to the same, and is living quietly with 'her husband, the Prince Regent of !Bavaria, at Munich. And the same 'applies to Queen Caroline of Sweden, Arho has found plenty of work to do as Queen of Saxony. Englund bas only deposed one sover- eign in Europe with a view to annex- ing bis kingdom, namely, Jean Bap - taste Ceschi, of Malta -though she has swallowed the kingdoms of some 90 !Incline potentates. 8011, as she has always been careful to look after them financially, they are not very sore over their depositions. Russia has swallowed three countries -Poland, Georgia, and Mingrelia- and as she has not followed :England's 'lead in making them reparation, the ':rulers are always plotting against her always at a distance. The United 'States have Laken Hawaii, thus deprive ling a Queen of her means of liveli- hood. And France has Savoy anti Mad- agascar in her pocket, and finds them quite sufficient. Two thrones were taken by foreign ;monarchs, as no legal rulers were forthcoming -the Eastern Empire an- nexed to Turkey in 1843, and the Holy Roman Empire taken over by Ger- many in 18(16. But as neither is any- thing but a very high-sounding title, 'no one envies the possessors. PRINCE AND JEHU. Alexander or Oldenbourg Celnpelled to Puy rat' pia Carriage Hire. The young Prince Alexander of Ol- denbourg is evidently a gay youth, He hired a carriage in Vienna a few weeks ago, agreeing to pay for it by the month, but when the bill, amount- ing to 800 florins, was presented to him a few days ago, he declined to pay it, for the very valid reason that he hurl not a cent. Thereupon the indignant john sum - mantel him to court a d es explained that n p the carriage had been treed daily by Prince Alexander. and a youngwoman who makes her living by singing at a cute aoucert. The young Prince put In no defames, but his guardians, one of wbam is the Prince of Hesse, and of the Rhine, maintained that being a miuor, c old not be legally eun ell- eIto pay the bill, The judges, however, were of It dif- ferent opinion, and they promptly lo- cidel tehns favour, Their xesons were, first "because the Prince of 01- itenbau0g is it read prince and 001. an ordinary u v 101 tan,' and, rtocohcl, " bo- I cause if this h s vaso were decided in his favor coat:Innen would in futerc be compelled to n k all youthful looking g esteems who might desiro lo ride in their carriages whether they were of, tge or not, and to be obliged to rill enols a pweslion would certainly be eonoying' ONTARIO'S BIRTH-RATE4 pet - LOWER THAN THOSE OF MOST EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. The Hal loltnle Also l,ilybt--Aanoint Report 01' the Itt'gleti'ar.Cerlernl, Or, Bryce - Aaalo•Suxona Should) be Store Pruden, lire, Dr, P. Ii, Dryec'a report relating to the registration of births, marriages, and deaths, in the Province of Ontario, bas recently been issued. The report is one of the moat valuable ever print- ed on the subjeot, and the returns are the most complete in the history of the province. The population of the pro- vince on Dee. 31st, 1807 is estimated at 2,289.182. The total birtbs returned is 47,328, and the total deaths 27,093, the dif- ference ieference giving an actual increase over 1890 of 10,690, This inerease, added to the assumed population of 2,283,492 in 1896, gives a population of 2,283,182, or an increase praotioally of one per eent. of population during the year. The following returns relating to both immigration and emigration are given :- According to the report of the Min- ister of the Interior for 1897 the total immigrants arriving by ocean steamers in Canada was us L7,209. Of these 19,504 had Canada as their destination, 9,709 of them settling in Manitoba, tbeNorth West Territories, and British Columbia, leaving 0,590 for distribution to the other provinces. Making allowance for the emigration to the North-West of 455 settlers, and assuming half of the 9,140 immigrants to have come to Ontario, there was an increase of 4,570. The returns are almost complete, ac- cording scording to the doctor's estimate, ex- cept in the pities, where the registra- tion only represents about one-fifth of the actual birth rate. Pl11tCENTAGE 01' INCREASES. As compared with 1895, it will be seen from the previous tables that the several increases are:- Beebe, re: lJirtbe, ii,eue, ma per cent., or a total rate of 20.6 per 1,100; marriages, 1,306, 9.2 per cent., er u total rate of 0.7 per 1,000; deaths, 5,172, 23.0 per cent., or a total rate of 12.2 par 1,000. Total, 12,173, or 15.9 per cent. Most valuable tables are published showing the movement of the impute - tion from the older settled countries to the newer portions of the province. The following figures show the popu- lation of Ontario in different years: - 1840 . . . , . . 427,441 18.1 .. . . . 405,957 486,055 18.18 . . . . . 729,322 181851 . ' r 952,004 1071 . , . . . . . 1,396,091 1881 . • 1,020,851 . . . . 1,02a,228 1891 . 2,114,921 1897 . . . . . 2,283,182 There is a detailed discussion on the subject of birth rate, and the conclus- ions reached are as follows: Assuming then, that it is proper to draw such inferences as may fairly be made from these statistics, it must be acknowledged with regret that, after making every allowance for defects in the returns of births in Ontario, the conclusion some inevitable that the birth rate in Ontario is sower than un- der normal conditions, such as, with the increase of population generally, it should be. ONTARIO AND TIIE WORLD. The following table would seem to illustrate the above, 11 shows the birth rates and death rates in different countries and states per 1,000 popu- lation :- Nat- ural Births. Deaths. Inc. P. 0, .Countries. United Kingdom, England and Wales, , 1896 ... ............ 29.7 17.1 1.26 Scotland, 1890 ,., ... 30.8 10.9 1,39 Ireland, 1896 . 213.6 10.6 .70 Denmark, 1896 ..,, 50.5 15.7 1.18 Norway, 1896 ... 50,4 15.2 1,52 Austria, 1890 ... ,,. 38.0 26.4 1,16 Hungary, 1890 ,,.... 40.5 28.8 1.17 Switzerland, 1890 ,,. 29.0 18.8 1,02 German Empire, 1890.. ,...,, 86,3 20,8 1,55 Prussia, 1806 .,. ., 37.0. 20.8 1.62 Belgium, 1896 20,0 17.5 1,15 France, 1896 ,,. ,., 22.7 24.2 ,25 Italy, 1896 ... ,,. ,,. 35,0 24,2 1,08 Canada, Ontario, 1897 ,., 20.9 12.2 .87 Quebec, 1896 ... ... 88.57 20.05 1.852 United States. Maine, 1890 .. 22.28 16.07 .6111 Connecticut, 1897 24.9 17,5 .74 New Hampshire, 1897 ...... ,. ,.. 22.4 18,04 .436 Massachusetts, 1896 ,,, 27.0 19.0 .88 Vermont, 1896 .,, .., 21.2 10.5 .47 Rhode Inland, 1896 25,7 19.6 81 Remembering the remarkably low death rate, whio.h we have reason to believe is nearly correct, it appears that, compared with the New Eng- land States, the increase is satisftlstory and indeed most satisfactory, when it 18 remembered that all of these have within recent years received great ac- cessions scessions to the faotory papulation of Frenc_ nnadtane, whose feoun i ty is illustrated by the statistics of the Province of Quebec. It is apparent, however, that: the rate of increase 10 notably less than in almost all Euro- pean countries, although the marriage rate is an average one, The tables demonstrate, however, that Ontario has a Smaller death rate any other district in than 1 the world, w , ANGLO-SAXONS BBWA1N1I. The report cen'luros the dissemina- tionr 1 a of ache L aemenL, ofreveuti e medicines through the newspapers and the mails, and ddde:-"What is still more remarkable is that the State licenses n s h t e- i a n.sa us and allows Ole dr'u tat to arr' on traffic nth- 0 a W g'gY ant let or hindrance in every form of nostrum and tnechantoa.i appliance, hl vlng for their end such prevonti ons Physicians, too, are nppronched, and it is feared many lit times accede to the petitions of their clients to undo what nature line assorted is a logical out- come of her laws. 17.1 1.21 "I1 is manifested, tberefor'e, that 12 the Anglo-eaxon race ha to Iu1fi1 Sts destiny inc the A.meriean continent, and play 1110 dominant part over inferior races in the March of progress, the ex- ponents of its assumed superiority will have to preach u gospel of patl'otlom to wltieb to -day (boy seem singularly blind. Social degereney bas always meant social decay, and itis the eine- plo and moral citizens of to -day who will hold the supre7naey 1o•111o1•row. The matter is one which ought to be of the bighted int'er'est and 'Importance to the teachers and exponents of veleta murals; although there may be seen in some directions a outgoes ano- maly, weereby those who annett fy marriage and hold its rescenui1111Liee Inviolable, temple at limaefall to crnn- ;wehand that the duty et protecting human life postenatal is at least as incumbent upon us as when pre -natal," COMPLETELY PROSTRATED. A Quebec Farmer 'Vella now Me WON ole. Stored From A(moat Madeline Suffering l0 Complete Meail/. Mr. Wm. Goodard, a well known fanner living near Knowlton, Que., says: -"A few years ago my health gnveway and 1 was completely pros - tented. The least exertion would use me up and make it difficult for me to breathe. I suffered from headaches, had no appetite, and fell off in weight until I was reduced to 130 pounds. Finally I grew so find that I wale forced to ]seep my bed, and remained there for several ex 1 months. I was under the care of a good doctor, but he did not Seem to help me. One day a friend argot nth to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and 1 procured two boxes, When I had finished them I could not see much improvement and would have stopped takiag thorn hut for the urg- ing of my friend, who said .that in my condition I could not expect to see im- mediate results, 1 continued taking the pills, and by the time I had taken a couple more boxes there was no doubt that they wore helping me, and it need - eel no further persuasion to indium me to continue them. In the coarse of a few months I not only regained my health, but increased in weight fifty pounds. These results certainly justify the faith I have in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and 1 strongly urge those who are weak and broken clown to give them at fair trial." More weak and ailing people have been made strong, active and ener- getic by wring Dr. Williams' Pink Pills time by any other means. They fill the veins with new, vigorous blood, and Strengthen every nerve in the body. Sold by all dealers at 60 cents a box, or six boxes for 52.50, or sent by mail by addressing the Dr. Williams' 9i'edieine Co., Brockville, Ont. WEBS OF MEMORY. " Mildred!" It was the young wife's name wbioh was called, tend the husband was sit- ting in the cozy front parlor of -their happy little borne, reading by the soft light of the flickering gas burner, and resting his slipperod feet upon the burnished brass fender in front of a glowing fire of rosy embers. Slilclred 1" he called again, as wnen a lover he Wreathed ber name, the sweetest in all the world to him. But there was no answer, " Ah I" he murmured, " the dear girl dice net hear ber husband's voice," and he lay back in his chair and watched the blue flames dance in and oat among the sparkling coals. At such a time memory weaves cunning webs of soft- ened colors and sweet designs, and the young husband's thoughts flew back- ward and forward in the loom of the past Three years ago he ha.d been a moth- er's petted darling, with no wish un- gratified, no comfort neglected, no luxury forgotten. Yet he felt with- in his heart a tender longing, an empty void, which so far in his happy life had remained unfilled. Mildred Ray came, and the mother's heart knew that tee wife was greater than tin moth- er. A year passed and Mildred was his wife. Gentle, loving, beautiful, be took her to their new boron, and for two years she had filled his mother's place, and made his home a beautiful ideal, a four -walled paradise upon earth, yet far above it. He was serene- ly happy and peacefully comfortable. Mildred had given him her thought, her energy, her time, her endeavor' - and he was at rest. He awoke from his reverie with a start, " Mildred 1' he celled. No answer. He became alarmed. Was it, then, all a dream 7 And was be to be rude- ly awakened! Alas, for the mutability of human affair's. Mildred l' be nailed for the fourth time. ' Yes, Henry," came the sweet -voiced answer from a sofa in the corner. " 0h I" be said, in a tone of relief, " Are you there, darling!" "Yee, hubbie mine." "Well, love, the Gee is going out won't you go and get some more coal 4" Not much, petey 1 I've bean doing the loving -wife slave business long en- ough, and if yon want any more coal you'll have to get it yourself I" Mildred's memory had been weaving a Cow webs itself while that fire eves slowly getting cold. A MODERN CEIISO0, The Neues Wiener Tagblatt, pub- lishes a sensational report concerning the missing Archduke John, who took the name of John Orth, and was generally believed to havebeen lost in the be wreck of the Santa Marg _heri:ta e coast; 0 f off th o South ewth America. The wreck of this vessel was reliantly a ntl dented and now it is y v asserted tbat the Ai'ohduke never was wrecked, and that be is living on a remote island I the Souther P ei- In n a fie hero a is ore i 4 T h a n out Aa far Y g es possible the customs and ,practices obinson 'Cruses, A Croatian of R ai n sell - 0 r bis former coxswain acts as his ' man I'rlday. If this report proves true the Archduke's velatives will en - clover to reclaim him to Lueopeen eiviliaation, "Great Haste Is Not Always Good Speed." Many people trust to luc4 to pull them through, and are often disappointed. ,Do not dilly-dally in matters of health. With it you can accomplish miracles, With- out it you are ' ` no good." Keep the liver, kidneys, bowels end blood healthy by Omen of Hood's Bar- %%parilla, the faultless blood purifier. Dyepepelo-" I know a positive relief Ior dyspepsia and that is flood's Sarsapa- rilla. 1t cured me. My neuralgia also stepped." W. E. BALDWIN, 119 Oak Street, 111nattamtan, New York. Tired Feeing - " My appetite wet capricious, ray liver disordered and 1 was tired. Moodie Sarsaparilla relieved it all. It eared a friend of mew of female WAR- DEN," MRS, JENNE A. MEARES, Clayton, Del. Nnod's 1111, corn Inver 111e; the non•Irrlteting and only eathartlo' totulle Oili, need's 8ar,e mints, DETECTING /'LAWS IN METAL. To (Jetted hidden cracks upening from the surface of metals, the Rurfact> is first =oleioneat wit b kerosene and le then dried off with a cloth. It le than coaled with chalk. After alit tle while the oil works out of the little cracks and stains the Wasik. A sort of diagram of the hidden fissures and delents is thus produced. Some Plain Questions. Have you eatarrh 0 hove you offen- sive breath? Have you bronchitis? Have you alight symptoms of aansumpl.ion P Then Send for a free sample of flatarrhozone. What is ca.tarr'hozone8 Not a snuff, wash nor ointment, but an odorous gas, which is carried by stir directly to the disoaeed parte. It penetrates wherever air can go, and never fails to cure. We do not ask you to believe this until you have test- ed it for yourself, Send for s trial bottle. gratis to N. C. POLSON & CO., Kingston, Ont. It is hard to convince the father of twins that two heads aro better than one. For Oyer P111, Yenr$ MRS. WINSLOW'S SOCT}INO 57017)' hue bee. 1mo,1 LyY 1o0hem tar their nhll ret tetdhfog. 11 soothes ho e101d, nooses the guns, allays ill pato. 'wee 'rind toile, and l+ the best remedy (Or d6l milieu, 25, a he- mi a and 055 15r by I' 54,. W droning Soothing Syruhout the p" Be USE Or: EGGS. Calico print works use 40,000,000 doz- Every time an actress makes tt en eggs per year, wine clarifiers use farewell tour she usually does fare 10,000,000 dozen, the pbotographers well. and other industries use many me - i• lions, and these demands n ease more rapidly than table demands. lotus Panne for sato, 12 Dor aero aaEh, 5,1- aeco d prop until paid. J. Mulhall, Sioux City, Ie. Valentines make us see ourselves as others see us. Many people suffer with catarrh un- til it becomes chronic, because they do not know how easily it may be cured. Ten days' free trial treatment ought to be convincing. Send fifteen cents to cover post of mailing outfit. Dr. Ray's Successful Remedy Co., Toronto. THL' IMPORTANOf7 OF WATER IN Treat a dog kindly, and he will MANURING, not desert you viten your money 18 gone. Mizell interest attaches td the sub- ject "Manure and Manuring" discuss- ed by Mr. T. C. Wallace at Farmers' Institute meetings the past winter. He brought out many points not general- ly considered. A very unique one was the importance of the gravity water to manuring -this is the free water so abundant In cur soils during the fa), winter and very early spring. The soil is almost afloat in it, and so freezes up pretty solidly. When the frost comes out the earth is so lossen- ed that by a sort of polarization the particles and atoms 01 soil and applied manures move about and coining to- gether form contact combinations,) and so the foundation of plant food is pre- pared. 'Che dung of the manure being very fine is thus much more perfectly distributed khan by machine work. this he calls using one of nature aids in our work and both sav- ing labor and getting the work more perfectly done. This is Perhaps some people ask you foolish possibly also the reason that in his questions because they think they are business Mr. Wallace, so strenuously the only kind you can answer. urged the use of Thomas -Phosphate Powder in the fall, winter' and early spring months. H'e explained with TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY • Take Imrative Brehm Ituiuh,c T,Ibluta Ail Drug. gine refued ole money it it fails 1,3 cure, 155, Ail persons are born happy, but in order to continue so to the end tbey mutat die young. La Toscana, i0o. g;OJORY,Mnutre Il. There's one I:hing we admire about a song bird; it never attempts to sing a pine beyond its ability. Used Everywhere, Sold Everywhere. ESSI Lead pacicuges, Avoid Substitutes, CEYLON TEA. 25, 30, 4.0, so & Goo, onboy's Improved arriage Tops RECEIVED THE RICHEST AWA011 AT THD WORLO'9 FAIR teed. Oonboyy''ePatent Roller Tops have mol wl curb universal tuvorth5tnth or in anafaott( ere are now making Interio` r imitations an gelling them on tn reputation utation th e (onbo Tope have made, Do nob b0 hoodwinkedh a7Y person who reOOmmand. an inferior make to bejust as good. tectal ekiib0t1workce n aan mak ftl ropep' When you order your Buggy. 0tlpeielp with your oarrlago builder that it le to have a genuine Oonboy Roller Toe, es im1Letlun aro Meier nE 600.11. r FREE,�s a Wo giro file bcautu,d negvy Gold Plated Chem Bracelet la a dainty plush•lln . 51040 for selling. 15 of our Fine Linen Pull -sized Doylies at 10o. eaoh Late t am n1d prettiest designs ; no two alike, Write, and we send doylies, postpaid, and On big Premium Liet. Nell them, return us 81.$0 and we at once forward your bracelet free. Liber eommitelono! preferred. Unsold Doyliesreturnable. JtPIDOYLY 00. DEPT. T ._.a 1 TOM'S RETURNS IM ONE WEEK. We want good nutter, Eggs, Poultry, stn. Ship to us, nod you will Lava your oksh In a week or Lose. THE AIK1NH IEA D PRODUCE. 00„ 88 Front SC, 1C., Toronto. Stammerer Every eramme,m 61190en anti will talk 11 they rifleome and try. 1 n,, spent SO years' study on this distressing 1o011. Come and satiety yourselves, Noriek. W. 1(. BATE, Speciellst, 992 College 94., Toronto, Skin Diseases Allk nds0urnaor money refunded. De. RmnoadsAir tlecptle Ymnadr, roi by moil. write Prot. Leconn, Pharme0lat, O70 Omig Se., MoaEren4 LA Mills, Mills de Hales Bsrrintore,eta., removed to WoxlayoldgBo„ R1oh. mond St. Mr.. Toronto. IF sons 0000 OO,liPptOs, 501710, 1005 er500I,T5i1 to gide, ante them to The IIaW1oq Commission Co., Lillfited, 'rosros,s4o. fig cite.Deft.slllagarElcleontho-sr Wanted kat. Ea110 eao1,oWre, tow tory ev4 Loire. Excluelvefor a der ROWELL [: BURY. • Chicago end Montreal';' R 00 F I N C and Sheet Metal work:: BODYING SLATS, In Blsa r Rad or Oreo pp.. SLAT. BLAO BO RDS a same Puklio and High aohoo a Toronto). Roo us Felt, Pito5 Ooel Tar, to ROOFIl14G TILE Oita 1�Tfew Clip Build ins,, Toro to done b nun 000), 5alal Oelllu a, 110 mate,eto. Eeltmatoe /ar pahed fol work try. Phone', ort materldnhlppedto oar rlottho.00.47, Phenol' ,OUTHII80003, Adelaide 1'Wldmsr8rte,,TaraDtt,1 tiYaa(ar Splaalc -', Card qtr NcaiSloo Ca81OC Germania OU Co., 134 lay St., 700011ie, MacI11N DYaamo much clearness the action of (metier, Catarrh Cannot be Cured ity and the hydroscopic water in the with LOCAL APPLICATIONS me , en titer can' f reach the wwt st tba didonse. Catarrh to a s011. blood or genet!al distaste, and in order to mire it you meat01 take internal remedial,. Hill's HAVING IT UNDERSTOOD. Catarrh Cure ie taken internally, and acts dl• rectlyen the blood and mucous surfaces. Hairs Mistress -And remember, Mary 1 Catarrh Oaoo In tet a quack medle4e. It 1050 prescribed by ear of the Meet regular l one in Lite eeuntryy lir sear., and 1e a et tonics proecrlp- (Sos. JE fe revere/lea of lbs boot tetfss hnoun, ae 8Uod 0,160 the 1,en1 bleed pevlaer0.-aotinq directly ea the mucous surfaces. 'the portent combination of the two 1oBrodien4, be what pprodueeo snob woodert01 results in curing ie5e r5. Seed for tosttrs.nlalq teen, F. J. C1i4NE7 ➢c CO., Toledo, 0. geld b7 Druggists. price 760. linll'n Yemen,' Pills aro the boot. W. P. 11. 983 never allow my girls to entertain their beaux in the kitchen. New Servant -Very well, ma'am. Whet nights does your daughter use the parlor 0 FROM FAR KENO, Comes a Story Of Disease Banished by Dodd's Kidney Pills. )11r. Thomas 1,. Mebbo Cared of Aldine 191oeese, Anger Various Metllcine/I Rad Seen Tried nod Had Palled -15 d,4's Yldg°F PILO )Lade Ulm Well. Kenlis, P. 0., N.W.T.-Leen to this remote point in our great Dominion, the fame of Dodd's Kidney Pills has penetrated, pain and suffering have been driven out, and health and hap- pineas have been given in their stead, by this grand medicine, Mr. Thomas L. Hubbs, owner and oc- cupant of Section 28, Township 19, Range 11, mat with a severe accident about a year ago. He was thrown out of hie wagon, and among the injuries he sustained was a very severe strain of the Kidneys. • Soon after his misbnp, his kidneys be - gen to make manifest the fact that they were unable to do their work properly. a Severe, stabbing pains darted across the small of his bank, and a dull, terrible ache in his loins, kept him in continual agony. Various remedies were used, but none gave any relief. The pains seemf- ed to grow worse, andi bearing of the wondrfut efficacy of Dodd's Kidney Pills, he decided to try wbat 'th'ey would do for him. ,Ile bought a box, and began taking the pills, going strictly according to the directions. .judge, of his delight, when, in a few days, he began to 'feel better. Day by day, the improvement grew more marked, until when he had taken ell the pills he was "Sound as bell," and not a trace of his old troue iiia remained. Mr. Ilnbbs in writing of his ease, Saye: " I live in the municipality of Indian Head and ell who know me can vouob' for the truth of this state- ment." Where Dodd's Kidney Pipe are used, Kidney Disease cannot exist. It is driven out swiftly and promptly, nev- er ever to return. t _apit4vee, CAL tl ER 'S Carbolic Dlelnfeotcr,ts. Moape, *Int. mane, Tooth Powders, eta., have boon awarded los modals sad diploma. for superior excellence. Their regular one proven, 101,01. OM dieAsk your dealer to obtain a supply. Lisle mailed free on application. F. C. CALVERT Al CO., RNA MOHSOTOR, . - RA16LAND, The Wonders of Hypnot:sm rent Ireo 1 ort(.' the key to ell secret power ; riub(p Illus- treted b7 Y! uperb photo eocrs,Inex,I anyledy 010 learn and exert a made luaue0ce over others, cure die - eases and bed babas she the anent parlor entertainment ��vv r witcoased: w11ta toddy : enulooe ntemp, 21"10004 inrbllabing Co., Dept 55, anA vebr, N. Y. r irate/, 1519 Madigan Ave., N.,r York 0147, tonlon Pompey grit Is the best digester in the market LATTRENT AN SAND 4, 0011 VRL Co., Montreal. MONTREAL the " Balmoral," Free Bus tin.lbl p CUTTING SCHOOL-rannre .lid Dress. aloguo, C. d: 0. 1051004, CU ,,tiM eetreal 6. Rhol69rJ9at'iadta—Cureaseured in 94 hmt% on receipt 01$1. 01, 5017)117,i1',Optce 81t6,Dan6mpl! ciharn Iola RVAFORA3'o55 FOIL MAPLE C' 40RAP. Oataiogna 0.yl, 3110150 3400. 00„ Mrute.el, "BEAVER BRAND Maohintoeh ever hardeun Ale guarantied Water. trbetioa7utWam eRu r alhng O, l4ure, 1*.A10A0lr 5A511130 -•few Importations noon SWIM va Mew owl Amerlo n Hogg Ouei`ng�4-relieble goo& at *AI intern Dahl& BLACKWELT.5t CO., Toronto. TORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL. Write for spnatal terms Burin January and Pobrnary. S, 0ORRIQAN. 118 ]oligo 8b. 31"a'01, 0isxrw'slo�wr AGM 0A7'ALon, 0 rs1CS 111 IU 0. H. QRIM Mfg, loo, Montreal, , g ll p Especially those St a� 1 ePrnerp Setahnrevin,. whore, write l0 Har who Ili oou,l0000n/Seen n0r..b Or. Arent, Ila, N D Y_ pt -d- 714te/ditgleit, eivid vie 047 dtee,,t, 4,,Az Pr WHITE'S Thr hnht, esdyhapu CURES min/nit mi Laid heads, neog mailed free. Whileb New Hair Groner C,4, (lineage and Montreal. CARD INDEX... The only perfect system for keep. new. and addreeseo, taip Sample tray .0401 • The Ogles Specialty Mfg. 00., Limited, 421 end 124 Bey IR., Toronto. Suntory: Newmarket. New T 0e Eigm,oR ,' ;. Or �'.;1 per C. O. D. DOUBLE TORE. Rpr.'S1; Inet Will mull eeution it requested. EssfEED WM. B. NORTHAM, TORONTO, ONT. De Laval Cream Separators. ALPHA --HAND AND POWER. CANADIAN DAIRY SUPPLY CO., Ot' Montreal and Winnipeg Sole Agents for Canada. V'RyWISEiiQm r KNOWS THE VALJF OF A5 A PAATURII:IIT MEDICINE. ffi HARRIS LEAD BUYS COPPER SCRAP BRASS Wholesale Only William St., Toronto Long Distance Telephone 1749. On Trial WE SEND THE AYLMER SPRAY PUMP, On x010 ANDERSON FORCE PUMP, oa bLeee term,. No n,ekar, no packing. R'11110ntnlit0lime. For nlnntretnd 0,4414000,, td. Brenn AYLMER IRON WORKS* 0r J. W. ANDERSON, Aylmer, Ont. CANADA PERMANENT Loan and Sataings Company. lueonrocsoir, 1666. Pal p (Capital it aaI Pal ,.Do26o000 Reece.° Fund I,I5o,000 Heed Office -Toronto et., Toronto. erosnob OMMooe Winnipeg, Mein., Vaneoaeot} 0,0, BISP0ARTH are rooaind at interest, pale or e0m. pounded half yearly. Iislte1201l'5104)5 issued in Currency or Sterling with Interne emotes attached, payable In Canada or In Bo Mead. 8xeontern and Trustees are author I Ner,o,le nabililp, aleeplesenens, Deepondenoy, Sued by leer to invest to the Debentures of tele ' (Imagery. yy l St/ENFT AaYANenD on able onditi aeon to lit currant rates and on favorable conditions an to re payment,mitt, MoRgngasand Municipal li nbomuraed. J. t51ROdRT MA1041 Mnnn-!n Director, rentor, 8 T Om1y 60011404150 In Oraada for th a o� every pha..'of immesh defeat. Tetabnsh 036 rOLmte10v0uCE sieraT0T 1, e Pembroke 15,, Toronto, OarsdSr L. COFFEE & CO., Eetabaabed 1611.I CRAiN AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Rooms 405-12 Beard of Trade Building, TORONTO, ONT. Q'BOLLL1117NN JOnir L. 0OFJ3, 29 0l/ OT1R 4TIIDENT8 /ore ,needy liken good i3 eltuotiono, andtourpoeltion. ra,0ais nolllled. STRATFORD, ONT. We tench real business -no 1011• t.tIo0 or nonsene0, In fair competition our graduates are nearly always Wenn. Thulium men appreciate ear work, Bent Ooneioerolal School lu Oaneda Enter now/ Circular. fee.. 1 W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. LL 114 LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS CT. LAWMEN Cta at/TIC, MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. SUMMER SAILINGS. CALIFO71N1AN-Mop 0, Juno 10, July 13. CASTILIAN --(new , Mny20 June 24. BAVARIAN -Mew ,10,M0 Tons, Twin Screw, July 10, and w. wkly nitres tor. Corbin human, -805.10 And upwards, baeond Cabin -035.00 Return 5360.00. atenrage•-1,n moo', London, Ol•egow, L ndnntiorr% er queeontown, MU. For further Information apply to N. BOURLIER, 77 Tongs 8t., Toronto, or B. & A. ALLAN, Montreal. HEALTH RESTORED without m.tunln! or expense to the most disordered Stomach, Lunge, Nervoo, Liver, Blond, Bladder, rticrnsyx, Brain and breath by i airy' oRc)vaJenta Ai'abioa Food, which Same Invaltde and Children, and also hears sue, .oaontull Ciente whose A (Intent. mut Debility IMO re. stottd alll other treatments. It Mann triton Sal other Food Is Taionted, 05004 00 ttooe Ito cont in medipino,. �� years 13 Anrinble reeo4se, 100,000 119 ! Annual nitres of ConptUln. andigLina, Ce ,or Diabetes, Bronchitis, Ipoisewe, Cohglt mune, lntnret, reeve, DirLme, w THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. E S GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. COCOA BREAKFAST -SUPPER. tarry G®. (Limited}. �i 77 Ne AnYY a e 9 is cot ooll Gr w„ also in P.N. 14 Raotem e0 O,elloo , 30 and at nit Canoes Chemists and 08001.0 Or 1 In f '1F w IMFu� ,Ing ' as., 81 ed„ Se„ uta 14s 'Rent AWN, leen. Also Dol Merry s RoClooSdaill sotto In tin. a, ed. image, Y 4 d a, r •nnsdg:T eT'1 Agents !o C Plat =doe tins, Limltnd TOrnn , to Line" �STEAMSHIPS OYAL MAIL 84 John N,11., an Hol ee eel eallln at d Helga*, 00 Llr h ITAID(dOfry.� L 1'Nf'S 0 t0lt 573, 5"13 ttoehufolpa i,ADa Allan," "®1NOLUV1fR,o '3btlTObfAN'," Superior ahoerenodanon for Fulls t,ahin 800• ono Cabin n6S eery nsa a ore Rues of A , $86,00 b RR Woman - Mat Steerage p + F r. cud flutes angcis 56.00 0 t vote t i86 Steatites 22.50 and ulrty rdE Aceoordin to iakneet and berth, For all Ibhformetlon a,in` ID to bent Amentg or DAVID 1010,4600 86 00,, (km 1 Agestit 87 2t. 800k4dlel'5 I61., 'bf0ntr6A),