The Brussels Post, 1899-3-24, Page 44 •
FRIDAY, MAR, 21, 1891,
Titlt lies buaiuess is a "deader" this
year judging by the motion of numerous
mill owners,
A errs ELECTION will be hold in North
Waterloo shortly owing to the uuseating
of Mr. Lackner, The Liberal candidate
was Dr. Clemens who died, last week,
quite suddeuly.
Tire recount in South Perth gave Mr.
Monteith one vote more that: the Return-
ing Omoer's statement, 8 instead of 7, and
the probabilities are ho will hold his spat
undisturbed for the balance of the parlia•
mentary term.
Meat Seer. bit off more than he can
aonveuiently chew in getting hold of the
Phillipine islands and while the rebels
will eventually have to bite the dust a
good many lives may be sacrificed before
that time arrives. The insurgents are
treacherous as their word or promises
oonnt for little or nothing and the only
way the IL S. will keep them in cheek
will be by the presence of a standing
AN important feature of this present
session of the Dominion Parliament will
be a Redistributiou Bill—which should
not be designated a gerrymander as there
is a wide difference between, the two
terms. Aredietribution means, or should
mean, a fair and proper adjustment of
constituencies so that equal justice will be
meted out to all concerned, irrespective
of political faith, while the usual signid•
ounce of gerrymander is to carve up a
County or Counties for party purposes
only. The new bill should straighten
out County boundaries, arrange mnnioi-
palitiee as compactly as possible in each
riding. and conform to the electoral dis-
tricts of the Provinces- if they are right
—so that electors would beloog to the one
constituency for both Houses. We don't
think municipalities should be snb•divided
and the idea of a "hive" should be scout
ed forever. There is room for some
squaring up in this Province too when
the proper time for this work rolls round.
Huron Co., with many others, is most
improperly divided for Dominion pur-
poses, Usborne belonging to South Perth ;
and Exeter and Stephen to North Mid-
dlesex. If we are doiog business along
the line of representation by population
let on have it and along some plain, sen-
sible rule that will represent equality to
any fair minded individual.
We believe in the Prohibition of the
liquor traffic as a measure that would
work untold good to this Dominion and
we are sorry that when the plebiscite
was before the electors that they did not
embrace the opportunity offered and poll
nth a vote as would put beyond any per-
adventure the successful carrying in of
the necessary legislation and guarantee
the moral support in its enforcement.
That such was not the ease is evidenced
by the official returns wbioh show that
while a majority of the people of Canada
want the traffic suppressed a large pro-
portion either voted nay or declined to
assert themselves on the question and
would no doubt be equally indifferent in
aiding in the enforcing of the law. It is
rather amusing to see the political capi-
tal attempted to be made out of Sir Wil-
frid Laurier's letter on the Government's
attitude. The London Free Press, one
of the rankest anti -journals, is ready to
shed tears by the bucket full in
its "sympathy" with the temperance folk
while its history for years has been
marked by hostility of the most pro-
nounced type toward everything that
smacked of a curtailment of the train()
and we would not be afraid to prophesy
that if Prohibition were enacted at the
present session of Parliament no news.
paper in the land would do less to aid in
making it a success than the said Free
Press, By their fruits ye shall know
them, We believe in oonneetion with
any moral question we need more than
the statute to crown the successful work•
ing of it and while we stand where we al.
ways did on the Prohibition question we
would regret to see any law enacted that
would be either only partiolly enforced or
lie as a dead letter for want of the hearty
cooperation and moral and practical eup•
port of a largo majority of the people of
this land. The Dominion Allianoeis pre.
paring to wait on the Government and
discuss the question with the hope of se.
cueing some advanced measure from that
body. A large delogatioa will accompany
them to Ottawa.
The Spring Assizes.
The Spring session of the High Court
of Jtfatiee for the county of Heron open.
ed on Monday afternoon ofiast week be-
fore EIS Lordship, Chief Juatia° Armour,
at Goderioh, and their being no criminal
plaints on record, Sheriff Reyuolde re-
sented the chief with a pair of white
After the grand jury had been called
the panel retired, and on their return to
Court, the presiding Judge addressed
them briefly, complimenting them on the
freedom of the county from serious of.
feline, end pointed out their duties out -
aide of finding bilis.
The following gentlemen formed the
grand jury t --Wen, Aoheeon, Goderioh ; ea
Jae, D. Brandon, Morris ; Michael M
Cummings, Morris-; Joo, Tm£gh, Blyth, rn
W..13. Pais, Clinton i Jae, 11g, Shepherd,
Goderioh ; Geo. Harris, 48hiield ; Juo.
Hutton, Turuberry I Harry Keys, Grey;
emaitll1 llett Joe. uSweet,GSte hen;eo. NosTucans.
Middleton, Goderlolr township, foreman.
Ole civil list wee a short one, consist.
ing of six oases.
Tlie first tried was that of Bedford vs.
Combas, an settee to ie open au account
in oonneetion with the laying off of two
al mortgages. the case lasted
from the opening of the Court until 10 on
Tuesday morning, wheu His Lordship
reserved judgment,iutimabing that if he
could, ander the law, allow the amount
to be reopened, he would do so.
Blair, of Brussels, eppeered for plaintiff,
and J. T, Garrow, Q. 0„ for defendant,
Hays vs, Town of Goderich.- .n
motion to roomy payment for gravel
taken from plaintiff's lot, was adjourned
till next court on ancient of the illness
of Thos, Weatherald, P. L. S , who is an
important witness. Dolt and Holmes
for plaintiff, Garrow and Proudfoot for
At 10 e, m. Tuesday Censer vs, Ilium
lie, a jury case, was celled and a panel
duly sworn. The action was brought to
recover damages on accouut of the de
fondant having made false statements
when Belling a bakery to plaintiff. The
case was given to the jury ebortly after
four, the Judge charging in favor of the
plaintiff. After an hour's deliberation
the jury returned a verdict for plaintiff
8200 and coste. L. E. Daucey appeared
for the plaintiff and J. T. Garrow for
Murray vs. MoIver,—An action to re.
cover a legacy, was, pending an offer of
settlement, postponed to the May sitting
of the High Court. Philip Holt for
plaintiff, W. Losoombe for defendant.
Small ve, Bradford,—An action for
injuries caused the plaintiff by negli
genoe, was postponed, posts of the day to
be paid by plaiutiff. J. T. Garrow, Q.
0., for plaintiff, L. E. Danoey for de.
Rutledge vs. Fisher, --an action on a
mortgage. Judgment, after 30 days, to
be entered for plaintiff, to recover posses-
sion of lands. J. T. Garrow, Q. C„ for
plaintiff, E. Campion, Q C , for defend-
Following is the Grand Jury's present.
meat :—
GonNntcn, Mena 14Th, 1800.
To His Lordship, Chief Justice Armour ;
The grand jury at the Sprang Assizee,
1800, for the county of Huron, beg to
present that they have visited the com-
mon jail of the oouuty and found every-
thing neat and clean and in good order,
and the gaoler courteous and attentive.
All the male prisoners were actively en-
gaged in the wood yard. The Duly cont.
plaint made by the prisoners was that
for the past ten days the bread supplied
was not good. We examined what was
on hand and found it sour. We endorse
the action of the County Coonan in tap-
ing steps to re•construot the gaoler's rest
dente, believing that ib will improve the
sanitary conditions, more especially the
ventilation, all of which is respectfully
submitted. JNo. Mmmutav, Foreman.
The Court rose Wednesday morning
after discharging the jury.
S. P. Washington, of Hamilton, was
here as Crown prosecutor, but there were
no criminal Oases before the Court.
Lard Mina) openet Parliament at
Ottawa at three o'olnelt Tllur+day of last
week. The rather late dale at which the
opening took place did not prevent the
presence of a good old (.:shinned snow
storm. There was a large attendance,
and the function in the way of attractive-
ness will compare with any in the past.
That there were so many present may be
taken as an evidence of the popularity of
Lord and Lady Aflot°, this being the first
occasion of His Excellency opening the
The vice regal carriage, in which the
Governor -Genet al was seated, was a000m•
panted from Rideau Dell by a mounted
esoort from the Prinoese Louise Dragoon
Ganda, Capt. Elliott was in command.
On arriving at the main entrance to the
Parliament Buildings His Excellency
was received with a guard of holier from
the Governor -(General's Foot Guard, with
Capt. Raper in command. From Nepeau
Point there was fired the sepal salute of
nineteen guns by the Ottawa Field Bat.
tery, under command of Lieut. Morri•
Notwithstanding that a number of
Senators and members of Parliament
will not reset Ottawa until after the
Easter bolidays, and that some were de.
tained on account of trains being delayed
by the snow storm, the attendance in the
Senate Chamber when Lord Minta toots
his seat upon the throne was large. The
Ministers of the Crown stood at the right
of Hie Excellency, and on the left was
Major-General Hatton and the military
staff. Seats on the floor of the Chamber
were well filled and the galleries were
The speech from the throne is as fol.
The Senate, Honorable Gentlemen of
the House of Comtnons
Ie meeting you for the first time since
catering within my intim as the repo -
tentative of Her Majesty in this Domin-
ion, 11 affords ma great pleaeure to he
able to congratulate you on the large de.
gree of prosperity whiob the people of
Canada at present enjoy, as evidenced by
the expansion of trade and commerce,
the llourishing oondition of the public
revenues and the increased number of
immigrants who have become permanent
settlers amongst es.
0395011081 OF EXOnnfl.
To these evidences may be added
another, which i8 even more gratifying—
the almost total ceasation of the eon:
siderable exodus of our population wbioh
at one time was a regrettable feature of
our eEf ite,
Tho negotiatlone which were set on
foot during the recent between Her
Majesty's Government and that of the
United States, in reference to the Bettie -
rant of certain questions in dispute be-
tween Canada and the latter country,
were I grieve to eey, greatly delayed by
the illness and enbeerinentdeath of two of
the most eminent members of the Dom.
mission appointed for that purpose.
Considerable 0rogrese had been made on
several of the enbjeote submitted, but a
ri0ne disagreement arose between Her
ajeaty'e Oommissionere and the com-
ieeionete of the United Statee oe the
gustiest of the dolegelion of the howl•
nary between
1: A11 i5 111. .00A10.{,
The quesliun nue referred by the own
'nineteen' to their reepeetive Goyeril•
meats, the allniniaaioli being adjourned
tthe he second day Of August hast, to tiro
hope that, iu the Jneautime, the didionity
Might be overeoms.
In eomplisao° with the oat passed last
session s plebiscite was held on the emo-
tion of prohibition. The 011101el report
will be platted before you.
I observe with pleasure that the
mother country, Canada and other
British pc0seselons, have recently adopt.
ed rt peuay-postage letter rate. The
eatisfetction with which thio potion has
Wee received by the Canadlan people is
a further proof of the general desire ex
feting amongst our people for closer re•
lotions with the mother country and the
mother country and the rest of the ,1:;tn-
p I ata aleo glad to be able to state that
the satisfactory oondition of the nuances
of the country permitted a reduction, on
the first of January tact, of the Canadian
doreeetio letter rate, from three td two
Dents, and although such reduotiou in.
volves a temporary lose of revenue, it in
nevertheless eobfidently expeoted that
the obenpened rote will prove of enoh ser•
vice in the promotion of trade and in the
general interchange of eorreepondenoe
that, witbin a reasonable time, the
revenue of the Poetoflios Department will
be restored to its former figure.
Much information has been obtained
since son last met relative to the extent
and value of the deposits of gold and
valuable minerals in the Yukon and
other parts of Canada. The returns
from th'e Yukon have so far derived sufii.•
oientto meet the heavy expenditure it
was found 'mortuary to incur for the pur-
pose of preserving low and order, and it
has been thought expedieut in the public
est to authorize the oonetnmtion of
a line of telegraph for thepurpose of
maintaining speedy o•,metunicatioet with
the people of those distant territories.
A measure will be submitted to you for
the better arrangement of the eleotoral
districts throughout the Dominion, as al-
so several enactments of less importunes.
Gentlemen of the House of Commons;
The public anomie will be laid before
you, and also the estimates for the Dom.
ing year. They have been prepared with
a doe regard to efficiency and economy,
and the responsibilities arising from the
rapid progress of the country.
Honorable Gentlemen of the Senate,
Gentlemen of the Hoose of Commons ;
1 am confident that the important sub.
into I have mentioned to you will re-
oeive your serious consideration ; and
that it will be your earnest endeavor to
promote the public interests and pros•
perity of Canada,
Gilbert Plaine, Nov, 22nd, 1898,
The following letter is taken Prom the
Moose Jaw Times :
left 881oo se Taw andarrivedon a the uPlains
As I promised to give you a short account of
this part of Manitoba, and bow we progress-
ed, I win and fulfil my promise, boning you
will pardon me for beteg se slow lo enmply-
ing with your request. The last season bas
been very favorable fur grain and farming
about 88 bushef lslpoorn�lltote, oats afro averaging
50i to
PO, Although the weather has been et ada,reblehe some -
well saveduandistbe eaampleatg od. Wild
fruit of all kinds has beau it' abundance.
Name is also plentiful, and now that the
season is open the citizens are laying in a
good supply for Whaler, 050008 the 0,058
important ere moose elk anti boar. As the
early blvd patches the worm, so did your
bumble servant bring home two epleudld
ell, to replenish his larder of Winter lisup-
a. hunk,lbutlunder the present oiroun stances
I eau only estivate my earnest sytupatby,
since it would be almost impossible to give
you 000 more that a description. The
weather being justsall enough that
now to Uulake desired,
ping, and added to this we have a most boy.
not and rehesbing Molespherm.
It Is now an announced feet that the
Dauphin Beltway will be extended through
this distrIel nexbNpthog to supply the nooes-
duceralAt l renfacilities the settlers tofarm
Plains have to draw chair farm ntOduoe to
Dauphin a dietaries of twenty miloe, and
owiwheat 0 s thg to iey aol might, but :athexters are ro not
stook, though the acreage broken last Sum-
mer was very largo,
Dauphin town, like the surrounding ooun-
try,isivavery prosperousao u dlti5u, itis
equipped with nearly all modern con-
veniences of au ttp•t0-date town, and fast
impruvil1g Rader the several advantages.
The people aro enterprising and industrious,
wbioh may be seen by the stir and business
parried 011 each day. Dauphin bas flue ele-
vators, a roller mill, it number of stores,
shops, etc., together with a num bar of vgry
tine dwellings.. A, DoLGemor,
W. IP. 11. SOWS CV.
Annum :heeling Bleed in Tcesp•uter,
The 15th annual meeting of the Mait-
land Presbyterial W. F. At. S, was held
in Knox church, Tesewater, on Tuesday,
7t11 inst. A large number of delegates
and friends were present from the various
eooieties la the Preebytery.
The church was prettily decorated with
plants and flowers. The friends in Tees -
water had made every possible arrange.
meet for the comfort and convenience of
the delegates. A devotional meeting was
hell on Tuesday morning, Mrs. Malcolm
presiding, and was assietod by Mrs. Reid,
The afternoon session opened at 1.80 p,
m. The President, Mrs. Murray, pre.
sided, and was sainted in the opening
devotional exeroiaee by bias, Perri°, of
Wingham, Mrs. Malcolm welcomed the
delegates, and Mise Diet, of Kinloss, re•
sponded on behalf of the sooicty.
The President's address was helpful
and encouraging. The annual report
was read by Mrs. McNabb, Secretary,
and showed that the year's work had
been marked by a general tone of onbanr•
agement. The financial report presented
by Miss Mather, Treasurer, showed au
morose in contribution, the amount con-
tributed being $1,014. Besides this a
largo quantity of warm, substantial
olbthing was sent to the North west for
the use of destitute Indians, Vie offer.
ins was dedicated to the Lorre, 112rs,
Hunter, of Kinloss, leading in prayer.
Mrs, Ballantyne, of Molesworth, sang
with much expression a beautiful solo
entitled "The Palace of the King." Miss
Anderson, Leaflet Secretary, road the
report for the year, which showed that
804 collies of Missionary Tidings bad been
subsorlbed for, Mrs, Grant gave a very
Sm s Wednesday I 29 & 50, s
ll` �oi/,�' 1 � u 5
uI When will be shown, without exception, the
Largest. Choicest and most Elaborate display
1 �erie r
of Millinery ever seen in Brussels. Our ex-
l 1ci,ciMilliner, Miss Dunbar, has been 14�
at great pains to secure all the very Latest d
Novelties and we ;,'eel, justified in saying that
never before has she shown such excellent
!l taste. We most cordiaily invite every lady to
Y• see our lovely Millinery and Capes which
we cannot describe in an advertisement.
E g
Remember the dates of Opening, Wed- ,
ilesdtty and f9'Iiii t1ay, March 29 and 30,
1. and dont forget to come. We will be glad to II
of Brussels, - Spring,1899,
Begs to announce that her Grand Millinery
Opening will take place on
Lcckle Bieck, Brussels.
interesting sketch of the work done by
by the Teoswater Auxiliary luring the 21
years of its existence as a missionary
society. Greetings were presented from
the Methodist Society by lairs. Mux.
worthy ; from the Baptist Society by
Miss Braddon ; the W. 0. T '(1 , by Mrs.
1Dibcbook, all of whom extended cordial
greetings to the society. A letter of
greeting was also read by the President
from Mrs. Wardrops, of Teoswater.
The question drawer in charge of Miss
Anderson, Miss Meiklejohn and Mise
Campbell brought forth some thought
and interest on questions submitted.
Two beautiful selections were well
rendered by the Junior and Senior Mit-
pion Bands, of Teoswater.
An excellent address was given 137
Mies Sharpe ou "Individual responsibili•
ty." The officers for the ensuing veer
are :—Mrs, Murray, President ; Miss
Mather, Tress. ; Mrs. McNabb, Sec. ;
Miss Nellie McDonald, Secretary of imp.
plies ; Mise Anderson, Leaflet Seo
The meeting was oloeed, Mrs. McKay, of
Luoknow, leading in prayer.
The public meeting fu the evening was
well attended, the church being well
filled. Tho Society's annual report was
presented by Rev. S. M. •Whaley. Ad.
dresses were given by Rev. W. H. Reed,
Rev. W. J. West and Rev. R. P McKay,
of Toronto, who gave a thrilling address
on "17ntbusiasm;' after whiob a most
inberesbiug and profitable meeting was
brought to a oloss. We trust that some
of the missionary zeal and enthusiasm re•
oeived ab the meeting will be carried into
every branch of the Society.
The Newmarket Liberal Olub bas been
organized with Mayor Cane ae President,
The Legislative Assembly hor the
Northwest Territories is convened for
April 4.
The result of the SOuth Perth reonnt
was to increase Mr. Monteith's majority
to eigbt,
e —OP—
50 the Ts)snlship et Grey, In the
County of neuron.
the taxi swill and testanioob of Tea ms Woorl
burn, deosased, there will be Wend for said
by nubile auction, by'Finlay Stewart eoott,
Auetimieer, nt the AM17RMAN BOTBL in
the V3t,LAGn 010 i ittrgi lSL8, is the Ooun•
ty of ninon, on
Saturday, NM roil TWenlyh'iftL, A.88,1899
blenfarm property, vie,: Ole11North
11511 of lot 11 in the sixth concession of the
Township of Grey, containing 90 earns of
land more or leas, 1118 Yarn la operated 0
miles frons the the
of 7 shoe n mutt is and
Violent to church and 5ch001. Tho solus a
good olayloam and Is all cleared and 1n a
gond state of 0utl:lvatien, The property is
loon 100000 with roil (moos, There le a
Man nous° and stable 0n the premtsoe and
a moll orchard,
PIMA of RALt,--xon per mint, of tete par.
chase 11 obey o11 the day of sale, and the hal•
within thirty days thereafter, Puller
known tele flay 01 sale ore rr will be
be had en
applioaticu to the nurlors1gn011
Dated at Pressels, 8th day of Marr,11,1891,
101114 818110P 8105 Ctui]ORGt] WB/A311,
G, P.f3LAIR,Itrusset Solicitor,
There is
a Thing
As wearing Glasses when you
Snooa 'T, and not wearing them when
you Snonce It is a mistale rto do either.
Wo only give Glasses when they will be
beneficial to the wearer.
t "Oell and have your Eyes Tested
Come and slot Our Prices,
win mak&
a well mall
of YOU'!
01105) 0R0Dbaae man 0501a
56e174Te rN 0005 Waelre.
P10000 cures all Norvoge Moues, eleepioya.
noes, Falling Memory, NJghtly Jtmloslona Simms.
0Jv eo 0, potoney, oto„ eaueed by pant 880Aae•
For and else to shrunken rgan0, cad
quickly bus surely rosmroa L18r 1EAanoun 1n, old
0010550, 0 0 0063 and you will grow 0trone
and happy a Is, tent by men er 91i n wEasily
and d In
sealed ocket. trans obaonp1oo Easily
curled l5 vent pocket. either
ordinary gi. yorfrago, six
tar sa, 8000 mangy In Olthar . or register.
ad Jotter, Address 011 lotto to 'Agent
T. - r tbo II,
atade. obir, 050,, dg05b toe the )7s
g(n ono 000011;,,
B U S T Y W1.... S S o
The undersigned having purobased
the Restaurant business of W. A, O1110H
has added a fine ohoice stock of
and is bow prepared to give good value
to the public. Our stook embraces 1—
New Teas, Canned Goods, Fruits,
Spioesi Soaps, Flab, Syrups,
Vinegars and all other linee kept
in a riret•elaee Grocery.
Choice Stock of Confectionery.
Will continue the Restaurant 'e
usual wbero Oysters, be Creltm and
Summer Drinks will bo served le the
best possible style,
Mals, Barth ,
Central Grocery and Restaurant
Owing to inconvenience in
leaving a limn 1 find myself
unable to continue both the
Butchering business and
Farm so have decided to give
up the Butcher Shop until 1
can move into town and give
my whole time to it.
Thanking all for their
kind patronage in the past,
I remain,yours truly, rrully,
Sloop will still be kept open
to receive accounts for a
few days.
heli, fid, 11�
NEW . .
`r B1aoitll
.Having opened up in the
shop formerly occupied by
W. 0. Steiss, 1 am prepar-
ed to do all 'kinds of Black-
smith Work at reasonable
:loess -Shoeing a Specialty.
All Work Guaranteed the
we.,,®® ���..
J. D. King's Shoes always in stock.
and having the qualities of Neatness and Durabil-
ity is the exception, but we think we have them
this time and are prepared to give you a pleasant
surprise in this direction and solicit your atten-
tion. We will be pleased to have you call and
examine our fine range of Oxfords and Buttoned
and Laced Shoes, feeling confident you will be
pleased with. them and also the price cannot fail
to interest your purse.
Remember we Repair Shoes and Rubbers Neat and Cheap.
Our Ilarness always takes a foremost place and for
Durability and Workmanship cannot be surpassed.
Prices the Lowest. Trunks and Satchels, a large stock.
Bi usse? s Carriage Works.
-a ppb yr
Alas now on hand and for sale the following line of goods :
Buggies. Wagons.
Top and Open Buggies with a and a inch
wheels. In color—Blaok, Green,
Carmineand Natural Wood, Size of
bodies, 20, '22 and 24 in. Also Jump
Seat Buggies with 1 in. wheels.
With two and three seats.
Road and Speeding Carte.
Farm Wagons complete, 2 and 24 in. tires
with malable arms 8a and 4 in.
Wagon Gear only if so desired. Farm
Trucks 21 and 8 io, tires. One-horse
Wagon, with or without box, Also
Grocer's Delivery Wagon.
Wheelbarrows with steel or wood wheels.
As we handle the above line of goods
by the car lot purobaeere will get the
benefit by buying from ne.
Carriage Works, Brussels.
Repairing and Painting in the above lines a specialty.
ange heaver
Having purchased the interest of N. 13. Gerry in the above well
known business 1 desire to intimate to the public that I will con-
tinue it at the old stand where a large and well selected stock of
Hardware, tie., will always be found at as low prices as anywhere.
I wish to return thanks for past patronage and
tinuance of the same. p g solicit a
All persons indebted to N. & N. Gerry are requested to
settle before March 4:th as the partnership affairs
have to be straightened up by that date.
err.__. .