HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1899-3-24, Page 5tviA,0remerAR 'ice,-�•,.u.-,r�rl'�. _.. _ .... _;.... BUSINESS CARDS. MONEY TO LOAN AT G B i'R. uoub. 1'', S eO11 U"1, Bruseeta. TVXT 11, MaOilA01�1!;N, lemery,i•ofMalliag0il0ouuos. Dike at 140 Gi'g001',y,'r ttr11U0r1•y atroob, B Oolela, 1v� N. J3ARRETT, .Y. b • Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Noxi door North of the Standard 13euc, Ladles' and chhldrouOliair cutting a apeoialty, 131ARMS FOR SALE.—THE'I 1' - .1_ D1 3)810nnn has savor:01 good rams for s :10 and to rout, easy Lerma, In T0wushlp8 01 ](once dud Ural', If S.SUO'i'T,Brueeels MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, •—T1s AC1fl;1b OP— PiANO AND ORGAN, 731SV75r3 L.C, 01V'T. ROBERT CUNNI*IGHAM I10000A1101), FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. T. FLETOHER Issue; of Marriage Licenses, Or01011 AT JEWELRY SToao. 1 'No Witness Required. T. FLETCHGR, Brussels MISS SARAH 3LOUISE MOORE, L, C. M.. Academia graduate of Loudon Conserva- tory or Music, is prepared to receive a limit- ed number of pupils for iuetruob1on on the piano. Walton—Monday,Tuoeday; Brussels Wednesday, Thursday; Scafortb—Friday, Saturday. Qllali9ed to prepare pupils for the Prinoipal'e Form in the Conservatory of Music. ALEX. IIUNTr R Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour Go, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan and Insurance Agent, bends invested and to loan. Collections made 031100 in Graham's 13luck, Brussels 41401141,410.1044=4.11440111.0(4144.. ni.poormslIMIM11041 AUCTIONEERS. A HUNTER, LICENSED AUa- 13. 0 Troxann. Money to lean. Panne t0 oe11. �T S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - .Ai • non, will sell for bettor peace, to hotter men, in 00s time and lose charges than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or ho won't charge anything. Dates and orders eau always bo arranged at this Mlles or by personal application. VETERINARY. j D. WVARWICK, el • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Uollege, is prepared to treat all diseases of d0meetieated animals lu a com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dontietry. Calls promptly at- tended to. Ofdoe and Infirmary—Four &Jona north of bridge Turnberry at., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. T 14I. SINCLAIR, BARRISTER 7�. solid tor, Uonveyaneer,No taryPnb- lie, &a. Oatoe—Vauetaae'e Bloak, 1 door north of Central Hobo Solicitor for the Staodsrtl liauk. (`i F. BLAIR., BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &o. (late of Garrow & ProndtooL'o Oilioe, Goderich.) Officio over 011liae & Sinitb's Bank, Brussels, Money to Loth. 47 CAMERON, • l3� (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cam eron,)13an•i0ter and Solicitor, Ooderlob, Out, 0111th—Bamilton St., Opposite Col borne Hotel, MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M' NAUGHTON, M.D., C. M., Trinity University, Fellow Trin- ity Medical College, Member College 0f P11y- elolees and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the .Royal College or Pkyciciaus and Licentiate of Midwifery, blthnbnrgh. F�"Pelephane No.14. Residence, Mill St„ Breese's, E. T. SNIDER, M. D., 0. M., suooesaor to Dr. A. McKelvey, Liooutiate of Royal College of Phyeiciuus and 331,13380110, Kingston ; Member of the Col- lege of Physioloos and $urgeoue of 0utarto. Diseases of women and o11ildron a epooiulty. Eight years' experience, Ia'0aloe audi•es- idenco that formerly occupied by Dr. Me. Kolvey, Turnbm'ry street, Breese's. 20- J. M. ARMSTRONG, M.B., M.D., M.C.P.S.O. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, A0001JOHIIUR, ETC. Societal attoution given to diseases of the . Throat ,old Lungs and (lithium' of Women and Children, i1P0S1DLNCl1—WALTON, ONT. DR. F. H. KAiEFLEISCH ra00101AN, 013110310/ .0441) A000U0a13U,. SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS. •ONTARIO. let mass Honor Graduate of the Universi- ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Hinglton) ' and of Trinity Medical College; fellow of Ti tufty Medical College and member of the Cr1le3e of Physicians autl Snrge0ne of Outer. k,, Post Graduate Course in Detroit and Chicago,1800, Special attention paid bo die - oases of Eye, Dar, Nose and Throat, and Me- cum of Women, I "0onsultatlou in Sug- lish and German. Telephone at residence. 1i OR SERVIOE.—THE UN— DnnalnItlln will keep for 0erviee. on Lot s, eons. 10 end 11, (Grey, a thorn' brad Durham hull, with registered pod Muco. Also a registered Yorkshire hoar, from J. 14. Brotbenr'9 World's fair stook, Terme, $1 00 to he paid at time of (=vice, with privilege of returning if nnae0eary. 84.8m 013As. 110)1311131,, Proprietor. IMPROVED Y`ORKSHIR.E BOAR FOR SERVICE. The uude'sigued will keep for 001'vleo on Lot 20,Gon,0,Morris, the thorn"bred 1m• proved, Yorkshire Boar, "Oak Lodge Long. fellow' No, 2480, bred by 7, 131,1iralhoae, Bur- ford, to which a neared nulnbee Of Oowe will be taken. Tonne, $.1,00,10 be paid 111.111E0 Of sorvioe with privilege of returning If nee - wary, A nnmbor al elide() young sown for sale for brooding purposes Willett will be Mold at pt•1000 to unit the times, 21- 1t011T, N10H00, Proprietor. o Ct$frit;t tete, .A.11 W0044. Ahvoud defeated Molesworth 'woke), doh. .15Imo Connell meets on the 07 II (net , at 10 a. m, Dir. Fullerton, Tawnellip (Berk, le slowly 31000vering his usual health, and hope to be able to attend to hie ollioe duties soon. Mies Jean Ohthbertson has returned from a pleased visit to London and Sarnia. She will open a dressmaking busineee in the rear of Mies 0o%01310033'33 millinery stare, We 0re1.00d to hear that 11. M. Limp ham, eluded of MaG1d University, is about re coveted from his severe Week of typhoid fever, whioh °entitled him to the hospital for several weeks past. What's the matter with the Bee 4 The following actin in its lest 1sane needs ex planation :—Baby carriage, with Bilk top, both runner and wheels, run two seasons, in good condition, will bo sold for 98.60. Apply at this ofiioe. Russel Switzer, Samuel Boyd and Frank Dennis left on 'Tuesday morning of last week for Brandon, Man. Russel was advised by his physician to upend the Summer iu the Wset in the hope of recruiting hie health. Mr, Boyd has al- so not been feeling quite himself of late, and he thinks the change of climate and scene will do him good, and if he likes the country he will taste up land and depose of hie Rime, term. Gore•iee. Wm, Strong, of the 0th eon., lefb. ,est week fur 1L,uitoba. Robb. J, /indigou, tailor, bade farewell to Gerrie and on Monday afternoon took his depurtnro for Alton, where ho ss Opening Up a shop. We are glad to report that Rev. A. B. Dobson is improving in health, but the Presbytery hoe decided to fill his pulpits for him for 6 or 0 week0. While returning home on Monday night of last week, John Corbett had just got inside of his own gate when the horns shied and threw him out of the cutter. Ile received some severe injnriee that have since confined him to his bed, On Tuesday morning of taut week Rebs. Blow and family took the mor11• dug train for their new home in Manito- ba. Mr. Blow came to Gerrie about 27 years ago, and during his residence here he and his esteemed family have made lasting friends, who Will at all times be pleased to Hear of their prosperity. About 100 citizens congregated at the station to wish them God speed. On Monday evening of last week an oyster tapper was given at the Albion hotel under the auspices of the hockey team, in honor of their captain, Peddle Blow, who took hie departure for the for West on Tuesday morning. After sup. per Robt. McLoughlin was chosen chair. man. Mr. McLaughlin expreeoed his regret at Ted's departure, but wiebed him every auntess in his new home. Ted. replied and said he felt very grate- ful to the boys in their kindness towards him. Other speeches and toasts were extended to Ted. and his friends after whioh Mies Maggie Brown gave a piano iuetrumental and Messrs, Young, Foster and Blow gave violin and piano eetectione. G ode rich. II. I. Strang, 33..A.., attended n meeting of the senate of the Provincial University at Toronto, The steamer St, Andrew is being fitted Op for the season, work having been oommeoaed last week. At the bioyole factory they are working nights to get goods ready to fill the large orders already received. Robb. Shaneou, brother to Dr. G. C. Shannon, of town, died at Brantford after an illness of some months. G. Hent is having his honseon Britian• nia road enlarged by the addition of an upper storey to the book portion. Austin Chisholm has returned to town after en abseuoe of seven months, eeveral of whioh he spent in the Northwest. A change has oomarred at the Kensing- ton Furniture factory, the whole plant having been purchased by a new firm. The Signal says :—It would not greatly surprise tie if the Harbor Mills would be set to work at full time in the near future. A number of boys charged with destroy- ing horse stalls at the Agriaulturol Park grounds were released oo suspended sentence. A. T.. Cooper will deliver an address in the Union Presbyterian church, Goderioh township, on the evening of the 2411, inst., on Ohristian Endeavor work. Suooeeoful evangelistic services are be. ing conducted at Zion choralt, Goderioh townohip, by the pastor, assisted by brethren from the adjoining oirouite. Orders are coming in so freely that the odioinls of the Goderioh Knitting Co, expect they will be ruched when the season for their lines has fully started. Mr. Olaworth hoe left for Walkerton le hike up his appointment as organist of the Presbyterian thuroh in that town. Mr. Oleworth will be tniesed ae be was a good oitizen, a clever organist and a sweet singer. F'or dwich. Dr. M. E. Allen, who has spent the greater part of the Winter vtaiting her mother and friends in this vioinity, left en Monday morning of last week for Manitoba. Mrs. Alex. Young, of the 0th canoes. Sion, is having material drawn to her house near the C. P. R. station, whioh she intends having veneered with brink this Summer. Edward Gbaybiel, of the 4311 oonee0sion, intends giving up farming and moving to town, and i9 going to have a house built ou the lot just North 01 A. S. Strome's residence. Material for the work is being placed on the ground. At a public meeting, new officers were elected and Committees appointed, who will now go nbead and arrange for the grand celebration to be held here on the Doming 24th of May. They have a sur- plus from last year in the troaeury. Un1Tu,0)0,— Again the messenger of detail has been Bent to pall home another of the pioneers of this township, in the person of Mre. Rebeoea Feanklin, Mother of our eeteemedoitizen Mrs. A. MoGrath, wile died on the 7th iadt., at the reeideo'oe of bee youngest eon at Poeeyville, Mich. Deceased had lived in Gorele for eleven years pervious to moving to Michigan. She was the mother of seven children Mrs. J. D. Smith, formerly of Gerrie ; Mre. A. Molrath, of this Ohre ; Mee. Beek, (deceased)} and Four none who reside in Michigan, She was a sister.iu•law of Rev. liSi,, Harbert, and liven Bret lino of llowiok 111 Ilia early (Jaye of tide township, She was 111 her 76111 year at the time of her death, and had lived a oouoiebent Christian luring her life, being a member of the D'Iothudiot !Mardi, At meeting for the pyrpoeo of re. organizing our football club, in I3ooey'e hardware store, ii was decided to name the team Ode year 111e "Maple Leafs," Among other hueineae Iransaoted the fol• lowing oflloors were elected 1--11031, Pres„ B, S. Cools ; Pres., L. G, Hooey ; Cor, Seo., E. Riehm ;Treae. J. 141. Thompson ; Capt., J. Bartley ; Man. Coln„ President and captain and T. Argue and B. Cook, Mend, Leslie 0illtinaon, Arrange. menttl are being made for the !miring of a field and 3333 40011 as the weather permits praobioing will begin. 'Pkat Throbbing Ilcadavl.e Would quickly leave you if you used Dr. King's New Life Pill,. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matablees merit for sick and nervone headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build Op your health. Lacy to take, Try them. Only 25 Dente, Money baols if not cured. Sold by G. A. Deadman, 31ruggiob. Choi toes. It ie onrrently reported that Col. Hoare will open a music emporium in town. Ohm. Wilenn hat purchased the busi• nese of Ford & Murphy, butohere of town. 17 Doherty organa were an board the Allan line steamer, Castillian, whioh ran ashore off the Western extremity of Nova Soobia. S, S. Cooper received 5 oar loads of pine lumber from Dyment, of Goderioh, last week. He has an order Oared for,10 oar loads. Jas. Dalton, mail clerk on the L. H. 8e B„ between Wingham and London, has been trenaferred to the Niagara Falls and London run. From 400 to 425 organs are being turn• ed out every month from the Organ Factory, and even at this rate the de- mand is greater than the enpply. Robt. Holmes, M. P., left for Ottawa on Wednesday morning of last week. IlIrs. Holmes accompanied him and will remain until the Easter holidays. A few weelta ago Mre. Doherty, of Claude, mother of the Messrs. Doherty, of town, was apparently at death's door, and lingered in that condition for several days, On Tuesday of last week she pas. sed her 80th birthday and had so far re. covered that she was as lively and spry as a maiden of youthful years, and we are glad to know that there is every prospect that she may yet enjoy some yenta of activity and happiness. On Tuesday evening of last weep a number of the friends of R. Holmes took unexpected and informal possession of his home in order to spend the evening with him prior to his departure for Otta- wa. They were accompanied by their wives, who bad brought well filled baskets with then, and after the contents of the baskets had mostly been planed where they would do the most good, the evening was !pent in a pleasant manner. Rev. W. Wade, on behalf of those present, ex• pressed the good pleasure it gave him to thus show their esteem and good will to the new member for West Huron, who, he bad no doubt, would prove himself a mac of whom the constituency would have no reason to be ashamed. ,4n Enterprising Finn. There are few men more wide awake pnd enterprising than G. A. Deadman, who eparoe no pains to secure the boat of everything in his line for his many cus- tomers. He now has the agency for Dr. Kine'a New Discovery, which surely ogres consumption, troughs and colds. This is the wonderful remedy that ie now producing such wonderful excitement all over the country by its many ouree. It absolutely cures asthma, bronchitis, Derma, and all affeotione of the throat, chest and lunge. You Dan test it before buying, by calling at the above drag store and get a trial bottle free, or regu- lar else 60o. and 91.00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. L.iiatmwel. James Ronald, of Listowel, got a ver- dict against his son Robert ab the arab- Assizes for $i$0 for slander. Plunkett & Daum intend removing their grocery store atthe end of this month to Mo1eevor's stare, West side of Wallace street. Mrs. W. J. Hay is at St. Catharines, spending a week with friends previous to leaving for Winnipeg, where her hneband is engaged in the insurance business. John Biggs, who has latterly been with Carson & McKee, left last week for Rath. well, on the Souris and Southwestern Ry., Southern Manitoba, tvhere he goes to take charge of a general store, Oo the 14t11 inst., the Consul Com. mender and Sovereign of Inglewood Camp No. 80, Listowel, Canadian Wood- men of the World, presented their Clerk, Sov. 0. le Walker, with an address and handsomely engraved walking cane as a amen token of esteem for his services. The exhibition of pigeons and pet stook given by W. M. Anderson in town at- tracted a good number of Visitors, who were both pleased and surprised at Mr. Anderson's remarkably fine collection. His pigeons are perfect beauties, and some of them are valued we high as 980 each, The following aro the affioers of the Baso Ball club for the Beason ; Patron, Mayor Hacking ; Hon. Pres., J. H. Stuart ; Hou. Vice Pres., John Watson; Pros , R, Arkell; 'Vioe Pres., II B. Mar- phy ; Manager, Georgge Fraser ; Treae , Lorne Gillies ; Seo., G. M. Sates ; Cap. twin, not appointed Exeoutiva, Alex. Creolmau, J. W. Rolls, E, Howe, and the Manager and Secretary, A meeting for organizing the Listbwel Cricket Club was held at the Queen's Hotel, when officers for the en80ing sea. sou were elected as follows : Petrone, A. F. McLaren, M. P., and John Brown, M. L. A. ; president, J. H. Stuart ; vice- president, Dr. A, H, Nichol ; s000ebary- treasurer, Geo. Zilliax, jr. Executive, &mance, nla1010 and ground Oommibees were appointed, and other business trans. aoted. The membership fee for juniors was fixed at 11.00. Spaln'e Greatest Netl, R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain, spends his Winters at Aiken, S. 0. Weak nerves hall entitled tlevere pains in the book of his Bead. On tieing Eleott'ie Bitters, American's greatest blood and nerve remedy, all pain eon left him. Ho lays this grand medicine is what his country needs, All dentition knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble,, puri&tee it 0 0 es U 0 30 0 .E W. "By direct wire. SP iatcf `� 99. Every pair of "Slater Shoes" bears a descriptive tag which tells what every shoe wearer wan is to know hefare he buys, III tin;; gnus the informal on "by direct wire" from the makers who ought to know its hidden materials and could not afford to mss. C„TeLO3UE FREE. rt -,resent there. Goodyear 1\''led, Stamped on the )'3.032, $4.0o and ,g5.00 4. per pail'. E'THE' SLATER SHOE." ick Wished to announce that she has secured the Newest Effects in Millinery for this season's trade, includ- ing all the New Shapes in Fancy Straws ; all the New Shades in Ribbons, Wings, Plumes, &c,, &c. OPENING ON " Wednesday and. Thursday, IN THANKING my many Customers for past patronage, T again solicit their favors, feeling confident that T have the correct Styles for this Season. Miss Armstrong has been re-engaged for this season, as Milliner. SMAZE BLOCK, - BRUSSELS. the blood, tones up the stomach, etren gth • one the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. if weak, tired or ailing you need it. Every bottle guaranteed : only 60 oeuts. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. 831eatorth. Rov. Morgan Wood will lecture in Cardno's hall on Friday night, March 21. The Seaforth hockey seven played the Waterloo seniors Thursday evening of last week. Waterloo won by 7 goals to G. F. W. Twaddle, having Bold hie own residence, has leased end now occupies the Intuit residence of Mrs. Armitage. D. D. Wilson has taken into partner- ship with him, in his extensive egg buoi• nese, his son. John A. Wilson, and J. K. Richardson, late of Fergus. W. Hartry, on behalf of the Martini. tura! Society, presented a petition asking the council to take the necessary steps to provide against the spread of yellows and black -knot in fruit trees. At a meeting of the directors of the South Huron Agricultural Sooiety 1t was decided to hold the annual Spring show for entire stock, on the society's grenade tt Brucefield, on Wednesday, April 19th. Dr. McGinnis was appointed Medical Health officer and vaooivator in accord- ance with the requirements of the Pub- lio Health act, and James MoMiohael was re appointed a member of the Board of Health. ' Owing to the change which has taken plaoe in the Seder ill Meobanios' Institute, having been transformed from the ordin- ary list to a free public library, William Moore, the veteran librarian and sears - Lary, has found it necessary to resign his position. He bas filled the position of librarian for twenty four years, and for eighteen years ire hag been secretary of the Institute as well as librarian. W. G. Broadfoot, Preeidsnt of the Tuokeremith Branch Agricultural Society and T. IL Hays, secretary, appeared before the town Council as a deputation from the society asking the Council to give a grant of 8800 to asaiet iu the construction of a now hall on the present grounds of the society, providing the townships of Tnckeremith and DioKillop give an equal amount for the same purpose, the said building to cost al least 91,000. •ST. PATRICK'S DAY. Ireland's Pal l'Ort 801300 Hollered 1330 1110 Usual Way, Last Friday, St. Patrick, the patron saint of old Ireland, was honored theougll- out the length and breadth of Canada by the wearing of the shamrock and the holding of festivals and ohurell Bervio0s, all of whioh served to bring to mind the greatness of the mission that the pioneer of Christianity undertook and the majus• ty of the character he must have possess. ed. In regard to the patron saint, "au ad. mirex" Jaye :—It ie said St. Patrick was born near the mento of Jho Clyde, in Britain, at the town of Nothmur, about the yeas 898. Ile was the eon of a 141ag• ietrato, the Deacon of Calpnrui 10, and the grandson of ratites, a prio01 of a noble family, The close of the fourth century saw little or 310 Christianity ea. tablisbed iu these parts, for tho Plots and Soote were constantly making inotweion0 along the border of the territory held by Romano nCl little opportunity was s gi en .a PP Y va v for meditation or religious dntiee, It was in ono of these raids by the pagan lived. ere that the youth, then fifteen yeara of ase, was taken prieoneraud sent as a slave to Ireland. Here he spent six years tend- ing flocks, an occupation which gave him ample opportunity to reflect and to con- trast the practises of the pagan masters and those principles of religion he had learned as a boy. Being set at liberty he returned to Britain and was cordially received by leis friends, who besought him to remain among them, but the young man had high ideals iu mind. He tells us there came a dream to him in whioh he heard the voice of the Irish people calling him "to come and henceforth wally among us," and he returned to Ireland and taught the principles of Christianity to his adopted people. His holy presence turned many from their wild and savage way to mildness and self continence. His work in Ireland may be summed up by saying that he founded 805 churches and planted a school by the side of each ; that he organ- ized at least one arcbiepisoopal see, that of Armagh ; consecrated two or more Bishops, established 122 colleges, and civilized the people generally. It seems that Patrick, wherever he went, was always preceded by a drum, and the noise thus made attracted the people. In this example the saint appears to have been imitated by the modern Salvation Army. Tho shamrock is worn everywhere in commemoration of the foot that when St. Patrick was preaobiug the doctrine of the Trinity he made use of this plant bearing three leaves upon one stem as a symbol of the great mystery. In Ireland the 17th of March is celebrated with much enthusiasm. In every household a plate fol1 of the herb is placed upon the break- fast table of the "master" and the "mss• tress" who are expected "to drown the shamrock" in generous draughts, and then send the bottle down into the kitchen for the servants In Dublin the higher glasses oonolnde the festivities of the day by attending a great ball in St. Patrick Hall, Dublin Citable. In the smaller hamlets the local inn is the plaoe of resort for the celebration of the great clay. It is impossible to say when the seventeenth clay of March in each year began to bo sob apart as St. Patrick's Day. It is also unknown Whether it commemorates the date of his birth or death, some say both. There is no doubt that the celebration of this day tends more to reuew and intensi• fy the patriotism of the Irish people than any other holiday. "Tho Wicklow ECUs are very high, and so's the Hill of Muth, air ; But 0130100 a hill much higher still—ay higher than them both, eh' ; 'Twee ou the top of this high hill St. Pat- rick preached the sa 110(01 That drove the froggs into the bogs, end banished all the varmint." ,l Priglitfu4 Blunder Will often donee a horrible burn, eoald, cut or bruise, Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the would, will kill the paha and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, Fever sores, ulcera boils, felons, ovens, and all elfin eruptions. Beet pile -cure on earth. Only 26 eta a box. Ours gnaranteed, Sold by G. A, Deadman, droiggist. The lllanuftoturere' Life L.oura0oe Company will erect a building in Brant- ford, An explosion i0 Cane's chair factory at Newmarket burned H. S. Dane anti Ghee. Thompson severely and set fire to the building, doing about 98,000 damage, The alio() of the Standard newspaper at Regina, N. W. T. was burned Satur- day. morning. The lose is partly oovered by tnenranae Jno. Doweling, - Sole Local Agent PAGE FENCE QUALITY® When you seely the best fence that can be made from wire, we know that you will buy the Famous Coiled Spring Page. It isn't like any other on earth—it's better. It was the first and nut still the foremost woven wire fence Pot the Ruth ahoat its uses nod qualify, address THE PAGE WIRE FENCE CO. LTD WALKERVILLE, 01sT. . hANDIRUNK SYSTEAM Easter Holidays Will Issue return tickets at angle first - aloes fare, going March Nth to Aprill lth , in- clusive, and returning up to and including April 0W,1000, between all stations in Can - ado, Port Unroll and Detroit, Mich., and to but; not from, Buffalo.Mack Rook, Suspen- ion Bridge and Niagara Falls,N. Y. Teach- ers and students (on surrender of certificate signed by prinofpal,) Riegle 1st -aloes fare and one-third between stations 10 Canada West of Montreal, and single let -class fare and one.tird to Montreal, added to single lat.clase fare Mou treat to destination, from stations IVost of Montreal Quebec, Levis, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, going March 17th to April 101, inolueive and re- turniug up to and including April 10111, 1809. 'Pickets, rates and all informrtiou trour agents of the Grand Trunk Railway systole. J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Brussels. Spring 1�— Coming. —11— We are ready for it with a nicely assorted stock of Prints, Cottons, Sheetinis, Shirtings, Linens, Flannelettes, Sp Ting Sunda '.S, 'c. Our Grocery Doprtmant is known near and far for the freshness and excellency of our stock. A trial will convince you that this is correct. J. -. SKENE. Agent for Parker's Dye Works. Spectacles —OF ALL KINDS— Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyes tested FREE by latest Optical methods at Division Court Office, BRUSSELS. License District —OF THE— East Riding of Huron. To the Tavern -Keepers and others fchont it may Concern, : N0TI011 is hereby given that APPLICATIONS for LICENSES for the Sale of Liquor lu the EAST RIDING OF HURON for the License year of 1900-1000, whioh win. menthe on the 1st day of May next. will be received by the undersigned f1rouel the jnes- 001 date up to Saturday, April 1, 1899, inclusive. Applicants must furnieb the names of two good and sufficient sureties as bandsmen at the time of making application. Any applicant for a now lieenen mast tur- ntsit a certificate aigued by a majority of the electors entitled to vote at oleotfous for the Legislative Assembly in the Polling Sub - Division in whioh the premises Bought to be licensed are situated, and the said majority moat finitude at least one-third of the said electors, who are at the time of such appli- cation residents within the said Polling Sub- divieioue. MO. R. MILLER, iNer0oron. Jamestown. Feb. 27, 1898. ®ae 442ti'dtaUiilt. 801100 NW CAPMLO MINT ALL Si L 0330 NARROW. eoxoe 7101000. staled warn e.Ltrvdd.: TheBujfafo All -Steel Disc Harrow Tbie is the only Disc Harrow made or sold in Canada, leaving iudopondeut, adjustable spring pressure upon the inner ends of the gang dins, allowing any amount of pressure to be thrown upon the inner ends of the gangs, by the foot of the operator, By this moans a pettedly flex- ible notion 10 scoured and the ground can be worked to a uniform depth. Egan -lire this Madded carefully and compare with others. The No, 12 Cultivator IS A MARVlui1 of SUCCESS. The only Cultivator made that both lines of teeth will out au 0vcu depth iu the ground. Lxamioe it and you will see why, The Only Cultivator with a moveable tooth set so that theangle of the teeth can be rogulatod to suit any condi- tion of soil. Pressure can be regulated to net differently on every seotiou requiring it. The teeth are parried between the wheels instead of trailing bellied,SS other 3) 0 0111 0 0 0, thus seeming lighter raft. This machloo is fur• niched with grails and rase seed box When re- quired. It, has rovorsible diamond stool volute far the teeth ; also, extra. wide thietlo-outting pobObuy uo te Dau 330 00110xfurolaled. , Examine it mid you will The Best Drill Made. The molder Neet1s N! Introduction. Over 40,000 Drills and Senders of our menti• facture in use in Canada, The only Drill reader with lover for instant and portent regulation of depth or hoe lu all kinds of toil, while loam Is in motion. Sows abeolatoly oorreet to softie; saves seed, an every kernel is dopoefted at n peeper depth to grow, .i1ur011a00 only the boat and you will be setiseed. Wo ale0 ntiandeettlre Binders,. B0apere MOwtro, Bakes, Cultivators and rulporc, as pod for 31111streted catalogue. N010il to-tn5. 511033. Co., (Limited) Ingersoll, Ont., Canada. J qN� ruse's, �y ! h� �