The Brussels Post, 1899-3-24, Page 1Vol. 2'7. No 37 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1899 New Advertisements, Local -0, 1. King, T.,00al--•S. B. Smote. Lood -T. P. Smith. Local—A, 1L. Smith, For Sale—Geo. Robb. Easter holidays—G, T. R. Low Peioee—I. 0. Richards. Wall Psper-0• A. Deadman. Tenders Wanted—Robb. McKay, Notice to Oreditore—G. F. Blair, Notice to Creditors—G, F. Blair. Millinery Opeuing—Mise Roddick, Millinery Opening—Mrs, E. Rogers. Bargain Offerings—j. Ferguson &Pe Go. Millinery Opening—MoBinuon to Co. G. Lentpreoht, eeoretarytreasurer of the municipality of llhiuelanti, who was ahortin Ilia accounts $8,700, hoe cam. mated euioide atAitona, where he resided. A warrant had been issued for his arrest, and as the looal oonatable was about to execute it, Lemproobt ehot himself in the head with & revolver, which he always carried. Death ensued in about an hour, Cstr .Ct iOrs. Mies Edith Gibeou spent Sunday at home. Rubs. Miller want to Toronto on Tues• day last. Jack Small is wonting in Gerrie at present. There has been an addition to our Ftee library of 120 books, A oouple of boye from the 2nd of Grey were here for Sunday. Jae, Gowan was at Harriston on a bueineee trip on Saturday, Austin North, of Bentley, is visiting at Jno. Davideon'a this week. Mrs. J. E. Blaok is on the eels list at present but is slowly reoovering. Wm. Gemmill and family left for Pilot Mound, Min., on Tuesday. A flawing oaten is to be held hare on Friday afternoon for prizes of 95, 113 and 62. Leon Jackson, who has been assiatfng Nelson Garry in his uew hardware store, hes returned t0 Brussels. N & Co. MILLINERY ... OPENING ! You axe cordially invited to be present at our Grand Millinery Opening which takes place on WEDNESDAY, MAR. 29, when we will show the latest designs in Millinery. We want to chow you how richly Dame Fashion has favored you through us this season, what a galaxy of Millinery Eleganoe will be displayed at this &tore. From Paris comae the ohoioeet fannies deigned by the leading modiste of that world-renowned fashion centre. New York sends her quota of rioh and original creations to compete for the honors is Trimmed Millinery, While from our own workrooms you will see dozeue of conceptions, whose beauty and originality are not it whit behind those opining from the kande of French and Amerioan artists. All of them are well worth seeing. At the same time we will make a special display of New Dress Goode in all the West designs with all the new Trimmings to matoh, also Ladies' Spring Capes, Jaokete and Skirts, With oar large uew Show room our lady friends oan view our display with more comfort, and not be crowded as formerly. k t F IN C uLvrH. Wallace Lackie ie working at Atwood in the employ of J. MoBain, A number of young follse assembled et Win. Willie' on Thursday night of last week, Geo. Harris and wife are at the for- mer': home. George's job didn't agree with hie health and the duolor advised to change. Ilcettteevie Thos. 0. Whiting, of Heniryn notion G. T, R., intends living a sale of house - bold furniture, eke., on Monday after. noon next at 2 o'clook ns he purposes go- ing to Manitoba the following day. We wish Tom atones. o - (Ira nrevue ic. Quite a stock of wood hoe been put in at the Lime Works, Assessor Raymann will soon be through with hie work for this year. Some people in this locality have tap• ped their sugar bush already, Mies Ella McLachlan, daughter of John Mot aohlan, who has been at Gren• fell, N. W. T., is uow teaching at Detevan, Man. Mies Mao. is a good teacher. The Bale of E. Denyer attracted quite a crowd on Thursday of last week. F. S. Scott, of Brussels, was the aaotioueer. Good priaee were realized, Last Sabbath afternoon Rev. R. Paul, of Brussels, preached in the Methodist ohuroh here. His old time parishioners were glad to 605 him bank once more. Edward Denyer and wife, highly esteemed residents of thie focality, will remove to Mornington township, where Mr. Denyer has leased a farm. We wish them enema. JOHN J. GORoALITo DPuon.--It will be a matter of surprise to many to hear of the death of a well known resident of this locality in the person of Joe. Jacob Gor salitz, who resided on lot 21, aon, 12, for a number of years. He took ill on Sun- day with a stoppage of the bowels, a phy. sioian wag procured Monday evening but all that oould be done was unavailing and he died about 11 o'clock on Wednesday, aged 66 years, 10 months and 18 days. Deceased was a remarkably healthy mac having never had a doctor's attendance in the 16 years he has lived in Grey. He was born io Germany and was married twice. A wife and eight children sur. viva. The funeral will take place on Fri- day at 10 o'olook, service at 9 80. Inter• meat will be made at Milverton, the former home of both Mr. and Mre. Gor salitz. Their many friend sympathise with the bereaved wife and family, De• ceased was oonsoious to the last and set• tied up his earthly concerns and was not at all perplexed as to the future. Mr. Gorealitz was an unassuming, honest mac who enjoyed the good will of many people. Strictly Oize Prise. Always the Lowest. Remember, that it Pays to Buy at FERGUSON'S. Do INA% 011f 011M110 • Some people want quality, others prices. Sensible people try to get both and do so when they buy at FERGUSON'S. For your money buys more here than elsewhere, whether you spend much or little. An honest, careful comparison of Qualities and Prices leaves no room for doubt. We are showing extra values in :— NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS, NEW POPLINS, NEW SERGES, " CASHMERES, " PLAIN LUSTRES, " FIGURED LUSTRES, " GRANITE CLOTHS, " BLISTERED OREPONNES, " COATING SERGES, " COVERT SUITINGS, " IlENRIETTAS, " LADIES' CLOTHS. 'You will find that it Pays to buy at FERGUSON'S.-�� New Prints, Light and dark Prints, Indigo and White, Turkey -Red and Blue, Driliett Prints, Heavy English Print, Heavy German Print. It will pay you to call and me our Prints and get prides. The Enthusiasm of Good Times ! Everybody is talking good times this Spring, and all over Canada business is reported better than it has been for years. The enthueiosm of this fact is the enthusiasm of more work, more wages, more trade and more money. We hope to join in the general prosperity. The reaord of daily sales is one of constant improvement, and the more people make comparisons, the more they are satisfied to spend money here. We are giving epeoial offerings that oahnot be equalled, quality considered, OUR KiD GLOVES. Townes' make. Every pair guaranteed ; in Black and colored, at $1,00 and $1,26, Ladies' & Children's Underwear & Hosiery The wanted eats are in ample supply. Careful selec- tion has brought here the thoroughly good and dependable kinds. Conte and see. Come and compare qualities, Come and compere prices, Dress Silks, Blouse Silks, Satins. The plaoe to buy Silks is this store. Quality urgee it ; Style and Variety urge it, and last, but not least oomee ]7oonomy. CURTAINS. We know of no other store in tbie diebriot that oatriee suck a stook of Laos Curtains, also Tapestry Covera, Chenille Covers, Carpets and Mailings, 11 you have never been a customer come and learn the results of the welfare, eatiefaation and good feeling of our regular patrons. If you have been dealing elsewhere, give cub store a gall just to be able to oontreat good style of deal ing and prioes. We say with confidence tbat you will not regret the experience. Our prices tell the results and hence the verdiot that it pays to trade at Ferguson's, because quality, style and aotual asst, all ooneiderod ie the satie• faotion of getting an article that is good, new and reason. able. Table Linens and Table Napkins. Thio ie the great supplying opportunity of the year for boueekeepere. Superior advantages offered, both as regards assortment and valve ie Bleached Table Damask, Un. bleached Damask, Turkey and White Tabling&. Bleached and Unbleached Sheeting, Pillow Cotton, Towels and Towellinge. Extra value on Bath Towels. Remember that our Huse is the _great Dress Goods, 2ri7m fli72j and .Tinea Rouse of Brussels, Lost opportunities usuall make one feel as if he ought to have had courage enough to take hold y g of Bargains to be had at FERGUSON'S. If you have missed before, we can only say, don't let this be the case now. Always a pleasure to Show Goods at .... el".Ferguson & Co's James Stewart is home from Sault Ste, Marie and will spend the Summer here. FCTnarrr BASH OE FIaex•OLAe6 BUTTER. --A. R. Bmith, snooessor bo Smith e. McLaren, Br.ueaele, will pay the highest price for 100 tube of flrst•olass butter packed in Ohae. Seel's brine proof Luba -- none other like them.—Butter to be de. livered on May 24th. A. 1t. Smith, Brussels, ohampion olothior. Terms ash and one prioe only. The best wood bee of the season was held last Friday afternoon 1n Mr, Fisher's bush, 10th non., known as the Brown farm. Some 42 hands were engaged and aft a rune: about 40 oorde of stove wood was out. Splendid work was done. In the evening a party woe held which was graced by the young ladies of the nom• enmity, about 75 attending in all. Good mule was supplied for the dancing by Jno. Lamont, Wm. Dark and Ed. Fox on the violin and Mies Jane MoQuarrie and D. Stein on the organ. One of the youths made a reoord at the table in pie eating that will not he easily beaten. He was alive at last report. The bee was held by John Brown, sr. Everybody had a good time. B.Itt(ev1L1eu. Onmton Mzemea: A special meeting of the ministers and lay representatives of the Wingham District was held in the Methodist ohuroh last Tuesday at which some 23 persona from the various pointe in the Dietriat attended. Rev. Dr. Pas• ooe, of Wingham, occupied the chair. The principal item of business was the election of a Chairman for the Distrito owing to the decease of Rev. A. Cunning. ham, of Kincardine. In the ballot taken Rev. D. Rogers, of this place, was eleoted with Rev. Mr. Attie, of Brussels, a close seoond. A resolution of aoudeleooe was passed to Mrs. Cunningham and family and reeolntione of sympatby to Rev. Dr. Pascoe over the decease of his wife and to Revde. Messrs. Yelland, Musworthy, Baker and Olivant, brethren in the Dia. trial who have bean i11. We congratu- late Mr. Rogers 00 his elevation to the abair and believe he will $ll the office competently and eatiefeotorily. The annual Dietriat meeting will be held in Brunets next May. McKillop Council. Donnell met in Jones' Hotel, Leadbury, on Monday, 20th inst. Poend•keepers, feuoe-viewers and pabhmaeters were ap- pointed. Where changes were made the appointees will take office on the 1st of May. All new grading to be done 26 feet wide and as much as possible of the old to be made that width until all the roads are that wide, and the Council advisee pathmaatere to level parts of aides of roads. Accounts amounting to $11.50 were paid. Six tenders were opened for drain in Eastern part of township, the lowest, for 83,973.00, by Paschal Pigeon being accepted. A oiroular to Counoil, asking them to recommend Government to deepea Goderiab harbor and an ex- tension of the 0. P. R. from Guelph to Goderiab, was laid over for serious 000. sideration. Council adjourned to meet in Sage's hotel, Walton, on Monday, the 171b April at 2 o'oh:ok p. m. Jeo. 0, Monism, Clerk. IGtlte1. Norman Coker, Juetne Lake and Robb. Sanders left here on Wednesday for Manitoba where they will try their for- tune. Last Tuesday John ober and R. Mo. L G Y Kay attended a epeoial meeting of Wing. ham Dietriat held et Bluevale. It was a very stormy day for the drive. 8. Kleineohroth and family moved book to their farm this week and had quite an experience in getting part of the live stook there, Rev. and Mrs. Yelland have been on the sick list, the reverend gentleman be- fog unable to tape his work on Sunday in ooneequenoe. La grippe was the trouble. Last Friday Robb. Dilworth was of Brussels attending a meeting of the Direotore of Haat Huron Farmere' Insti- tute. Mr. Dilworth is quite a pusher in anything he takes bold of. Justus Lake left on Wednesday of this week for Neepawa, Mau., where be will likely matte his future home. Jasttte was a popular young man and will be greatly missed in this village. GRIT.—About noon last Sunday Mrs, Henry Savage died at her home in this village after being confined to bed for the past two wesite. Deoeased, whose maiden name was Louisa Ani- Hogg, being a daughter of 'tonne Hogg, of the Brd of Grey, was born at Dorchester, Co, Norfolk, Ont, on July 25th, 1847, and was consequently ie bee 53rd year. Along with her parents she came to Grey some 35 years ago and a year later wag united in tnarriage to Henry Savage, who pre.deoeased her nearly 8 years ago. Aire. Savage and family moved to Ethel from their farm on the 4th sou, 4 years ago and has resided here eine. The sun vivtng children are:—Thos. H., Mrs, Wm. Jaoklin, Mre. B. Hislop, John, Jeno, Charlotte, William and Walter. The subject of this notice woe a member of the Methodist ohuroh and was most high. ly eateemed by a large oirole of friends. She bad been in failing health sine last September. The funeral took place to Brussels cemetery on Tuesday afternoon. llsv. J. E, Hunter conducted au appro. priate service. The pall bearers were Jae. Turnbull, Joseph Baynard, Robt. Pearson, BottaMoAllieter, Jno. Eokmier and Robt, Dilworth. Sincere sympathy is expressed for the bereaved who will miss the love and counsel of a good mother, Mormon BANK mono FAnet,--Pew men in Huron are known better than David Milne, the owner of 170 aores of lend ad. joining Ethel, tatted Maitland Bank Farm, He ie a good format but his hobby is Short Horn cattle end so well pleased 18 he with them that after a trial of 18 years be is oonvinood that this elase of stook is what the beet Eamon want, henoe be has found it a remtmerative names notwithstanding the dull times, Mr. Milne's herd is largely descendant 10010 the Creioksbank and Campbell breeds of Aborddenatiiro, Scotland, As W. H. KERR, Prop. gime he bas owned "Lord Lovell," 2030 ; "Chamberlain," imp. ; "Red _Knight," imp., (54904) ; "Perfection," =9100 ; "Viscount," of the English L•uly family ; and at the head of his herd now he has "May Duke," bred by J, & W. B. Watt, the well known breeders of Salem, Wellington Co. At Maitland Bank may now be 5681 16 bulla and bull calves of different ages, and 30 oowe and niters, The following sales have been made recently at living prices :-2 oowa and a bull to John Speirun, of Henfryn ; bull to Paris Plains Stook Go., Paris ; bull to bead herd of Shorthorns of Jae. Cowan, Seaforth ; bull to Ohae. MeL"a. non, Amberly ; cow to A. J. Smillie, Heusall ; ball to a Belmore company of farmers ; bull to Cameron Brut., of Oranbrook ; and another to Juo. Bell, of Durham. Itbr. Milne deserves to :noosed as he is doing, and so do other breeders who go to the expense and run the risk of large investments in good stools. (i. res. Maple syrup. The POST Owes the news. Township Counoil will meet on Satur. day, April 8th. Dennie Mullin took a'busioses trip to 0101088 last week. Mrs. Owen Smith visited Mende at Luakuow last week. Mise R. V. Ball has gone to Toronto this week uniting business and pleaeare. Airs. Marsden Smith, Mies Martha and Eli were visiting relatives in Seaforth during the past week. Rev. R. Paul preached at Roe's ohuroh last Sabbath murning on amount of the illness of Rsv. Mr, Yellaad. Auction sale of the Woodburn 50 acre farm on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the American Hotel, Brussels. Wm. liernaghao, of Linwood, paid a short visit to old friends in Grey last week. He is well pleased with his new location. Everything is being got in shape for commenting work on the big ditch in the near futme. The dredge will soon be reedy for operations. A young man on the 3rd looks rather sad by the removal of one of our fair ladies. Never mind lad look to thehappy return in a few months. Owing to scarlet fever being prevalent in S. S. No, 9, the school has been closed for one month by order of the Board of Efealth. Miss Isbiuter, teacher, has gone to her home near Wingham. While Alex. Roe was busily engaged in hauling wood from M. Mullin': bush on Friday and while getting on his load the horses took fright and ran a mile. They np.est the load but did no serious dam age. Wm. Ziegler will build a new frame baro, 28 x 45 feet on his farm, lot 5, on. 0, known as the Zimmer farm. Fred. Rad date, of Granbrook, bas the job. Mr. Ziegler does not reside on the above mentioned property but lives on the 14th con. Things are oommenoing to look eorioue as one of our popular Grey ladies baa developed an anaaoouutable desire for mat booking. The quilt question has al. ready been disposed of, so we are holding ourselves in readineee for the coming of June. Tenders are asked for the oonotroobion of a new brink eohool house in S. S. No. 9, Grey, and will be received up to April let at 12 o'clock. The trustees are Mal. calm Lamont, Juo, Bateman and A. G. Bishop, Robt. MoIiay is the Secretary - Treasurer. The 100 sora farm of Cleaver Chas, s, lot 81, coo. 11, Grey, hag been leased for a term of years to John Hutchinson, of Montreal. Mr. Cleaver will remove from the farm. His mother has been danger. only ill but is improving now we ere pleased to hear. W. A. Kerney is home from Toronto, where he is attending the Uuiversity, owing to the illness of John Kerney, hie father, who is an old resident of the 7th eon. We hope Mr. Barney will take a change for the better. He is over 70 years of age. An oyster supper was served at the residence of J. B. Smith for Miss Mary and Robert NloBlain, who took their de- parture for the West last week. An enjoyable time was spent by all and the young folks think that J. B's is the place to have a good time. Talking of chirpy old people, Wm, But. tery and hie good lady, of the 12th, are getting along the journey of life, Mrs. Buttery is past 88 and her husband 81. They have been married over 00 years. We wield than plenty of sunshine in their old age. Mr. Buttery ie as spry as a cricket yet, and no one would take him to be as old as he ie, 1Vlorrti;t. Township Coeooil last Monday. A, Ramsay has been laid up with la grippe. There is only one hotel in the township of Morrie. Another wedding in eight bat we won't mention it now. Thomas Russell sold a horse for 9125 to Mr. Mann, of Seaforth. Morris will make a big stride forward this year in barn improvements. 13, Irvine has rented his farm on the Silt line and may take a trip to the Weet. Mise Mary Turvey spent a few days last week visiting Mende at Dongonnon. The infant of Allan Speir, 4th line, has been dangerously ill with bronobitie but ie a little better, J. Johnston, of the Let, it is gaud, took unto himself a partner this week, the lady belongs to Kincardine vicinity. Jenne J. dlennan, druggist, 1s the father of a bouncing baby boy. As he was born on St. Pitrick'a day he will no doubt be a genuine Irishman. David Forqubareon and Aroh. Moi12i1. ian left on Tuesday for the Paoifie Coast. They may go on to the Klondike cad seek the precious metal, Good Iuok to them. We aro pleased to see Robert Manndere home again after his trip to Toronto where he undeeweet a susnooful operation ter appendieitie, We hope he will speed. ily r500000 hie fn11 measure of health and be able to reaume his studies at College, Harry Ames left for the West this week. Ile is the class of settler that Manitoba people want. Afre, Geo, Parker got badly hurt last week by being Thrown oat of the nutter mu bard ground, breaking some ribs caul• ing her to remain in bed einoe. A euooeseful wood bee was hold at A. Kirkpatrick's, Monday afternoon of deet wek, and a party in the evening. Mr. and Agra. Kirkpatrick know how to en- tertain the young people. It is reported that Wm. Smith, of the 0th line, forsook bachelorhood on Tnee. day of this week and made Miss Arm strong, of East Wawanoeh, bis bride. May all the joys of wedded bliss be theirs. We are having all kinds of weather now, Some more of the beautiful fell on Friday last making good sleighing. Then Dame rain on Saturday and a bliz- zard on Sunday and Tuesday. We will remember that March has some days like a lion at least. DEATH or MR. KNowLse —Mr. Knowles, a trapper and bunter, died on Friday last. He bad been living lately in a house belooging to John Nethery. De. ceased was well known near Brussels when he lived on the 7th line, near the East gravel road. Some traps, furs, a few potatoes, tee., will be sold soon. The Conseil pay all expenses of funeral at present. He was buried at Sunshine on Saturday, Rev, F. J. Oabeu, of Belgrave, taking charge of the service. SCHOOL RaPooT.—The following ie the standing of the pupils of 8. S. No. 5, Morrie, for the month of February. 4th class—Examined in literature, history, arithmetic and geography.—Total, 415. Those marked a * were absent part of exam.—P. Reseal!, 254 ; B. Watson, 191 ; *M. Fiefdom, 179 ; R. Campbell, 109 ; *E. Geddes, 104 ; *R. Clegg, 99 ; *P. Proctor, 99 ; *A. Lawrence, 88. Standing of the other clams according to marks obtained. Sr. 3rd.—O. Rus• sell, H. Campbell, L. Robertson, T. Hal - tiny, E. McLean, Harry Watson, G. Cole, Hugh Watson, D. Gallagher. Ir. 3rd.—G. Parker, M. Proctor, J. Easom, J. Clegg, A. Cole, M. Campbell, E. Wat son, M. Easom, B. McCullough, W. Watson, J. Cole, P. Anderson, G. Prootor. Jr. 3rd.—Clase 2.—M. Armstrong, M. Irvine, A. Gallagher, L. Gallagher, L. Hobbs. Jr. 2nd.—G. Prootor, F. Easom, J. Clegg, E. Prootor, G. Ferguson, F. Swindleharst, A. Johnson, M. Johnson, F. Gallagher. C. A. EALLmex, Teaober. W Sat toll. D. Farquharson has started for Dew. eon City, Klondike, on a prospeotiog tour. Mrs. Holmes bas been very poorly with a oombination of la grippe and broil. ehitis, but we are glad to state she is re- covering. Rev. and Mrs, Tiffin made a hasty visit to the home of the former near Nile on Monday uP this week. Mr. Tiffin's mother, who has been poorly for some time, is growing very weak. The officers and Mechem of Duff's ohuroh Sabbath school, together with a few other friends, were royally entertain- ed recently at the oomfortable residence of James Smillie, Superintendent of the school. Games, social chat, music and a good supper were interesting parte of the program and all bad a good time. MoranntONIAL,--On Wednesday after- noon of thle week the Rev. A. 0. Tiffin performed the marriage ceremony be. tween Tboe. Bolton, of the 10th oon. of MoKillop, and Mies Florence, daughter of lth eon. of the Jana Pollard, of the 1 oahn same township. May their future be full of happiness and prosperity. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mrs. Geo. Hogarth is visiting in Brea- eelo, L. Moore, of Trowbridge, Sandayed in town. Charlie Kendall has returned to To. mete. Wesley Walker, of Wingham, Sunday. ed in Brussels. W. A. and Mrs. Criob and family spent last Sunday in Seaforth. Mre. Jno. Amens, who has been ill with pleurisy, ie able to be up. Mrs. N. B. Gerry and Meryl will not go to Wroxeter for e, month or so. Wm. Bird has been partly used up with a lame hand from blood poisoning. 0. Urquhart and wife, formerly of Broeseln, are visiting at Stoaffvilte. Mise Lizzie Richardson, of Morris, was visiting friends in Brunette last week, Mise 'Edith Rinks, of Monkton, is visiting Mrs. John Pugh, Flora street. E. 0. Danford and family Sundayed with Janmes Danford and wife at Clinton. Geo. Halliday will likely go to Win• nipeg next month on a prospecting trip. Mise Patna, of Wingham, se the guest of Mrs. Thos, Maxwell, John street, Brue. eels. Will. Murr is laid up with inflamma. tory rheumatism but we hope be will soon be better. Dirs. T. Grimoldby and family have returned from an extended visit with relatives' at Owen Sound. Walter Marshall and sieter of Kirkton, and Mrs. Jae, Donaldson, of Atwood, are visiting Mrs. W. Barris, Thomas street, Brussels, Mrs. Neil Motatiahlin ie at Landon this week representing the Lady Maooabeo Tent of Brussels at the Supreme Tent in eeeeion there, Jas. Stewart, who has been at Sault Ste. Marie, has Dome bank to Bruesele and will follow the painting business with Fred, MOGraokeo. Chas. Howlett, Queen street, has been on the sick list with pneumonia, Ilia heart also troubles him et times. We hope he will soon be bettee. Mrs, WMt, Vauetone, formerly of Betts - eels, now of Galt, 10 quite ill, end as she is past 80 years of age, there is not mach expectation of improvement, Mrs. Thos, Wateou, of Belleville, f5 a welcome visitor to Brussels and tonality. It is several years eine Mr, and Mrs. Watson removed from town. H. L. Jackson is away to L codon this week attending the Snprems Tent of the Manahan as therepre0ontative of Brae. eels Tent of the Ti, 0, 2, lt?'s, Mies Hattie Stuart, of Windham, 10 visiting her sieter, Mrs. In. Fox. - W. B, Vanstone will go toToronto next week to attend the Grand Council of the Chosen Friends, Pare. Wm. Blaehllt is able to get about the bonen with the aid of a stink. She bas been laid up for the poet three months - from a brokea thigh bone occasioned by a fall. J. H. Wismar and family left Bruesele on Wednesday of this weak for Zurich, where they purpose making their home, THE POST wishes them success in their new home. Will. Donley bas made an engagement with the Maitland Cheese factory, of Elmo township, and will take obarge ate soon as the Season opens. He is a good maker and we wish him 8000805. We are sorry to he tr that Mrs. Currie, nee Mies Mabel Smith, formerly of town, has been quite ill and has undergone a medieat operation at Banff. Her old friends here wish her a speedy recovery, W. F. Vanetous attended the funeral of the late Wm, Saddler et Wingbatn last Saturday. Mr, Saddler was a G. T. R. brakeman, and was killed at Niagara Falle. Hie former home was in Wing. ham. Ct Mre. (Dr.) Cavanagh, of Oweo Sound, fell two or three weeks ego on an icy doorstep and broke two ribs. Nothing very set -tour was thought of the aoofdent at the time but s dootor had to be called who made the above discovery. She ie making favorable progress. Walter Smith, a resident of Brussels for the past 32 years, has been on the sink list and is still a prisoner to the house with pleurisy. Mr. Smith is past. 70 years of age bob is quite active for a mac of hie years. We hope he will Boon be able to get about as of yore. Monday's Stratford Beacon says of a former Bruseelite :—D. M. Ferguson left this afternoon for New York on a visit to the millinery openings in that city. His many friends will, no doubt, profit by hie observations in Gotham, as Mr. Ferguson knows bow to utilize the thinge he learns. Postmaster Barrow and ex -Reeve Strachan• were away at Toronto this week giving evidence before the Government oonoeroing School Land affairs of the by- gones in oonneotion with Morrie and Grey townships. Squire MoOrae would have been another good witness on the same sublect as be took an active interest ' in the question. Barrister Blair made hie debet at the Huron Assizes last week at Goderiab, in behalf of the plaintiff in the Bedford. Coombe: enit, and although be had the well known J. T. Gorrow, Q. C„ in app,. :hien, people who were present Bay tbat - Mr. Blair made a very good presentation of hie case, and hope: for a favorable - verdict when the declaim is rendered by the Judge. W. F. Laxton, one of the oldest jour. rents in Manitoba. has been appointed manager of the St. Paul Globe, and will take -charge of that paper at one. Mr. Tauten first began his journalistic career in Ontario, having owned the Strathroy Age, in oonj0notion with Lion. G. W. Rose. He afterwards owned the Seaforth Expositor, selling it to the present own- ers. He went West in the early history of that Province as oorrespondeot of a Toronto daily, and afterwards founded the Winnipeg Free Press. Chu et tt<LYtt u 10l e w te. The Plains of Abraham have been surveyed into building lots. Premier GreelwaY supports senate reform, but would prefer abolition. John Nolan, formerly of Fergus, has invented an appliance for chain less bioyoies for which he has been offered and refused to accept 915,000 from a Chi- cago firm. Dundas Banner ; W. F. McLean, M. P., of Toronto, was the ohief advocate of Sunday care in Toronto. It wee largely through the influence of bis newspaper that the Sunday oar agitation proved successful. Now here is a queer thing. Last Sunday while Mr. McLean was rid. ing on horseback a street oar ran into hfm, knoolted hirq off his horse and broke his leg. Is it a judgment upon him for advocating Sunday oars 7 Let the pule pits explain. A large number of people in Heepeler and the earrounding ooantry are feeling very sore, the result of the visit of a slick fakir a couple of daye ago, who took away a big roll of good dollars and left in their plane a large quantity of bad medicine. He gave his name ne Hamilton and said be was a brother of a welt known dieter of Toronto. His plan of procedure was, before palling on a family, to find out the name of the family phyeioian who usually attended them mad said that he hadsane. him and highly recommended his medi- oinea. His prioes knocked the bottom out of the Moat druggieta' quotations. Preparation that sell for 91 a bottle he offered four for $1, with a oouple of boxes of "blood pills," a package of herb tea and a oouple of bottles of other prepay aline thrown in, These big bargains, coupled with their dootor'e recommend- alien, fooled a great many people, who bought 92 or 93 worth of the stuff, moat of which was genuine. He even sold to the relatives of Elie M. D. s and druggists. He was traced to Guelph, where he registered at o hotel as Lewis, but there gave the polioe the slip, Thirty-six dozen bottles of medioioe, several dozen borne of pills and a valise belonging to the fakir, which were left ab the hotel there, were seized by the authorities, Rev. Dr, Ormiston, f0rtnerly a Widely know Canadian divine, died March 19th near Los Angeles, Gal. Haled been ail. ing several years, and his final taking off wee due to apoplexy, De Ormiston was one connected with the Normal School, Toronto, and about 26 yenta ago he was ohttta uroo h Hamltonf the 0afterwards removing entral g to New York to become pastor of th Fifth Avenge Dntob Reformed Ohnrch. David Ormleten, a Whitby barrister, is a brother. The widow and two 0005 Sur. viva, the latter being Thomas 8., a New York lawyer, and W. C., au extensive fruit grower in California,